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Thursday, October 26, 2017

Chapter 39: Death of Love

Chapter 39: Death of Love.. her hate was that love.

First thing Priya noticed when she came to her room was Ram. Out in the balcony. Arguing over phone. She guessed. Arguing because when ever he raised his hands over waist line, it was in disgust. Disgust because his facial expressions can be read. Once she thought to barge in, then changing her mind she ambled to the changing room. In past she used to lock the door and used to check it many times before taking off her clothes to change into the her night suite, but that moment she kept it open and didn't even cared to shut it behind without the bolt. She stopped. Her eyes went to a box kept by the stand alone mirror wrapped in a red gift wrapper that has miniature hearts engraved over it in silver. She smirked. For a moment she forgot the garage incident and walked towards it. Carefully not hurting her she picked up the box. She struggled a bit, for the weight it had. Did he put a rock in it? Priya thought and giggled. Placing the packet on the stool she knelt infront of it and started unwrapping it. She found it little odd when it opened and air packets made appearances. Those little things don't have such weights, she thought. Removing one by one she found the reason behind the weight. A photo frame, its back was facing her. Whatever there was on the frame displayed can be seen only after flipping it. She felt a lump in her throat. Her mouth dried and a rage shot up her veins when she saw the picture. It was from her marriage, the picture was captured during the Sindoor Dan ceremony. It was a perfect shot. The shutter was pressed when Ram applied the vermilion parting her hair. What made her blood boil is someone has put a cross over Ram's face on the photo, possibly, it is imprinted on it. The glass over the frame is clear as crystal. “Which bustard has done this!” Priya made some false tries to rub the mark away from it when she realised that it was imprinted on the picture itself. She fell on the floor with a thud and looked straight to the wall with worry and anguish printed all over her face while she hugged the picture by one hand near her heart.

“Priya. Priya. Priya.??” It took a good one minute for Ram to break Priya's trance. She shuddered before looking to Ram who hunched down to her. “What happened and what is this?” He picked up the gift box once and next minute he placed it back at its place. “Any gift? That arrived behind us?” he asked with a pause between the two queries. Still there was no response from Priya. Her trance only broke but she was lost in some other place. “Priya.....” Ram shook her forcing to look at him obliquely. “What is in it?” Ram asked pointing to the frame under her arms. He followed Priya's eyes which fell straight to the frame. Carefully he pulled it out from her hand and looked carefully on it. His face winched. He also sat by Priya, heaving out a deep sigh.

“He has again invaded.” Priya said faintly. When there came no reply from Ram she looked to Ram and found him staring at the roof. “I can't afford to loose you again Ram.” She softly placed her head on Ram's shoulder shivering him out of his thoughts. He missed what Priya said to him before leaning to him. He did his best by holding Priya by her shoulder, while she hugged him placing her hands around his waist. They sat there for next several minutes when Ram spoke.

“He made a mistake this time.” Ram said.

“What?” Priya asked sitting straight at her place.

“This is not a laminated picture but a printed one. And I some where read every picture carries an identification number of the printer that is used to print it.” Ram said looking to the picture. “And we are going to take this to Manik tomorrow.” Ram said.

“I hate to see that man.” Priya stood up supporting Ram. He followed her.


“He is irritating.”

“But he is the best person to help.”

“That is bad you know. Actually we don't have an option left with us. But...” Priya stopped in front of the opened wardrobe.

“What but?” Ram said picking up the gift box.

“I can't....” Priya looked down.

“What you can't?” Ram asked inspecting the packet.

“I can't afford to loose you again.” She said feeling the dryness in her throat. She never ever thought that Ram will become again an invincible part of her breathes.

“Priya.” Ram felt an ache in his heart. “What you think, have ever lost me?” he softly touched her shoulder. Priya had no courage left to look into Ram's eyes. She stood frozen at her place looking down to the floor. “I was, is and always will be yours.” He said under his smile. Priya felt the smile. When she didn't respond Ram turned her to him. He smiled at the view. The moment has drained out the every bit of courage, anguish and arrogance from her. Loosing breath under the influence of that moment she stood with closed eyes towards Ram. “Go change now. I need to see the CCTV footage. This matter should not be taken easily. You are priceless for me and I want you back.” He smiled tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear. After she looked up Ram smiled back, “The You. The Love you had for me. Not the one you feel for the helpless man standing in front right now.”

Though Ram had smile pasted on his face, Priya’s face was overcast with many unanswered queries. “What do you mean?” She asked.

“Priya if you have not seen those pictures and that room, would you be able to melt down so quick and when you had strong hatred and doubts about me having an affair with Shrestha?” Ram asked politely.

Priya had to look away. Deep inside, she realised Ram was right. The sudden melt down happened after she visited his past.

“I want your love not sympathy.” This time Ram sounded rude. But Priya didn't complain because she knew if she had not seen those pictures she would be in denial to accept that he also loves her, more than she do. “I will be back soon.” Placing the picture frame down, he strode away from her. Sighing deep in anguish she looked at her reflection that fell on the stand alone mirror.

Was it an act of hidden sympathy that came out suddenly triggering her hormones to tickle the love out of the deepest cave of her heart? Priya thought. Closing her eyes she tried to remember that instant moment when she looked at her birthday pictures shelved in the show case and the twelve gifts. The pictures around that room which forced her to believe that Ram was also tracking her down like she used to. The difference was Ram used to do so because of love and she because she wanted revenge? What happened to her? Where was Ram's fault for what Rajat did to her? Ram has never disgraced her, even their first make out was more emotional than sexual. Yes she had lost her virginity to him that day but she remembered how Ram felt her uneasiness and controlled his own desires. He respected her equally. There was not a single instance when Ram has touched her inappropriately even when they were alone. He only approached if there was a subtle hint from her. Her thoughts broke when a sheer pain hit her shoulder to her neck which shot directly to the head. She shivered at her place. Picking up her night suite she walked to the washroom looking back to the parcel for another time. This time her furious glance fell on it.


“Are you guys are sleeping?” Ram shouted to the touch notch of his voice. “How could it be possible none of the CCTVs has captured him to intrude? How could even this be possible? Is he has the secret formula of invisibility that Mr. India never shared?” He mocked the new security personnel along with the previous set of security still there.

Rishab, who just drove back after dropping Riyah to her place heard noises from the monitoring room. “Bhai is everything okay?” he tagged into the conversation trying to know what exactly was happening.

“That man again intruded. This time he left us a gift wrapped in a red gift paper.” Ram said furiously, “Almost one and half feet in length and breath.” He said animating the size.

“That was brought by me Bhai!” Rishab said making Ram more anxious. Why the hell on the earth Rishab will gift him a picture where his brother's face was stroked off? His trance broke as Rishab continued to speak. “I asked one of our staffs to settle it in your room, among other gifts or changing room.”

“What other gifts?” Ram exclaimed.

“The one you have received and may be due to open it.” Rishab justified. “And I did so because he said bhabi is particular about the cleanliness and appearance of the master bed room. I didn't want to offend her.”

“But what did you gift us? Is that...” Ram was in midway to ask the question when Rishab cut in.. “Me?” He let out a confusing laugh. “That was ordered by you I guess and delivered at our office. You were not available so I received it on your behalf and did the needful.”

“Don't lie Rishab!” Ram had a sense of warning in his voice.

“I am not bhai. If you really don't believe me call our receptionist and confirm.” Rishab said firmly. “Why receptionist I can show you the outer packing. I only unwrapped it as it was imprinted over, gift item customised wrapping inside. I thought you have ordered something for bhabi and as a help I opened it to wrap it. But it was already wrapped with the customized paper.”

“Why would I gift myself a picture of mine crossed out with red ink?” Ram looked exhausted.


Priya was still awake when Ram walked inside with a throb inside his head. He was not able to think straight. When would he have ordered such nuisance? He thought deeply. At first it looked like the man was behind Priya, now it seems he is behind Ram. Confused about the motive of the crime he saunter to the love seat and sat placing his body weight all of a sudden on it. The sound made Priya look towards him. She walked slowly to him and sat beside. When her voice remained un-noticed she placed her hand over Ram's. He shrugged and looked up.

“Are you okay?” she asked. “Did he leave any other clue?”

“No.” Ram sighed deep and leaned back. Slipping out his hands he rested his head on them. “Rishab brought that package delivered on my name at office.”

“You ordered it?” Priya looked worried.

“Do you think I am crazy or out of mind?” Ram feigned. “My head is still in a good condition.” He retorted.

“I was just asking.  Anyone will ask.” Priya sat on her place.

“I am sorry.” Ram sat straight. “This man is taking my patience away. I can't danger your life for me.” Priya looked at Ram and found his eyes locked to nowhere. But the pain in it was visible. She ducked down her head and thought about the e-mail she received that morning.

“Ram.” Priya spoke. “I received a mail, must be from the intruder.” She chocked when Ram looked straight into her eyes. “There he asked me to be away from you.” She stretched her hand to Ram with the phone. She waited while Ram read the mail and gave it back to her. “Do you have any enemy Ram?” She asked.

“Except Rajat I have no one. I lead a very simple life Priya. I worked but not directly. I started working in proper sense for myself since I came back to India. From last five years I was working for my own and the people who stays at Lavasa. And the much I remember I have never locked horns with any one.” He exhaled deep. There was a long pause. “Priya I will talk with Manik you are not safe with me. Until he catches the intruder you will stay with your family at Delhi.” He stood up to leave. Priya held his hand under hers. Feeling it he stood waiting for Priya to speak.

“I will not tell you to accept our relationship back in haste. Neither will I ask you not to think that the change happened for the pent house nor will I deny that my melt down happened after knowing that you suffered equally as me. But, don't snatch away my right to love you back, the right to make you feel that your Priya still loves you not being sympathetic to you but with all her heart all the love she had and have for you.” Priya said in a single breathe.

Their eyes meet, after a long time there was that spark in their eyes that sheer attraction in them, proximity in their bodies. Ram took two steps to come near her. Priya didn’t move from her spot neither did she left Ram's eyes. This time when he touched there is something else in it. Priya closed her eyes and remembered, their first night. She knew the touch. What she felt that moment has not changed. His touch still has the same magic. She felt the same insane hormonal rush inside her body with his first touch. He brushed his nails against her bare skin again. This time she felt a shiver and stiffness inside her body. But, there was some other force that went against. She threw herself in Ram's arms and clutched his t shirt tightly under her fist. Ram stopped his trail and placed a firm hand over her head while the other one rested on her back. Stroking her hairs slowly he stood inhaling her fresh fragrance that has not changed even a bit in these twelve years. “Priya.” He spoke. In the hug she opened her eyes. “It's pretty late I think we should sleep.” Coming out of the hug, Priya nodded back and walked to the bed. “Had your medicines?” Ram asked. Priya nodded no to him in return. After feeding her the medicines he turned and walked to the love seat surprising Priya.

“Ram, are you not sleeping here?” Priya asked.

“No.” Ram answered.


“Because you are uncomfortable Priya.”

“I will overcome it soon and if I feel uncomfortable you will be there to calm me, right?” She askked.

Smiling broad Ram walked back to Priya and bend close to her. “Your problem need to be addressed Priya. You need a professional to get out of this filthy feeling that hits you whenever anyone touches you. The feeling you get from breathe of the other person sleeping by you. I can't see you suffering. I want you get cured.”

“I can't share my past with anyone.” Priya looked to the other side.

“I have already shared it with concerned person.” Ram smiled and held her by shoulder and made her lie down.

“With whom?” she asked abruptly.

“With the concern person. Don't worry she will help you to get rid of this filthiness.” Ram came closer and placed a soft peck on her forehead. Soon arrested under the influence of the medicines she dozed off to sleep.

Ram looked at her sleeping calmly. His thoughts travelled back to the past. He can’t stop himself from travelling back to the past.

Kissing each other hungrily they fell on the couch. Their lips meet again after they took ample fresh air inside their lungs. Under him Priya held him tight clawing her fingers on his back. Desires built inside her too, which went out of her control and could be taken care only by Ram. She was feeling a sudden hormonal rush. She never felt such tickle inside her and the desire to be touched and conquered by a man. Her thoughts took a back seat when she felt his one hand moving up against her back under the top she was wearing while the other hand moved down under pants to her firm buttock. She felt a sudden urgency of getting rid of the t-shirts both of them wearing. A monstrous desire shoot inside her to get the warm touch of his body against her. Leaving her lips Ram pulled Priya, facing him she sat. Without any warning he pulled up the party top over Priya's head. She looked down in shyness thinking how Ram could read her thoughts. Pulling out his t-shirt Ram hugged her. She felt his skin touching hers. Kissing her intently he moved down to the strap of her bra and unhooked it with a master stroke. It was not the first time for him. Though the previous two were in a very tender age when he reached his puberty and he made out of his curiosity not driven by such emotional force like that moment. He felt the tender touch of her breasts against his sweaty body and her shiver at the same time. With a tender push he made Priya lie down as she fall on her back, half naked infront of his eyes. A beauty. Does she think to have her first time sex on a couch? Ram thought and a grin suddenly appeared on his face. Already tamed under his masterly act he came atop his prey and did justice to the accessed area Priya left open of him. Kissing her neck, throat his hand travelled down to her globes. Taking one under his hands he drew circles around it and her body reacted. Arching her back she let out a deep moan. Placing his lips on hers Ram started massaging her globes one by one, she shivered badly under him. Ram controlled her moves with sheer control. He knew she has to learn to control her desires when he dropped to her bosom and started doing his job with his mouth. Harder he sucked against her globes louder she moaned. That aroused him more. Without wasting time he came out of his jeans. He felt his groin hard against his boxers. Moving back to her, Ram unzipped her jeans and pulled it down below her knees. Quickly he moved back to her and kissed her hard making her lips bleed. Kissing her madly his hand travelled under her panties. She was wet, ready for him. But he wanted to torture still she will not voice her desires. And she did. When Priya’s lustful voice travelled into his ear drum begging him to make love to her, his threshold broke. Picking her up quickly in arms he went inside the bedroom. He didn't want to give her muscle cramps along with the other pain she was about to get. Tearing out the remaining clothes from her body he got rid of his own boxers. His groin sprang out. Coming atop Ram warned Priya about the pain she was about to get. She knew it, from friends and Neha she became aware that it is painful to loose virginity, but when she held Ram's shaft in her hand Priya was shocked. It will be more pleasurable experience than pain. He whispered into his ears “It's yours only from today and you have to take care of the extra inches of it.” Those dirty talks aroused her more. “Make me yours. Make me yours.” She repeated. As the tip of his man hood kissed her woman hood she moaned loud. “Don’t be so loud baby. This is just the beginning. Let me take you to the ride of life time.” Without warning Ram thrust himself inside her, at first slowly then at once all of a sudden. It was painful for her. A scream came out of her parted lips for a moment only. Later her voice got muffled under the hungry lips of Ram. With his every thrust inside her she moaned but as time went she felt the extreme pleasure. She was witnessing the moment of life time. Exhausted Ram fell on her bosom when both of them came together. Kissing her again and her private parts Ram had his arousal again. Just when he was about to penetrate for the second time that night he saw an uneasiness in her eyes. She was not ready for the second time. “Don't worry Priya, there will be no second time today but I can't promise you next time I can stop myself for you are extremely sexy and desirable. Your body is a temple and I want to worship every part of it again and again.” He kissed her softly and kept his manhood stroking against the lips of her clit. He once went to washroom after Priya slept calmly.

Ram's thoughts broke when he find himself aroused. Closing his eyes covered under his palm he sat there for few more minutes before he stood up and walked to the love seat. “I really can't promise you a careful me Priya the next time you will be mine again. But this time I will wait until you will feel the love straight from your heart.” He lied down on the love seat and soon he also dozed off into deep slumber.


“Hmmm..So it has been received on your name” Manik said looking closely to the box which has the company name imprinted on it. “” he read. “Are you sure you have never ordered anything from this online site?” He asked looking to Ram.

“No. Never.” Ram said confidently. “For these I have a particular vendor. He does all the prints for me. I never felt the urge to use the online printing site neither out of curiosity nor with the thought of experimenting.” He replied firmly.

“And you Mrs. Kapoor?” Manik asked.

“Never!” She answered but Manik didn't believe her.

“I will take these items in my custody and will try to get the IP address.” Manik asked the constable to take those items away.

“And Priya has received another threat over mail.” Ram said attracting Manik's eyes to her. Ram gave a print out of the mail and also extended Priya's phone to Manik.

Examining both he looked up. “I need this device too.” Manik extended the phone to Priya. “Take out your sim card and give it to me.” He said.

Looking confused when she was about to deny, Ram held her hand under his and gestured her to obey. Without any further protest, Priya took out the sim card and gave the phone to Manik.

“Thank you.” He said. “Will get back to you two soon.” Manik studied Priya as she stood up leave with Ram. There was no rigidness in her body language neither there is any kind of uneasiness. He waited for them to leave. “I need her call records on urgent basis.” He ordered to his sub ordinate.


Ram was about to climb into the back seat, as they came in Priya's car accompanied by the driver, his phone rang. It was from Shrestha. Looking at Priya he received the call. “Yes.” He said. As the voice from the other side spoke, Ram's expression changed. He came out of the car and stood stunned under the affect of the news for a minute of more and then he shouted out loud, “TAXI..TAXI..TAXI..” and ran towards the road. Before Priya could react she saw him to ride a cab and zoom away. Without wasting time, she climbed into her car and asked the driver to follow the cab going in the opposite direction to their. It took time to get a view of the cab but traffic helped Priya.

After half an hour both the cars drove into the FROTICS Hospital. Both the cars stopped under the portico. Priya came out and saw Ram to run inside clearing the cab's fare. Walking behind she found him in the lobby talking to Reshma and a girl weeping badly clinging to Ram and he held her under his comforting arms.

She knew that moment it was “Shrestha!!”

Until we meet.




  1. Feelings of love cannot be denied it can only be hidden. Ram efforts get paid Priya has once again started feeling love for him.

    The revenge has taken backseat and only love, trust and faith has been for him by her which lead to share her the threating mail she received.
    Likewise earlier Rishbah once again targeted now with the unknown gifts.

    Love has started blooming Priya can't lose him so is Ram who only want her heart with love no pity for him. But with slowly their love coming back on track the threat of intruder hasn't removed with DCP manik is still suspecting Priya without any full proofs.

    With Priya besides him Ram suddenly went back to memory lane of their first night together of their consummation of love which was full of blissful and togetherness and soon they will be one again.

    Hope no mu occur between RaYa with the sudden call on Ram phone with Priya following him.

  2. Hey
    I don't knowvwhy but Rishabh always gives me negative vibes.
    Well Priya had really started opening up, atleast saying her insecurities n fear , though not fully.
    Yes they still have awkwardness but they are getting back to there ownself normally.
    Manik is really having a tough time his team had to work out hard to reach the culprit.
    I just hope Priya doesn't end up doing criminal things , like killing Rajat. Yes I really do agree the way she is feeling hatred towards him after what he did, we cannot expect her to behave normally. Every day n life of her has been hell from that day , still i feel bad for people like Priya , who fought back too law in their hands did something which end up them into jail or so.
    But human mind is something, at times behaves uncontrollable n does something unusual , which will let one repent later. But definitely Priya will get that satisgaction , her years of fear, disgust for herself , those hell nights and that dirty filthy feeling, would definitely reduce.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. awsommmee...beautiful...waiting for next

  5. What to say dear just one word awesome... the way with honesty Ram said what he felt for her sudden change of behaviour was as genuine as he is... I loved the way he cleared the thing alright in face with right words I really admired his honesty in love which is most important part of life... but the person who is behind RaYa is most hated person in story I don't really understand what us his motive but one thing is sure you are not going to declare that anytime soon in story do not using my brain here much... let Manik do that work for me lol....
    Coming to RaYa consummation ohh why sudden mercy on your readers I was waiting for this detailed update you never given this so far not even actual update so why now I m feeling something really disaster is on the way....
    Well last part was painting what are you up to what is going to happen now I hope everything is ok... moving for next to read....


Chapter 48 : Enough to be Worse.

Chapter 48 : Enough to be Worse. Everyone in the room stood stunned as Jayesh and Sudheer went through the warrant t...