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Friday, March 10, 2017

Part 6


Sometimes, it becomes very tough to be happy , when you know , danger is waiting ahead. Neha has come across a man , Rajat who was dejected guilt ridden was waiting to apologize to his girl.. She always wanted Ram and Priya to be together. But she couldn’t smile , she couldn’t express her happiness for the couple. Neha hugged Priya , who was still weeping in her arms , she consoled her.

Stroking softly along her hairs , Neha spoke , ‘Hey Priya why you are crying .. you have done what your heart wanted you to do … and I am sure you will never hurt Ram .. and neither he will do the same.. Priya cheer up .. but I will suggest one thing to both of you , tell Rajat the truth .. and he also should accept what is destined to be. He have to accept the truth…’

Priya looked to Neha , while she continued , Dekh ,  It happens many time in our life that we fail to choose one between the many … yes .. Don’t feel that you have done something horrible. I know after this you will be a cheater to many person , you will go into bad books of many people , but Priya , if we sit back , and care to please every person , whom we will across , then sorry priya , we will loose our credibility…’  Neha spoke like a grown up matured person , ‘Priya , I believe that you cannot do anything wrong , neither do Ram.. but if you are up to please every person , coming across your life then sorry to say you have to be the most fake person in your life .. Listen to your heart and if you are right then go with it .. don’t think what others will feel for it ….’  Neha waited for priya’s response …

‘ You are right neha … very right .. I was a dumb that I was thinking of what Rajat will think of me , what others who knew that I and Rajat were together will think about me , I should think about Ram and me only … We are meant to be . I don’t think I should allow anyone to come between us …’  Priya sounded very determined …

‘That’s like a brave girl …’  Neha hugged Priya …, ‘ And now get ready and go to class .. or else you will be late … our dean is very cruel you know. He has announced sudden exams and to make our life hell , he has announced it just after the college festival .. @#$% !!!’  Neha shouted out of her frustration .. ..

“So who is the guest this time … The big bosses must have decided , taking it out from the hands to the cultural secretary …’  Priya said wiping out her tears , as she walked towards the closet to get her apparel for the day.

‘Who said ?? that little bitch… made all this plans to harass us …’  Neha cursed the GS a thousand deaths , ‘What is the problem you know .. It’s the senior junior clash ! I will definitely stand for the elections this year… I will not let that bitch rule us for another year till she don’t pass out ..’

‘You know there is a restriction … We are still not eligible for the same ..’  Priya was intervened .. , Neha rose her voice to the topmost … ‘ Can’t there be amendment in rules … And what is the necessity of the rule which only allows your life to be sucked !!!!’

‘Neha get ready.. or you all trippers are allowed to miss today’s class …?’  Priya asked opening the door.. before leaving for the wash room , she looked back .. for response from Neha.

“ohooo … Do you think he is so much kind … double @#$% him … Predator he is .. That’s it !! I will be going like this only exhausted … and will sleep at class … Dekh lena … neend nahi bhi ayi naa tab bhi ..’  Neha was really in a bad mood …  Priya smiled and walked away to the wash room …

Neha and Priya walked out of the girls hostel , Priya was busy in talking with Ram who was asked her to meet him , by the garage .. and while she walked away , Neha smiled and thought that she have had thought wrong about Rajat , if he was really guilty , he would have turned up once to Priya and try to speak out his heart .. But he has done nothing  to get back priya .. She smiled…

Priya walked to the garage .., she even didn’t have to call Ram , he pulled her to himself … ‘ I missed you …’  He whispered as Priya nested in his arms..

‘ don’t be so romantic …’  Priya immediately pushed him away , ‘ And tell me, if you are coming with me today for classes or not ?’

‘Priya you know I am suspended for seven days and it is not over .. I can’t come for classes but yes I can go to the library , to the college building … but I will not be there with you in the classes for first few days .. but ..’  Ram stopped and allowed priya to speak…

‘ that’s it I am also not going for the classes .. without you I am going no where ..’   Priya was adamant…

“Priya listen to me .. Listen to me …’  Ram tried to make Priya listen to him , He cupped her face. ‘Baby listen to me ..please try and understand , this not a joke .. Why you will miss classes for me ?’  Priya still remained unconvinced..  ‘Okay then tell me , if you will not attain the classes then how the hell I will get the notes .. of these seven days , how will I get the updates about the assignments ? and more over I am promising you na , that I will  be there , around you only…please baby attain the classes if not for you but for me .. please …’  Ram pleaded this time ..

Priya looked at Ram , she found him pleading. She can’t deny him, and agreed to attain the classes for the day. Ram accompanied her till the departmental building. Noticing few professors , who were responsible to suspend him , He asked priya to walk alone to the class room….. Little disappointed , and very unwontedly Priya walked into the classroom.  

Her eyes popped out of the shells , as she found Rajat on his knees with a bouquet of red roses .. with his heads down , he held the bouquet stretched out to her. Their classmates around are cheered up when Rajat spoke … ‘Priya .. please forgive me.. this time .. Baby I am sorry… Will you be mine …’

Few whispers from around , quoting Rajat to be, very romantic and sweet .. But Priya’s eyes searched Ram .. She hoped for the professor to come soon…. But she was damn unlucky in both the cases.. She knew Ram was not near her , and even more shock came when Priya came to know about the professor, who announced to be late.

‘ Rajat’  She scolded ..  , ‘What you are doing ? Why you are doing ? Please Rajat stop all this ..Please..’  She stepped back from him ..

‘priya I know you are angry with me .. You want to shout at me , be mad over me .. hit me , scold me .. do anything with me .. but forgive me.. Please baby … Please…’ Rajat pleaded … he was still on his knees..

‘ Pleae Rajat .. don’t do this . I am not angry with you , neither I am mad over you .. So please stop all this .. Please I beg..’ Priya said looking all around ..

“Come one Priya don’t be a spoil sport .. how sweet he is .. accept him He is such a sweet heart come on Priya ..Be Brave..’  few girls called out loud…  Priya hoped for Ram to come into rescue.. but when she found herself trapped and also found the students cheering up Rajat to propose her with more confidence , Priya lost her and patience and ran out of the class as fast as she could ,,, Rajat called her loud , taking her name , but she turned her ears deaf to the world and Ran , heading no where ..

Priya suddenly felt a pull , she tripled and fell in Ram’s strong arm.. After shouting “Leave!!’  She looked up and found Ram .. Priya felt safe. Clinging to the man , she wept. She held his T shirt as tight as she can. Ram sensed something wrong happened with his love … Before he could ask her for an explanation, he found Rajat’s voice travelling near them. Priya’s held Ram more tighter , trying to hide herself in his embrace. From her , reaction , it was clear that she was trying to hide from Rajat …

Ram , knowing Rajat, is nearing them Pinned Priya to the wall , and hugged her covering her under his physique. ‘ Sorry Baby …bear with me..’  He whispered before , he kissed her publicly.  Ram absorbed her in his essence. Though Priya lost her senses with the sudden attack , but Ram was aware of the surroundings .. what he was doing.

The footsteps , stopped just behind them and Rajat exclaimed , ‘Raam….’ Ram winced his face , taking off his lips from her’s he hugged her again.. He turned his ears deaf to Rajat , and tried to divert him from the place.. Rajat was blabbering behind him , but he least bothered about the same…  After few more seconds , rajat left the place , in his search for Priya …

Coming apart from Priya , he made sure that Rajat was no where near them.. Fisting Priya’s wrist , his pulled her towards the roof. He carefully led Priya to the topmost part of the college building , They sat there in silence for next many minutes. Rather ram , gave time to Priya to settle down. When he felt that Priya can speak about Rajat … He asked her to brief , about her nervousness….

‘Ram …’  She started , ‘ He proposed me , infront, of all … right in the middle of the class…’ Priya wept again , and she described what happened with her in the class… Ram also felt uncomfortable after getting the whole knowledge ………

“See … what I said .. I was feeling that something wrong will happen .. and it happened. Rajat is mad Ram , I spend seven months with him Ram. I want to keep myself away from him… especially when you are not around me..’  Priya snorted.

Ram , remained silent in his reply…  which made , Priya more impatient. ‘Will you speak out something??’  Priya shouted … Ram snapped at Priya and gave a cold stare, ‘ I am not deaf .. !’  He sounded unpleased , ‘I am hearing you .. I noticed you and I know how much in trouble you are… and god damn I am trying to think what we should do next ..’  

‘ what we should do Ram , we must tell him everything right away.. I can’t double time… and I can’t ditch you … I am not a @#$%! .. that I will…’  Priya paused , in frustration , she added , ‘ I Love You Ram … and I want to be with you …’

‘I know baby …. I know..’  Ram took out his phone , and found Neha’s number on the display screen…

‘Yes Neha ..’  ram addressed

“where the hell you and Priya are?’  She asked impatiently … , ‘Meet me right now at the garage .. and take Priya along …’ She directed.. and before Ram could reply , Neha dropped the line…..  

‘Neha is calling us at the garage’  He stood up , dusting his jeans , ‘ And she is little tensed ….’

‘But what about Rajat , Ram we should come to a firm decision about him …’  Priya was sounding tensed to the extreme…

‘Neha is the only person who knows everything about us , no one else knows the same .. so she can suggest us accordingly. We should meet her immediately ..’  He extended his hand to Priya , and helped her to come down , ‘ And after I escort you out from the fourth floor , we will head separately to the Garage …’  

‘Are you ashamed of me .. Ram …’  Priya asked suddenly..

‘Ah ! Priya . Please don’t start like a typical women now… I am asking you to come alone , because I care for you .. not because I am ashamed of you .. Why don’t you understand , This time rajat is vulnerable , we have to get him aware of the reality. Slowly.’  Ram held Priya in his arms , ‘ and when the right time will come I will accept you in front of every one .. I am not afraid of any one .. But I am concerned for you … I am protective towards you.. This is not going to be easy . We are going to have a tough time ahead .. I want you to be safe… Please baby try and understand please baby …’  Ram pleaded…

‘Okay …’  Priya agreed …

‘Good .. come’  entwining his hands with her’s Ram walked  towards the stairs. He stood like a protective shield to Priya and escorted her to the fourth floor. Before he left her alone , he gave a firm smile to her. She smiled boldly…  

In the garage …

 Neha was waiting for Rama nd Priya, very restlessly she was pacing up and down in the gravel road… She was looking much tensed … but the moment her eyes were meeting Rajat she tried to smile…  Rajat was nervously shaking his legs seated on the hood of Ram’s car . He was sweating badly, and almost jumped off from the car , as he saw Ram heading to the garage..

‘ Priya is not with you ??’  he asked directly to him ..

‘What ???’  Ram exclaimed … , ‘ how do I will know about her .. but yes I meet her when she was going for her classes , and then …’  Ram looked at Rajat , who jumped from the car hood …. , ‘ And then I meet someone , who kept me busy all this time …’

‘Ram , I know that .. I saw you there. But I think ; you have not even bothered that I was calling you ..’ Rajat added , ‘ Ram , but you always used to know where Priya used to be.. Call her once … I am scared . Meine jo kiya after that …’   rajat leaned back to the car ..

‘ rajat o told you na , I just spoke to Priya and she is coming here … Don’t get so tensed ..’  Neha consoled Rajat , and snapped at Ram ..

‘There she is !’  Ram pointed to distance, to Priya who was walking down to the place… Next minute Priya stood by Neha and snapped at Rajat in anger ,  she was not happy with the presence of forth person in the garage.

‘Neha I am bit busy , with some personal works if you really have something serious stuff to share with , please go ahead or else excuse me …’  Priya was rude …

‘ Priya why you are behaving so rudely Priya .. I want to clear up the mess …. And you are ..’  rajat rose his voice , when he felt that he was losing his patience , he stepped back , ‘ sorry ..’

‘Ho gaya….This is what you are .. what you can do … First you will mess it up and then you want me to accept your apology .. That what you are , and please I am not in a mood to talk to you …’  Priya stood showing her back to Rajat …. Silence prevailed for few more minutes , and then Rajat decided to walk away….

‘What the ……………’  Neha turned Priya to herself , when Rajat was not in scene anymore , ‘And you Ram .. If you love her then why can’t you accept the same … doesn’t she deserve it ..’  without letting , ram to answer , Neha swiftly turned to Priya , ‘ And you I know you don’t have any reason to go for a patch up with him , but which pervert will not love , if her boyfriend bows down in front of everyone .. be a brave girl priya go and tell him every thing …’  neha stood there snapping a disgusting look on both Ram and priya , ‘before he , himself comes to know about you two …’

‘ I was talking about the same to Ram .. but …’  priya stopped as Ram intervened …

‘ And I said , will say again . this is not the right time .. Rajat is vulnerable .. I don’t know how he will react to it .. and Neha I am not at all afraid to declare my emotions for Priya , if the time would have been right .. then I would have shouted it from the roof top .. That much I love her .. and crazy about her .. That Priya knows better than any one else though…’  ram stood back , ‘ and there is not question of deserving .. She is meant for me ..that’s it …but this is not the right time …’

‘ I know it is not right time ! But ram how long can it be hidden .. and aise chup chup ke milna ..  You two are in love you two have not committed any crime .. and Ram just be a man and accept your love for Priya …. ‘  neha commanded

“when it will the time … I WILL .. Now take her to the hostel , or festival preparations … Let me with the gang …’  ram walked away , briefing a hug to Priya …

Next two days passed away in the preparations of the sudden festival declared by the organizing committee and the management … The days and night passed away so fast in the preparation , that Rama nd priya got mere chances to meet , they used to meet once while they used to part for their respective hostels . At the same time , Priya neglected Rajat completely with the excuse of being busy in festival preparations.

Festive night …. -------------------------------------------
After few mind blasting performances , by the students of the college; the host for the night occupied the stage with the charm again … He quickly , announced the academic excellence awards , and extra curricular awards , He announced the ‘Lovers Walk’  ---- Lover’s walk , is a ritual, where the college mates used to make the students of 2nd to 4th year  walk on the ramp .. to get them pronounced as official couple …’

One after other , the host announced the names of the couples of the college … and before Priya could escape , the host announced Rajat and Priya’s name … Like sudden shock , priya froze to her place.. her ears got blocked with applause from the crowd. Her eyes tried to find Ram , but she found rajat instead. He with a smile took her hand on his. Priya lost her senses, with the happening around , she walked where Rajat took her .

Wrapping his hand around her waist , rajat pulled Priya close to himself , He whispered , ‘ I love you..’  to Priya , cocking her head to Priya she found him smiling …. As they started walking , Priya looked straight. While Rajat waved to the crowd accepting the applaud , Priya’s eyes got fixed at Ram. His eyes were red in anger and watery at the same time … He couldn’t watch them anymore , failing to stand there , he walked away pushing the crowd aside …

As rajat and she came down , Rajat stepped to hug her. The loud music restricted Priya’s raised voice to rajat only , ‘STOP IT !!!’ Priya repeated ,stamping her feet on the ground , ‘ rajat .. why you did all this … can’t you stop humiliating me … was it necessary .. like really …. You know I don’t like all these and jaha tak mein janti hoon you don’t liked all these either … tuje kaha se interest aa gaya inn sab mein ..’ ….  Priya started to walk away ..

Rajat tried to stop her , he wanted to speak to her , but priya neglected him completely and wanted to find Ram immediately . She walked to the girls’ hostel in a hurry …

Priya knows exactly , where Ram could be … She tipped toed to the garage , and inside the car , she found Ram sitting with his eyes closed .. and the driver’s seat was leaned back …. With much needed courage she knocked at the window … Ram knew who it was , but he didn’t agreed to open the door for her.

‘Ram please …’  Priya pleaded , ‘ Let me in … I want to talk to you …’ Priya stood there …

Making her wait for few minutes , Ram opened the door for her , Priya jumped into the car and hugged him immediately . Ram didn’t acknowledged the same. He cocked his face away from her.

‘Ram .. I never knew that he will do this … Neither I wanted to walk with him..’  priya stopped as Ram suddenly turned to her and almost shouted , ‘ Then why you did Priya why? Why didn’t you denied … why you didn’t pushed him away when he held you so close to himself ..WHY tell me … WHY ?’  ram suddenly behaved like a very possessive man for his girl ..

‘ I was out of my senses … but trust me .. if I knew about this I would have …’  Priya broke down , covering her face , she wept badly .. Realizing her stand , Ram collected himself and correcting his action , he hugged her. Though he was going mad over Rajat at the same time..

Possessing each other in embrace , Ram came apart wiping her tears , Ram planted a kiss on her forehead sweetly …  ‘ Now you go back .. I have to leave …’

“where …’  Priya asked back ..

‘ My uncle leaves here and the boy he asked to take care of his house , in his absence will not be able to make it today , so he asked me a favor …’  ram looked at priya , with a smile he added , ‘ I will call you once I reach there … today we will talk all through the night …’

‘Can I come along?’  Priya asked …

‘Priya but …’  Ram was intervened ,as Priya asked , ‘ Is there any problem then I am fine with it..’  Priya was about to open the door t get off from the car ..

‘Ruko …’  Ram stopped her , ‘ Let’s go …’  Ram smiled broad as Priya acknowledged the same with a broader smile ..  Unnoticed they left the college campus. The winter was becoming more cruel day by day , and in just a jeans and simple party tops Priya shivered a bit , same was with Ram too , he was in a tee and jeans only..

‘Once we get there , I will see if anything I can lend you from mami’s wardrobe…’  ram said..

With less traffic , it took a very little time to reach the apartment.. Ram unlocked the door for Priya … She walked in looking around, the house was beautiful .. Really beautiful, ‘WOW ..’  she uttered ..

‘thanks ..’ Ram replied …

‘that was not for you … for your uncle and aunty.. specially aunty. She kept the house so well managed and beautiful..’  Priya smiled ..

‘Okay …’  Ram came and hugged Priya from behind , ‘ Well I promise you , we will get a house more beautiful than this ! Only for you and me …’  Ram hugged Priya tight.

‘why ? will we not be staying along with the family …’ Priya asked leaning back to Ram , ‘ Why we will stay separate …’  She added ..

‘Oh ho .. Tum bhi naa…’  ram turned Priya to himself , ‘ Spoil sport … and yes we will stay with the family but once in a week … Samjh rahi hoo naa What I am trying to say …’  ram winked …

‘hat …’  Priya softly smacked at Ram’s chest …

‘Thanks priya for coming with me … and I am sorry to be mad over you ..’  Ram said ..

‘You have the right to be  mad with me Ram .. But’  Priya smiled naughtily , ‘ but you were looking like a baby , when you were mad over me..’  Priya laughed out loud …

‘ PRIYA … I am not a Baby ….’  Ram added . But priya kept on calling Ram baby … constantly, even after his repetitive warnings. Ram tried to grab Priya’s hand , but she escaped every time, contrary to it they end up in chasing .. ram chased Priya … until her knees hit a couch at the end of the room . She tripled and fell on the couch . Ram didn’t miss the chance . He grabbed her beneath himself . They laughed together as Ram tickled on Priya’s belly and waist..

‘now call me a baby …come on..’  ram tickled , making her laugh loud … Priya tried to push ram away from herself , while she laughed . Ram was unaware of the fact that his hands travelled underneath her top. They stopped laughing when both of the felt the intimacy that grew between them .

The sensual arousal , made them come closer even more . Leaning closer , Ram kissed his girl. Priya did the little thing that was left to do. Cupping his head she , ruled out the gap. Ram , sucked her lips passionately. Her body , reacted to the actions of the man. She behaved like a matured woman. Allowing her man, she kissed him , tasting his sweet nectar.

Ram , trailed his kiss down to her bare neck , while his hands moved her party top upwards, exposing her skin with minimum piece of satin. He looked at Priya with lust, craving for her. Priya was aroused too , with the sweet attack of her love. When ram tried to pull of his Tee up his head , in hurry, he got stuck. Priya sat up and helped him to get rid of the same.

Once again they looked at  , before they hugged . warmth of his skin , turned priya mad for him. She wanted him badly even. She didn’t felt shy when he undressed her completely. She loved every little thing of the love making . She reciprocated back with intensely , matching his passion. With no other secret to hide ,Ram decided to make her , his to the eternity.

Their desires reached the extreme , it was hard for both of them to hold back. Ram kissed Priya hard , letting her lips bleed …. For the first time , he found her eyes shut tight , when he left her lips , and looked at her .. Ram sucked the blood from her lips and leaned to her ears , ‘ I can’t take this any more baby …’ He whispered , ‘ let’s go inside ..’  ram was about to come apart to carry her to the bedroom ….

Priya stopped him , with a pull. He fell on her . ‘ Please Ram … I can’t take this . Please don’t stop..’

Ram smiled and asked her to open her eyes. She obeyed. ‘I want you to look at me , when I will make you mine for ever…’  Ram said …. While he slowly let himself slide inside her. She winced her face. Fisting ram’s arms , she cocked her face, aside ..

‘ I will continue to torture you ..if you don’t obey me … baby ..’  ram said teasingly …

Priya gulped a lump in her throat and looked at her love… He leaned to her, ‘ it will be a little painful … R u ready baby ..’

‘make me yours …..’  Priya hugged Ram…

They kissed ,loved , spend the whole night in each other’s arms , embraced in love  they spent their first night together , keeping all their worries aside ….. 


  1. In the moment of togetherness RaYa forget one aspect of their life about telling truth to Rajat.

    The more it came late the more Rajat will be feel for Priya n now as Ram is in picture with her she can't think other than him.

    Neha is right in advising them about their love which Rajat should be aware off.

    Now as RaYa had consummated their love hope they realise they are one step ahead in their relationship.

  2. Beautiful update ... raya consummated their love .. hope everything will go well in their future ..

  3. Part 6
    ohh my my u said there will we have to wait for like love making scene but I guess this RaYa is in more then us... Lol awesome hot RaYa love making scene enjoyed it fully but didn't get one thing ... why Ram is hiding his & Priya's relation from all what's the matter I feel he knows well how much harmful Rajat to be with Priya hence he just trying to protect Priya from all worries he doing so... but as he took his & Priya's relation to other level he should confess his feelings for her to all now... hope to see the same happening in story too do post next soon...


Chapter 48 : Enough to be Worse.

Chapter 48 : Enough to be Worse. Everyone in the room stood stunned as Jayesh and Sudheer went through the warrant t...