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Thursday, July 13, 2017

Chapter 20 : Let the Game Begin


“Let the Game Begin.”

“So this was the emergency?” Priya rolled her eyes over Meera, who denied involvement in it.

After the emergency alerted by Ashok both Ram and Priya rushed back to the banquet and latter stood shell shocked with Ashok’s announcement. He surprised her with the most shocking announcement of that evening. Moral of the story “She hates unwanted surprises of any kind.” Still annoyed Priya forced a smile to lit up her face as Ashok makes an announcement inviting the Kapoors and Sharmas to the temporary pedestal in the banquet. She joined the chorus clapping with a fake smile painted. Then there was an announcement made by Sudheer which made her smile for real. He asked Jayesh to join them on the dais.

Amidst the announcement, many came and congratulated Priya and Ram separately as they stood few meters apart. Pushing the excited gathering aside Rishab reached Priya. “Hi.” He beamed a smile which was not at all pleasant.

“Why I am sensing something is cooking?” Priya whispered her words.

“Actually not me it's you who should be asked with the same.” Leaning closer to Priya and maintaining the smile as a token of gesture he whispered back. “If bhai haven't then let me inform you I am his Keeper of his Secrets. Stop putting your nose and money into his business.” Rishab moved back as Priya’s stern look fell on him. “Ohh hoo..” he chuckled. “I know you are going to be his wife having the full rights on him but I know pretty well what is cooking, and before you ask how I know....” he paused as a man in white suit walked to her. After he left conveying his wishes few more came and left and one of them stood by Priya. “Bhabi come this side.” Rishab points to a particular place.

“If you have something real to speak other than those shit tell me hear only. He has no interest in our conversation.” Priya said pointing her index finger to the man without letting him know.

“Okay if this is good for you...then listen..” Rishab looked to his would be sister in law. “I will be signing as a witness in the prenuptial agreement and stop doing shitty things with my brother. Ask your detective to stop his investigations because neither he will find anything nor you will get to know his past by this way.” He looked at her surprised face. “Only way to know his past is knowing him. There are no short cuts.”

“So you have already traced my private detective. Impressive. But let me tell you something!” Priya turned to Rishab with her hands folded near her belly. Her lips curved with a cunning grin and eyes squinted. “I should not get troubled by a novice. I know where and when to do what!”

“May be.” Rishab sighed. “But this novice is not over confident. And now maintain a smile bhai is heading this way.”

As Priya turned her eyes, they fell bluntly on Ram’s extended hand. Her eyes trailed up and she found Ram to be equally nervous as her. “Come.” He stepped closer. Looking at Priya he could guess for any reason she has missed the announcement. “Uncle asked us to join them on the dais.”

“Yeah!” her voice could hardly be heard as her hands slipped into Ram’s. With her touch suddenly everything around him went numb. There came a huge shutdown. His nerves failed to reciprocate. Keeping his eyes fixed on their hands Ram gazed. The lowered eyes reflected sudden satisfaction and calmness. Caught in Priya’s gaze, Ram smiled unknowingly. “Ram.” Priya called him placing her hand firm on his upper arms. “Let's go.”

“Yeah!” Ram tried to smile out his nervousness. “Rishab you come too.”

“Yeah sure bhai. I am the happiest person today. Right bhabi?” he teased Priya. “I am watching you and your every step.” He whispered into Priya’s ears.

“Any problem Rishab?” Ram asked him finding him suspicious.

“No. Nothing bhai.” He smiled, “I was just saying bhabi how you reacted when you saw her for the first time today.” Smiling broad he dropped an atom bomb. Walking fast he joined the families before them.

Soaked in the deep embarrassment Ram’s feet froze and his eyes right towards the marble flooring. “They are waiting Ram.” With Priya’s voice Ram breathed a deep sigh of exhaustion. Obeying to her, he walked to the dais where the elders made some more announcement along with the wedding date, exactly after 20 days.

While guests and families showered good wishes to the new couple and the prospective biggest business alliance, they stood in silence for next several minutes failing to find a way to react.

Just then Ram’s mobile beeped with a message and with his finger print the message jumped into the screen. “Meet me at my bungalow alone today after the party alone and no one should know about our meeting..” Sender’s name was Jayesh’s. Turning his face towards Jayesh’s direction Ram find him shaking hands with few delegates from different business house. Confused he tried to guess the reason for the secret meeting.


Jayesh’s Bungalow. Almost 1 am.

Before pressing the bell Ram dailed Jayesh’s number and he got a busy tone instead just after the first ring. “aayiye sir is waiting for you.” A man in his late sixties opened the door for Ram. Leading him to a bedroom he silently left closing the door behind. The click sound made against the ledge made Ram look back.

“Welcome son.” Jayesh’s voice startled him.

“Hello uncle.”

“You look confused!” Jayesh smiled taking his seat on a couch. 

“Yes. I mean you asked me to keep this meeting secret. If I may ask why?” Ram asked looking at the man in front carefully.

“Sit!” Jayesh said while he stood up. “Sit Ram.” He ordered this time. “Please sit. I need to talk to you.”

“About Priya?” asked Ram.

“About you and Priya. I know every thing she is doing. I think she is doing the right thing.” Jayesh smiled inwardly.

“I would have been left surprised if you don't know about it.” Calmly Ram answered, “May I ask you something?”

“Go ahead.”

“Why are you getting her married to me when you know I am the one who is to be blamed for everything?”

“So you know about me.”

“Yes. You may think that I have managed an escape from you 12 years ago. I failed to find you then but I remembered you name and when you again came infront it was not tough for me to know who you are?” Ram answered back. “And I can easily guess you have every update about me then why me?”

“You have no idea what I did know about you. I have an account of your every breath. From flourishing Mittal’s business at Florida to your return to India and your involvement with the Reshma’s trust or better to say your trust run by Reshma.” Jayesh walked towards Ram making him little clumsy, “Ram I chose you because I believe you are the one who can get me my daughter back.”

“So you are the most selfish person.” Ram replied straight to him with his eyes locked with Jayesh’s raging eyes. “You are actually using me to get your daughter back. You know only my love can bring her back. But let me tell you, right now she is yours and everyone else's the moment she will start loving me again trust me no one will matter more than me to her.”

“I want my daughter’s smile back.” Jayesh shouted. “Which you snatched away killing her innocence brutally.” His red bobbing eyes traced his anguish and pain right on his face. “That day you have an idea what happened to her?”

“Priya told me accidentally that Rajat groped her and tried to....” clasping his hands over his face Ram stopped.

“bas itna hi bola” Jayesh clutched the glass tight in his hand. Ram looked up to find the old man furiously breathing. “She has been nearly raped!! And that's for you and your cowardness. You had a reputation but not my child. You had the responsibility to protect your father's reputation but not my child’s. Since then she has not smiled, she has not cried, she has not laughed. She is dead.” Tears ran down his cheeks. “And you are the reason behind it.”

“Why did you let me live then?” Ram looked up with flooded eyes. “Why did you?”

Jayesh laughed hysterically, “After Rajat I wanted to finish you too. But Priya is the reason you are sitting here hale and hearty. When ever I used to see her alone I could feel her love for you and whatever she speaks now that she hates you and all that, are just some big lies. She can never hate you never. She loves you more than anything and that is her biggest mistake. You don't worth her love. A man who thinks to protect his reputation his father's reputation thrashing a girl to get raped to be stamped as a ....” Jayesh couldn't stop his tears. “I carried her in my arms Ram.” He looked down to his hands. “Lifeless. Pale...” his voice cracked as his hands shook. “With the fear of loosing her forever. With the fear of loosing her forever. ...” he repeated.

Ram sat in silence head hung eyes aimed to the maple wood flooring. A lone tear drop escaped his eyes. Realising he closed his eyes allowing the saline water to dance along his cold face.

“You know she denied to take your name to me. She denied a police complaint because she knew with Rajat you will get exposed too. She made me promise her that I will never try to find you that was the cost of her life. She threatened me if any day I find you out to punish you, she will end her life.” Jayesh raged to the man in front.

“And where is Rajat?” Ram asked under his deep sigh.

“At his place. In his grave.” Jayesh answered.

“You killed him?”

“Wanted to but couldn't. He is peacefully living the life that I gave him.” Jayesh’s words had a coldness and horrifying calmness. “That's not a place you need to concentrate, young man.” He stood in front Ram, who stood up and looked straight into Jayesh’s eyes. “I want you to know something. If my daughter gets hurt again. If you fail to make her smile again. Be ready to die.” Jayesh declared.

Ram laughed in return. “You forgot..” He continued under his deep sigh, “I told you I know everything about you and about Priya, I loved her I love her and will always love her, even if any day I have to leave forever. Two things, one I will do every possible thing to make her love me again, anything, I just don't care who you are. Second thank you for not killing Rajat because I will find him to take his breathe away and before smiling again Priya has lot to cry.”

“Dare you Ram.” Jayesh warned.

“Try me. I knew about you and knew that Priya is being guided by you. But I failed before your intellect that time. I came to know about you and her when Priya has already became a name. In the starting years before leaving for Florida I hunted for her every where except Delhi. I never thought you will hide her in this city only.” Ram paused to inhale fresh air. “And then I saw an interview, Priya’s first one with you and everything lied naked in front of me. The Jayesh the reckless uncle, her local guardian has a face then and a little research I found out everything and it was not tough to guess that the reckless uncle who threatened everyone then don't have an idea about Ram Kapoor.”

“Well your intelligence must be applauded. But you are not spared. You will give me my daughter back. You will and dare.....” Jayesh stopped after Ram started laughing.

“She will definitely live again. But that day she will be mine, she will love me again. You can't use me and our love for your selfish ego. If you want her to stay yours only then stop me now after she will be official mine it will just a matter of time.” Ram looked straight into Jayesh’s eyes fearless and as ruthless as him.

Turning back, he walked to the door. Pulling it towards him, Ram looked back for the one last time to Jayesh. He smirked before leaving.

Being over casted by the ruthless nature of the accused, Jayesh was left in deep thought. He thought to tame Ram but he is the biggest challenge now. When he thought to have every idea about Ram, he landed in a shock to know his plan to lie naked to Ram already. Taking out his phone he immediately called Sudheer.


Next Morning. PRIYA’S FARM HOUSE .

“Good Morning.” Meera sat with a smile, “kya baat hain someone is so happy.”

“See this!” Priya held a paper to Meera.

“What the hell is this?” Meera asked after going through it.

“Some childish agreement to tame me.” Priya answered.

“How did you agree to the 3rd clause?” she asked curiously.

“Yeah. I am thinking the same. Will sort it out later. I have a bigger problem than this.” She sighed “Rishab.”

“What he did now?”

“Aunty said me something shocking yesterday. Ram who never touched alcohol became a drug addict. I hired Vikash to find it out his past and Rishab already got a clue about it. He is pain in my ass. Once he is out I can get hold of Ram. The all of him.” Priya replied with her eyes aimed to nowhere.

“Why I am having the feeling that some one is falling for him?” Meera smiled when Priya snapped a bad look to her.

“Shut up!” Priya scolded, “I wanted to know his past 12 years in details. About business I just know he was doing something in Florida but what and why he became an addict? Am I the reason?” she sounded lost. The phone rang beside failing to reach her ears. She shivered with Meera’s touch. 

“Ram along with his lawyer and Rishab and Aditi is here. As discussed earlier prenuptial agreement has to signed today.” Meera reminded her.

“Yeah I remember. Call them.” Priya stood up avoiding Meera she excused to her bedroom.


“Meera. Check this one again. Priya’s business and Properties as I mentioned and her net worth.” Aditi handed a copy to Meera. “And this is yours.” She handed other to Nikunj, Ram’s Lawyer. “I have gone through it a number of times but you guys go through it, and confirm. If there is any rectification needed I will in corporate the same today itself.”

“I trust you Aditi. Till date I have failed to find a mistake in your drafts and I believe this has been done by you.” Priya in a combination of black  and white came and sat there. “Then also Ram you go through it. You are working with her for the first time. Take your time.”

“It's fine from our side.” Meera handed it to Priya. 

“I am also okay with it. If you and Aditi are fine with it.” Priya dropped the paper on the table in front.

“Done. I am also okay with it.” Ram said after his lawyer gave  a nod.

Along with the witnesses Rishab and Meera the Prenuptial agreement was signed by the future couple. Aditi confirmed Nikunj to hand over Ram’s copy by the day’s end at Mumbai. After they left it was Rishab’s turn to play, just when he opened his mouth to speak Ram dragged him to a corner and whispered some instructions to him. Half heartedly he had to agree with him. Before leaving his eyes meet Priya’s who definitely was happy to get Ram alone.

“I will take your leave also. I have some work back in town.” Meera walked out leaving Ram and Priya alone.


“So...” Ram initiated the conversation. “Do you think we will make a good couple?” he stood by Priya.


“Are you sure?” 

“Do you have disagreement?”

“Yes I do.” Ram leaned to the banister. Shifting his body weight on it he smiled. “We look great together so you can't say that we will not make a good couple. We will be but not as husband and wife but just as eye candies.”

Priya’s heart stopped beating suddenly, she felt an ache. What is happening to me? Why I am feeling bad? She asked herself. With her eyes fixed on the other direction she remained consumed with her thoughts. While Ram smiled looking at her. “I think I should leave too.” His voice shuddered her. “I think I must leave too.” Ram repeated with a smile this time.

“I have a problem and we have not discussed about it yet.” Priya stopped him.

“Tell me.”

“Can we have lunch together?”

“Sure. But who will cook? You?”

“Do you think I don't have anyone to look after this farm house in my absence? He will bring food from a near by dhaba and now don't tell me that you have problem with Dhaba ?” she asked.

“No why should I?”

“And this is that dhaba where we used to visit often.” Priya opened a door for Ram. “Come this side.” She lead him to a open space. The greenery surrounding made it celestial. Ram looked all around, “Beautiful!”

“Come seat.” Priya pointed to the garden chairs. “Shakti....” She raised her voice to call the attendant of her farm house. A boy in his early twenties came running to her.

“ji didi.” He asked obediently.

“Ram what will you have?” she asked.

“As you wish.”

“Two veg fried rice, one paneer malai kofta and chilli paneer and one .....” Before saying she looked once at Ram. “Chicken Butter Masala and order for you what ever you want. I will pay kaka ji later. Go now.” She sat abruptly on the chair.

“Didi, non veg?” he asked soberly.

“Yes. For this gentleman. Now go and after that you should leave I think you have evening classes.” Priya’s voice stiffened.

Nodding he walked away from the garden.

“You want to spend alone time with me?” Ram smiled wickedly.


“No you asked him to leave after delivering the food. I thought so.” Ram leaned back. His smile annoyed Priya.

“First, I think you didn't hear what I said he is a student and has evening classes. Second, He works here to help his family and he used to study here. In peace away from the crowded city. Can we come back to the point.” She scorned.


“Ram. I want to make one thing clear to you. I am okay with every ritual of marriage and after marriage rituals too. I don't want to hurt your family. They are very sweet. But, you have to promise me something.” She looked disturbed.


“There will be no honeymoon.”

“What????” Ram laughed hysterically. “Sorry.” He said under his persistent laugh. “What made you think about honeymoon? If may I ask.” He said while laughing.

“Your brother.” Priya looked to the other side. “And now will you please shut up!!!” she squeaked.

“Okay.” Ram took almost two minutes to get back to his normal self. “Okay. Trust me Priya I have never thought about it. I don't have any such plan either. But if our family insists us....” he paused under Priya’s voice. 

“If you will not deny I have to and please don't assume then that I wanted to hurt your family’s emotions.” Priya sounded restless.

“Do you think after all these drama I am ready for honeymoon? “Ram’s voice stiffened gradually, “There is no need to spend time alone in isolation if there is no love. Isn't it? Don't worry before you I will disapprove the idea. What if it comes from your end?”

“I have already shifted my many appointments and scheduled meetings to dates post marriage which includes a tour to South Africa. So there is no chances of them to pressurize us. Meera left today for that purpose only. I and she will be going there for the new venture.” Priya kept her busy schedule open in front of Ram.

“Okay so you will continue to stay at Delhi after marriage?” Ram asked half heartedly.

“I don't know. But I am going to have a tough time ahead that can be easily predicted. Don't worry I am not going  to make you  ghar jamai.” She scuffed.

“Dare you think that.” Ram paused as Priya’s stern look fell on him. “You still fund students.” He changed the topic abruptly.

“Not really. But a few. After the hectic schedule I don't get time. Till date including Shakti , two. Don't change the topic.” Priya replied.

“I am not changing the topic. I wanted to know the same. Because I thought you will be happy to know that Sanjay is now working as Chief Accountant in our Pune Office. He got married too.”

“That’s wonderful.” Suddenly Priya’s eyes twinkled. “But please don't call him in our wedding. He may end up spilling the beans. I can't afford....” she stopped just there, her throat dried up. What was I going to say? She asked herself. Her eyes stopped dancing, and why?

“Afford what?” Ram looked at her fixed gaze. “Priya.” His touch almost felt like high voltage shock that hit her spin with its full intensity. Priya shivered like a dry leaf under his touch. “What happened? What you can't afford?”

“Nothing important. Let me make a call to kaka ji.” Priya stood up to leave.

“Stop Priya.” Ram stood up behind with her hand strongly in his grip. “What you can't afford?”

“Leave me Ram.” She struggled for her freedom. “That's not important. I have to make a call. Please leave me.”

“Your call can wait. But I can't.” He pulled her to him. She safely landed into his arms. Her view got guarded by her scattered hair. Locking her one hand behind her back and pushing other one away from him safe in his strong grip. “I will not let you go if you will not speak. Tell me Priya what you can't afford?”

Priya felt his warm breathe over her face. She struggled to look straight caught amongst the loose hair locks. It was not difficult for Ram to capture her other hand behind in his one hand. He cleared the mess from her face, she can be easily forced to accept the truth Ram thought looking at her disturbed face. “Tell me Priya.” His voice has an unnatural calmness.

“You are... you are ...” Priya failed to pick the phrases at first. “You are violating the Prenuptial agreement. “ she tried to warn ending up in making Ram smile.

“We are not married yet.” Ram whispered into her ears. “Now come-on tell me what you can't afford else I will not grant you freedom.”

“I can't afford hurting your family...” suddenly that deadly spark flashed back on her face. She was all over again. “I can't afford to see them suffering.  Your mother is the humblest person I ever meet. Your father is the kindest gentleman I ever saw. Your grand mom is the sweetest human being. But you two brothers are ....” with all her might she kicked Ram on his foot. He didn't stumble. Repeating her action she thought Ram backed off in pain when the reality is Ram stepped back from his stand. He smiled after Priya gained back her freedom.

“I am happy to know that you love my family this much. But Rishab is looking forward to as his loving bhabi. Trust me if any day you wake the beast in me. Which I fear you will, he will be the one to stand with you not with me.” Ram said  stepping back. “I am having a look around. Drop me a call or message when lunch is here.” Turning back Ram paced out from there.


Sharma House New Delhi .

“But Sudheer we have declared the dates yesterday.” Amarnath said unhappily. “And none of us believes in this kundali things. I really don't think this has to be a reason to push back the marriage.”

“But pandit ji has suggested the same to Jayesh and trust us Amarnath this for the good being of our children.” Sudheer tried to convince him.

“I don't think so.” Amarnath said under his sigh, “If you have any other issues please elaborate.”

“I think you are not happy.” Jayesh interrupted.

“How can be Jayesh? Back at Mumbai and here at Delhi look at the social media platforms too, Priya and Ram’s wedding has spread like a wild fire. And now suddenly you people are asking to push the dates. Is it considerable? I don't believe in superstitions.” Amarnath’s anxiety reflected clearly.

“But...” Sudheer stopped as Sarojani spoke.

“Dekhiye I can understand what you people are thinking is rational. But we want to show the same to our Panditji too. I think you have no problem in that.”

“But Maa..” Amarnath tried to speak.

“ek minute.” Sarojani gestured her son to stop. “Till then we are not considering the prospective marriage date. But Jayesh, if you people have such thing in your mind then you should have shared it earlier. I think this is a harassment.”

Amarnath leaned back knowing that his mother is equally unhappy with such sudden changes. Where as Krishna and Shipra sat as a mere spectator.



When Ram and Priya were having lunch, latter’s mobile buzzed with Meera’s call. “Yes Meera.” She answered. “What!!! When and why?” Ram looked up as Priya’s eyes fell on him.

“What happened?” he asked as Priya dropped her mobile on the table. “What happened?” he demanded an answer impatiently.

“We have to head back. Our wedding has been stalled and our families are in disagreement for a certain reason. Meera went to have some signatures from Jayesh Uncle. She asked us to return immediately.” Priya also sounded nervous.

“What are we waiting for?  Give me your car’s key, I will drive back.” Ram hurried out picking up the car key from Priya’s hand. Before leaving he smirked looking at Priya. “Mr. JAYESH the game has just begun. Now you can’t stop me from making her mine again.”

Content he walked out towards the parking peacefully .

Until we meet.




  1. I like Rishabh, he's smart af! πŸ™ˆ
    Ram , 😍😍 He's a step ahead of Jayesh! Woah!
    Rishabh is hell bent that Ram's past won't come out that easily! It would be interesting to see how Priya gets to know of Ram's drug addiction, rehab and everything!
    Rajat is still a mystery 😐
    Farm house scene πŸ˜πŸ’• Mere eye candies! πŸ™ˆ
    Keep the updates coming! 😘

  2. Hi Nairita,

    I m feeling it's just stupid of every one threatening or blackmailing Priya.
    Rishabh for his brother's happiness,ram for his families happiness and Jayesh ji for Priya's happiness. And no one is cared for her , though RAm n Jayesh prove n claim so. None of them handling her ,not u understanding her state ,except Krishna n Amar who showed their real love for their wud be DIL. Priya is more worried of their feelings and how best can she work upon to keep up to their hopes anxd expectations. The time she heard ram had some sufferings in the past ,she had changed ,she started thinking of him is she the reason for his addiction? A sensible and undiscovered lover is standing there again. Rishabh n Jayesh are stupid I feel ,may be they wanted to protect their loved ones ,but this behaviour is not acceptable. At least Rishabh to treat her respectfully knowing that she is his bhabhi,elder bro's wud b wife.
    Ram may hv meant to Jayesh ji ,Priya has to cry to live again is ,bcoz he knows how much she loves him,when she gets to know about his past she can't control herself ,and feels a coward to run away from ram as he did the same with her.
    Though these two are much different . I can't even imagine Priya's state while that stupid Rajat is molesting her������. This can only be understood by her .
    Well when Jayesh wants everything to fall in place , it's happening why is he backing off?? And moreover ,it's now kind of a open challenge for 3 of them . But everyone is using Priya in the name of love.

    Superb write up again.

  3. aree yeh jayesh chatha kya hai ..yeh hi muje samaj nehi araha hai -_-...
    btw lovely cuteyyyy raya scene at last..
    nd now yeh marriage ki postpone ka natak ka kya chakkar hai ..waiting for that...:* :*

  4. You know what I m failing to find who is using who b coz everyone playing their own game here to get control on other person the two most important person in Priyq' s life is only using her just to prove that are right by starting this game... & among of both Jayesh ji is playing selfishly just to satisfy his ego (might be I m wrong) he is using RaYa to get together & now when he know Ram's motive he now rethinking on his plan... what the hell is going over here...
    Every know other's true face most importantly Jayesh & Ram know each & everything abt other's plan just Priya is innocent her trying hard to say Ram from Jayesh which is even not required...
    Feeling sad for Meera Priya & Rishabh they really don't know what is going on between both this ruthless tycoon Jayesh & Ram is playing their own game...
    I really not feeling like to think much now in this that who is right or who is wrong like Priya said in show there is never always be white or black there are many colours around us we can't compare every situation with one solution...
    So I m not labaling here anyone with right or wrong as everyone have their own vision to see situation I just want this hurdles to pass out soon with less damage in everyone's life...
    But one thing is sure once Priya will knew the real face of Ram & Jayesh can't plan he how will at react but one thing is sure at will n hurt the most here....
    I loved Rishabh here for no doubt at least he is respecting Priya while covering his bother even he know how much RaYa love each other the most... so loving his Gray shades here too..
    Any Rajat I feel Jaulyesh has given him worst life then death so can't imagine what he must be suffering but he well deserved for insulting a woman not saying b'coz of Priya but I want most worst then death punishment for all the creatures like Rajat who thinks woman are just like tissue use & throw or you can do anything what you like with her...
    So waiting for next do post soon.. this update was fablulos but now no thinking just flowing with flow from now on so waiting for next do post soon....

  5. Very beautifully penned down update.... really feeling sorry for Priya as she is so innocent n not able to make out the true faces of Ram,Ashoka,Jayesh n Rishabh...what ever may b the situation...I wanted to see Priya to b most intelligent girl than others as everyone is playing their game for their selfish motives....Priya should b aware of everyone's real faces n pls no more cry for Priya...ofcouse guilty feeling is different... would live to see them married at the earliest n get involved with each other in every manner... thanks for the lovely update... eagerly waiting for the next flow of action..😘😘

  6. Be it Jayesh and Ashok or Ram with his brother for them still Priya say didn't matter. The most important thing for them is to get back the old Priya by hook or crook.

    Rishbah who knows every bit of past of Ram and his suffering but still don't know wat Priya has suffered in past. Only his brother happiness matter to him. The godfather to Priya seem to know it all but Ram was altogether step ahead from him seems form their conversation love her lot but still have something in his mind.

    Finally pre neptuial agreement has been signed by the RaYa along with the witnesses. Priya has still protecting herself with the guard of hating Ram but can't deny she still love him as still after so many years of separation Ram touch effect her and so is he who effected by her touch during engagement.

    Ram says he loves her but still behaving so casually after confrontation with Jayesh about the past happening of their college life. Every time Rajat named arised with mystery about his suffering which still unknown.

    Once again it ended on high note with disagreement of marriage dates between kappors and Sharma's


Chapter 48 : Enough to be Worse.

Chapter 48 : Enough to be Worse. Everyone in the room stood stunned as Jayesh and Sudheer went through the warrant t...