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Thursday, June 1, 2017

Part 13 : The Knotty Affair

The Knotty Affair.

New Delhi.

The summer in the capital is getting unbearable; now days hardly one can hear a bird chirp. It was not an expectation day for Priya. Like always she followed her strict routine. Sharp at 5 she gets up, after finishing her regular drink i.e one large glass warm water with one lemon squeezed in it; she leave for walk that lasts till 6 am. Next she gets ready for the day after shower. There remains no change if it is a weekday or weekend or a day to office or she will be travelling. For her that day was travelling day.

“Good Morning.” Wishing everyone present there she sat to have breakfast.

“Is there any need to buy a Pent House in Mumbai and at that cost? I mean you could have acquired anything here.” Asked Sudheer disapproving the idea of acquiring a Pent house

“It is needed papa. I mean we all have to move to Mumbai now and then. Though Kapoors have a great reputation about their dealing but they will be giving us a tough time I guess.” Said Priya taking two pieces of bread from the serving plate. “And if maa also wants to go there she will not have to run here and there. I will be appointing a full time care taker so that we can make us feel home there too.”

“An investment is an investment.” Said Jayesh walking inside, “26 crores is a good amount to invest in Mumbai, it will come back in double within years and Ashok had make me visit it virtually only after my nod Priya said yes to the deal.” Looking around for Priya, Jayesh asked her to be quick.

In next one hour and half or less, Priya and Jayesh were on their way to the airport. She checked with her hand bag that carried few essentials.

“Priya, Ram will come in person to receive you.” Said Jayesh very seriously.

“Why I am having this feeling that I have somehow made you upset?” Priya asked humbly.

“Yes you have.”

“But why?” asked Priya worried.


“What are you saying uncle?” under her stammered reply she tried to smile, “He is our biggest client and challenge, I respect him and that's it!” she answered with constant stammer.

“Okay better. But I will expect if any day something brews up you will tell me first.” Knowing Priya was lying Jayesh stressed his faith in her.

“There will be nothing.” Confidently Priya replied. “He is my client and will remain the same.”


The flight took off on time. At first Priya used to travel in economy class, even she travelled in trains to save money but when she has that amount to spend; first class tickets only please her. If she is in hurry only then business class suffice. But, days were gone when she used to pat her with economy class. With no such rush at that time there were only 4 passengers including her in the first class. The co-passenger was very keen to talk to her but Priya was least bothered about the surroundings. With the music playing into her ears and the book she was reading she stalled herself in her own world.

“Excuse me Ma’am” the flight attendant humbly smiled as Priya responded to her. “That gentleman over there was trying to reach you. He just cared if he does knows you. Oblige us.”

Taking off her glasses Priya turned her head to a right angle to see that man. “No I don't.” Said Priya starting to read again. “ and please no more bothering.”

“Anything you want Ma’am?” she asked her humbly. Having a nod of variance, the flight attendant walked away. Might be the person was known to her but after a particular incident when she fell into the trap of a journalist, when she had just started travelling alone for business, Priya never entertained any unknown face or better to say only family and friends are entertained by her in public places.


The flight didn't take long. It arrived at Mumbai airport as scheduled. With her stroller and handbag she walked outside and saw Ram waiting for her there only. He looked more dapper that day. The black suit with slate grey strokes on it complimented him in the best possible way. Where as she was in a t shirt one size larger than her and a palazzo with the flip flops making flattery sound against the floor.

“Good Morning.” Ram wished taking off his glasses, “Even the aviation system knows how much you hate delays.” Shifting the trolley from her hand to his he called his chauffeur. “This way.” Ram pointed. They walked along and stopped in front of Ram’s Audi.

“Can you just get a car hired for me?” Priya asked.

“Why?” Ram corrected himself.  “I mean I himself is at your service. If you want I can ask Ravi to take leave. I will be your personal chauffeur for the days you will stay here.”

“Very Funny but that doesn't suffice to make me laugh.” Scolded Priya making a face indicating her annoyance. “Well I need to discuss something with you. Personal.” She stressed on the last word. Without letting her complete she was pushed by a lady aside who hugged Ram. “What the fuck!” pulling the lady out from Ram’s arm she made her stand next to her. Coming in front Priya demanded an explanation for her just made ridiculous action.

“Who is this aunty?” said the girl out of her annoyance, “Ram and why are you with her?” she moved to him again. Ram couldn't stop himself from grinning. He was enjoying the irritation that built around Priya.

“Babe she is an associate. She is a big name in the Industry. So  what brought you here?” Ram asked after his reply.

“Actually dad gifted me an exotic trip to Maldives and after you turned me down I thought to try my luck there.” The lady leaned to Ram and tried to whisper, “at least I am better than this aunty. Try me baby.” Ram again grinned.

“Right now I have a lot of pending work and prior engagement and if I am lucky, after your Maldives trip I will definitely.” Ram replied.

“Aunty where are your kids?” asked that girl to Priya.

“Ask your father babes.” Sarcastically replied Priya. Ignoring her presence she concentrated on her phone. Priya’s reply was bang on back to the annoying girl, spoilt brat of another business man. It was hard for Ram to keep his laugh under control. His grin went away translating it into a suppressed laugh.

“What did you say right now?” the girl demanded an apology.

“Exactly what you heard.” Showing middle fingers of her both hands Priya glared at Ram, who was then laughing with all his might.

“Disgusting people. Ill mannered, ill behaved.” The girl started walking towards the entrance.

“Same to you babes and don't forget to ask your father.” Priya voiced.

“FUCK OFF.” The girl shouted.

Priya was about to reply when Ram stopped her. “Enough for today ma’am. It will take two days to digest what I saw right now.” Priya looked back to Ram. Who continued, “She is just a little girl of 19, her father wanted me to marry her. I turned down calling her my little sister. She thought you to be my match and just came here to break this.”

“Is his father mad?” Priya retorted, “Really marrying off a 19 year old with a 32 year old.”

“34. I am two years elder than you.” Ram corrected. “Ravi..” he called his chauffeur. When he came and stood there, Ram gave him two hundred rupee notes and asked him to leave for bungalow and inform the mistress of house i.e his mother that he will come with Priya in hours. He obeyed.

“Come.” Ram gestured Priya to get into the car. Priya secured her seat and pulled across the seat belt crossing her chest.

“ I need to go to Bandra first.” Priya said dialing a number.


“One minute.” She had the caller on line, “Hi Ashok I am here. Will be there in an hour maybe. Mr. Kapoor is helping me out.” She spoke.

“I have asked Samar to be there and pardon me for my absence you know my about the trip and convey my thanks to Ram for being there. At least you have a friend by your side.” Ashok replied happily.

“Just a business associate Ashok.” Priya grind every word under her breath.

“Okay okay but he is a gentleman. Tell him the reason he will help you with the new place.” Ashok suggested like a big brother.

“Okay.” Priya disconnected the call and looked at Ram. Under a deep sigh she said the reason of her visit to Bandra.

“Which place exactly?” asked Ram.

“Galaxy High Rise. I am acquiring a Pent House there.” Priya replied to him.

“Okay.” Ram looked little nervous, in silence he drove to the desired location without being stopped  by the guard he drove his car inside and going around he parked the car in a particular spot.

“Do they know you or you have invested here?” asked Priya suspecting something wrong and she was right.

“Actually Priya this high rise has two Pent House only and both of them belong to me.” Ram had no intention to hide any truth from her.  This stuck as a lightening bolt to her.

“Can you please refund advance?” Immediate response from Priya surfaced.

“Why are you running away from me Priya?” Ram asked looking at her. “why?” he shoved his hands through his perfectly set hair and ended up spoiling them, “ Okay if you are so desperate to neglect me I promise you to sell the other one too and I will not interfere in your life.”

“You were aware that I was getting it?” Priya asked.

“Priya I don't look after all these Samar looks after this and he said me some madam from media house is acquiring it. So, I thought any hot shot journalist is coming to buy. From when you became media person by the way?” asked Ram.

“That’s not the point. Why are you selling this off?” Priya asked back.

“I need money and I can't tell you the reason and also not to bauji. I bought these at a very cheap price and I am almost selling this in a huge profit to you.” Ram replied not looking at Priya.

“You can get fund from the company if you want; why you need to sell this?” Priya was sure that Ram was hiding something from her.

“Look Priya this is my personal matter and like you said there is only business between us I am not bound to answer you for anything.” Replied Ram quite rudely.

“Right!” Priya looked around.

“This two pent houses and this business both are my own investments. I am risking everything with this deal. If I fail I have to do whatever bauji will ask me to.” Ram sounded pretty upset with himself.

“I will buy it. If you need money I am ready to help you. Deal is a deal. Priya Sharma has not backed off from any deal and has not let anyone down. I will not let you down in this project.” Affirmed Priya.

“Thanks. I wish someday I will be able to tell you the reason.” Ram wished.

“Can you show me the Pent House?” Priya demanded, “ and I would like to settle the deal today only.”

“Yeah sure come.” Ram got off the car after Priya. They together walked in, the security saluted Ram as he walked in. Pressing the topmost floor button i.e 18th Ram and Priya stood in silence. Ram welcomed Priya to his Pent House which she was going to be the owner of. “I don't think you need to do any interior decorations.” Ram put the digital passcode and the door opened allowing them to enter. He surely acquired it with much passion and love.

“There is one problem only.” Ram added before leading Priya to the open terrace garden.

“And that is exactly.” Priya asked.

“The swimming pool this pent house has.” Ram said leading her to the pool. “As you can see I have made a glass partition to make it look sophisticated but..”

“But when you will be making out with your girl friends there I will get the privilege to watch the matinee and late night shows. What about evening shows?” Priya said making a weird face to him.

“What?? Wait. I can say that for you also. When I bought them did I know one day I have to sell one of it off? I invested with much love Priya. With the money that I earned. I ..” his voice chocked. “Leave it. The creature that you have turned yourself into will never understand. Only my Priya could understand my emotions.”

After a long silence Priya walked till the glass partition, hovering her hands over it she looked back to Ram. “Yeah I am an emotionless creature but I don't fail my words.” She turned back to him. Taking off her slippers she stepped to the artificial grass, “If I am an emotionless creature it is because of you.”

“What did you say?” grabbing her wrist in his strong grip Ram said. He made his grip strong against her wrist watch with the intention to hurt her.

“Ah! Ram you are hurting me.” She said trying to take her hand off from his occupancy. “Leave me.” She ordered.

“Leave you.. leave you.” Ram pushed her back. He definitely had an upper hand when it comes to the physical strength. In no moment he pinned Priya to the wall opposite. “You know what!!” Ram looked into her eyes. “I can only see hate for me in these eyes. There is no love. I was trying to find that love but no... not again. I will not.” Priya looked unpleasantly towards him and tried to get herself free. “You are making some tries that will go into vain. You can't free yourself from me unless and until I want you to but I make you free.” Ram stepped back and stood straight with his eyes still looking at hers.

Her breathes were heavy, encircling her palm over the spot where her wrist watch was, she looked at Ram cursing him. Her anger didn't let her speak. “I said you that day, if you are happy with your side of story then let me happy with mine but if you want to hit me every time with your story then you have to speak up and let the accused speak to; too.” Ram said in a warning tone.

“Are you trying to intimidate me?” Retorted Priya.

“No. I am not. I am warning you about dire consequences if you keep on behaving like this.” Ram replied. “I have a threshold point dare to break it and I will show you what my arrogance can do.”

“Just do it now naa. What you can do I have an idea of it.” Priya provoked Ram.

“huh” smirked Ram, “You have no idea darling. You just have no idea what I can do.” He walked to the glass barricade. “I will make sure this gets covered with some wallpaper of your choice.”

“Again you are running away.” Priya accused him again.

“I am not. But definitely you are.” Ram looked back, “Not even once you are allowing me to speak. I will not defend what I did. I just wanted you to hear.”

“Will that bring back my dignity? Will that make me get rid of that filthy feeling of Rajat’s hands around me?” Priya replied.

“What did you say?” surprised Ram looked at her for an answer, “What Rajat??? Kya kiya tha usne?”

“As if you don't know.”

“Priya tell me.” Ordered Ram.

“And put myself into depression again!!” she closed her eyes tight to hide her anxiety but her reflexes made it more prominent.

Knowing that Ram walked towards her and tried to hold her. “Don't!!” Priya stood back gesturing him to stop as her back hit the wall again. “Don't touch me.” Immediately Ram withdrew his idea and stepped aside shoving his hands into the pants pockets.

The awkward silence between them prevailed that was unwanted and unexpected.

“I don't know why destiny is making this tougher for us but if you want your advance back I will return it to you.” Ram said not looking at her. The sudden calmness in him was alarming. He definitely was not happy for what he learned. There was a constant stomping in his head with the name Rajat.

“I don't. I will have this.” Priya shivered Ram out of his thoughts and also given him some hope; “But I have a condition.”


“My family especially Jayesh uncle and Meera should not know that you were the owner.” Priya looked up.

“I can understand about Meera but why Jayesh Uncle if I may ask?” Ram enquired.

“Because this morning he wanted to know if there is anything brewing up between us. He is having an eye on us.” Priya declared putting Ram into deep thought.

“Okay then I will close the deal on my own and Samar will not be included. I will keep it a secret. It's a promise and this Ram Kapoor knows what worse happens if a promise is broken.” He smiled to Priya. Extending his hands for a professional shake, he waited for Priya to reciprocate. Her touch was not appealing. He felt her uneasiness. “Deal.” he uttered with a smile. “Please come this way. I will show you the electronic lock.” Educating her about it he looked back allowing her to change the code as desired.

“Done!” With Priya uttering Ram turned to her. He asked her to check if it works. After checking and re-checking it he pulled out a card and handed it to Priya. “Four times. If  four times the code is put wrong only this can unlock it.”

“That will never happen unless it is mom but I will take care of it. But if suppose I lost this; Is there any duplicate?” Enquired Priya.

“Till now I had only one, which I am handing over to you, for a duplicate only the company can provide it and I will inform them about the transfer of the property. They will do the needful after contacting you. Let’s go mom must be expecting you.” Ram held the door open for Priya. They walked down stairs in silence.

“How come you didn't have an idea about me to be buyer?” asked Priya as Ram drove the car into the traffic, “I have sent all the details to get the agreement ready.”

“To Samar. I had some work which kept me busy and I am still to go through it. Trust me I didn't know.” Ram smiled in his disbelief, “What you have turned yourself into?” he smirked.

“Better we don't talk personal.” Instructs Priya, “Can you help me with something?”

“If I can I will be the happiest man on this earth.” Ram smiled happily.

“Where do Neha live?” Priya asked, “I promised her a visit, I want to surprise her and can you help me finding a caretaker for the Pent House?”

“The first one. Neha and Vikram’s duplex is close to my home, I will take you there tomorrow, they are not here today and about caretaker I will ask Samar .. no not Samar he is in touch with Ashok. How will you handle Ashok? Samar may anyday tell him about me being the seller.”

“I will handle him. Don't worry.” Priya replied confidently.

“I will get you a reliable employee just give me a week time, I will forward you some CVs and as promised I will handle the deal privately.” He replied hoping her to believe.

“I will ask the Taj to provide me a car. You don't have to bother after this. I will leave after meeting aunty.” Said Priya looking out.

“As you wish.” There came no objection from Ram. While Priya continued to play with her mobile.

After a drive of 40 minutes in the traffic from Bandra to Juhu, they reached Ram’s sea facing bungalow. He honked the car’s horn and Priya saw a guard peeping through the guard house before the Gate automatically opened. Driving inside he welcomed Priya to his home.

“Maa.” Ram called his mother, “Ms. Sharma is here.”

With a soothing smile the lady drape in blue and cream shade saree walked towards them. Priya stooped and touched the elderly lady’s feet to take her blessings.

“God Bless you beta.” She said caressing her head, “You must be tired I have kept the guest room ready. Chalo I will....” Priya stopped Krishna and looked confused. She tried to find a way to speak further. “Any Problem beta.” Krishna asked Priya in return.

“Aunty. I am sorry to offend you but I can't stay here.” The displeasure was clearly visible in the elderly lady’s eyes. “Aunty I am here to final a deal with the Kapoor Industries and it will not be professionally good if I stay here. Even Jayesh uncle will have objection. I am extremely sorry but I promise you next time when I will come to meet you only I will definitely stay here. But not this time.” Requested Priya.

“Okay. But you can have dinner with us tonight.” Smiled the lady inviting Priya over dinner.

“Sure.” Accepting it Priya looked relaxed.

They looked to the intercom that rang there. The spectator Ram walked to it and answered. After listening he asked Priya if she has called any car from The Taj Palace. Nodding in acceptance she requested him to allow it.

“Allow.” Ram dropped the call.

“Aunty. I need to go. I will definitely join you on dinner.” Priya affirmed before leaving.

“Maa I will also leave for office after seeing her off.” Ram informed his mother.

As they walked to the door, Krishna Kapoor smiled and beside her stood Ram’s grandmother. “How is she?” humbly asked Krishna to her mother in law.

“I can never doubt your choice.” Said the elderly lady.

“But still we have to wait.” Said Krishna under her deep sigh.


After having shower Priya lied on the bed lazily. She was quite lazy to change into her regular clothes. She lied there on the bath robe, wrapped loosely around her. The flight, then the fight with Ram made her little tired. The encounter that she had with him definitely left an impact on her. “Ouch.” She uttered as her hands fell over the spot on her left hand where Ram held her. “You definitely wanted to hurt me.” She cursed Ram hovering her fingers over it. She still remembered the rage evident in his eyes but why would he rage? She asked herself. He has no right to do it. He was completely to blame whatever happened to her. Really? She again asked. The complex thoughts thumped against her head. “God. This summer is going to kill me someday. The unruly headaches during summer keeps her in chains. Bringing herself to a sitting position Priya pressed her head from both the side of head with her hands. She withdrew from the position and cocked her head to the side table where her mobile lays. It alerted her with its ringer tone set for Shipra.

“Yes Maa.” She said putting it on speaker. 

“Why didn't you call?” asked Shipra.

“I had a long day already. Good news is I got possession of the Pent House and I am going to sign the agreement this evening.” Priya said because the e mail from Ram, she read few minutes back before going into shower, updated her. “and next time you will be here, you will be at you own house.”

“Why can't I come this time Priya?” Shipra complained.

“Maa. This is completely a professional party only Jayesh Uncle and I am attending even papa is not coming as he is not associated with it.” Priya tried to convince her mother, “Next time I will definitely bring you with me. I promise you”

“Mrs. Kapoor accompanied her family, when they were also here for business right?” Refuted Shipra.

“Maa they were there for Dristhi’s Marriage too. Aunty was there to attend it not business.” Priya kept on trying to convince Shipra, “Maa please try to understand everyone’s different. Kapoors have one view about business and we have another. Please try to understand and tell me why I bought this pent house obviously for you.” She said under her sigh. “Maa..” she paused and found call waiting indication with Meera’s number. “Maa I am calling you back, Meera is calling me and no more discussion about tomorrow's party.” Disconnecting the call without letting Shipra to answer.

“Hi Meera. Is you flight delayed?” asked Priya. She sounded most relaxed.

“What are you up to Priya?” Retorted Meera surprising the caller.

“Now what I did? Please explain.” Priya sat straight taking the phone in her hand.

“Really!! Ram is selling that Pent House to you or I may say you are buying it knowingly.” Charged Meera with the truth.

“How do you know?” stammered Priya.

“Ashok was dealing with his manager and if you have forgotten let me remind you my husband is a journalist and heading a news channel that digs grave for people like us; you, me, Ram.” Meera almost shouted to Priya, “He said me.”

“Ashok knew it?”

“No today when he called Samar to inform your visit with Ram. He broke the news and being with me he was compelled to speak the truth before you could manipulate him.” In a single breath Meera said.

“I didn't know.” Priya defended.

“Now you know. BACK OFF!” Meera ordered. “We can get a nice bungalow at Juhu at 30-35 crores. Where as it is costing 26 crores. Just a few more we have to add to it.” She conferred the prevention plan also.

“I can't and I promised him. Please stop over reacting and just think I am making a safe deal. We know Ram Kapoor and..” Priya had to stop and surrender to Meera. Over voicing her Meera scolded, “Priya you are digging your own grave. Stop this.”

“Meera nothing will happen like you are thinking and I have a request.” Priya couldn't complete even, from the other side Meera added mimicking Priya “please don't tell Jayesh Uncle Maa and Papa..Right??”


“I will not only if you promise to keep me updated all the time.” Said Meera.


“Had to go. Flight announcements. Will ping you pictures from Colombo.” Meera said before she ended the call.

Looking at the time, after a deep sigh she pulled the quilt over her and setting the AC to its lowest temperature  she lied down. In moments she went into deep slumber.


“Priya I know you love me” said Ram moving closer to her. She tried to look around for help. There was no one. The idea of getting lift from him after dinner was a pretty bad idea she thought. To avoid his touch she tried to pull away her face closing it more towards the window. Her right hand being clutched within his merciless hand, she moves up her left hand to revolt. “You made the wrong choice baby .” saying under his cunning grin he pushed her harder to the seat.

“Please let me go..” she gasped in terror.

“I was waiting for this moment. When I can get you alone here and see my luck even Meera is not around and this place hardly any one intrudes. There is no escaping before you confess.” Brushing his nose skilfully against her cold cheeks he said. She tried to speak but her voice lost the control. “Come on baby how long I have to wait.” He came across and nuzzled along her collar bone exposed to him. She can feel his hands digging on her waist. The warmth of his touch made her remember about the past.

Looking straight into her terrified eyes his right hand clutched her nape. Arching her face to him he grinned like a dacoit, who has the most precious thing possessed. “So you have decided to make this difficult for you. Okay then as you wish.”

“Please..” she gasped again under her heavy breathes.

“Love.” He said under his grin, making her sink into the seat he pressed himself to her. She can see him moving closer with his lips parted. With all her might she tried to push him; but the failed attempts made him more ferocious. He was just a moment away from piercing his lips into her taking her in his possession, she managed to scream.

“STOP!!!!”  she came out of her horrible dream, panting in exertion. The ringer of the phone that lied by made her sleep broke. Turning to it she picked it up to attend.

“Hello.” She said trying to catch some air.

“Good evening Ma’am, This is Avilash from the reception. Mr. Ram Kapoor wishes to speak to you. Shall we connect?” he asked humbly.

The dream and now he himself is calling. Is this a dream too. She pinched herself to get rid of it. “OUCH!!” she screamed after hurting herself.

“Are you okay ma’am?” asked the man on line obliging his limit.

“Yeah Yeah.. connect Mr. Kapoor.” She replied moving her hand on the spot.

“Good evening Priya.” Ram’s voice traveled into her nervous brain. “I tried your mobile and you didn't respond so I chose to call here. If I have offended you I am sorry.” He made her more nervous. “why he is sounding different??” she asked herself. “I have a bad news for us.” Ram said.

“That Samar has let the cat out of the sack. Ashok is aware of you as the owner and so do Meera may know. Meera knows Ram.” Priya said in a breathe. “I have managed to tame her this time.”

“Oh! Great.” Ram sighed to relax, “and I was thinking if I can pick you up from Taj, it’s on my way return.” He added.

oh never, after that dream definitely not.” She wanted to say but controlling the thoughts she said about the car that has been already booked for the evening. Ram, though he was little disappointed, according to Priya, agreed and wished to see her soon.


After disconnecting the call, she held up, cursing her to have such a monstrous dream. “what is happening to you priya?” she scolded herself. “Might be the exhaustion and the little act by Ram lead me think all these non sense.” Coming to a conclusion she climbed down the bed. With another round of shower she chose a light blue saree for the evening. A subtle make up with a pair of matching earrings, she left her neck bare. Ram is surely mightier than her when it comes to physical strength she thought as her wrist ached with the touch of the watch. Putting it back, she walked out of the room with her purse and phone only.

Until We Meet




  1. Hi,I found your blog accidentally and mayn some accidents are worth itπŸ‘ŒπŸ»πŸ‘ŒπŸ» Superbly written super story content and what else I can say!!
    I hope you are not one of those writers who hang there readers.

    1. Hey thank you 😊 for the kind words. I really not hang my writers. Juggling amongst work and passion I come up with one chapter every week 😊😊

  2. Haiyeee sapna kab pura hoga 😘😘😘 many raya moments ...Dil khush karr diya😍😍 want to more more and moreeeeeeeeeee πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ eagerly waiting for next .. pleaseeee di jaldi Dena pls pls pleaseeee πŸ˜›πŸ˜›πŸ˜›

  3. The affair has yet to be start again between RaYa if only they give second chance to their love.
    Priya who suffered a lot in past so is Ram but still both are unaware of each other pain and the problems they have face. For time being only coins one side has been revealed other side yet to be open.
    RaYa are again so close yet to far but still unable to open up and whether the deal is personal or professional they will maintain dignity. Another glimpse of hint about Rajat crossing the line with Priya in past but still hidden.
    Meera is sharp again got to know about RaYa dealing so is Jayeshji too doubting.
    Shipraji is determined for her daughter well being and so is Krishnaji who wants her to marry her son.
    The dream caused so much terror and fear in her but still Priya can't stop thinking about Ram who hurt her.

  4. Don't know why but feeling really confused what is happening if really Priya have no feeling do Ram then why small act or words by him really disturbs her what is she wants from him & life stop hidden under her heart from other side do Really Ram had no clue what the sun Rajat had did with Priya that she turn into worst creature now... how can this be possible not NeVi know anything abt it... this is getting on my nerves it's a request plz open up the past let the cat out from basket as enough of blaming & causing jab been down by Priya till now or atlas show Ram side story too how the things turn out pain dil for him too... I know that both had gone with pain which can't be heal but at least they deserves to let other know abt it then let faith decide abt it... for the update Shipra ji & KK wants their kids happiness but I guess this will turn worst nightmare for them if their dream turn into reality as one of other day truth will need to get out from past & that will n worst for them... & any Ram & Priya feel like they really need time & break from each other to think staright like this they are heading no where expect hurting each other.... ram is behaving genuine but Priya turning sarcastic all the time... Meera now feel have very fair reason to keep him away from her so plz let the past out soon will waiting for next do post soon....


Chapter 48 : Enough to be Worse.

Chapter 48 : Enough to be Worse. Everyone in the room stood stunned as Jayesh and Sudheer went through the warrant t...