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Friday, May 5, 2017



Drenched in the thoughts of Ram, that evening Priya knocked back at home surprising Shipra almost. She has never turned to home before seven in the evening since twelve years. Definitely it alarmed the mother instinct in her having the workaholic daughter back by 6 in the evening. For being with Krishna Kapoor she couldn’t speak as desired.

“What a pleasant surprise it is!” She tried to convert her anxiousness into exclamation. “Priya itni jaldi aa gayi” she asked walking to her daughter, “Is something wrong?” whispering to her daughter she smiled at her trying to cover up the private talks from the guest.

Maa, only one hour earlier I have arrived and you are getting suspicious. Come on I mean can't I take this much as privilege as a boss. I mean is that pretty much I am asking for.” Pouring water into the glass, she looked for an answer from her mother as she quenched her thrust.

“No. Never.” Shipra smiled trying to hide her nervousness. “But I am not accustomed with my daughter spending time with family, that’s something happened today.”

“Maa. I have work. A long to do list I have. For two days I will not be there at my office, neither Meera will be there. So I have a little time to waste and long day still to go.” With a faint smile Priya replied.

The guest seated there smiled back at the cute banter of the mother and daughter. She always craved for a daughter but God was not so kind to her, two times she has been blessed with son, and third time she had a miscarriage, and the age that she was in as advised by doctors she had to go under the knives. Her wishful wish hence was never fulfilled.

“Aunty!” Priya’s sweet voice took her out from thoughts, “Please ignore us, this is common and it is rare we don’t have this, only when we had a fight.”

“A mother daughter bond is the most beautiful bond ever shared. I like this.” Krishna Kapoor tried to be cheerful, but somewhere a sad chord stung to her voice. “Priya, we were planning for dinner tonight, I hope you can make it through.”

“Ah!” Priya looked tensely to her mother, who was in the driver’s seat to take the revenge turned her head other side and smiled, “Yes yes Krishna Ji she will definitely make it through. Hain na beta.

Clearing her chocked throat Priya had no option left other than to deny the old lady, which may upset her for a while, but not for long. There is no string attached after all. She thought. “Aunty, wo,  I have to finish some paper works, though they are done by the team, but I have bad habit of going through every word and then sign them for final proposal and I have four such files to finish. So I think I will not be able to make it. Some other day and please don’t mind.” Now Priya is seated by the old lady in purple saree.

“It’s perfectly fine. I am not upset and we will definitely catch up some other day.” She gently stroked Priya’s right cheek. “You carry on with your work.”  Smiling as Priya walked up the stairs and vanished behind the large pillars Krishna Kapoor left a deep shy with a natural smile bracing her lips.
“Please don’t mind. She is pretty much obsessed with her work.” Shipra said sitting by her.

“Shipra Ji, If I place a proposal will you mind?” The impromptus reply suddenly sent a cold shiver to Shipra. “I see a perfect daughter in Priya, If I may ask her from you?”

“I.. I am not getting what you are saying.” Shipra’s anxiousness raised the imaginary mercury of the room.

“If she is not looking someone, or you have not already have someone for her in mind, if I ask her for my Ram?” Krishna let the cat out of the sack, “if only you are okay with it. I know My son and your daughter is going to get into a professional relationship, and asking for this serious personal engagement, but I can wait.” Krishna Kapoor sounded pretty relax as she ended.

“I mean..I mean..I mean” Shipra kept on repeating, till she was asked by the lady if she has any issue.

“Issue!! What are you saying?” Shipra jumped for once from her place and turned to Krishna Kapoor, “I am overwhelmed, and we were seeing eligible bachelor for Priya but she has never approved anyone of them and Ram, I think she will have no problem..” this time Mrs. Kapoor cuts in, “Approved you mean she is against marriage?”

“No.. No.. I don’t mean that!” Shipra cursed herself to spill the beans of the matchmaking she tried to do for Priya. “I mean she never looked up from work properly.”

“Then I will suggest not to discuss this with the family. I am also not aware if my son is looking someone or not, and you also ask Priya if she is okay with it or not?” the lady said.

“We must give it a second thought!” Shipra tried to convince, “Priya has never shown or extended her hospitality to anyone in past years, Ram is the exception. She took him around and also to the party. I think she is going good along Ram.”

“Yeah! May be but I don’t want any awkwardness to happen around, this can effect their professional relationship also, and that will be bad.” A sensible woman in Krishna spoke, who was equally thoughtful about the business venture that her Son is stepping into with all his efforts. “But I will be definitely the happiest person the earth if I can adore your daughter as my daughter in law. She will be no less than a daughter to me.”

“I will pray to the almighty to place the cards in its place.” Shipra smiled trying to hide her nervousness knowing the volcanic nature of her daughter when it comes to the phrase “Your Marriage” or “Looking for Groom” or “Perfect Match”.


The restaurant where the Kapoors and the Sharmas meet for dinner along with Jayesh, was void of Ram and Priya both.

“As far as priya is concerned I know that girl has packed her up with files that she supposed to sign, but what about Ram? He didn’t even came back with us?” Jayesh asked Amarnath.

“Vikram, our technical head. He is Ram’s bosom friend too. He will drop him hotel and then will join us.” Replied Amarnath Kapoor, “But Signing doesn’t take so much of time and I think Priya has a PS we meet him this morning right?”

“But that girl don’t sign unless and until she by herself will check each word written on the documents and if any doubt she will call her lawyer even at the wee hours and will make it clear that there will be no wrong in signing, then only she will sign.” Jayesh said with a smile. “She is little difficult to understand, but who has once understood her can never leave her, like Meera. She understands Priya like no one else. Isn’t it Shipra?”

“Yes I agree. She is a perfect elder sister that Priya could have asked for.” Proudly declared Shipra.

“Just see where Ram is ?” Amarnath asked Krishna to get an updated location status of their son.
Dialing the number, Krishna put the phone on speaker, with a ring or two Ram said Hello from the other side. “Beta kabaa rahahain? Vikram aa gaya hain?”  his mother asked.

Ram, who was with Vikram then at the hotel, made a child like face and gestured an answer from his friend, “Maa, yes Vikram is here. He is fine and Maa I don’t think I can make it there.” Vikram raised his eyebrows as Ram denied to leave. “I have some points to discuss with him and you know we will be leaving for Dristhi’s marriage early morning tomorrow so a very few hours left only.” Vikram threw a stern look at Ram, which ended in vein.

“And Maa, please convey my apologies to Uncle Aunty and Ms Sharma.” Ram waited for a reply from his mother, on getting the same he smiled broad and looked at Vikram, “Okay Maa I will catch you later. Bye Bye.” He jumped at his place and hugging vikram said, “this is called destiny, even Priya is not there brother. I am leaving.” He ran towards the door.

Oye rook kaha jaa raha hain?” Vikram asked.

“Priya  ke paas.  I need to see her once.” Ram didn’t waited for an answer and left.


It was not so tough for Priya to attend the dinner with one file almost done in the car and cafĂ© and the other she could have completed in one or one and half hours, she wanted to avoid Ram , as much she can. Now having her job done and also with the food she sat on her room, shuffling the television channels. Her perfectly toned and tasted black coffee in her right mug has been served to her. The steam from it elopes to the open space in spirals.  Stopping at a channel she smiled looking at her favorite cartoon character. She decided to go with it. Placing the remote on the other side, she stretched out her legs on the foot rest in front. She blew airs to the coffee, to get it down to a tolerable edible temperature. As she laughed with the actions, someone knocked at her door.

“Come in.” She said keeping her eyes fixed at the television.

Beta” the elder most person among her staff spoke, “koi aya hain aap se milne.”

“Milne.. mujhse?” Pretty shocked she sounded, as far she remembered she don’t have any appointments pre scheduled or she has forgotten. “Kaun?” she asked. The man handed a visiting card to her Having the name Ram Kapoor engraved on it. “Where he is?” she sounded pretty annoyed and irritated.

“Living Room Mein.” He replied.

Priya left the room behind her followed the man.

When Priya reached the living room she found Ram in deep concentration on reading a book he picked up from her shelf. His back was facing her. “Hi” she uttered to break his concentration, first time unlucky, she now raised her voice little louder, “hi..” This time Ram looked back, “Oh! Hi. I was just.” Placing the book back to the shelf he turned full to Priya.

“How was the dinner and where are others?” Priya asked taking her seat on one of the chesterfields place there, “sit!” she offered.

“Oh! Thank you.” Ram sat “ I didn’t went there.”

“And whom did you informed that I am here not there?” Priya became suspicious about his actions.

“No one. Maa called me to ask when I am dropping in and I was not really in a mood for dinner for no reason and when I tried to apologize to you I get to know you are also not there.” Ram fixed his gaze to his entwined hands that were placed firm on his lap.

“Oh! So a wild guess of me being here came true right?” Priya smirked. “Coffee?” she asked.

“Can I have some food. I mean I skipped lunch too.” Ram’s voice faded towards the last few words of the sentence.

Priya smiled in disbelief. She dialed a number on the telephone set that laid by her, “Kaka jara living mein ana.”  Putting down the receiver she laughed , “Ram what you are upto doing all this?” She paused as the elderly man appeared at the door.

“Kaka kuch khane ko hain dinner mein?” She asked and he answered in replied in no. “Kya bana payenge jaldi jaldi?”

“Raajma Chawal! Adhe Ghante mein ho jayega.”  He said.

Chalega?” priya asked.

daurega.”  Ram said with a big smile.

“Call us after it’s ready and only for one okay.” Priya sat straight again.

“What are you upto Ram? Doing all these? What are you trying to prove?” She asked with a harsh look on him.

“That you still love me. You can denyPriya.” Ram hoped for a toned down answer. 

“Oh!” she shook her head with a constant smile adorning her face, “I see. So who told you that I don’t love you?”

Ram who was still smiling, suddenly became pale, the lips stood back as straight. “Come on answer me; who said you? Or it is your conception that I don’t love you?” priya asked.

“Do you…?” Ram asked with a great courage.

“Yes I do.” The content reply came from Priya, “ I Still love you, I love you a lot the only person whom I loved in my life is you. After you neither there was anyone nor there will be.”

“Then why all these!” Ram stood to walk towards her, when Priya cuts in, “Let me finish Mr. Kapoor” Priya raised her hand and gestured him to sit back. “Yes it is true I love you, but the hate that I have for you is much mush greater than the love that is locked in some part of my heart and..” Priya stood up and walked to him, with her hands resting on the arms of the chesterfield she leaned closer to Ram, “I will love you only till my last breath knowing that you are the biggest mistake of my entire life. This will remind me not to trust, not to break, not to love, not to live.”

“And if your hate ends one day then…” Ram looked at her eyes and asked calmly.

“Either that day will be the last day of my life or…” the adma’s apple danced as she gulped a lump of air.

“Or what!” Ram made his hold tight along her wrist, making her tense. The tension arose between them, Ram repeated, “or what complete it Ms. Sharma.” When she failed to answer, a thin smile escaped from the corner of Ram’s lips victoriously, “Shall I complete it or…”

“Oh! Sorry to disturb you guys…” the sudden familiar voice brought them back to the reality, Priya knew who it was. “Shit!” she ran out of the room, “Meera.. Meera” she called, “Stop please.”

“What!” Meera retorted. “I was asking since this morning and you were avoiding me like I am a blind. From the very first moment when Jayesh ji informed me that you took him out for a drive I knew there is something between you and him. If there is something then what is it?”

“I tell you what..” Ram who stood there also tried to speak up in defense.

“Please Ram stay away from this. You have done enough in past and now…” Meera cuts in, “Past !! Is this, are you?” She pointed to Ram, “Is he?” Shell shocked Meera stood there.

“Please don’t tell anyone.” Priya pleaded.

“I don’t believe this.” Meera sat on the couch. She was about to speak, the elderly man came and informed about the food is ready as desired. Priya asked him to leave for his room, rest she will be taking care off. After the man left, Priya knelt to Meera, “Please don’t tell anyone. Please.” She pleaded like a child.

“Do you even have an idea Mr. Ram Kapoor what did she did to herself after getting dumped by you?” Meera walked straight to Ram, “Do you even know how many long months she has to be treated?”

“Treated?” Ram uttered.

“How will you know? You and your selfish reasons to defend.” Meera was disgusted, “And have your food enjoy the dinner and Priya get him Off your mind. I know..” She jerked priya into reality, “I Know it is difficult to forget your love. But where you stand now is a pedestal that is made by you, you are a self made woman, don’t ruin yourself for this selfish man who is back to shower love on you and then again elope.”

“Ma’am” Ram wanted to speak, “And you.” Meera shouted back, “Stay away from her. I just give it a fuck who you are. This time Mr Ram Kapoor you dare to do any harm to her I will rip off your head. You are our client keep the relationship professional more you get personal more you will be into your grave. Mark my words. I am damn serious and you..” Now she turned to Priya, “Get this man off from your head from your heart. It is better for you. Don’t let him sweep you off your feet.”

“Meera .. I know.” Priya was stopped by the visitor, her body language showed she was not in a mood to listen any odd, “Please listen to me..”


“There is nothing between us what you saw and yes It is true he is that boy..” Priya was cut in again, “Have you ever felt what your mom dad and Jayesh ji will do with him, if they…”

“You will be doing nothing like this. Let me handle him.” Priya looked at Ram, “I am not the same whom he used to love. He used to love a girl who always needed him to support to cling upon. I am the Priya who needs no one to walk, no one to laugh, no one to live with. So just relax I am not going to do anything that is not desired.”  This made Ram losing hope for what he saw half an hour back.

“I will take your leave.” Ram walked towards the door.

“Ram dinner kar ke jao.” Priya stopped him.

“It’s done!” he said and walked out and disappeared into the darkness.

“That’s why a series of First time was happening?” Meera asked.

“Shut up! And leave me alone.” Priya walked upstairs.

“Just Why? Priya.” Meera followed her to the room, where Priya occupied herself on the couch, hiding her face between her hands.

“Because he left without having food.” She cleared her throat, “I even don’t deny food to my biggest enemy and he..”

“What he? Why did you stop? Tell me.” Provoked Meera, “Look Priya today if you allow him to come near to you the day is near when you will go weak, Love makes a person strong right?” She glanced at Priya who is looking straight to her blank, “Love is something that makes us weak, which made you weak.”

“That day I was in fault also. Hadn’t I went with him, everything would have been fine.” Priya up.

“Yes. Everything you might be mother to his kids too leading a happy married life, until and unless his motives were not made clear to you.” Merciless Meera spoke. “I am sorry Priya but this is something that killed you 12 years back. Just when you started to live, he is back for what?”

“For nothing.” A deep sigh escaped Priya’s throat, “discussion is over, you are not going to tell anyone anything. Please promise me.”

“I can’t.” Meera repelled.

“Meera. I have come across a lot. You have brought me back to life from scratches, and you are pushing me to darkness again.”

“No I am again trying to pull you back where you belong.”

“If you are going to open up this to anyone, I will go back to Ram right away and let him do anything he wants to do with me.”

“This is blackmail!” shouted Meera.

“Yes it is. I know how to get my job done.”

“Ruthless and arrogant.” Meera left the room. Though Priya was not sure if she could have convinced Meera or not she sat back thinking about the slice of past that lied naked in front of Meera.

“Hmm. So that lady is much protective to Priya?” Vikram sipped his drinks leaning back to the couch.

“She has dared me to rip off my head if I go near to Priya, and you know what she doesn’t know what I am going to do in the so called shaadi I am here to attend.” Ram said with a broad smile.

“No kand  Ram.” Warned his friend, “Please she is already pissed off don’t make her annoy more. She is equally powerful now Ram.”

“Who is thinking about business? She can tore me off as a professional but today what I saw in her eyes Vikram. She is still the same, yes though hurt in pain. If I can win her trust back, trust me she will be the first one to tear this barrier apart. I have hurt her, deep and that bloody Rajat just let him come back from USA once, I will beat him in front of his wife.” He gulped the liquid at once from the glass, “Once what he done with my Priya, I am not shameless to do that with his wife, but I will definitely make sure he begs for his life from Priya.”

“For what you will be punishing him Ram? He is not Priya’s guilt. You, we are the culprit when you will get it?” Vikram vented. “He is no one to Priya. Talk with her, she must have forgotten 90% percent of what he did, she stopped expecting from him a way back when she felt whom she loves in real. She had expectation from us from you which we smashed under our feet.”

“I was pretty afraid to face bauji then. I thought everything will be cleared off, Priya’s parents will return after that I will face her I will see that Rajat. But he flushed everything and Priya how dare she tried to end her life and what Meera was saying treatment what kind of treatment ? Was she?” Ram stood up and walked to the door. “Vikram did I?”

“What??” Vikram shrugged him with a jerk. He looked to the door as the door bell rang. “Must be room service.” He opened the door and stood in shock.

“Should I stand back here.” Priya’s lips were curved into a smile, who stood there wrapping a stole around her, with her flip flops attired in a red top and blue pants. The sweetness of voice pierced into Ram’s heart like a pellet. “Please come in.” He heard Vikram welcoming Priya inside.

“Oh! Sorry I interrupted your boys hangout.” She turned to Vikram looking at the mess on the table infront, “Well How is Neha and your juniors?”

“Good….” Vikram was about to add, Ram cuts in rudely, “your body guard let you out from the z+ security she provides to you.”

“Well Ram, she is a well wisher.” Priya responded. “She is a guide, a friend, a sister.”

“Oh yes! And we are no one.”

“In Particular!” she pointed rudely to him.

“Then why the hell you are here? And who gave you the address?” with his eyes red asked Ram, grinding every word under his teeth. He looked up as Priya coughed a little. She had cold, her wet hair indicated of getting a bath in wee hours. “Do something  sensible, at least ask your body guard before doing.”

“I do things sensible when it is needed. I don’t run away.” Priya taunted him. “Well.” Raising her voice over Ram showing the dominance to the situation she voiced, “Well it is not so difficult for me to know were you roamed all the day or the hotel you made Vikram stay. The point is “Keep away from me. I already warned you that Meera is guessing something about us, but you end up messing the whole situation, the well kept secret is out suddenly in front of the bitchiest women in the town.”

“WHAT! What do you call her?” Ram laughed, “So the body guard actually has a proper name.” He laughed hard.

“Dare Ram!” there is a sense of warning in her voice. “Keep away from me.” She turned to leave.

“How? I am dealing with you, I have to be with you, so tell me how the hell on this earth can I keep away from you? Or it is becoming irresistible for you to keep away from me.” Ram smirked as he tried to walk close to Priya, till he was stopped by Vikram.

“I forgive you Ram. You are out of your senses. This thing has taken up to your nerves. So I will prefer to speak to you tomorrow. Just remind him Vikram, this time if he even thinks of hurting me I will make sure to show him his place. I am not that you guys have as your friend or he as her so called girl friend. I don’t think once before protecting myself. What you did to me today left me vulnerable the most. So stay away.”

“Vikram convey my wishes to Neha and do say her, every letter she posted or mailed to me is preserved at heart. I wish to meet your juniors one day in person, they are really cute and just like Neha. May be someday at Mumbai. “ Priya smiled and pulled the door to leave.

“And what about me?” Ram said with his eyes red in pain in fear of losing her forever.

“Deep inside whenever you are remembered I hate my existence.” The door swung in rhythm as she moved out of the room in lightening speed.

Tears trickled down his eyes, the world closed against him. He felt suffocated. The lady whom he love the most. The only woman he loved, he loves and will love till the end has announced the final verdict. Like a lost warrior he sat in dilemma. Vikram was surprised to see Ram in tears, whom he saw last crying when Priya left college forever. He wept like a small kid who’s most favorite piece of memory has been snatched away. “Ram” his voice cracked as he called him. With his friend calling the tears turned into loud cries. A lost warrior sat there with his head hung in shame. The shame of being the reason of the pain to the love of his life. “Ram. Stop it bhai.” Vikram hugged Ram. Embracing Vikram back he wept like a kid. “Stop it Priya! You are behaving rude and ruthless more than needed.” He thought. “Ram Please stop. She is hurt.” Vikram failed to pacify Ram. “Listen up buddy!” Vikram shouted , “Stop bawling like kid. If you had the courage to do something wrong then, have that gallantry to mend it. Just stop this stupidity right now!” Vikram pushed him to the bed. “Just have some sleep.” Vikram chose to walk to the balcony and called his wife.

“Hey baby where is Ram?” Neha said, “And I am sure these two boys are not going to have any genes of mine. They are equally bad like you” she carried on in her own natural style till Vikram uttered Priya’s name. “What did you say right now? Pom jara baby ko sula dena.” She walked out of the room and repeated the same question to her husband.

“Priya. I meet Priya.” Vikram said.

“Where? I mean How is she? Where is she? Did you get her number? Did you said how badly I wanted to contact her? Did you tell her about us? About Ram?” She forced herself to sound enthusiastic.

“She is now a big name Neha. Did you ever tried to google out her name?” Vikram asked.

“No..No I mean No.” there came a sense of hiding suddenly in her voice.

“Don’t lie to me. You write to her and you hid this from us. You knew Neha how badly Ram tried to find her. He never kept her away from himself. Not to me but you have shown some mercy to Ram at least.” Vikram caught his wife red handed much earlier. He realized that both the ladies are in contact in some manner since last 12 years. “12 years Neha…” Neha corrected it to5. “Whatever. You had mend your position but Ram he , pata bhi hain  he cried Neha. He is crying like a kid. He is craving for her and she is behaving rude more than needed. If you really take Ram as your friend and if you can act a little selfless please talk with Priya. Please.”

“I don’t have her number Vikram. Trust me. I used to write mails to her and sometimes letters.” Neha said feebly.

“Do that but do it please. For God’s sake I can’t see Ram in such pain, I know he is Priya’s accused but he has punished himself the worst these years, and if Priya wants to punish him like this, ask her to kill him baat hi khatam not to let him die a little every day, every moment.”  The line went dead on the other side. Neha still held the phone on her ear.

Collecting herself, she opened the mail box in her mobile, and typed to Priya.

when the cat is out of the bag, can I have your number? Can we speak in person? If you think it is okay then feed my number back XXXXXXXXXX
Lv yr nautanki.”

She hit the sent button. To her surprise reply came within 10 minutes as a form of sms, “Will call you tomorrow. It is not good for a just mom to keep herself awake in wee hours. Love Priya.”


“What??” Jayesh exclaimed as Shipra spilled out the beans in excitement to him and her husband while coming back from dinner. “Really? Did Krishna Ji showed her desire to make Priya her Daughter in Law?”

Haan Bhaisahab Haan” she sounded pretty happy.

“Well Shipra this has to be taken seriously. This could be the marriage of the year. Sudheer what do you think about Ram?” Jayesh asked his friend.

“Perfect Match for Priya.” Sudheer replied happily.

“But..” Shipra said lowering her voice, “There is a problem. Priya is damn against marriage somehow her past hounds her still today and may be that is the reason she is still single and turned down 11 marriage proposals.”

“They were not turned down, they were wiped out as unwanted business deals. She made them say what they said to us.” Jayesh looked out with a serious look painted, his eyebrows furrowed, “If this is going to work, no one should pass any hint or information to her. Leave it to me. This girl has to move on in her life.” Cocking his head to Shipra, “And you has to cover your excitement Shipra. She can smell the little out of you, like a mother does to her daughter.”

Shipra nodded a yes like a little kid and sat back.


  1. Awww very sweet part hope Raya ke beech sab theek ho jaye soon n pls update soon n hope ram will mend his way to make priya fall for him again

  2. Omg now their past svates me is Rajat for something which he us not supposed to do or what this really scared me Dii...
    Why did Ram didn't stoop up for her what was the reason if it's the same what Vik said just they got afraid with world then it's batter to RaYa make a part for forever b'coz Ram has no rights to be in her life...
    Priya is doing all right by keeping him in his place & away from her... I just loved Meera she is best sister in world she & Priya knows each other so well... so my guesses was right elders r thinking for marriage proposal but I guess when both come to know both will turn it down for sure... n What Neha did was the worst with Ram I feel now Ram should leave her a line let her live her life nd he to live his life seeing Priya I don't think she will ever turn down for him....
    So now just can't wait for next update plz update the soon waiting....

  3. An intriguing part of the story with some big revelation come out from the life of RaYa with Neha and Vikram​ was too part to it.
    The love RaYa has in past now is lost but both of their mother's are dreaming high for their marriage. But the thing Krishnaji and Shipraji discussed​ it involved Sudhirji and Jayeshji too but still unknown to Ram and Priya.

    The character of Meera is of strong willed women who like a elder sister is their to protect Priya and knows all the past and warned Ram too for hurting her again.

    The love is their but the soul of love is lost from the conversation in hotel room between these three it's clear some horrible things Rajat had done to Priya which is still in suspense mode and it's​ really unbelievable​ the situation taken so worse in past that Ram has to dumped Priya whom he used to love so much.

    The contacts​ between two friends had became a formality but now waiting for that day when the relationship between all four friends turn out to be like usual.


Chapter 48 : Enough to be Worse.

Chapter 48 : Enough to be Worse. Everyone in the room stood stunned as Jayesh and Sudheer went through the warrant t...