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Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Chapter 21 : The Unwanted Events

Chapter 21 : The Unwanted Events.

Ram cocked his head towards Priya. He cast his eyes over her lost eyes. Maintaining a balance between the road and her he kept on driving through the desolated road that connected the peaceful celestial abode with the main city and its dusty air, the unhealthy breathes, honking of cars, traffic lights chaining the motion of the wheels and many many more. His eyes dropped down to the mobile that lied calm beside till then. It screamed to its loudest volume. Rishab was the one who was calling. He let it ring, muting the device with a click on its power key. Exhausted by the first ring, it rang for the second time and he repeated his action when it rang for the first time. Looking towards Ram once, Priya glanced her eyes back on the road. Third time when it rang, her lips arched down in irritation, throwing a bad look on Ram she asked him to pick the call after parking the car aside. Ram obeyed. Picking up the phone he let the seat belt go and received the call once he was out of the car. With the glass of the car still up with the air conditioner still on full flow with car’s engine still ignited, Priya was barred from listening to Ram’s conversation with the caller. She never looked for the callers’ name on Ram’s mobile screen.

After 4 or 5 minutes Ram came back inside the driver’s seat. “Sorry.” His voice had a sense of apology for making her wait unwanted.

“It’s fine. Please be fast I need to clear out the mess.” Impatient by the receipt of the message Priya said out loud.

“If I am not wrong you are not happy with this marriage then why you are bothered?” Ram asked her while wheeling the car out from the parking.

“Am I doll?” Priya scorned. “What you all think? You all will drive me like you will want and expect me to listen to all these shits.” She definitely sounded upset. “There are still more than 70 messages unread in my phone’s message box and thousands of mails in my mail box with congratulations messages after last night and now for some weird kundali thing Jayesh uncle is stalling the marriage when he forced me to say yes for this relationship. I have a lot to ask. Please drive fast.” She shifted her face to the road again.

“You still look beautiful in anger.” Ram tried to tease her.

“And you are looking ravishingly handsome.” The sudden announcement made Ram little nervous.

“Priya are you drunk?” Ram hesitated but asked trying to balance his concentrate between the road and her.

“Is this a situation to flirt?” Priya frowned. “Do I still look beautiful or not when I am angry does it matter right now? Please concentrate on driving.”

“Okay..” Ram sad face made Priya glance at him.

“Still a flirt.” She whispered which when reached Ram’s ears  made her lips curled to a pleasant smile.


Sharma House, New Delhi.

The hall was the busiest place when Priya rushed inside. Three pandits were discussing into a matter so seriously, like it is an issue of national crisis. Ram walked in and stood next to her, hovering his eyes around the hall he stood calm. Priya’s unusual breathe and sighs reflected her emotional state. Ram’s eyes scrutinised her from head to toe. She was controlling her anger. Hands clenched into a fist she breathed very fast.

“Priya..” Shipra’s eyes fell on her daughter and in her first sight she knew her daughter was extremely annoyed to see the pandits around. “Ram come have a seat beta.” Shipra welcomed her would be son in law and pushed Priya to a corner smiling inwardly to Ram.

“Priya. Don't over react.” Shipra pressed her hands under hers. “This are all done for your well being.”

“My well being? You know how much I hate these people.” Priya furrowed her eyes grinding the words under swallow breathes. “I don't care who is here I need a clarification.” Without allowing her mother to speak any further Priya headed towards the gathering and stood straight by Jayesh.

“I need to talk to you uncle. Alone.” She waited for a second or two before expressing her will through the last word.

“Beta, we are in the middle of something important related to your marriage wait for a while.” Jayesh ignored her plea.

“I am also here to speak about it only.” Her eyes moved across the hall to see few pair of eyes glancing angry look on her. “Please uncle I want to talk to you now. In private.”

Smiling nervously Jayesh excused himself and directed Priya an angry look of acceptance to her unwanted demand. Both of them headed to the study.


“Is it a way to behave?” Jayesh made an angry stance to Priya.

“This is also not a way to treat me.” Priya didn't move back from the purpose for which she got in bad book of everyone.

“What do you mean?” Jayesh looked back in surprise.

“What you think I don't know? When I turned down the proposal you blackmailed me into this and after yesterday's sudden announcement you want to push back the marriage why? Why you want to stake my reputation?”

“I want to stake your what?”

“Look into my mail box and message box you will find how the news along with the date spread like a wild fire.” Priya pushed her mobile towards him sliding it over the wooden top of the table. “And I don't want to answer people why the marriage got cancelled!”

“I am postponing it not cancelling it.” Jayesh replied.

“I know you very well. That instance you found it a good deal to marry me off to Ram and now you for any reason find that it is not good decision so you pulled up this drama. What do you think uncle what I am? A play doll or a doll with a remote I will behave in the expected and directed way.” Priya looked disturbed and stressed.

“What do you want?”

“I want to keep my hard earned name clear. I fought a lot for the status that I acquire and making the Kapoors upset is not a good idea. You are forgetting they are our ticket to the fortune.” Priya answered and waited for Jayesh’s answer.

“So what you expect me to do?”

“Ask your framed pandits to give some remedy so that wedding may take place on the date. That's it.”

“These all for your name and future only?” Jayesh asked Priya casting his eyes straight into hers.

Firm on her stand she answered confidently, “Yes and stop playing with me. Trust me if any day any thing unwanted happens out of this relationship I will be responsible. No one else and I will never head back here. And if you will not do what I want I can't promise you a better me after this thresh.”

Jayesh looked at Priya and tried to convince him that Ram is having no effect on her, but he failed in that horribly. Suddenly he felt loosing her to Ram. He can not let Ram snatch away her from him so easily. “I will not bend in front of you Priya. I know how to tame you.”


“Jayesh. There is no moving back now.” Amarnath spoke the moment the former stepped back in the hall. “I am sorry my family from Jalandhar will be here this evening and Rishab has booked tickets for Ram’s Mama and his few friends from Florida and other parts of the USA. Even if I keep this part aside, my family what I will tell them?”

“Look Amarnath I can understand but Kundalis are telling the most difficult things.” Jayesh looked at Priya, who’s eyes furrowed after knowing that Jayesh has thrashed out her threats under his merciless demeanour. Shipra held Priya’s hand in hers trying to make her calm.

“Amarnath...” Sudheer stood up. “This wedding will happen as pre-decided and Jayesh we will find a way to this. Let's stop making this worse.” He ended with a smile and left.

“Excuse me.” Priya left behind her father ending the high end created drama.


After a while Priya turned up again to the hall and her eyes fell on Meera. Putting the phone back inside her wallet she walked to her. “I was calling you only. I need to discuss some official matter can I come to your place?” Priya’s sudden surge to leave with Meera, made Shipra little difficult to accept.

“Priya work can wait.” Shipra tried to suppress her displeasure under her fake smile.

“Its important Maa. Meera you tell can it wait?” Priya’s demeaning smile shanghaied Meera to elaborate the same lie. And this was not the first time, she coned her parents a number of times in the same manner.

Meera’s eyes meet Ram’s interrogative eyes, which pleaded to allow him to come along. She felt a certain surge to include him but surreptitiously. While walking out Meera dropped a message to Ram in that moment when Priya went to take permission from Sarojani. Blinking at the message Ram quickly glanced a smile that involuntarily crept on to his lips.

“Now what is the matter? What made you escaped from your own house?” Meera asked paddling slow on the accelerator.

“I am escaping from myself.” She sighed deep. “Can we discuss this later. Please.” She meant no discussions please until I initiate.

With Priya sat on one side, she traced a car following hers. The rear view camera gave her access to its number plate. Noting it on her mobile carefully Meera hit the sent key. “Ah please Meera if you have to do this in urgent, stop the car aside.” Priya expressed her nag over using the mobile while driving particularly.

An answer Yes came that didn't need her to swipe unlock it. The message jumped itself on the mobile screen. Technology boon. After a quite drive of about 35 minutes, Meera drove into her bungalow compound. Hailing from a renowned family and established she gives complex to many famous celebrities when it comes to choices. Her bungalow, L in shape stood surrounded by Blue Jacaranda trees at one side and different seasonal fruit trees on the other. The cobblestone pavement that lead to the guarded entrance of her house has Tamarix tree cut into a perfect shape on its both sides.

“I love this place for its serenity.” Priya said coming out of the car. “Your delicate choice made this place a heaven, a peace in between the tantalizing vandalism of the city. That takes me here.”

Meera casted her eyes on the gate. The car had stopped just there barred an entry by the security. “Ah! You go and relax. Let me check out the nuisance over there.” Priya followed her finger that was directed towards the gate.

“Are you sure? I mean to say like the last time I will not be welcomed by the wanted personal belongings of you and Ashok right?” Priya smiled creepily. “You cleared the room nah!”

“Ashok is out of the town so there is no chance of such things to be found. Now go. Let my turn come then you will also know what tease is.” Beaming a sweet smile to her Meera waited for her to go inside. When confirmed that Priya has gone out of the view, upstairs, she hurried to the gate and allowed Ram to come inside. She ordered her driver lazing around to drive Ram’s car into garage.

“I don't know why I agreed. But Ram I want to share something with you. I want to know something from you too. But before that I am going upstairs and follow me keep yourself out of her sight and listen. Again I don't know why I am letting you do this.” Saying Meera turned to her head cook and asked him to send coffee for Priya and her. Turning to Ram she asked him to order for himself without hesitation. He in turn ordered a glass of water only.


“I ordered Coffee. You will have nah?” Meera got in to the roof top terrace that opens its view at the beautiful flower garden at the back of the bungalow.

“Why you kept this hidden?”

“Priya! What is bothering you?” a soft touch on her shoulder made Priya attempt to look at her but she stopped with the intervention of a butler. He rolled in a serve table and waited for the mistress to instruct.

“Leave.” Meera softly instructed.

After he left Priya glanced her eyes on her. Red as blood her eyes gave up under the torment to hold back the tears from a long time. “Priya!” Meera didn't think for a second before embracing her into a deep hug. Her right hand started  stroking her soft hair lovingly. Her attempt to calm Priya back fired. Priya started sobbing pretty loud. That made Ram peep out to see her from one side of the door, which lead to the terrace and which had become the secret hideout for him. I wish, it was me than Meera.

“What exactly is bothering you?” Meera asked pulling Priya apart from her. The loud sobs made her loose breathes. Her beautiful face looked devastated after the flood gates of her eyes traced the open path. Though Meera wiped her tears, the more salty water made its way. “I know you are here to tell me. So come on open up. I am not familiar with this Priya, I shaped out a strong woman from that little girl then. So you have to shed out your heart to me.”

“Everyone is selfish Meera. Every one.” Priya dashed towards the ledge. “I am a doll to play with. I am robot who has no heart at all.”

“Open up!”

“First time in my life I am finding Jayesh Uncle weird. He is using me to satisfy his ego. I turned down this proposal, to marry Ram, on the first hand he blackmailed me to agree. Now any how he feels or fears this relationship’s future so he has decided to plug it off tactically and Rishab, my would be dewar I don't know what problem he has, he keeps on mocking me every time. And foremost my would be husband. My pati parmeswar he is coming up with new ideas to make me weak and accept in public that I love him. Yes I do love him. I do.” Priya stomped her feet on the floor out of the anguish. “Kya karu I can't think beyond him but I am not ready to accept him back and he is definitely in hurry to own me again. Can't he see I am torn apart? After what he did. Am I something to play with? What I am for Jayesh uncle Ram and his brother? An experimental bride?? Who will act just like its owner will want her to?” Priya asked Meera. “I am feeling the walls are closing in once again Meera. I am getting suffocated. I need to breathe but no.. no no... how could I? Priya is expected to behave the way her masters want isn't it?” she looked down nowhere with Meera stepping to her.

Priya shook away Meera’s hands when she wanted to take her in a hug. “Stop it.” Meera snatched Priya away from her stubbornness and engulfed in a deep satisfying and calming hug. With her face dug in Meera’s bosom Priya nestled closer.

“Have a sleep! You will feel better. We will discuss this later.” Meera took Priya inside, Ram stood there perplexed hidden from Priya’s eyes while the ladies walked past him. Almost after quarter minutes when Meera came in search of Ram, she found him standing on the terrace looking up towards the sky.

“Ram.” She called.

“Before you ask me anything can I see her once?” Ram asked before she could say anything. “I will not disturb her. I will see her from the door.”

“She is sleeping.” Meera turned gesturing him to follow her. Within a minute Meera stopped near a wooden door clasped closed against. “Don't wake her up. I leave you alone with her only for 5 minutes. But please don't wake her up.” Softly she pushed the door open. Ram’s pace froze after first step. He looked back. “Don't wake her up.” Meera warned him again before leaving.

Knowing he has only 5 minutes he went near her and knelt by the bed side. Covered by a AC comforter until her neck, Priya slept there with the twirls and swirls of her disposition stamped all over her face. Scores of traces of dried tears along her face made him gasp. On his knees Ram walked near her. Lifting his hands he brought them near her head and stopped. His lips quivered feeling the pain she was in, is in. The empty gulp made a nervous sound, an attempt to stop him. His hand stopped just a millimetre away from her. His eyes fell on her fragile but peaceful face, before he started stroking his hand against the air, without letting them touch her. Slowly he tamed his hand to react like his brain wanted. A lone tear escaped as he moved back with his hand collected near him in a fist. He turned with a touch over his shoulder. He tried to convince Meera with a smile and with an immediate action to wipe out the tears.

“Come. She will be fine by tomorrow.” Meera lead Ram outside.

“I never wanted to hurt her.” Ram’s words made Meera look back soon after she closed the door. “I never.”

“Come.” Without reacting she walked asking Ram to follow. He obeyed.


“I trust you. But what happened in the past; is it acceptable?” She asked Ram sipping into her coffee. When Ram decided to continue with his silence she asked further, “I am not questioning your loyalty towards her, I am asking you what you think was is right?”

“Is there a chance to call it right?” Ram stopped suddenly, “Wait, you know everything?”


“Who told you? Priya?”

“No. Jayesh ji.”

“What? Why?”

“Because I tried to advocate against this marriage alliance and he knows everything about you too.” Meera looked up and found Ram smiling instead of being surprised. “Are you not surprised that Jayesh Ji knows everything?”

“No. He threatened me to dare hurt Priya again.”

“God what this man wants?”

“I don't care about anybody. I care about Priya only. Only her. I can't see her like this. I can't see anyone playing with her and do you think if I step back from this alliance it will bring good fortune for her?” he looked up for an answer. Meera gave no response. “Will she be happy without me? Tell me?”

“The answer is surprising to me too but my brain is ricocheting the same, since morning. No she will be not happy without you. But can you keep her happy?”


Meera’s sudden stance fell on him.

“I know what you are about to ask me. But her heart has no space for love. Hate and anger is all over. Her pain yield her the same. Till there is pain there will be no love, no love.” Ram’s eyes casted towards an unknown destination, “She has to drain out her pain. She has to live again. Only then she can love and feel loved. I can't make her happy suddenly.” Ram answered her unasked question.

“Priya has changed a lot in all these years Ram. She has a hollow. There is no pain, no hate and no love. What do you think if she hated you she ever said yes for this marriage alliance even after getting blackmailed by Jayesh ji? No, if Jayesh ji is a player she is too. Koi na koi tod nikal hi lati. This way or that she would have thrown you out forever. She is deluding herself thinking that Jayesh is forcing her to marry you when the truth is something else.” Meera chuckled. “But she feels that love when she wants to. There is a conflict between her heart and brain. Who will win that depends on you, you will be the writer of this story. You have to decide will it be forever after or never meant to be.”

“I never expected you to tell me all these.” Ram said under his astonishing smile.

“Trust me I am much more surprised than you after what I said to you, but that is the truth.” Meera replied firm.

“Can you do me just a favour?”


“Give me Rajat’s whereabouts.” Suddenly Ram’s eyes turned red. “I want him.”

“Even I do. But I have no update about him either, if anyone can help you in this, is Ashok.” Meera stood up and walked to the ledge.

“Ashok?” Ram was shell shocked by the name.

“You thought me to be Jayesh Ji’s partner in crime, but no it was and is my husband who is playing along with him. I was fooled. I forgot that he can be creepiest and cruellest possible creature if needed. He is the one who can help you with Rajat. But revenge can wait but Priya can't. Bring her back not for anyone but for her for you, for both of you. Be selfish be that man whom she loved and still loves.” She turned towards Ram.

“Can I ..... can...” Ram didn't wait he hugged Meera overwhelmingly. Smiling she moved her hands up and kept one on his back other over his head. “Now you don't start sobbing. Tears don't suite me you know. Atleast not to a bodyguard.”

Ram laughed after Meera as they came apart. Taking her hands in his, Ram stared at them. “I don't promise anyone anything but I promise you one day I and she will be we.”

“And that should be soon.” Meera smiled resting her hand on his cheek caringly.

Sameday evening.  Sharma House.

Ram stopped when his eyes fell on a strangled Jayesh in his own plans. Confirming the isolation he silently walked towards him. With Ram’s first sight Jayesh froze at his place.  His eyes went into shock for a moment but a man like him can’t be threatened so easily.

“You may find you a winner right now but not for long.” He uttered.

“What happened to you? For what you are competing?” Ram asked the other man.  “Do you even realise what she is going through for all these drama?”

“If you realise that, why don’t you leave her alone?”

“Why you brought me back into her life?”

“I was wrong.”

“One day you will consider this to be your best decision I promise you.”


“Forever!” Ram turned back with a smile. “She is my love, a part of her rests in me. Whatever happens a part of me will always tread with her.” He said before leaving.

Until we meet




  1. OMG dii what an update can't define I words this have bring many new side of story in me... the way Priya accepts she still love Ram & can't loose him front of Meera was the master piece then Meera confronting with Ram was the next best part of story...
    Then again Ram & Jayesh ji' s talk highlighted the story more this story is any love revenge anger & ego don't know who will win at end but one thing is sure there will be lot of drama stored here...
    No one is right no one is wrong it's just the rection on situation made by person who turns person Wright of wrong this is the same thing I always think any life....
    You write so well & so connected to me... every person is right in their point of view so you it depends on on your thinking not on person to beliveshe is right or wrong....
    Waiting for next do update soon... hope your lappy gets repairs soon...

  2. Vert good update....full marks to Meera....what a lady she is.... omg..she has given her helping hand to ram n ram is overwhelmed by her gesture...An ultimatum by Priya to Jayesh was superb... Sudheer has favoured Priya by announcing his decision.Now it's totally rams turn how he will make amends in bringing his Priya back to love n forget the pain...very well written... eagerly waiting for the next update...pls give us soon..😘😘

  3. lovely...really sad for priya ...i think insecurity is playing within jayesh's heart..lets see what will happen next..waitting!!!!

  4. The thought that came in my mind of Priya being a play doll of all the man being Ram her love or Jayeshji her godfather or her would be devar Rishbah come alive with her mouth only. She shared her fear and insecurities with one and only Meera whom she can't hide anything.

    The uncle Jayeshji only want happiness of hos goddaughter whom he love very much but seems turned out his decision so quickly with thinking of postponing the wedding of RaYa. But Sudhirji and Amarnathji us being a sensible person who hold the matter for time being.

    It was very light moment between RaYa in the car with little bit of nok jhok and sarcasm in their conversation. She is really furious on her uncle after knowing the drama again done by him.

    The confrontation between the lover and bodyguard who are very important person in Priya life was needed to know the stand in her life. Ram said right about flushing out all the pain from her body and life than only love can embrace in her life and can make them again one.

    Ram seem to be happy to hear out Priya still love him but seems lots of hardwork is ahead to make herself as on old Priya who used to smile.

  5. Hi Nairita ...
    I loved this whole episode ..
    Where in ram realizes what is missing between him n Priya ,Priya could take out her hurt and pain ,though she act always strong ,somewhere she wants ram's assurance and his embrace ,a safe n secure feeling who can stand by her .
    Meera got enough confident that ram can only keep her happy and he saw that yearning in Priya's eyes too. She is sensible enough to concentrate ram to protect Priya than work upon taking revenge .
    I loved the whole thing so much . Superb again..


Chapter 48 : Enough to be Worse.

Chapter 48 : Enough to be Worse. Everyone in the room stood stunned as Jayesh and Sudheer went through the warrant t...