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Monday, September 4, 2017

Chapter 28 : A little Glimpse of his past

Chapter 28 : A little Glimpse of his past

Dear Shrestha,
Every line written here reverberate my selfish self. I try to find my Priya in you. When  Reshma rescued you, you were of seventeen only. I remember that moment when Reshma introduced you to me over facetime. I was not ready for the shock. For a moment I thought somehow she has managed to find my Priya. Then I remembered Priya is just an year younger than me, how can she still be in her teenage? Your eyes resemble her's ghostly. You started growing up under Reshma's supervision , but you became the reason I stayed back. I remember once Reshma said me that I have started having feelings for you. But forgetting Priya is never possible. My death can tear her apart from me. She is suffused all over me like the cologne with strongest possible nectar. Like a selfish giant I went to you every weekend to calm down the whirls and swirls which rose inside me missing Priya knowing the truth that she can never be mine. You would sit quietly by me with a sweet smile looking at me. You would never demand anything in return of what you allowed me snatch away from you. When Rakhi arrived and you denied to tie Rakhi around my wrist I felt that how my care has made you sing along with the untouched strings of your heart for me. I felt guilty. I cried that day thinking about you, if Priya were here would I ever look to you like the way I looked to you? No, she would have never allowed me to do so, she is all over my heart. But, in her absence I selfishly demanded your soul to pacify mine. That day you wept clinging to me when I said the truth to you. I was afraid of your sudden calmness after the emotional break down. I invited the cruelty for you. But you surprised me the next day. Sweetly you served me break fast with a smile. Trust me, for a moment I thought even if I die today after this supper poisoned by you , I will not mind. I am ashamed for what I misinterpreted within you. Till the last breathe I will remember what you said after I registered my apologies to you umpteenth time. “Love is endless. Through the celestial lights it travels faster than light. Piercing through the heart it rests where it should. Love is like the twinkling stars those can be seen only. We can feel the peace at heart looking at them. Have you ever heard of someone who got hold of a shooting star? Let my love twinkle on the vast sky. But when ever I will see my star to shoot towards it's Destiny, I will close my eyes and pray May the Destiny stand there with its arms open for It.” Just of 19 you pulled me out from the grave and pushed me to find a new reason everyday to love Priya more than that I did yesterday. You made me believe, that true love never dies and true love never hates and I will remain ashamed for life time to use you for quenching my selfish tries to find solace. Shrestha, I see you as my friend; I respect your heart, and your words which you said jocularly to me “Never call me your sister. By God Patal Pravesh Ho jani hain usi waqt.” You are my that friend who cares for me knowing that there will no tomorrow when you will be able to become your star's destiny. But deep inside you will be always special and I love you.

Ram drives through the rain towards Lavasa. He knew Shrestha will be waiting for him with much excitement. After all, her prays came true that day when he tied knot to Priya. Her love star meet with it's destiny. As demanded by her, Ram carried Priya's picture with him. It rests inside his pocket near heart. That is the place where Priya resides. He sighed and pressed against the accelerator.


“Vishesh.” Priya called her bodyguard from the back seat. “ Can you please find a coffee shop around? I need to rest for a while alone.”

“Sure.” He instructs the driver to take to the to Starbucks.

“No.” There was a sudden change in mind of Priya. “Take to the marine drive.”

“But Ma'am it's raining outside.”

“That is called drizzle Vishesh.” Priya snorted. “There is no deluge that we can't head there.”

“Sure Ma'am.”

Priya went out straight after her car halted by the promenade. She walked past every stroller and stopped where it ended and the tetrapod started to galore. Her eyes remained fixed at the unravelling horizon. Delving into the horizon her eyes stared at the nothingness. The home returning birds flew over the heads of the evening striders, they were in hurry, back in home there someone is waiting eagerly for them. Buy why should she hurry back home? Once Priya thought. Immediately after that at the first blink, she saw her mother in law's face. Stubborn in nature, her ego held her back. Who hell on the earth leaves his newly wedded wife alone and leave for an undisclosed destination for weekend? Once this feeling made her throw her phone, hitting the car door it survived the attack.

“Ma'am” the deep intense voice took her attention away from the memories.

“Hmm.” She replied under a deep unusually cold sigh.

“Sorry to cross the boundary set, but is there anything bothering you?” Vishesh asked very politely.

“Not in real, but my heart is making me confused. Very twirled.” Priya answered looking towards Vishesh this time. “Vishesh.” When ever she called him with his name, an additional responsibility used to be bestowed to him.

“Yes.” He stood attentive, with all his six sensory organs active, his sense of prediction is considered to be the sixth sense.

“Your ability to dwell into people's grave, is it still there or time has took it away from you?” Priya asked quiet sarcastically.

“Once an ability always a passion.” He answered taking the query as a complement. “I am at your service.” He paused and fixed his gaze to Priya's lost gaze for a moment as if he was reading her mind secretively. But he composed himself within his territory. “How may I help you ma'am?”

“Haan...” Priya jerked out from the gaze and her eyes meet Vishesh's eyes.

“I asked how may I help you.” He repeated.

“Not now. If I see a need, you will be called first.”

“Now may we leave for home?” Vishesh's eyes dropped to the wrist watch.

“I have no other choice left.” Priya strode back to the car, behind her Vishesh followed her quietly.

After they reached the mansion, Priya asked Vishesh to call it a day. She entered her home, once he zoomed out of the mansion in his own car. She sighed deep and walked into the concourse with her eyes fixed on the shinny floor under her feet.

“Look at her Krishna ji.” The voice forced Priya to look up. A satisfying smile stretched along her face. It was Meera who was waiting for her for a long time.

“Meera!” Priya exclaimed in joy and ran straight into her arms. It was unnatural to find Priya in such emotional state. Meera replied to Priya's hug reluctantly trying to judge her.

“See how happy she is!” Krishna's voice took Priya back to her self. She broke the hug and wiped out the tear that escaper from the corner of her eye before anyone could notice it. “Priya take her to your room and Meera stay back here today.”

“I would love to but I have to do some homework before Monday's meeting. My apartment is few kilometres away from here only.” Meera turned down the proposal politely.

“Then you have to do dinner with us.”

“That I will definitely do.”

“Priya you look exhausted too, is everything fine?”

How could she see? Priya asked her own. “Yes maa, I am just getting accustomed with new geographical place, outside.” A faint smile went away in a blink away from her lips.

“Take rest beta.” Krishna touched her head affectionately and walked towards the kitchen. An unsaid guilt took all over her.


Lavasa, Same Evening.

Ram honked the car's horn before the huge gate with porch having a sign board overhead inscribed “A PLACE IN HEART”. A security guard opened the gate for him and stood straight welcoming him with a smile. Driving his car inside he stepped out welcomed by Reshma.

“I thought you will not come this week.” Reshma smiled sweetly.

“This will never change unless it unavoidable.” He greeted her back with a brief hug. “Where is everyone?”

“Study time. And girls are busy learning candle making. Shrestha has mastered the art so soon.” They walked upstairs as Reshma spoke. “Did you update Priya about your visit?” When Ram tried to dodge the question she warned that his closeness with Shrestha, though not harmful for his married life, could be misplaced if not disclosed to Priya soon. He smiled at her convivially and walked inside the room. Every girl including their instructor, a girl in her early twenties beamed a stretched out smile of joy with his first sight. “Every girl is precious. They are not to be thrown out for they are hassled and society was mean to them. They are to be treasured, the backbone of the society should not be threatened if we want our society to flourish and diversify.” Ram once said to a visiting professor who came to his charitable trust that he runs for 10 years now. First five years though he remained distant from it with much of his time spent in flourishing his uncle's multi chain garments business at Florida. He gave only two months a year for the first five years. It was Shrestha and her ghostly resemblance with Priya hypnotized him and forced him to return. But soon when he realised the care blundered in a way, he jumped to rescue Shrestha from the misunderstanding but she turned it down claiming, “Did I ever told you to love me back in return?” her selflessness breaks him into many part but he never stopped visiting her regularly. He find it very selfish at his part to leave her in despair after knowing the truth and getting back Priya in life. His undying try to make Shrestha believe that her feelings are mere infatuation than love hit rock bottom infront of her ignorance to his justifications made and her huffs to agree with him.

“Hi.” Loosening the buttons  of his shirt, Ram pulled up the sleeves above the elbow.

“Hi.” Shrestha smiled back. “Did you get that what I asked for?”

“You are so particular about what you want.” Ram smirked. “I have it with me at it's place.” He placed his hand over his heart making her smile along.

“She is a lucky one.”

“I am the one.” Ram said inhaling the fragrance those where placed in front. He stood by Shrestha for few minutes, after that he joined the other girl taking Shrestha's instructions to make a candle, which he thought to gift to Priya on his return.


“What?” Meera shouted almost in top notch. “He left you alone ? But why? Did you call him to know where he went?”

“Answering you respectively, yes he did leave me alone. Reason I don't know and he has left his phone here only.” Priya opened the French window letting the wind to swirl into the room.

“But why Priya?” Meera looked disturbed, “I know the situation between you two are not right but that doesn't mean he can leave you alone to rot while he enjoys. He upsets me today. I need to talk to him sooner or later.”

“No. Let him be. Just arrange my Cape Town visit soon and try to keep it long, really really long. I need a gateway to my freedom.”

“Priya if you are taking this relationship so easy, then I am sorry, I am not in a mood to support you either. Try once.”

“Try. That day when I accidentally slept by him, I felt a filthiness all over my body, when his breathe fell over me. Meera I am sick, and so many doctors medicines nothing have changed a bit of me. When ever someone holds my waist I feel those hands grabbing me by waist and .... his body thrust against my.... his hand then....” Priya stopped feeling a touch on her shoulder.

“Non of the doctors knew what actually happened with you dear. They treated you for what never happened with you. That cruelty is never known to them. Come with me to Delhi, we will see a counsellor.” Meera’s voice softened Priya's harsh sighs.

“I can't share it with anyone.”

“But you agree to die every day for what?”

There prevailed a sheer silence for next several minutes.

“For being a woman.” Priya sighed in despair after those few words escaped her lips. The next moment when a strong wind blew against her soft cheek and she felt the hardest thrust making her step back and hold the loveseat as her rescuer, Priya stood shocked with her mouth left ajar by Meera's sudden action.

“Never.” Meera pointed a finger towards Priya. “Next time you say this, I will be the last one you will see. How dare you disgrace yourself and the women in whole?”

Priya looked up with her hand pressed against her cheek and tears bulging in her eyes. She kept on listening to Meera deeply.

“It is time you must know those men are to be blamed who thinks Women are just a material of pleasure, to look after the chores and a machine to produce babies. And you were a victim to such a man. That doesn’t mean that you got the license to blame every other man and disgrace yourself to be a woman.” Meera spoke harshly to her. “I know what you went through was monstrous. Why only me , no one could ever feel what you went through. But that was not your fault. When will you understand that? When? Wake up Priya. Realise, feel your heart beat, you are very much alive Priya. Feel your breathe. Feel your are alive. Feel the blood that runs through your veins ..... you are very much alive.” Meera pulled up Priya's face by chin. “Look around you could still feel the seasons to change, you still have feeling inside your heart. The moment since Ram left for Lavasa without letting you know, making you restless, feel it why. There is love still left within.... you are very much alive.”

“Wh..what did you say?” Priya mumbled.

“Yes. He is in Lavasa.” Meera stood allowing the silence to engulf.



“She is beautiful.” Shrestha said when Ram came back with two cups in his hand to the terrace. “I must say you are really lucky.” She smiled taking the cup from his hand.

“I told you.” Ram sat by her.

“Can I ask you something?”

“Go ahead.”

“You just said that she hates you but why?”

“Can we discuss this later. Please.” Ram clenched his fist remembering Rajat's name inside his head. “I wanted to know about Chotu.”

“He is doing good. Doctor's are though saying we have to find a donor soon.” Shrestha's expression changed to worry. “What can we do?”

“I have arranged fund. I can't see him dying like this. I am thinking to take him to the USA.” Ram's voice got muffled under Reshma's voice from behind. .“We can't take him any where Ram.” She stood at the other corner of the terrace. He is HIV positive you know that and his condition is worsening with time. It is not far he will have AIDS.”

“But we were taking care of everything right?” he suddenly became restless. “You said that everything is in control.”

“Shrestha you leave. I need to talk to Ram. Please Shrestha.” Reshma said quiet demanding. She wanted the young lady to abide by her instructions. “Ram. We need to talk.” Reshma said taking the control of the situation after Shrestha left.

“What we need to talk? Chotu lost his mother for that bustard and now I am about to loose him. That's what you want me to believe.” Ram snorted.

“You knew that his mother had AIDS when she gave birth to Chotu and his father was punished for his deeds.” Reshma said watching Ram closely.

Chotu, Amit, named by Ram a boy of five born to Seema, a lady, who was tortured by his husband who used her as a way to earn money, allowing his drunk head friends to rape her every night in exchange of few bucks. Lastly when his heart went for another girl, he sold her in red light area where she was constantly tortured for next two years and when Ram's trust rescued her from there, along with Shrestha and other 28 girls, she was pregnant with Amit and was HIV positive. Soon after Amit's birth her medical condition went worse and she died of AIDS. But, by birth Amit is HIV positive and when he was of one year and half he was diagnosed with Leukaemia the things went worst.

“How long people will know that this is my trust? How long I have to wear this charade? How long?” Reshma asked. “We need funds. Amarnath ji needs to know it is you who is doing all these good works. We started from a scratch with six children only. And now it's hundreds and soon it will be thousands. We will need another place another branch to accommodate them. We need funds and you know Chotu's treatment needs money too.”

“I am arranging it. I am doing whatever I can do.”

“By what means? Selling out the pent houses. Then cars bikes and then this place.” Reshma stressed on the last word. “If we have to sell out this place as well, then why you are painting such dreams in all the eyes and if you are forgetting, let me remind you their education, medicines, food, clothes those all need fund too. And I was the one who knew why you started all these. For Priya right! Now when she is with you as your better half and hugely successful then why cant you share the same with her. Just think about it. For the wish you wished for these kids, A better future.” She strode away from the terrace leaving Ram alone in deep thoughts, alone.

Until We meet.




  1. The letter in Ram writing give a bit of glimpse of his past which he was living without his soul who was Priya. He found out a friend in Shrestha but couldn't replace Priya from his heart which was became his one support for living.

    For short moment Priya was herself enjoying the rain but again build a wall around herself and seems some investigation in her mind which she is talking with Vishesh.

    A smile brought back with arrival of some dear one which Meera to Priya all her fears and insecurities come out the nightmares the wrong done to her but as a woman she has to be strong.

    Ram finded solace in the work of trust fund which his love dream and doing well too giving everything possible for their need. But monetary fund is necessary with love and care which both RaYa can provide as together if Ram shared it with better half.

    Both has suffered lot and still coping up the situation where their past comes up and disturb their present but to deal with this situation both have to open up their feelings and have share.

    1. When ever I post an update I wish to see your comment first. 😚😚😚

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi Nairita ,..

    I m not convinced whatever ram is doing to Priya . It's very much appreciated the fact that he is helping ppl who suffered and the society threw away ,the humanity affection n respect he is showing commendable ,but is he trying anything to mend his relationship with her . He is expecting everything should be initiated from Priya ,the inner meaning of Priya when she said she can be his friend alone ,not the wife he is looking in her. He should have worked towards understanding priya's fears ,nightmares as he witnessed and also her hesitation in accepting him. He should look ways n means to keep his relationship with Priya happening and lively,just getting married her is that alll he wants ??? Unless he spends time with her how will he be able to know her ,over the years things have changed between them but not the feelings for each other ,though ram tried to find Priya in shreshtha.. has he noticed Priya's face when she said "it's somebody her" his weekends r occupied ,knowing the fact that she denied surrogacy and she clearly told no party can have affair has he not noticed her posessisveness.I don't know where ram cud act ,it's Meera who is taking care of counselling stuff ,I thought ram wud convince Priya the same old friend n the agreement clause of taking care of each other ,where the other cannot protest. Priya is broken from inside ,and the emotion she showed when she saw Meera justified that only this person cares me n loves me unconditionally. even if ram tries to seek help of Priya for his trust ,it's for his own reasons. I m sure Meera is keeping an c eye on Ram, she had done a lot of research on him before handing Priya to him. Definitely ram should work a lot towards getting Priya back emotionally ,she felt only her mother in law is the one who waits for her ,even if ram tries to show some small gestures like this may help them to be at least normal couple . I m sure Meera gives him an earful to not to run away from his relationship with Priya .Mahan banna theek hai ,but not at the cost of ignoring somebody who is very much part of his life . If he has social responsibility towards his trust ,he has more to look after the person who is the reason for this trust to happen .

    1. Hi!
      I love your comments always. It is my laziness I never pen up ! 😐.
      Coming to Ram, right now he is tangled or i may say lost his balance, the control over life. On one hand, he has got what he wanted for long, Priya. On the other hand those people who became his emotional support through the storm. Through this turmoil he needs a person who can show him where to go. Let's see who will be that. 😁

  4. Hi Nairita...first of all a fabulous heart aches for Ram... really a wonderful gentleman who wanted to live the dream of his lover for her sake without letting her know.....pls don't make shreshta a TV serial vamp or daily soap vamp....let her b the infatuated girl who developed her feelings because of her immature she attains her maturity with age she will understand...coming to priyas restlessness... awesome..she still has feelings for ram but somewhere she feels guilty of herself....Meera as always a darling n gem of a women who can give a piece of mind, advice n can make realise priyas feelings for ram... finally a little rams past has been revealed.... would love to know what exactly Rajat did to ram as he couldn't come to priya on that fateful day...
    Last but not the awesome n fabulous update..thank u

    1. Hi!
      I hate TV serials 😂😂😂
      Shrestha is a person through whom Priya will get back herself.
      This much I will say, 😉 else sab ko pata chal jayega .. 😎

  5. Hey Nairita ,
    Glad to see ur reply ..I understand writing a long update n replying comments is difficult .. but kabhi kabhi wala dose bhi chalega ����
    You are one of the finest writers of IF I m glued too,and madly in love with ur stories on RAYA ,though you do not like serials ,you present the characters so lovely one can fall without knowing . I always enjoy elaborate n fab update of yours ,I sometimes how can you always leave something for the readers to think and glued to the story , it's one of the best quality u hav. Keep writing panch saal baad n luvuendlessly.
    Aapka ek aur Adhura story hai swet n sour ��Dil maange more but after you finish the current once.

    Thanks I will until the turning points in Ram n Priya of this story ,which lead them to talk non sense like there college days ,I love to see them again same ��.

    Thanks ,happy to get the reply .

  6. Ram's latter to Priya had slight review of his past but the thing disturb me is Srishtha I mean I can understand Ram devoted for Priya only but for a moment he had feeling for her too in past so do she too this can create big misunderstanding in future between RaYa I just hope I m wrong...

    Abt Priya she is herself confused soul she loves Ram still not wanted to get out from past I know she is hurt badly but her pain are making things worst for RaYa & thief relationship hope she find her true feeling soon to skive all the mess...
    Meera she is having key role here I m just loving her over the way sorry to say but I can wildly imagine Niharika in her but in positive way wish would see her in some role like this in show not grey nor positive simply looked real so she knew Ram is in Lavasa but how did Ram said to her & now what will be Priya's next move it will be interesting to see...
    Do Really Ram is doing all this just to fulfilled her dream or just doing for the guilt that he couldn't do anything for Priya... as he couldn't saved her... be with her when she needed he even got engaged to trust just b'coz of Shristha made him remind of Priya things are really taking many different turns which are little unable to digest but really happy you are showing today's world in this story... this is actual mirror of today's society how the people are & what we can do in such situation or batter to say what we should do.... I appreciate your efforts you are amazing writer wish you all the best for next do post it soon will be waiting for it....


Chapter 48 : Enough to be Worse.

Chapter 48 : Enough to be Worse. Everyone in the room stood stunned as Jayesh and Sudheer went through the warrant t...