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Monday, June 26, 2017

Part17 : The Agreement


******* The errors in the Legal Presentation of this part are requested to be ignored.*******

*** The Agreement ***

“I WANT RAJAT!” Ram repeated this time clutching Vikram’s collar in his tight fist. “I will make him taste his own blood. How dare that bustard touched my Priya.”

“My Priya!” Vikram almost threw Ram away with all his might. “Forget about Rajat, Ram. Think what we did to her. We are the triggers that made her attempt suicide. Not Rajat. And now she is getting married to you. Just think my friend.” Vikram came near Ram and repeated, “Just think when her family will know the truth will they forgive us?”

Ram, a calm person now walked away from Vikram in his deep thought. His friend’s voice made him look back. “The answer is No Ram.” Vikram said. “Forget Rajat, we need to rectify our past mistakes especially you, if you really want to make your marriage a success then mend it. I don't care if Priya hates me and Neha for rest of her life but if she continues to hate you..” Vikram nodded his head from side to side. “It will be a blunder.”

Both of them looked up when Neha came there. “She is sleeping.” Declaring Neha walked to her room silently. Leaving Ram behind Vikram walked inside but in moments he came back with some clothes gripped in his hands. “Please do change. Rest I will not suggest. Do what you feel to do.”


Ram looked to the clock which stuck 3:00 am. He was well awake since the event. In white t-shirt and tracks he paced around the room. One part of him wanted to go to Priya and hold her in his arms. He tried to feel the pain she went through. But in no manner he could even think about it. His desire to see her took all over. Keeping aside the possibilities that he may face, Ram walked inside the guest room.

The gloomy light in the room made it almost impossible for him to look around. But, being a regular visitor of that place Ram knows the exact position of each and every furniture in the room. With an ease he walked to the bed, where Priya lays calm.

He propped on his left knee and came near her. “What I did to you Priya? What I turned you into?” he placed a feathery kiss on her forehead. The deep slumber failed the motor nerves to absorb the sense of his touch. Caressing her head Ram sat by. “If I pushed you to the cliff I will bring you back. What ever cost it may take from me. I don't care.” His eyes fell on the Ganesh Locket that Priya gifted him on his birthday when they were in the second year. “I loved you and will continue to love you. This man has never moved on Priya, I want you to listen to my story but after all these I will never force you. I will wait for you.” He leaned closer to her. But this time his luck went against him. His eyes meet hers. Hurrying out from her position she dragged herself to the furthest corner of bed.

“My .. my clothes.” Priya asked under his stammer. “What you did to me?”

“Nothing.” Ram stood up, “You don't need to be afraid of me Priya. Neha changed your clothes. Not me. I just came to see you.” He switched on few lights of the room.

“Where is my phone?” she asked before vandalizing the bed in search of it.

“It is with me.” He held his hand to her with the phone gripped in his fist. In Raven’s speed Priya took it into her possession.

“Meera.” As assumed by Ram, she called Meera only. “Can you please come to an address, if I give it to you?” Ram heard Priya speaking. He turned to the ceiling length windows which gave a look of The Arabian Sea.

“Does my confession change anything?” Priya said after finishing the call.

“About what?” Ram said without facing her.

“About marrying me.”

“Why? Should I change my decision?” Ram turned to her this time. “Do you really think that it makes any difference to me? To my love?” the raging eyes asked, “If you think so, then you are thinking very cheap.”

Priya sat in silence observing Ram. He moved near the bed and sat at the farthest corner of it. “Nothing changed inside me for you neither will change ever. So stop thinking cheap.” There was nothing for Priya to say, the game was slipping out of her hands. Her weak spot lay naked to him. She made herself vulnerable and the ball is now in his court, she can be played as he wants.

“It is too difficult for me to marry you Ram.” Priya said, “For the last time I am requesting you to step back.”

“And I am also telling you for the last time I can't hurt my father.” Answered Ram. “He will die if I do any insanity now. Do you want him to die?”

“Never. I respect him. But you will loose all your peace if you marry me. I am warning you.” Priya said.

“Good for me. After what I did to you I should surrender all my peace to you. But neither I could stop loving you nor could step back from this arrangement.” Declared Ram. Just then the door bell rang.

“You called Meera this late?” Ram said surprised by the door bell.

“Yes. I need to leave.” Saying Priya climbed down the bed. When she came out, Meera has been allowed entry by Vikram and Neha.

“Thanks Neha for everything. I will come again to see the kids. Till then bye.” With a smile Priya said and briefed hug to Neha. Confused Neha kept looking at Priya who walked out of the flat. Vikram and Ram shared a confused look.

“Who called her this time?” Vikram asked after the ladies left.

Without answering Ram went inside.


“Where is Maa Papa?” Priya asked while Meera drove.

“Kapoor Mansion.”

“And You?”

“In our apartment. Ashok is here also.”

“Drive there. I need to sleep.” Priya closed her eyes to gesture her sleepiness.

“What happened there Priya?”

“I got emotionally weak with some insane blames triggered on me one after another.” Priya replied without opening her eyes. “I revealed everything that you don't even know.”

“What?” Meera asked knowing what Priya was speaking about.

“My past that lies in the dark chamber.” Priya replied, “You used to ask me but I was in denial to answer always remember?”

“Hmm..” Meera replied subtlety. 

“Rajat.” Priya revealed what Meera already knew. “I still couldn't forget that night Meera. Everyday somewhere it haunts me. The fear of getting stripped off haunts me. I wanted to cry but I never. Today for a moment I went weak. I gave up to Ram. I don't know why I felt home when he held me in his closed embrace.” Meera cocked her head once between Priya’s words only to absorb her emotions. With eyes shot to an aimless horizon Priya conversed, “There was a peace.” Priya sat in silence lost in her own thoughts.

“Jayesh Ji was right!” Meera thought. “I never tried to know your heart.” Her thoughts halted with Priya’s voice.

“But enough!!” Priya said. “I have had enough. Now I have to come out of this. This vulnerability.” Under a deep sigh Priya declared. “Ram can't step back from this marriage, okay he don't need to. I will make sure his life turns into a hell Meera.”

“What you are planning Priya?”

Priya smirked, “Aditi will come today. I asked her to get something.”


“Agreement. Prenuptial Agreement.” Priya said, “With some additional miscellaneous clause added to it.”


“I need to protect my interest.” Exclaimed Priya, “I am not going to surrender to him. If he is so interested in marrying me, I will make sure he has a peaceful one in my way.”

“Do you know what prenuptial agreement states? It protects and prospects the financial assets and debts of husband to be and wife to be and it helps them during separation. What you are looking for is not protected by it.” Meera said little annoyed.

“Why I am feeling that you are not happy?”

“There is no agreement that can stop a husband and wife from consummating the marriage. There is no law that can stop a woman from getting pregnant with her husband's child. I am sorry to state but in our country even marital rape is not a punishable offence. That's what you are looking for.” Meera said almost shouting at Priya.

“Why are you getting hyper?” The calmness in her is alarming.

“Priya.” Meera parked the car, “If you don't want to marry just don't but stop making this difficult for yourself. I don't care about Ram, but I care for you.”

“Then let me do what I want to. He wants to marry me, let him. I will make his life hell. He will beg for his freedom.” Priya sounded already victorious.

“Don't celebrate. You are getting married to him next month only and engaged tomorrow.” Meera declares to Priya making her more impatient.

“I am bemused to know how I am getting neglected to take my life’s decision. Okay..” Priya leaned back against the seat, “Let them. I will marry Ram with every ritual and after wedding I will break every marriage vows. Just wait and watch.” She was certainly unhappy with and ragging for the development going around.


Saturday Afternoon

“Priya.” Shipra stormed into the Pent House. “Where were you all day?”

“Same goes for you Maa.” Priya snapped, “I have bought this for you and papa. What you guys did you all stayed back at Kapoor Mansion.” Displeased Priya answered and concentrated back on her laptop.

“Did Meerainformed you anything?” asking Shipra sat by Priya.

“Yes. She has.”

“I have chosen this ring for Ram. Have a look.” Shiprakept the ring on her laptop keys. “You like it?”

“Do you?” Priya’s reply came flat.

“You are getting engaged not me!” displeased Shipra answered.

“Really Maa?” Priya scoffed. “The way everyone is behaving, I thought you guys are getting engaged not me.”

“Any problem Priya?” asked Jayesh from behind. With his presence felt Priya concentrated back on her work. “Why is Aditi here?” he asked.

“I have some personal requirements. Completely personal.” This time Priya behaved rude with Jayesh also, “Now when I am getting married I think I must have some personal space too.”

Jayesh watched her walking out. Shipra tried to speak but Jayesh stopped her. “I know what you are feeling Shipra. Give her little time, the sudden changes have startled her.”


Aditi Rao, Priya’s lawyer and Meera’s friend.

“Hi Aditi.” Priya came out to the living room, “Come this way. I need some privacy.” The Lady in a casual walked behind Priya. She comforted her on the couch after Priya locked the door. “Are you done with the paper works?” Priya asked.

“I don't know if there is any credibility in this agreement Priya. There is no such law in India that declares marital rape a crime, sad but true.” Aditi spoke under her sigh. “I am working with you for long 7 years Priya. I never found you behaving brainless.”

“What do you mean?” Priya snapped out at her.

“Like really you want to get you husband to be sign a prenuptial agreement with such clause?” Aditi asked.

“Why is there any problem to protect your interest from a man whom I don't know, don’t love?” Asked Priya.

“No it is not! But if it is childish then it is definitely a crime.” Replied Aditi, “And what you asked me to do is definitely a childish.”

“If you can't do it. Tell me I will go for a bigger one than you.”

“Why me? Go to any lawyer even who charges on minute basis, he/she will call it a stupid.” Aditi scorned,  “And this lady can do anything I have drafted the same as per requirement but before it goes into papers show it to your husband to be. We have ethics which I can't break. If he has something to add or oppose any clause, I have to add it or rectify it.” Thumping the paper on the table she sat. “Check it and allow me.”

Priya picked up the papers and flipped through it direct to the miscellaneous clause.

  1. It is made understand that if any one of the parties don't show consent in consensual sex, the other party has to respect the same.
  2. There shall be no objection on mobility of any parties at any point of time.
  3. No party shall get involved in any kind of extra marital affair in due course of this agreement. 
  4. No party shall exert any religious view or exert any pressure on the other party to perform any religious rituals.

“So is it very tough!” Priya asked. “Just these four clause I needed you to add other than the regular ones. See how easy it is.” Smiled Priya.

“Get me speak to your husband to be’s lawyer I need the list of exhibits. I have listed yours including this Pent House, go through it and confirm me, if I missed any one of them.” Aditi was not convinced.

“I will let you know and you are attending the betrothal, no excuse.” Ordered Priya.

“Really!! the joke you are staging is betrothal?” Aditi scuffed. “Priya I don't think any one will marry you after reading this prenuptial agreement.”

“Now you got it dear. I don't want this marriage to happen.” Priya smirked.

“Then why you are getting involved in this? Look as your lawyer it is my duty to inform you, your social and economic status is a threat to you too. Ram Kapoor can drag you to court room.” Aditi warned Priya.

“He will never do that.” Priya sounded confident.

“Do whatever you want, and please get this into your mind your new prospect is not attached to the exhibits. It is yet to come to the papers so I have kept it aside.” Aditi stood up to leave, “Before I leave I would like to remind you again; your status is also a threat to you. I would advise you to react maturely and sensibly. Rest I rest on Meera.” Before she left she sighed deep looking at Priya.

After Aditi left Meera came inside immediately. “I was waiting for her to leave.”

“I have to go.” Priya dialed a number while Meera stood there as a spectator only. “Hi. Can we meet?” Priya spoke. Meera knew on the otherside it was none other than Ram. “Can we meet at your office?” Priya continued to speak with Meera as a spectator only. “I have some thing very personal to discuss. Pick me up from Pent House. Don't come up just call me after you reach.” There was a pause before Priya ended the call.

“What are you upto?” Meera asked “Trying to finish him or yourself?”

“I am trying to protect myself Meera.” Priya looked through the ceiling height glass window, to the dull sky outside.

“Is this non sense a shield to you?” Meera manifested her thoughts. “Priya this is not done. You are hurting one’s religious belief. You cannot do that.”

“Where and when?” Priya frowned.

“Clause 4.”

“I don't want to get involved in any kind of bull shit after marriage rituals! That's it.” Priya declared.

“If Ram disagrees to sign, then?” asked Meera.

“He will or step back.”

“If he denies? What is your plan B?”

“I don’t have any plan B” sighed Priya. She looked down to her mobile screen where Ram’s name jumped in place of callers name. “I have to go.” Picking up the phone and Papers she walked out.

“Maa I am going for shopping. Ram is taking me.” Announcing she once looked at Jayesh, who looked unconvinced. “I will be back before dinner and I liked the ring you chose for Ram.”

“Have fun.” Shipra smiled without knowing the truth but Jayesh guessed the hidden agenda of the meeting and he did what he should have done.

“Stop Priya.” He ordered. “Shipra how can you allow your daughter to go out in a date just few hours before the engagement ceremony?” Jayesh looked at Shipra for an answer. 

“But Jayesh ji. They are modern. How can I object?” Shipra hesitated. While the conversation took place, Meera came to the living room too.

“Its okay that they are today’s generation non believer of superstition but we have some ethics right?” Jayesh voiced. He snatched out the phone from Priya which rang that moment. With Ram’s number flashing on the screen he didn't hesitate to receive it. “Ram, we are not allowing Priya to meet you just few hours before the engagement. Sorry.” Without allowing Ram to reply he disconnected the line. “And Priya go inside have some rest. Tomorrow is a big day for you. Meera take care of her and this..” pointing to her phone he added, “This will remain with me. Shipra we are already late, Sudheer has called us twice. We have to pick up her engagement dress.” Putting Priya’s phone in his pocket Jayesh walked out followed by Shipra.


“Give me your phone.” Priya ordered Meera after Jayesh and Shipra left.

“I am going out. Jayeshji has given you a chance to clear the matter with in four walls Priya. He is more aware of your public presence. Media is all over since they came to know about the engagement.” Clutching Priya’s wrist Meera said. “So stop being so childish, I am sending Ram here. Do whatever you want.”Meera said before storming out from the room.


Ram found a open space in front when he stepped to press the calling bell. With a knock to alert Priya about his presence he walked in leaving the door opened.

“Close the door.” Ordered Priya from the chesterfield, which hide her from Ram’s view. He obeyed.

“May I know what is the matter that you summoned me suddenly?” asked Ram coming around.

“Sit.” Priya gestures him to sit opposite to her. “I need to discuss something which is relevant to you and me.”

“That's the reason Jayesh Uncle asked me to leave. Did he find it irrelevant?” Ram asked taking his seat.

“He has no idea of it.” Now Priya stood up holding the papers in her hand. She sighed before adding further to the conversation, “I want you to go through this prenuptial agreement and revert back to me latest by next Friday.” She holds out those papers to Ram.

Taking those in his hands Ram looked displeased by Priya’s action. “I know I am your culprit, fully to blame. But what the heck is this?”

“Ram I am protecting my interest only. I have no interest in anything else.” Replied Priya calm and content having the idea of results that the agreement will yield her. “Page V, there are some special clause. Go through them.” Priya said when she heard the scrunch of the paper.

Furrowing his eye brows and looking up to Priya, Ram turned to Page V immediately. The bold letters drew his attraction. His eyes raged with blood and he frowned as he started reading them one after other. “What the Fuck it is Priya? Do you think I am marrying you to have sex with you or to make babies with you?” he threw the papers on the floor. “And extra marital affair? What do you want? To show the court that my husband denied consummating the marriage because he has an external affair? Is that you are planning?” Ram stood up and without giving Priya a chance to react to her reflex he pinned her to the Chesterfield behind. Coming atop he locked her under him. Priya struggled for freedom beneath. Cuffing her wrist in his fist he pushed them away from their bodies, along the length of the backrest. “Do you think that I am marrying you to have sex with you? Do you think that I am marrying you to cage you in my mansion away from everyone? Do you think I am marrying you to cheat on you? Do you think I will pressurize you to follow the rituals related to this marriage when there is nothing between us?” Ram looked at her eyes that raged equally as his. “Let me tell you Priya, never I had any interest in your body; neither I wanted to make love to you so sooner then; it happened and with your consent because we loved each other.” He felt Priya to push him a little. He tumbled for a while but taking his position back; Ram pressed himself more into her. “Stay still when I am talking.” He shouted, “Just Still.”

Snapping at Ram, Priya continued to struggle to free herself. Disgusted by her tries he released her for a moment only to grasp her more beastly. “You want me to sign this, right?” He asked coming above her again. “I will with two more clauses added to it. I want your lawyer to meet mine.”

“STILL!!” he ordered. “Listen Priya very carefully, if I want I can get you; I can do that in a moment with your consent. It is not really hard to make you act according to my wish. But I respect you more than I love you. Yes I love you and you know something you love me too. But now after this non sense, neither I love you nor I respect you but I will not let you escape so easily Miss Sharma. Next time I will not say you to keep still. I WILL MAKE YOU STILL” Ram raged over Priya, who struggled for freedom beneath.

Granting her freedom Ram stood straight. Shoving his hands through the thick hair he stood calm at his place. Looking at Priya, he voiced, “Lastly never ever try to wake the beast in me. This is the last time I am warning you, don’t disrespect my family, don’t disrespect their emotions and don't provoke me to be a beast. Let me be, I will let you do what ever you want, even if it harms you, because from now onwards you lost every respect from me, forget about love.”

“Get that straight into your head.” Ram scorned.

While Priya caressed her wrist which left sore by Ram’s beastly torment, Ram gritted every word under his teeth, “Ask your lawyer to meet Nikunj Verma on Tuesday. He is my lawyer. He will brief him/her about my terms.” Holding a visiting card towards Priya he added, “This is his card.” After Priya took it in her hand, Ram turned to leave but before leaving he spoke for the last time, “And. Now it is a challenge that you threw on me. I will marry only you Priya. I was regretting about the past. But if you can be inhumane to protect your interest I did no wrong doing same then....” Ram was over voiced by Priya..

“I knew it!! You have no regrets. Stop pretending.” Tears escaped her eyes. “Now it is a challenge for me too, to make your life hell after marriage.”

“We will see who will do what and who turns whose life into a hell.” Ram scoffed. Leaving the papers and Priya behind he rushed out of the room pulling the door hard hitting it against the frame making a loud sound.



Priya. She sits quite at her place with eyes fixed on her knotted hands. The green designer saree that her father chose lays pale beside on the bed. Today is her engagement she should look happy but she is scorching with rage that built up within by Ram for Ram. Just when she began to believe he is regretting his acts, the truth fell naked out of the sack. She didn't move a bit from her place for several minutes, neither do her eyes changed the shift. In short she was torturing herself. Shivering out from the thoughts of revenge Priya looked to the mirror in front and found her mother standing by her with a pleasant smile.


“Nothing.” Shipra said under her sigh. Taking her seat on the bed adjacent, she caressed the fabric. “When you were a little kid I always used to dream about this day and when it is here today I can't believe my fate.”She said with a faint smile. “Priya, beta it is time to forget the past and envelope the present.  Ram is a very nice boy. He will keep you happy. Accept him with all your heart.”

“I’ll try!”

“Not try beta.You have to. Trust your mother. He is a nice person.” Shipra dearly kept her hand on her daughter's head. “He will make you forget all the past.”

“No one will ever can do it.” With a lost look Priya turned to her mother. “Maa please don't talk about those days.”

Theek hain. Now get ready quickly.” Said Shipra, planting a kiss on her daughter's forehead. She repulsed back to her position and touched Priya’s forehead with her palm thrice. “You are having fever Priya.” Exclaiming, Shipra again placed her palm against Priya’s forehead.

“I am okay Maa.” Putting back Shipra’s hand Priya took two pendants up on air in both of her hands asking, “Which one?”

“Leave those.” Putting them back on their cases Shipra put the thermometer under her tongue to check her fever. Priya tried to speak but her mother disallowed her. “103!!” Shipra got nervous and stood up to call the male members.

“Mom!!” Priya stiffens her mom at her place. “I am completely okay. I even had fever yesterday. So just chill one paracetamol will do the needful.” Priya gulped a tablet. “Now tell me which one should I wear?” She points to the pendants in the box.

“I have a better one” Meera said from the door. “Shipra ji as you said, the necklace is here.” The box had a beautiful neck piece designed with emerald and diamonds matching Priya’s Saree.

“Today is my engagement not wedding.” Refuted Priya denying to wear it.

“Priya.” Moving her to the dressing chair Meera carefully let her sit on it. Placing the neckpiece around her neck Meera smiled. “Perfect. As if it is made for her. Isn't  it Shipraji.

“It is.” Shipra said wiping out tears from corner of her eyes. “Indeed.” Putting a kala teeka on Priya’snape. “Bring her quick.” Instructing Meera, Shipra walked out.

“Go.” Meera points to the changing room. Picking the saree Priya walked inside.



Ram. “Everyone will have their eyes on you only today.” Neha said blanketing ram with sprinkle of his favourite cologne. He looked dapper in the hand embroidered Jodhpuri suit.

“I have no exp....” He looked back with his father’s voice.

“Neha, Vikram if you don't mind...” Amarnath waited for them to leave. After them Krishna Kapoor entered and closed the door behind her. Shoving hand around his son’s shoulder he sighed. “Ram. Whatever happened in past, I don't know what made you so nasty, but I want to see my sensible boy back. Marriage is a big responsibility and Priya is a sweet girl. Your mother always wished for a daughter but we were not so lucky. Priya will be our daughter but  as a wife she will have many expectations from you. I want you to live upto her expectations. As I want to say again that I am proud of you. We want her to be proud of you too. Don't let our daughter down.” Amarnath hold Ram between his both hands. “Rise again. Rise again.”

The repeated knock on the door increased with each passing second. “Who can it be?” Ram said. Just when he opened the door from the other side Rishab jumped into his arms. “Rishab!!” Ram’s sigh escaped with his name.

Bhai! If I wouldn't have come on time I would have missed it. I am so happy for you. At last you forgot her!!” in excitement he declared the unwanted.

“Her!!” said the Kapoor seniors in unison.

“Sorry!” Rishab whispered.

Until We Meet




  1. Everyone has not guts to accept the fault they do but as a friend Neha and Vikram accepted their unintentional wrong doing towards Priya in past which has caused her to suffer more than them.

    For time being Rajat has been punished for his crime by Jayeshji but still the love and respect has to be gain again between awesome foursome. The peace is also back but the trust is still hanging which Ram has to earn from his beloved who is in craziness to protect herself from her lover arranged a legal document.

    In her point of view Priya is right but Ram is too not wrong but still instead of understanding her and situation he is still thinking emotional safety of his parents.

    With the nearing if engagement day both of RaYa parents are happy for their children.

    But the challenge has began and accepted too between the lovers and no one will back out and in all this. Now with another twist of Rishbah spilling the beans of her who was Ram past in front of their parents.

  2. Superb now rishab knows that priya is r am past hope raya ke beech sab theek ho jaye n now their love story is going to start with nok jok hatred with love inside their hearts which they have from last 7 years now cant wait for next part

  3. Hi Nairita ,
    I m short of words !! Wow my curiosity iscgetting increased with every update , can't expresss how happy and satisfied I feel reading etvery single line of the update ,it's like feat for me . Amazing writing . Minimum 3-4 times I read an update ,sounds crazy na,but it's true and the best writer in you to be blamed for my greediness and craziness. I wait like anything for the next part , if I cud hv kept timer ,cud hv told u how many times a day I visit this blog . Awesome dear ,I m totally in live itch ur writing and this raya is breathtaking and killing me with every move they make ,so as other characters . Though raya are the central point of the story ,other characters have been fully justified and sketched at its best ,hats off dear .

    Plz update soon ,

    Thank you

  4. This is something I actually was guessing off yes the conditions which Priya kept for marriage but I guess more then that love it's their ego which is important in story for them...
    I was sad after knowing what Ram did with Priya but after knowing what Priya is doing I guess both are just same both are doing mistake on mistake just to get rid of each other.... both aƕ actually acting childish...
    Priya is acting real weird she is just taking out her anger this way but Ram should have to act little mature but I guess this is what the story abt...
    Their immature love growing with time & finding their soul in each other awesom....
    I m just loving this different kind of story it really gives me wild angle of imagination of nusty love in life great going keep it up waiting for nextdo post soon...
    M plz change this story lay out to previous one plz it's getting really difficult to read in mobail in this lay out plz change it As soon as possible...

  5. Drama pura jor tor se... rk wala mood...sab milake dhasu update... Waiting for engagement .... waiting for hate cum love story 😆😆😁


Chapter 48 : Enough to be Worse.

Chapter 48 : Enough to be Worse. Everyone in the room stood stunned as Jayesh and Sudheer went through the warrant t...