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Saturday, October 28, 2017

Chapter 40: A death and An old Pal.

Chapter 40: A death and An old Pal.

First thing she noticed about the girl, presumed to be Sherstha, is her hands; that are locked around her husband's neck and worse was about it was Ram, who held her back with same proximity. There is something that seems pretty uncanny about them. Her blood boiled with rage but she decided to act maturely. Noticed by no one Priya walked slowly towards the pair and the other lady. Before she could even utter a word the three people started marching to the door in front which will lead them inside the building from the waiting area. Priya thought to voice up taking Ram's name but she felt a sheer dryness. Just when she started thinking maturely her love started pulling down the mask and putting back the raging ego into her nerves.

“Priya.” A female voice stopped her brain. She shot up and found a lady smiling at her. Priya thought, does she know the lady. May be; yes. Trying hard to remember she closed her eyes once and opened next moment and a name escaped her parted lips, “Reshma?” she asked her to confirm.

“Hmm.” Reshma stood folding her hands near her belly with a sigh. “Ram was concerned about it. He was so eager to tell you everything that he and Shrestha share. But before that could happen this happened.” She looked down to the shining floor where her reflection could be seen. She looked drained emotionally. But as a professional expert she knew how to cover it.

“Is everything alright?” Priya asked breaking her trance.

“Yes.” Reshma changed the answer next moment. “No. May be the worst is coming.” She let out a sigh again. “Come lets sit and talk.” Reshma guided Priya to the cafeteria of the hospital.

“Who is here? Is it related to Shrestha?” Priya asked while walking with her.

“It's related to Ram and a kid.” Reshma learned she has confused Priya. “Let's sit and talk.”

“Can you tell me what has happened?”

“Yes. I can. But we need to settle down first.” Reshma said very politely. Which when rejected by Priya, the former knew the reason behind it. “Okay.” She took a deep breath. “Did Ram share anything about the good work he is doing? Anything about ...” Reshma stopped under Priya's voice that declared she already lost every interest and her only concern was Ram and Shrestha. “Priya, listen to me carefully Ram loves you only.”

“I am not here to get your certificate that my husband loves me or that bitch.” Priya said loud and clear to attract every pair of eyes in the cafe including the doctor's who were seated one floor up at the Doctor’s dining but in the same place.

“Priya calm down.” Reshma said but she missed one of the Doctors started approaching them. “It's about a boy and he is dying. He has only few hours left in ..” Reshma stopped and looked at the doctor who hugged Priya tight crushing her ribs at the same time. Reshma was taken aback.

Priya squinted towards him. He shot a wide grin to her under her anger. “Still the same.”

“Vehan?” Priya asked.

“Correct. But what's my first and only love is doing here .. and...” Vehan looked at her from head to toe and looked terribly disappointed. “You got married?”

“Vehan can we meet sometime else?” Priya missed his attire. He works there and a Doctor. She looked back to Reshma.

“But Priya I can help you in anything. I am a doctor working here.” Vehan just finished and Priya clutched his hand and pulled him out of the cafe leaving Reshma behind. “What are you doing Priya?”

“Vehan if you were really my friend from past this is the moment to help me.” Priya said. “I want to know why my husband is here! Ram Kapoor.” She stopped at the lobby.

“Who doesn't know about him Priya.” Vehan had slight smile pasted on his face which indicted sorrow more than delight. Priya looked with millionth questions to him. “Priya you are married to a person who is just not a person. They say people see God in us, the doctors. I say if really there is any God, then it is him.”

“What do you mean?” Priya asked.

“It is us who failed to live up to his expectations.” Vehan looked with guilty in his eyes. “But sometimes things go otherwise. Chotu is dying.”


“A boy from his Trust.” Vehan continued. “The best I knew he is the only child who was born at that place to a lady who was rescued along with others. But his mother had developed AIDS when he was in the womb and he is not spared from it and he has leukaemia too. He is just slipping out of our hands.”

“And how you know so many things about him?” Priya inquired.

“If you see carefully I am the HOD of the oncology department.” Vehan pointed to the display board. Priya averted her eyes to confirm.

“Can you...” Priya looked down as Vehan's phone vibrated and he shoved his hand in pant's pocket. She heard Vehan to say yes only. “Please follow me.” He strode towards the huge glass door which was left open with two securities guarding it. They stopped Priya. But on Vehan's instructions they let her go. The doctor's elevator stopped. With its door parting sideways Priya's eyes fell on Ram who sat hunched on the ground. She knew Ram was crying. Next her eyes fell on Shrestha who called Ram by his name on Vehan's first visual.

“Doc..” Ram almost jumped from his place to Vehan grabbing his shirt. The guards came to rescue but the latter stopped them.

“Mr. Kapoor I pronounced this future very early. Sometimes we stand helpless in front of the ultimate decision that has already been taken.” Vehan felt slowly Ram's grip loosened and he started crying like a baby. His legs fumbled and he fell on the ground before Vehan could hold him.

“RAM!!” both the ladies called his name in unison. Vehan side walked into the ICU to attend the call.

Through his blurred vision he saw Priya in front. Without thinking even once he grabbed her in a flash of second. Clinging to her he started sobbing. Within seconds his sobs got louder. Shrestha took two steps back and her back rested against the wall. She felt Reshma's hand on shoulder. Showing her card Reshma equipped in required uniform walked inside the ICU.

“Priya.. I can't let him go. Save him him. I beg to you Priya save him. I will remain indebted to you ever.” In syllables Ram spoke, his tears tickled down his hot cheek and fell on Priya's pleated saree. “I can't let him go.” He cried inconsolably. Priya made her grip tighter against his fragile body that shuddered in intervals. She sat on the floor with Ram. Priya had no words to comfort him. A death of a boy who just came to this world; how she can justify it using words. Tears tickle down her eyes.

“Ram. Please stop crying.” Priya said holding his face between her hands.

“Why chotu? They can take me. I have only given pain to everyone. You, Bauji, Maa, Rishab, Riyah, Darling, Shrestha every one who cared for me. I am the most selfish person alive. Why my chotu, why not me?” Ram kept on knocking his head on the floor. Priya's tried went in vain.

“Ram you have not given pain to anyone. You can't.” Priya said coming closer to him. “Calm down. Please. He needs you. Chotu needs you.”

For the first time Ram looked straight. “Yes. He needs you Ram.” Priya said affirm.

He said nothing but hugged back Priya. While comforting Ram in her arms she gestured the guards to help her to pick Ram and made him sit on the chair set behind. Once Ram sat there, her eyes went to Shrestha. The little girl looked devastated equally. She stood straight against the wall. Priya first called Vishesh from Ram’s phone and then walked to Shrestha. Feeling an unknown touch her trance broke and she was surprised to see Priya standing in front.

“Sit down please. I know you are also going through a tough time.” Priya sensed her eyes. They have an uncanny similarities with hers. That girl’s jawline, the eyes, her lips, have desperate similarities with hers. For a moment she felt looking to her own reflection, her own self 10 years back. “Please.” Priya couldn't believe that she was persuading her husband's “her”.

Moments later, Vishesh appeared as summoned by Priya. Vehan came out and stood with his head hung, eyes looking for an easier way to break the news.

“Vehan!” Priya stood up and walked towards him. Before she could ask anything Priya got the answer when she found him nodding his head from right to left slowly. Covering her mouth she gasped. Her heart missed a beat. “how could god be so cruel?” Priya thought and looked back. Shrestha, who also noticed the news gestured by the doctor screamed out. She wanted to run into the ICU but Vehan held her back on time. The immediate reactions came from Ram. Trembling he tried to stand but next moment he plunk on the chair back. Vishesh held him tight. Priya dropped to Ram and held his hands firm.

“He had only one dream.” Ram said. His last words gave a sense of sheer pain, “To grow up.” He started weeping again. Priya had no choice but to dial a number from Ram's phone. The display showed it as “Dada.” She found it little surprising as she had never heard Ram addressing his father with that title, not even once in college. She waited for the other person to receive the call, she kept her hand affirm on Ram's shoulder while her eyes on Shrestha.  

Reshma came out that moment, she looked emotionally drained too. Sitting on a chair and looked no where. Tears tickle down her eyes. Wiping those she sat occupied in own thoughts.

Vehan looked helpless and gestured Priya to come near him. Looking at Ram, who sat emotionally drained and fragile with no sense left within him that moment, she heaved a sigh before walking to Vehan. “It is my duty. Priya help Ram to collect. He needs to sign on some documents so that you guys can take...” he chocked too, which he was definitely not allowed to. “You people need to claim the dead body and without Ram's sign it is not possible. He has signed on the admission form.”

“Vehan can I see him? Once.” Priya said.

“Hmm..” he nodded and pushed open the door for her. Looking back Priya gave instructions to Vishesh and walked inside where Vehan helped her to get into a green hospital gown, covered her hair with a surgical cap and asked her to follow. Bare footed as Priya stepped inside the ICU coldness hit her spine. She has never been to an ICU earlier. The sense of death engulfed. What death looks like she never knew but she once tried to reach it and now she felt the terrible mistake she chose to do then. A little boy knew the real meaning of life but not her. A boy who just started to live identified the real meaning of life. We all run towards a hollow judging it to be our goal, but in the process we often forget to remember the basic truth behind life. We need to grow up. “There.” Vehan's voice broke Priya's trance. She looked up and her eyes fell on a beautiful boy draped in a green hospital uniform. A picture of Ram and Priya rests near his head. Until few days earlier he must be a cheerful boy but now he became a body, within a fraction of hour he is now a body, which is needed to be claimed. With baby steps and blur vision Priya came near him. Her hand shivered as she rose them to touch his forehead. Caressing his head she looked at the lifeless body. She hoped for a miracle which she knew will never happen but she kept on hoping. With the first blink of her eyes tear drop fell on the bedsheet.

“Priya, I know it is tough but control yourself.” Vehan said placing his hand on her shoulder.

“I know.” With a sudden thrust she turned back and almost ran out of the ICU. Once she came out her eyes fell on Amarnath, Vikram and Rishab. Rishab was trying to console Ram but the other two men stood far, near the door.

“That man can never be a shame who still wishes to call his father with the name that he uttered the very first time.” Priya pulled up the phone, unlocking it she showed it to Amarnath. “Isn't that your number bauji?” taking the phone from her hands Amarnath looked into the contact name. It read “Dada.” Priya pressed the back key and the contacts sections popped up. “Can you enlighten me more if I sensed it wrong?” She pointed to My Number option, abbreviated it read “DC” “Dada's Chotu” in details. “He can never be a shame.” Priya shoved the phone in her bag. “He needs his Dada's shoulder to cry. Your chotu needs you Bauji.”

Feeling a lump in his throat, Amarnath looked up with tearful eyes. Dumping his emotions to a corner of his heart he sat by Ram and held his hand under his own. It was that moment when even the strongest flood gates became very weak and vulnerable in front of a mere storm triggered particularly towards it. Without uttering a single word, he wept like a little boy who just lost the most precious gift of life. Amarnath held and comforted his son in the fatherly hug.

Least Priya noticed a pair of eyes snapped at her as if she has made a dreadful mistake by uniting Ram and his Father.


Almost three days passed, Ram spoke a very little. He kept himself locked in guest room at the Mansion and absence of any unwanted occurrence made Priya belief the intruder has taken a back seat after Manik's involvement. But soon she was about to be proved wrong.

In the third device Priya inserted her sim, before the back up could get complete one after another notification surfaced in. At first she didn't gave importance to those and waited for the back up to complete but the recent message that popped up on the screen made her hurry and read it.

It read, “You did a big big mistake. You must pay.”

She looked for the number and it was send from a protected number. Scrolling down she noticed that there are many more messages as if the person was very restless to get in touch with her. And every message read same as the newest one.

She kept the phone aside and went down stairs to find Ram but instead saw a girl walking inside along with one valet. Priya looked at the time. The valet stood straight with Priya's first sight. “I will take this from here. Please leave.” Priya animated the instructions to him. After the man left, Priya welcomed Shrestha and asked her to feel comfortable. She knew the purpose of the visit, judging it Priya turned to go upstairs. She stopped as Shrestha spoke. “You did a big mistake.”

“What did you say?” Priya blurted.

“Inviting me here is a big mistake. Ram will be offended.” Shrestha said.

“Shrestha, I can handle him and I am concerned about you.” Priya said. She lied in real. She is concerned to send Shrestha away from Ram. A jealous rage was storming inside her. “I learnt it from Reshma you have a keen interest in fine arts and you should join a college too. You are already lagging behind. Isn't it?” This time she spoke her heart.

“But I can't leave. I mean to say I can't leave them alone.” Shrestha said. And Priya heard “I can't leave Ram alone.”

“What did you say? Whom you can't leave alone?” Priya asked.

“The people over there at Lavasa. They are my family.” Shrestha said firmly staring confusingly at her.

“But...” Priya looked back as Ram's voice echoed through the room. Shrestha and Priya looked towards him together. Priya checked him. He had a bag in his hand. For first two days neither he slept nor had food. On third day morning he broke his fast after Amarnath fed him. He has grown stubble and dark circles too.

“Ram are you going somewhere?” Priya asked.

“Yes. I will stay at Lavasa for the rest of the week and I am so sorry I couldn't stay back for the inauguration of your new office. Pardon me.” Ram said in a single breath. “And have your medicines on time please and I have asked Meera to come down at Mumbai and be with you.” He walked to Shrestha. “Are you coming with me?” Nodding positively to Ram, Shrestha stepped aside and walked towards Priya.

“Priya di, if we discuss my future later, any other day will that bother you?” She asked politely.

“No.” Priya looked down. Shrestha surprised her with a quick hug. Smiling faintly she walked back to Ram. Priya waited for Ram to turn around and say bye but preoccupied within himself he walked out of the mansion almost forgetting that Priya was still standing there, while Shrestha trailed behind.


The constant ring of the mobile broke Priya's sleep. She rubbed her eyes and took up the receiver in her hand it is a Private number. She quickly cleared her throat and picked up the phone. “Hello” she said.

A death, that happened because it was supposed to happen. Some deaths, will happen because I have already written them and few will happen because you denied obeying. Priya this is the last warning go away from Ram's life else... there was a hysterical laugh. There is a change in plan, I can't kill you darling. I will kill Ram. Leave Ram else I will make him take leave forever. Before Priya could say something the line went dead.

That voice, there is a tad similarity but not only with the intruder but with someone else. She couldn't exactly remember who that person is.

She once thought to update Manik with this but then she decided to call Vishesh and discuss the matter. In an hour Vishesh obeyed and came to Kapoor Mansion to meet Priya. A valet lead him to the master bedroom which was empty Vishesh’s detective instinct made him hover his eyes around the room and his eyes fell on the swing at the terrace. Walking to the French window he knocked and waited for the next instruction.

“Come.” Priya said without looking. “Hi Vishesh.”

“Are you worried about something Ma'am?” Vishesh said.

“I received a call and some arrays of messages, asking me to leave Ram.” Priya looked lost.

“I received something same.” He said. This made Priya look at him. Vishesh narrated the incident happened that night. After listening to the complete incident Priya sat straight. “Ma'am, danger is not on you but on Sir.”

“But why?”

“I am trying to figure it out only and in that process I got a lead.” Vishesh pulled out the phone and showed that day’s clip to her. Paused it at a place and zoomed to the woman figure on the other side of the road.

“Who is that?”

“Don't know but that man is not alone. He has a partner too, possibly a woman.” Vishesh pulled back the phone.

“I need to be with him but before that I need to know something.” Priya picked up the phone and then realised she has not taken Vehan's number that day so she called on landline and requested the operator for Vehan's number but when she denied Priya executed plan B. After a few minutes search she got the number that the hospital uses to take appointments. She booked an appointment with Vehan in a fake name and left the Mansion with Vishesh, taking Krishna's permission siting some official works surfaced in last moment. She planned to leave for Lavasa straight from hospital and inform the family accordingly.

She had to wait for two hours to reach Vehan and thankfully as requested to the secretary she managed her appointment to happen last. A little lie she framed that she was waiting for her husband to arrive. At last Vehan's PA appeared and informed Priya that either she has to visit the doctor alone else she has to come some other day, as she is the only one left from the list. Happily Priya sauntered to the room and peeped inside. “May I come in Doctor.” Priya said.

“Yes. Please.” Vehan said without looking at the door. He looked up only when the so called patient took the seat opposite to him.

“Hey hi.” Vehan looked down to the file. “I didn't know you need an oncologist?” He said.

“Vehan I need your help. Please help me.” Priya almost begged. “Not medical advice but something else.”

“Can you give me ten minutes so that I can change and address your difficulties?” Vehan said, but Priya suddenly found uncanny resemblance between his, the voice over phone and intruder's voice. “Hey I can’t go out in this uniform.” Vehan smiled. “Please wait outside it will take less than ten minutes.” Priya smiled and vacated the room. Just after her she heard a sound, Vehan locked the door after her.

Priya remembered the intruder's words.

A death, that happened because it was supposed to happen. Some deaths, will happen because I have already written them and few will happen because you denied obeying. Priya this is the last warning go away from Ram's life else... Is it Vehan who intruded and tried to kill her?” Priya thought. “An ill practising doctor or a goon can write a death.” Priya shivered out of the thoughts when Vehan came and stood in front. He was adjusting the collar of his jacket. Combing hair with his both hand he asked Priya for coffee.

“Sure. I need some information from you too. Is there any coffee shop near by?” Priya asked.

“Yeah. A Starbucks counter is just on the opposite lane.” Vehan said putting his glasses.

“I must say you had a drastic change. Who will say you are the same one whom we used to call encyclopaedia in school days.” Priya mocked him. They walked out from the hospital premises.

In the car Vishesh kept on looking into every conversation that was happening between Priya and Vehan. Thanks to the mini camera and microphone that Vishesh fixed on Priya’s saree and it is coupled with the software that is installed in his Mac book.

Vehan, Priya's school friend, the guy with square glasses and once his love hormones steamed up and he proposed Priya on their 12th standard’s farewell party. Which Priya declined politely siting no such reason in particular but Vehan took that rejection as a result of their religious difference.

His full name is “Vehan Ghani.”

Until we meet




  1. One of most intriguing chapter compare to others which mostly bring light to many things. The love which has formed again came with jealousy. Priya was too surprised to see Shrestha.

    But shocked to see Vehan who is part of her past. Ram is broken but now united with his father who can console him in time of need but every wound will take time to heal.

    Again a warning by the intruder but this time it was direct threat to Ram life which has worried Priya to core and Vishesh is helping her and somehow both have found out the culprit.

    It's so obvious for Ram to behave so aloof after the death of chotu but still he has to be strong and involve Priya in his grief. She is hurt to see Shrestha with him.

    The visit to hospital didn't go unfruitful for her with meeting three person one from her past and two who are close to her husband.

  2. Hey
    So VG is Vehan Ghani.
    Bit surprized, ram could have affected Vehan very badly may be Vehan was involved in unethical things in his profession.
    If he loved Priya during teenage, that cannot be the reason to kill ram.
    But yes some new chapter had opened in priya's life with this Vehan, unfinished n confused page has opened again.
    Well it's very heart touching update . At the same time it united many hearts and made them believe trust and stand by them when they needed the most.
    Some bad things bring the Broken things together again.
    Priya at times was jealous n unsecured , at the same time guilty too to think of sending Shreshtha away from ram n her life , but in due course of time that's the best for everyone. Oh shreshths has similarities with Priya good to know , that's the reason may be ram had given her a place in his heart.
    Sometimes this Rishabh guy I doubt a lot. Don't know why this Rishabh n Riya encounter looks like all planned and everytime Rishabh emerges from somewhere executing intruders plan . May be he was used without his knowledge, but something fishy.

    Thanks for the great update again

  3. What to say you are genius while writing suspanse story...
    I mean VG means Vegan Ghani so it's him who is behind RaYa's life but who can be the last galling him as per Vishesh said... I feel it's Reshma don't know why but I realltvfeels it's her only... Shrestha is just shoulder from where you r pulling the trigger...

    This is not done Ram the way cried it actually brought tears in my eyes too big I really wanted his one wish to be fulfilled to meet Priya poor Chotu found not meet her...
    Finally Ram & his father came closer as emotional I can justify Ram's situation seeing his mantel & emotional state... he is in big depression & on this way Priya has been took the charge to find that man who us behind their life awesome what a plot you have planned master piece....
    Can't wait for next do post next soon will be waiting too read...

  4. Omg is vehan and shestha culprit ? Vehan ho Na ho Shrestha toh zarur hoga hi much suspense ... please update soon diii


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Chapter 48 : Enough to be Worse. Everyone in the room stood stunned as Jayesh and Sudheer went through the warrant t...