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Saturday, May 13, 2017

Part 11 : Sweetly Messed !( I don't want to be with you but around you)

Part 11 : Sweetly Messed !( I don't want to be with you but around you)

Next morning, while on the road, Amarnath Kapoor was pretty angry for Ram not joining them along. He even rejected every call from his father, and just dropped a message saying he will catch them before it gets late.  Now the elderly man sits with his hands embracing cheek; when he was gaining back faith in his son, he broke it like nothing has changed since he suddenly dropped his college and zoomed out to USA.

“Are you okay?” asked his wife, “I think Ram got stuck with Vikram.”

“Do you really think that?” retorted the old man, expressing his unwillingness to forgive his son this time, “Every time, Krishna, every time a little I gain faith in him, atleast when I manage to convince myself to believe in him again, this boy strikes again. I really hope you are right.” Both of them stayed quiet, “You remember that day, when he …”Krihsna stopped him holding his hands, he needed that, “which father could see his child wrapped in bandages, he sealed up to say anything , college issues and he has been suspended for 3 months. That’s all he said us, you remember. If I don’t love him that much, I would have definitely crossed his promise and try to fetch out the truth.” He was surely disturbed.

“Look, I don’t know if it is the right time to say or not, I think we should settle him down.” Pretty sure about what she was about to declare, Krihsna Kapoor said.

“And ruin a Girl’s life!”

“Why?” asked back the lady, “Why you are thinking about that? He will make a good man. Just he needs to calm down.”

“Did you just forget how badly he drinks? Didn’t I share every incident with you? If he was not my son then he would have been serving sentence in any of the jails.” Scolded Amarnath, “If he has already messed up someone’s life let him mess her up, don’t try to mess up any decent girl’s life at least. You remember how badly we wanted a daughter and we never got one, neither will.”

“He is not the same. He has changed a lot. He is much mature now than then.” Krishna tried to calm her husband, “And he is not seeing anyone either.”

“How do you know that?”

“I feel that and that is the reason I want to share my wish with you.”

“What is that?”

“I want Ram to..” she paused for a while and said under her breath, “I want Priya as his bride.”

“Are you serious?” surprised, her husband replied, “You want me to get that girl’s life turned into hell? No Krishna never. She is a pretty girl, and she is very sweet, but Ram is not eligible for her, she deserves better than him.”

“Why? Why you always do down our son, just for that one incident which neither he spoke about nor you tried to grave into it. You have that powers to find out the truth, but in filial love you never wanted to know the truth because your son chose to blackmail you.” Said Krishna, “You are the one who perfectly spoiled our son, and if he had then express his willingness to shift to USA leaving everything behind, it was you who let him go. Without your money he was nothing then and now when he has managed to destroy himself to worst you want him to behave like you want and coming to Priya, you might have missed but I have seen how easy he goes around with her. I am the mother. I saw him smiling in real that night, which I never saw in last twelve years neither in photographs, he used to send or over video chat nor when we barely or rarely meet him. He was smiling that day and Priya is the reason, then what’s wrong I did considering her as his bride.” Asked Krishna.

Amarnath knew that it was not the best place to drag the discussion, having the chauffeur with them, it was not safe to discuss such sensible matter in details. “Krishna” he toned down his voice this time, “I think we should discuss this later” he pointed to the presence of the third person there. His wife calmed herself down, all through the journey she preferred to avoid her husband.


“Shit!” Ram sat up on the bed, “I need some nimboopaani” he said with his hand clasping around his eyes.

“Good Morning!” Vikram said throwing Ram’s phone to him, “Uncle was calling uninterrupted, so I chose to text him that you will be with them before it is late.”

“FUCK! Why didn’t you wake me up?” Ram cursed him checking his phone. “Shit man I was supposed to be with them.”

“At last I could see that sensible elder son of the Kapoors!” Vikram sipped into his coffee, “Ram, you are messing around Priya, I thought a lot last night  she can never be yours again bud!”

“Shut Up or I will Kill you.” Retorted Ram, calling the room service after ordering a lemonade he sat on the couch, “ She is angry that’s it! If somehow I can calm her down, let her listen to what I went through, I will win her back!” He pressed his head from both the sides with his hands.

“And you said that you have stopped drinking?”

“Priya! She is the reason I got drunk. I wanted to get drunk as much as I can,  tank up and then go to her and say her how much I love her. How much I missed her! MY HEAD!!” Ram inclined back.

“And that after she thrashed you under her feet last night!” Vikram opened the door as the bell rang, when he thought it to be the room service he stood gulping the liquid that he sipped just then from the coffee mug to find Priya there.

“Good Morning, May I?” Priya asked. She looked back as the room service guy appeared with the lemonade. “Oh! Things got so worse last night! Please make your way.” She stepped back to allow the guy to complete his duty assigned. After he left she walked in.

The whole liquid sprinted out that Ram gulped from the glass, “What the…” he stopped.

“FUCK.. atleast learn to complete the sentence that you started!!” Priya dialed the room service number and ordered another lemonade.

“And how do you know the Room service number so correctly!” Ram asked surprisingly.

“First! Vikram..” she called, who was still standing at the door, with its latch secured in his grip shocked, “You can shut the door and come in and” now she turned to Ram, “secondly that..” she pointed to the receiver and continued, “is none of your business, but only to crave your curiosity, let me inform you one suite always remains booked in my name here, for emergency.”

“Okay!” Ram drank the rest of the liquid from the glass, “What brought you here again? Is there anything you left to say?”

“It is you who brought me back here.”

“Me!” Exclaimed Ram.

“Vikram will you please stop staring at me like I am an ET.” Priya was pretty pissed off by the behavior of him.

“I..I should get shower and get ready. I am late for my  schedule.” Dropping the coffee mug on the table he rushed inside.

“Ram, did you know what I put myself into entertaining Jayesh Uncle’s order first day?” She asked, “Into my own grave, and you ..” she screamed come in as the door bell rang. This time the same guy came to serve. “Can you please take all these mess out?” Pointing to the three – four liquor bottles she said. He obeyed her, clearing up he left the room, closing the door behind.

“Ram, today you missed to join your parents and I was forced to miss mine.” She said.

“What?” asked Ram again.

“Ram..” She sounded bit irritated, “Forget it! Can you please do a favour to me?” Ram looked pretty defending this time, “Please have a shower, clean yourself up. You are looking like you have fucked yourself up!!”

“What!!” pretty loud and clear he shouted.

“WHAT?? WHAT?? Why the hell you got your tape stuck there in WHAT and WHAT and WHAT!!” shouted Priya.

“Why are you so irritated?” making a child like face he said.

“Because you have successfully ruined my day, when I should be half way to the destination, I am here taking your shit! Why ?”

“Why you agreed? You could have denied on first hand.” Ram said pulling out the tucked shirt.

“I can’t and are you going to undress yourself in front of me?” annoyed she retorted.

“Why? As if I have not done this before?” Ram smiled cunningly without letting her know, he continued to unbutton his shirt’s button.

“Good God help you!” She rushed to the door, “ I am in the café, please be there in half an hour.”

“Yes Darling!” Ram knowingly threw the shirt towards her. She slammed the door behind her and dialed a number, missing out something from her to do list annoys her most these days. Her perfect idea of starting the day has been spoiled by Jayesh, when he wanted Priya to pick Ram up from the hotel where Vikram was staying. She denied to know the exact place, but got trapped when it turned out to be the Taj Palace where almost every people know her. “Yes uncle I got him, we will be leaving within half an hour.”

Jayesh looked back to Shipra and asked her to inform Krishna Kapoor that Priya will be getting Ram to the venue. She happily dialed the desired number. “Krishna Ji, Priya will take him along.”

“Thank You so much Shipra ji and thanks to Priya too. We should think about what we discussed lately!” Krishna Kapoor said, but her husband who was seated by her was not at all impressed he noted her to drop the call and answer him, “Shaadi mein milte hain!” She disconnected the call.

“Why and when did you called the Sharmas?” demanded an answer the senior Kapoor.

“When we took a halt at that dhaba!” replied the woman victoriously.

“ Why you are behind Priya? Why you want to ruin her life? She is a very sweet girl, she is just like our daughter! Don’t do this with her.” Amarnath responded pleading this time.

“If she is not liking Ram’s company tell me one thing, why she stayed back and agreed to take Ram with her?” she shoots the question to her husband, which went unanswered and made him think too. “She is liking Ram too.”

Amarnath chose not to argue more. He looked back consoling himself in his thoughts.


“Why Priya is here?” asked Vikram, coming back to the room, “and why you are half naked?”

“There is something called bath that I want to take and Priya is here to take me along.” Ram said walking inside, “And please don’t mind if I empty your perfume, I have to wear this alcohol stinging shirt and pants all the way to the venue only then I will get something real to wear.” He shut the door behind.

Looking at Ram, who just came out of the washroom, the other man expressed his opinion, “You really looked messed up!” Vikram made faces, “If you were the same from college days you would have got perfectly fit into my clothes.”

“Thanks for your wisdom, now can we leave! You for the office and I for the Madam, who has given me a half an hour dead line.” Replied Ram. Both the men walked down, Ram saw a man, must be the chauffeur appointed by Madam Priya or Madam Meera he thought, having Vikram’s name on it. “There and please make the points clear which we discussed earlier at Mumbai.” Shaking hands they walked to their own destinations.


“You really sting!” Priya said looking straight to the road.

“I know and you know what! I really feel fucked up right now!” Ram snapped back.

“This smell.. Yuk!” Priya made face like she is going to puke, “What ever perfume you bathed with and alcohol, Yuk yuk.. Vikram could have lend you something from his wardrobe!”

“Ha ha ha ha very funny. Vikram don’t make clothes, he wears it and Me having this size!” Ram pointed to himself continued, “Will never get into any of his, so Madam if you are trying to mock me or trying to really mock me hard, please keep your advice to yourself.”

“SHIT!!” Priya uttered.

“NOW WHAT!” pretty loud and clear Ram said back.

“Jayesh uncle gave me your bag!” Priya screech halted the car, “I forgot!” she got down from the car.

“This lady…” Ram stomped his feet in annoyance.

In a while Priya came to his side with the bag, throwing a bad stern look at her Ram came out. “get something from here and change.” Priya said and turned back.

“I don’t believe this! In middle of the road I have to change!” Ram laughed in anger.

“I am not asking you to change your pants!”

“So!!!!! You are asking me to change, in between of the road entertaining the people for free with a half naked man?” he really sounded upset.

“Nothing such in you that people will cherish their luck to see a half naked man! Please change into anything you grab first hand. I am not going to drive a single millimeter if you don’t change.” Arrogantly Priya replied.

“OKAY FINE!!” shouted back Ram. He took out a T shirt. Throwing the coat and shirt right near Priya he put the T shirt around.

“I am not going to pick this up!” Priya turned back.

“Neither do I want those! Can we leave!!”

“Yes..” Priya said gritting her teeth.

Putting the bag on the back seat, Ram secured the front seat, he said “Let me drive.”

“Why? I can drive, you know that.” Refused Priya as she ignited the engine.

wo kya hain naa I am still a bachelor.” Faked a smile Ram.

“Stop being misogynist!!” scolded Priya.

“And I should be fine with you being sounding and hunting me like misandrist.” Retorted back Ram.

“God Uncle why you are trapping me with this man!!!” she cursed her luck to be jammed with Ram and partially cursed Jayesh.


After a drive of two hours and half Priya and Ram reached the venue. Beautiful decors made the place look Divine. For the marriage being a day later there remained some chaotic drills all around. Getting out of the car Priya could neither see her family nor Ram’s. “bhaiya” she stopped a passer by, “ Where is everyone?” He  informed that every one to be in the garden, where some kind of ritual is taking place; asking for the way, she walked towards without even bothering about the guest she had.

Arrey” uttered Ram as he found Priya walking away, “ Did you forget that I am here with you?” scolded Ram, ignored Priya. Now she could see Dristhi sitting in the middle and ladies are circling her around. Her mother and Krishna Kapoor were also included in the troop. “ Will you just shut up!” annoyance of Priya is expressed. She tried to walk close to her mom but few other ladies blocked her way. While Priya was busy in some kind of her secret mission, Ram walked to his father who was seated with Jayesh, Sudheer and two unidentified person. He have to say sorry for his deeds.

Bauji.” He called his father standing by.

“Amarnath, so this is your son !” one of the two unidentified men spoke, “ How are you doing beta?” asked the man extending his hand towards Ram. “Good Uncle.” He shook trying to smile.

“This is Mr. Brijesh Jalal, one of our greatest clients and one of my closest friend Ram.” Amarnath introduced them formally. Though he found his father calm and cool, Ram knew that he is going to have tough time ahead. As soon as he found his father alone, he expressed his will to say sorry for the unfortunate miss he did gave to his family that morning.

“Ram.” Holding his son by shoulders Amarnath the caring father spoke. “ Your mother is thinking something beautiful for you. Please don’t let her down. I don’t know what is stored in for future; I only know she has much faith in you. She trusts you blindly and calls me blind in your love. Lets not talk about it, about business I have faith in you more than I have in myself, but as a person, as a man if anyone calls me to rate you..” he paused and found his son looking down, “I will deny to rate you… the man who hungs his head, he has already rated himself. I told you then, first time you left for college, fail in everything but not as a human. Today when I wish to get my son back, I again want to remind you something; rise like a human.” The old man sighed and walked towards his destination.


Maa” at last Priya got hold of her mother, smiling to the random ladies around she dragged her out of the crowd, “Did you bring my saree?” she asked.

Arey! Bhool gayi mein. Sorry.” Shipra replied with a tensed smile.

Maa” Priya raised her voice in annoyance, “ Now what will I wear that Salwar that you I packed for regular daytime wears or the night suits?”

“Take something from my wardrobe.” Replied Shipra in most casual manner.

“From your wardrobe..” poked Priya, “ Did you ever tried to look into it, how loud and bright the colours are? I am not going to touch it anyways.”

“Why you get so hyper? Tang kheechne ka mauka mila toh aise hi jane deti?” laughed Shipra, “I have packed it in my suitcase. First floor, second room go and get it from there.”

“Thanks.” Priya walked upstairs. Before going inside she noticed Ram who was strolling alone in the compound and to her surprise he walked out of the gate and kept on walking to the undecided destination. She pulled out her phone and called him, four times he rejected her call and before she could call for the fifth time, a message from him dropped in, reading, “I respect your privacy and I expect the same from you Ms. Sharma.” Priya felt it rude for a minute or two and then she realized  she has no right to feel anything for him, she has barred herself from crossing the boundary. As her eyes fell on the other side, she found Dristhi to be accompanied by few ladies, including her mother towards the car. One after another the cars zoomed out, she sighed and walked inside the room, bolting it she dialed Neha’s number to keep the promise she made to her last night.

When the phone rang with Priya’s number, she asked her baby’s nanny to take care of the new born and received the call.

“Priya” there was a sudden silence in her voice.

“Neha, it’s been a long time I heard your voice. How are you?” responded Priya.

“How are you?” asked back Neha, “Whatever happened that time, I know how much in pain you are.”

“Thank you for the concern Neha, but..” with a pause she added, “I am really sorry if I hurt you but I have moved on, that day is one of the many pasts that lie in yesterday. I believe in living today, this moment, what has been done or did take place, I take lessons from it that’s it!”

“But you must know something!” Neha spoke, “About Ram.”

“Please Neha. Now a days either him or his name keeps on going around me every time, more than this I don’t want to listen.” Priya paused for Neha spoke from the other side.

“If you were in pain that day, he was also in pain. You know that. He was afraid. We were afraid of getting thrown out. We were not as matured as you were.” Neha tried to gather confidence to speak further, “He still loves you Priya. He still blames himself for whatever happened to you.”

“But I don’t…” Priya uttered.

“What you don’t? You don’t love Ram anymore. If you are going to say this; please keep that as a consolation prize for yourself.” Neha sounded pretty irritated.

“Neha, you are still having mood swings I guess.” Smiled Priya. After Neha uttered shut up Priya continued, “Neha you should take care of yourself and your baby. That must be your top most priority now and about me and Ram, we are over. I will not lie that I don’t love him anymore. I do.”

“Then Problem kya hain meri maa.” Neha cuts in, “Listen to him once.”

“But I don’t blame him or anyone of you for that day, I can understand  you all were afraid about your family reputations and getting bitten up by the families, but I stood by the truth Neha, I had a moment with Ram, that will last forever but not as a sweet memory, but as something that spikes me every moment. I blame myself for whatever happened with me. I was the one who let Ram conquer me, I let Rajat to destroy me emotionally. I don’t blame Ram, I blame myself, I hate myself when I think about the day when I let Ram own me.” Priya waited for Neha to respond, crashing the silence she added, “Today I am happy, the way I am. Let me be happy.”

“Happy” Neha said under her smile, “Happy who is happy you, Ram. No one. You are living in a world of illusions that you don’t want to come out of and he is living in the world of his Priya where only love is there. Tone down Priya before it is late.”

Priya could hear the baby’s cry over the phone, which gave her an excuse to hung up. “Neha I think you should be get going now. You can scold me later, now your baby needs you. Don’t spoil his health for anyone. You don’t have the right to do so.”

“Okay I am going now, but promise me you will come to meet me. Now as you’re The Priya Sharma, a flight ticket from Delhi to Mumbai and back don’t cost much for you.” Neha said.

“Soon, that I can promise you.” Priya assured, though Neha didn’t want to hang up, wailing of her baby let her to do so. Priya walked to the balcony that opened on the road side. She could see Ram walking to and fro within a certain place absorbed in deep thought. The honking of the cars took him back to reality, he stood at a side. She could see a car stopping just by his side, from there came down his mother. Priya noticed how the elderly lady caressed his head, he looked calmer then. She couldn’t hear a single word that they were exchanging, but reading the body language Priya felt though at first he denied to come in later his mother managed to drag him inside holding his hand in hers. Priya called an attendant from the resort and asked him to get the luggage from her car’s back seat and hand over the same to Mr. Ram Kapoor, to clear his doubt about the person of the name, she pointed to Ram from the open space. He nodded and acted as ordered.


Cocktail dinner.

Ram, clad in a maroon sherwani was accompanying his father from the beginning, Jayesh and Sudheer were also with them. He was getting introduced to many new people from his field. Many of them were enthrall to meet him, a very few who can be counted on one hand, had no effect. He was least interested about meeting new people or the party that is going around, his eyes were trying to spot Priya and when at last he spotted her, his eyes popped out and jaw dropped making his mouth open in a shape of capital “O”. He tried to divert himself from the informal meetings and tried to get through to Priya but every time he was stopped by somebody. At last he managed to reach her.

“Hi!” Ram addressed Priya who didn’t respond back, “can I get a hello in return.”

“As if we are meeting for the first time.” Priya was rude.

“If that pacify your temper then yes.” Ram smiled back. “So Hi!”

“Stop trying to crack jokes especially lame jokes.” Retorted Priya.

“So..” Ram tried to speak out his mind, “I mean..” he turned around and found many eyes checking out Priya. “Is this the only thing you have for this night?”

“What do you mean?” Priya gritted every word expressing her annoyance clearly.

“Just look around, every one is gawking at you.” Ram pointed to the surroundings covering as much he can.

“I think not everyone it’s you who is gawking at me and Thanks for complementing me.” Priya started walking away from him.

Ek Minute!” Ram blocked her way. “Now what!” shouted Priya grabbing the eyeballs of few other guests. “Why are you shouting?” whispered Ram, “ I am telling you the truth!”

“That I am looking awkward! Wow I must say in these years you have perfectly learned how to spoil a girl’s evening ! That’s what you learned in Orlando.” Priya threw a stern look at him.

“One minute!” Ram couldn’t help but smile broad, “How do you know in which city I used to stay in Florida? Is this available with Jayesh Uncle?”

“A..a…I just guessed.” She tried to avoid any eye contact with him.

“Wow your guess is so accurate. Orlando..” He smiled knowing the half baked truth, “waise sach mein aur kuch ni hain tumhare pass.”

“Stop this nonsense. No one is here to gawk at me. It’s you who is over thinking.” She continued to go out from the place.

“Please Priya listen to me once. I think you should change this..” he now held Priya’s Pallu that hung till the ground from her shoulder. With the pull she stepped back, “PLEASE..” this time her voice was much loud to grab attention of many around. Among those many, were both the families. With the elders looking surprised at their behavior, Ram immediately dropped the pallu . Looking around the situation Priya walk out of the hall. Followed her Ram.

Shipra who was smiling broad looking at the prospective couple thanked God for putting everything in place, slowly. She looked at Krishna Kapoor, who was also smiling at the same time. Though this act went light and good with the ladies, it doesn’t go good with the three men. The discomfort was clear in their eyes.


“Arey rooko yaar..” Ram still tried to hunt for Priya.

“Stop Mr Kapoor” Now this familiar voice is the most hated one to him, Meera said from his behind, “Let her go. Don’t you think you have done enough to spoil her evening?”

Troubled by the lady he tried hard not to show his frustration but he failed, “what is your problem?” he turned, “I know I am completely to blame what happened to her, what she did in past but God even give one chance, but you and she has declared me as a Satan.”

“Oh! Nice to hear that” said Meera under her breath, she looked as Priya drove out. The honking of car grabbed Ram’s attention too.

“Where? Where she is going in this wee hours?” Ram wanted to follow her.

“I said stop!” She said strictly, “I know where she is going and she will be safe there and you know what at least she will find much needed peace that you snatched away from her.”

“Meera!!” someone called. “You are here and everyone is asking…” the man stopped knowing the presence of unknown person, “and he is?” asked the man.

“Oh! Let me introduce..” Meera said, “This is Mr. Ram Kapoor. And this is Ashok, my husband.”

“So you are Mr. Kapoor’s Son, the successor. Nice to meet you.” He extended his hand for a shake, Ram reciprocated. “If you are wondering how I know your father, let me reintroduced myself, I am Ashok Asundi, Editor in Chief of The Economic Business News Channel. I admire your father and his thoughts I hope you will take that legacy ahead in the same manner.”

“I hope so.” Ram shake his hand with Mr. Asundi again. “wasie you Asundi and she Kumar? How come?” Meera was mocked by Ram.

“I believe she has made her own identity and I have my own, there is no need for her to be known as Mrs. Meera Asundi to get any perks. She is well capable of getting it by her own.” Smiled the proud husband embracing her along her shoulder. “I believe in equality.”

Ram’s plan got perfectly back fired to him, but Ashok came as his savior only when he asked about Priya, “Where is that retard?”

“She ..” Meera looked at Ram who was trying to suppress his laugh under his hand. “Your retard is out for her farm house. She will be back soon. Let’s go inside. Come.”

“Come, Mr. Kapoor.” Ashok gestured to Ram as he walked inside with his wife.

“Farm House. Aur kya kya hain madam ka?”  Ram thought, “And why the hell she went there.” He stood there occupied with her thoughts.



  1. Very nice... title is perfect with emotional ups and downs... waiting for next 💗💗

  2. OMG what an update di mind blowing so Ram is not ready to leave Priya alone... awww I m loving these Jayesh he I such an angle for RaYa so Ram is all set to win her trust back but knowing Priya's talk with Neha is guess she is cursing her that night which she spent with Ram & b coz of what all the problem for started she just don't want to be in that outrage again being involved with Ram... well I m loving this both mother they r th cutest part of story they love their kids so much & understand them so well... hope RaYa goes as per they want them well just loving this story so Meera have a intelligent hubby interesting that was actually looked cute for sure... so madam is out to farmhouse I hope Ram don't follows her there but actually would love too... & I loved the most important Part was RaYa in hotel & on road OMG that was something really amazing I enjoyed fully nd more on that they fights like love birds I m so loving it awesome just mind blowing too good... waiting for next plz do update soon....

    1. Thank you so much. This means a lot. 😊😊😊

  3. Loved it n love raya n pls write on AriKa plss one os n pls never stop writing on Raya pls

  4. Loved the update Dii. kaash Neha kuch aur bol pati how ram suffered after priya but kher koi nahi apne ram babu hain na woh priya madam ka pyaar pakar hi dum lenge..
    Please update this story more frequently 😊😊😊

    1. Will try to update more often. But time and work doesn't allow. 😊😊 then also will definitely try.

  5. Hi Nairita,

    what can I say just fabulous part. This ram and priya always attract me the most. they never fail to amaze me in every possible act of them with each other, be it mischeviousness, fight , argument, care , concern love hatred.the characters have been etched so beautifully it is so satisfying and greedy to read more and more of them. Absolutely great writing, loved every bit of AK and KK convo, also as a sensible and concerned and loving father AK had explained his insecurities and fear his son never showing up he is imposing something into his son but as a well wisher and loved one advising.
    Later I loved , Neha and Priya's convo so matured to the point and the bonding is just great though they had some MUs.
    Lol vikki's open mouth and ram irritating priya to the core was awesome.
    All in all , a lovely writing full of emotions ,care concern, love and duty bonded.
    What can I say i m waiitng for the next part.

    1. Thank you so much. 😊. I am trying to develope this story with few characters but all having equal importance in either of the protagonists lives .. will be updating soon

  6. Once again you nailed it dear.
    Mr amaranth Kapoor with wise businessman is good human being too who knows the fault of his son of that fateful night but still not whole truth and wants him to change himself. Krishnaji is still have faith in her son and wants good for him but the path of marriage is not acceptable to his husband unlike her.

    Ram is completely lost in drunk state with Vikram little advice to not to mess around Priya. But he wants still once chance to prove his side of story to her which she will never listen.

    In this path too which Priya want to avoid Ram but couldn't helpless but the bantering in car was cute.

    The conversation with Neha also didn't reach any conclusion as Priya is not denying any feeling if love towards Ram but not ready to be with him.

    Krishnaji wants her son happiness do is Shipra for her daughter and are happy to see both of RaYa having decent convo in the marriage but still is not close to the truth.

    1. You are the one person i look forward to, for the comments. Thank you for loving my works .. 😊😊😊


Chapter 48 : Enough to be Worse.

Chapter 48 : Enough to be Worse. Everyone in the room stood stunned as Jayesh and Sudheer went through the warrant t...