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Monday, September 11, 2017

Chapter 29 : An Intrusion

Chapter 29 : An Intrusion.

“I doubt you now. I strongly believe you are up to something.” Meera said looking at Priya who was busy arranging wardrobe in the changing room. Walking in baby steps, trying to judge and giving Priya time to defend, Meera stopped at the door looking hopelessly towards the lady whose back faced her. “What are you up to?”

“Are you asking me for not giving reaction to Ram's escapade?” Priya replied without looking back at Meera. “If that is, then let me tell you, I have nothing in mind. But I have an agreement signed, which states neither of us will interfere in one another's personal space.” Priya heard Meera to sigh in disgust. “But yes there is a thing which I still want to know.”


“Where from you got to know about him to be in Lavasa?”

“A little research after I got a hint earlier this week. An NGO approached us for donations naming “A Place In Heart.” And which supposed to belong to Dr. Reshma, whom I saw in your engagement and marriage and if considered Ram is pretty close to her. I put the hint to my people and they came up with a connection that Ram travels there often.”

“What did you say “A Place in Heart” ?” Priya asked little surprised.

“Yes. Why did they approach you earlier too?” Meera asked.

“No.” When Priya looked up, she knew Meera wanted to know the truth behind her repeated query about the name. “Nothing. I heard that name earlier.” Priya lied. She knew that name and its significance pretty well. She wanted to start an NGO in that name, a place in heart for all those who are distressed, dominated and thrashed for nothing in this society. “Nothing” Priya repeated to Meera again. Walking back to the room, she closed the French Windows and checked twice after locking it. But little she noticed her phone which was kept on the bed side table few minutes earlier now laid on the love seat. She picked it up and dialled her mother's number.


It was 9.30 at night. Ram walked tippy toed to the boys’ room and stood under the red dim light that flooded the room evenly. At the furthest corner was sleeping a boy hugging a green Dinosaur near his heart. Beside him rested an oxygen cylinder and a pipe is connected to his nasal opening. Without making any noise he walked to him and stopped by the bed. Chotu was sleeping calmly. His breathes are even, unlike the week he came there before his marriage. Picking up the notebook from the side table Ram hovered his hand on the artistic handwriting of that little boy, where he wrote, “When we will meet Bhabi, he never tells us Jiggle. I am angry for that with Bhaiya and next time if he takes me to the marine drive, I will only go if Bhabi will be there too.” Ram sighed and placed the notebook back at its place. He sighed deeply looking at the boy who lied there with dreams of becoming a journalist and life though gifted him with many talents became cruellest when it came to be staying with him. As he turned with the decision he took in his mind he saw a silhouette at the door. Approaching to it he knew it was Reshma.

“Come have your dinner, it’s late. I asked Shrestha to leave you alone too. She will not bother you, unless you will allow her near.” Reshma turned to leave when he spoke to stun her.

“I am going back.” Ram's voice echoed through Reshma's ears.

“If I may ask why? You may leave tomorrow morning.”

“ I will reach by 1 or 2 am max and why? I may sound selfish but I need to be with Priya now. She will leave for Cape Town next week. I will come then and will stay long.” He declared.

“Don't do duty to her. She is your wife not a responsibility.” Reshma mocked him.

“No one is a responsibility for me, who are there in my life. I just feel like to be with her.” Ram stole his eyes from the doctor.

“Don't be selfish towards her for saving your other commitments.” Reshma said kindly. “Don't mix up.”

“I must leave. Bye.” Ram strode towards his room, he picked up the bag and in no time he was on road travelling back towards Mumbai, with Reshma's words throbbing in his head. Is he being a selfish man doing unjust to his wife? If he tries to tell her about helping him with the NGO financially, will that be a selfish move? With thoughts he pressed on the accelerator, constant drizzle and night has desolated the roads.  Though carefully he drove in speed higher than the normal he is used to.


01:00 A.M.

A man in with his hood on eased and climbed to the terrace. He knew when to invade; the soul security was also fooled. He was honest with his duties but the man in the hood is cleverer and more intelligent than the other. Taking the last leap after landing to the surface, he held his right knee. He winced in pain. The old wound never healed even after he trained himself hard to overcome it. He limped a little and struggled to walk. Cursing the wound he stepped ahead with a metal strip in hand. As expected the French Window was locked. He knew to unlock such locks. And he has already taken the details of the lock, slipping the metal strip through the hair line gap, he masterly pressed it over the lock. 1..2..3.. and go. “Click” it opened. Inside he could see his target sleeping with her back facing him. His boot will make sound against the floor he knew, but what is in there, before death, one must know who is taking away breathe. When he was about to step in, reflection of the light stunned him. Striding back to the ledge he carefully looked to the gate. How can he be back? He thought looking at Ram Kapoor. He waited for him to end his conversation with the security. After Ram went inside the car and drove in with the lights of the car off, he stood up. Abort ! He said to himself before taking the same route to slip away through which he came there.


Ram opened the back door and walked inside the mansion after taking off his shoes. The living room flooded with dim blue lights was calm. He looked around to make sure he don't end up getting caught by any one. Making sure there was no one around, he took leaps to reach his room. It was not locked. He found it strange, for Priya not locking the room. Then he got nervous imagining his mother or grand mother to be with her for the night but Priya's discomforts in sharing same space with any person gave him hope. Pushing the door, as slowly it can be, he stepped inside. The red dim lights flooded the room and a cold breeze hit him as he stood inside. Looking to the direction of the room he found the French Window open. How careless he thought.

Ram found it little strange when Priya's sleep was not interrupted by his strolling around the room. Stopping himself to over think, he took his pillow, gulped some water from half filled glass from the side table and lied down on the love seat. In no time he dozed off to deep slumber.


“Ram..Ram...” Priya’s voice took him back to the materialistic world from his dream, which had nothing but emptiness. He flickered open his eyes to realise he was sleeping in the bed.

“Hell.” He jumped to a sitting position. “How the hell I am here?”

“Don't you think it should be my question?” Priya sat up holding her head from both sides.

“No but I slept on the love seat. How did I end up here?” Ram looked down to himself. That's also stripped off.

“I have stripped you off? Is that you think?” Priya mocked him unhappily. “When the hell you came back? You where supposed to come tomorrow right?” she kept on pressing her head from both sides. “My head. Don't irritate me. Were you drunk last night? And please put on something you don't look pleasant anymore topless.”

“What do you mean?” Ram asked curtly.

“Nothing. Please grab a t shirt and cover your extra large abs.” She stood up and walked to the changing room putting the gown around.

“What the hell is happening? I wore a t shirt, slept on the love seat and I am not so petite that Priya could have carried me here stripped me off and... no stop Ram. If she had aroused me how could be this even possible that I don't remember anything. But how I ended up here?” Ram looked confused hovering his eyes to and fro between the love seat and his position.

“Oh ho.. Ram please put something on.” Priya came back into the room in the same attire. “There it is.” She picked up the T shirt from the floor and threw it to him. “I am sure you were high on booze last night. But your luck I never felt that you are sleeping by me, it is really rare.”

“First I don't drink. Second I slept on the love seat.” Ram scorned putting the on the T shirt.

“What do you mean I carried you there? Do you find yourself so irresistible?” Priya expressed her unhappiness. “If you have forgotten I told you about my discomfort and you being carried by me, do I look like a fool who digs her own grave?”

“Stop it please. I clearly remember I slept on the loveseat. That's true.”

“Okay you won and I loose. What ever theory and hypotheses you draw stick to it but please stop confusing me.” Priya sighed in disgust. She sat leaning on the chesterfield.

“Who sleeps with French Window open and AC on at the same time?” Ram asked.


He repeated the question again narrowing his eyes. “I think you were drunk last night else no one will sleep with doors open.”

“I intentionally kept the door open.”

“The French Window too.”

“What no!” Priya stood up. “I have checked it twice before going to bed. I have locked it.”

“No you have not. I closed it last night. This is pretty careless of you Priya.” Ram frowned.

“But I did.” Priya's eyes went to the French Windows. “But I did.”

“Leave it.” Ram walked to Priya. “Listen.” He stood there to register her reaction to his approach.


“What are you doing tonight?”

“Nothing special as such!”

“Will you come for dinner with me followed by a visit to Marine Drive?”

“Mhmmmm okay.. but no peanuts this time.”

Ram smiled shyly, “Okay.. I will keep that bhaiya away from us.”

“Thank you.” Priya walked to the changing room, “But I checked the locks twice. I didn't left it open and carrying you to the bed; think rationally it is not possible for me.”

“Then who did it? God an intrusion!” Ram looked back, moments later he ran downstairs. When every one knew he was in work out from the town he surprised his family with sudden appearance out from his bedroom running out of the mansion, in hunt for something. Priya followed him but was stopped by Amarnath.

“When did he return?” he asked out of the astonishment.

“Last night.”

“And where did he go in hurry?”

“I don't know. But may be someone tried to intrude our bedroom last night.” Priya stammered out the reply.

“Bhai went to check with the CCTV footage. I will check with it.” Rishab rubbed his hands on the handkerchief and rushed out of the mansion.


“Gone. Every cam that could have recorded him is covered by a black film only two goggled eyes have been captured before those started recording black only. Only darkness.” Ram kicked the stool in front. “And he came back after I returned.”

“How could you say that?” Vishesh asked looking to Ram from the display screen. He re-winded it an umpteenth time in search of a clue. But the intruder turned out to be clever.

“I know.” Ram looked uncomfortable while replying.

“Sir please the full truth. Ma'am's life is in stake. We can't take chances.” Vishesh requested.

Ram knew it will let out the real truth of his and Priya's relation but nothing can be mightier than her life. “I was sleeping on the love seat. But in the morning I was sleeping on the bed by her.” He let out a deep sigh averting eyes to the nothingness.

“Oh!” Vishesh also knew the awkwardness that suddenly engulfed needs to give the Kapoor's privacy. “I will check with the garden.” He walked away as fast as he can.

“What does that mean?” Krishna stood up. “You two don't share a bed?”

“Krishna!!” Amarnath raised his voice to stop her intruding into the personal space of her son and daughter in law. But it was late, his wife made mind to know the truth.

“Please don't stop me this time. I know the intense of the unwanted incident that happened last night. But why you don't share the bed? And if you had problem you could have said me Ram. I said you that I am changing the bed I know how much you are particular with everything that doesn't mean you will make your wife feel worst with you.” Krishna rebuked.

Her reaction surprised three people present there. Amarnath, Ram and Priya.

“No Maa.” Priya dived in to rescue Ram. “Not he it was me. I wanted to use the Love seat but he denied me the permission. I am yet to get comfortable with him. I feel uneasy if anyone sleeps by me. Even I couldn't allow my mom to sleep by me.” She looked down.

“Ba..” Krishna stopped under a deep sigh. “But beta.... I think your bauji is right. I should not come between your personal issues.” Saying under her sigh she took her seat back.

Ram and Priya looked at each other. While the former, wanted to thank the latter, knew the sudden summoned truth has put her into the back seat miserably.

“Excuse me.” Vishesh cleared his throat before coming inside giving notes of his presence to every one in the room. Rishab who was helping him was there too. “Whoever he was, limps on right foot.”

“How can you say that?” Ram asked.

“Foot prints. He dragged his right foot every time he walked passed and he used more pressure on his left one.” Vishesh said confidently.

“How can a physically challenged man climb to my terrace?”

“Training Sir. I train physically handicapped persons also and don't think they are not capable of doing what I and you can do. It may take a little time more than anyone one of us but their will power and ability is higher than us. He limps but he is not challenged physically. He is much stronger than you or me.” Vishesh said looking straight into Ram's eyes.

“I didn't mean that. But without anything any help how can he move me from Love seat to bed?” Ram looked still unconvinced.

“Where is Priya?” Meera ram inside the mansion. “Thanks to Lord you are fine. I have informed The Commissioner he will check with Pilani.” She looked around and sensed a tension amongst the Kapoors. “Priya is everything okay?”

“We will talk later.” Priya said. “And please let Vishesh handle this. I don't think Pilani has so much guts to invade Kapoor Mansion for his diamond business. Vishesh you please carry on with what you started if Bauji and Maa allows. Meera please look into it.” She walked back towards her room.

“Excuse me.” Ram walked back along with her.

“Why you  said the truth?” he asked when they were in complete privacy. “Where was the problem if maa was thinking of me as the one taking that decision?”

“That was not the truth.”

“But Maa is not happy with you.”

“I know. No mother will be happy to know that her son has been thrown out of his own room and bed by a few weeks older woman in his life. I am not worried about it.” Priya said under her deep sigh of stress.

“Priya don't worry about last night. It will never happen again. I am not going to leave you alone.” He held Priya between his hands. There was something that pulled them closer. When she looked up her eyes meet his gaze that was on her since he entered the room. She failed to withdraw or push him back. Lost in his eyes Priya stood there till they were interrupted by Meera's abrupt entry.

“Sorry. I didn't mean to disturb you guys. Priya please call me when you are free. I am waiting downstairs.” Meera turned to leave.

“Meera.” Ram stopped her. “Go ahead she is free.” Excusing he walked out.

“I am worried about you. Why you don't want to involve police?” Meera tendered her worry.

“Please keep them away from me as much as possible.” Priya dropped on the bed.

“But Why? Your fear has let out a criminal free. He is breathing free when he should be behind the bars. If it is Rajat then? If he has spotted you back? He is from Pune right?” Meera shot the extreme worry into Priya's brain.

“How can he know I am married to Ram?”

“Every leading daily, news channel, and social media accounts bear that news. Your marriage is still hugely discussed. Why can't he know?”

“No he can't. I mean he can't do the same again with me. No that can't be him.” Priya was somehow sure about it.

“Your fear is speaking Priya.”

“No I am confident.” She looked sharply. “No that can't be him.”


“Because I know Jayesh uncle proved him to be in need of treatment and ultimately turned him into a retard. He is in asylum.”

“You know that!” Meera squealed.


Same Evening.

“Maa.” Ram knocked at his parent's bedroom. He heard Krishna's voice allowing them to come inside. “Maa.” He called again and stopped knowing that his grand mother was also present there. “Maa, wo I mean Priya and I” he looked to his wife who stood there draped in an off-white salwar suit. “Priya and I will have dinner outside if you all don't mind.”

“Why should I mind?” Krishna stood up. “You two should spend time together often. I and your dadi were discussing about that only. I know this marriage happened in a very short notice and I can understand your dilemma Priya. Ram I will shift the couch to your room tonight.”

“Maa. No need of that. I will manage.” Priya interrupted her mother in law.

“Beta you will also not fit in that comfy. So let me.”

“Maa. Please don't embarrass me.” Priya looked straight to the floor curling the dupatta.

“I will ask Mohan to stay awake for you guys. But if you get late inform us. Enjoy your evening.” Krishna smiled. Ram smiled and smiled to his Dadi’s flying kiss before walking out of the room.

“Give me five minutes please.” Priya said striding towards Rishab. Ram kept on looking at them while then continued with their animated conversation. He noticed Priya to tap vigorously on the phone and assuring Rishab of something. When she came back he asked about the matter. “Do I come between you two brothers even when you guys pulled my leg pretty badly?”

“No but when did I pull your leg?” Ram followed her to the door.

“Remember the launch party? I will carry you off from here.” Priya reminded him with a mocking smile. “Remember?”

“I never knew you liked to be carried by me. I can do it again.” Ram bend to scoop her up.

“No.” Priya scampered back from her place. “I said no.” Smiling she walked back. “I warn you!”

“Accha..” Ram took few leaps to her animating to catch her. They played until they reached the car, ridding it they zoomed out from the view of Krishna and Sarojani.

“Krishna, give her some time. She is not like other girls who were behind money only. I believe soon she will accept Ram completely. And they looked happy in each other's company. Give her little time.” Sarojani said to her daughter in law.

“Yes Maa.” She replied to the old lady half convinced. “I hope their status and work don't conflict. I know my boy. What he can become when it comes to his ego. I hope his ego never gets hurt.”

“Have faith. They fit like the puzzles pieces.” Sarojani smiled. Happily they walked inside. Least, they and the happy couple who left for their destination, knew that the night sky has welcomed someone unwanted wrapped in black from head to toe. Only a pair of eyes could be seen only. He limped. Managing a little crumble he walked towards his destination.


“Any lead?” Meera asked Vishesh.

“Still nothing!” Vishesh looked down.

“Send someone to this address and ask for Rajat Kapur. Here it is.” She handed a piece of paper to him. “I want his whereabouts as soon as possible and I don't have his photograph. I have never seen this man.”

Vishesh's hands trembled while reading the address and the name flashed many fragmented visuals in front of his eyes. A wounded man and a pair of fearless eyes. An over speeding truck and “A GUN SHOT!”

Until we meet




  1. A new entry in RaYa life may be a killer appointed by some rival company and behind kapoor as they are big name or some from Ram Priya past as in Rajat who knows everything about them.

    Little bit of glimpse in a form of memory come back with the NGO name which was her dream and fulfilled by Ram but to make it big he have to be a little bit selfish as Dr Reshma said and talk to his wife.

    The sudden intrusion in KM and in RaYa bedroom has disturb their life and with that arise certain question who can be the intruder but Vishesh and Meera are looking for it and seems he doing great work.

    But this made Ram Priya secret out about their sleeping arrangements which surely made the mother worry but good things that wife was defending the husband in front of her mother in law and which is well progressive in their marriage life.

    With RaYa are out for dinner the is continuing in looking out for his target as he knew some intimate details but seems Vishesh has a rush of memory of some past with sudden noise of bullet fire.

  2. Very nicely going.... waiting for the next part....

  3. Ok so let's start with Chotu awww he is such wonder not hope RaYa could able to save him... after all he also deserves life of his own... Ram left lavasa hurriedly many things are bothering him for sure...
    New entry in RaYa life some appointed killer or ghost of past is back is really Rajat was died or got saved for getting punished by Ram...
    No wonder why Priya lied abt him to Meera as she don't wanted to bring her dark past to be out which was pretty clear in last few lines of update what Vishesh knew with his name & how it could be connected too...
    I guess after this Ram won't allow Priya to go cap town all alone who know might be we will get unexpected honeymoon of RaYa like this it will surly be fun to get them for sure...
    Meera getting worried is obvious I m surly loving the story & it's phase smooth yet many thing inside to create storm at any moment....
    Things not go easy with me just abt KK as negativity has been started after knowing reality of RaYa relationship in her... I just don't want her to be reheat one day to bring Priya into Ram's life wishing her to be have great bond with Priya as well...
    Still not understand why that man brought Ram into bad then removed his t shirt & went out of room even how when windows were closed & by door will be much Rishit for him... why was Priya had painting on morning was she drugged by something as she actually not noticed Ram's presence in bad strange yet very interesting things...
    Awww the marine drive will be special as next part will up by tomorrow will be fun wish Ram one day completed Chotu' s wish to meet Priya one & go to marine drive with her & Ram waiting for marines part...
    so can't wait to read next next hope it updated soon...

  4. Hi Nairita ,
    Hmm , so that intruder is back in there life again in the form of this limping man.
    But surprised to know that he wants to kill Priya,his intention is to kill her . But then how did ram landed in the bed. Was some drug given to Ram n Priya ,that ram could not open his eyes when he was lifted from lovesear to bed?has Priya gulped sleeping pill, the way she was holding her head n slept without any movement. Looks strange n more mysterious n suspicious things around. Ram is really worried,who was the one ,what was his intentions. By the looks of the intruder it looks he knew very well Ram's whereabouts n he aborted his mission of harming Priya . They shared cute lil moment while fighting ,actually done good things happened between raya,they talked teased n tried to explain lol.
    I liked ram's returning home ,Reshma'a words helped ram to understand not to be selfish n Priya is not just his responsibility ,good sign he himself realised before Reshma could tell him. Omg that secret is out of miyya n biwi ,Priya smartly covered ,that one moment of holding hands was kind of intense . Vishesh to use his intelligence ,ab character ban hi gya hai to he should play his part well :P lol
    More raya moments to come ,


Chapter 48 : Enough to be Worse.

Chapter 48 : Enough to be Worse. Everyone in the room stood stunned as Jayesh and Sudheer went through the warrant t...