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Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Part 12 : Darkness inside out .

A/N : Some incident will look like flimy, but it is just a fragment of the past that stands today in front. Adaptation of real life story doesn't mean that every thing will look real and natural. To spice up the story "fictional friction" is highly needed sometimes. Hope you enjoy. More revelations will be made in the upcoming updates. 

Part 12 : Darkness inside out.

When the mistress of the house instructs “do not disturb” no one dares to invade, other than unavoidable events, if any. The open terrace allows her to disconnect herself from the outer world, every time when she needs to be alone. Affected by Ram, she sits there cocooned within, without any thoughts and worries, she tried. Last few days went exactly opposite to her thoughts. She never ever thought she could get affected by Ram to such extent. In the past twelve years, amongst which first 2 years passed by when she tried to convince herself to forgot Ram, trained her to tame every emotions rest 10 years passed by as she wanted. After a long wait when she actually considered that she is ready to face Ram and make him dance to her tunes and shatter him to the worst as he did, she failed. Still the Love at heart hurts.

“WHAT?” quite offended to the caller she answered the phone that trembled her hands.

“When are you coming back Priya?” Meera almost whispered.

“Why are you whispering?” asked Priya.

“Because everyone is looking for you and …” the speaker could barely speak someone pulled out the phone from her hands and placed it against his ears.

“Where are you exactly?” asked Ashok, “And a place so much filled with lucrative offers doesn’t attract you how?”

“You said you will not be able to come then how come?” Priya replied with a smile, “And Meera didn’t say a single word about you. She is damn jealous I tell you about you and me.” She added with a laugh.

“Hey I heard some great news. Comeback soon, it’s hard to keep inside me for a long time.” Ashok said enthusiastically.

“I am afraid Ashok, I will not able to make it to the party. Actually I hate loud arrangements and your lame pranks.” Priya’s reply was quite dull.

“This is a Punjabi wedding and if you are looking for some peace darling then I pray to God your marriage should never happen to a Punjabi and coming back to my point I was not requesting you or playing prank to you, I was telling you what you will do next.” With a pause the man added, “Next you will ignite your car and drive back to the party right now.”

“You can’t order me!” retorted Priya.

“I can.”

“You want me to drive back to the party in pajamas?” her reply surprised the listener.

“Meera, only you can handle this mental case. I am done with her.” Pretty offended he handed the phone back to his wife and walked away.

“Now what did you tell him?” Meera asked.

“That I am in pajamas.”

“Oh! So you are skipping it!” Meera asked with a wary.

“Yes, and before you ask, not for that Mr. Kapoor but for myself. I need some peace.” Priya defended herself.

“No need to defend yourself. I will manage everyone, only if you care to come back here early tomorrow.” Advised Meera.

“I promise I will and thank you Meera for being there.” Smiled Priya.

“Have some food.” Meera said before wishing her Good night. Priya wished her back and disconnected the call. Neither of them spoke about Ram, but that somehow that stung Priya badly. Her subconscious part wanted to know about Ram, but the egoist in her wanted to look happy for managing her to avoid him. Closing her eyes she leaned back to the recliner. The past that stands with her all the time, just like the silhouette, suddenly started to get a shape. Slowly the thoughts started to get translated into the reality that happened way back when she was just of twenty. A sudden ethereal power held her back, disallowing to draw herself out of her thoughts. She cried and begged to it to set her free, but it captured her rejecting her repeated plea.

“Ram” she screamed as he fell on his knees covered all over with blood. The belongings from her hand fell on the floor one after another reflecting the shocked state of the owner. The scream was loud to pull out the warden from the adjacent room also. Some of the other girls, few juniors and few seniors screamed out in horror witnessing such dreadful scene in front.

“What is going on?” the warden only acted the way she should have then, “Why you boys are here and OH MY GOD” clasping her hands along her cheeks she looked terrified to see Ram in almost half dead condition. “Did you boys beat him up so inhumanely?” asking she ran to the wounded boy, “He needs medical attention.” Turning back she could see only Priya there staring at the mob clueless. “Priya call the ambulance and why you are standing like a rock?” She noticed no change in Priya, shouting her name was also of no use.

“YOU BLOODY SLEPT WITH HIM RIGHT?” Rajat screamed out every word piercing it into Priya’s heart and astonishing every other present there. “I AM ASKING YOU SOMETHING, ANSWER ME.” Pushing Ram by one of his legs he started approaching Priya.

“Stop you there young boy!” the warden’s warning went in vain. He didn’t stop, until he grabbed Priya by her nape and clutched her throat with his left hand. “WHAT YOU WERE THINKING I WILL NEVER KNOW ANYTHING?” Rajat almost spitted every word at her face. The warden now shifts her attention from Ram to Priya.

“Young man I warn you to leave her RIGHT NOW.” The warden’s voice now invaded the raging Rajat’s head, loosening his grip over Priya’s throat he looked back. “NOW!” the warden ordered.

“Ma’am, do have an idea where she was and what she was doing?” Dragging Priya to the warden, with his grip tight right on her nape he said, “Oh! How she can know? Right Priya!” a cunning smile pasted on his lips as he looked back, “You have not yet distributed your business card to everyone na. So what! I will inform her.” Looking back to the warden he added, “She was with her first millionaire customer.” And every other boy from the mob laughed in unison. The tears rolled down Priya’s  cheeks, the blurred vision didn’t allow her to visualize the monstrous figures in front.  

“RAJAT I WILL KILL YOU!” uttered Ram though in pain.

“SHUT THE BASTARD UP!” shouted back Rajat. Someone from the mob hit Ram hard he fell on the ground. He tried to move but the wounds didn’t let him do so. The securities were alarmed by few other students, seven security personnel along with two professors rushed to the spot, the horrifying visuals made them alert. Though their warnings went in vain with Rajat, most of the boys from the mob dispersed when one of them called the dean of the institution. With the fear of getting expelled  they dispersed within a second.

“I don’t fear anyone and Sir…” Rajat could now see Vikram rushing to the spot and behind him came in some attendants in white uniform, who wheeled Ram out of the spot. Still in Rajat’s occupancy Priya wanted to rush to Ram, she wanted to know who they are taking him away, but she stood still struggling freedom.

“Leave Priya, Rajat.” Head of the department of their trade ordered.

“Priya why don’t you give our professors your business card first, they can do a great favour to you.” Cunningly Rajat said moving his face near her.

“Please Rajat don’t do this.” First time Priya spoke.

“Rajat!!!” the HOD spoke again, “LEAVE HER RIGHT NOW OR YOU WILL FACE IRREVOKABLE PUNISHMENT.” He warned the offender.

“Oh right! How can I forget she is girl, who has every right to offend, right?” Rajat pushed Priya. Tangled amongst her feet she fell on the ground after her head hit the corner of the chair that came across the projectile. Neha was also there, after knowing everything from one of the students she was the one to inform Vikram and arranged for the ambulance. She rushed to Priya. Making her sit, she held her forehead with a handkerchief, though it was just a minor scratch.

“Rajat! I want to meet you at my office. NOW!” the dean from behind declared, “You..” he pointed to Neha.

“Sir.” She responded.

“Give her first aid.” Pointing to Priya he said, “I want her in my office too. This is a college not a stage where you can showcase the drama stints. Gentlemen please come to my office, We need to take some decision.”

“I am not afraid of any decision. This way or that I will ruin you Priya.” Rajat frowned.

“A single word and you will be expelled Rajat!” the dean pronounced.

“That will also not stop me from ruining this whore.” Rajat smirked. “I will finish you, you little bitch!”

“You are expelled, a single word, I will make sure you end up behind the bars for rest of your life and Mr. Puri” addressing the HOD, “Call this girl’s parents now! I need them to know everything and what is happening here around. Is this a college or anything else? Call the securities and throw this young man out of my campus right now.” He waited till the securities showed up and dragged Rajat out. “What about Ram?” he asked while walking out. Almost at the exit he stopped, “You are suspended too Priya, and see me at my office now. I need an explanation.”

“Priya!!” Neha cupped her face, “Stop crying.” Hugging her tight she tried to consol. Priya kept on wailing. The warden sat by the girls with the first aid kit.

“I think you should take her to the dean. This is not good, whatever happened here, never happened earlier and this is serious. I don’t think this is going to be easy.” The warden said, “At least I didn’t expect this from you Priya. This is upsetting” she walked away.

“Neha!! I didn’t know how it happened and how Rajat did come to know about all this!” Priya kept on wailing, without allowing the first aid.

“Look what I heard from few seniors, that Ram and Rajat had an argument, and somehow Ram only broke it!” Neha stopped as Priya looked up, “I don’t know the truth, it’s half baked truth. We need to clear this from Ram.”

“Gosh! Why I am thinking all these?” Priya leaned forward with her hands covering the face drenched in sweat. “I have to stop this. Past should remain at its place.” Inhaling much needed air, she tried to flush out the wrong vibes out from her system. She tried to concentrate on other things, but as her eyes clasp the past invades. Failing to control it she decided to drive back to the wedding venue.


“Is this a way to behave Krishna?” Amarnath Kapoor burned out the anger. “Did you see how embarrassed Priya look then?”

“Amarnath Ji..” Shipra tried to speak in between.

Ni Shipra, I also didn’t like the way Ram behaved.” Sudheer expressed his views, which was pretty against the dreams of the two ladies. “Even if they are sharing a good friendship in this short time, it should not embarrass us like this.”

“I second you Sudheer ji. Even If Priya didn’t say a single word, tell me just one thing, have you seen her around since then?” Amarnath asked.

“Wo, she is in the Farm house.” Shipra added further, “She is bit a personal person and she must have gone there to have some time alone for which she is missing.”

“Look Shipra,” Sudheer added, “I am person with old school thoughts, I didn’t like whatever happened and neither will at any time, even if they come up now and say that something is brewing up between them.” He looked much offended.

“I think!” At last Jayesh spoke, “We all are over reacting!”

“What do you mean?” Sudheer asked his friend.

“Over  thinking. Every one of us. Shipra, Krishna Ji, you and Amarnath.” He looked around the room, “Look they just meet and what I know, even if Priya has found a certain level of match with his thoughts, she will never open up so soon, not even for friendship! So talks about what Shipra and Krishna ji are thinking I don’t think she will ever agree to it right now, future is unpredictable.”

Krishna cuts in immediately, “So why she agreed to take Ram around and today itself why she stayed back to take him along? Any answer?”

“Because I told her!” answered Jayesh, “Because she never says no to me. So stop over thinking.” He could read the pale faces of the ladies, “I don’t mean that there is no hope in future, but right now we should not think about it, at least now and Amarnath; Sudheer” he addressed the men, “What you guys are thinking, about that..” he paused for a moment, “Awkward act.. It might not be that. It might have occurred, casually. Let me speak to Priya and if she is offended, Ram must apologize.”

“I am not convinced!” Amarnath walked to the window, “He must apologize.”

“Oh! Come on Amarnath, ghari dekha apne bĂȘte ka.  Larger than his hands, and Priya, she is not so much accustomed with designer things, Shipra will second me on that.” He looked to her who nodded back, “It’s just an accident. Be rational and why you are so angry with him, most of the time.”

This time Amarnath didn’t respond back, he looked to his wife, who is also not pleased that the father son differences have caught a third person’s eyes. He refrained from speaking any further, “May be! But we need to discuss this.”

“I second him!” Sudheer said.

“Let the ladies handle this.” Jayesh looked up to the ladies in the room, “App dono hi samhalo and we trust you but please don’t bring this hook up thing between right now. If it is supposed to happen it will happen, how much friction it may face at the beginning.”


Parking the car she walked into the venue which still had some people, to be correct few young people in one or two clusters. Her eyes roamed around, in search of familiar faces, at last she found Ashok walking out to the garden. He was certainly accompanied with someone, who still remained unidentified to her eyes. She paced up to catch him. Right at the middle of the garden seated on the garden chairs she became aware about that “someone unidentified” as “Ram”. Cursing herself, she walked to Ashok, to know about Meera.

“Mental tu?” Ashok stood up and embraced Priya in a warm hug, “I thought you will not comeback today. So you got so affected by my words.”

“Where is Meera?” Priya asked.

Yaar tell me something tu meri adhi hain ya uski?” Ashok teased.

“That you know very well and I have no interest in this adhi business. I am ready to be your full, baat karlo apni biwi se.” Priya smiled, and no sooner they laughed aloud together.

“Sorry, don’t mind Ram, we share a little awkward chemistry.” Ashok added to Priya, “You stay here. I will find my full biwi. I think she must be with other ladies as you said you will not come back she adjusted herself with them” smiling the man walked out.

“Sit! Please.” Ram spoke after Ashok left. Priya sat back on the garden chair which was occupied by Ashok previously. “So you took my words seriously! I mean you changed into pajamas to look unattractive but you are grabbing attention more than that.” The bad look galore at him. “Sorry I mean to say boys will gawk at you more now.”

“Yes, in their dreams. Look around Ram and then speak.” Priya tried not to sound irritated.

“I mean tomorrow morning they will see you nah!” Ram tried to defend.

“So you think tomorrow morning I will come out in pajamas? How long you were with me?” Priya asked suddenly, “As a so called friend for about one year and two months and as ..” she paused, “three months.”

“Please complete as..” Ram insisted.

“Leave it Ram!” she leaned back.

“I insist.”

“My destructor !!!!” She sounded perfectly pissed off.

“Why you behave so rudely with me every time?” asked Ram, “I mean, I want a single chance from you, and you are not even in a mood to give me a chance to clarify my act! Is this you really?”

“Okay! Suppose, if I give you a chance even to explain, how will you explain, our last meet, which was definitely at your uncle’s place, in that bed. According to Rajat with my millionaire customer.” Priya sounded angry.

“Stop it Priya!”

“Now I should stop right!” Priya stood up, “Did you ever tried to meet me after what so ever happened? Not for a single time Ram, when my father cursed me to be his daughter, when I managed to gulp that amount of pills that were sufficient to take my breath away. If Jayesh uncle was not there, today I guess, I would have been remembered as the loser Priya Sharma, the bitch, the whore with a business identity.” She managed to irk Ram this time.

“STOP IT! I was not saying a single thing from the first day, because I know somewhere what ever happened was only because of me. If that night I would have not taken you to my uncle’s place..” Ram stopped, “Priya just a chance; I can explain everything to you. I am not asking for forgiveness, I am asking you to give me a chance to speak why I didn’t came back, and when I did you were already gone. Please” plead Ram.

“ ’Of no use Mr. Kapoor. This past haunts me even today. I can’t close my eyes. Whenever I do that horrifying day takes all over me.” She looked back to Ram, “And we must stop this now, I don’t want Ashok to know everything.” Priya seized the conversation noticing Ashok accompanied by Meera approaching them.


“What’s the matter I thought you were serious.” Meera said as she walked along with Priya.

“I also thought so. But, something is haunting me.” Aimless eyes alarmed the listener, “The past is not letting the peace in”

“When the past itself is standing infront, how can you not think of it!” Meera said under her breath. “I think we shouldn't go for the deal and I remember from deal, what made you book a pent house in Mumbai?” Nothing remains hidden from Meera being the CFO of the organisation. She is the first one to get notified about the assets acquirement of the top members.

“I were about to inform you.” Defended Priya.

“And exactly when? Are you waiting for shub muhurat?” the offence made her annoyed. “If you wanted another property you could have acquired one in Delhi, what was the need to have one at Mumbai? What is cooking inside your head?” Meera’s restlessness came up.

“Why are you over reacting? It is just another investment. After farm house I haven't made any investments and having this project almost on board you or me even Jayesh Uncle has to travel to Mumbai often and you know how much I love Hotels.” She looked to Meera, “ And keeping the game plan I thought to have a pent house there, at least we can have a feel of home there and don't worry Ashok has made all the arrangements so I am happy with the deal!” Priya was casual with her answer.

“Past is haunting you or you are inviting past to you?” Meera’s question shocked Priya. Quite disgusted Priya looked back with the annoyance clearly reflecting on her face. The “I am not pleased” looks even don’t bother Meera, Priya is just a reflection of hers. “I asked you SOMETHING?” stressing to something she seized her walk. “Stop Priya there only.” She ordered.

“What should I answer?” Priya retorted, “How many times I have to say I have moved on.”

“Priya before it gets out of your grip, stop! I can find a million way to cancel this deal, in this way no Ram Kapoor no more haunting.” Meera sounded confident.

“For my personal comfort I can't thrash the hard work that my team had put together. If I am not wrong they are working since a year and you want me to drop this.” The sensible boss spoke out, “No Meera I am not that selfish, though I look like one.”

“Even if I manage to make me agree with you about the professional front, I don’t support you acquiring the pent house in Mumbai.” Declared Meera.

“Just an investment. If I don't like it; You don’t like it..” stressed Priya, “ I will revoke it.”

“What about the advance that you paid?”

“I will definitely get it back!” She spoke casually.

“Really??? 40 lakhs!! They are going to give you a zero penny back.” Scolded Meera, “You are sure of having it that’s why You have gave them the cheque.”

“Post dated!! I can stop it if I want.” Priya tried to announce her protection plan.

“Like they will let you go without a legal challenge?” The lady demanded an answer, without letting Priya answer, Meera further added, “You are pretty sure about acquiring it !”

“Meera!!” Priya tried to stop her.

“This discussion is over!!” Priya’s sudden decision rankled Meera.


Next Morning, pretty early Shipra knocked her daughter out of her sleep. That pretty early was about 9 am. “Priya why are you behaving like a sleepy head?” pulling up her by hand Shipra scolded.

“Mom!! This is like a mini vacation for me. Please let me sleep.” Dropping her to the pillow she said.

“Dristhi is quite upset that you left the party yesterday!” Shipra was actually there for “disaster control”. “See who is here.” She welcomed Krishna Kapoor and alarmed her daughter.

“Good Morning Aunty!” suddenly the sleep vented from her.

“Good Morning beta.” She smiled and took her seat by her, “beta, I am here to say sorry for my son’s behavior yesterday. I think that only refrained you from coming to the party!” care and tension in the elderly lady’s voice was clear.

“Aunty! Please don't feel so sorry, Mr. Kapoor and I have a talk about that last night, after I came back. We have sorted out the matter and just the net of my pallu got stuck in his sherwani that’s it.” Priya lied taking the elderly lady’s hand on hers.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes absolutely and please don't feel sorry, If you need to speak to me anytime call me, I will be always there “Tearing out a paper from the notepad she scribbled her phone number and handed to Krishna. “This is my personal number; feel free to call me anytime. You are elder than me why you will come to me? If you need to talk, I will come to you.” She smiled.

“God bless you beta. Tumhe pata bhi ni hain kitna bada bhoj uttar diya tumne.” Blessing her she stood up to leave, dialing Priya’s number she dropped a missed call. “That’s my number.”

After the ladies left to give the news to the gentlemen who were more tensed than them, Priya got fresh and went downstairs to take part in the different ceremonies of Dristhi’s marriage.


“ Priya don’t you think you should get married too. You are accomplished with whatever you want. I think a perfect man is only left to complement you.” Dristhi said trying to get hold of the juice glass which her cousins took away after teasing, “But remember my advice no social marriage. My dhule raja is spared from everything and I am here trying to do every ritual perfectly. What a fool I am?”

Shaadi se pehle yeh haal shaadi ke baad kya karegi?” chewing some dry fruits Ram joined the ladies. “See Priya how much nakhre she has.”

“I’ll definitely see what you do when you will get married. Krishna aunty should get a match for you soon.” Dristhi said under her smile,”waise I heard that you two are working together; is that true?”

“Yes. Almost.” Ram answered.

“Only if the deal cracks!” Priya added. Ram smiled back only allowing Priya to speak further, he walked off from there leaving the ladies alone with their discussion. At the furthest corner he settled himself on a garden swing. Stretching his hands out on both sides he sat leaning head back with eyes closed. The swing rocked with little oscillations.

“Why you are bothering your mother Ram?” the sudden voice made him look up. Priya stood there with her hands crossed against her chest. “Spare her.”

“I am sorry to sound rude but I can take care of my mother.” Ram replied back.

“That’s why she today came to me and said sorry for her son’s deed.” Priya asked her back, “Right?”


“For the last night. But I am not insensible and insensitive like you or the way I look like. I can't let an elderly lady to bend down to me.” Priya said. “Ram stop this non sense. You have lost me.”

“Please don't start that recording again. I know I am fully to blame but you are only happy with your side of story so I am happy with the other side of the story.”

“Do you have anything true to explain?”

“I don't want to explain anything because no explanation can bring back that day back to our lives so that I can correct the wrong. But sharing, I want to share what I went through, my insecurities, realization, apology that was never said, my love for you. I JUST WANT TO SHARE.” Ram’s eyes reflected the truth.  His eyes calmed down Priya for few minutes.

“Please come and seat here. I know I have lost my every right over you. Whether it is friendship, love, to laugh along to cry along.” He pushed himself to one side of the swing and stopped it from rocking. “At least for the professional relationship we have or according to you that we will be sharing in near future.”

“You have learnt to deliver a perfect speech. I am still not convinced.” Priya replied to his offer.

“Who the hell is trying to convince you? You and I both know that if I want you to hear to the my side of story, I can do it in a second and you will never be able to escape me. You don’t have any co-ordination between your eyes and words. They fail each other.” Ram tensed Priya. “But I will not do that, I want you to realize and give me a chance to explain. Please come and sit. If your body guard sees you like this she will again fight with you and if you are uncomfortable having me around..” He stood up, “I will take my leave.”

“No… please sit.” Priya sat on one side of the swing. Looking at her little tensed with the after math of his act, he settled on the other side. His weight startled the swing for a moment.

“Tell me one thing how do manage to spoil your hunk look.” Sudden attack from Priya made him smile. Making an annoying face, “What made you smile?”

“No nothing but you know at Orlando girls used to find me sexier…” Priya cuts in laughing, “Sexy?? Really??” she said under her laugh, “Either they are blind or behind your money.”

“None of which is applicable for you right!” Ram responded back only to record Priya’s reaction. Where he thought to get a tensed reaction from her, she laughed out.

“Money or looks nothing bothers me. It's the heart that really bothers me.” Her answer pierced him badly. “Don't mind I don’t find anything sexy or attractive in you.”

“I know; you are a tough lady to impress now. But your transformation is too hard to handle. Didn’t you get any proposal?” Ram asked.

“Eleven. My family tried to hook me up eleven times and I failed them 11 times.” Her answer was sharp.

“Eleven!!” exclaimed Ram, “And no one was able to hit the bull’s eye?”

“And no one will be.” Replied Priya confidently. Ram wanted to answer but he held back his words to avoid any situation that can lead her out from there. “What about you?” Priya asked him.

“My parents never got a chance. I used to visit my country once in 5 months, for only one month and after you I lost interest in girls. Yes media had and still attach me with girls but I have no interest in them.” said Ram.

“Why? You turned yourself into Gay?” shrugged Priya as Ram’s stern look fell on her.

“You are crossing your limit.” Said Ram, “As you said we have nothing other than professional relation and this Priya don’t believe in the old time sake things then why we are discussing all these?”

“Right ….” Priya stood up, “Our families must have launched search operation for us, so we must go and surrender.”

“Can we walk back together?” asked Ram.

“After you?” she paved way for Ram.


“Be my guest.”

Ram didn't revolt back, at heart he felt somehow they started connecting again. They particularly had some quiet and peaceful talk for the first time after they meet in their second innings. He was in no hurry to jump into a conclusion neither he wanted to move in a sloth’s pace. Together they walked back to the gathering. The groom was circled by the ladies performing some rituals. Jayesh from a distant saw Ram and Priya together, when Ram was trying to make Priya understand something pointing to the groom. He smiled and tapped on Amarnath and Sudheer’s shoulders, as they looked back their eyes fell on the pair in distance smiling, enjoying each other’s company. Now they stood tangle within themselves and the ladies, who were definitely not wrong to certain point. Before they could think more Jayesh reminded them about their discussion from last night.

“Priya!” exclaimed Meera, “there you are, I need a help.”

“Ya sure!” Priya excused herself and as she started walking away,  urgency to speak further invaded Ram, impromptus he spoke, “Priya!!” there was certain belongingness in his voice. It was pretty hard to ignore. With Priya looking back he added, “You looked beautiful yesterday in saree. I was just trying to be protective.” he corrected himself at the right time. The word “possessive” might not have go good with her and her body guard at that time.

“Thank You.” She said with a smile, Ram saw her walking out from his sight slowly but her response made him smile but irked Meera.

“Thank You??? Beautiful???? Complements and courtesy are getting exchanged wow!! Aur kya kya chal raha hain madam?” irritated by Priya’s behaviour she said.

Arey why you are over reacting?? I was just…” Meera stopped Priya only to inform her that she has seen them together in swing too. “That doesn't mean anything Meera.” Scolded Priya.

“Only if he was not the one you loved. And if everything he did then is justified I would have already pushed you to him. But no Priya at least remember how he threw you out of his life. Did he ever care to know about you???? Ask yourself before you lean more to him. I am not your enemy neither a girl having crush on Ram Kapoor. I am your well-wisher. I want the best for you. Having said that though I know Ram is best for you but his past action makes him worthless especially for you.” She again raised an alarm to Priya.

“I know. It was just a gentle gesture nothing else. Nothing really matters. Trust me.” Said Priya.

“I believe you. I have something to share with you. Just now Jayesh ji called me and asked me to inform you” Meera made the environment more tensed.

“And that is?” Priya  waited for answer.

“The good news is Vikram has given a nod to the technical part and the deal is on….” Smiled Meera. The excitement knew no boundary for her and Priya. “But..”

“Now what but Meera?” Priya cursed her for spoiling the excitement.

“Kapoors want us to come to Mumbai for the final deal sign and after one week we have to proceed with our implementation phase there.” Meera said.

“What's the big deal? And you were cursing me for buying that pent house; see how much in profit we are.” Priya looked casual.

“Next week Amayra is coming back from London and I already had a vacation planned. If you remember!!” said Meera reminding Priya about the arrival of her, just turned fourteen, only daughter during summer break.

“I will be there. Don’t change your plan with Amayra for this stupid official matters. I will take care of it myself Madam, but I want you to carry on as planned.” Priya answered Meera. They congratulated each other for the great success achieved.

Mumbai; many unheard feelings are yet to be heard. With no Meera around will Priya go weak and let Ram enter her life again.

Until we meet.




  1. Ufff Sachme yeh Meera kuch zayda hi interfere Karti hai .... waiting for Mumbai part haddi only raya...ram ka bolna bhi zaruri hai...let's see what will be priya's recation ?

  2. Loved it n waiting for RaYa to talk as ram needs to clear everything happend that night n hope this deal ll bring RaYa more closer

  3. I know Meera is interfering in RaYa's life a lot but what piece of past I read in this update & the aH Ram blamed himself I guess she right too... she saw Priya dieing 100 times in her pain... she is just being protective... I wish Ram could understand she needs space I know their love is true but some wounds needs time to heel up... Ram should try to be her friend first which he is doing nicely & rest he should drop in Destiny if they are bond to reunite no one can stop them but he should not force Priya or pull in to this relation he could wait till she able to understand him batter in all those years & with all those pain she just got collected bad points of him & even reaction with same way... let her know her more abt him... will be wAiting for next do post next soon....

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. The alone time in farm house afret getting updates from Meera a part of past long 10-12 years back haunted again to Priya.

    In heat of moment during college time RaYa carried away but it didn't give Rajat to use abusive words against the girl diginity nor has right to beat Ram along with his gang of friends.

    Seems Neha and Vikram was their with time being with RaYa but still it indicates that surely this is small incident big one has yet to be come out.

    Both the set of parents are thinking about the incident in party between their children and both the father's had disapproved it. But mother's are still hopeful along with Jayeshji.

    Meera is being protective for Priya that made her to interfering in her matter with Ram but the conversation between RaYa held it is hinting about Ram helplessness too in past which he still blame himself. Their is progress in their broken relationship but still it hadn't repair fully.

    The trip to Mumbai definitely will bring new turns and twist in RaYa life with this new professional deal.


Chapter 48 : Enough to be Worse.

Chapter 48 : Enough to be Worse. Everyone in the room stood stunned as Jayesh and Sudheer went through the warrant t...