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Friday, March 10, 2017

Part 3

Part 3

Neha called Ram …..

She didn’t have to wait long for Ram to receive the call , even though it was late at night. Ram received the call after 3-4 rings only. He couldn’t even uttered a single word , neha bumped into him with priya’s state of mind after her and fight with rajat. For Neha rajat was a clear cut guilty.

Ram sighed deep , and asked neha to calm down. But Neha didn’t , she was restless and wanted Ram to see Rajat ..

‘ I already have had a talk with Rajat , neha .. now listen to me please!’  Ram interfered, Neha muted in seconds , only few words she could utter was , ‘ Oh! So what you think!’

‘that I am guilty ,somewhere!’  Ram sighed .. Neha was surprised , she went speechless on Ram’s reaction , She didn’t know how exactly she should react to Ram . From the other side ram continued , ‘ They are a couple , and if I were in Rajat’s place I might not have reacted the way Rajat did , humiliating priya in the crowd , but I would have got hurt surly. Neha it’s their matter and Priya Loves Rajat and rajat too loves her… So I should keep away from them and I should , I must maintain distance from Priya..’ ram ended leaving Neha stunned ..

‘ Okay .. Okay … so they love each other and so they have every right to humiliate right! That what you mean to say ..’  Neha asked , and before Ram could reply , raising her voice neha added more to it , ‘ Wait wait let me finish , So tomorrow , if Rajat slaps Priya in the crowd we should keep away coz it’s their matter they are couple .. U know ram you men are sick .. why men .. you all are boys still.’ Ram wanted to clarify further , but neha hung up the call , she walked back to the room.

‘ neha … with whom you were talking to ?’ priya triggered to neha as she put her first step in the Room. Neha neglected Priya and slipped into her bed and tucked herself under the duvet.

‘I am talking to you damn it !’  priya pulled out the duvet ..

‘What’s your problem priya … I am not in a mood to talk to anyone of you just any one of you ! but I will pray to god , before it becomes late … you and Ram get to know what is the truth ! I, may be a mad who hovers around her boyfriend every time , but I respect Love .. and You DO NOT … listen to me Girl carefully … and mark my words ,  YOU DO NOT LOVE RAJAT YOU LOVE RAM … ONLY HIM.. AND HE TOO LOVES YOU ..  but none of you are opening your eyes …’  neha shouted over Priya coming out of the bed.

‘ No .. Neha you are wrong , I don’t love ram .. I love rajat …. This is not true !’  Priya rejected neha’s claim .. relentlessly .

‘ Okay ! Fine you love Rajat right ! Okay Fine .. I will only pray to God , to open up your eyes  and even ram’s before it’s too late .. and ..’  neha came to priya and added , ‘ Trust me even if Vikram don’t stand by you two then , even if the whole world goes against you and Ram .. but you two will find me standing by your side at every step of yours… because … I believe in true love , not infatuations .. Life cannot be dealt with infatuations . It ruins life not one but many ….’  Neha lied down on her bed and wished Priya Good night …

Priya sat blankly on the bed , she didn’t know what to do next , and neha’s words triggered her badly , she became compelled to think if she have had an infatuation with Rajat or she loves him.. and when Ram came into her mind , she stopped thinking and concluded that she loves Rajat and she should keep away from Ram , to have a healthy relationship with Rajat ..

Next day ….

 Priya waited for rajat , who usually comes to the Girls’ Hostel and she used to walk to the class with him , and even ram used to accompany him too. But , none of them came there. Sad disheartened , Priya started walking to her departmental building. Neha looked at her , from her class of her departmental building. She sighed and settled down.

Priya within few minutes reached the class and to her surprise , Ram and Rajat , both of them were present in the class , but they were seated on the furthest corner from eachother. Priya walked to rajat and found another guy seated by him . with sweet gesture she asked , if he can vacant the seat for her. The guys left the seat for Priya. As she settled down , Rajat looked to the other side and made himself busy talking with the other batch mates. Priya sat their quiet , her eyes found Ram , sitting alone scribbling something on his notebook. Neither of them tried to talk with eachother during the first half.

As the bell for the break rang , the class of the Head of the department got over . Ram ran after the HOD , outside the class. Rajat stood up to leave , he was still in a mood to ignore Priya. But she wanted to sort out the differences between themselves. Priya held Rajat’s wrist and stopped him.

‘Priya chod mujhe .. I have more important works . I don’t have time to hear to your lame excuses’  rajat said bit arrogantly.

‘ I know you are angry over me and it s natural , if I was at your place , it would have hurt me also.’  Priya said . Rajat looked back , and asked her to come with him.. They walked out of the room and almost collided with ram , Ram’s eyes went to Rajat and Priya’s hand which were entwined .

‘ HOD wants to meet you two!’  saying ram excused himself. Priya and Rajat looked at eachother bit surprisingly , they thought Ram must have said something odd to HOD against them. Rajat added speculations that he must be taking revenge from him as he warned him last night to keep away from Priya. Priya didn’t protested , but she didn’t even agreed with rajat , she only walked with him to the HOD’s Cabin. While she passed by the room , she found Ram sitting alone in the lecture hall , scribbling in his notebook.

In the HOD’s Room….

 Rajat knocked at the door and asked for permission. The professor asked them to come and sit in front of him. Like obedient students they settled down. The HOD pushed a piece of letter towards them. Rajat read the letter and handed it to Priya. After both of them completed reading it they looked very surprised.

‘ did you know anything about this ?’  asked the HOD . Rajat and Priya nodded their head to say no ..

‘ Any differences between you three .. I have never seen so well organized group like yours but suddenly Ram is giving such kind of applications . If the same is from your side , I mean both of you then I have to think about this.’  The HOD said clearly ..

‘ Sir , can we ask for an hour , I want to talk with Ram , if there is any issues then I will try to resolve the same . But if unfortunately we didn’t make it up , then what Ram has decided we will go with it .’ rajat declared his verdict and then asked priya if she is okay with it or not . Priya agreed with rajat . The HOD asked them to inform him by the end of the day.

Rajat angrily walked out of the room , priya rushed behind him. Rajat didn’t stop , he hurried to the lecture hall again. Their luck favored Ram was still there. he was still scribbling something in his copy , and his full concentration was on it only. He didn’t even knew that Rajat was there standing just in front of him.

‘ Ram , what do you want ?’  Rajat asked sharp ..

Taking his eyes up from the notebook and closing the book at the same time , Ram sighed as he found Rajat and Priya there. He asked about what he is trying to say.

‘ tuje samjh ni aa raha or you are acting ! What do you want to show ram that I cannot do anything without you , is that you want to show ? or you want to show that you are doing such a big favor by keeping out of Priya !’  rajat was very Rude. Priya tried to calm him down but her tries went in vein , Raat shrugged off her hand from his shoulder and clutched ram’s collar..

‘ Rajat .. you are not within you . First you calm down and then we will speak in peace .. Please ..’  ram said taking rajat’s hands in his fist and added , ‘ what ever I am doing is for myself … only myself … I want peace in my life and peace will be there only when you two will not be the part of my life anymore.’   Ram pushed back Rajat a little. Ram collected his notebook and pen, before walking out of the room , he looked at priya once.

Priya walked to Rajat and tried to talk with him , but he pushed her badly, making her land on one of the benches . He gave a damn  to Priya , and didn’t even care to look at her. Priya was hurt , she stood up wiping her tears . She walked back to the HOD’s Cabin and with a fake smile she lied that everything among them is sorted and she took ram’s letter from him too .  

Coming out of the departmental building , Priya tried to reach rajat , but every time he disconnected the call. After many vein tries , priya settled down on a bench under the shed of the tree. She waited for Vikram only there. Priya didn’t have to wait long. She found Vikram coming out towards the departmental building along with Neha. Priya paced up to the couple.

‘priya !’  neha exclaimed looking at her ..

‘ neha , vikram I need a favor…!’  Priya said restlessly.

‘ yes priya but what favor please relax and tell me…’   vikram asked politely..

‘ can you please call Rajat and Ram for me .. wo Rajat is not answering my call and …’ priya paused …

‘ and she will not call Ram … and I am sure something wrong has happened ! and that’s why she is asking for a favor’  neha taunted …

‘Stop it Neha !’  Vikram showed his annoyance to Neha and asked her to wait with Priya and also assured later that he will bring Rajat and Ram there invariably if he ends up finding them.

Priya walked back to the bench and settled down. Neha joined her and another bomb fell on priya as neha said that she has put Priya’s name for the upcoming camp at Nainital.

‘ are you mad Neha , my life is messed up and you are telling me that I am coming for a camp ! is this any kind of joke Neha ?’ R U mad ? I am having so much differences with Rajata nd now you have put my name for the camp !’  priya was pretty angry on neha  and it was very clear from her eyes and voice.

‘ But did Rajat said you that he is going ?’  neha shocked priya with her statement , ‘Priya , I am the treasurer of the event and Rajat himself came yesterday and enlisted his name ,  but he didn’t gave your name and you know Priya  , Ram denied to put his name when he didn’t see your name in the list ! Rajat rajat rajat … he is putting you in a cage and you are happy with it ! wonderful …’  

‘ Not like this neha , he Loves me and anyone will be possessive in Love , in any relationship.’  Priya tried to defend Rajat .

‘Shut Up priya ! You have changed . Love is a beautiful realization not a burden not about possession. When Love becomes only about possessiveness , then it becomes suffocating.’  Neha turned to Priya , she didn’t let Priya to speak and added , ‘ and don’t think that I am pushing you to Ram , but I am happy , Ram has not got you . he deserves best , and you are not the best for him.. Do whatever you want to do .. but please keep me and Vikram away from both of you . we are happy to have a friend like Ram.’  Neha stood up and walked towards her departmental building hurting Priya. Priya sat there thinking.  

In the Boy’s Hostel…

Vikram found Rajat in the room , but Ram was not in the hostel. He got a hard time to convince Rajat to come downstairs with him to meet Priya, but he was lucky enough and managed to bring Rajat to Priya.

‘what happened I told you na I am not in a good mood ! Just say what you want to and leave !’  rajat continued to be arrogant with Priya, and this time Priya felt bad.

‘ is it necessary to talk rudely every time Rajat ?’  priya said , and as Rajat looked at her , she continued , ‘ You were complaining about me and Ram and what you are doing you enlisted your name for the camp but I didn’t have had any idea about it , you are behaving like a dominant over me ,  I am a human . I have self dignity and you …’  Priya was intervened by Rajat .. he raised his voice and warned priya not to talk with him like a dictator.

But Priya had it enough  , she revolted against Rajat’s behavior. She wanted to shout over rajat , but he turned his ears deaf to priya and walked back into the hostel. Tears trailed down Priya’s cheeks .. she wiped it . As she turned to leave she stood in shock. Ram was witnessing her conversation with Rajat.

‘ are you Okay ?’ Ram asked softly .

‘ ye..yes ..’ priya said hesitatingly ..

‘ if you don’t mind can I walk with you to the hostel. A gentleman’s gesture only Priya . I am not trying to be over friendly with you. I know my limits .’  Ram said , and his every word pinned Priya to million deaths.

‘Please , ram don’t be so formal . Our relation didn’t changed over night.’  Priya said out of her frustration, ‘ Rajat is not ready to listen to me , you are in directly taunting me . neha is trying to tell me ….’  She paused suddenly and looked at Ram , she found the man , gazing at her deeply.

‘ I am not taunting you priya . I respect you .. I …’  Ram gulped a lump in his throat , he held back his heart and spoke , ‘ I take you as my best friend , and what ever I was doing to you is only because of our friendship . But friendship should know it’s boundaries and I was crossing those limits . But I will wish death , before I even think of taunting you and disrespecting you.’

Priya , extended the letter to Ram , he silently took it and found it to be his application to the HOD. He sighed and looked at Priya for further clarification. Priya said that she has informed the HOD that Ram is not leaving the group and the differences that were created among them has been sorted .

‘ But priya …’ ram wanted to tell her about  his arguments with Rajat from last night.

‘ I know why you are doing all these . But Ram , you don’t need to do any thing for me and Rajat . He can do whatever he wants but not me .. and what I have had done ? I only have had a good friendship with you …’  Priya didn’t spoke further , she walked away towards her hostel ..

Ram got a call from neha as soon as Priya left. Neha was stalking them from her departmental building , she asked Ram to come to her then only. Ram tried to avoid her , but Neha had a bad reputation , she always do what she wants to do and she always make other do according to her .

Neha aught ram and sat on the staircase of the building . He was upset . he loved priya and moments he used to spent with priya are always used to treasure for him. But for rajat and her , he sacrificed his love , which neha couldn’t stand for . 

‘ So you saw how Rajat behaves with priya , and she is just behaving a slave to him . Seriously I never expected this from priya neither from you.’   Naha sounded pretty upset.

‘what I have done ? now!’  Ram exclaimed in surprise.

‘You are watching all these , her humiliation, silently. Why can’t you tell her that you love her !what is stopping you’ neha asked pretty annoyingly , but when she got no reply , she added , ‘ Is her present relationship with Rajat is stopping you Ram , Do you really think that they have moved further in their relationship?’ neha said ..

Ram looked shocked at neha , while the lady continued to speak ,  ‘I don’t know how much you used to be with her , but I am a girl . I am in a relationship . and I am her room partner too . Physical intimacy  chod .. door rakh …  I never found her talking to Rajat over night . Rajat used to call her , but she always used to have an excuse ready on hand to avoid Rajat , and duffer think that she loves Rajat !’

‘ Do you think that even she have had a relation with Rajat does it matter to me ?’  Ram asked , ‘ No neha it doesn’t matter to me . Rather ,forget Priya, I dated so many girls and yes I do have ….’  Ram paused for seconds ,  ‘Priya knows everything ! But this is not the reason neha .. I want priya to realize her love for me , if she really do loves me . I don’t want to force her .. I don’t want to do the mistake that Rajat made .. he took friendship as Love. I know that I love her , but she must know that same to accept . It is not like he loves me or she loves me so I have to love him or her. Love is not a balance sheet … that we have to credit the amount of love debited …love is something that knows only to give .. it doesn’t ask for neha..’   ram stood up … to leave…

 ‘ wait Ram …’  neha stopped her , ‘ Priya is Lucky that she loves someone like you … and yes you are right we should not force her into this ,she should realize this and accept it that she loves you  and I am ready to give her the time when you have no problem.’  

‘thanks neha …’ Ram smiled..

‘ but why you are not coming for the camp?’  neha asked … ram didn’t have any reasons other than lame excuses. The fact was clear that he was not coming coz Priya’s name was not in the list.

‘ Let me tell you Ram , Priya is coming . She is my responsibility and I will make sure that she will come and I want you to come for her. You know I and vikram are active members of the working committee for this camp , so I will not be able to give time to her , and Rajat he doesn’t even care to enlist her name when he did it for him. So you know how priya will feel there . So will you ..?’  Neha asked ..

Ram Smiled only as his reply , neha knew the answer she briefed a hug to ram, ‘ So in next Three days we will be in Nainital this time … So don’t forget … day after tomorrow right at 11:00 P.m the bus will buzz off for the camp and sorry I cannot allow your SUV in this camp..’  neha said and Ram smiled …

Next Three days , priya didn’t came out of her room for a single time. She skipped classes . lectures , practical sessions , she skipped meals , even calls from her home. She even refrained from talking to Neha . Maximum time of the day and night she used to tuck herself under the duvet and tried to show that she is sleeping . But she hardly slept in those two days.  She checked every folder of her mobile and revisited them in numerous time , just to see her memories with Ram , since they became Best buddies. She never felt sad or so vacant when she used to have a fight with Rajat. But this time , Ram effected her badly . She felt that someone has snatched oxygen from her. She felt suffocated sometimes. In these two days , she kept on deleting , adding , hiding , searching Ram’s number in her mobile. She even dialed Ram’s number few times but she never let ram’s phone rang. She wanted to speak with him , but thinking about Rajat she refrained herself from talking to Ram.

While on the other hand , where Ram felt the same restlessness these two days , like priya . he got thrown out of the every class for not listening to the professor , he damaged a device at the laboratory for the very first time , and also got a show cause letter and seven days suspension from the college for the same. But Rajat was Happy in his space , he was accolade as the best performer of the week by the professor , and he became little popular among his batch mates too .. all thanks to ram’s suspension..

Third day , 09:00 p.m ..

After scrutinizing , neha found that priya has not packed for the camp . She tried to make her convince for the camp but she didn’t agreed to it. Like a stubborn she glued to her hold that she will not be coming . As Neha was the part of the working committee even if she didn’t have the choice other than to leave for the camp. At about 10:00 p.m when she was all set to leave the hostel , Neha tried a last time to convince priya. But this time very rudely Priya asked Neha to leave her alone. Disheartened by Priya’s behavior , neha left the hostel for the bus.

Neha got busy with the other members of the committee to have a final checklist of the students who were joining the trip. All together seven buses were leaving for the camp. According to the list priya was allocated a seat on the fourth bus and rajat on the first one. Neha climbed into the first bus and tried to find out rajat. She didn’t have to work hard for the same , she found him with few of his friends in the bus.

‘ Hi ..’  neha greeted.. rajat greeted back with a smile..

‘ rajat I need to talk to you !’  neha said .. and asked rajat to come with her.. Bringing rajat to the last seat of the bus , neha requested him to call priya and convince her for the camp..

‘ neha , what’s the problem , what she will do in the camp. Rehne do use idhar hi kuch padhayi kar legi …’  rajat said just casually

‘ Rajat , she will be all alone and from last two days she has made her life a hell…she needs you!’  neha said , surprised of Rajat’s behavior.

‘Neha ..  yeh sab nautanki mujhe samajh ni ata!  She has started everything not me and please I am in a good mood , don’t spoil it ! and rahi baat priya ki ..  I will talk with her after coming back.. Please.’  Rajat said … neha walked out of the bus and surprised to see Ram , who was holding his head with his left hand and two boys were helping him to get to the college health centre.

Neha rushed to the boys and asked for a brief, and from them she came to know that , Ram was trying to get into the bus no 7 , as allocated to him , but he had a little accident and his head hit the bus door . Neha couldn’t even check with him , she wanted to inform Ram , that Priya was not coming to the camp , but her duties didn’t let her do the same. The buses left the college campus in stipulated time. Neha dropped a sms to Ram , about Priya, but it was not delivered to him. Neha left for the camp , but half-heartedly.

Back in the hostel …

Priya was sitting all alone in her room , she chose not to join the camp , so that she can have some time for herself. But somehow she managed to make her more lonely. She started weeping badly and wished if she could have got the time back. Feeling miserable she lied down on the bed. Tears kept on trickling down her cheeks constantly.

Priya was weeping so badly , that her head got jammed and she couldn’t think anything else other than her loneliness that was swallowing her every moment. Suddenly , priya felt shocked as she found someone tapping on her shoulder. She was frightened and as she looked back and her mouth opened to scream out.

The intruder gagged her pressing her mouth against his palm. Priya looked broad at the intruder who was none other than Ram. When Priya calmed down , Ram moved his hand from her mouth and let her breath properly and he himself settled down on the bed..

‘what are you doing here and how the hell you get into here ? this is a girls hostel! Ram’  priya scolded Ram.

‘ I know , but hardly anyone is here … either students have left for the camp or for home , but few mad like you are here..’  ram said caressing his forehead where he has a fresh bandage .

‘ yeh kya hua?’  Priya came closer to Ram and checked his wound.

‘ Nothing ..’  ram stopped priya from investigating.. Priya didn’t listened to him , she got startled to see Ram in pain. She came even more closer to him and checked his wound. ‘how this happened ? Kar kya raha tu ?’  Priya cupped ram’s face.

‘ why you are so moved priya ? I am ok just let it be ok.’   Ram came apart from Priya, he sat on the vacant bed that belonged to Neha , ‘ I am here to ask you if you are okay and have you done your dinner? I am just here to see you that’s it ! Don’t show your concern priya . I was used to it but now I want to get rid of this .. please Priya ..’  ram was rude while he replied priya , he looked up and found priya crying…

‘Priya …’  Ram walked to her and tried to make her look at him. But priya resisted … She hit him badly saying , ‘ I am just good for nothing , no one tried to ask me once that if I am okay or not. Not even you Ram. Not even you . am I so bad?’ priya wept badly and kept on hitting Ram .

Ram held priya’s hands tightly and tried to speak to her , tried to make her calm. But when he failed horrible , he did something , which he was not supposed to do. Ram kissed priya. He pecked on her lips ,possessively. For seconds , neither of the two realized the moment . But priya pushed back ram from herself.

Shocked Priya sat at the corner of the bed. ram also realized his fault. He stepped to priya to talk , but she denied and asked him to leave….

‘ priya … let me…’  ram couldn’t finish , Priya warned him and asked to leave right then. Without stretching the conversation , Ram left , through the way , he invaded Priya’s room at the odd hours….

NOW WHAT NEXT ……. ???? O.o 


  1. When will Priya realise her feelings towards Ram is love not less than that. As for Rajat he is plane a jerk who is using RAM for his gain and taken granted Priya.

    Vik Neha is their for RaYa but as RAM said Priya had to feel herself wat RAM is for her and for once she had to think over it after all they kissed now.

  2. Nice part... bechara ram priya k liye kya kuch krta rhta h r ye priya hmesha roti rhti h.. when will she realize abt her love towards ram.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Part 3

    ok I will start with RaYa I just can't get enough of this RaYa its too hud yaar Ram is such gentelman yaar he truly loves Priya deeply from heart... but really Priya acts as so unmuture can't she see with whole world know how Rajat is behaving with her... he don't love her its just infuantion but happy she is so missing Ram in yhat 2 days... I feel Rajat don't care for Priya but once he will know abt RaYa he will be surly jelouse & will try to make seaprate RaYa but RaYa's love is true they won't... awesome First Kiss ever wwowowow hoe now Priya realized her feeling for Ram.... moving for next to read further....


Chapter 48 : Enough to be Worse.

Chapter 48 : Enough to be Worse. Everyone in the room stood stunned as Jayesh and Sudheer went through the warrant t...