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Saturday, October 7, 2017

Chapter 35: Sudden Changes 2

Chapter 35: Sudden Changes 2

Next morning was not pleasant for the Kapoors. DCP Manik Sinha appeared after long three days and asked for Priya.

“But she is not here Manik.” Amarnath stood up and walked towards him.

“Where she is?” Manik asked.

“She is at Delhi for work but what is the matter? Why are you in so hurry to summon her? Is there any development in the case?” Amarnath stopped him before he could leave the mansion.

“Sir, we have investigated a little into the past and there are some clues about Rajat and his connections with her. They were in the same college and something unwanted happened between them.” Manik said moving his eyes from Amarnath to the ladies in the room.

“I know that they were batch mates but what are you talking about?” Amarnath asked, pretending to know nothing.  

“Sir, do you know that your daughter-in-law attempted suicide in past?” Manik looked around to register the expressions of the family members. He understood that they were aware of the incident. “If you all know about it...” He let out a deep sigh. “Then you all must know the reason behind it.”

Amarnath looked towards his family. He knew the reason will drag Ram into the chaos. He was about to speak when Manik opened his mouth. “If my sources are believed to be true, then Rajat tried to molest her. I am trying to locate the doctor who treated her that time. He can lead me to the truth and I am trying to find him. And then suddenly Rajat disappeared and it links me to your daughter-in-law. There is a strong connection. I want to question her in that matter only.”

“What are you trying to indicate Manik?” Amarnath frowned.

“Sir, this is a game that has to be stopped and let, us, the police to do the work. This revenge game that is going on between your daughter-in-law and Rajat has to be stopped. Rajat will be in my custody soon. Please call back Mrs. Kapoor she must face us to clear the confusion. Please co-operate with us. Please sir.” Manik requested. “It is for her safety. More she will hide more it will give oxygen to the intruder. We are clueless but the little hope that arose I don't want to loose it.  Please.” Manik could only request Amarnath only. He was aware of the power that the latter has. Manik left greeting the family politely.

Amarnath called Ram immediately. “Where are you? And when you are coming back?” he asked Ram with letting the latter to speak.

“Bauji I will try to come this evening.” Ram said looking back to Reshma who was busy talking to the doctors. “I am in Mumbai only. But is everything fine? I mean did that man invaded again?” he tried to keep his composer.

“I need to talk about Priya and we are leaving for New Delhi today only.” He announced. “Deal will be signed on the pre scheduled day and other personnel along with Rishab will leave for Delhi as scheduled. Only I and you will leave today.”

“Bauji but I can't. I mean, I need to be here.” He looked back to the doctor who was waiting for him to join the discussion that was halted due to the call. “Bauji I am calling you back.” Without any hesitation Ram disconnected the call and walked to the doctor.

“Mr. Kapoor. I fear.” The doctor said under a deep sigh.

“Doctor, if you feel helpless then from where we will gather hope?” Ram asked holding him tight.

“Mr. Kapoor we are trying our best but we are not able to find a bone marrow for transplant.”  The doctor said hopelessly. “I know what you are feeling but his condition is worsening after he has been diagnosed with AIDS things are going out of our control.”  

“But how? You were treating him right?” Ram attacked the doctor influenced by extreme grief. “Weren't you? Or you left him to die? Which one?”

“Ram..” Reshma stepped in. “Calm down.” She patted on his back. “Calm down. Doctors are doing their best to protect him. Chotu will be all right soon.”

Previous night Chotu was found senseless on his bed when Reshma went to check the children before bed time. She found his vital stats very feeble for that reason they decided to bring him to Mumbai than to Pune or local health centre.

“He will be okay soon.” Reshma gestured the doctor with a blink to leave. “Calm down. You have to go to Delhi too. If you remember.”

“I am not going any where till Chotu doesn't come out safe to me to us. Discussion is over.” Ram strode away to the picture window and stared at the busy Mumbai roads.

“You are again mixing up Ram, Priya will be waiting for you.” Reshma touched Ram's shoulder. “I am here. And trust the doctors nothing will happen to him. Trust me and go ahead with the pre scheduled plans.”

Though unconvinced Ram decided to go ahead with the pre scheduled plan. After visiting Chotu, he drove to his office. Though he had little interest to leave for Delhi he had no other option left.


Priya came down to find Meera waiting for her in the living room. Sipping to her tea she smiled to Priya.

“Good Morning Mom.” Wishing Shipra, she looked to her father who walked towards the garden when she walked into the living room. Priya nodded her head in disbelief under the deep breathe.

“Priya, give him a little time. He will melt down soon.” Shipra assured with a smile. Her eyes scrutinized Priya. “Haven't slept last...” her question remained incomplete when Sudheer barged back to the living room taking Priya's name.

“Where is your phone? Amarnath is trying to call you. Atleast keep it on when it is really needed.” Thumping the phone on his daughter's palm he walked away instructing her to return the device to Shipra.

Priya's eyes looked to her father walking away from her still enacting to show no concern about her health. She smiled looking at the call timer showing on the display. The seven minutes plus time confirmed his conversation with Amarnath. “Hello.” She answered ending the wait of her father-in-law on the other end.

“Beta, how are you?” Amarnath asked politely to which he got expected answer. “And where is your phone? I was trying since morning.”

“Wo Bauji.. it got damaged last night. I dropped it in water mistakenly.” Priya lied to which Meera reacted oddly knowing the she owns the same model as hers, a water resistant one.

“Okay. I think Manik will try to reach you and will fail like me.” He said sighing deeply. “Take my advice call him once. I guess you have his number?” he trailed further. “If not I can provide you. Is it feasible to write down or should I mail the v card to you?”

“Please text it to Meera.” Priya replied thoughtfully, “But why he wants to speak to me? I will be back by the weekend can't he wait till then?”

“I guess he will not.”

“Did he mention the reason to you?”

“Hmm..” Amarnath trailed his silence for few more seconds. “He wants to question you regarding Rajat and the past.”

Priya stood quiet for a long time. Amarnath continued to take her name to break her silence. He succeeded only after Priya was jerked by Meera. Priya's trance broke and the voice repetitively taking her name over the phone became audible again. “Ye..yes Bauji.. I understand. I will call him.”

“I know Priya even a slight mention of that dreadful incident stirs your soul but the unwanted incidents and your safety is important, than anything. You have to fight with your fear and have to come out as a winner.” He said with much care.

“I will try. I will.” Priya intentionally showed hurry to end the call and though she thought she succeeded but Amarnath knew the real reason behind it.

Placing the phone on the table Priya walked out of the living area as fast as she could without hurting herself more.



Seated on his chair, Ram lazily flipped through the pages of the final draft of the agreement while his eyes were fixed to nowhere in particular. His hands stopped to react, flood gates of his eyes were pulled up and breaking every barrier tears rolled down his cheeks claiming every inch of the skin that came on its way. Slowly he lost composer the silent tears pulled out the child in him making his sobs louder and painful. As Ram leaned back to the chair it rolled back few inches while he covered his face with palm. For many more minutes he kept on pouring his heart out but no one was there to hold him up and say everything will be fine. Anger, disappointment, worthlessness crept into his veins creepily. He felt himself to be the worst creature alive then on earth, responsible for his wife's mental conditions and attack on her by the intruder, Chotu's health, Shrestha's confusions and every bad thing those were happening then in his life and in the life of people associated with him. Stuck in confusions, when he was driven towards the weakest phase, the door latch made a clicking sound, has the person asked for permission or not was completely unknown to him. Ram has taken off the plug from the outer world and kept his thoughts inside a circle where only a few people can dwell. Not knowing that his sobs were noticed, he kept on crying in a muffled voice.

“Ram.” His father called. Amarnath kept his firm hand on Ram's shoulder. He waited to register his son's reactions.

Failing to react Ram looked up with an emptiness in him and a blurred vision. He wanted to jump up and hug his father like he used to do always but keeping himself aloof and engulfing darkness Ram knew he had lost that right way back. Instead he looked down accompanied by uneven breathes.

Amarnath sighed softly. His eyes averted to the file that lied open on the table. “Have you gone through it?” he asked very politely only to get no response in return. “I will advise you to go through it sooner we must not forget even being supremely in pain and sore Priya remembered the commitment she made under our demands in the same way don't let anything come across the commitment and I think you are lucky enough to get such an understanding wife. And after speaking to Priya and keeping the importance of the meeting in mind after discussing it with Vikram I reverted my decision to the previous one. We are not leaving today.” He turned and walked towards the exit knowing he was watched by Ram, who wanted to speak by was disallowed by his own guilt. “



Priya waited for Manik to receive the call. Stuck in traffic she used it as a benefit to talk in private with the DCP. Meera lend her phone to Priya and Vishesh took the driving seat as requested by Priya. “Hello, Mr. Manik Sniha speaking?” She asked to the male voice on the other end of the phone.

“Yes.” A deep heavy voice answered.

“Good Morning Mr. Sniha. This is Priya. Bauji informed me that you wished to speak to me.” She started off as calm and polite she could, keeping her soul composed. “May I know the reason?”

“Doesn't your father-in-law hinted about it?” Chuckled the DCP.

“Even if he had, I want it from you.” Priya tried to lead the conversation which she knew was a failed try already. Her fear of getting dreadful past to get exposed took all over.

“Okay. Mrs. Kapoor as you wish. I want to talk to you in person not like this over phone. When I can get your appointment?” He asked mocking a smile.

“Anytime, after I return to Mumbai. I guess you will not come over to Delhi for questioning me wasting your time or will you?” Priya tried to be sarcastic.

“If needed I will Ma'am.” Manik said. His jaws got tightened as one of his subordinates placed the newspapers that published the photograph and an apology on respective days. He bends closer to the print and looked at three circled faces. His brows furrowed up. “When are you returning, Mrs. Kapoor?” he asked leaning back to his place. “And I had a word with Commissioner Sir police protection will be provided to you at Delhi also. So don't worry about it.”

“I have my personal body guard with me, so even if you guys don't invest manpower on me, it will not matter.” Priya replied.

“But it is our duty to keep a civilian safe and we must abide by our duties and responsibilities. Let's not drag it Mrs. Kapoor, please tell me the date and time of your arrival.” He hunched back to his point.

“Saturday, time is not fixed. I have to speak to my husband about it.” Priya replied curtly.

“Okay, is this your number?” he asked looking at the display. “Because it is different from the one I have.”

“No. This is my friend Meera's number and you can call me in my number soon after I get a new handset for the sim.”

“Oh! I see.” Said Manik trailing further he asked about Meera's identity. When he was satisfied with the answer that Priya gave he decided to end the call. “Okay Mrs. Kapoor I am elated to know the responsiveness you have. I am sure we will definitely have a good interaction upon your return which will help me to identify the intruder and put him behind the bars.” Wishing Priya he hung.

“Who gave you this piece of news?” Manik stormed towards his subordinate.

“Sir our informer hinted us about it, and after a little research we final dug it out.” The lady Inspector spoke.

“Who is the editor-in-chief of this daily?” He asked rummaging the pages.

“Sir, Karnashish Upadhayay. He also stays at Delhi but travels to Mumbai often. We can interrogate him here too.” She said being proud of herself being so informed. Everyone indulges to please the senior. She was also no exception.

“Interrogate? Huh forget it. Even if he is allowed to speak to us, I will be surprised.” Manik smiled in desperation. “We are handling an equally sensitive and mysterious case.” Suddenly he became thoughtful. “Listen carefully, without my instructions no one should take any step. As the head investigator in this case you will report to me with every details and no interrogation should take place without my instructions.” Manik instructed the inspector. “And ask our informer to dig a little into the past of This Three then Teenagers.” He pointed to the newspaper. “Rest leave it to me.” He looked seriously to his subordinate.

New Delhi.

“How did you damage your handset?” Meera asked after Priya handed her phone back.

“It broke.”

“Few minutes earlier you said it took jal Samadhi.” Meera mocked.

“What ever! I need to buy a new one. Just ask that shop owner to drop a latest one to office and also to take the cheque from reception.” Priya averted her eyes and looked out of the window.

“Ma'am.” Vishesh spoke after clearing his throat. “Is that DCP bothering you?”

“Don't do anything. He is already suspecting me. Anything unwanted can draw the full attention towards us. Even you are under his rudder. So be careful.” Priya replied curtly.

“Why the hell he is suspecting you?” Meera raised her eye brows. “What you have done?”

“I don't know.” Priya lied. “And even thinking about is giving me pain.” Putting lid to the conversation she sat quietly but under Meera's strict observation.


Mumbai, Hospital Parking.

“Hello Mr. Kapoor.” Manik smiled to Ram as he stepped towards his car at the parking of the hospital.

“Hello but what brings you here?” Ram asked.

“Wrong question. That should be my question to you.” He smiled and walked to the passenger seat. “I have some questions for you. Please enlighten me.”

Without giving any response, Ram unlocked the car and both the men got to their respective seats. After driving out from the parking Ram asked Manik to start with his questions as he could only allow him to accompany till his Mansion's Gate. His eyes fell on the car following his BMW and thought it belonged to the other man in the car, so he chose to remain quiet.

“Whom you were visiting?”

“Is that related to the case?” Ram asked.

“Anything can lead us to the hint.” Manik said. “So please answer.”

“I am associated with a charitable organisation one of the kids is serious and is admitted there for treatment. I was there for him.” Ram said in a single breath.


“Can you please keep the organisation away from this case?” Ram squeaked.

“If it is not necessary I will not drag it into this case I promise you this. But share the information.” Manik replied politely.

“If you have any other query please go ahead with it. I am not going to allow you or your team to drag my kids and those innocent girls in this.” Ram was visibly angry.

“Girls?” Manik became more attentive towards Ram. “Don't say anything but tell me what actually your organisation deal with?”

“It helps orphans and girls and women rescued from red light area.”

“I see.” Manik nodded his head being very thoughtful. “Mr. Kapoor..” he trailed the conversation more. “Since when exactly you know your wife?”

“I think you already know that.”

“You are ought to answer me as many times I will ask you.”

“Since my under graduate days. We were class mates.”

“Along with Rajat Kapur.” The DCP said.

“Yes.” Ram's voice started to faint away. His eyes again went to the sedan that was still trailing behind. Before he could ask the DCP about its need to follow them he was asked with another question.

“And three of you are college drop outs? Isn't it?” Manik asked.

“I don't know about Rajat but yes after Priya left the college I also left.” Ram answered looking straight to the road.

“And what exactly happened?”

“It is personal.”

“Mr. Kapoor nothing remains personal when an intruder reaches your bedroom tries to kill your wife and you sleep like a dead man without any hint of the third person in your bedroom.” Manik was harsh this time.

“Something unwanted.” Ram sealed his lips again.

“What unwanted Mr. Kapoor?”

“Let Priya come back if she permits we will share it with you.” Ram hurried out a reply. “Please don't force me to answer.”

“Mr. Kapoor her life is in danger there should be no secrets, if Rajat tried to harm her then he can repeat it again.” Manik tried to convince Ram. “Speak out. Was she molested in broad day light that lead her to attempt suicide?” he spoke horrifying Ram, who maintained silence but his right foot pressed the accelerator. Manik observed him closely. Ram was startled. Suddenly his body language changed. His hands started to shake. Failing to get a reply Manik trailed. “Mr. Kapoor, park aside I will find a ride back to hospital from here. It will be easier for me.” Manik unbuckled the seat strap.

“What? Isn't that sedan following us since hospital yours?” Ram asked bringing the car to halt with a sudden break.

“Which car?” Manik asked out of his shock. “I parked my car at hospital parking.”

“That car.” Ram pointed to a white sedan that zapped passed by them. “What the...” Ram shouted getting out of the car. His eyes almost popped out of the shell.

“What happened?” Manik ran towards Ram.

“It is our car but the number that's not of a sedan but of a SUV. My brother drives it.” Ram stood shocked.

“Haven't you seen the number earlier?” Manik pulled out his phone and dialled a number. “Check with your brother you might be mistaking. It is him only and the number belongs to a sedan.”

“There is no white Sedan other than my grand mother's and it’s an Audi and this is not an Audi.” Ram screamed.

“Calm down Mr. Kapoor let us investigate.” Manik tried to convince Ram. The line got connected , giving instructions to his team he convinced Ram to drive back home.

On reaching Kapoor Mansion Ram took Manik straight to the garage but Rishab's SUV was not there. Manik looked at Ram, who’s expression started to change. He clenched his fist and dashed towards the Mansion.


“MH 14 Y2 4567” Manik read out the number loudly. “Is that the number the SUV has?”

“Yes Manik. But why Rishab will use it in another Sedan and he drives his SUV only. As much I know he dislikes driving Sedans.” Amarnath said. “And over everything I have not taught my children to credit themselves with illegal stunts.”

“But as Mr. Ram said he saw this number only and the tinted glasses restricted us from the view of its passengers and driver.” Manik replied.

“But where it went you can track that.” Ram said impatiently.

“Yes we can but...” Manik hung his head in shame. “Rains and little carelessness from our end has damaged one Camera and he has eloped in between it.” He replied. “But my team is working on this.”

“Wow!” Ram feigned. “And I was thinking only my security system has lapse.”

Manik stood quiet.

“But how can one hide himself taking advantage of one camera only. We have tough security system and how can he ditch it. Find him officer. He is using our car's number and our daughter-in-law’s life is in stake.” Amarnath trailed the conversation. “You guys have to find him out soon.”

“Ask your daughter-in-law to come back here. We need her here. This case is getting complex every moment.”

“Sir..” The lady inspector reported. “We had a chat with the owner of that Sedan which Mr. Ram Kapoor thought to have the number plate bearing the number of a SUV that belongs to them. But there is some mistake I guess. That car’s registration number is different.” She looked into the paper and read it. “MH-14-Y2-9267”

“You checked with the owner?” Manik asked.

“Yes Sir. It belongs to A cab company and it was driven by their driver only.” The lady replied.

“Any suspicion?”

“No sir. I checked the car thoroughly there is nothing that can be taken suspicious. The owner has been fined for putting tinned coating on the car glasses. He had six such sedans with tinned glass coating and we have acted according to the law.” She looked little nervous before taking her words further but she gathered courage and spoke. “I think Sir there is some misunderstanding between 9 and 2. That car has digital prints.”

“Do I look like blind?” Ram shouted.

“I didn't mean so.”

“It has no digital printing. It has ordinal numbers printed on it with the same design like our cars have and if you have noticed our every car has the same number 4567 only the series differs and even bauji has bided for the number same as our anniversary date, for Priya's car. That will be the first car out of the box. If I am wrong please correct me bauji.” Ram said pressing every word under his teeth.

“Ram is right. I pay extra charge for that number only.” Amarnath confirmed.

“And there is no way I can misread it.” Ram looked straight into the investigating officer and her boss's eyes.

“Okay. We will interrogate that driver again. But please call your daughter-in-law back to Mumbai. She is in more danger there than here. She has managed to convince The Commissioner of Delhi not to invest manpower for her wasting money.” Manik stood up. He sighed deeply. “And Mr. Kapoor trust us if that cab driver or the owner is trying to cover up someone then they will be not spared. And this welcomes Mr. Rishab in this case.” He walked out followed by the officer.

“Where is Rishab?” Ram asked.

“Come on Ram you can't suspect him behind all these.” Amarnath said.  

“Maa, where is Rishab?” Ram repeated.

“I don't know beta.” Krishna replied.

“He must come to me directly after he arrives.” Ram instructed and climbed upstairs.



“Why you asked Atul, Maya and Rajesh to represent? Why not you?” Meera asked climbing into the car.

“Because they worked and I have no idea about the project and they gave their blood and sweat to it. Doesn't they deserve this much as a reward and token of appreciation?” Priya said under her smile. “And I will be here only for the signing. Don...” She stopped as her phone rang. It was from her mother-in-law.

“Good Evening Maa.” Priya wished.

“Good evening beta your bauji wants to speak to you.” Looking towards her husband Krishna handed the phone to him.

“Beta book your tickets and come back this evening. I know this is not good for your health but the recent developments are frightening if Ram has not misread it.” Amarnath briefed the whole incident to Priya.

“Bauji, this project is also important. We are this much away from the D day and my team has worked hard for this day. Please don't push it.” Priya requested. “Please.”

“Priya please try to understand.”

“Bauji I am safe here. Please.”

“Beta....” Amarnath tried to convince but failed horribly before Priya's endless requests. “Okay. If not you then I am coming there tomorrow with my team. Get your team ready for the final presentation and complete it by 5 pm we will return by 8 pm flight and no more requests please. You have two choices. Agree to any one of it. There is no third choice.”

“Okay. I will go with the second one.” Priya agreed.

“Then see you tomorrow.” Amarnath disconnected the line and called Ram taking his name loudly. But when he took time to show up Amarnath strode towards his room.

“Ram.” Amarnath called his son. Ram was sitting on the swing at the terrace. He walked there and called Ram again.

“Ji bauji..” Ram stood up but he was still angry and displeased.

“Call our travel associate and book the tickets. We are leaving for Delhi tomorrow and will return also tomorrow. Ask them to book an early morning flight for departures and a late night flight for return, include Priya's name in the return flight. And six for the departure. You, Rishab, Vikram, Bansal, Aditya and Me.” Instructing he walked away.

Ram did as instructed.



“Call them back.” Priya said disconnecting the call. “They are coming tomorrow and leaving also including me. Something unwanted happened at Mumbai. Bauji wants me to be there not here.” She said while walking slowly towards the office building. “Vishesh. If you want you can relax for a while I have a long day ahead.”

“Ma'am I am perfectly okay. Please take care of your health.” Vishesh replied.

“Vishesh do one thing, go to Sharma House and bring her medicines and I will inform Shipra ji she will pack food for Priya.” Meera said.

“Only medicines, I am not that ill that I can't have outside food.” Priya said from a distance.

“Do as I said Vishesh.” Meera said again, this time louder.

Priya was still walking in a sloth's speed towards the office building when her phone rang. Ram's name popped up. Putting the ringer to silent she kept on walking. This time little faster. The phone again rang, she did the same. When it rang for the third time, she disconnected it and blocked Ram's number. Her anguish and pain were the driven factors of the emotional turmoil she was in.

Not the fact that Priya rejected his call but Rishab's disappearance made Ram more thoughtful and startled. He waited almost all night for his brother but he never showed up. His phone was switched off. Even they had to leave for Delhi without him because the Kapoors failed to convey the restructured plan to the junior most Kapoor.

But where is Rishab?

Somewhere, a man walked out of his car. Luck, a rotating number plate and camouflaged designs on his car helped him to elope at the right time. But that was a close call. He went further driven by his over confidence. He must not have followed Ram with DCP by him. He promised himself and his partner to be more careful next time.

Until we meet.




  1. With police is involved the unwanted past once again opened with bringing the suffering and pain back to Priya who is still recovering from her accident.
    DCP Sinha is getting clues which lead to him towards the college days of RaYa and that jerk Rajat who is still missing a link of this case.
    Ram who should with his wife to clear the air still occupied with Organization work about kids who needed his attention and seems with so many things in his had it made him tensed.
    A soul sister who is Meera to Priya but still not know one thing about her which she is hiding from Meera and Vishesh know it all. Hope Priya give some time to think about Ram situation too.
    Altogether it has confused it with missing of Rishbah and the intruder using one of Kapoors cars with his partner in crime.

  2. Hello Nairita ,hope u r doing grt ..
    Thanks for the updates inspite of u being busy in Durga Pooja n festival.

    Well,I wanna see more of raya how maturely they handle each other,though I m seeing there miseries and pain individually ,wearing a mask of courageous man /woman ,presenting society that they are strong headed people. Ram is really in danger,not just bcoz of the intruder ,but he is trying to take the load of Shrestha ,Chotu and of course Priya. He is now in a spider’s nest. He cannot do everything at once, he should understand his priorities and solve one by one. Chotu’s health is very important as a human I agree ,but look for something if can be treated and cured ,else make the kid lead a happy life with all the love he can as long as he is alive. Bcoz somethings are beyond human control.
    Well Priya’s situation is worsening here, her father isn’t treating her well ,just bcoz she stood by Ram and family’s which she wanted to orcavcrpted by heart. But when Ram doesn’t pay her attention or ignores her , she can’t take this easily ,that’s the reason for her sleepless night,her tears and pain. Ram the other day was with her promising her ,he will not let her consume sleeping pills ,and the very next few days he behaved as if she is not existing. Or she feels that ,Ram is burdening himself with this relationship. Priya getting traumatised is absolutely justified. And kuch bhi karo kuch facts motuers wil know very easily . Shipra the way she is convincing Priya noticing Priya expected some love n affection from her father ,which he didn’t show,and her red eyes for sleepless night . Mothers are mothers.

    Well I really appreciate Amarnath and Family for wanting there DIL to be safe and protect her from every angle possible. Priya is lucky enough to have such ppl in her life.
    Lol Meera got the hint somehow priya’s Lies n stammering.

    Heart touching scene WA of Ram’s silent cries and helplessness,his life is becoming complex day by day. Hope he composes himself or Priya canbgive him that energy and strength to deal with all odds, but unless he speaks to Priya about Shreshtha he will not get Priya back.

    Well well police again seems to be foolish , he didn’t see the car following ufff.
    Well what is this Rishabh guy doing ,us he involved or was he abducted ?
    What is his reason for harming his own brother ? IS it something like RACE movie hate ?? Will wait.

  3. lovely..very interesting..awesomely going

  4. Sorry being late
    So let's begins with my comment...
    First coming on to intruder I guess now there is not just one but 2 people around I fund the clue in last part so waiting while truth to come out by it's own...

    I can't doubt Rishabh or his love for Ram & Family I still believe he us not behind all this some one is using his name for his own benifit hope he comes out clear soon...

    Ram is really messing up with all things he should understand he can't handle all things together he should slove one thing after another also some things are really not in our hand life & death are among those....

    Be should make Chotu's life as happy as he can... also he should clear things with Srishtha i know he don't love her nod she do but things turning between them will only great confusion for Priya in future...

    So it will be batter he clear it as soon as possible also sad to know Priya become all alone now once again Ram's ignorance pushing Priya in her dark side from where he was a bit successful to bring her back for some little amount but things getting worst among them I guess...

    Here Priya's father no leaving stone to make her life more worst but one good thing is Amar & KK trying all way to make Priya happy & comfortable to get out of her dark past but mmfaoling badly all time....

    Here Police in violent to past case are on way of opening all past dark secrates which will surly effect RaYa & their family badly but hoping no future pain to be on way for Priya which I know it will going to happen....

    Moving for next to read ....


Chapter 48 : Enough to be Worse.

Chapter 48 : Enough to be Worse. Everyone in the room stood stunned as Jayesh and Sudheer went through the warrant t...