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Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Chapter 38 : The Melt Down.

Chapter 38 : The Melt Down.

With the first knock at the door, the housekeeper of the Shergills opened the door. The visitors were unknown to her so she did the same with them too, as she used to do with every unidentified visiting the household. “Name and purpose of the visit Sir.” She asked politely.

“Manik Sinha, police.” He was not given time to pull out the ID from his pocket and the lady in her mid forty reacted. She turned back and rushed inside. Manik smirked but not in surprise and stood quite. Just when he was about to press the door bell to alert the family of them standing at the open door of the household he saw a woman approaching them.

“Yes.” Neha politely introduced herself.

“Can we come inside and talk?” Manik responded back with a smile.

“Sure. Please.” Neha closed the door behind them and sat on the couch laid at living room after the unexpected guest.

“Ma'am. We are here to clear some of our queries about Mr. And Mrs. Ram Kapoor and attack on the latter.” Manik started. “I am DCP, Mumbai, Manik Sinha.”

“Mr. Manik, are you guys suspecting us in the matter?” Neha’s voice choked.

“Mrs. Shergill?” Manik waited till Neha nodded in approval. “Mrs. Shergill is there anything serious between you people so that we have to suspect you behind the incident?”

“What non sense!” Neha squeaked.

“Then few a things we need to clear. Please co operate.”


“Mrs. Shergill? Do you and your husband know the Kapoors from your college days?” Manik started.

“Yes.” Neha sweated badly while the AC was doing its job faithfully.

“Does there anything to suspect that Rajat can be behind this attack?”

“I don't know. I mean we were not in touch since she left the college suddenly.” Neha struggled to reply.

“Why she left the college?”

“I don't know. It was her personal decision. I have nothing to do with it.” Neha stood up. “And I will suggest you to be here when my husband is around. I have to attend my baby, it's his nursing time.” She showed the door to the cops without saying straight it to them.

“I feel that you are not comfortable with us to be here.” Manik stood up. Pulling out his card he placed it on the coffee table. “I expect your husband to call me before we summon him at my office. Have a good day Mrs. Shergill.” He walked to the door, opened it and before leaving his eyes went to Neha for another time. Smiling he left the room with his officers closing the door politely behind him.

“Sir.” Poonam dared to speak. “May I ask you something?”

“Hmm...” Manik looked straight to the elevator door.

“Why you are behind Rajat?”

“Is there anything suspicious in Pilani's call records or his movements, who was our primary suspect?” Manik asked.


“And Amarnath ji was the one to suspect Rajat and others were in constant denial , specially Priya, to accept that Rajat can be behind this as if she knows something about him or she knows him closely and still in touch with him.” Manik stepped inside the elevator.

“But, if they have acquaintance then why we are suspecting Rajat?” Poonam asked again.

“Is this your first case?” Manik spoke angrily. “Poonam, this is a pure case of a triangle that happened unexpectedly. This Rajat and Priya are behind Ram Kapoor. When intelligence meets criminal minds much deadly devastation happens. I have an account of this Kapoor’s marriage. It happened in 20 days. As if they were in a hurry.”

“Sir, but Priya Kapoor is being attacked. Do you feel she has staged all these pretty cleverly?”

“Not cleverly, intelligently and this lady is behind the Kapoor family. One without a clear idea about the Mansion can never invade with such ease.” Manik looked thoughtful.

“So your suspect is Priya?”

“Yes. Not my primary suspect but she is one of the suspects. She is framing herself as a victim. Very intelligently.  Very very intelligently.” Manik looked up as the elevator opened up at the basement.


“And how this happened?” The doctor asked finishing his job. “This is the showcase of the complete ignorance Mrs. Kapoor. Your stiches could get punctured, do you know that?”

“I am sorry doctor, I will be more careful from the next time.” Priya replied looking down to the floor.

“Better you should, else I will suggest an indoor treatment.” The doctor looked up from the writing pad and looked towards Ram. “At least you should take care of her more for a few days.”

“I will Doc.” Ram replied.


Walking out from the doctor’s cabin Ram received the call that was constantly bothering him since a long time. He was little surprised to note the behavioural change in Vikram's calling pattern. “What Vikram? You know pretty well if I disconnect the call that means I am busy.” Ram spoke.

“It is needed Ram. DCP came to my house and asked about you and Priya and Rajat.” Vikram ended the phrase with a nervousness shooting inside him.

“What did you say?” Ram asked with the sense of nervousness shooting inside him, teleported from Vikram.

“I was at office. Neha asked him to come when I am at home and in return he showed concerns and asked me to call back. He left behind his visiting card for me.” Vikram hold the card up in his hand.

Ram looked aside to Priya who was having many question in mind. She looked equally tensed full of queries suspecting some unwanted incidents happening at her back.

“I will meet you soon. Just call Manik and ask about his concerns and if he ask you to meet, please do that but don't spill the truth. The dreadful one.” Ram said holding Priya's hand under his. “I have to go.” Disconnecting the call he remained glued at his place while Priya got the hint about the conversation that took place between two friends.

“Are they behind me?” She asked in almost inaudible voice.

“They are behind Rajat. I think they are suspecting him for everything.” Ram said squeezing her hand under his. He wanted Priya to know that he is by her always.

“But Rajat can never do it!”

“I am not getting this Priya, why you are repeating the same without knowing anything.” Ram was visibly not happy with Priya's nagging.

“Because he can't be. I know.” Priya almost shouted.

“Priya let's not discuss this here. Let us discuss this in private. Calm down.” Ram took measures to stop Priya from creating a scene. “Come let's go.” He led her to the way out.

While on the road, Priya called Vishesh and asked him to take few days off, as she is not in mood for office, which was untrue. Her anxiety forced her to remain away from the people. Absorbed in deep thoughts, Priya kept her eyes fixed on the road. Her thoughts travelled back into time. That time when she committed that crime. There was no way he survived that brutality. She was in her extreme hormonal rush that day. Her brain had stopped working then. Only thing she could sense then was her pain. The brutal act that she planned and executed looked perfect but was it a perfect crime? There seemed to be two possibilities one: Rajat escaped the brutality by luck which was almost next to impossible, but that was a possibility. Two: someone from his past is invading her present, but except Rajat's mother there was no one so close to him. She thought can there be any other reason. Just that moment her phone buzzed with a notification. An e-mail surfaced in her mail box. She sighed and was about to clear the notification when the subject of the mail drew her attention. It read “Warning!” Her eyes went to Ram. He was driving calmly through the traffic. Keeping his attention undivided she opened the mail.

It read...

Mrs. Kapoor,

Hope you are doing well. You were never my target. Your husband is the one who is coming between me and my business. Take this as an advice and last warning. You are more powerful and influential than he is, leave him and live a good life. Next time I can't promise if you will be able to breathe again if you continue to stay with him.

PS : Ask your body guard to keep away from him. Don't take me so easy.

There was no signature underneath the email address was from an no reply mail address. And she was sure if she searches for the IP address and other protocols she will end up in another part of world when the man himself may have typed and send this mail while keeping an eye on her or Ram or possibly both of them. Placing the phone back she glanced at Ram. He has not replied to her since her confession.

“Ram.” She called. Snapping out from the road he looked towards her as a reply. “Can we spend a day at your pent house?”

“Priya we are out of house since yesterday and I have to speak to bauji about Rishab and Riah. They are spending much time together and I will lose Rishab if I can't stop Riah's marriage.” Ram gave justifications.

“Riah is getting married?” Priya asked pretty stunned. She trailed further the conversation. “Last time I spoke to her and her family they were convinced. Yes it is true I never got time to speak to them because ....” She paused and looked towards her husband. “That accident happened.”

“You meet them? I thought only Riah was there.”

“Yes I had. The day when you barged into my car suddenly, remember? I was waving to her family only. I promised them to fix a meeting with bauji in two to three days. But I never got a chance. You know why.” Priya replied trailing the conversation further. “Fix a meeting with them I want to speak to them but before that we need to speak to our family.”

“Hmmm..” Ram replied looking back to the road.

“Ram.” Priya called him again. “What shall I reply to bauji about our decision?” She looked at Ram's side profile. He felt a lump in his throat. The Adam's Apple wobbled against his throat. “What should I?”

“Priya, right now your safety and insecurities are my concerns. Nothing else. Our future can wait but your safety should not be compromised. Let's keep this matter aside for a moment.” He replied gazing at the road.

“Is my past bothering you?” Priya's question triggered the bull's eye Ram halted the car with a screech. He heard the cars honking behind. The man from the car came out and bad mouthed Ram thumping loudly on the window shield. His car’s head lights got damaged after he ended up hitting the tail end of Ram's car. The thumping got louder but Ram's eyes never moved from Priya's eyes. Without looking back he opened the automatic window. He only looked out when the man grabbed his collar in his fist.

“If your car is damaged mine too.” Ram came out and inspected the cars. “I thank lord that no one is hurt in the process, my luck. But I am sorry for your losses which I will take care of.” He pulled out a visiting card and politely extended it to him. “I am again sorry for the incident, accept my apologies and ask your mechanic to drop a call to any of the mentioned number the costs will be taken care of.” Ram looked ashamed.

Snatching out the card, the man started spitting bad words for him. Irritated by the behaviour Ram turned and started walking towards his car. Without letting any words get absorbed in, he pressed hard on the accelerator, the car zoomed out of the scene in a blink of eyes.

The car honked when the guard have to hurry a little to open the gate for the master's car. Ram who usually stops the car at the veranda but that moment he zoomed through the aisle and parked the car inside the garage. He was angry. His breathes were uneven. Putting off the engine he came out the car and slammed the door behind as if he wants it to rip off the cage of the car. Priya tried to open the door but failed. Then she realised her husband has locked it. Ducking, just when she was about to call Ram, the door unlocked with a click.

“Ram....” Priya had to let her words rest. She felt a pull on her forearm. Ram pulled her out with much care. Even in his anger he was aware of her wounds. She thought. Priya was partially correct. Her trance broke when he pinned her to the support behind.

“What did you say?” Ram held her in his both hands. “Your past is bothering me? That past which is a result of my actions. Do you consider me someone sympathetic towards you?”

“Ram you are hurting me.” Priya moved tried to move out.

“I know I am hurting you, but listen to me carefully very carefully I love you more than anything. My love doesn't need a tangible proof. My love is not a way to showcase my sympathies towards you. I loved you and will love you. Always.” Moving his hands upwards he cupped Priya's face. He moved closer until their foreheads touched. A lone tear escaped Ram's eyes. Priya wanted to hug him back but her wound and being pinned under his weight it became almost impossible for her to move even an inch. Ram felt her touch on his hand. They can feel the warmth of one another. Last night was one of the moments when Ram became weak, he responded to Priya and her actions. He remembered her soft touch against his lips. Her hands over his body but he was sure about her remembering nothing. The proofs helped him to come out clear not the belief she entrusted on him once. Slowly she moved her hand and placed it near his heart.

“No Priya. Don't force me to go weak.” Ram moved back. But he had to stop locked between Priya and the car. Priya didn't let him speak, slowly she side walked out of the garage. She waited until Ram appeared by her.

“If you can wait for me. I can too. I will definitely find the reason behind your insensateness.” She said under her deep sigh before walking inside. He stood there witnessing his love to walk away from the barrier of the ego into the vastness of beauty of their love. Like he never wanted to force Priya to love him back, he can't also reciprocate her feelings that came back after she stood infront of his past. If that remained protected will she be able to love him back? Does she love him only for his dreadful past, for the fragile days that lay naked in front of her? Jolting out from his thoughts he heaved out a deep sigh and walked towards the Mansion.


Same day evening.

Amarnath was busy in his study with some pending work when Priya knocked at the door. “Come in.” Came the reply.

“Bauji.” Priya said as she stood in front.

“How are you Priya? Anything serious to discuss?” He said without looking up from the file.

“We, means I and Ram need to discuss with family. If you don't mind can you join us at living room?” Priya asked politely. She winced her face when Amarnath closed the file and let out a smile. He looked up straight to Priya and his lips arched more.

“I asked you two...” Amarnath stopped under Priya's voice.

“It's about something else. Please.” Priya requested.

“Okay. Let's see.” He walked behind Priya.


“Bauji, please don’t react. We can explain everything.” Ram stiffened at his place after Priya ended up breaking the news of Rishab and Riah to the family.

“Hmm..” Amarnath smiled. “And Ram why you felt that I will react to this news?” He looked around to his wife and mother. While former was happy the latter forced a smile. Sarojani was visible uncomfortable accepting the youngest grand daughter-in-law from another religion. “I am not living in stone age, they are educated hails from good family and most importantly they love each other. They meet every criterion to accept their relationship. I don't feel that I even have a single reason to react.” He stood up this time. “Yes, one thing has hurt me. Rishab could have come to me and said it proudly. I don't find anything wrong in this or do I look intimidating? Have I ever treated my children like an angry father?” He looked smiling towards Krishna.

“Now Priya and Ram it is your responsibility and ensure that we meet Riah soon.” Krishna bestowed another responsibility on the couple.

“That I can do right now!” Priya stood up smiling ear to ear.

“And that is exactly how?” Krishna asked.

“Actually they are waiting outside. Outside the mansion. If you allow we can call them inside.” Priya looked around.

“Why it is needed this late?” Sarojani spoke for the first time. “Ask Rishab to drop her back to home.”

“Maa. She is here. Where is the problem to meet her?” Krishna looked back.

“This late! Have you seen the time?” Sarojani rebuked.

“Maa it is 8 only!” Amarnath smiled.

“I am not meeting this girl. Good night.” Sarojaani walked out of the room. After her Priya looked tensed realizing the reason of such reaction.

“Priya, beta she will take some time to accept, leave it to us.” Amarnath announced. “Right now call that idiot and his better half.”


Riah felt easy after Krishna and Amarnath welcomed her whole heartedly. Her only concern was centred to her family and the prospective groom that her father finalized for her. Priya had addressed that worry too way early. Her convincing power had been a gift to her. Before the Kapoors, she convinced the Saldanhas. Riah felt a little free when she came to know that her family agreed to come to Mumbai for further discussion about her and Rishab's future.

In between the interaction Priya's phone buzzed with a message from Meera. It read,

“I know you have decided to keep yourself away from the office for two days. But there is something to discuss. If you feel good please contact.”

Priya excused herself and called back Meera immediately. “Yes Meera. You can call me anytime. I don't share a professional relationship with you.”

“I felt so when you dropped the call at my face this morning.” Meera feigned.

“Come on now Meera. Stop over reacting. This doesn’t suites you.” Priya laughed.

“Yeah. Yeah. As Ashok says God mistakenly made me a woman. Actually I am a man in woman's disguise.” Meera laughed.

Priya joined her in the same. “I believe him to be true.” She laughed more. “Waise where is handsome these days?”

“Tough question. Even I got him twice in last three weeks. I crave for him.” Meera mocked Priya. “You lucky girl, your husband never leave you alone. Ashok left for Denmark on the 11th day after our marriage. Sometime I feel him to be the most unromantic chap in this world. Then you flash against my eyes. The girl with the extreme power to block the heart and its beats. How are you alive doing so?”

“Now will you shut up and speak the concern?” Priya rebuked.

“Right! Ma'am, Mumbai Office is ready. New recruits have joined Delhi Office and they have completed the training weeks, the team from Delhi is ready to get relocated and the other location which will be our future destination at Mumbai is also ready, after pooja we can start the rest of the construction and interiors. So Ma'am when we can do that?” Meera stopped the trail.

“Hmm...” Priya said thoughtfully. “So that is the concerns. Hmmm... let me think, tomorrow is .... okay done Sunday. We will inaugurate on Sunday. And Meera...”

“I know, Sudheer ji right!” Meera said under her smile. “I will convince him. Waise Priya he is melting down. Yesterday he tried to call you but when he failed to contact you, he called me and took every update about your health and he was really concerned. So I think he will nag for few moments but it will be very easy to convince him. Leave it to me. By the way I feel they should stay at the pent house.” Meera ended.

“Haan, yes. They will.” Priya replied and then she remembered something. “Meera there are some guest I need to go.”

“Wow. So Ms Priya Sharma is transforming into Mrs. Priya Kapoor..” Meera mocked her jocularly. “Aye hain, someone is blushing...” she added after the line remained unanswered.

“Shut up and good night.” Priya disconnected the call in hurry. But then she remembered the pent house and its lock. Only Ram could help her in it. She called him. “Can you come and meet me here by Dadi's room?” Getting an answer she stood there quite.

“What happened?” Ram appeared excusing himself from the living room.

“I need your help.”

“Hmm.. speak about the concerns.”

“I need to unlock the pent house.” Priya said.

“I said you, we need the punch card. You know how it got locked.” Ram answered.

“That is the problem.” Priya thumped her foot. “It is with Mom and if I ask her to bring it with her, she will make a scene out of it. I know my mother well.”

“Who hell on this earth keeps it some hundred of kilometres away from the house? Ridiculous. And they are coming to Mumbai? Why?” Ram asked.

“My Mumbai Office inauguration is on Sunday!” Priya announced and took the words further. “And Mom Dad will be here and I want them to stay there.”

“Why they can't stay here?” Ram asked.

“You know the reason.”

“Okay.” Ram sighed. “I will bring the duplicate key from my locker tomorrow. You can then reset the code.”

“What!!” Priya almost screamed. “You have a duplicate one.”

“Yes. I have.”

“And you never said me that!”

“Stop reacting. I have kept it as back up for incidents like these.” Ram defended.

“But I bought that pent house from you. I should have everything related to it. I can put case of trespassing on you. Do you have an idea about it?” Priya grabbed Ram’s collar.

“That is only left. A wife will put case of trespassing on husband. Anything else Ma'am.” Ram clasped his hand near his forehead and bowed in front of her.

“At the time of deal our marriage was not fixed Ram. You have committed a mistake accept it.” Priya kept on nagging.

“Arey yaar ... I forgot about it.” Ram tried to defend.

“Arey..!!” Krishna appeared there from no where. “What happened why you two are fighting?” She smiled.

“Krishna let them fight. Ladne se pyaar badhta hain. Jo inn dono mein dikhta hi ni mujhe. Ladne de tab jake payar karenge. Let them fight. Let their love hormones act. Come inside.” Sarojani said from the door.

“Sorry kids. Carry on. I will not interrupt.” Krishna smiled looking at the couple. “I have heard nothing and I am not spying I am here on your daadi's call.” She smiled and walked inside the room.

“Happy!!” Ram feigned.

“Yes. Very happy. I want everything related to the pent house that I own.” Priya gritted the words under her teeth.

“I will never give you that. Ni dunga. I will not put the separator even. And one day I will make sure your weird thoughts about me coming out to be true but only with you.” Ram replied back in anguish.

“What weird thoughts?” Priya asked back in hurry.

“Shit!” Ram said to himself. He then realised what blunder he said. “Nothing!” He strode out from there.

“No you have to say me.” Priya almost ran behind him but she has to stop. Presence of elders, Rishab and Riah put her quest to halt. She joined the family but her eyes followed Ram every where around searching for a moment when she could find him alone.


Vishesh's Office.

“Sir” A man knocked at the door. Getting the permission he entered and placed few discs on the table. “As you asked these discs have Traffic CCTV footages of two days and till today 4 am.”

“Hmm... anything to suspect.” Vishesh asked.

“Sir the man successfully protected his identity. We could see him in the CCTV but his face was hidden under the hood and pollution mask.” Vishesh's assistant spoke. “Only clue is he limps while walking.”

“Leave it to me...” Vishesh ordered. He picked up the DVD with that night's recordings. He played it in loop and suddenly his eyes noticed something. He played the clip again this time zooming to it. And bingo! There was another person. A lady. But her face can't be seen closely. She was standing on the other side of the road, as if her duty was to keep eye on the car owner i.e Vishesh himself and alert the intruder on time. Though the face was not clear but it was definite lead in the case. Not him alone but a lady is also involved in it.

Vishesh knew what he must do next.

Until we meet




  1. The ice has been broken between RaYa but still it will take time fully to melt down. Both of them opening up but still not very much sufficient to clear all the mess.

    Everyone acts according to their nature so is cops especially this DCP who is suspecting everything and everyone in the case and Priya as a Target turned into a prime suspect for him and he can be right band totally wrong too.

    As a friend Vikram and Neha did good by informing Ram about police visit but still the shergill couple have to look out.

    Everything is pointing on one person that is Rajat but Priya is sure about it he is not the intruder but she has to share all this with Ram or with little delay the warning given by him hope can't lead to any more harm to Kapoors.

    Happiness is on way with Rishbah and Riah marriage talks on the verge and so is RaYa are on decent conversation but still more twist to come with Vishesh is still behind the information about the intruder.

  2. wwoohhoo...full suspense like CID..kya cheeze kis disha me ja raha hai ..nehi samaj araha hai :'(...anyway waitting for next

  3. Cute Raya fight lok always love their navgung, banter, argument it's kinda cute n they connect each other so well, definitely will make each orhers life revolve around them. They never leave each other's mind conscioly or unconsciously, that's something I love the most. The two encounters one at the car and one over pent house is so lovely.
    I m sure by now , ram must have understood priya's feeling , scare for herself and his acceptance to her as she is at present , is her past affect anyways in their present n their feelings for each other, especially what thinks of Priya n his relationship , she is so isecured, as a woman yes everyone will have this.


    I m not interested in Rishabh n his gf.


Chapter 48 : Enough to be Worse.

Chapter 48 : Enough to be Worse. Everyone in the room stood stunned as Jayesh and Sudheer went through the warrant t...