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Friday, July 7, 2017

Chapter 19 : A Step Closer

Chapter 19: A step closer.

“What???” Priya’s voice echoed through her room.

The guard from the gate called Priya with a disastrous news of Pilani gate crashing. Presence of Kapoors since last night and the invader having a gun made her numb for a moment. But she collected herself.

“Inform Meera. Ask Romit to cover the main door. You handle the gate and rest leave it to me.” Before disconnecting the call on the land line Priya had already made a call to The Commissioner of Police. She rushed out towards the hall to face the intruder. “Sir Priya here.” She waited for the supreme of the police to response.

“Congratulations Pri...” he has to stop and allow Priya to speak.

“Sir, you can do that today evening. Right now I need protection. Pilani has gate crashed into my house and he has a gun.” Priya’s eyes fell on Romit who struggled to stop Pilani. Her eyes hovered over the Kapoors and her family on the dinning table.

“The nearest Police van will cover soon.” The commissioner heard Priya to whisper out her response.

“I need to go. He is raging. Please send forces quick.” Disconnecting the call Priya snapped out a smile to the invader who threw Romit with all his might and bulldozed into her living area.

“Mr. Pilani..” Priya mocked the man again. “What a pleasant surprise!!” she beamed a smile to him. “Romit stay back.” She instructs her security. “Don't you have manner? Don't you know how to treat guests? But I know.” Priya made every possible try to provoke him.

“You are such a bitch Priya.” Shouted Pilani grabbing eye balls of the Kapoors. Rishab tried to jump into Priya’s rescue only to get stopped by Ram, who pointed Rishab towards the Gun that peeped from the coat’s pocket. “I asked you to stay away from my way.”

“And I said you I will see you in market.” Priya answered.

“Never.” Taking a step back he pulled out the pistol and held it straight pointing to Priya. “Priyaaa..” screamed Shipra. Ram acted maturely. He gestured everyone to maintain calm. Romit pawed towards the man who had the firearm and Priya in his captive. “This time I will kill you to end all my worry.”

“Go ahead!” Priya stood after a deep sigh. Hands folded near her belly she looked straight into Pilani’s eyes. “Go ahead! I said go ahead. Kill me.” She took a step towards him. “Kill this bitch else this bitch will definitely dethrone you one day and that day is not far.”

“Pilani... don't move.” A police officer called out. “Drop the gun.” Just when the police took in Rishab snatched the gun from Pilani’s hand in Raven’s speed and handed it to the inspector. “Don't worry Ms. Sharma Sir has instructed to post a constable here for your security.”

“No need. Please do favours take care of Mr. Pilani. Wo kya hain naa whenever we meet he gets thrown away so I never get chance to treat him. Do that in my behalf and about the posting I will speak to Commissioner Sir. Thank You.” Priya expressed her desire. The inspector acted accordingly.


Breathing a sigh of relief Priya turned to face her family and would be in laws then only Meera dashed in. Clutching her upper arm she turned Priya towards her. “You needed to be slapped hard.” Meera raged. “That day only I asked you lodge a complaint but no you will do what you think right!” squeaked Meera.

“Meera nothing has happened and I have informed the Commissioner.” Priya maintained her calm.

“When?? Just tell me when?? When you were on his gun point???” Meera asked unhappily. “I am warning you either you will act accordingly or leave me.”

“Why you all are up to blackmailing me?” shrugged Priya. “Did I know that Pilani will try to kill me?” she frowned. “No. I never knew. If I did, will I ever let my family to be here? Stop over reacting and stop utter nonsense about body guard I am not a VVIP.”

“Sudheer ji sorry to say but get this girl married by this week and Amarnath Ji keep her locked in your mansion. She doesn’t deserve freedom.” Meera gritted the last few words looking at Priya

“Priya. Beta this is not accepted. And the language he used.” Amarnath walked towards Priya. “What kind of business you will be in with this export company?” he asked.

“Romit. Leave and keep your eyes open please.” Priya waited for the security to leave. She pushed the door close. “Primarily I will deal with Diamonds exported from Angola, Botswana and Cape Town. I will be launching my brand today. The most cherished dream of mine.”

“And he is the market lead?”


Beta. I will never stop you from achieving what you want but you must have a body guard.” Amarnath advised.

“I will.. I will.. uncle.” Caged in her own dilemma Priya excused her from there.

“Excuse me.” Ram, the spectator followed Priya.

Sudheer swept himself on the chair driven by the anguish scared him deep inside. This is the second time he found his daughter facing the death messenger. He felt the sense of void again. The little girl who grew up with all values suddenly lost her innocence after that cursed day. Today when she stood rock hard and calm under the terror of the intruder with no fear of losing her life Sudheer felt her jarring ignorance towards life still persisting within.


The knock at her study door made her eye balls move leaving the aimless stare. The second abrupt knock made her look back. Priya under her deepest sigh allowed Ram an entry. Sitting on the chair, she waited for Ram to initiate. No conversation was made among them for next several minutes. “So you heard what people call me?” Priya has to break the silence. “And that has affected your family and our relationship.” None of her words were capable of leaving an impact on him. Unmoved inside Ram scrunched and sat more comfortably. “What is there to smile?” aggravated Priya asked.

“I am amazed to witness your stupidity when everyone else found you to be a great mind with extraordinary skills.” Ram smirked. “Why do you think that my family is affected by this? Darling has been threatened more worst almost got harmed in past for a reason. My father got under world threats, so this thing has moved no one.” Ram answered.

“Bitch. Didn’t you hear what he called me?” Priya asked.

“Yes I heard and I forgot. The dogs will bark.”

“What do you want now?” Priya asked.

“Have you read the clauses?”

“Yes.” Sighed Priya, “I have made some amendments clause IV from my end will not be there and......” in steering silence Priya looked at Ram. His eyes caught her hypnotically in his eye lock.

“And...” Ram shook her out.

“And I will never harm your family, so stop nagging with that one particular clause.” Priya ordered.

“A wife has every right to correct her husband and vice versa but in a business no. I have my family, friends and advisers for that.” Ram said without letting her break the eye lock.

“Sorry to interfere.” Priya looked down. Something inside her churned. 

“May I come in?” The familiar voice made them look towards the door. Krishna Kapoor stood there with an enlightened smile.

“Please aunty. You don't need permission.” Priya hurried to the door. Ram stood up in his place also. “Please come inside.” Priya led Krishna to the couch.

“Ram. I need to talk to Priya alone. Please leave.” declared Krishna before sitting on the couch. “And close the door behind.” After Ram left holding Priya’s hand Krishna made her sit beside.

“I know aunty what you are thinking.” Priya spoke threading her fingers together. “The unwanted drama outside could have been ignored if I was cautious. I am sorry but... I am really sorry.”

“I am married when I was 24 and Ram’s father was almost 30. He is 65 now. Since 35 years I have gone through and witnessed blank threats, real dangers and what not! So neither I am not moved by it nor anyone. Maa is witnessing all these since ages. I am here for another reason.” Krishna Kapoor touched Priya’s hands lovingly. “Priya I am here to talk and want you to speak your heart.”

“Yes Aunty what you want me to do?”

“First stop calling me aunty. Call me Maa or mom whatever you are comfortable with. Second this relationship happened over night. I should have done this before. I know I am late but better to be late than never.” The lady perplexed Priya holding her nerves at the edge. “Are you happy with this relationship beta?” asked Krishna.

“Yes. I am but...” Priya let a sigh of worry out along with her cold breathe.

“But what?”

“I need time. I need Ram to give me time. I may...” failing to construct her thoughts into words Priya dissolved her into silence. “I am failing to understand what are the expectations from me.”

“Don't burden yourself with the feeling that we are having an expectation from you. Priya, you need to know something before Roka about Ram.” Priya looked up with keenness. “Years ago about 11 years ago we have to send Ram to rehab. My son became a drug addict from the most brilliant boy. He may fail to love you at first.” The mother grieved. “Because he loved someone with all his heart and I don't know what happened to her but Ram still, he may not speak about it anymore, but still he considers himself as her accuse. He thinks that he has ruined her life. I tried to get him married many a times but he used to ignore meeting every girl I thought to be a prospective one for him. Then you came.” The old lady smiled. “I saw my son smiling again. You two look great together and selfishly I asked your hand from your mother. But beta after you came into his life; he is no more like my bereaved son. I can see my old Ram again in him.” With a deep sigh Krishna leaned against the couch. “Now you tell me are you ready to accept him with all his past and all of him? Do think he deserves you? I know it's late. I should have asked you before engagement but if you still want to move back I will do the needful because I saw a daughter in you. I can't let you drown.”

For the first time Priya felt an ache. Drug addict and he. She thought. When he denied alcohol all the time. Looking up to Krishna she smiled. “I am. If he gives me time to know him. If he allows me to build this relationship. I can't promise that I will become the perfect daughter in law/ wife/ sister in law. But I can promise I will learn to be a good and mature person entrusted with all the relationships bestowed on me. And forgive me if any time I commit a mistake.”

“God bless you beta. God bless you.” Krishna hugged Priya lovingly.


“Yeah I need all the information and soon. Why what when! Every details. Do you get that?” banging the phone Priya turned to get another shock. Her conversation was heard by Jayesh. “You scared me uncle.” Catching a breathe Priya said.

“I heard everything about Pilani and you are getting a bodyguard that’s final. Now tell me why you are putting Vikash behind Ram?” Jayesh asked. 

“I need to know some details about him.” Priya answered casually

“Did he say anything to you?”



“I need to know.”

“No need, he is my choice do you doubt my choice?” Unhappy with Priya’s actions Jayesh asked.

“Uncle few a things are going to be personal which will remain among me and my husband and sorry to be rude you have blackmailed me into this relationship. If I am okay with it you should be okay with me doing these stuffs because I am trying to make myself safe. Nothing more than that.” Priya replied. 

“Hmmm. There will be things that will be personal but not in cost of harming yourself. Go ahead as you like but remember this old man will have his eyes on you.” Jayesh turned to leave.

“Can you please stop haunting me? Suddenly you turned invisible armour around Ram as if you are his protector.” Priya frowned.

In reply Jayesh smiled and left the room.


Roka Ceremony.

“Let me check! Perfect.” Setting the dupatta Meera smiled. “You look gorgeous Priya. Trust me since your engagement day it is getting hard to keep eyes of you.”

“Where is Ashok?”

“I don't know but he is up to something.” Meera looked back responding to the repeated knocks on the door. “Wait a minute.” She pulled open the door to find Neha. “Hello welcome.”

“Hi Priya.” Neha smiled.

“Hi..” briefing a lovely hug Priya tried to follow Neha’s eyes. “Anything wrong?”

“No, you are looking great beautiful. I saw your engagement pictures, just wow.” Neha gasped.

“Why you were not that day?” Asked Priya.

“Junior had some health issues.”

“How is he now?”


Though both of them tried to strike out a conversation but no one had that confidence left in them. The naked past revealed by Priya tore a string apart. Neha drowned in self guilt couldn't convince her to face Priya again. As a woman she felt the pain, agony and anguish Priya went through, but only a part. Being groped by a man, touching her against her will... how does it can feel!! She can never feel what Priya went through.

“Neha, you stay with her.” Meera shivered her out from the thoughts. “Pooja must have started. I will call you on time. There is no need to hurry.” Meera asked Priya to be obedient.

“Neha, forget it like me.” Priya put a firm hand on her shoulder beaming a smile. Responding Neha hugged Priya tight.

Down in the hall.

Meera stood at a place wrapping her hand around Ashok’s. She saw the rituals to take place. Sudheer placed a gold chain around Ram’s neck and one after another Sudheer and Shipra blessed him with nek. He sat quite submerged in unknown thoughts at his place, trying to avoid eye contact with every person. Priya’s Mama has landed from Indore just in time. Ram only looked to him and only then his voice was audible when he introduced himself to Priya’s mama and mami. They were called in for briefing their role in Punjabi marriage ceremony particularly.

“Do you think they will be happy? Don't answer your boss’s answer, be yourself.” Meera asked Ashok leaning closer.

“What you think?”

“They will be. Ram will keep her happy, at least he will try. After what Priya did to him by framing the prenuptial agreement I thought Ram will back off. He got hurt but he took it as a challenge, as much I read him, he loves Priya.” Meera said under her sigh.

“It should not be forgotten what he has done to Priya.” Ashok replied.

“I  wish you and Jayesh ji remembered what Rajat did to her.” Meera scorned.

“Why are you favoring Ram?”

“I am not!”

Before Ashok could speak Shipra called out Meera’s name and asked her to bring Priya. Meera obeyed accordingly.

While Priya walked to the hall in the ethic wear, lehenga, Ram stood by Sudheer quite. Priya dazzled in her golden wardrobe. Pulling the chunni Shipra covered her head with it. Sarojani was the first one to do the rituals. She took out a necklace and put around Priya’s neck. “You look beautiful. Kisi ki nazar na lage.” Putting a kala teeka between her hair on the back side of neck she kissed Priya’s forehead. 

Krishna among all present there was most elated. She was burdened with the guilt of hiding the truth from Priya before speaking to Priya. Though not the complete events were known to Krishna, the much she knew, is now known to Priya too not in details but in brief. Krishna Kapoor had already decides to share her son’s lost years with Priya, soon. Putting the bangles on to its desired place Krishna kissed Priya’s forehead. “Thank you for agreeing to be a part of my son’s life. Thank you for agreeing to share his life with you.” Wiping out the escaped bead of tear from the corner of the eyes Ram’s mother stood up.

“I know you are brought up with all love and care. You are well capable of getting your every wish turned into reality.” Amarnath said under his smile. “This old man has nothing materialistic to present you but I have a heart of a father to gift you. Beta when you will come to your own home for ever. You may find everything new around you but not this father. I see you as my daughter not daughter in law. Like Sudheer and Jayesh I will stand with you on your every decision and countering it you will find me mad in your childish mistakes. Today I gift you nothing but a father who will always try to make you feel that you are home.” With Amarnath ending his words Priya’s eyes revolted. It denied bowing down to its mistress. Tears ran down her cheeks. “Don't... I will never forgive that person who will make your eyes wet.” Wiping the tears away he looked towards his son who stood between Vikram and Rishab.

Holding out his hands Amarnath helped Priya to stand. “Ram come here.” Obeying his father Ram stepped towards him. “Stand by Priya.” He ordered and his son obeyed. “Keep her happy.” Turning towards Priya’s family Amarnath clasped his hands near his chest. “Sudheer we will take care of Priya like our own daughter with all the love that we would have given to our daughter. Shipra ji I promise you in behalf of Krishna, she will love Priya may be more than you ever did and I pray to God today, to make my words come true.”

Ram’s eyes hovered over Priya as her suppressed cry throttles. She failed to hold back her emotions. Meera shoved her hand along her shoulder and tried to comfort her. “We should finalize the wedding date.” Sudheer spoke, “Meera please take Ram and Priya upstairs.”

“Papa.” Priya cleared her chocked throat. “I want your permission to leave for The Taj Palace. I need to check with the arrangements and I need to meet the commissioner to report today’s unwanted incident. I can't risk my families with Pilani.”

“I will be with her don't worry. If Ram wants he can come along too.” Meera’s invitation for Ram doesn't went good with Priya. She pinched on Meera’s hand abruptly. “Ouch..” she squealed. 

“Meera, thanks for the invitations I need to check with some other essentials for the wedding. I have an appointment with the wedding planner too. I will join you in the evening.” Ram saved her from more embarrassment.

“Okay.” Meera smiled rubbing her hand over her tortured skin. “So can we leave?” she asked on behalf of Priya. 

On being granted permission Priya and Meera left for thee venue. Though the former wanted more favour to get a grant from her in laws to get rid of the just showered gifts, Meera stopped her from doing so. She could only change into a Salwar Suit from her Lehenga.


Same day evening.

“What???” Priya squeaked. “I have to wear this??”

“Yes. Why you don't like it?” Meera looked at the off shoulder black gown and evening gown of the same colour. “Aren't they pretty?”

“They are but!!” Priya made a face out of the displeasure. “I am not comfortable with these.”

“You don't have to wear both. Choose from one of these.” Meera stepped to her. “I like the off shoulder one.”

“Off shoulder!!!” Priya gulped a lump of air in her dried up throat. “Can I get a saree please?” she pleaded.

“No means no. Come on hurry up. The stylist and her team are waiting for you to put on a dress so that they can do their part of job.” Meera was surely in a hurry. “Be quick I have to get ready too.”

“Okay fine. I will go with the evening gown. Please I can't take the off shoulder one.” Priya took the gown from Meera.

“Good now change quick. No wait....” Meera changed her plan. “Just change into a robe and get your hair and make up done. You can slip into this gown afterwards. That's good. Go quick..” she pushed Priya to the changing room of her suite. Priya with no options surrendered to the might of Meera.


“Bhai where is my bhabi?” Rishab asked extending his hand to Ram with a glass of wine.

“Rishab you know I don't drink.” Ram refuted. “And I don't know where is your Bhabi.”

“It's okay to have wine Bhai. Come on take it.” Rishab forced.

“No means no....” Ram’s voice eloped into the air with his eyes fixed towards the entrance.

“Gorgeously beautiful.” Vikram said under his smile.

“No out of the world. Beautiful.” Rishab uttered in response.

“A spectacular peace.” Ram’s lips whispered out the three words but those got caught by the other two boys. They smiled broad. “What!!” Ram tried to correct the same but it was too late. “Okay fine she is looking spectacular and she is peace of heart and trauma of my head.”

“Stop pretending Ram. You love her. Now go and get her. Show her your love.” Vikram pronounced.

“First she is already mine. She was never ever anyone else’s. Second love can't be snatched and owned or bought and owned. It has to be won. Lastly, time has not cone yet.” Ram adjusted the tuxedo and walked towards Priya.

“Hi.” Ram stood by Priya.

“Hi.” Priya snapped back.

“You are looking beautiful and interesting and spectacularly irresistible.” Ram complemented caressing her from head to toe with his eyes.

“Interesting!!” smirked Priya. “I see. So what do you find interesting in me?”

“The all of you.” Ram whispered into Priya’s ears. “But right now I need to talk to you.”

“Okay. Tell me.” Priya waved out her hand to few guests.

“Alone. And I need time.”

“Laters baby after this party. I need to go.” Priya without giving Ram a chance to defend she walked away from him to the dais. He stood chalking out a plan to arrest her. After announcing and among the roar of claps when Priya walked down, she choose to walk away from Ram. Stronger than her at least in strength and bigger than her in size Ram used his might to stop Priya.


“Priya!” Ram looked around after clutching her wrist in a strong grip. “I need to talk to you. Alone.”

“And I said I will give you time after this party gets over.” Priya refuted listening further, struggling freedom.

“I think this is your suite’s key?” Ram waved the glimpse of the electronic punch card. “If you will not agree I will not mind to carry you from here and you know what people will assume.”

“Blank threats. Didn't you see the gun failed to quake me this morning?” Priya whispered.

“As you wish.” Ram dropped and lifted Priya a few inch above from the ground and she gave up.

“Okay...okay... I am coming.” She hurried out a reply. Ram put her down on the ground. “Ridiculous!!” Priya walked to the desired direction. “Now can we make this quick?”

“I am not here to make love to you aroused by your exclusively spectacular beauty. I am here to make you go weak on your knees and get you knelt right in front of me begging me to love you.” Ram said squinting. The tensed look of Priya made him laugh. “Sorry.. I am trying to make this subtly easy for us. This drama we are going to stage.”

“Shut up!” Priya sighed. “Speak the need.” She sat on a chair crossing her one leg on other.

“Apart from this contract I need you to either agree or disagree to few other clauses put by me. If you disagree I will need the reason behind it in brief. If you have any clause to add I will be happy to add.” Ram sat on the other chair placed exactly opposite to her placing a paper on the table.

Before starting Ram loosened his bow tie and sighed out a deep breathe. “Shall we start?” he asked.

“Hmmm...” Priya answered without taking off her eyes from him.

“Okay.. so here we go.” Ram said. Filling up his lungs he started.

First, we shall never interfere in our personal space.”


Second, we will be staying together in the same room.”

Agree. Part of the arrangements.” Priya answered.

We will be sharing the same bed.

Agree. No option left.” Priya said under her disbelief smile.

We will not let our differences come in front of our parents.”

“Strongly Agree.”

You will endure my surname i.e Kapoor.”

Not possible disagree.”


I have my business set here in my name Priya Sharma. Registrations and paper works. Even I am a board member to one of my sister concern. So if I change it all the paper works has to be done again. Right now not possible.”

I agree, disagreement accepted.” Ram answered.

We will enact as a couple in every public appearance, till we are together under the same roof.”

Agree, I also don't want media to anticipate and speak shit.”

I can hold your hand or advance according to situations if needed in public.”



“I don't want to be touched by you.”

“Not granted. We will be a couple and there will be many instances where I may need to hold you. So please furnish an acceptable reason.” Ram denies accepting the reason furnished by Priya.

“I just don't want to give you excuses to come near me.” She stuck to her point.

Disagree to the reason. When we are staging such lie in huge, this much adjustment is needed.” Ram insisted her to frame an acceptable reason.

Okay fine agree.” Priya scorned.

“Good next... You have to attend party and public gatherings with me as and when required.”

“Agree. You have to do the same.” Priya frames a clause.

“Agree. Next. If in any particular situation there comes any physical advances from your end and I reciprocate to it, I shall not be held for breach of contract for violating the Clause 1 as stated in the prenuptial agreement.” After reading it loud and clear Ram looked up.

“What????” She laughed “There will come no situation like that.”

“Life is sometimes if and but. You have to answer it. If you disagree please state the reason.” Ram looked straight into her eyes.

“There will be no such situation.” Priya stole away her eyes disagreeing to surrender to his intense gaze.

“I mentioned if. I am safe guarding myself. If I do it any time you a have choices to act accordingly but what if it happens from your end. Both of us know what I feel for you even if I am trying hard to hate you and you are coming up with such spectacular sights in intervals making me weak. I may fail to control my emotions and hormones. It may happen I end up responding to your advances resulting to sex.” Ram still had an intense gaze over Priya, which latter felt.

“There will be no such advances from my end.”

“What if.”

Okay Agree.” Priya gave up.

“Thank you. Next we will not stop each other from taking care of one another, if any one among us wants and try to look to other's well being.”

Disagree. I can't remain around you all the time.” Priya framed a disagreement.

“No need but if one want to, the other party should not try to stop from him or her doing so.”

“This is ridiculous.” Scorned Priya.

“Agree or disagree.”

“I still disagree.”

“Reason.” Ram asked again

“No such.” Priya tried to hide her face.

“You fear that you will fall for me again. You will stop hating me.” Ram smiled looking at her disturbed face.

“No” defended Priya.

“Then the reason.” Ram forced her to answer.

Okay agree.” Priya screamed, “Fine Happy?” she squealed.

Next, if our family wants us to start family I will love to start one. You should be open to surrogacy as I and you will not have any conjugal life.” Ram looked up to see Priya frowning.

Disagree. If I am healthy and fine I will love to give birth to my own child. But in this case I will never want a child to come in between. I don't want my child to grow up observing the differences between its parents. Strike it out. This clause is utter nonsense.” Leaning back to the chair Priya folded her hands near her belly.

Ram thought for a while before answering, “Agree. Will strike it out.”

“Last one, none of the parties will ever try to frame his or her thought into the other party. The parties are independent to choose and express his or her feeling for the other just like the basic needs.” Ram looked to study Priya’s body language. As he thought she got caught in between her own dilemma.

I agree with a condition. Both the parties should have mutual respect for one other. Our thoughts and choices will be independent and should not be forced.” Priya answered.


Pushing the paper towards Priyahe instructed further. “Sign on each page read the disagreement framed from your side and also the effect of them. Read your responses if I have ticked the correct one or not. Keep the duplicate with you and original rests with me.” Ram walked to Priya’s direction and signed on them first.

“This is a court paper.” Priya said taking the paper on her hand.

“I am not going to notary it.” Ram answered holding the pen towards Priya

“Then also it is valid.”

“You have knowledge. I see.”

“So what you thought I don't !” Priya frowned.

“Okay I also need some weapon. You have prenuptial agreement with you; I have this one.” Ram said coming close to her with the pen still gripped in his hand.

Pulling out the Pen she signed on the paper. Taking the paper on her hand Priya hovered her eyes through it once again quickly. “So now can we leave.”

“Yes. Sure.” Ram agreed.

Just when they were about to leave Ashok’s number jumped on the mobile screen. As soon as Priya received the call from the other side he hurried. “Come quick Priya to the banquet there is an emergency. Don't ask just come quick. If Ram is with you bring him too. Some is not right. Be quick.” Ashok sounded exhausted and worried.

“We are coming. I and Ram.” Priya along with Ram rushed out towards their destination.

Until we meet.




  1. I was so waiting for this part to know about the new things in RaYa life and it was marvelous.

    The threat to her life as well as her in laws with her parents didn't made Priya panic but act with maturity so is Ram who too didn't threatened much seeing his lady love at gun point.

    As an father Sudhirji concerned was obvious for her daughter so is for Meera who was worried for her security but above all Amarnathji was very much worried.

    RaYa conversation in study was too the point and not exgrated but with Krishnaji intervention about Ram past to her made sudden ache in Priya heart who didn't thought about his life has turned into a drug addict and a little glimpse of his life after she left.

    The conversation was much needed where mother in law is asking her daughter in law happiness and is happy to made correct choice. In roka ceremony two friends meet without any guilt in their heart of past.

    Only praise were their for Priya charm and beauty from Risbah and Vikram other than Ram whoes eyes set on his lady love.

    Other than pre nup agreement another has been made between husband wife for some things to settle among them and with some things to agree and some to disagree. RaYa are one unique couple who has love but still not let it out.

    But now wat new problem has arise which will come to know in next part only. Now waiting for next part egarly.

  2. you know what this is gonna be have such fun.... Pillani Drama was such a unwanted but due to these a father came out for Priya in Amar that's I liked the most....
    The way OK shared abt Ram's life with Priya I would like to know more from her abt Ram & would like to Priya to also knows it at last she will witness Ram also want from very ruff phase of life just like her....
    I loved all Roka ceremony part all gives peace to heart for sure so finally NeVi back in action i felt they guilty but happy to know they will be part of RaYa marriage for sure...
    Now coming to clauses this where the best contract marriage I have seen in my life 2 lovers turn out as enemy due to life's hardness for each other is doing arrange marriage by their petents choice time rather as made by plan of God father... now doing contract marriage on their terms & conditions which they even doubt know will able to follow for kid time or not... I m just loving this one for sure & ya my some clauses came near to real one so happy know that....
    Now what could be the emergency be there hope everyone is okay there... waiting to it do update soon...

  3. Loved it i m falling for this story as Raya marriage is cmg closer n cant wait to read further n the clause by ram i think its perfect now pls update soon n one small request as i m busy with some personal issue can tweet me the link of the new part pls my id is dhristikpd plss

  4. An excellent write up...too good everything intact. However Priya tried to encash Pilani drama,ram played a mature gentleman here which is worth praising... Krishnas confession about her son made her one of the wonderful character by heart..and the final agreement by ram...omg she agreed to sleep in same bed.. eagerly waiting after marriage scenes..some where I felt it's really a step closer to their lovely relationship which is going to take place soon....pls do continue soon... waiting kills....thanks for the beautiful update..

  5. Dearest NB,

    Once in a while we come across some stories that appear so gripping , adventurous and exciting to us that we breathe with relief only after reading it full. Here I am, after reading exactly 13 updates at a stretch! My heart is still thumping!

    This is one gem of a story! Even if it's influenced by real life characters and events, your writing has made it gripping and an exciting ride for the readers! ❤

    The character sketching is so beautiful! Every single character has so many layers and different shades. Interesting! You've woven them so well that is so instantly easy to hate them and love them! πŸ’

    Priya is made up of steel in this story! She is the hero. Her strength, vulnerability, pain, self making, past, present and future, I am too much in love with this lady! My heart went out to her everytime she broke down!

    Rajat: This guy is a labelled beast. Where is he now? I so wish Ram rips him off in front of his wife and that stupid pseudo life that he must be leading in a corner! But wait, why did Jayesh spare him? Please, I'm dying to know about that! 😊

    Ram: When are we getting to read his part of story? His confrontation, his confession, his breaking point, rehab story, his vulnerability too? I just can not see a person with the name 'Ram' going through so much! 😭

    Kapoors: They are darlings! Especially Sarojini darling πŸ˜‰ and Rishabh! Lovely characters! ❤

    Jayesh: Is a darling too, I hope what you presented are his true colours and he better not play with the couple to be! πŸ™ˆ

    Ashok: Toned down version of Mamaji! Where did you get this idea to sketch him this way? πŸ˜‚

    Meera: Though a life supporting system for Priya, her guide, her friend, but a pain in the ass at least for me 😝 Miss poky nose she is! πŸ™ˆ I'm glad that at least in this update she realised that Ram loves Priya with all his heart!

    Clauses: Beauty! Priya's clauses stand no where in front of Ram's clauses. It will be interesting to see how they'd proceed in the marriage with all these clauses that exist!

    Some dots that need to be connected: Ram's hidden past. Pent house, why is Ram so possessive for it? Why is he selling it off to Priya? What does Rishabh know about that place that Ram does not want Priya to be made aware of? I feel that place is mysterious! 😌 When will Priya get to know of THE STEP? That Ram is silently yet surely fulfilling her dream?

    And more than anything, I am waiting for Ram-Rajat confrontation! Rajat deserves no less than hell for what he did with Priya! 😒

    Eagerly waiting for tomorrow's update! ❤


Chapter 48 : Enough to be Worse.

Chapter 48 : Enough to be Worse. Everyone in the room stood stunned as Jayesh and Sudheer went through the warrant t...