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Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Chapter 36 : Treasured Emotions.

Chapter 36 : Treasured Emotions.

Red eyes, headache welcomed the morning. Rishab found it difficult to open his eyes. His body squirmed with pain. He felt uneasy to sit. Holding his head between his hands he sat on the bed leaning to the headrest behind. After a moment when his eyes fell on the broad day light peeping through the curtains he jumped out of the bed and for the first time that morning he felt his nakedness. Grabbing his shorts lying at a distance he covered himself as much needed and pushed the curtains aside. He stood shocked and delirious. His watch, he searched for his watch. He tried to find the watch on the bed that send a beautiful smell down into his body. He knows that smell. It is the same perfume wore by Riyah. His eyes went straight up to the picture frame that was placed against the wall. He is in Riyah's room. “Shit.” He fell back on the bed. Now the blurred vision started clearing. The clouds of confusion were getting cleared. “Riyah...” he jumped out of the bed calling her by name as loud as it could be. “Where the fuck is my phone?” He stormed out in his shorts from the bedroom.


Somewhere, 40,000 feet above the ground.

 “Priya why are you not speaking to me?” Ram asked whispering to her aware of his father and other personnel by them. Priya's eyes were fixed outside to the clouds. Ram knew she forcibly kept on looking away from him. “Priya please. Stop avoiding me.” Ram requested her.

“When did I avoid you?” Priya looked towards him with a straight face. “I spoke to you all through the meeting what you want more from me?” she asked.

“I am not associated with business only.” Ram feigned.

“Really?” She smirked.

“What do you mean by really?”

“If my husband wants me to wait for his call because his her is with him, then I must get aware of the unsaid.” Priya smiled. “And especially when his her steps up hurryingly to clear the air of the relationship then I must understand that I have interfered in their private time.”

“What nonsense Priya!” Ram scowled.

“Don't shout!” Priya looked around. “I am not screaming at you and do you know when people scream?”

“When they are right.”

“No, when they try to hide something.”

“Have you lost it Priya! You are suspecting me of having an affair with Shrestha, a girl nearly half of my age?” Ram became impatient. “Please try to know the truth before predicting. Don't be so judgemental.”

“How? When one doesn't want to speak how can I know? I am not a mind reader. I am a human not a super human gifted with some super natural powers.” Priya's voice almost reached out Vikram seating behind them.

“Priya give me a chance to explain at least.”

“Haven't I?”  

“Ram, Priya.” Vikram stood up and leaned on the seats in front. “What are you doing?” His eyes went to the other persons seated there. “It's okay to fight when uncle and I are around but others are also here think about them. They are not family. Stop fighting. You can do that once you reach home.”

The couple though not convinced completely they responded to the request. For rest of the flight they remain quiet.


Few hours earlier.

Kapoor Industries , Head Office, Mumbai.

Rishab parked his car and strode towards the office building cursing him to loose his control over his own emotions once again. The call from Riyah with the news of her almost finalized marriage with groom, of her parents' choice made him weak. In drunken state he barged into Riyah's apartment and spitted over her for ditching, when it was him doing the act. Like a coward soul he stopped Ram from speaking to his family and now when her parents wanted her to marry it also became a problem for him. Poor soul, he needs a reality check. Crying, kissing, promising not to leave her in any means he ended up making love to her. Not for the first time but for an uncountable time. But this time it was driven by deep emotions. And a bad hang over still persists. Promising Riyah to return soon, he rushed back to office for the project they were collaborating with Priya.

“Good...” Rishab's eyes went straight to the clock displaying the IST on the wall above the reception. “Whatever, I don't know what to say..” he whispered to himself cursing himself to drop to office at 3.47 pm. He sighed out. “Good Evening almost..” he smiled faintly to the receptionist. “Are Bhai and Papa at office?”

“Sir, I am afraid.” The receptionists struggled to use the correct word to be polite with boss. “They have left for Delhi and your cell phone was not reachable that is the reason you missed the trip.”

“The left?” Rishab asked in a tone as if the other person in the conversation already knew the answer.

“Yes Sir. This morning and will be back by late night.”

“Anything else they said?”

“No sir. This much is only put into my knowledge. I am sorry sir for not being able to help you with any other information.” She held her eyes low.

“Can you connect me to Bhai?” Rishab said lost in his own thoughts.

“Sure sir.” She dialled the number and waited for Ram to respond.

“Yes.” He replied from the other end.

“Sir, good afternoon. Rishab Sir is here. He wants to speak to you.”

The lady's voice made Ram stiffen in anger. His jaws flexed, fist clenched. “Yes.” He said under a controlled voice.

Handing the receiver to Rishab, she sat down to her chair concentrating on her own job.

“Bhai.” Rishab said.

“Go home. Wait there. We need to talk. I will be back today only.” Ram disconnected the call conferring the order to his brother.

Rishab knew Ram was angry with the carelessness. He handed the receiver to the receptionist and walked slowly back towards his car and there waited Manik for him.

“You?” Rishab was surprised and shocked to have him there. His eyes went towards two constables doing something with the registration plates of his car. “Hey! What are you doing with my car?” His love for his vehicle abruptly lied bare to Manik.

“Relax.” Manik stepped. “MH 14 Y2 4567 is this yours car's number?”

“You can see that!” Rishab said mocking the DCP pointing to the number plate.

“There is car yesterday on Mumbai's road with this number but not this one but a sedan!” Manik said. “Now enlighten me Mr. RIishab how is this possible without you passing the information to someone else?”

“Are you mad? Why would I do so? If I need to use a Sedan I can use any one from my Dad's collections but with its original registration. I am not that obsessed and mad that I will put this number plate on that. I am not a retard.” Rishab frowned.

“Where were you yesterday?”


“After office.”

“With...” Rishab pause. There was a long pause before he answered. “Girl friend. I was with my girl friend.”

“Name, Address.” Manik took the notepad from the constable and extended to him.

“I don't want her to get involved in this. We already have many issues to fight with I don't want another to add to it.” Rishab replied curtly.

“Mr. Rishab we need to confirm your statement.” Manik said again.

“Are you suspecting me?”

“To be frank Yes.”

“Are you mad?” Rishab howled.

“I am doing my duty.” Manik kept his gaze straight to Rishab.

“Do you think I can do harm to my Bhai and Bhabi?” Rishab stopped himself before he could loose his patience and clutch Manik's uniform in his fist.

“Just stay in your limit Mr. Rishab Kapoor.” Manik said while his jaws stiffened. “I can put you behind the bars just for your this act.”

“Unconditional apologies for my behaviour, but that doesn't mean I will give you my girl friend's information. No never. You can do what ever you want to do. And even if you have anything more to ask, I will speak in front of my lawyer.” Rishab unlocked in his car and drove away right after.


Mumbai Airport.

It was raining cats and dogs outside when their airbus landed safely. Through the terminus Ram and Priya walked out first followed by Vikram and others while Amarnath lead the couple. While they walked out of the checkout an elderly man stopped Amarnath and hugged him warmly. “It’s good to see you Amarnath.” The elderly man beamed joyfully. “I am here to receive few guests but what you are doing this late here?” he asked trailing the question.

“I just came back from Delhi, Pratap.” Amarnath replied.

“Oh that's great and when you are here you have to come to tomorrow’s party.” Pratap insisted.

“Actually I will not be able to for another official meetings but Ram and Priya, my son and daughter-in-law will definitely go.” Amarnath promised without even asking the couple or thinking about the development in stalking case.

“They will but I am extremely busy tomorrow. And my legacy in on them only and yours on your next generation and when it's their day, let them enjoy, interact and keep the cordial relationship between us go farther.” Amarnath said being jovial.

“Beta, I and full Oberoi family will be expecting you too. You must come.” Pratap Oberoi, one of Kapoor's associates said smiling to the couple. Hearing the arrival announcement of the flight he excused himself from the Kapoors.

“Bauji.” Ram stopped his father. “I think Priya's health..”

“I am perfectly fine. I will come along if...” Priya stopped under Ram's voice.

“That's great but I was just getting bothered for the unwanted incidents happening one after another.” Ram announced.

“We can't stop breathing fearing that cheap creep.” Priya squeaked.

“She is right. And more over I can trust on you.” Amarnath looked deeply into his son's eyes. “Can I? Or Can't I”

“You can.” Ram replied back with a firm answer.

“Then discussion ends here. Though I am free tomorrow with no official meetings I want you to socialise more from now onwards.” Amarnath said walking away from the couple. Then he stopped after few steps, turned around and walked back near the couple. “You have till not cleared me about your decision about this relationship. Don't make this old man wait for long.” This time smiling broad he walked towards the exit happily, as if he has already got the answer. Left behind the couple starred at Amarnath till he vanished behind the door.


Kapoor Mansion, same night.

After coming back from airport Ram took shower and then walked to Rishab’s room. Krishna informed him about his presence in the Mansion only. He knocked at Rishab's room before entry. Even after two three knocks when it went unresponsive he pushed open the door to walk inside. The room was pitch black. The rain outside made the weather little calm and cold. Though Air Conditioner is not needed but Rishab is a creature who even needs AC in winter especially in India. Ram felt little odd. Switching on the lights he found the room to be empty. He rushed back downstairs.

“Maa you said Rishab is in his room?” Ram asked stopping his mother.

“Yes he is.”

“No he is not.” Ram stepped back holding his hands on forehead. “I don't believe this.” He rushed towards the garage. As expected the SUV was not there. Keeping his grudge within him, he stormed back into the room. “He is not here and you all have no idea about it. Tell him to keep away, else he will see his end.” Saying he strode back towards his room.

In the room, he saw Priya sleeping calmly on the bed. Keeping her sleep uninterrupted he walked to the terrace. Walking straight to the edge he bowed down. His head thumped with Rishab's sudden elopement. But he had no other option but to wait. His hands trailed inside his track pant's pocket. Putting a cigarette between his lips he lit it. Looking back he could see a little of Priya's face through the French Windows. Medicines have its effect on her. In silence he puffed off the cigarette trying to reach Rishab but the number was still switched off.

In between the reaction time, Ram's phone rang. He didn't mind to pick up the call, it was from Reshma. She must be calling to update about chotu. Answering the call he remained quiet and let her take the lead.

“How is Priya doing Ram?” Reshma asked.

“Sleeping. How is Chotu?” Ram asked back.

“He is stable but we can't say it good. I called you to inform that a couple wants to adopt Renu. I have checked their background and they belong to a good family and they earn good. If you can spare time I will fix a meeting with them.”

“Do one thing, text me their details.” Ram thought for a while under his pause. “No. Send their file duly scanned in my email and I will do a back ground check. After that I will confirm if to fix the meeting or not.”

“Okay.” Reshma answered but she sounded upset.

“What happened did you mind?”

“No.” She sighed. “This will be the first time you will not be here when a girl will get her family.”

“I will be there Reshma. Not only me but also Priya will be there.” Ram said under his smile. “I asked you to send the details so that I can do the necessary from Mumbai because I want to take Priya there and make her feel better. I know person who can help in that.” Ram sighed a little before trailing the conversation. “I need Priya to be there, I need to clear a lot to her. Especially about Shrestha and my relationship. Hiding it from her is taking me no where.”

“Good decision Ram.” Reshma cheerfully supported him. While they continued speaking about chotu's health and other regular activities of the organization little did Ram knew Priya again over heard the conversation. Wiping her tears she acted to sleep digging face in the pillow.

Next Morning. Manik's Office.

The Officer in charge of Priya's case came inside after receiving permission she walked inside and stood greeting her senior.

“Any lead?” Manik asked without looking to her.

“Yes Sir. I have missed a vital link in Mr and Mrs. Kapoor's past and present.”

“What?” Manik looked up.

“Sir. Mr and Mrs. Shergill.” She paused placing the same picture with two more faces circled this time. “They were also in the same college, same batch and same trade but there is an exception.”

“And that is?” Manik asked thoughtfully.

“They graduated from that institute. They didn't leave the institute even after that incident took place. And if the sources are believed to be true then they are pretty close to one other.” The officer looked down. She waited to absorb the expected reaction from Manik.

“And how did you miss this important link Poonam?” Manik stood up. “If a senior officer like you makes such mistake then it is pretty much expected from your team too.”

“Sir, I am extremely sorry.” Poonam kept her gaze down to floor.

“Re-check that day's footage and this time please be attentive and try to get into details of every frame.” Manik indirectly suspected her negligence in that matter too. “Please do it.” Manik raised his voice to Poonam.


From Morning to afternoon the clock kept on moving on its own pace but Rishab didn't turn up. Ram wanted to inform police but Sarojani stopped him from doing so claiming to know Rishab's whereabouts. Irritated by family's behaviour Ram locked himself in the guest room till the evening. Equipped with his mobile he kept on calling Rishab in intervals to get hold of him. As time passed by his suspicion on his own brother grew deeper. But one last time among many last times he promised himself, Ram’s luck favoured and the line got connected, the phone rang. With the first ring going inside or auditory system, he flushed red in anger. “PICK UP THE PHONE!” he shouted.

The phone line got its life. Ram's jaw flexed. He was ready to spit at him. And then the voice compelled him to tone down. “Riyah?”

“Yes Bhaiya me. Rishab is with me. Your dadi called me and said that you are trying to reach him. He is with me for two days. Yesterday he came here after meeting my elder sister. He was devastated after my sister denied to give him another chance. He was drinking too much so I took his car keys and since then he is with me.” Riyah tried to explain.

“Was he with you day before yesterday also?” Ram asked.

“Yes. That day I called him after Dad informed about my marriage.” Riyah said. “First time he came to hospital to meet me. When I turned down he waited for me at home and I found it only when I went back after my shift. He was drunk and we had a melt down.” Riyah said ending the trail with a sigh.

“He is still with you?”

“Yes. He is in the garden. Shall I?” Riyah asked.

“No. No need. Tell him to come back soon and I and Priya will do the needful about your marriage. Don't worry.” Ram said softly.

“But Dad and Mamma will never..” Riyah stopped under Ram's interruption.

“Leave it to us. Have faith. And take care of my brother Doc.” Ram looked back as the clock gonged. “I have to go, have an invitation.” Hanging up the call, Ram unlocked the door and walked back to his bedroom. His eyes first searched for Priya and then those stopped at the door of the changing room. He waited on the love seat shuffling through the television channels. His wait ended when Priya came out in a pink salwar suit. It loosely fitted on her giving comfort to her hand. She held her hand close to her heart. Her expression changed as she found Ram there. Not attractive like always but different she looked, just like the girl for whom Ram fell in love with.

“You are looking just like that first day.” Ram smiled and walked inside the changing room. 


Vishesh opened the door for Priya and Ram and then climbed to the front seat and asked the driver to take to the venue.

“Thanks Vishesh for the help.” Ram said from the back seat.

“It's okay Sir. It is one of my duties.” Vishesh replied without looking back. “And I am sorry for taking a nod from Priya Ma'am.”

“No, you did the right thing.” He smiled and looked at Priya who kept her eyes fixed on road. Without registering any reactions she took away her hand when Ram placed his on hers.

“Sir, they are genuine person a hard working family.  After they lost their daughter in road accident, they tried to have another baby but failed every time.” Vishesh said and trailing he added, “Then they thought to adopt a child.”

“Are they financially sound?” Ram asked.

“Seven years ago, they sold their ancestral properties to start their restaurant and lodge services, which took off good and growing pretty well.” Vishesh said. “And two years ago they started a private nursing home serving poors.”

“You checked with their business?”

“No sir. My people just fetched an overview. You never asked for detailed analysis of their financial stability.” Vishesh indicated his particularity in handling cases.

“Hmm.” Ram mocked out a laugh. “Okay. Do one thing, a detailed check about the family back ground and business too. Only after that I will decide about meeting them and giving Renu to them. I can’t trust so easily after the last case. You can understand it is about life of a girl.” Ram ended the trail.

“Sure Sir.”

“Priya you have any problem in it.” Ram asked. “If Vishesh helps a little more?”

“Why should I? As long as he is balancing between his two jobs without neglecting one of the two, I am okay with it.” Priya said without looking to the men.


Oberoi's Place.

After a brief introduction the couple and hosts went to welcome other guests. Priya knew few people there but she kept herself confined in her. Thoughts of Shrestha haunted her. Her words pinched her badly. She sat confused, hurt at heart.

She started to have visuals of Ram telling her the truth of the relationship he has with Shrestha before leaving her forever. She cursed her for the prenuptial agreement she forced Ram to sign. Engulfed in her own thoughts, Priya's trance broke under the voice of few ladies. “What did you say?” Priya turned to them. “What did you just say?”

“Oh! So you are here too.” One of the ladies looked at Priya tackily. “Is this something you have, to wear in a party? I heard you own a group of companies and more successful than handsome.” She burst into giggles accompanied with the others.

“Yes I have this only. But what did you say my husband took you for a date last Saturday?” Priya shouted grabbing eye balls of few people around.

“Yes he had. To The Starbucks.”

“Prove it. NOW!” Priya took few steps to that lady.

“Why should I? Did he ever take you for a date?” The lady scowled. “Do you even know what style and class is called? Look at me and look at you. Why will he not come to me?”

“He was with me at hospital.” Priya shouted again.

“That's the best time I had. Giving attendance there he got lots of time spare to be with me. You know..” The lady blushed.

“Did you like it?” Ram's voice came in. He trailed his hand along the lady's. “I touched you here and...” He smirked. “Should I give a little demo of it?” he winked.

The woman gulped a lump in her throat. “Ram... you..” she struggled to open her mouth and remained arrested under muffled stammering.

“Come on. If you can provoke my injured wife then I can provoke your love hormone in front of your fiancĂ©.” Ram held her hand tight. “Better you keep away from my wife or else I will not think twice to call your father.” Priya failed to recognise that woman to be the same as the girl she met at the airport who was too much obsessed with Ram.

“Priya, come let's...” Ram turned at failed to find her. When he started finding her, his phone rang. It was Vishesh's call.

“Sir, please come out quick.” Vishesh was startled too.

“What happened?” Ram asked striding to the exit.

“Sir, Ma'am just took a cab and we have to follow her. Before the tracking gets lost.” Vishesh hurried.

“You could have stopped her!” Ram said giving Vishesh  directions.

“Sir, I have some boundaries. I can request her and protect her.” Vishesh said. “What ever I could do I have done I did it. Her every cab booking routes will be shared with me automatically which you are giving me directions from it only. Thankfully she took a cab with that facility.”

“Thanks for that. She has stopped.” Ram said. “Not at the destination but what is this location?” Ram asked.

“Show me?” Vishesh stopped the car and tried to get the location. “It's unknown to maps. Let’s follow the route and see where we end.” Vishesh followed the directions and in next half an hour they reached the place. Traffic made the drive linger by almost 20 minutes or more. “Sir, you should go inside and find her. She is hurt and this place is not suitable for her.” He looked at Ram standing in front of a cheap looking bar.

Without answering, Ram walked inside pushing the bouncer who tried to stop him. Vishesh took care of the rest. Surrounded by some dancers the men were dancing like retards, Ram wince his face and started looking for Priya. She was there for last thirty minutes anything can happen in those minutes. He looked for her in every corner and his eyes fell on a particular place. He has to push away a mob on the dancing floor to reach her. His eyes went down to the glass she held on her left hand and few pair of eyes looking at her wickedly.

It was Priya's fifth peg. She never drinks whisky but that day she drank it intentionally. She never stopped loving Ram. Her pain from past has made her believe that her hatred for him is genuine. She almost succeeded in it too. But, after marriage she came to know the reality. Picking up the glass she gulped the liquid all at a once. She knew she was not drinking, but she was punishing her for faking hatred to Ram, that will soon cost her. She realised, she can share everything but not Ram. “Re....peat..” She ordered slamming down the glass on the table top.

“No more to the lady.” Ram said grabbing Priya by waist before any one from that place could react. Placing four six hundred rupee notes he asked the bar attender if that will suffice. After his nod Ram asked him to keep the change and called Vishesh.

“Priya why you are doing this?” Ram tried to jerk Priya.

“Because, I lost you to those bitches.” Priya said in a twisted voice under the influence of alcohol. “That Shrestha your her and that...” She stopped. “What's her name? How many you are dating together? All the kids half of your age right?” Priya said with tears in her eyes.

“Priya you are wrong. I am only yours.” He held Priya tight against her waist. “We will talk once you get out of this.”

“No. I want to talk right now. You have to tell me what I don't have that those bitches have. Have I lost my spark? Do they keep you happier? I can also keep you happy...” Priya moved away from Ram and took her hand out from the arm pouch first. He felt her in pain but Priya continued according to plan. “I can too.” Her hands reached for the dupatta. But before any scene could happen, Ram scooped her on his arms and cradled her out of the bar with much care.

“Open the door.” Ram shouted to Vishesh. Placing Priya on back seat Ram looked around clueless. “I can't take her to Kapoor Mansion like this.” He thought for a while. “Can you help yourself with a ride back to your place?” Ram asked Vishesh.

“Yes I can. But where you will go?” Vishesh asked.

“To her pent house.” Ram looked back to Priya. “Please help me with this.”

“It's okay sir. But if you need any help please call without thinking about the time.” Vishesh said. “And take care of her.” He walked away leaving Ram and Priya alone.

After a long drive to the pent house, Ram helped Priya to come out. The desolated elevator took them to the top floor. Helping Priya to walk he stopped infront of her pent house. “Priya what is the passcode?”

“Passcode? What passcode?” Priya asked.

“To open this door we need a passcode what is it?” Ram asked politely.

“Oh! Passcode!” Priya smiled. “That I know. But why should I tell you. Do you want to break into this place? By the way whose is this? Yours? If yours then why you don't know the code?” Priya started asking Ram one after another question.

“Priya this place is yours. You brought this place from me. Remember?” Ram smiled at Priya's confused look.

“Ooooohhhhh!” Priya smiled broad this time. “Two pent house with a common swimming pool right?”


“And this one is mine.” Priya laughed. “And did you put a separator?”

“I will do that soon.”

“Look I don't want to see you fucking those bitches in the pool. If you want to do, do it at your place don't you dare to do it at my place.” Priya started crying.

“Priya there is nothing like what you are thinking. I LOVE YOU ONLY.” Ram said looking into Priya's eyes.

“How sweet liar you are. Awww...” Priya looked to the lock. “Passkey... 1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8..9..” She checked again. “Where are 10, 11, 12, 14.. 16 19...?” Priya asked.

“Priya code is of four digits only. Please tell me that. You need to take rest and sleep.” Ram requested.

“So that, you can make love to one from many?”

“God...” Ram held his head. “Leave it. Come with me.” He helped Priya to walk towards his pent house. Punching the code, he took her inside without knowing what is waiting for him especially.

Until we meet




  1. On the basis of number plates of certain car put Rishbah in the list of suspicious person but altogether he was with love of his life Riyah in drunken state and seems this became advantage of the intuder to use the situation in his favor.

    All the meetings went well with RaYa are back to their Paradise their as the married couple but seems Priya is way much unhappy while thinking of Shrestha. Ram has to talk about his involvement with NGO and good that he taken first step to clear the mu of his wife.

    Another lead to DCP manik with leading to Neha and Vikram but can't understand wat will police gain with Mr and Mrs shergill involvement or statement in the case.

    The insecurities and fear has drown Priya with the thoughts of losing Ram the beloved whom she love very much. But still will not open up her feelings to him.

    The drunk Priya with Ram who will surely handle her but seems their will be floods of emotions from both the side and still he unaware wat his wife has stored for him.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. hayieeeeeeeeeeeee awsome raya scene.......... jealousy ne toh mar hi dala.... waiting for more and moreeeeeeee raya scene...plzzzzzzzzzz next update jaldi diye dio....

  4. God many ups n down on story... finally Rishabh came out clear all way I felt bad for him & Rihay but hoping RaYa will look after this matter soon & help them...

    I m so happy to know Ram us all ready share any Chotu & Sristha with Priya not just that but showing her his helping organization too... best part us after this Ram's many burden will left over..

    DCP Manik is doing his best work by finding all clues with sharp eyes... but I still felt this will be gonna surly harmful for RaYa in future but right now enjoying this action packed drama love story of RaYa...

    Am at us such a gem person very few people you will find like him in this crual world such a bless to see him like this amazing awesome mind blowing too good... hope he agrees for Rishi & Rihay it's matter of their life yaar....

    Omg Talli Priya confessing her love for him this is silance before storm I guess many thing going to unreavle in next part can't wait to read so moving in for next...


Chapter 48 : Enough to be Worse.

Chapter 48 : Enough to be Worse. Everyone in the room stood stunned as Jayesh and Sudheer went through the warrant t...