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Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Part 18 : Relationship Status - Complicated

Relationship Status: Complicated

It was not tough for Rishab to cover up his brother’s past from his parents. He is certainly Amarnath’s best son after Ram drowned himself into the darkness. The younger Kapoor masterly manipulated his parents and saved his elder brother’s ass just on time.

Closing the door behind him, Rishab turned towards his brother to apologise.

“Rishab I am getting married to her only.” He said. Stunned to the revelation Rishab stood in silence for next several minutes. “It is true?” He asked Ram with his mouth wide open.

Failing to control the emotions he jumped into Ram’s arm hugging him lovingly. “I am so happy Bhai. So happy. Who will not acknowledge your love? A mad only. I am glad that she came back. You endangered everything to live her dream and Reshma should be thanked too. Waise have you made her visit there?” Rishab kept on blabbering until his eyes fell on his brother’s lost gaze. “Bhai.. is everything fine?” Rishab’s touch made him shiver.

“No.” Ram turned to his brother, “All of your answers are no.” Sighing to Rishab’s gaze Ram made him sit on the bed. “She is a big name now. Ms. Priya Sharma. She hates me and should. I left her when she needed me the most.”

“But bhai you are living her life. You gave everything for what she wanted. Does she even remember what she wanted? Did you ever ask her?” Rishab asked.

“No. After learning her pain my pain seems nothing. I drowned myself in alcohol and drugs and she went on taking her life. She is breathing, her heart is beating but she is not living. She is following a set of instructions put into her brain by her only.” Ram said.

“And your sacrifice. She is a name but you gave up everything for her dream.The name you earned in Mama ji’s business? They still want you to come back. They adore you and they respect you. The ideas took Mama ji’s business from no where to a hit. You could be the name but you lived her dream even sitting some thousand miles away.” Rishab kept on saying, “Even papa don't have any idea about it. Why you named it “The Step - A foundation for Tomorrow”?”

“Because she wanted.” Ram answered.

“And you are not telling her?” Rishab asked. “If you will not I will.”

“You will not do any such nonsense Rishab.” Ram ordered.


“Because she hates me and I don't want her to hate her dream. If time entitles me I will show her “The Step” the place for every such kid who wants to go further in their life.” Ram smiled.

“After you gave employment to that boy she expressed her dream to you right?” Rishab asked.

“Yes.” Ram replied under his sigh.

“And she doesn't know someone is living her dream behind her with so much difficulty.” Rishab smiled, “Where from you get so much selflessness Bhai? And how can someone hate you? Not today but one day I will definitely going to tell her everything. Trust me bhai if she can't forgive you then I will never forgive her. She has risen to fame with you there in pain. If you had forgotten her that day, today you would have been a name, bigger than her. But you worked only for them for her dream. You must be selfless but I am not, I am very selfish. Selfish for a man like you, selfish to fetch all the happiness for a man like you. I have seen you to go through hell I will not allow anyone to force you into darkness again.” Rishab walked away to the changing room ignoring Ram, who kept on calling him taking his name.


“Neha where is Priya?” Ram shouted into the phone.

“Priya.. your mad man is screaming at me.” Neha threw the phone towards Priya making it hit on the head.

“Ouch!” Priya picked up the phone and held it between her shoulder and ear, “Kya hain?”

“Come down quick.” Ram sounded excited, “Just come down quick! I have great news for you.”

“Okay wait.” Closing the books and picking up her mobile Priya left the room after informing Neha. Once she is out of the room she paced out of the hostel escaping the warden. “Tell me why summoned suddenly?” She asked Ram.

“Come with me.” Dragging Priya to the garage he pushed he into the car and immediately drove out of the campus.

“Where are we going?” Priya asked.

“Stop it! Surprise! Just stay calm.” Ram smiled.

Almost after half an hour Ram drove into the dhaba. Coming out after Ram, Priya walked tracing his path still confused. She stopped when Ram flashed a smile to Priya with Sanjay standing by him.

“What's the matter why you guys are smiling?” Priya asked.

“Didi I got the job. Ram bhaiya has convinced his father. My new boss and his company are sponsoring my higher studies too.” Happily Sanjay declared.

Priya beamed out an ecstatic smile. “I am so happy for you just make Ram proud.”

“Chal. Just be quick we will see you off.” Ram patted Sanjay and asked him to bring his bags.

“Thank You.” Priya said to Ram.

“Why you are thanking me? Thank my father.” Ram smiled broad.


After seeing off Sanjay, Ram and Priya dropped by the dhaba to have dinner together. Since the news surfaced in she remained lost in her thoughts. Not hidden from Ram, he waited for the right time to ask.

“What happened? Why you are looking lost?” Ram asked standing by her looking into the starry celestial sheet above.

“I am thinking about kids like Sanjay. Everyone is not lucky like him. Today you have helped one and he will go on helping another. If we can do this for a number of kids, just think they will go on helping a numerous and so on.” A sudden happiness enlightened Priya’s eyes. “I want to do it. Ram I don't know what job I will get but I just want to spread happiness into their world. Tum help karoge na?” She asks happily.

“Always; with you even if you forget any day then without you.” Ram opened his arms. Embracing her he kissed between her hairs.

****Present Time****

Time never stopped. Neither for him nor for Priya. They walked apart forced by destiny. The news of Priya trying to kill herself startled Ram. He came to meet her next day after she called. But she was all gone.He tried to find her, and came to know about the incident from one of his classmates. She tried to end herself. Immediately he managed to rush to the hospital where she was taken. But he got upset only. She was gone from there. She was taken away from there. Station, Airport he vandalized in search of Priya with Vikram. But he got upset in return only. Her mobile went unreachable, her family refused to talk to anyone from the college; she was taken away to a place unknown to all. Only information Ram had someone called Jayesh came and took her away. They called him Priya’s local guardian. Ram requested the registrar for Jayesh’s number but he denied. Since that date till his return to Mumbai, three months he tried to reach Priya, every second he tried her number in the hope she will respond. But he failed terribly.

Ram shivered out from his thoughts with Rishab’s voice. “Bhai. Its time.” Rishab stood by him.

“Promise me you will not tell her any thing.” Ram stood up facing his brother.

“Till your respect is guarded.” Answering Rishab stood firm holding the door wide open for his brother.


In jodhpuri suite Ram looked like a prince, he descends the stair amongst the guest; though very close ones were invited it counted to almost 150 taking the list of guests the Sharmas into account. Ram’s eyes hovered over the hall, he tried to look for Priya in the crowd. “Is it her?” Rishab points to a direction to a women dazzling in green saree with a smiled plastered on her face.

“Hmmm.” Ram sighed under his answer. The Kapoor Brothers descend to the hall and stopped by Sarojani.

“Sunshine.” Sarojani looked elated. Holding Ram between her hands scrutinized him from head to toe. “I am so happy for you today Sunshine. So happy.” Breathing a sigh of relief she hugged her elder grandson. “And you, junior” Sarojani faced Rishab, “You are sure about your decision?”

“What decision?” Ram asked.

“Sunshine your brother has returned home. He wants to join you in business.” The lady announced making Ram happy. “But we can decide it later. Right now come with me.” Sarojani lead Ram and Rishab to the place where the Kapoors and Sharmas had been together.

“So here is your bride.” Sarojani beamed a smile to Priya. “Isn't she looking stunning?” she asked.

“Let me introduce you to my youngest son.” Amarnath gestured Rishab to come near him. “Rishab Kapoor.” He looked proud and happy that moment which he never looked introducing Ram. “He is joining business with Ram. I am sure he will turn it to a pure gold.”

“Papa. I think today is Bhai’s day. Can we have him in the centre?” Rishab looked unhappy. He looked to Priya next.

“I think we should leave the kids alone for a while.” Jayesh smiled. “Enjoy your day.” The elders walked away in silence.

“You look beautiful Bhabi.” Rishab broke the silence, “And now don't ask me to call you Priya. Because I am not going to listen to you.” He added before Priya could defend.

“Thank You.”  Priya replied under her smile.

“So how you guys meet?” he asked.

“Ask how our family meet!” Priya smiled opening her mouth to lie. “We meet, our parents meet and...” she stopped finding Rishab to smirk looking it another direction. “What is funny in it?”

“Bhai tell her to be out of my reach and also let her know what I know. Tell her not to simplify the matter and make it look like a circus and you two like clown.” Being rude to Priya and Ram he walked away.

“What did he mean?” Priya asked Ram immediately.

“He knows everything. About you about your identity.” Ram looked utter tensed. “He even knows what no one else know. He is my keeper of secrets.”

“Shit!” Priya clasped her hands on her forehead.

“Don't worry he will not let the cat out.” Looking to Priya, he found her little worried, which he was equally. When both the to be bride and groom stood perplexed and tensed by the presence of a young man named Rishab Kapoor, the latter looked ecstatic.


Priya looked at the bright Rose Diamond ring that adorned her beautiful hand making it emblaze and stinging her eyes. She hovered her hands over it. Once she flapped her eye lash and she felt a spin. The world around spun making her tumble on her feet. “Shit!” pressing the hand against her head Priya looked for a support to hold or sit. Her head suddenly went numb and just before her free fall she got caught. Caught in safe hands of Rishab. “Are you okay?” his hands touched Priya’s forearm. “Definitely not. You are burning with fever. Come this side” he helped Priya to come over to a less crowded place. Please be seated.” He looked over and spotted Priya’s family. Dialling Ram’s number he registered the emergency.

Grabbing a glass of water from the server Rishab held it out for Priya. She reciprocated accordingly. Relieving herself a bit she thanked Rishab for his timely help. “What happened?” Ram rushed into the situation. Taking his seat by Priya he shoved his hand around her shoulder. The dirty look from her couldn't prevent him from expressing his worry. “You have fever.” His other hand touched her forehead and then the crook of her neck respectively.

“I am fine.” Priya tried to release her from Ram’s hold. “Can you call Meera or my mother please?” she requested.

“Rishab, go look for them.” Ram ordered his younger brother who obeyed his instructions.

“Are you really fine?” Ram asked with much care embraced in his voice.

“I am.”

“Why didn't you inform me about your ill health?” He scolded.

“What would you have done?” scorned Priya.

“Would have pushed engagement by few days until the corrections in the agreement was made.” Ram came apart and looked to her, “What you thought? I am concerned. Get this out of your head I have no concern about you since yesterday.” He enacted with perfection.

“Better. Aditi informed me that she had a word with your lawyer this morning and he has inscribed your clause to her. I will get back to you after I review them with her.” Priya answered. Leaning back to the couch she clasped her head from both sides. Her winced face declines her well being. “Can you please call someone Meera or Maa?” She pleaded.

“What happened Priya?” Sarojani asked, but the perplexed by her health her receptors failed to send the proper nerve signal to her nerves. She misjudged her with Meera. “My head is spinning from high fever. Help me Meera. I need a doctor.”

“Sunshine move.” The old lady’s direction to her grandson startled Priya with the reality of misjudging her Grand Mom in law with Meera. She sat straight at her place submitting an apology to Sarojani. Without responding the elderly lady pressed her hand against Priya’s forehead and sat in calmness for few seconds. “Sunshine is your room is in usable condition for a lady?” She asked, with her head turned towards Ram while her hand rests on Priya’s left shoulder.

“Yeah Darling.” He responded.

“How careless parents you are?” Sarojani charged Shipra and Sudheer on their first sight. “She is having high fever. Thanks to my younger grandson that he saw her at the right moment and you.” Now her blazing eyes faced Priya, “You are heading such a huge company something responsible was expected. Now without uttering a single non sense come with me. I am already mad at you don't make me more and Rishab, I saw Reshma here ask her to check Priya.” She instructs Rishab before standing at her place.

Priya pleaded to Meera to rescue her from that odd moment, in turn she gestured her to respond accordingly. With no options left Priya stood up on her fumbling legs. Ram held his hand to her. Avoiding any more risk Priya slipped her hands to his hoping to someone to come into her rescue.

“Aunty ji.”Jayesh’s voice made Priya more tensed. What’s left she asked herself. “If you don't mind we would like to take our daughter with us. She is your daughter in law to be, I know and due respect to you and your family let Priya be our responsibility till the marriage. Sudheer will not voice but he is bit uncomfortable about Priya being taken to Ram’s room before marriage. I hope I didn't offend you.” Jayesh tried to be much polite and humble.

“I understand beta.” Sarojani said. “Let the doctor check her after that you can take her and I can feel the worry of a father” She looked to Sudheer with a smile beamed towards him. “I think if Priya rests for a while in guest room then there will be no issue!”


The doctor, clad in off white saree, prescribed some medicines to Priya. “I think the odd weather outside played adversely against her. Don't worry I don't found any other symptoms that can be used to make this situation look more scary just like the reactions pasted against your faces right now.” She sounded sarcastic. “Take these medicines on time. You will be fine by tomorrow evening. Extravaganza like this made you weak nothing else.” With a shining smile she said. “You two look great today. I missed the event almost but you will make a great couple.” Congratulating the to be couple she walked to Ram. Only their lips were found to move, under their whisper no words uttered were heard.

Excusing they left from there.


Beta take care of yourself.” Krishna kept her loving hand on Priya’s head stopping her in the middle, when she dropped to her own length for blessings. “Shipra Ji, take care of her. We will see you as decided and scheduled.”

Priya looked at the ladies one after another who hugged each other in reply to Krishna Kapoor’s mentions.

“Just forgot something and none of you reminded me!” scolded Sarojani looking to her son and daughter in law. “Sunshine.” She called Ram loud who was few metres away from there discussing on a matter with The Doctor. He hopped to the gathering. “Where is the wristlet I gave you?”

Ram extended his hand to his grand mom.

“Priya. Come here beta.” Kindly the old lady called. In response she came and stood in front. “Sunshine slip that to her right wrist.” She smiled. Ram and Priya looked at each other in surprise. The latter looked more surprised than the former. With his dadi’s help Ram pulled the wristlet and tied it around Priya’s wrist.

“Priya.” Krishna voiced. “This is our responsibility, the Kapoor’s eldest Daughter in law or Daughter’s responsibility. Don't let this go away from you ever till you get the right person and allow me to hand that over to her in future. Take care of it. Maa bestowed a great responsibility on you with this.”

Priya smiled nervously, “I will never let you down.” She felt apprehensive. When Jayesh opened the car door for Priya, she asked Meera to accompany her only stating the reason to be strictly professional.


Most of the passage from Kapoor Mansion to her Pent House remained melancholy. When Meera felt that they are nearing the destination she cleared her throat to bring Priya back to the soil. “What happened? Are you feeling burdened?” she asked.

“No I am feeling like a burglar who is upto snatching every peace and happiness from the Kapoor’s for self satisfaction.” Priya sighed out deep with her hands on the wristlet. “They are looking forward for a perfect daughter in law which is definitely not me.”

“Do you fear you have to give up to Ram?”

“Yes. Being a daughter in law is tough if you are not a wife.” She looked down again.

“Priya no one is asking you to be a wife especially after Ram let Aditi know about his terms.” Meera spoke. “Yes he is also in denial to marry you and he is definitely going to give you a tough time ahead in business.”

“What are the clauses?”

“Read yourself.” Meera handed her mobile to Priya with a snapshot of the draft agreement. Looking into it Priya read the newly added clause very carefully.

  1. There shall be no personal interference in the business space from either party. The business clause between The Kapoor Industries and The Sharma InfoTech Limited remains and will remain unchanged. The best person responsible for the project has to respond accordingly and time to time to Mr. Ram Kapoor’s or any of his associates’ queries and professional needs or complications as and when required in any magnitude.
  2.  No party shall indulge him or her into disrespecting either parties parents or friends or family in any magnitude, if any party finds the other party to be indulged in any such actions physically or verbally he or she will be subjected to prosecutions as decided by the other party(ward of the troubled parents or family or friend).

“What should I do?” Priya handed the mobile to Meera. “Laugh or Cry? He is trying to grill me. Good. Good for him. Though he can never stop me from destroying him. I am going back today. Book the next flight and come along. Ask Aditi to drop to office tomorrow morning at office.”

“It's 11:30 pm Priya.” Meera showed her the time, “Which flight we will get? And your health it matters. Kapoors are coming this Tuesday for Roka Ceremony.”

“Tuesday??? I have pre scheduled official inauguration of my Export company.You forgot?” Priya sounded offended. “I am not going to postpone it.” She looked out to the Mumbai roads which stood still under heavy showers. “Driver!! Take us to the airport.” She instructs. “And Meera please book a flight.”

“You will travel in this?” Meera pointed to her designer saree. “And want to be in media’s limelight? Priya Sharma leaves Mumbai just after her betrothal!”

“Okay fine. Book one in early morning tomorrow please.” Priya gritted the words under her muffled voice.


4:00 am Next Day.

With the first knock Shipra opened the door and stood shell shocked, “Where are you going Priya?” She asked.

“Maa. Work beckons. I have few important meetings lined up this week and importantly my export company is slotted for a grand opening this Tuesday. So I have much to work. You guys just be there on time.” Priya turned.

“We have Roka Ceremony on Tuesday.” Declared Shipra.

“I know Meera informed me. I also have a list of guest lined up. Press conference and high esteemed guests so I am not able to move back at any cost, even if Jayesh Uncle orders. You guys must have discussed with me for once.”Priyamuffled. “Bye Maa I have my flight in two hours. Bye.” She kissed her mom on her cheeks and left with Shipra standing horrified trying to find an answer to her family and Kapoors who were scheduled to leave on the same day evening together for Delhi.


Sameday, New Delhi.

“Is this any kind of Joke going around. I am entertaining some ridiculous clause in the prenuptial agreement. Am I a lawyer or a clown of the circus run by Tthe would be Mr. And Mrs. KAPOOR Meera?” squealed Aditi.

“Calm Down Aditi. You are over reacting for nothing. Understand that.” Priya said as she sunk her into the virtual depth of the leather chair. “Is it a crime for a lady to protect her well being?”

“No there is no crime in doing so. But why you are staging such a joke Priya? Even you staged the engagement so perfectly. The print media, virtual space all are going crazy over the union of the one big name with the one of the most eligible bachelor of the country, Heir of The Kapoor Industries when the reality is Madam X is not ready to be his loving wedded wife. Who is compelling you to marry Priya?” Aditi shaped her thoughts into Priya’s space. “My point is if you are feeling unsafe in this relationship better let it go, don't drag it to worst. Sometimes it is better to let it go.”

“I know what you mean Aditi but I am helpless. I have to marry him.” Under a breath of deep sigh Priy said with her eyes set wandering nowhere.

“Okay fine, even if we agree with you and also to the business clause set by Ram knowing that you are more than capable to handle such situations what about the other one?” Meera asked throwing the paper towards Priya. Stopping it on time Priya looked at it while Meera continued to sail. “It breaks all the possible way of protecting yourself physically, mentally and sexually, which you want. What prosecutions he asked for? Priya get that into your head marital rape is not a crime!! Is not!!”

“He is in the wrong track but I am happy to know that he loves his family so much.” Priya stood up with her phone and papers gripped on her hand firm. “But I am behind him, ruining him not his family. He must know I respect his family in the same way and equally as he does. Aditi..” She extends the paper towards her lawyer. “Strike out the clause no 4.”

“May I know why?” asked Aditi accepting the papers.

“I don't want to give him an upper hand in this relationship.”

“What's going on Priya?” Meera asked pulling her in a standing position.

“Nothing. I am tired. Tomorrow is a big day for me, my one of the most cherished dream is coming true after a prolonged wait and hard work I don't want to look dull and upset. And...” Now she sighed, “The Roka Ceremony I have to pull it off too. So right now I am going to our family physician and then sleep for whole day. Bye ladies.” She walked down the aisle and stopped once she reached the bank of elevators.


Mumbai Airport

“She has delayed all her meetings Amarnath but few are unavoidable. We all arranged the functions by our own. I never consulted her. Here I am fully to blame.” Jayesh said when the Kapoors arrived at the airport and found the Sharmas void of Priya.

“We are really sorry Amarnath.” Sudheer apologised after Jayesh. “I will talk to Priya about the functions and will make sure she remains available for all the days and even tomorrow. I will ask her to postpone the arrangements to Wednesday.”

“I know business. I am aware of the imbalance she is facing. But the problem is Krishna, she has a larger than life expectation from Priya. I think so.” Amarnath was unlucky as his wife intervened.

“Who said that? Ever I? I am also aware of it. I am not at all angry with her neither Maa. See how she and Shipraji are vandalizing that chocolate shop.” Krishna smiled pointing to the ladies. “My worry is only a matter and i.e is Priya happy with this relationship?”

“She is... if you want you may talk to her.” Sudheer offered her.

“I will love to know what my daughter has to say.” Krishna smiled broad, “And thanks to you for giving me this opportunity.”

“Bhai I am afraid that Mom may end up get hurt by her.” Rishab stated to Ram under his whisper. The Kapoor brothers stood there as a spectator witnessing the whole event.

“She will see the beast in me if she does that. I promise if she ends up hurting my mom or any of my family including you she will face the worst in me.” Ram said with his gaze fixed at the happy faces of his parents.

Until we meet




  1. You know what do I m confused as I don't know who is guilty in this blame game after reading this update yes I m Sure Priya has suffred a lot but Ram has even suffred the same... where Priya lost her innocence Ram has lost his family's trust him.... where Priya lost her believe on love Ram lost the chance to make his name & fame in life sand himself in dark side of life.... where Priya made her self ruthless there Ram made himself addicted to unwanted things in life which could harm his life... still Priya keep saving Ram by Jayesh's harm which he could do after knowing any Ram so she kept him as secrets there Ram loved her dream to make her alive in his life....

    Both still love each other still can't confess due to the hate & anger for each other... if Ram is Rob blamed for not supporting Priya when she needed the most Of It should also be blamed now go not giving chance to Ram to clarify the things & keep hurting him... if really Ram doesn't matter to her she should let him go & love a peaceful life but no at is keep hunting him... she knew abt him when Jayesh was approaching this deal an could have easily avoided him by not making any contect but she herself is making their life like hell...
    Along with this 2 more 2 person are responsible for this disaster & I find no surprise by not seeing NeVi in their engagement after all hearing from Priya it's must be NeVi are blaming themself go the RaYa seprattion & their complex relation & they must be...
    Don't know whose faults it is Destiny is brought all this 4 at that point where each other is guilty for one of them' s pain poor NeVi just can't imagine how must be they feeling so sad to know the always being Cupid of love for RaYa today is one of the reason to their separation....
    I loved Rishbh here the most he is not joker here who is making laugh everyone every time but he is responsible bother & son who is going any way to support his brother & save his family at any cost that is the thing I loved the most abt the vlusea of RaYa both have lost their mind in anger never mind but they are making other's too crazy with this hope to see next update soon waiting for that....

  2. Really complicated update ...the title is perfectly matching with the update ... interesting.. awsomeeeeeeee waiting for next πŸ‘πŸ’•

  3. The truth is still hidden from the family with Rishbah cover up. The other side of coin too revealed with Ram selfless act of fulfilling Priya dream but still not full truth is out and in all this without knowing Priya's suffering Rishbah is still blaming her.

    He couldn't locate her on time and will always be in a guilt trip due it. But the few min of FB with RaYa moments where they are happy to share the dream was beautiful.

    The secret keeper now became her brother in law who knows all about RaYa past. With all this he is genuinely happy for his brother and showing concern towards his would be Bhabhi. All the things Ram said to Priya previously didn't lessen his concern or love for her.

    Only engagement has happened and Krishnaji and Sarojini is too concerned for the health of Priya who is suffering from fever and all time giving her selfless love which she didn't denied.

    But now I am feeling Ram has loved after all Priya as he is thinking only worst about her on the basis of the legal clauses which she has already removed from the papers. Every time RaYa met she only proved him that she has only respect and love for his family and like previous time he is thinking only Negative about her.

    But it's good that Ram family isn't think like that and with Priya's father and mother too made them understand the situation which need her attention.

  4. Hi Nairita ,another fabulous update.
    I cannot deny the fact how hurt Priya is and her pain can never be felt by any one ,that helplessness,guilt ,irritation and above all the person whom she trusted,believed,loved selflessly,surrendered herself was not there when she is needed him the most,she needed his care,attention,his safe arms to protect ,few calming and protecting words ,and a shoulder to cry upon. She might hav shared this with anyone ,but she cannot tell in words what she went thru except Ram . I m sure ram in due course of their marriage will understand her current state of mind and supports her emotionally , makes her speak up take all her pain out ,share with him her sorrow and the loneliness she felt ditched ,used and cry upon his shoulders . If he succeeds in getting her do this half of this war is won.after all women needs a partner who can support her in her bad conditions and situations and she will in turn Surrender everything to that man without any clauses. Females are very strong emotionally but then they need a supporting arm which can pay little attention,concern and care towards her.

    Ram has still showed his love ,concern but has to get the faith back. although he said legal things so that she let him do what he wants to do right at that moment to be with her and protect her,deep down heca. Or deny the fact that he loves her enormously .
    Ram has to try and his Priya back ,make her love and live fully without any guilty ,sorrow or the hidden untold hurt wrenching past,instead of acting all alike a villain. I think vik can lead him the right way .
    After all it is Neha and Vikram's responsibility to correct their mistakes too. When Priya wanted a help from ram ,one of them could hv helped her, listened to her ,be with her and caress her lovingly ,protectively and given the assurance that she/he is with her .
    Alas!! They all failed to pay attention to he and the wrong had happened .
    Rishabh sensible and loving brother and looks to be protective for his family and brother liked him . I m sure Rishabh will be the first to like Priya in future and the one to feel sorry for what she has gone thru .
    These lawyers lol pissed between mr and Mrs kapoor lol finally they wil get nothing good good .

    I m enjoying it in totality ,all the elders their selfless love and care. Every scene was written so perfectly I can visualise them and relate to each ones expression ,body language and dialog delivery .

    Thanks for the brilliant update ...

    Pls update again ....

  5. Hi Nairita....I have come to know about this blog from my Twitter...then I started reading all the posts in one excellent writeup... really the pain,hatred,love, emotions every it of the things were well potrayed by u....I felt like iam visualising every character in front of me...superb...would love to c them getting married n care for each other though they fake their hatred for each other....pls do update us at the very earliest n live to c some steamy romance after their marriage in their bedroom kingdom... thank you for the wonderful update .. greedy for more..😘😘


Chapter 48 : Enough to be Worse.

Chapter 48 : Enough to be Worse. Everyone in the room stood stunned as Jayesh and Sudheer went through the warrant t...