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Saturday, September 23, 2017

Chapter 33 : A Cruel Past !

Chapter  33 : A Cruel Past !

In a private ward of a plush hospital Priya opened her eyes with a much trouble. For a long time her eyes were not exposed to light, it stung her and the pupils retracted. When she tried to lift her left hand she felt no sense other than a sheer pain. A muffled cry came out when she tried to lift her right hand. The pain increased on her left side. It slowly became unbearable. Wincing in pain Priya’s lips let out a loud cry. Her eyes tried to locate the lady who might be addressing her to calm down. “Ma'am calm down.” Now she can see a young lady dressed in a pink uniform, a surgical mask hanging loosely from the nape of her neck came and stood by her. Who the hell she is? Priya thought. “Who are you?” She asked trying to move away only to realise she is not in her bed neither the loveseat nor on the floor. She was alienated by the surroundings. To her right a couch lied behind it full length glass windows opened a view of the city. Priya looked around when the young lady bent a little over her head and pressed a knob two three times before coming back to attend her. “Ma'am calm down you met with a minor accident that's why you are here. Your family is right here outside waiting for you.” She said caressing Priya's head softly.

“Why my left hand and shoulder is paining?” Priya asked.

“Because we have to give 7 stiches on your torso. You had got some serious injuries there from pricking of glass pieces.” The nurse said. “But now you are perfectly fine.” She stepped back as a man in blue shirt and black pants entered the room.

“Hello Mrs. Kapoor how are you feeling now?” The man smiled. “Let me check your stitches once.” He pressed his hand on the wound which was covered with surgical bandages. Priya felt a pain. “It will pain for few days. The wound was deep and in your wrist too. The knife was pricked hard on your wrist. Well nurse check her stats and call her husband only and inform the police that she has regained conscious.” He instructed.

“Police? Why police?” Priya felt uncomfortable. “I fell on my own.”

“Ma'am we are professionals and we know how a person gets such deep wounds. Please don't try to cover up. And not we but your family has informed the police. Commissioner paid a visit last night that late too. After all you are Mr. Kapoor's daughter in law.” The Doctor said checking her wound that she got on the wrist. “You lost blood, two units have to be given to you, else, your wounds will heel up but it will trouble you for a week maximum.” He looked to the door and found Ram coming in. Standing he made place for the nurse who came to check Priya's stats.

“Mr. Kapoor you should tell her about police. She was visibly unhappy when I asked my assistant to inform Police.” The doctor said in a very low voice to Ram. “Otherwise she is doing well as I said.”

“Hmm..” Ram nodded back with his eyes fixed at his wife. “Thank you, doctor.” He said under a deep sigh. The doctor walked back to the nurse and checked with the readings she took.

“Seems good.” The doctor inscribed his notes and advice on the charts. “Mrs. Kapoor I forgot to introduce myself. I am Shashank Rathode. It's nice to meet two young and successful entrepreneurs. Wish you a speedy recovery and I am here always at your service.” He turned, flashing a smile to Ram he left and behind him the nurse vacated the room after checking with the medicines stored in the room.

“How I end up here?” Priya asked trying to sit.

“Aha..” Ram rushed and held her at right time. “Don't..” he stopped Priya. After Priya lied down he sat by her on the stool.

“How I end up here?”

“We took you here.” Ram said. “I found you bleeding profusely.” He stopped under his sigh. “I don't know what made me sleep so deep. I was dead asleep. Did you see his face?”

“Yes he tied an x ray enabled cloth around my eyes.” Priya mocked. “I only heard his voice.”

“He spoke to you?”

“He warned me when he was hurting me. But he did a mistake. Only a single one.” Priya said. “He spoke.”

“What do you mean? Is he Rajat?” Ram asked with his eyes wide opened.

“No.” Priya said angrily. “I don't know him but I can identify him anytime any place next time. The only thing he has to do is just to speak.”

“That doesn't go good with Police when it comes to evidence.” Ram averted his eyes from her. He looked clearly unconvinced with her confidence. “They will come soon to record your statement.” He walked to the windows and stood with his hands folded near his chest.

“Who informed them? I don't need police. I can...” Priya had to stop under Ram's voice.

“I need them. A man is accessing my home, our bedroom, my parent's bed room like a public park and you are saying there is no need to involve Police. Priya i could have lost you if...” Ram was visibly angry with her ignorance about police. “And only voice doesn't clarify that he can't be Rajat.”

“And who is Rajat?” The unknown voice reverberated through the room. He was the DCP, a stout man in his early thirties stood with his service cap held in his right hand. “Who is Rajat Mr. Kapoor?” He asked again sitting on the stool where Ram was sitting few minutes earlier. “Who is Rajat, Mrs. Kapoor?” he averted his interrogation to her. He pleasantly smiled.

“No one.” Priya looked away.

“Then why your husband took that name including it to the list of the suspects who can be the possible intruder and attacked on you last night?” He walked to the other end of the bed and sat on the couch. He maintained the smile.

“Are you here to investigate or to put your suspicions on me?” Priya asked angrily.

“The first one Ma’am you are the victim. But when a victim tries to hide a suspect's name knowingly it indicates to a deep mystery and to prove me wrong please enlighten me.” He looked to Ram and Priya one after another.

“If I am not willing to tell you who Rajat is, will that make a difference in the case?” Priya asked. She tried to sit. “Ram help me.” She called out for help.

“Priya.” Ram held her and forced her to lay down. “I said you don't try to sit until the doctor asks you.”

“Mr and Mrs. Kapoor...” The DCP spoke. “Time is precious and especially when she herself is a dignified and well established business woman and daughter in law to Amarnath Kapoor. Time is really precious. Only one name came as suspicion. Pilani. Your competitor in your new business back in Delhi and now the other one Rajat.. Rajat what?” He asked again.

“Why your record is stuck at Rajat?” Priya asked again trying to read out the name imprinted on the name badge.

“Manik Sinha, DCP.” He read out the name holding it up. He took pride in reading his own name. “Now please the full name of Rajat and your connections with him. Personal or professional.”

“Mr. Sinha mind your tongue. You are talking to my wife. Not a criminal.” Ram raised his voice. “She said to you Rajat is no one but to clear the air, I will give you the details, he used to be a common friend and his full name is Rajat Kapur.”

“Same as yours?” Manik said being heartless.

“No spell it KAPUR.” Ram answered.

“And common friend as in school college others.. what?” He asked again.

“Mr. Manik Sinha.” Priya took the charge. “I am not going to talk you. I want to see your senior. You are disgracing me. I am the victim not the criminal. I am a righted handed person not a left handed person that I can use my left hand to cut off my flesh from the right hand. Now leave and inform your seniors that I will not entertain you at any cost. And you take care of yourself. I don't need any police assistance if they are like you.”

“Ma'am, keep this threats with you. I have seen a great many like you. People like you and your threats can never keep me away from finding the truth. Go ahead and complain about me. I don't care. It is now evident you are trying to hide a suspect named Rajat for your own interest while I was trying to get the details to help you.” The DCP who was there to help suddenly charged Priya. His boot made sounds against the floor as he walked out.

“Happy? Now he has to be taken care off. Isn't it enough that your and my families know about the past? Do you want the world to know it too?” Priya said.

“Priya. I don't want anything. I want this intruder to get caught. There is a major security lapses in my home. This time he fixed a bug in the cctv system. The same record loop went on and still it has not been recovered. There is someone from my security system helping him.” Ram said showing his concerns. “Otherwise it is not so easy to get into Maa Bauji's room. And just tell me he came tied you, made an half inch deep and an inch wide cut on your wrist and you only realised when he was done with it and I felt nothing, how? How can it be possible?” Ram said. “He is either very much known to us or he is our biggest enemy.”

“I just give it a fuck!” Priya spoke. “You did every possible thing to expose me and my past.”

“Why you are afraid, Priya?” Ram asked. “He must be punished.”

“And me too!” Priya said under her sigh. “But doing all these drama dragging my past, do you want me out of your way to get your “her” into life? Tell me then Ram I will walk away making you a free man.”

“Shut up Priya!” Ram shouted.

“This is hospital Ram and Priya you too.” Amarnath strode into the room. “Why you want a replacement to Manik. He is the best man in this field as much I know and where is the problem in giving details of Rajat. Meera could be right. It can be Rajat.”

“No bauji it can't be Rajat.” Priya said.

“How can you be so sure about it?” Amarnath raised his eye brows.

“This can be answered by Jayesh Uncle correctly.” She averted her eyes from him. “He is the best man to answer. And if that DCP is the best man in this field then, ask him to come I will answer to his queries.”

“I will ask him to come this evening. Ram be with her. I am going to Kapoor Mansion for a while.” Amarnath walked out soon after that with his phone pressed against his ears. Priya knew whom he was calling.


“What you are hiding from me Priya?” Ram asked.


“Where is Rajat? Do you have an idea about him?” Ram asked again.

“He must be in the asylum.” Priya said avoiding an eye contact from him.

“He is not there. He fled away one night, since then no one has an idea about his whereabouts. Speak the truth I have that much details.” Ram said moving her head to him holding her chin.

“His family business has been destroyed by Jayesh Uncle. He had only his mother as family. I don't know about her either. But bankruptcy and being demeaned and knowing that Jayesh Uncle knows the truth and he is behind him and his family he went into deep trauma and depression which lead him to mental disorder. And my uncle had put him into the best possible hospital in name of helping him but the motive was to make him a permanent retard and then one day the management came to him with the news of his elopement.” Priya looked up. “That's all I know.”

“And you are sure that he can never be that man, how?”

“A retard can never climb up to the terrace, open the lock of the French Window without tampering it or breaking it and slit my wrist with letting you know. It can't be him.” Priya said confidently.

“He might have recovered.” Ram said.

“How? Doesn't it take time and money? I know he had time but money, I think he has not turned into rich from rags. If he had I would have an idea. I am not new in business.” Priya was still confident about the intruder not to be Rajat.

“Don't get hyper. I am trying to judge and a get a clue about the intruder.” Ram said thoughtfully. Ram sat on the couch, leaning forward, with his hand under his chin with elbows on his knees. The jacket hung loose giving a better view of the t shirt he wore.

“Come here, near me.” Priya gestured him to come to her.

“Why?” He looked around to check if there is any development around that he missed.

“I will not eat you up Mr. Kapoor!” Priya mocked a reply. “Can I have my husband here?” she asked. “Until I don't allow my husband's her to have him away.”

“Shut up!” Ram stood up and walked to her.

“Closer Please.”

Ram took two more steps closer to the bed. “Is it okay now?” He snorted.

“Aha! No. More.” Priya said animating her instructions.

When he came into her range, Priya clasped his jacket in her hand and pushed it back. “What is this?” she held Ram's t shirt and pointed out to the blood stain.

“Nothing.” Ram tried to move back, while Priya pulled him. He tripped on the bed frame and managed to keep his body weight away from Priya. “Priyaaa..” he frowned. His throat went dry when his eyes fell on hers. He felt like drowning in her deep brown eyes. The eyes he always loved, loves and will love. His adam's apple danced against his throat.

“Since when you are here?” Priya asked.

“Priya leave me this is not our bedroom.” Ram tried to pull back himself.

“Answer me Ram.” She had an authority in her voice.

“It doesn't really matter.”

“It matters.” Priya turned his face to her. Making an eye contact she demanded an answer.

“If it really matters, then answer me why?” Ram asked back.

“I will.” She answered. “But only after you.”

“Okay but leave me first.” Ram requested.

“Answer me. NOW!” Priya scowled. “Without a further drag.”

“Okay. You won. I am here since last night.” Ram felt her grip to get loosen around his collar. “Why it mattered to you?”

“Because when I started thinking otherwise you proved me wrong, I still have some importance left. I thought your “her” has all it.” Priya answered lowering her voice.

“For God sake Priya. She is important but not more than you.” Ram said. “You are my first priority.”

“I don't want to be any one's priority. I am not a part of a duty. Priority is a term used to order preferable choices. Would you do that same with Family? If yes then stop it now! Family can't be a priority it is not a duty. It is imprinted in us. It comes as a part of us. Like that I don't want to be your priority.” Priya looked straight into his eyes. Ram felt her grip to get tighten against the collar of the jacket. “Do you get that? Don't put me with the preferable choice list along side with your her.” She fumed.

“Priya, for whom you are getting insecure of?” Ram carefully placed his one hand on Priya's cheek. “She is a kid.”  

“Oh! That's why you hide her from me? A kid, hidden from me and how old she is? You allowed a kid to operate a mobile?” Priya asked one after another.

“She is of 21 only Priya.”

“Okay okay. Young blood not a kid.” She mocked.

“Priya I have nothing for...” He stopped and held his head high to look back. Someone from behind cleared throat to get attention. It was the same nurse. “Sorry..” he hurried and stood back straight.

“Sorry Sir. But you can't get near her in such spoiled clothes. Her wounds are still fresh and painful. She can get infections. So, even you are her husband I can't allow you near, atleast such closeness. Pardon me.” She smiled and said while arranging the medicines in the drawer. “And I will suggest you to go home and get fresh. Have some food and sleep too. You are here from last night.”

Ram stood quiet. Priya coughed a bit. “I think she is right. Have some rest. I am secured here. Atleast ...” Priya stopped. “Sister in which floor am I?” she asked.


“Seventh you heard Ram.” Priya smiled. “I fear if has Spider-Man’s powers too and it will be too filmy if he disguises as a doctor or ward boy to get an entry here.” She laughed.

“Shut up.” Ram whispered back the reply. “I will be back soon.” He walked out of the room after looking back two times to Priya.


“If you don't mind can I ask for a favour, Miss...” Priya addressed the nurse.

“Mona.” The nurse replied. “Yes please. If it is within my limit and power.”

“Can I borrow your phone for while only.” Priya said.

“Sure. You want to call your husband. I have his number. Actually he gave it to me this morning. He was so worried about you. He called me atleast 30 times when he was not allowed to meet you.” She took out the phone and dialled Ram's number without Priya's consent.

“No.” Priya replied. “No I want to call some one else. Please can you help me with it.”

“Okay.” Mona disconnected the call and gave the phone to Priya. She waited while Priya dialled a number, and said only six words. “Hello, Priya Here, Meet Me, Now.” The call ended within seven seconds and Priya thanked Mona for her gesture.


It was not tough for Vishesh to get an entry to the hospital. He also have contacts. Knocking at the door he came in after few seconds.

“Yes.” Mona stood up looking up from the magazine she was reading then.

“Ma'am called me few minutes earlier. I am her body guard.” Vishesh said maintaining a smile.

“But she is...” Mona looked as Priya opened her eyes followed by a yawn.

“Oh! Vishesh..” Priya looked at Mona. “Mona can you leave us alone for a while and please do something with this bed, I am done with lying.”

“Hmm..” Mona lifted up the bed few inches from the head side “Only this much I can do now.”

“Thank You and you will be called back quick.” Priya said and waited for Mona to leave. Latter left almost unwillingly.

“Vishesh, where is Rajat?” Priya asked immediately after Mona left.

“Ma'am I don't know.” He replied.

“Vishesh I am not asking you to say what you promised me. But the truth.” She rebuked.

“Ma'am you missed the shot not the bulls eyes.” He said looking down to the floor.

“But the bull's eye was it really been hit that day?”  

“Ma'am. Yes it was hit that day. The truck followed your instructions. I don't think anyone could ever survive such horrific accident.” Vishesh said confidently. “He is no more.”

“Then who is this man? Find out who it is. Does anyone come up to take revenge from me like it happens in a movie? Find out please. And get an update about Rajat and his family too.” Priya scowled.

“We have started out voyage. We will track down him soon.” He said.

“Do it now.” Priya almost shouted. “And Leave.”

 Vishesh, fled Rajat from the asylum when he had recovered. Priya wanted to kill him only when he will be mentally stable and will be able to know why he is getting killed. Vishesh was the one who took him to the desolated road. Priya only aimed the gun to him. Point blank. She laughed when Rajat gave her threats being on the gun point. She promised him to give a death, a painful death, that will curl up his soul. That will stir his soul making it shiver to rest back on earth. Taking few steps away Priya aimed the gun, her ears took in the presence of the racing vehicle few metres away. She smirked. “Good bye Mr. Rajat Kapur. I will smash your male honour that dishonoured me.” Priya pointed gun between his legs. She shot but nothing happened. Rajat laughed hysterically on her but she maintained a grin. Another shot and the racing vehicle could be felt then. Nothing really happened but Priya turned and rushed away, the ricocheting of her boot got muffled under Rajat's laugh; who thought Priya getting embarrassed to miss the shots. But the plan was about to get executed. The racing vehicle knocked him down and it ran over his limbs and lower abdomen. He fluttered in pain. Priya asked Vishesh to get him jeep. He ran and took it from the desolated end. Climbing Priya and Vishesh zoomed away from there leaving Rajat fluttering in a pool of blood. There was no mercy in her eyes.  
It was ordered to the drivers to run over Rajat two times, but not by the same vehicle. When the first vehicle ran over him she was present there but did the second one ran over him? After two days she only read the report of an accident on the same road. But never cared to check, she rested the matter taking the cadaver to be of Rajat.

Was it a mistake? Did he survive the brutal incident? Priya looked aimlessly thinking about the intruder. “Is he back?”

"But is it Possible in any manner?" 

Until we meet




  1. It was no dream indeed a intruder is behind RaYa especially Priya life the attack on her put her in hospital with police enquiry with kapoors worried so is Ram.

    Again name of Rajat in husband wife conversation but still she is sure he is not the attacker but Ram has doubts and he is not wrong too. With involvement of Police the past cannot kept hidden.

    Light moment between RaYa a concern husband madly in love with wife so is she who is can be say little jealous or insecure from the girl of 21 whom she didn't met too.

    To punish the culprit who destroyed her is not an offense and Priya did right with involving Vishesh who helped her getting Rajat punished for his crimes but seems still remains a doubt whether he is alive or dead.

  2. Awesome....
    So it was not a dream she actually got hurt yes she us right the intruder is very smart he k is every loopholes why do I still feel he is non other then Rajat as things getting getting tough for RaYa now....

    So Priya is actually getting blouse of her but bad luck of Ram when he decided to tell her abt Sreshtha disturbance came.... poor they but loved the closed up moment if RaYa....

    Well u agree with Priya bringing Rajat in eyes of police can be harmful for their reputation in society even can harmful for Priya too she could be charged as attempt to murder him...

    I hope nothing short if come out & this Rajat chapter close soon without much harm to RaYa... but which looks unlikely happen soon around here...

    So finally dark past of Priya is our how Vishesh was her crime partner in such crime I won't comment wither she did was right or wrong but everyone has to clear his or her debts in this life only... wgaf we do we only get that things I return Rajat got his punisment wish to see some light more moments between RaYa just like hispital one....

  3. Hi Nairita ..,
    As a writer you have ful command over the plot n characters ,keep it up.
    I m just wondering how money can turn an innocent into such beast .Of course it's not bcozpriya has power n money she punished Rajat,she punished him for dishonouring her ,n taking out her innocence. But I m wondering this comes only when you have money n power easily ..hmmm

    I loved ram n Priya's closeness . They she is putting ram in dark with Rajat's truth,I m sure he will find it out. Definitely ram is very right not just her ,he is accessing everything of his family. Priya's question is very obvious ,why the whole world to know that she is a victim of some inhuman ,cheap minded male.? Their families n friends knew it fine ,but no need to showcase it to the world. I m not supporting Priya here ,but as a woman it's difficult to face the society ,she is not in a position to face her own family members n in laws ,but seeking police help is definitely much needed keeping her dignity as secret .
    Priya in her physical pain too is getting insecure about Ram's her lol. Ram must be enjoying her condition, I m sure Priya can kill shreshtha too if she finds shreshtha is behind ram ,who belong to just her lol ,I m liking her posessiveness though she many times says she will flee away from Ram ,when she finds Ram likes shreshtha,but I m sure she will not .
    I feel Rajat is back ,he sedated ram n then he tried to harm Priya . I really feel Rajat is back , any if Priya's business rivalry must have saved him. already she had made sure he is normal when he was taken from asylum, I think he wants to kill both Ram n Priya. Priya for two reasons one for ditching him as he thinks ,another for trying to kill him.
    Ram for snatching Priya from him.
    Sherlock Holmes in you ,too good .
    Can't wait pls update soon.


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