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Sunday, August 27, 2017

Chapter 27: Know me Stranger - One more time.....

Chapter 27

Know me Stranger : One more time.....

“Krishna, send the food to their room.” Amarnath flipped through the magazine that he held up in his hands.

“What did you say to them?” Krishna almost shouted at her husband. “Was it needed to intimidate your daughter in law within few days of marriage? What compulsions you put on them or should I say Priya?”

“Krishna don't over think.” He put the magazine by the side of the plate. “They are not kid now. They are married and as a married couple they should jot down few important things which are very important for their future. I am not a stone age time father in law.” He scorned. “Let them be and send their food to their room.

“I will not. Unless they don’t come dinner will not be served. This house is becoming a circus, your younger son also left in jest without disclosing anything.” She strode out from the dine with tears bulging on her eyes.

Amarnath tried to stop her. His baritone rose as his wife strode away from him. But it echoed throughout the mansion without any result.

Sarojani heaved out a deep sigh at the end, placing her hand over her son she asked him to pacify Krishna.


What happens when you see your past life playing in front of you? The most favourite moment makes you cry when it was made into a memory to smile, what would you do? What would you do when a single mistake that took away everything keeps on haunting you? They say past rests on past. Time moves on. Time heals every wound. But isn't it a myth? Time certainly fails to heal some of the pains and left those open to rot with time. Something same is happening with me. Looking into the starry sky he continued to think. Amongst the varied shape and size and never ending starry sheet he could see a face, a face that is too innocent, a smile that crinkled the corner of her eyes, the fingers those danced on each other playing with the dupatta, the faint and feeble voice played like an Opera, echoing through his heart and soul, the flawless beauty of her remained mostly unobserved other than him till she smiled. Her smile, it struck like an electric bolt, the impromptu laughter that echoed through hall after the professor cracked a joke took almost every boys heart away. But his eyes denied leaving her from the moment she stepped into the campus. He still can feel the moment when the cigarette burnt into ashes between his fingers. Ram moved his hand in air to bring the cigarette to his lips. He looked down when Priya pulled it out and rugged it under her feet. He sighed and sat straight.

“Priya. I need it badly. Please go inside else I...” he was cut short by her.
“Ram, I also need to talk to you.” She said keeping her hand on the swing where Ram was sitting.

“I know Priya. Bauji is completely correct..” Ram's try went to vein. He has to stop under Priya's audible voice but not so harsh that time.
“No he was not.” She said looking down to the floor.


“May I sit?” she kept her eyes away from him.

“Hmm...  wait.” Ram moved back making space for her on the swing. He was taken aback by Priya's sudden change in behaviour. She behaved just like the old self. As she sat, eased by him, Ram kept his eyes fixed on every single wiggle of her body. She looked nervous. But why? Ram wanted to ask.

“Ram.” She spoke in feeble voice. “Bauji is not right neither am I”

Now Ram sat straight startled. “Are you drunk?” almost shockingly he asked.

“Why do you feel that I am drunk?” Priya replied expressing her unhappiness.

“Because I am to blame for what happened with you. Hadn't I took you along that day, nothing would have followed next. Neither were we sitting here like this embraced in embarrassment of being married to each other.” He said in a single breathe almost in a hurry, before Priya could  stop him.

“Do you consider that night together to be a mistake?”

“ Priya. Never.” After Ram looked up his eyes got caught under her intense gaze. “Never.” He repeated to her looking straight into her dark eyes. “But I am to blame.”

“Ram no one ever said me that, what Meera said me.” Priya heave a deep sigh. “The crime was made when I tried to reach you. That could have never been stopped. I can blame you for leaving me alone jolted. But I can't blame you for the crime.”

“You can. You should. If I was there with you, that bustard would have reached his place.”

“As if I didn't know what he did to you! Do uncle know that?” Priya looked at Ram's wary look. “Sorry Bauji.” She corrected. “Please don't divert me from the topic.” Taking a little time she continued with her train. “Ram...” taking fresh air inside him, he started again. “Ram I may never love you again. I may never become that wife I always wanted to be to you, but...” she looked into his eyes. His eyes crinkled. “I can try to be that friend, who was there for you always. I may never accept you as my husband that I always wanted to see in you, but I can try to see you as that friend who used to be there always. We can try to be friend again.”

“And why?”

“Because I don't want to end this relationship. I want to give this relationship another try but only as a friend. I can't commit you anything more than this.” Priya ended.

“Basically I am going to be friend zoned again, this time by the husband Ram Kapoor!” he smirked. “Look Priya. You don't need to do this. I am okay with anything. Anything for your happiness.”

“Then accept my proposal.” She extended her hand to him.

“Am I making a business deal or you?” Ram smiled in real this time.

“May be both of us.” Priya synced her smile with his. They shook hand and sat there looking to the dark sky with billions and trillions of stars twinkling above.

“Is that your phone?” Ram looked back into the room, as one of the mobiles rang.

“Yes.” Priya went inside to receive it. Ram wanted to stop her, make her sit by him but he still were to get that right back on her. He sat smiling to self thinking about her.

“Ram.” Priya strode back to the terrace. This time she looked worried. “We have to go downstairs. Maa has locked herself for us.”



“Maa. Please open the door.” Priya knocked softly at the door. “Maa please.” She hopelessly looked at Ram.

“Maa. Both of us here. Please open the door.” He said clearing his throat.

Krishna opened the door this time. She looked at her son and then at her daughter in law. Her swollen and moist eyes indicated her state of mind. “Maa.” Ram held his mother affectionately. “We were just discussing business and lost the track about time. We were in terrace. You could have called any one of us once.” He tried to move his mother's face to his height.

“Then why did your bauji said that you guys will not come today and why in this earth you two left his room so tensed?” Her question was evitable and Ram had no answer. He looked to his wife hoping her for a rescue.

“Ah Maa..” she tried to be prompt with her answer. “Maa actually I was tensed. We were talking business only. There is an issue with the new project that we collaborated in recent past and bauji didn't want people to take me as an opportunist. He asked me to keep business and family separate. I was tensed it that link only.”

“Pretty clever.” Amarnath thought. He grinned from ear to ear knowing what his wife is going to do next.

“Is it? You are intimidating my daughter with a mere issue within a week of her arrival! Is that you can do only? To be a ruthless business man.” Krishna scowled.

“I am a ruthless business man and a cruel human being darling.” Amarnath smiled. “Tell me one thing, aren't you hungry, I am too much hungry. Someone please serve me.” He walked back to the dine.

“Your father is such a cruel man, nothing matters to him when it comes to business.” Krishna howled. “I am not sharing same space with this man.” She strode back into the room. Choosing quickly, Priya followed her mother in law, asking Ram to take care of others.


“Priya.” Sarojani stopped her when she came to the concourse. “Come here.” She asked her to sit by. After Priya felt comfortable she looked at Jayesh.

“Sudheer called.” Jayesh said. “You two should drop a visit to Delhi soon. May be this weekend.”

“Bauji this weekend I am already having some pre scheduled work. Though Priya can carry on.” Ram defended before he could fell in the trap.

“Bauji. I was about to talk to you. Vishesh will join from tomorrow as I will have to scrutiny of few properties that my team has shortlisted for Mumbai Office.” She looked around to everyone.

“That's great. But Delhi is also important.” Jayesh said.

“I know. I will go next weekend and on next Wednesday may be I have to leave for Cape Town. I have a deal to finalize in regarding to my new business. It might get pushed to another date, though the chances are less , I will let you all informed accordingly.” Priya said looking to her father in law.

“Will Vishesh accompany you to Delhi and then to Cape Town?”

“Plan is that only. I don't know in details about Cape Town, it's Meera's call.”

“Okay. I conferred what I had in me. Now it's your turn to take the call. Good luck.” Jayesh stood up. “Come Maa. Let me accompany you to your room. And Good Night to you two.” He smiled after Sarojani.

Just when Priya and Ram were about to enter their bedroom, a screeching sound at the front door made them turn. After a minute Rishab came in like a thief in his own house. He let out a deep sigh of relief without knowing that his brother was watching him closely.

“Rishab!” Ram called out his name loud.

“Bhai! Aap I mean...” He looked down.

“You missed dinner for what?” he had anger in his voice.

“Ram...” Priya stood by her trying to enter the conversation.

“One minute Priya. And for what Rishab? Are you coming from Rave?” Rishab's tousled hair untucked shirt made him look harsh.

“No bhai. Someone came to meet me. I had to go.”

“Without informing? When will you grow up?”

“Bhai I just skipped one.” He was harsh too this time.

“One is not the point. Not informing is the point. And lying is the point. That I did for you.” Ram scorned.

“Like I haven't. A number of times, I did it. If you had to do it once for me, are you doing any favour to me? If that is then I did a number if times.” Rishab shouted. He looked down under the heave of sigh. He knew may be for the first time he crossed his line. “Bhai I am ...” His eyes followed till he could see Ram vanishing behind the door. “Sorry.” He sat on the couch. Priya kept her eyes fixed on her brother in law. He was ashamed. When a valet came asking for dinner, he denied and requested him to leave alone.

“Rishab.” Priya stood in front. “Go and change I will serve dinner to you. Skipping dinner is an invitation to disease if you hadn't have it already.”

“I am sorry Bhaabi. I didn't want to be harsh with him. I can't be harsh with him. But I was in trauma. I didn't know what I was barking at him. I am sorry.” He apologised to her. “Please make him understand it.”

“Hmm. I will.” Priya smiled. “Go and change. I will re-heat the food, come quick.”

Almost after her, when Rishab came to the dine he was still in the same dress; Priya served him food and sat on the chair opposite to his. “I was with Riah!”

“Who is Riah? And why you didn't change?”

“We used to date each other. She is a doctor and was doing her post degrees in medicines at Florida. We meet there. When she informed me she has her flight through Mumbai, I went there to meet her.” Rishab said gulping the morsels.

“Hmm. So Riah is the one who is going to be the lady of this house?” Priya said under her subtle smile.

“No. Never. She could be never. Loving her was wrong.” He dropped the spoon on the plate.

“Before you answer me why it is wrong. Rishab if you loved someone from heart it is never wrong. Where heart is there it could never be wrong.” She kept her palm over his hand. Rishab continued to stare at the plate. “The way you are cursing yourself; it shows how deep your love is for her. Stop cursing, start loving again. A person can only curse own, when he is in love truly deeply madly.”

Priya walked near him and wiped out his tears. “You know what your brother said me at Delhi?” she smiled without him looking at her. “Rishab is that friend who knows every little secret that is inside me.”

“It is.”

“Rishab why I am feeling that you take yourself as Riah's guilty? Tell me Rishab. Sharing makes you free. Share with me.” Her words made Rishab wince. Tears rolled down his cheeks.

“I love her bhaabi. But I can't marry her. I can't.” Rishab sat with his head held between hands.


“Because bauji will never accept her.”

“You said she is doing medicines. She is as successful as you and must be from a good family then why?”

“Because she is a Christian. Riah Saldanha. She is from Goa.”

“Oh! Okay okay.” Priya went back to her seat. “I don't see any problem in it.”

“Bauji kept only one condition to us, if we do love marriage, she must be from our religion. She must be a Hindu.” Rishab said in a heavy voice displeased by his sister in law's cold reaction.

“Hmm. You know something people do change. So what if he changes. Make me meet with Riah. I am here till next weekend then I am will be off to Delhi and then to Cape Town. I am out from Mumbai for almost a Month then. So fix a meeting soon.” She stood up to leave.

“I said you I was in Airport.”

“No one's shirt gets a black patch at Airport darling.” Priya moved his jacket and pointed to a black patch near his shoulder. She touched it. “And it is wet. So she cried for a long time, clinging to you. And this lipstick mark on your neck. Thank lord that there is little show down at home today, otherwise you were gone. And...” This time she sighed. “And this hickey..” priya pointed to his neck again. “Hickeys says a lot and getting a hickey at airport, I fear how securities missed you and Riah. So stop lying and do what I said.” She turned to leave.

“Bhaabi I am sorry.”

“For what?”

“For being rude to you. I am really sorry.”

“Rishab we are human not machines that we will not commit any mistake. It is fine. You are forgiven a long back.” Priya smiled sweetly. “Now good night... don't invite your brother here arresting me for a long time.”

“Last thing I want to know from you Bhaabi. If humans do commit mistake and they can be forgiven then why not Bhai?” Rishab's words echoed through her every cell making her shiver. “And if doing something with heart is not wrong then is Bhai doing any thing wrong? He is also in love with you truly deeply madly.”

“Good Night Rishab.” Priya strode through the concourse to her room.


The laptop's light fell on the French window, Ram's silhouette could be seen from the bedroom. Leaving him alone there Priya went into the changing room.

She stood infront of the stand-alone mirror in chemise only. Her hair cascaded down to her shoulder. Combing her hair she stood in deep thought. The chemise ended a feet above her heel. The deep U cut exposed her smooth skin to the air. “I am sorry.” That voice shook her out of the thought. “I am really sorry. I should have knocked.” Ram turned to leave.

“It's okay. This is your room too. You don't need to take permission from me before anything.” She took the robe and turned to leave after putting it around.

“Thank you Priya.”

“For what?”

“For talking to Rishab.”

“I see nothing there to be thanked for, Ram. A boy who can fight with the world for his brother, went harsh with him, that meant he was in stress and I only listened to him.”

“What was the matter with him?”

“Nothing. He was in stress for speaking harsh with me.”

“Is that?”

“Yes. I didn't have my phone with me else I would have recorded it for you.” Priya said pretty unpleased.

“I am sorry to hurt you. He never said anything to me.”

“Did he hurt you?”


“Then leave it with us no. Don't be so typical husband.” Priya sniffed and walked to the room.


Minutes later when Ram came back to the room he stopped at the view. Priya was seating on the on loveseat doing something in her mobile cursing someone. “What are you doing there?” he asked.

“I am sleeping here.”

“Why? I told you right that you are sleeping at the bed and I there” He said walking to her. “Go and sleep there.” Ram pointed to the bed.

“Just a minute ago I asked you not to behave like a typical husband and second where it was written that only you can sleep here...” She looked down to her mobile again with came alive with a notification. She did a little operation with it and looked back to Ram. “Tomorrow again I will sleep there. One day you, the other day me. Now go and sleep. I have a long day to go tomorrow.” She again looked down to her mobile.

“Anyone is disturbing you, right?”

“No and yes both..some reporter is behind me for an interview since a year.”

“So give it na. What is the problem there?”

“I hate interviews. I hate answering.” Priya scowled. “Now go and sleep.” She lied down.

Ram walked back to the bed and lied down. Before he could turn off the lights, Priya looked up. “Waise I fit here better than you.” She smiled.

Ram smiled behind her.


First thing that morning Ram noticed was the stout man Vishesh standing in his black suit by the brand new Mercedes-Benz S class. Ram sipped to his tea and came back to the room. Priya was there on phone, she was trying to pack a file inside the bag, which was definitely not for the file.

“Vishesh is well maintained. Isn't it?” Ram said sitting on one of the Chesterfields. “What is his age? In his 20s?”

“Elder than us by 9 years may be. He is in his forties. But why are you asking?” Priya continued to delve through her bag.

“No. I was just asking. But what is his need around you?” Ram interrogated.

“It was a decision taken by the board of directors not me.”

“Okay. But with me around do you need anyone else?”

“One minute.” Priya stood straight. “Why I am having the feeling that you are feeling insecure? He is here to do his job Ram not flee away with me.”

“When did I say that? I just asked why you need him with me around. I can be your bodyguard.”

“Really! Mr. Kapoor.” Priya grinned. “Mr. Ram Kapoor are you thinking to quit the job or get another job which one? Meet you in the evening.” Priya turned to leave.

“Priya.” Ram stopped her. “I am afraid I will not be able to accompany you to Delhi.”


“I have prior engagements here.”

“Okay. You mentioned it yesterday, we will go there next weekend. I also said yesterday that I also can't make it through this weekend.” Priya took it casually.

“Priya I will not be able to make it through any weekend. My weekends are already taken.” Ram stood there for her reactions.

“Taken as in?”

“For some work. Personal.”

“So there is someone in your life?”

“No. You are mistaking. I am occupied with the weekends since 5 years now. It is an integral part of my life.”

Priya heaved out a deep sigh. “Okay. Good luck. I will not come between you and her. You are making my decision easier. Well I take your leave.” Priya strode out of the room leaving Ram behind.

“How did Priya knew it's about someone “her”?” Ram said in disgust to himself.

Until We Meet.




  1. The father in law only tit bits not whole truth of RaYa past college life and if knows too still it's seems he will not ask for question to his son and daughter in law.

    Senior Kapoor couple is adorable and cute with their nok jhok and argument one siding with the newly Weds and other one want to work on their marriage.

    The heart who was once in love with Ram has started melting for him once again but it will be very tough to break in her heart who for time being want only relationship as friend from her husband.

    Priya became an integral part of kappors family with taking stand for her husband due to little show down between him and Risbah. She is really a shrewd business woman who came with analysis of her brother in law love life but she has to apply it on her love life the advice she has given to him.

    RaYa agreed for sleeping arrangements but for time being but still to solve their past issues they both have to open up not to hide things with each other.

    It will be interesting to know who is her in Ram life whom Priya is guessing but he looks cute with all jealousy look with her bodyguard.

  2. This Story is my Drug! It was just so perfect ...
    Will be waiting 😊

  3. I as completely blank when I was writing this after reading this update for sure... the way Priya stated Amar is wrong it really took me for surprise by her i didn't expected that but afte knowing her reason behind I guess she is right behind it...
    Poor KK suffered a lot for to his son in last year's now when she got little happiness in forum of RaYa things are getting difficult all again so sad feeling bad did her but Priya handled very nicely so is Amar is proud on her...
    Rishabh's love interest is some new spice up of the story I guess but alriya made his understand so well but what advice she gave him it also applicant on RaYa I know the situation the pain are different still the thing is same every person should get another chance in life..
    The jekouse Ram is always treat to heart to feel I really loved the way he was getting possessive abt Priya all the way but how could Priya still think he have someone in his life like this when she know how crazily he still loved her only... wired...
    Any way loved the update the most I enjoyed it all the way will be waiting for next do post soon....

  4. Hi Nairita ..
    Yes the update has brought a positivity in Priya ,she is getting back into her own self. And cute lil moments between raya superb. Though Priya is hesitant n feared to take her relationship with Ram ,she is flowly getting into the maayajaal of her own feelings for him unknowingly. I m sure he felt sad ,hurt hearing Ram has someone "her" in his life n he is spending most of the weekends with "her", a jealousy or a righteousness being his wife will try to investigate n find who is that "her" who stolen ram from her or who has easily replaced her place in Ram's life. She will be equally restless though she showed it didn't affect her ,but she is affected .
    Rishabh's question was very much needed to understand Priya why can't Ram be forgiven n his sorry was appreciated .
    Later that guilt in Ram not by her side when the incident had happened with Priya and Priya understanding Meera's words and explaining was just like they are getting into couples mode slowly .more of Raya scenes I expect .

    Thanks waiting eagerly for the next dose ����


Chapter 48 : Enough to be Worse.

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