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Friday, September 15, 2017

Chapter 31: Collecting her Pieces!

Chapter 31: Collecting her Pieces!

Meera and Vishesh stood stupefied. Priya in a palazzo and batwing top came out from the driving seat of her car.

“Hi. Good afternoon Meera, Vishesh. And Vishesh, I have a meeting at Malad, here is the address please co ordinate. I will leave in half an hour. Just need to change this attire.” Priya said casually.

“Where you have been?” Meera asked pushing back Priya little. “Did you know what blunder you did?”

“Arey ! Why you are reacting?”

“Without any information, roaming around the city when you know someone is intruding then and now, do you think it is a good idea?” Meera squeaked.

“Without any information? I left a note for Ram. Didn't he share that?” Priya was surprised.

“He is....” Meera stopped failing to find a way to react. “Why you went to the Airport?”

“I had an appointment. Personal.” Priya averted her eyes.

“When the life of our CEO is in stake, there can nothing personal. Vishesh is here to accompany you every where.” Meera's raised voice reverberated.

“I have my personal space and my life is always in danger. Why mine everyone's. Meera, I am getting late I have to be there in the meeting. I promised.” She tried to dodge and walk past into the mansion.

“Wait!” Meera pulled her back. “Who in this casual outfit goes for a pre scheduled appointment? Please enlighten me Madam.”

“Meera I said it is personal. I can't tell you about it right now. I have another appointment linked to the previous one and on successful completion of that I can only share with you. Now if you excuse me please.” Priya again tried to walk away and this time after a little fight she came out to be successful.

Walking into the mansion her eyes went straight to her husband, who sat with eyes shot aimlessly and face covered with tears with Neha and Vikram by him while her mother in law and grand mother in law where still sobbing. Amarnath and Rishab were on phone giving instructions while they moved around the concourse animating out the frustrations.

She cleared her throat. Everyone including the two men on phone looked to her direction.

“Priya.” Ram almost ran to her and hugged her tight in front of elders putting her into embarrassment. “Where you have been?” he asked in sob muffled voice. Priya stood there stupefied with no reaction but embarrassment suffused all over her face. When Ram continued to sob louder she hugged him back and patted softly on his back.

“Ram.” She called out his name lovingly. “I left a note for you on the coffee table, you panicked for no reason. I am fine. I had a pre scheduled appointment. I left around 6 am when everyone was sleeping so I thought not to disturb with my concerns and left. But now I can feel the blunder I made. I am so sorry for all these. It's my mistake.” Priya said with a smile. When Ram didn't leave her even after repeated consolations, she moved her face closer to his ears and whispered out. “Ram you are embarrassing me. This not our bedroom.”

This time he opened his eyes and came apart from Priya. “Hey. I am sorry.” Priya said with a smile. “I said sorry. Chup ho jaa yaar, you look pathetic when you cry.”

“Priya..” Krishna spoke from the other end of the hall. “Come here dear.” Looking to Meera for a while, Priya walked in baby steps towards her mother in law. Priya knew the behavioural shift is not a good sign. No mother can transform so quick forgiving her son's presumed accused. “Forgive me Beta.” She broke into loud sobs clasping her hands in front of her. “I am so sorry Beta.”

“Maa. Why you are talking like this?” Priya held Krishna’s hands under hers. I am not so capable that you will stand like this in front of me. I may not be a mother, but I can feel what a mother goes through when it comes to her child. Don't do this.”

“But I have not thought about you, what you went through.” Krishna hugged Priya. “I know I am mother but nothing is important than a woman's honour. I am a woman first, than any of the relation I am bestowed with.”

“Maa nothing as such happe..” Priya’s voice got jacketed under Ram's squeak.

“Why you are saying nothing happened? I became so insignificant Priya.” He strode towards her. Arresting his wife's eyes under his strong gaze and pulling her close he asked, “I know I left when you needed me the most. But, Priya you never thought for a while that giving up will let that bustard free. Didn't that ever crossed your mind? Tell me Priya. Tell me.” Ram shook her out of her daze.

“Ram. Wh.. what are you speaking of?” She tried to smile. “Ram stop this..” She whispered. Priya feared about the past that she kept blanketed for a long time. “Please.”

“What please? Why you fear about it? Was it your mistake? Is that you think?” Ram was visibly not happy with Priya's reaction.

“Nothing as such happened. Don't create a scene here. We will talk later Ram.” Authoritatively she said taking off Ram's hands from her. Once out of her husband’s hold she walked towards the stairs.

“We know the truth!” Ram said in loud and clear voice. “We know every bit of it! Not the half baked truth you fabricated to me that day.”

Priya stood glued to the floor. Her breathes became uneven. She closed her eyes trying to gather herself back. After turning back she tried to look confident. “What truth? I have already said you the truth and yes I hide it from everyone but some truth hurts. There nothing other than what I said to you.”

“What you feel Priya?” Ram made his grip stronger against her arms. “What you feel? People will hate you for what happened with you? I will hate you? Tell me Priya?” He jerked her in anger. “Bol Priya, speak up!”

“I have an appointment Ram. I have to go.” She moved out of Ram's grip. “Meera I don't know what made you speak the truth, but I let it rest. Please ask Vishesh to get my car ready, it will take 15 minutes for me to get ready.” Priya said before walking upstairs.

“Wait Priya. Tu kahin ni jaa rahi hain.” Ram instructed.

“I made a commitment which I can't back off from!” she turned and left for her room.

With a deep sigh of anguish Meera sat on the couch. “This is not good. Ram this is not good. She has not reacted even for a moment. Stop her! Do hell with her appointment. Just stop her I said.”

Reacting to Meera, Ram strode back to his room and knocked vigorously on the changing room door. “Priya open the door...” He knocked at the door. “Open it else I will break open it.” He warned two times before trying to break in.

“Stop it !” Priya came out in a navy blue saree. Staring a glance on him she walked to the dresser and picked up her watch, opening the first drawer she pulled out the power bank. “I am done with all these. I am done with Meera. Why you guys don't leave me alone?” She somehow managed to connect her phone to the power bank. Waiting for a moment she tried to get her phone back to life. “Dead! Now don't scamper around crying that I am not picking up the calls. This is Vishesh's card if you really need to know or better to say keep an eye on me, call him he is the best man to be your spy.” Priya threw the card on the bed and tried to walk out.

“Stop there Priya.” Ram blocked the exit. “Why you are not willing to discuss about it? Why don't you want Rajat to get punished for what he did?”

“Because I managed to live a life that is left with me. I don't want to die again remembering that day. Yes he raped me. He tore off me. “Agar tu Ram ke saath so sakti hain mere saath kyun nahi?” this is what he said. Every single time he touched me inappropriately he repeated that few words and every time attached with an adjective synonymous to whore. Thanks to God he didn't record it, or his friends waiting outside missed their turn to ..... remember Rakesh, Ridhan and Lokesh, they were waiting for their turn. It was my luck I fled away on time and managed to slit my vein. I should have slit my throat. And more you want to hear, will that give you peace? Then okay, I will tell you every details how he groped me, from where he touched me, how he gagged me how he tore my clothes apart, how he forced him inside me....” Priya stopped under Ram's scream.

“STOP IT PRIYA!! STOP IT. JUST STOP.” Ram knelt covering his ears with both his hands. “Just stop!”

“Then think I went through everything. And you...” Priya turned and strode downstairs.

“Bauji I will be back in three hours. After that....” She sighed out a deep breath. “After that any thing you all want from me. I will be acting according.” Walking to the door her eyes once meet with Meera. “Thank you!” Priya walked out turning ears deaf to the elders.


Vishesh opened the door for Priya. With whom she meet urgently was never disclosed. The meeting went well. Walking out of the restaurant she maintained a smile and waved off the hosts. Once she got back into the car, the fear of facing Ram, her friends and family engulfed. Her thoughts broke when he heard the door to open and close simultaneously. It was Ram who slipped in.

“Are you following me?” Priya asked.

“Driver, take to Kapoor Mansion now.”

“Driver, take to the airport.”

“Driver, do what I asked you to do.” Ram said in an angry voice. He frowned looking at his wife.

“You can't force your decision on me!” Priya scowled.

“Your family will be here by this evening. They should know who their daughter’s culprit is. Now stop this and come with me. I know you have fever. You need to take rest. Keep this temper with you. And I will take care of Rishab and Riah. You will do what I will ask you to do.” Ram said animating an instruction to the driver. The car wheeled into the traffic. Amongst Vishesh sat quiet being a deaf spectator.

“How do you know I am with Riah? Are you keeping an eye on me?” Priya raised her eyebrow.

 “I am your husband and I have the right to know where are you and with whom you are especially when someone is behind you badly.” He said looking out through the window.

“Husband?” she smirked.

Ram looked at her but didn't register his reactions back to her. “Driver, straight to Kapoor Mansion. Take the shortest route.” Instructing he sat quiet along with his wife.

Vishesh : Why you missed the shot?
A smirk. I missed the shot! Not the bull’s eye. Turning back taking few steps ahead the raging being stopped. Vishesh never knew that it was a part of the plan, the truck ran just over his limbs. Smashing those leaving him in pool of blood.

I said you I missed the shot, not the bull’s eye. Let’s go. The boot tapped against the road, clouds ragged above. It started raining soon. The revenge has been taken, he met his fate.


“I will not go inside.” Priya stood blotted at the door. “I will not.” She said clutching her saree.

“Priya come inside no one is going to speak about it. Have some food, no one had lunch everyone is waiting for you. Just have some food and a good nap. I will also not speak about it if you don't want. Trust me.” Ram said threading his hand with hers.

“No I will not.” Priya stepped back from her place. Her hand slipped out of Ram's. “I can't face them. I can't face myself. Please let me go.” She turned and before she could go back into the lobby Ram pulled her into his arms.

“Priya listen to me. Trust me. No one is going to talk to you about it. No one. Just come inside.” He said pulling her closer to him. “Please ek baar sun le meri baat. Please.” He cupped her face. He tried to pull up her face. The sudden alteration in her behaviour tensed Ram more than anything. How true Meera was; Priya needs help. She is not doing well. “Priya look at me. Not the husband not that man whom you loved, not the man whom you hate, but for that friend trust me for once. No one is going to ask you anything. I promise you.” He said in a low voice.

“Pro..promise...” Priya looked up. There were no traces of tears in her eyes but there was pain, confusion and freight.

“Promise.” Ram replied with her face still cupped within his hand.

“Can I go to .. my room?” She asked with much difficulty. “Can I sleep?”

“Yes you can. But have some food please.” Ram requested knowing that any more obstructive instruction can make her more fragile.

“I ... i don't want to eat. Please take me to my room. Please. Please.” She started pleading all of a sudden. “My head is stuck... please...”

“Okay.. okay...” Ram affirmed her. She threw herself in his arms. For the first time he felt her. She was truly and deeply hugging him. He held her tight along her shoulder while they walked in. Krishna stood up along with Meera on their first site but Ram animated an instruction to keep quiet. Meera could feel the moment. She held Krishna’s hand and stopped her from intervening.

Once the couple went into their room, Krishna wanted to follow. “Krishna ji...” Meera stopped her. “Let Ram handle her. I don't think every thing is fine. She couldn't forget that day. It is imprinted on her mind badly. Let him take care of the situation. I don't know what this man wants. I can't even think how Shipra ji and Sudheer ji will react to this. I just wish they don't take Priya along with them after knowing the truth.” Meera let out a deep sigh.


“Will you care to change?” Ram asked.

“No.. Ram..” she stammered. “Ram I...I...I loved you, I went along with that moment... I never knew Rajat was an infatuation. I only love you... Don't hate me...” She broke into tears, declaring the truth to her husband when she used love instead of using loved.

“Priya, I can never hate you and both of us went along with that moment. We had not made any mistake that was not lust that was our true love! Never blame yourself for anything that happened in past. You did no mistake.” He said lovingly to his wife. “Please calm down. Please shant ho jaa.” Hugging her Ram held her head close to his heart. The pain she is in still neither can’t be ignored nor can be felt. While Priya sobbed badly hugging him.

Neha who was still there in the Mansion looked down to her phone that vibrated. “Ram.” She read the name popped up on the display screen. Receiving the call she responded to the call with a yes only. “He is calling me upstairs.” She looked towards the people.

“Go quick.” Meera said on behalf of everyone.

Neha knocked at their bedroom door and waited for few minutes after that Ram opened the door for her. “She is sleeping. Stay with her. If she reacts or screams call me immediately. I am coming back in 10 minutes.” He stepped out of the room. “And listen..” Ram looked back to Neha. “Don't touch her. She will wake up. Just keep an eye on her and make sure no one intrudes.” Ram left once Neha gave him a nod of assurance.

Neha half sat on the chesterfield and looked at her fragile face. How cruel they became then, they never wanted to know what made her beg for Ram. What made her beg to them. How she managed to survive all these years? While she could never think about Vikram, her husband, forcing him on her it was another man who raped Priya. Will she ever be able to forgive herself for what happened to Priya? Neha couldn't hold back the tears when Priya let out loud cries arrested under hypnogogic jerks. Covering her mouth to supress her cry, Neha ran out and almost bumped into Ram.

“What happened?” Ram asked her.

“She is getting sleep starts Ram. It's horrible to see your friend suffering.” Neha said in a muffled voice under her sobs.

“I know. Excuse me.” Ram walked inside with the food tray in his hand. He closed the door behind him.


Keeping the food tray on the coffee table he sat on Priya's right. “Priya..” Ram took her name tenderly. “Priya... Priya...” his repeated try made her look up feebly. “Get up, I brought our food here. Have some food and then sleep.”

“I am really not hungry. Please let me alone.” Priya turned her back to Ram.

“Priya I know you want to be alone but I can't let you alone. I am here to stay. I am here to share what you have in your heart. I am here to listen. Please talk to me. Please.” Ram pleaded.

“I don't feel like talking any more and let me move out. I can't face your family anymore.” Priya said. “How can they have a ....” She stopped under her sob.

“My Family? Isn't it yours too? You are a part of this family Priya, even how much we fight slashing legal documents on each other. We are part of each other’s life Priya. Accept it!” Ram walked and knelt in front of her. “You don't want to face them okay. You don't have to do it. They will wait for you. But share with me. I am here to be with you always. How long will you keep those inside your heart? I can't allow you to punish yourself like this! No Priya. No.” Ram’s eyes had said the truth.

“Please leave me alone.” Priya again turned away from him.

“I can leave you alone only if you agree to have lunch.” Ram stood up and sat on a chesterfield serving food in two plates. “Come here, have your food and I promise you I will not bother you, unless it is needed.”

Known Ram by his arrogant nature, Priya knew it was not her cup of tea to divert him. She sat on her place and leaned to the head rest of the bed for next few minutes. Taking a deep breathe she walked feebly and sat on the chair vacated by Ram. Emptying some rice back into the bowl she hardly ate. Four table spoons of rice, two pieces of Paneer and a slice of cucumber, she is done with the lunch. Ram observed her only all through the time. He did it for a reason, he had seen Reshma to conduct her sessions with many girls even he remembers his session with Reshma too. Unless the victim or patient choose to open up it is not possible for one to address the problems the former face. And a professional only can pull Priya out from the cocoon and Reshma is the perfect one for her. Though, he is yet to discuss the same with Reshma.

“Stop.” Ram gripped Priya's hand tightly under his hand and took away the sleeping pills from her hand.

“I need it Ram. I need to sleep this off. Please give it back. Only it can put me into sleep. Please give those back.” Priya pleaded.

“Three of them together will do the needful! Wow!” Ram let out a smile mockingly. “You are not going to take even a single of it. If that happens to gift sleepless night to you, I am okay with it. I will remain awake with you. I will be there with you.”

“Ram why don't you understand I want them else I can't get back to my self.” Priya begged. “I will not be able to regain confidence.”

“You can and you will without these.” Ram threw them in the bin. Pulling the drawer he found two strips. One after another he emptied the strips and threw the pills in the bin. “Now lie down I will help you to sleep.”

“Please keep away from me.” Priya moved back in anguish. Back of her feet hit the bed and she fell on the bed.

“Good.” Ram made her lie down properly and climbed to the bed on the opposite side. “Now close your eyes and sleep.” He caressed her head. “And not a single word please. Sleep.” He kept on stroking her head trailing his touch starting from her eyes to head. His try came out to be fruitful after trying for almost an hour. Ram stopped and came closer to her face once she slept. Planting a soft peck on her forehead he came apart. “I will bring you back Priya. I will bring my love back. I know whenever you close your eyes that deadly day and it's visual give you hypnic jerks. I promise you I will snatch it away from you, only me and my love will invade you when ever you will close your eyes. I promise you and this time it's a promise to keep.” He leaned on the head rest placing his palm on Priya's head and closing his eyes. Soon he also drifted off to a deep slumber.

Time, Priya didn't know when her sleep interrupted for a while. Ram’s voice was clearly audible to her. She heard few things in her sleep. “Shrestha…. I can't talk….. It is not the right time to talk…… Priya….. Not understand our relationship….. I will tell her soon…...” Some unknown power pulled her in sleep again, when she wanted to wake up and confront him.

Until we meet




  1. Such a marvellous piece of writing.
    The last two parts have been such a terrific, emotional, thrilling and gripping readings, that I can keep on reading them on loop.
    My heart goes out to Priya, for going through so much for all the years, fighting her monsters back, managing her life some how. She still is so vulnerable, and emotionally unstable. Please put an end to her pain soon.
    Absolutely loved Ram in today's part. The stubbornness with which he stood by Priya is beyond appreciation. He might be a failed and disappointing lover, but he surely is a gem of a husband. Now, let these two speak their hearts out.

    Meera is such a pleasant character! Initially I had hated her, but you've changed my hatred for her to love and appreciation. Badhaai ho!
    The Kapoors are darlings, their immediate reaction didn't remain their permanent fixed reaction.

    Vishesh has a lot to convey, please allow him to speak now. He was the one who had fired the shot at Rajat. His confrontation has become crucial now.

    Things were going absolutely fine just then you brought in that Sreshta angle. Hope you won't make it a stretched jealousy track, because Priya is already vulnerable, weak and sensitive. To add on, she is still unaware of Ram and his life.

    The story is going so amazingly well! It is stirring so many emotions in me. Next part, I'm guessing, will be high on Vishesh, Reshma-Sreshta's show down with Priya. Keep bringing up your brilliant work, NB.

  2. Fantastic turn of events all along Priya didn't went missing in first place and without informing anyone went for a meeting with a note of her whereabouts which also missed by her husband.

    As an soul sister and a personal bodyguard Meera and Vishesh worries about her justified but wat is in the past which he didn't share it with others and seems only assumed Rajat to be dead where he is very much alive and planning to destroy the peace of RaYa.

    As an victim or in guilt Priya who feels herself as dirty can't face anyone in KM and good Ram is their to support her. A wonderful transformation in this man from husband to a friend who care for her as a friend in college days.

    Neha can't get over from her guilt ditching her best friend when she was in need of them and her adamant behavior only stopped Ram and Vikram too. Glad Krishnaji realized her mistake after knowing the truth but why has to wait for the truth to unlock can't in first place she able to understand Priya plight as an woman.

    Ram is their with Priya after knowing full truth and once hadn't question her but now he has to willingly should share about Shrestha too.

  3. Hi Nairita,
    Don't know how many families in India accept such so positively ,how many husbands do accept their partner fully ,love them ,protect them and stand by her. I surely love this Ram as a life partner. If one trusts his partner he will never let go of his beloved n let his wife be as respected as ever.
    I really loved Priya again trusting him ,though not fully. Definitely she is hesitant to face the world ,but when family can support her ,especially her in-laws this bad phase shall pass too. Yes it's more of her mental torture than the physical one,which keeps haunting her.
    This story is thrilling ,mysterious and really really touchy .i say an eye opener. We should be ready to accept the reality and stand by our daughter ,wife,mother ,sister when such incident happens,it will help the victim to ease out their burden,their uneasiness to accept and face the world strongly.

    I really love every update of yours. Definitely ram Priya's convo was heart wrenching.
    You are such a fab writer ,really a good message to the society to deal things isitively and treat such female victims ever lovingly.

    Vishesh,sometime I feel a mysterious man.
    Meera is really a gem ,I loved her care for Priya from the beginning.

    Looking for more ....
    Thanks for a beautiful beautiful peace ,it really took my heart

  4. Hi Nairita,
    Sorry couldn't give my comments for the last update ..
    Both the updates r heart aches for Priya n ram..
    Somewhere felt that Priya is handling Rishabh n Riya u made it clear
    Priyas truth has come out in a very awkward situation...the feeling of not able to face anyone after knowing the truth is very much reasonable..ram making her to accept herself n not to feel guilty for whatever has happened with her..
    Somewhere Priya though still loves ram so dearly has a fear that ram will hate her after knowing the truth of her rape..but ram showed her true love n behaved like a perfect friend who is trying his best to bring back his love priya
    Reshmas sessions r very much important in priyas life...I don't think shreshta will spoil their relationship..if iam not mistaken when rams past n the lavasa was revealed...a place in heart is a place where all the victims of such incidents r given hope to live n courage to go ahead with life.. and shreshta is also one such victim who was brought from one of such places...I think Priya will soon understand the love ram has for such ppl n fulfilling the dream of Priya which they thought to implement once they finish their college...
    Meera is a darling always..
    Vishesh need to reveal his secret
    A wonderful piece of work from a wonderful lady(NB) who is really dealing with such a sensitive issue in a most beautiful manner by delivering a msg to society..
    The narrow mindedness of the society should b erased with such writeups only..kudos for a wonderful update..

  5. Uff Nairita! You need to stop this sorcery right now
    I'm completely under the spell of this story
    Brilliant! just amazing
    The last two pieces were so well executed, especially when ram found out the truth about Priya's past involving Ragat.
    Priya is really in pain. Hope Ram could get back the Priya he once knew soon.
    -Vivian Ria 💕

  6. This is out of the description diii... honestly I felt full change in story till now story was moving on very dark way but as now all dark secrates are out I feel the pain...

    I feel the pain this story contains in it... a girl who got raped by monster whome she once claimed to be loved but turn out not more the infatuation for the loving loving the guy whome she loved dearly for bottom of her heart who even loved her back with same...

    It's so true only Priya know what is has gone threw & how is she still suffering... her friend NeVi is dieingwith guilt everyday... Meera even can't felt that pain no one can.... family is with Priya but I m sure her Family will surely goons take disaster decision by separating RaYa....

    I loved Ram here for sure the way he tried to bring back Priya is just his pure love font know will be ever goons success in that to bring her back but wish at least he make her live normally....

    Priya really in need of help Reshma will be best for it but for that Ram need to share his past with her which may take time to be done... Shrestha this girl is real mystery why she dkng let Ram be alone in his life with Priya do she still have feelings for him or it's just me misjudgging her intention we'll further will answer the best way...

    I m sure that. Onstof is nor dies
    f niether in any hospital....he is all
    Alive to make RaYa's life hell bit overall I can say after reading it....

    You completely justice to the story no doubt in that you portrays the story so well I could actually relate my self to it... It's dark story which could happen to any one any where I can see the reality of world here truly heads off to your imagination.... can't wait for next now moving on for it...


Chapter 48 : Enough to be Worse.

Chapter 48 : Enough to be Worse. Everyone in the room stood stunned as Jayesh and Sudheer went through the warrant t...