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Friday, March 10, 2017

Part 4

Part 4

Ram ran towards the parking , after jumping down from the water pipe of the Girls’ Hostel. He was well aware of his deeds , Priya will never forgive him. He was very sure of that.  Shoving his hand into his pant’s pocket he searched for the keys , and he was successful in that. He got his car keys. Though His head was aching in pain , Ram ignited his car and drove out of the college campus at the late night …., he decided not to inform anyone about any details of his where about….

Back in the girls’ hostel ….

Priya froze at her place ,she was shocked with Ram’s move… But…. What happened to her , she should cry , shout , get mad over Ram , but nothing really happened … why ? she asked herself but , she failed to find an answer . She cuddled into herself more…. She wanted to shout wanted to cry but she failed badly to do the same.

Priya moved her hands up to her face.  As she brushed her fingers along her lips , un noticed to herself she smiled …. Priya didn’t know what exactly was happening with her. Once Rajat kissed her , But it left her with no after math, but after Ram kissed her , she was feeling intoxicated . She was feeling something unusual which she never felt before. 

Her phone Vibrated .. she looked and found a new Sms just got delivered to her number. Feebly she took the phone and found a message from Ram . She dropped the phone from her hand and sat in silence for next few minutes. But she couldn’t stop herself from checking her phone.

As priya pressed the unlock the key of her phone , the Lock Screen flashed with Ram’s and her’s picture which they snapped at the last Festival. A Lone tear escaped her eyes, she quickly wiped it and unlocked the screen , which gave her the notification of few hundred miss calls and one unread sms. Quickly she opened the sms . Priya was curious to know what Ram has to say .. at the same time she was angry .. she was trying to be angry and failing horribly to do the same.

Finally the sms came up .. it read .. “Priya I am really really really very very sorry .. I didn’t want to do what I did. It just happened . I know it is not enough to defend myself . But please Yaar forgive me … Please.’ …..

Priya , locked the phone screen and threw it back on the bed. She decided not to reply Ram.  Sitting at the corner of the bed , she kept on looking at the sms-es that got delivered on her Mobile one after another. She has the right to get angry on Ram.  He did something he was never supposed to do. After few minutes priya took the phone and switched it off , and walked out of her room.

It was late , at night … winter is slowly wrapping Delhi … Priya stood at the balcony leaning forward to the balcony. She didn’t came out of the room , for a day, so she was not aware of the fact that only few students were there at the hostel. Priya looked around and found the hostel to be dark … to darkest… Priya felt little uncomfortable and walked back to the room. With out thinking much about the incident , Priya slipped inside the duvet … and tried to sleep….

Back , on the road…..

When , ram didn’t received any , delivery report for the sms-es that he was sending to Priya.. he called her… and learnt that Priya chose to switch off her number.. Ram got depressed more.. he became more sure that she will never ever talk with him again … ever in this life. Ram lost his every hope to get Priya …. Dejection engulfed him.. he ignited his car and ignited at the top most along the highway …. He drove to a destination which is not even known to him either…..

Next morning …

 Priya was well awake .. she was lying lazily on her bed.. her eyes were covered with her hand .. and her cheeks are the witness of the trauma that she went through … entire night… Her night went sleepless.. she kept on fighting with her brain and heart .. Her brain said that what ever Ram did to her was wrong .. and her heart couldn’t forget that moment that she shared with Ram. Suddenly she failed to give a proper name to her and Ram’s relationship … She failed to know what her heart feels for Ram. For her Ram was always her best friend … But is that true … Rajat’s words flashed into her mind all through the night ..

Once Rajat said that if someday Ram kisses her even then she will have no problem.. How true he was … Priya don’t have any problem , any complain for Ram , she kept on thinking of that moment , which lasted for seconds only….All through the night ram and the kiss stormed through her mind. When ever she closed her eyes to sleep , Ram came to her mind …….

Priya was lying awake , when there was a knock at the door… She opened it immediately and her guess was true it was the attendant who came to tell her to see the warden as early as possible . Priya wrapped around a shawl and slipping her sandals , she went to the warden’s room.

As priya knocked and asked for permission, the warden in a very hoarse voice asked her to come in. Priya came to know how much the warden was disappointed with her. Before priya could justify , the warden asked Priya not to give her any justification, and handed the receiver of the land line to her. Priya obediently took it and with the first hello from her , she found that her father on line ..

With a deep sigh she kept on listening to her father. Priya was sorry for her odd behavior , tangled in relationships Priya forgot what she was doing. Her father was tensed , and before leaving for Delhi , he decided to follow up with the warden , and got to know about Priya in details. Priya some how managed to convince her father and cancelled his plan to come to Delhi.

Priya stood in silence , after disconnecting the call . She was about to open her mouth , the warden said in a sharp voice , ‘ priya this was not expected from you , You were always a responsible girl . Well , whatever happened was for the first time and you have not broken any rules , so I cannot punish you , but I will suggest you and will expect that you will not do such things in near future and even never.’  Priya nodded back to the warden and was about to leave, when she got informed by the warden that for next two days , the meals will be served at the canteen for both the girls and boys .. because of the less student count.

Priya walked back to the room and first thing she did , is that she turned on her phone and dropped a call to her home , she apologized to her family again ,and after having shower she decided to walk to the canteen for breakfast. She didn’t looked at the sms those were delivered to her inbox by Ram , but she wished to see Ram at breakfast .  But priya was wrong , Ram didn’t turned up for break fast , not even for lunch. Priya was waiting to see him once at least.. But her wait soon turned into restlessness… She wanted to see the sms-es from him , but the relationship she is in , stopped her thousand times.. but how long can a heart be kept un stringed from another .. priya unlocked the phone screen and got to read the smses . Out of 37 msg-es approximately , 30-33 msg-es read only ‘ Sorry ! Maaf kar de. Please priya …’

 And rest of the msg-es read ,

‘will never show you my face….’

Lastly , priya opened up the voice mail box , that showed only one msg in it … she put it in the speaker to listen and Ram’s voice travelled into her ears … and from his voice it was clear how much drunk he was …. Startled priya …. Listened to it carefully and it went something like this …..
‘ Priya .. I promise you , I will never come into your life again … Yes I did committed a mistake . I indulged myself in something , that I should have never done. But let me tell you .. I have done nothing wrong … yes I have done nothing wrong ….   Aur yeh tuje bhi samajh aa hi jayega .. aaj nit oh kal …. But … as I sms-ed you …  I will never show your face again … I am no more for you ,.. priya …’  The voice mail ended …. Priya played it again and again .. and wept badly ….. she slowly was coming out of the tangled situation but , it was hard to accept what she was feeling at heart ….

After collecting herself … Priya called Neha ….

Busy at the camp , neha tried priya’s call many times .. but she got the same result as Ram got … Neha even asked Rajat to call priya , but he denied her for few time first and then he turned his ears deaf to Neha… neha didn’t have any other choice to get a call from Priya … and it happened ….

Neha , received Priya’s call hurryingly .. and thanked the God for her well being ….

‘ where you were Priya !!!’  Neha said , and didn’t let priya speak , ‘ you and ram both were totally gayab , where are you guys ??’

‘ I don’t know Neha .. where ram is …’  Priya wept …

‘ priya …’  neha was surprised !! , she continued , ‘ what happened … tell me Priya !’

Without wasting time , Priya described the whole incident that happened last night … and added , ‘ I should feel bad Neha , I should ! I should not think about it ! I should not see Ram again ever , but … it is opposite here ..  I want to see Ram . I want to talk to him .. I miss him …. I .. Just Miss Him .. why Neha ? why ?? Why I love him ….’  Priya paused when she realized that what she said to Neha … while Neha smiled broad …  

‘ This is why you didn’t felt bad .. priya !! You Love him Duffer and you accepted it unknowingly , and if you really respect your feelings accept it …. and you know what that duffer Ram .. he loves you too .. just accept it baby .. just accept it ! listen to your heart !’  Neha tried to convince Priya ..

‘ But Rajat ! I am committed to him .. I can’t ditch him …’  Priya said ..

‘ Who is asking you to ditch Rajat ! We will tell him together … but don’t ditch yourself by dumping yourself in such a relationship that is not made for you neither for Rajat ! If he was feeling anything bad for you , haven’t he took you to the camp … He is a person who is confused who is jealous .. he needs to know ….’  Neha paused and changed the conversation , ‘ Just leave him .. leave him .. concentrate on What you feel .. What you have for Ram … Priya .. Life is calling you with it’s arms open wide for you .. go for it ! and I know how much that Ram , the ullu , loves you .. If you are that priya with whom I started this journey , who always stood for truth then go and accept what is truth !! Accept your love for Ram …’  neha ended and waited for Priya to talk …

 “ I will ….’  Priya said … neha smiled and sighed in relief . she asked her to find out Ram and also update her about him … Priya disconnected the call and went out locking her room .. It was dinner time , as the dinner was arranged at the canteen , for all the students , it was decided by the college authorities to wrap up the dinner within 9 p.m. Priya went to the canteen at about 8:00 pm . Here eyes searched for Ram , but she didn’t find him anywhere … Priya ate her food in silence ….. She was walking out of the canteen , when she found a girl talking with someone over phone , and her anger knew no boundaries when she over heard that girl … Priya thought that the girl have had a one night stand with Ram … Started and angry priya … looked around for Ram , but he was not there as usual .. But Priya knew .. where he can be , so she decided to take a chance ..

Priya rushed to the parking where Ram used to park his car , and she was right .. ram was there he was walking out of the parking …. And he looked pretty exhausted .. At first Ram didn’t see Priya as he was rubbing his eyes .. Priya took that advantage and she stood infront of him. When ram opened his eyes to walk , he got  shock to see  priya in front of him.  

 ‘ priya Tu … Ram sounded pretty surprised …

‘ yes ! why you will be expecting me .. you must be expecting her right ! with whom you were last night and was sending me those no sense Sms-es and that voice messages right !’  priya frowned ..

‘ Why you are so moved if I was with her ! Yes I was with her.. we meet at Kake’s dhaba last night ! we have had a good time together ! what’s wrong in that and before you frown more let me remind you Priya what I have said you .. It’s over .. this friendship between you and me is over .. I will never come across you from today … from the time I sent you the voice mail … Priya please go ….Leave !!’  ram said and walked back …  priya stood perplexed there .. She just realized the truth of her and Ram’s relationship , but Ram clearly threw him out of his life.. Priya didn’t know what to say …

Priya stepped to the shed and standing by the car she spoke , ‘ Ram .. I respect your decision …  mujhe bhi kuch kehna tha …. Jo meine abhi realize kiya !!  But now that is of no use … Ram it’s over …  kabhi ni ayungi tere zindagi mein … kabhi ni … priya turned to leave …. Before leaving for the final time priya said , ‘ if you don’t stop me today then .. I will never come back ..never Ram … Never ever …’  Priya looked back to Ram , He was standing there with no reaction in , his back was facing her.. priya stood there for a while hoping for Ram to react .. to stop her .. But ram didn’t .. Priya ran out of the place ….. she stopped only when she reached her room… bolting the door she sat on the ground ,,….. priya wept badly ……

 It was almost 11 at the night ….

 Priya ‘s tears dried up on her face , she was sitting on the floor with her head rested on the bed … and she got a sudden a shock as she felt a touch on her head ….. priya repulsed and looked back …. She found Ram there … He stood up with a broad smile … Priya looked at him with shocking and puzzled reaction , and tried to look angry at the same time …

Ram stepped to Priya .. while she took few steps back … Priya’s back hit the wall ,and Ram captured the her ,….. with his hands rested on her side .. priya looked away from him and asked him to go away … and she also reminded him that she has already said him that she will never go back to him…

‘ But .. I can come to you …. I can get you .. I can steal you …..’ ram said ….. , ‘ So I am here .. and I will never let you go … Never …’  Ram came closer to her .. Priya looked at him for the first time …. Ram lowered his eyes and slowly cupped her face … ,  bol kya kehna tha tuje bol ?’  Priya looked down.. Tears trailed down her cheeks … Ram leaned to Priya and kissed away her tears …. It was enough for her to hold her feelings … She hugged Ram …. As tight as she can … Ram held her in his arms and whispered in her ears , what he wanted to tell her from the very first day he saw her , ‘ I love you Priya . I Love You …’  She smiled in his arms and reciprocated back ,  ‘ I love you Ram … I love you ……’  she whispered …

They stood absorbed in each other’s arm .. for next many minutes ….. Suddenly  Priya pushed Ram back and he looked surprisingly at her. He stepped to hug her again but she stopped him immediately .. Ram didn’t stop he again came closer to hug her.. Priya this time slapped Ram . Ram stood stunned !! But when Priya stepped again to hit him , Ram held her hand tight this time… Priya struggled to come out of Ram’s hold but she gave up to his strength. Ram pinned her to the wall and without giving her any chance , he kissed her fiercely …

Ram nibbled along her lips and wanted her to respond. Slowly Priya parted her lips and Ram didn’t missed the chance , he slipped his tongue into her and kissed her possessing completely … Priya wanted to hold Ram , she struggled to get out of Ram’s grip.. Learning it he let her go … His hands travelled to her waist and her back.

Priya , responded back to Ram with the same passion. She didn’t know what made her crave for Ram , so much .. but finally she felt to be at home….They kissed until they felt the need of fresh of Air …. Ram rested  his head on her’s as both of them breathed heavy…. And when he looked at Priya he found her eyes closed … He smiled and whispered to priya asking her to look at him… Slowly , she looked at him…. and found him smiling…

‘go Ram ..’ Priya walked away ….

‘ No I will not !!! I want to talk to you ..  Bahut sari baat karni hain tujse mujhe .. Yaar! Ram tried to held her back again ..

‘ ram this is Girls’ Hostel .. any one can come for checking anytime .. and if they found you here .. I am Gone .. Already I have had got warning from the warden … ‘  Priya couldn’t complete , as Ram pulled her to himself and looked deep into her eyes…

‘ Ram .. leave me !’  priya tried to push back Ram . After several tries when she failed , she gave up and pleaded to him to let her go.

‘ No … Never… Got you after a long fight I can’t let you go … Priya …’ Ram winked to her ..

‘ I also don’t want that either .. but now you go Ram …’  Priya snapped at Ram … , ‘ and I need to think of something …Very Serious !!’

‘ What serious  ! tell me .. I always have had solutions for your problem right … then why not now ??’  Ram turned Priya to him and found her crying .. Worried , he made Priya sit and asked the reason. Priya threw herself into Ram’s embrace and wept badly … after few minutes  she looked at Ram, who was waiting eagerly for her to speak …

Collecting herself , Priya said about her worry , ‘ I am not a good person .. I ditched Rajat ! How will I face him Ram .. Neha was right . I never loved him I always have had an infatuation only for him .. why I did it then .. I didn’t even thought for a while before saying yes to him.. Yes I agree I loved to study with him , I love to hear to his intellects but never loved him .. I took the infatuation as love .. Why why I made such a big mistake !!! I always loved you .. I Love you …..’  

 Ram hugged priya , he knew that Priya is in deep danger , Rajat will not let her go so easily .. but Ram was is and will be there for her with her ….  Ram was in a deep thought to find out a way so that Priya can easily get out of Rajat’s hold .. Tangled in his own thought , Ram stroked smoothly over Priya’s head , holding her firmly in his embrace , telling Priya that he is with her ….

Priya didn’t even felt when she dozed into deep slumber in Ram’s arms .. When Ram found , Priya fast as sleep he scooped her in his arms and deposited  safely on the bed . He kissed her fore head before he stood up .. Looking around he found some sticky notes , he wrote a massage on it and set up an alarm of 5:00 am in priya’s mobile and left …….

Next Morning … 5: am

As set by Ram , the alarm screamed near Priya’s Ears .. She almost jumped out of the Sleep and sat on the bed … When she hurryingly took the phone to snooze off the alarm she found a stick note over the phone screen … Snoozing the alarm she read the message….

‘ It’s our First Date .. will be waiting for you at the parking sharp at 6 .. Don’t be late … Love Ram .’

 Priya smiled a little but whenever Rajat came into her mind , she became restless and wanted to get a solution to get out of the mess created by her only … Stalling her thoughts ,  she went to get fresh .. and about 5: 45 am she reached the parking and to her surprise she found Ram cleaning his Bike .. after ages…

‘ are you taking me in your Bike …’  Priya asked attracting Ram’s attention to herself ..

‘ Yes ! Why you want to go in car .. what ever you wil wish ! your wish is my command ! Madam…’  ram stood up … with grease painted face .. Priya couldn’t stop smiling looking at Ram’s Face…

‘ What !’  he asked little annoyingly …

‘ Your Face !!!’  Priya couldn’t stop laughing …

‘ Priya !!!’  He exclaimed in annoyance …

Priya walked to the young Man and started wiping out the grease from his cheeks and chin , slowly .. They stood really close … Ram can feel her breath on his face. He always waited for Priya to be his only . Last night everything changed between the two .. From Best friends they turned into Lovers … For Priya , ram was always a first priority but …. Some thing changed last night .. which was never there between them..They came closer , they kissed eachother like thirsty birds.. the Proximity among the two changed too……………

‘Stop !’  Ram exclaimed and turned his back to Priya …. He splashed water on his face and cleaned his face , wiping it out with his handkerchief.

‘ Something bothering you ! Is that Rajat and Mine’s relationship ! ‘  priya said , and when Ram turned to her she added , ‘ We only kissed once , he wanted to ..’  Ram didn’t let her continue and pulled her to himself and went to the back side of his car. He stood leaning to the back side of the car in such a way that Priya needed to take his support to stand ….

Ram cupped Priya’s face with his one hand and held her with the other so that Priya don’t fall apart from him… , ‘ Priya I don’t care what ever happened between you and Rajat . I am least bothered about it ! If your one kiss will drive me into deep thought .. then where I stand .. I have dated more than a dozen of girls …’  ram was intervened by Priya …

‘ I also don’t care …’  she gave Ram  a Very quick kiss … Ram smiled and leaned to her to kiss , but she stopped him , and asked him about the girl from last night . Ram scratched his head and made a puppy face to Priya .

‘ Priya .. I am sorry ! I will never ever look at any other Girl after today .. You is and will be the  only girl in my life.’  Ram smiled ………………..

‘ I know !! and I am all yours ..’  Priya looked little worried again … Ram knew very well what made Priya worried again … he Took Priya’s Hand in his and assured her that he will clear up the mess from her life very soon.. Priya smiled after lots of try made by Ram……

Without wasting more time , Ram took his bike out and zoomed out of the College campus , when it was almost 7 in the morning …………….. FOR THEIR FIRST DATE ………..

 So what’s next will Rajat let go Priya so easily from his life … Can Ram clear up the mess from Priya’s Life …  Ram and Priya …. What wait’s for them …. Let’s see !!!! See You in the Next Update very soon !! 


  1. Finally most awaited confession and realisation occur.

    Yippee lastly Priya self realize and this time Neha was not one to tell her. The feeling of love come automatically and for that Ram kiss of love which told the love he is for her.

    The fierce ness in the kiss and the peace ful sleep they got was great feeling but one task to tell Rajat about their relationship is big thing to cover.

  2. Wow its good finally priya realized her love n confessed .. infact both confessed officialy

  3. part 4
    OMG... I can understand why this is ur fev one goes its so so gud yaar can't get enough of this just awesome speechless... the way Ram & Prriya r they feel so real just like as today's world they r simple connectable... awww awesome too gud the way u peened down Priya's feeling on words u just did proper justic to the part very well I must say nothing can be batter the this could... & the passionte kiss of RaYa OMG how can't I compelte my comment without it ohh god the way Priya slapped Ram & then he kiss her later Priya also join her with same passion ... the emotinal support Ram giving to Priya all threw was amezing Ram knows Priya is in big mess wiith Rajat but have faith RaYa won't be seprates now let Rajat play his dirty gam never minds...


Chapter 48 : Enough to be Worse.

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