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Monday, October 2, 2017

Chapter 34 : Sudden Changes !

Chapter 34 : Sudden Changes !

Deploying police helped. After a week stay at hospital when Priya was back at the Kapoor Mansion she was welcomed by Jayesh alongside The Kapoors. Priya's eyes went to the constables who were deployed for security reason stood with their fire arms just by the entrance. Though not completely fine but Priya was recovering fast than the doctors thoughts. With her left hand hanging safely in the arm pouch Priya stepped out of the car with a little help from Ram.

“Uncle app.” She addressed Jayesh.

“Yes. How can I not come?” saying Jayesh enveloped Priya in a deep hug, putting a lid to the conversation further. He came apart wiping his tears away from eyes.

“I am fine now but soon will be okay.” Priya said in a low voice.

“Come inside beta.” Krishna ji addressed from behind. “Jayesh ji you too.”

Leading Priya to her room, Krishna helped Priya to undo the arm pouch. “I will get some soup for you. Jayesh ji here from last two days. I think you two must clear the air.” Krishna left the room allowing the other two to have their own privacy.

“Why exactly you are here? Is it because of the accident I met or Bauji inquired about Rajat?” Priya asked.

“For both. But foremost for your security and I feel you are in utmost danger at Mumbai.” Jayesh started. “I had an idea that Rajat had fled from the asylum but didn't have an idea about his mother. My sources claimed that since 5 years Rajat's house at Pune has no occupants. But the money I send to Rajat's mother's account gets debited every month without any fail. That means it is not a dormant account. Some one operates it and that makes me more thoughtful and scares me with the presence of Rajat around you. He can do harm to you again.” Jayesh's concern and fear reflected on his face.

With a laugh Priya looked towards her uncle. “First time in your life may be second time I am noticing dread freight on your face and all over you.” She let out a smile. “Uncle, what is scarier than rape?” Priya's jaw tightened, “Nothing. So even if he is back let him come and face death. I have not used my gun since a long time.”

“Priya, that is for your safety not to be used to kill someone.” Jayesh warned. “The mistake that we did in past should not get repeated, we will opt for police complaint.”

“We will see. Can we talk some work?” Priya averted her eyes from Jayesh. “If I am not wrong we are due with the review meeting of the new project with The Kapoors.”

“Work can wait.”

“No that is the only thing I enjoy. I live for.” Priya replied quickly. “Can I come to Delhi with you? Else I will come by my own.”

“Only if your Doctor permits.”

“No. I will come. I was not asking you, I was telling you. And about permission, I don't need one really when it comes to pre scheduled appointments.” Priya was adamant. “Can you pass on the mobile to me?” Taking the device in her hand Priya dialled a number and waited for while.

“Hi Meera.” She said. “Yes I am back. And I need a help. Get the pre scheduled meeting with The Kapoors confirmed this weekend and get my team ready. I will meet them tomorrow afternoon. I have a plan.” She waited till Meera stopped scowling over her. “There is no point to howl Meera! I have discussed this with Jayesh Uncle and he has given me a nod. So go ahead and do what I asked you to do and one more favour, I will be your guest.” Priya disconnected the call with a grin. “Uncle your phone will ring within 30 seconds. Support me. I can't compromise with my commitments. It irks me the most.”


Some news is meant to be listened and to be accepted only. You neither can react to it nor are capable of wasting time and energy behind it trying to change it. They come like an announcement of a set of instructions set by the competent authority and people addressed are supposed to howl but are forced to accept them by default. Priya's announcement was such a kind of.

Krishna and Sarojani tried to revoke Priya's decision for a while until Amarnath supported Priya. He asked Vishesh to be with her always just like her shadow even in dark and Police support at Delhi will be conferred on time. Being an influential public figure it didn't take much energy to convince the authorities to provide Priya Police protections.

“So now you are a free bird.” Priya said smiling to Ram, who drove her to airport.

“Priya, will you please stop getting insecure about Shrestha.” Ram said without looking at her.

“Oh no no... I am not insecure about her Ram. I am not getting insecure. I am cursing myself to be with you this moment.” Priya squealed.

“Now you are getting this on my nerves. “ Ram said unhappily. “I didn't expect this from a sensible woman like you. You are thinking that I am having an affair with Shrestha, which is impossible and next if even I had one I would have married her not you.” He shouted. Under uneven breathes he realised his mistake. The uncanny silence killed his soul. “Priya..” He looked towards his wife. She was looking outside engrossed in deep thought. Her hands rested one over other on her lap. Ram's eyes trailed to those. Taking a brave step he placed his hand over hers. With the touch she shivered. Her trance broke and Priya looked towards him. “Priya I thought to tell you everything but before that could be done you decided to leave. Come back from Delhi soon and we will talk about it. I promise you. Please don't think that I am having an affair. Never ever. I was a play boy before you happened to me. I accept it but after you came into my life there was no one.” Ram said dividing his concentration between the road and her.

“Liar.” Priya scorned.


“Haven't you dated Anjali, Reeta, Ananya, Utsa, Susmita, Shulekha, Seema etc etc in college?” Priya hurried with her question.

“Slow slow...” Ram laughed. “You were in my life but only as a friend isn't it?”

“May be but I was there in your life. So don't lie.”

“You are sounding typically like my Priya.” Ram let out a feeble smile at the end.

“Your Priya has died a way back.”

“My Priya is still here playing hide and seek with me.” He released the seat belt strap and looked towards Priya. He moved pretty closer to her knowing that she was lost in her own world, even she was unaware that they reached their destination. “But trust me I will find her soon.” He said.

Coming out of the trance Priya cocked her face to Ram and stopped under his intense look. “Trust me.” She felt his hand on her nape and a soft touch on her lips. “She is here only. Cocooned to come out as a beautiful butterfly. I will not cage it but will be the nectar of all those flowers where it will roam around.” Before Priya could react, he planted another feathery kiss on her cheek. Priya shivered more than before and adjusted herself on the seat. “Someone says my Priya is dead, I am not loved by her, can never be influenced by me but she even failed to register that we have reached our destination.” He smiled without moving from his place.

Priya looked out through the window and felt nervous. A sudden rush of hormones stirred her. She felt discomforted. Trying to hurry out of the situation she moved to her right, to Ram's direction and end up having more embarrassment. She ended up hitting her forehead on Ram's.

“Ouch!” Ram smirked. He held Priya, so that she can't move in her own. He knew he was in public but something took over everything. “Listen to me.” He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “Take care of yourself and...” he looked around to confirm if there is any pap around. “I love you even if you think I don't and Shrestha is important but not more than you.” Coming closer he kissed her forehead. “I love you.” He leaned back to his own seat and maintained the silence for a long time. He let out a deep sigh after closing his eyes. “Come. Jayesh Uncle must be waiting for you.” Ram didn't show his anguish for not getting a reply from Priya. Coming out of the car he held the door open for Priya.

On the first view of the newly wedded couple, the accident that became news soon the medical bulletin was published by the hospital to the press and the denial of Kapoors and Sharmas to comment on the same made the media people more curious about it. A few steps away was Vishesh, who stood there awaiting the couple's arrival. He was faster than the paps and journalists. He and Ram guarded Priya and led her inside the airport building where Jayesh was waiting for her with Amarnath and Krishna alongside. They stopped their discussion with Priya and Ram being there.

Smiling Krishna hugged Priya. “Beta take care and come back soon.”

Still in the hangover of what Ram left her within, she could only smile faintly.

“Sir, Ma'am” Vishesh addressed. “We should leave for check outs. It's the second call for our flight.”

Nodding to him, Jayesh walked with Priya by him holding her by shoulder. For a moment only but Priya looked back. Her eyes searched for Ram's eyes, but he was looking straight to the floor. Smiling to her father-in-law and mother-in-law she walked along with Jayesh towards her destination.


“There is a change in the schedule Ram.” Amarnath said while stuck in Mumbai's traffic.

“ as in..” He responded keeping his eyes fixed on the traffic.

“Previously it was decided that they will come over here at the time of signing final agreement but now keeping Priya's health in mind I have reversed the decision. Now we will go there at Delhi and we will leave day after two days. If you have to make any final moment changes on the deal please do it or any other important work you are left with please assemble those. It will take almost seven days to return. We have some other meetings lined up too.” Amarnath detailed the plan.

“Hmm.” Ram replied thoughtfully. “Bauji I will take today off from you and family. I will be back by tomorrow afternoon and after that I will check with the additional requirements if any. Rest I will brief some instructions to Rishab. I think he can take care of them in absence.”

“Ram, stop your escapades. You are a family man now. Remember that and Priya is a ...” Before Krishna could complete, Ram spoke. Under his voice his parents were left silent and felt comforted.

“I love her and she is not a responsibility for me that I have to be remembered every time that I should concentrate on my family. I know what is right for our relationship. Trust me Maa.” He said only looking once to the back seat.


“Priya.” Jayesh sat by her on the first class of the air plane. “There is a minor change in the plan. Not us but they will be at Delhi for the final meet. It's for your health conditions. I think there must be no problem in it.” He said.

“No. But there is no change in plan from my end.” She said adjusting the strap on of the arm pouch.

“What plan?”

“Nothing. Will discuss it with you after I do a brief home work over it.” Priya looked at Jayesh's tensed face after declaring the same. “Uncle it is an official execution plan not an assassination plan that you have to worry. Trust me.”

“Discuss beforehand. Meeting is scheduled three days from today.”


Same day, Mumbai. Late that evening.

Ram's phone buzzed when he was driving towards Lavasa. It was from Meera. Putting to loud speaker he kept his concentration on road too.

“Hello Meera.” He said after checking the time. “Priya must be there.”

“Yay. But not at my place but at her home. At her place. Shipra ji came to airport to receive her.” Meera said. “And I learnt that you people will come to Delhi instead of us coming there?”

“Yes. Bauji took the call this time for Priya's health and after her sudden decision to leave for Delhi..”

“Are you driving?”

“Yes. But we can speak. The phone is on loud speakers.”

“Okay. But I called you to tell that call Priya once. Since her arrival not a single word she uttered. I found her lost. A complete lost in some other world. I think....” Meera smiled. Ram felt her smile. “I think someone is missing someone.” Ram blushed under his smile. “And someone is smiling.” Meera mocked.

“I will call her after I reach my destination. She hates to speak when anyone drives. And I have it enough consuming her hate.” Ram replied.

“Okay. But do call her.” Meera said before disconnecting the call.


A Place in Heart

Ram walked inside the enclosed area handing his car keys to the security asking him to park the car. His eyes first stopped at Shrestha who was busy with some kids arranging them in line and two of the kids standing at a distance making a shape in particular resembling a gate waiting for some action. After a moment his trance broke when Shrestha's eyes meet his but the next second she looked back to the kids with the same charm, hiding her anguish.

Ram walked straight to Reshma's cabin, where she was busy with a couple along with four kids, all girl standing in front. He stopped just after invading the space. “Oh Ram. Please come in.” Reshma smiled and then looking to the couple she addressed, “Without his final approval we don't proceed further with any adoption procedure. You are lucky she is here.”

“Good evening.” He said keeping his eyes fixed on the couple. “And they are?” He looked back to Reshma for an answer.

“Mr. and Mrs. Banerjee. They have come from Pune. They want a daughter for them, who will complete their family and life both.” Reshma spoke.

“Why a daughter in specific?” Ram looked straight into the Mr. Banerjee's eyes.

“Because Mr. Ram..” The lady initiated the answer only to be stopped by Ram.

“Ma'am I asked your husband not you.” Ram smiled sweetly. “So Mr. Banerjee why you want a girl, why not a boy?”

“Not everyone is so lucky enough to have a daughter and I want a daughter to complete my family. I have a son, of one year and half he needs a sister to play.” The man replied hesitantly.

“Playmate?” Ram smirked. “Reshma, I am really not in a mood and even don't have energy to play this game but please do check with the back ground of the applicants. They already have a son and they need a playmate for their son and if I am not wrong I have seen them...” his eyes narrowed while looking to the couple. “Somewhere.. but where?” Ram tapped his chin thoughtfully with his index finger for some more seconds. “One minute you guys where all over the news right? Local news especially?” Soon Ram was typing on his phone. “Yes. You people were put behind the bars for torturing a kid, a girl right? You brought as your kid's nanny! Right?” he charged. “Bachho go inside.” Ram maintained his smile till the kids went pit of the room.

“Reshma, call the police and inform them. Inform about their new innovation to get a nanny for their child.” Ram stood up slapping the table. “ Make sure they don't get spared.” He strode towards the door.

“Sir. Think about our kid. He is not even of two.” The couple held Ram's feet.

“You must have thought before doing such brutality to a kid and thinking of repeating the same with my kids. I don't spare a single person who even thinks about doing a even little harm to my kids. And people like you should remain behind the bars for lifetime. That is the place for people like you.” Ram gritted the words under his teeth before leaving the room.  

“Ram. I let them go.” Reshma said after she came to the terrace after almost half an hour. “But I gave an update to the police.” She looked to the direction where Ram was looking to. He was keenly watching Shrestha at a distance. She was busy with her canvas measuring the scenery with her hands and with the strokes she was putting on the paper.

“Why people are so rude to girls and women? Aren't these kids eligible to get privilege of happiness, safety, study, medical and secure life? Only people like us have the right to have a good life?” Ram asked keeping his eyes on Shrestha.

“Ram we are doing our best to bring this under privileged kids together under a roof. And trust me we will become successful one day. It is just a matter of time.” Reshma said.

“Not a matter of time but a matter of thoughts. Matter of...” Ram stopped. “Nothing will change if we will not change. Women are still considered as weak. A spices made to entertain us, the males..if they choose to follow their heart we smash them and their heart under our feet. Why? Because we are superior.” He let out a mocking laugh.

“Not every person is bad Ram. Not everyone. You are not.” Reshma tried to comfort Ram.

“I am not.” Ram started laughing. “I am the biggest example of it. It is because of me Priya is living a life of a dead person. If I thought about her and not about the fake dignity I was protecting, Priya...” He looked up with tears in his eyes. “She would have been living a normal life. Not a mechanically life. And it happened for me.”

“What happened to her? What you did to her?”

“I left her. I left her wounded.”


“Reshma she is in crisis. I need your help to bring her back. Please help me.” Ram held her hands tightly under his. “She needs help and you can support us with that.”

“Okay. But, what happened to her?” Reshma asked comforting him.

Under his deep sighs and sustaining sobs he detailed what he know about Priya. Listening to which Reshma looked outside. It started raining just then. “Nothing is permanent. Neither her pain. Bring her once here. Let her see the miseries that these girls went through and also I am here to help her in all means.” Under her heavy breathes Reshma said. “She has to understand nothing is permanent and we can live happily if we try.”


It was late night when Priya turned around her bed. She sat up and looked at the time her phone showed and then to her medicines that lied on the table untouched. Looking at the time she was still unsure to call him or not. Left in dilemma she lied down again, this time on her back with hands resting on belly.


“Shrestha listen to me.” Ram held her hand tight when she wanted to escape. “Listen to me.”

“Why should I?” She shouted back.

“Because I have to clear this mess to bring her back.” Ram shouted leaving her hand. “Listen to me.”

“You are hiding me from Priya Ma'am. But why? What discreet relation we share? Nothing. Then why can't you tell her about us? Why? Where is the problem?”

“There is.” He scowled. “She is not so strong like you emotionally. She needs me and this is not the right time she know about us. She is not in a position to understand the relation we share.”

“So what you want me to do?”

“Stay away from me.”

“Am I close to you?” Shrestha let out a mocking laugh. “When? Since when I am close to you? It is you who used me, drained me emotionally. Wasn't it a crime?”

“I accept my fault. I shouldn't have done that. But Shrestha, try to understand she is back in my life and I have to give 100% to her and to our relationship.”

“Who is stopping you?” Shrestha looked down as Ram's phone rang.

Pulling it from his pocket he saw Priya's name flashing on its screen. He looked to Shrestha and received the call. “Priya can I call you later?” Ram could only say when he felt the phone to slip out of his grip.

“Ma'am you don't need to call later. Every time he is with me, he avoids speaking to you. He is taking his time to clear out the mess and waiting for the right time to speak the truth, but before time runs out let me make this clear to you, we share nothing. He shares...” Ram grabbed the phone and started talking to Priya while walking out of the room.

“Priya, please don't get confused. I can make you understand everything..” He let out a sigh of anguish when the line went dead on the other side. He strode back inside the room but Shrestha was not there. Just when Ram was about to walk out of the room he heard Reshma to call out her assistance in hurry. He felt the urgency and ran downstairs.


The phone lied on the floor splitting into five to six pieces. She moved back until her back hit the head rest of the bed. Tears trailed down her cheeks. A little later she was sobbing loud, with time her sobs got louder the pillow helped her to muffle her cry allowing maintaining the silence in her home.

##Next Morning  

Somewhere .... A floor plan was stuck on the wall; a man was putting some red marks on it. The marks indicated the security posts that where put at The Kapoor Mansion. Pressing the phone against his ear he spoke, “When is the meeting?” Pause and he smirked. “Not this time. Let him enjoy her company for a while. Let her come back to Mumbai.” Pause. This time he grinned. “She has nothing to do with this game, she is just getting caught between the fight. Her only mistake is...” the man grinned ear to ear. “Being loved by Ram Kapoor.”

Picking up his glasses he checked himself for the final time on the mirror. He looked perfect for his office. He looked more than perfect. He climbed into the car and drove off, less traffic helped him to reach the office on time. From parking, not always but a few times, it takes time to reach his office. Sometime his prosthetic limb gives him tough time. He limped towards his office. The bag he carried has his initials inscribed. It read “VG”

Until we meet.




  1. For time being Priya health is important for everyone especially for Ram along with kapoors and her parents which is why she is back in Delhi.

    A little bit of glimpse has been seen with old Priya and so was Ram with both were conversing in car regarding Shrestha but seems he has to do something soon to bring her old self out.

    Seems the person is adamant on for revenge but not from Priya but the Ram kapoor with making her his target but with involvement of Police with Jayeshji investigation all thing is pointing to Rajat is still in picture.

    Ram did great by sharing Everything with Reshma about his wife misery with her and hope with her help Priya will be on the verge of recovering from her trauma. He has to make decisions fast about sharing things with his wife about Shrestha and clear about it so in future it didn't complicate the situation once again Between RaYa.

  2. It was short yet very nice update it clears many question from past updates in my mind....

    Priya is just trying to show strong but actually h
    She is broken in love with Ram from inside... whole update is proof of it... she wanted to move away taunting Ram always just becoz she was trying to show her self she us strong but she is not....

    Ram's just some touch were enough to break her this illusion which made her dumbstruck & put her in thinking about loving Ram again.... awww awesome I just loved the way RaYa are trapping in their love situations....

    So Sreshtha will be in all over in the next update for sure... why do I feel she is pure soul here she just want Ram's friendship nothing else she really respect Priya a lot & knows well what place she & Priya in Ram's life.. but heads off to your writing tour bring grey shade in her character so well done time it's difficult to find his in her... awesome mind blowing....

    Well I started to admire Meera for sure now happy to know Shipra took Priya to her house but now it will be difficult forFam to stay the r & face Shudhir so waiting to see how things will take shape there.....

    But after what Shrishtha did I feel it going to be very difficult for Ram to bring her back to him... but will be more happy if he clear all mess between them by telling Priya all truth which can lead her to get treat by Reshma too accordingly Ram...

    I love Kapoor's here all in support to Priya in her hard time more is Ram but no one is less for Priya her... so after reading last now I don't think it's Rajat he clearly stated the person is having problem with Kapoor's he wants to take revenge from them Priya just cane in between so the guy is working in KI must be next is turning more interesting for sure do post next soon will be waiting....

  3. So the cat is out of the bag ,VG for readers. Let's see how intelligent business ppl n the security and police work out to dig the real reason. What is it the amount is being withdrawn every month from the account? Is someone using Rajat's mom's account for his/her revenge loooks this fellow to be working before in a military or CBI. Must appreciate his knowledge n escapades he succeeded in.

    Well well ,Priya somewhere wanting to keep herself away from her feeelings for Ram ,but she cannot ,bcoz every time she wanted to be tough n rock ,ram shows some gestures in the form of his concern n love for her. She cannot refrain from it. But the minute she finds ,she is no more that person whom Ram liked enormously, but someone else is in her place is something which she cannot accept easily. She do not want to loose the battle again to her heart. That's what is shown beautifully when she felt she stands no where in Ram's life.
    Ram must make understand Shreshtha , some Where he must be right by avoiding her ,but somewhere I feel it's injustice to shreshtha too ,bcoz it's ram who made her believe ,dream n think that shreshtha is very important person of his life. Definitely shredhtha can't handle this sudden change in Ram's behaviour. Priya definitely is not in a position to take this easily. Ram should find some solution making Shreshtha busy with some work of her likes n help her work towards her ambitions, meanwhile she Greeks can understand there is s difference between love n infatuation, this way he can concentrate on the intruder n also he can win Priya back by himself allowing her to behave stubborn n childishly with him.
    Let's see how best can Ram keep his calm to get Priya back to life.

    Pyar to Insan ko kamjor n mazboor bana deta hai. Priya ki haalat abhi thi hai.


Chapter 48 : Enough to be Worse.

Chapter 48 : Enough to be Worse. Everyone in the room stood stunned as Jayesh and Sudheer went through the warrant t...