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Thursday, June 8, 2017

Chapter 14 : Relishing Friendship

Chapter 14 : Relishing Friendship

Amarnath Kapoor walked to the enormous door of the Mansion to welcome Priya, after he got the information from the security about her arrival. When she came out with a smile shot up against her face, the elderly man stepped down to welcome her. He got little surprised when she stooped and took blessing by touching his feet. Managing a smile, he welcomed her inside.

“Priya” Amarnath called her back. “Please send back the car. I will ask Ram to drop you. Be comfortable betahe defended himself without even asked.

Priya’s head stomped with the dream that intimidated her that evening. But it was tough for her to make any excuse to the Senior Kapoor though she tried. “Uncle I think it will be an unnecessary trouble for Mr. Kapoor.”

“Ah! Call him by his name. No one calls him Mr. Kapoor. He just stepped into business. Don't show him such unnecessary respect. He will get wings someday. And dropping you back; that will be no troublesome event for him.” Amarnath turned down Priya in the most convincing and sweetest manner.

“Okay Uncle I will.” Losing the battle Priya walked to the driver; giving him a 500 rupee note she gestured him to leave. Once she was done with him she walked inside with the senior Kapoor.

Entering the living area, her eyes went straight to a bloomed smiling face. She must be one of the most beautiful ladies of her time. Priya thought. Her grey hairs were perfectly done into a voluminous bun. Even at that age; she sported a knee length hair, Priya guessed. Her perfectly toned skin and figure aptly described how well disciplined and maintained she is. “She is my mother.” The voice startled Priya out of her thoughts, “The brain behind the business of our telecom industry.” He smiled as they walked towards her.

“Maa this is Priya, the girl from Delhi I was talking about.” Amarnath stood straight to match her length.

“Yes. I meet her today morning but not she.” Smiled the old lady looking to Priya, “Hello beta, I am Sarojani Kapoor.” She extended her hand towards Priya. Little surprised by her gesture, Priya did what she supposed to. Dropping along her length Priya touched Sarojani’s feet. With a smile the extended palm of the old lady now rests on Priya’s head. “Jeetien raho beta.” She said under her deep sigh. Priya took the little decorated bag and extended it to her.

“Actually Ma’am. I don't know if you will like it or not but I thought it will be a decent gift for the Kapoors.” Saying she handed the hand picked Brazilian coffee beans packed inside to the senior most Kapoor.

“First don't embarrass this old lady by calling her Ma’am; Dadi will suffice and I love Brazilian coffee. So for whom so ever you brought this, I am hijacking it right away.” The pleasant smile of her is a calm breeze soothing to soul.

“Good Evening Ms. Sharma.” Ram poked into the conversation, “Am I smelling Brazilian coffee beans?” he sniffed. “Yes it is.” Tracing his eyes from the air to his grandma’s hand he smiled ear to ear.

“No. Sunshine. This is exclusively for me. Help yourself.” Retorted the old lady.

“Come on Darling. You can't do this to me. You know I have an exact taste like you.” He wrapped his hands around his grandma.

“Okay we will decide it later. First let Priya sit at least.” Krishna Kapoor said coming out from a direction with two butlers behind her. Smiling Priya touched her feet too.

“Come Priya.” Ram gestures her towards the couch.

“So tell me beta what is the most fascinating business you ever did?” asked Sarojani grabbing the seat from Ram, seating opposite to Priya. Krishna and Amarnath settled on the Chesterfield. Having no seat left Ram stood aside like kid who was punished for nothing.

“Yet to start. Made all the arrangements, but yet to flag it off. Few permissions are still pending.” Priya smiled.

“Then don't share it. Let it flag off first” replying Sarojani looked at Ram, “Sunshine, did anyone punish you?” Ram nodded in variance, “Then what kept you standing there? Sit there.” Pointing to the empty space by Priya his Grandma said.

Ram looked nervous; he wanted to avoid that awkwardness but failed. Priya, though felt the same, but arching her lips to smile a little she shifted to right making room for Ram.

“Do you need a written application or you have some other plan Sunshine?” very seriously asked the lady.

“No darling.” Ram sat leaning to the couch crossing his right leg over left.

“Priya tell me which is the most challenging deal you have ever cracked?” the drill continued. Ram grinned watching Priya grilled by his Grandma.

“Is there any problem?” the senior most Kapoor said displeased.

“Nah Darling I was just thinking is this any kind of interview going on?” He laughed this time.

Displeased Sarojani stood up. She stepped to leave. “Rightly said by Uncle you are yet to grow a lot to be addressed as Mr. Kapoor; Ram. Dadi was asking me not you; is there any problem? And if you have I think you should leave.” Priya walked to dadi and smiled to her. “Trust me Dadi I am loving every bit of it. Please don't leave and if you I will leave.” Taking her hand on her’s she made Sarojani sit back.

“As you asked, this is the most challenging deal of my life.” She chuckles, “Means the business deal that I cracked for your Telecom Sector.”

“I see.”Sarojani looked straight to Priya then to Ram and then to them together. She smiled and asked Krishna and Amarnath to come with her.

“Excuse me beta. We will be right back.” Amarnath excused them.


“Don't you have manners?” whispered Priya.

“What I did?”

Dadi was asking me what made you smile?”  She continued to whisper.

“I was laughing to find you so intimidating by Darling.” Whispered Ram under his grin.

“Shut up.” Priya looked to the other side.

“You can say that, to me only!!” he continued to irritate her. “Now if you will speak more I will ask Darling to deal with you.” He couldn't control his suppressed laugh.

“Raamm!!” she scolded him.


“They are just perfect for each other Amarnath. Just look at them. She is educated, smart, intelligent, beautiful and most importantly I think they are enjoying one another's company. There is no doubt in that.” Convinced with Krishna’s proposal, Sarojani wanted her son to agree too.

“Ok Maa. But we are in the verge of starting a business and personal relationship.” Amarnath looked worried.

“Don't make me learn business. I am not asking you to drop this business neither Priya to drop her business. Business can go on and Priya will have all the freedom to continue whatever she wants.” Sarojani conferred her final decision, “Sunday you will talk with her parents.”

“Only Jayesh is coming.”

“Not an issue.” Krishna said, “Jayesh is a father figure to Priya. Talk to him.”

Jammed by the ladies, Amarnath gave up! He looked up to Ram and Priya who were definitely enjoying their company. He sighed deep with the hope of Jayesh turning down the suggestion. “How can I ruin such a lovely girl’s life? When I know what my son can be at any time. He is behaving normal now when he will start behaving again insane. Who knows?” Jayesh thought.


After dinner, Priya asked permission to leave. Ram walked to the lawn and drove his car out of the shade. The AUDI halted. He came and opened the door for Priya. Taking blessing from the elders Priya slipped in.

“Drive carefully.”Amarnath voiced his son as they drove out.

“Krishna your eyes never fail. She is the perfect one for my Sunshine. She can bring my Sunshine back home. She is going to be the elder daughter in law of Kapoors.” Sarojani’s eyes traced the car’s path till it went out from her eyes. Krishna smiled ear to ear in relief.


“So you only drive this?” Priya broke the silence. “I saw another 7 cars there.”

“You saw it right and I drive my car only. Those are all my father’s. I wanted to live at Pent House, after I came back to India but Darling didn't allowed.” Ram said under his deep sigh, “Priya I did live on my father’s money but now whatever I wear, ride and spend are earned by me.”

“Impressive.” Priya smirked.

“Did I hear????” cupping his ear he tried to hear again.

“Shut up! Drive quick.” Priya mocked him softly on his left arm.

“Well have you been to Mumbai earlier?” Ram asked.

“Not really! But I came here two times. Just Airport. When I had connecting flights.” Priya replied.

“If you don't mind I would love to show you Marine Drive. May I?”

What!!! She thought then the memories of the dreams came across. If he forces himself on her. If the nightmare turns out to be true. If this is a trap only?? Priya thought with one after another. No, I can't let him do that. I am self sufficient to see around. She googled that morning about Marine Drive. GOOGLE MAP showed about a drive of 12 to 18 minutes from The Taj Palace. She can come alone with the help of the GPS. But with Ram never. She kept on thinking. I will not go weak. You are a monster and may be you have changed but the past can't be changed and that torn me apart. Jammed with all thoughts her eyes where visualizing the events in an aimless distance. “Priya.” His cold touch on hand shivered her. “We are here.” he pointed out. Resting the engine he took off his seat belt. “Come. I will show you the beauty. I think its low tide now.”

Looking to her left she found the The Arabian Sea gracing the beauty of the City. When he drove here and why he never waited for her reply. She thought. “Priya.” He snapped. “Come. Ten minutes. Taj is just 10 minutes drive from here so I will take only 20 minutes from your schedule may be 30 maximum.” Priya now shifts her gaze to him. This man has suddenly changed. But why? What is going inside his head? Is he planning something big to trap her? What could it be?” “Priya what happened?” Ram touched her this time.

“Nothing.” She smiled inwardly. Undoing her seat belt she opened the door and stepped out. The soft and cold breeze hit her. Closing her eyes she welcomed the fresh breeze into her. The rumbling roars of the sea; absorbed into her ears. It is soul soothing. The breeze ruffled her hairs.

“You really don't look like the model who shot for the shampoo adverts.” He joked. “How do they manage to have a smooth hair flowing like a river even when she stands in between a cyclone?” He laughed.

“Camera Tricks.”

Not convinced Ram curled up his lips. “Did we stop here to discuss Shampoo Ads?” asked Priya knitting her eyebrows together.

“No never. Come.” Ram started walking along the promenade. He lends his hand to Priya to climb the elevation without spoiling her saree. Pointing to a particular place he asked her to sit. “There.” He pointed to a distance, from where the city could be seen.

“Beautiful.” Priya prompted.

Arey sahab.”  A hawker who was selling some eateries stopped by them. “Chotu nahi aya?” he asked looking for someone.

“Ni. Wo hain ni naa idhar.”Ram smile.

What you were selling?” asked Priya trying to look into his bamboo sheet knitted basket. The hawker was returning to his den then, handing a paper wrapped packet probably the last one and addressed her as bhaabi.

“Oh! No no she is not my wife bhaiya.” Ram corrected the man, “She is a friend from business.”

“Sorry Madam.” Humbly the hawker apologized. Denying taking money he left. Ram looked at Priya who was engrossed in thinking something deep.

“I am sorry Priya for his non  sense.”

“Do you come here regularly?” Priya asked, “And who is chhotu?” she was not looking at him, making it difficult for Ram to deny. He gave up to her adamant nature.

“Rishab my brother and Yes I do come here regular. When ever I want to flush out something I come here. I find peace.” Ram replied.

“Can I ask you something?” Priya interrogated. “Which is the best place around to buy gifts?”

“From where did you pick that?”

“What? Coffee beans? I brought them from Delhi. I need to buy presents for Neha’s two kids. What do the elder one loves?” she continued, “The younger one can be gifted by my choice but the elder one; he has choices!!”

“Yes he has and chocolates only.” Ram smiled back. “Which Neha don't allow more than one a week.”

“She does the right thing.” Priya looked at surprised Ram. “What, even if I were at her place I would have done the same thing.”

“God bless your future kids.” Said Ram under his laugh, looking to the vast sea in front.

“There will be none.” Sighed Priya, “I don't want to trap myself in any kind of emotional attachments. Jitna hain kafi hain. But yes if I find myself in a good position where I can bring up a kid properly, I will adopt a girl.”

“You don't have any plan for marriage?” Ram knitted his brows together in gesture of asking. Priya nodded her head side to side in response. “If I may ask why?”

“I can't throw out that person who is already there all over my heart.” Priya looks to the never ending horizon which stood black. “I have already loved a man all with my heart, faith and trust. Now after him neither I can love nor I can bestow my trust or faith to another man. Better I should stay alone.”

“What about the Man? Has he settled down?” This time Ram made Priya really offended. She looked up with utmost displeasure. “You have managed to walk with the time. You learnt. Just a slice of his side of story he is still there.” The displeasure in her eyes suddenly vented into thin air. Ram looked up. “Trust me Priya I have promised me something after I reacted over you this afternoon. I will never ask you to listen. I wish to see you happy that's it. But ...” he sighed and sudden silence amongst volume up the rumble roar of the Arabian Sea.

“But...” the word escaped Priya’s lips. “What?”

“Probably nothing important for you and please don't misjudge me that I am plotting by forcing you to put the trail run here at Mumbai. I am putting the last drop of water into this. I can't take risk at any cost. So whatever I am doing is for safe guarding my professional interest. I wish to look forward to your cooperation.” Saying Ram looked up.

“I will definitely.”

“Come let me drop you back.” Ram waited for Priya to react after he stood up. “Priya” he again called her when she continued to stare aimlessly. “Priya!!” with his hands resting in her shoulder she shuddered out from thoughts.


“It’s getting late.”

“Yes.” She looked up and held Ram’s extended hand for support while she stood up. Walking back to the car Priya looked at Ram who struggled a little to get the key out from the pocket. His hands shivered a little.

“Are you okay?” Priya asked.

“Yay. I am.” He continues to struggle. Walking around she watched him carefully. Pressing her hand against his arms she felt the uneasiness. “Ram.” She called. The moist arms alerted her. “Are you okay?” she asked. This time there came no reply. Priya looked understandably antsy. She looked around. With his hands resting on the bonnet of the car he gasped. “ you call anyone for help? Please.”

“Yes.. yes..” she found a patrol van at an distance. “Wait up!” Running towards the direction she spoke to them for help. Knowing their identities the cops came into their rescue immediately.


“Yes Jayesh Uncle.” Priya spoke. “Doctors are diagnosing him.” The stomping against the marble floor made her aware of the eager family behind approaching her. “I am calling you back.”

“Take care and I am coming tomorrow.” Said Jayesh before disconnecting.

“Priya, what happened to Ram?” asked Krishna holding Priya’s hands repeated “What happened?”

“We just halt at Marine Drive to have a stroll and when we were...” she stopped with the doctor approaching. Tracing her eyes the family looked back. Amarnath rushed to the doctor and spoke to him. There standing at a distance Priya was not able to hear their conversation. Krishna joined the conversation leaving her behind.

Their relief faeces made her little calm. Clueless she stared at the couple. Guilt stricken she took baby steps towards them; “I am sorry I just...” she felt the uneasiness. She wanted to know about Ram. Surely. “I am really sorry. I just don't know what happened.”

“Did he eat peanut by chance?” Krishna asked Priya.

“Peanut??” Priya tried to remember. Yes! Her memory flashed. She casually offered him some from the packet. But wait those were gram seeds not peanuts. “No. We do had some roasted gram seeds from a hawker whom he knows well.”

“I also didn't add badam in any dishes. Then where from?” Krishna looked worried.

“Does he have allergy?”

“Yes. He is very sensitive to Peanuts.” Krishna looked up and found Priya in deep thoughts. Looking down to her watch she asked her husband to drop Priya back to Taj. Inattentive she starred at the floor.

Krishna strolled Priya out from her thoughts beta don't blame yourself. He might have it unknowingly. You traveled today. I think you should go back and have some rest.”

Denying to Krishna’s proposal, Priya said that she will stay back surprising Amarnath. He looked at Krishna and gestured her to take Priya along. When she with the elderly lady entered the cabin, she found Sarojani stroking her grandson’s hairs dearly. She stopped her voyage by the curtains. “Maa, he is doing good. Doctors are saying we can take him back home on tomorrow, probably.” Priya stood lifeless witnessing the loving family dearly waiting for their son to wake up.

“Priya!!” the voice is known, but for so many years she never heard it in person. Turning back she failed to judge how to react to the friend who stood in pools of emotions. With her presence, Neha lost her words. The purpose of visit suddenly took another dimension. On the other hand Priya almost forgot the danger that waited if Neha declares the unwanted truth. The sudden happiness in Neha failed to stop her expressing the longed emotions. Hugging Priya, she said how much she missed her and the unwanted truth almost lied naked.

“Neha!” Amarnath said looking surprised. “You two know each other.” Having a sharp memory, Priya remembered that Neha studied in boarding. She thought to cover herself behind it but the fear of getting caught trailed. They looked for an answer.

“Yes.” Neha voiced as low as she could. “We meet in..” The urge to save her, Priya voiced, “In a school camp we were in 12th then. Actually Neha is the sweetest girl I know. I helped her a little there that marked the beginning of our friendship.” A hard to digest lie was framed. “But Neha you here?” Priya shook her back into reality.

“Haan. Wo Ram... is also a friend.” Neha looked puzzled.

“How people meet just a mystery! Neha how are the kids?”  Krishna added.

“Ya! They are good.” Throwing Priya a pretty displeased look Neha walked to the Kapoor family. “How's he now?” she asked.

“He is doing good. Priya is almost left alone. Please take care of her. Actually she is guilt stricken. Ram was last with her when this unwanted event happened.” Krishna Kapoor said showing her concern equally to both.

“Yeah. I will.” Raging, Neha walked to Priya and faking a smile to Priya and gesturing the unpleasantness, she almost dragged Priya out of the room.


New Delhi. Same Night.

“I don't think they should have a party. I am going tomorrow. If the situation allows I will request Amarnath to sign the documents and we will head back tomorrow.” Jayesh said to Meera, who was more concerned about Priya than the bloody contract. She thought how hospital’s still haunt her. She has developed Nosocombphobia in the past.

Failed to suppress the concern Meera asked, “Is Priya Okay?”

“Yes. She is. I am also thinking the same what you are. Even Sudheer expressed to come along. I will take him too. I just wish she don't get nervous.” Jayesh said under his deep sigh.

“Sir, this contract is getting uglier day by day. We need to re-evaluate it.” Meera bombed.

“Meera I know what I should do. I will call you tomorrow. Enjoy your holiday. Amayra is here after a long time.” Jayesh confused Meera more before he disconnected.


“What was that?” Neha demanded an explanation.

“Neha I don't want them to know that I and Ram were together in college. I just don't.” Priya shrugged off Neha’s hands from hers. Folding her hands near belly she started biting off her perfectly manicured nails. “What is happening around? My life is getting more tangled with every passing day.” She blew off air in fuss. “My lie should never come into Jayesh uncle’s knowledge. We will get caught easily.” Rubbing her forehead Priya announced.

“Priya!!” Turning her, Neha looked in disbelief. “What you have turned yourself into? Ram is lying there surrounded amongst those stupid instruments and you are worried about the secret to get spilled.”

“Yes!! I am. It is the best kept secret of my life and I don't want it to spoil my career.” Announced Priya.

“Career!!!” Neha was smiling in disbelief. “Did you just say career? I never felt that I talked to such a heartless creature.”

“There is nothing called heart involved. It is about priorities.” Rebuked Priya.

“Fine!!” shouted Neha. “I will make sure that your secret remains protected and please leave!!”

“I will after Ram wakes up.”

“No need. He doesn’t need his associate to be here. He has his family and friends to take care of. You are really least needed here.” Failed to control the anger and anxiety Neha spitted really harsh at her friend. Without entertaining Priya more she walked out. Vikram who stood there all through the conversation sighed before he came near Priya.

“I think..” Vikram didn't finish when Priya looked up. “I know what I should do.” Excusing herself Priya walked out. Finding Amarnath and Krishna at the lobby she asked their permission to leave. With their permission she left for the hotel. Vikram was bestowed with the duty to drop her back. All through the journey back to Taj there prevailed an awkward silence. Thanking Vikram she walked inside.



With Jayesh’s interference the deal got signed on Saturday itself. He convinced the Kapoors to drop the idea of the party keeping Ram’s health in count. Priya sat on her cabin with the memories of the Marine Drive flashing against her eyes. Picking up her phone she dialled a number. The ringer was about to get exhausted when the voice from the other end relieved her.

“Hi.” Priya said. “How are you now?”

“Good.” Ram replied.

“I don't know if that day it was a mixture or just roasted gram seeds. I am really sorry.”

“Priya you were there that's why I survived.”


“If I were alone, then I could have ended in a disaster. Thank you for saving my life.”

“There is nothing that I did to save you. I just acted according and as needed.”

“Okay. How’s you?”

“I am fine.”

“You had an unusual meeting with Neha! Vikram told me everything. Please don't mind. She has over reacted. May be her hormonal shifts are still stirring her mood.”

“I am little uncomfortable in hospitals. Actually I have Nosocombphobia. I just blabbered unwanted and like a heartless.” Priya’s voice chocked.

“Oh!! But you didn't say anything unwanted. And about being heartless or with a heart there is nothing amongst that you need to use heart. You have a goal Priya. Concentrate on it.” Ram surprised her.

“You really didn't mind.”


“Are you sure?”


“Okay.” Priya smiled. “You gave me my peace back Ram. Thank you. I had news too for you.”

“And that is?”

“My team leaves tomorrow for Mumbai. I had a word with Vikram and your Hr.”

“Okay. They didn't bother me or Darling may have barred them from doing so. But aren't you coming?”

“I will on Friday. I have some unscheduled meetings to attend. Can't ignore them. Don't worry I deployed the best team. They are experts.” Assured Priya.


“You sound unconvinced Ram. I promised you that I will not let you down. I will not. That's a promise.”

“And you know to keep promises. You don't run away. I remember.” Smirked Ram.

“You are taunting me.”

“No I am reminding myself what I did; on the day when I first saw you walking past the gate in off white Suit with your father 15 years ago and I fell for you immediately.” The sadness in Ram’s voice pinned Priya’s heart. She cocked her head to left to see the date. Yes he was right that was the day when she first attended the college. How can a man remember such uneventful days? She thought because she hardly remembers birthdays and anniversaries even. Last year she forgot her parents’ wedding anniversary dramatically.

“The other side of the story, the boy was stupid. He listened to some so called well wishers and waited for the right time. The boy drugged himself after she left. The boy is lost after she vanished. The boy just inhaled and exhaled waiting for his life to reunite. The boy that day just started living, the time travelled, but he stood still there. Waiting for the verdict of his sin. Just the other side of the story.” He sat in silence closing his eyes. The trains of tears traced down his hot cheeks.

“You are crying?” the voice shoots him like a shot gun. Shivering out Ram looked straight. Before wiping his tears with both of hands he kept the phone by his side.

“No. But thanks for calling and will make sure your team has a great stay here. Just drop me the flight no by which they will be travelling. I will resume office by Monday only.” Ram further distracted himself, “Darling will not allow me to resume this week.”

“It's okay. You just take care..” Priya stood up with Jayesh entering her cabin. “Take care of yourself. Be cautious about what you eat.” Priya ordered Ram with Jayesh waiting. “Will call you again. I have to go.” Disconnecting; Priya looked to Jayesh.

“Was it Ram?”  He asked taking his seat to her opposite.

“Yes. I was just checking with his health.” Priya tried to justify her action. “He is doing good. He will resume office from next week. I was updating him about the implementations.”

“Why are you justifying? Did I ask?” Jayesh asked her smiling.

Priya looked up and found Jayesh smiling to her. She sighed and sunk into her seat. The uneasiness in her made Jayesh happy. He smiled and left the room. With her eyes on the oscillating door Priya thought What is happening? Why I can't stop blaming myself?


“Amarnath!!” happily Jayesh called his friend. “Since a long time I was avoiding something that ladies have noticed.”

“I know where you are pointing to. Even I was. But since that day when Priya denied leaving Ram alone at Hospital I also started thinking about it.” Amarnath happily started. “But before anything please confirm from Priya.”

“Oh! Don't think about it. I know her well and if she steps back thinking about this deal. I will make her doubts clear. I can read my girl's mind.” Jayesh added happily. “What about Ram, we are sure about him nah!!”

“I am pretty sure. I saw them together that day. Krishna was right they complement each other perfectly.” Aamarnath was pretty confident too, “I never saw Ram so comfortable with any one else. He definitely likes Priya.”

“And the way Priya tried to justify her call to Ram.” Jayesh laughed, “She definitely feels for him too. She thought, somehow she managed to fool this bachelor but I know her since her birth. I will share this with Sudheer and Shipra and is definitely looking forward to it.”

“Same here.” Relived Amarnath smiled hoping for a better future for his son. Though he stillfeels the danger that may arise any day with his son behaving insane, he decided to take the risk.


“What was the need to speak to her?” Neha screamed.

“Stop over reacting!” Ram frowned.

“You don't know what she said to me. She can't ruin her career with the truth. The well kept secret. What the fuck.”Neha sat on the couch. “I know she is hurt. We ditched her big time. But the way she behaved. She is definitely not that Priya whom we had in college. You were so fragile that time and she was thinking to protect her career I mean how rude no not rude how cheap.”


“I was the one who thought to give her time. I thought that she is still the same. But... disgusting she is.” Neha rushed to Ram. “Dare you involve yourself with her?”

Clutching her hand, Ram forced Neha to sit back and listen, “She bought my Pent House, and that day I knew something Neha. Rajat did some horrible thing with her. But what she didn't share. Once I get hold of that Rajat I will take the last blood out from his body.”


“Yes she exactly said to feel Rajat’s hands around her. After this we can't expect her to behave normal. There is something of which we are not aware of.” Ram looked up to Neha, “The well kept secret.”

“You know some private detectives, put one after it.” Neha said, “But I behaved insanely with her that day. Shall I call her and apologize?” Neha asked Ram. 

“Go ahead. She needs a friend definitely at least better than that body guard.” Ram leaned back to the chair.

“She has a body guard? I didn't see one that day!” Neha’s confused look made Ram laugh.

“That’s a long story. Her CFO, Meera Kumar, sister like figure she knows the truth that I am that man who ruined her.” Ram said under his persistent laughs.

“You didn't!!” retorted Neha.

“Okay. Okay now don't start again. I need to make some calls. Priya’s implementation team will be here tomorrow. I can't afford to mess with Madam any more.”Picking up his phone he walked out of the room.

Sitting alone Neha thought for a while before she dialled Priya’s number.


“Hi Neha..” Priya picked up the call, while she walked back to the car, when she was leaving to meet the ministers. Luckily for Neha, Priya was not driving that day. Making herself comfortable on the back seat she continued. Gussa thanda hua?”

“I am really sorry for that day.”

“I understand your concern for Ram.” After taking that name she looked up. The man, who was driving the car, is one of her trusted employees, more than an employee. He served Jayesh for 17 years before getting engaged as her chauffeur. He saw Priya since her childhood. But there is a fear of getting exposed. So she decided to be little cautious while talking.

“I am concerned about both of you.” Neha’s voice shivered Priya out from her thoughts.

“I am perfectly fine Neha. How’s Ram doing now?” She asked

“You just called him right?” Neha asked to check if Ram was lying to her or not.

“Yes. But boys generally tends to neglect their health and end up lying a big time. Ask him to be careful. He must be careful about what he eats.” Concern reflected in her voice.

“Priya. You....” before Neha could complete, Sarojani entered the room. “Dadi..” she stood up with Priya still on line.

“Who’s on the other side Neha?” she asked.

“Wo.. Priya. She.. she was asking about Ram’s health. I am taking the pain of being the common friend.” Neha let the half baked truth come out.

“I see. Baat karana. She walked in.

“Yes Dadi.” Neha hesitated but with no other option open she was ready to take Priya’s curse. “Priya...”

Without letting Neha complete, Priya said that she was aware of the complete conversation and she is free to speak to Ram’s Dadi. Smiling to the lady Neha handed her phone to her.

“How are you Dadi?” Priya said.

“I am fine. But I don't think that you are. Priya, Krishna was telling me that you were feeling guilty about what happened. But beta you have nothing to do with it. You hardly know Ram.” Sarojani spoke very contently with Priya.

“But. He should be for careful about what he eats.” Priya replied thanking her luck for the truth still in covers.

“Yes. He should be. We were thinking of getting one home minister for him who can mould him properly into a shape. Isn't it a good idea?” asked Sarojani.

“Dadi. I need to go. I have a meeting.” Priya felt uncomfortable to extend the conversation. “I will call later.” After the old lady allowed, Priya disconnected the call.

Why I felt bad? Ram should move on. That will definitely help me to concentrate. I should feel happy. Betaji... she shivered. “We have reached.” Priya’s chauffeur conferred her. 

“Yes.” Priya stepped out with the files in her hand.


Jayesh smiled to himself before entering the Sharma Villa. He sighed, “Welcome Mr. Ram Kapoor into my trap!!” Maintaining the pleasant smile he walked inside.

Until We Meet




  1. The few meetings only made Priya comfortable with Ram's dad senior Kapoor. Along with him she was ease with Mrs sarojini Kapoor too.

    RaYa healthy conversation mistook by the senior Kapoor whom thinking of getting them married.

    The little strolling over marine drive surely make them converse more about the past and their life in present. But still Ram didn't justify more nor Priya ask.

    The events turn in hospital didn't turn out to be expected with unexpected confrontation between two known friends. Out of phobia Priya blurt out something but Neha was not behind putting accusations thinking about Ram but good Vikram was their for peace.

    Seems Jayeshji knows something about RaYa from past which made him smile seeing Priya uneasiness. Their is still some love left in her heart for Ram after denying too. But intriguing part was wat is Jayeshji upto.

  2. It was fab again, I m becoming greedy day by day and feel ki ye kabhi khatam na ho n main padhti rahoo bas..
    Somewhere Priya's feelings for ram hv been suppressed though she knew shecant love any one but only him ,Ram to help her understand and realise and be as she was .
    It felt so bad while ram was crying ,n Priya immediately caught him.
    There is a big tragedy happened with Priya in the past which may be haunting her not letting her be in her normal self .
    I m curious to read further ,thanks for the awesome writing again .
    Cheers !!

  3. Now the update came which left me speechless God just can't believe yes Priya do have some feelings for Ram still & Ram is ready to give her time the way she wants...
    But I guess elders have some other plan hope RaYa don't put their hopes down... loved the way Jayesh is all behind to unite RaYa....
    The way Neha reacted was Preety conman the way Priya behaved that was expected but thanks to Ram she finally understood her mistake...
    All this things are actually bringing RaYa together so lovelibg the journey... still want to know full truth behind the past hope will get on hold soon...
    I just loved Dadi here she is such a gem & a powerful persona of Kapoor s interesting so finally AK & SK both agreed to make Priya elder Daughter in law of Kapoor s that's awesome so as RaYa reliving relation Ram small world described his pain & state of past can't wait for next moving to read it....


Chapter 48 : Enough to be Worse.

Chapter 48 : Enough to be Worse. Everyone in the room stood stunned as Jayesh and Sudheer went through the warrant t...