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Friday, March 31, 2017

Part 7 : The End, the story has just began

The End, the story has just began

The forbidden Line, she has crossed it. Ram should not be cursed for the same. She lied with many blooming thoughts, when it gave up; the emotions ran down her cheeks indicating the guilt. Priya flipped to the other side, paused, carefully she swept out from the bed. Collecting her dress from the floor she stepped to the wash room. Dressed up, then she walked to the terrace, while she was closing the door behind, a little noise was made. Priya looked behind, confirmed, if it made Ram awake or still asleep, affirmed with his unawareness she sat on the Swing there. Curling up her legs she cupped herself in the wooden swing carefully. Her little weight allowed it to be almost still. Everything stormed into her little mind, Rajat, her family, Neha. How they will react, she asked herself repetitively. With storming thoughts of the aftermath, she is concerned of Ram too. But it was too early, isn’t it? she asked herself. Almost jumping off from the swing, she hurried to the corner of the terrace, panting. A weird swirl of thoughts engulfed and tangled her. A sheer shivering hit her, the more she thought the more she addled, unknown to the presence of Ram behind.

“Are You Ok” Softly he asked though, there was a reciprocation of horrible look. He looked worried now. Ram wanted to know her worries, the reasons. “Priya what happened” asked again the man. She zipped her lips, with teary eyes, making him more tensed. “Will you just tell me what happened? Rajat, did he called you?” Ram tremor with the thought of disclosure of their closeness so quick to the boy who needed to be handled, “Did you?” he asked.

“No Ram” Priya screeched, repulsing from him, “I am not mad that I will do that to get myself killed or even worse.” It was Ram’s concern that made him ask her again the reason of concern. With constant denial, he lost the calm now. “God Damn!” he shouted, “I am trying to know the concern and you are in complete denial. Why?” there is a clear sign of Frustration in Ram’s Voice. None of them spoke for moments until one of the phones rang inside the room. “Yours?” Ram asked. Nodding to yes she walked inside, leaving Ram at terrace. The phone kept on ringing, it stopped and within the time needed to redial, it rang again. After it repeated for the third time, Ram walked inside. He found Priya Sitting on the bed pale, with Phone lying loose within her palm. He slipped it out and looked into it. “Talk to him Priya.” He suggested.

“What should I?” She looked up in stress.

“If you will not, it will make him even more predictive.” Ram extended her phone. Priya looked at it for a good few moments, while it continued to ring for fifth and sixth time. After some swallow breathes she took a deep breath and agreed as advice by Ram. But she acted. “Ya Rajat” pretending to be sleepy she started, “Why are you calling me so late?” She was asked about her whereabouts. On which she responded to be at Hostel Room. She did a mistake. A big error that can put her into a big trouble.

“Why are you lying Priya? Where are you? Please tell me. I already admitted that it was my fault. I love you.” Rajat just started, but it made Priya even more nervous. Her attempt to convince Rajat about her to be in hostel, went in vain. In turn, He urged her to meet him downstairs. She went ferocious, “Do I need to prove myself?”She almost shouted, “Do I need to prove that…” She stopped. “Rajat, look I am pretty tried from the last few occurrences that happened to me knowing and unknowing. I need a break, from you from everyone. So Please allow me with some space, till then let it be. I request you.” She sounded humble and looked irritated. She framed up a good actor in herself. The person on the other side of the phone was hurt, but accepted, the last few days has earned him this reaction. He agreed to give her time but it remained in him, Priya didn’t allowed to share. She hung up, switched off the phone and threw it on the bed.

“Priya will you tell me what is bothering you?” Ram knelt to her. She remained silent, “the moment we shared is bothering you?” he asked again. Now she looked up. Her confronted look made him even more confused. “What?” he demanded an answer.

“I am not in a mood speak a single word either.” With a harsh tone she stood to move, she found her wrist clutched within the strong fist of Ram. She fell back on the bed, as she was pulled by Ram. “Now Answer me.” Ram said looking at her with a rage in his eyes. “ I need to know what is happening out there amidst.” Priya sat straight, this time there was no rage, no love, only a state of anxiety prevailed.

She opened up to speak, “What I should say to you and to Rajat?” Her eyes gave up, A little bead of teardrop touched Ram’s hand. He looked up. Within less than a minute, tears trickled down, pain and agony overcastted her. “What should I call myself?” there was a pause, eerie. Hit with a powerful query Ram stood up, knowing where Priya is intending to point. “Tell me Ram.” Priya now demanded. “ I tell you what people will call me. A Whore! Yes A whore.” Ram snapped out at her. “Don’t ever try that” Priya warned, approaching man to her. “ I am double gaming two guys, one whom I love, and other whom I thought to be in love. When you Hug me I find myself in safest arms, When he does I feel like slapping myself. Why don’t you see I am cheating on the other Guy, Openly!” she shouted. He felt deep pain in her cries, but he was not allowed to be the rescuer. “Last few days what we were doing, I don’t blame you for the same, but I blame myself. I always wanted every right over- I thought you are a friend. Those girls around you used to irritate me – I thought you are a friend. I always forced Rajat to call you for Dinner with us, because I wanted you to be with me – I Thought you are just a friend. I smiled with you, laughed with you, cried with you – I thought you were a friend. I felt safe I felt joyous when you are around – I thought you are friend. Just a Friend! I wonder why I didn’t managed my ego to speak up and say Oh yes! I love this Man, not Rajat. The opinionist in me never allowed my heart to accept it. And then was the realization, the sudden one. Why?” Priya broke, she bawled awfully. Fumbling, she said “ What I should be called Ram? What should I be?”

“Priya Please, Look at me” Kneeling down first, he tried to make her look at him, even by sitting by her. Both the times he failed. Nervous he was breathing fast. He had never thought of all these, and surly not even Priya. What ever happened, time played the master stroke. He wanted priya in his life, somewhere he felt Priya also had longing urge for him, time played as stimulus to their feelings. “Priya, look I don’t know…” he gasped, sat there tongue-tied, distraught. “Look!” He now took courage to face her. “Whatever happened was destined to. But I will protect you. I promise.” He sounded unconvincing.

“Please, Let’s go back Ram.” She pleaded. Agreeing with her, no other such option left and informing his uncle, they left for their college almost in the middle of the night. With No traffic, his SUV buzzed through the deserted road, with indifferent speed. The whole journey back to the College campus remained silent, neither of the two uttered a single word. While Ram concentrated on driving, Priya chose to keep herself content with the playlist. About Dawn, they were just about to reach the college campus, when priya stopped Ram. With the SUV coming to the halt, she left the car, surprising Ram. Before he could ask, Priya indicatively requested Ram to leave and avoided any argument further. With a shawl, from Ram’s Aunt’s shelf, draped around she walked with baby steps towards the college campus about 500 meters from there. She can find many students of different years of different trades scattered over there around, she avoided any eye contact and walked in peace. Where as Ram chose to drive back to dhaba to find solace.

While Priya walked back, she chalked out a lie for the warden, and this time she was sure to convince her because, it was common in those three days to be out from hostel at night. About half an hour later, she was at the hostel gate, luckily there was no one around, neither the warden nor any teacher or professor. Only the security guard was there, who was easily manageable. Like a criminal she walked almost un-noticed to her room and there her lucky deprived.

 She searched for the key in her jacket pocket, tried to remember if she has taken it with her or left it with the warden, before she left. After few failed attempts, impatience conquer. She gave up and walked back to the ground floor for the keys. Her fate meet the disaster she never thought of even. Behind her the warden came out screaming over the boys, when she was unknown to the fact their culprit stood just there, Priya.

Priya got the glimpse of the SUV, she just rode back in. It was almost ruined, the glass shield, hung like torn off paper. The dents on the door were fresh and infornt of her lied almost dead Ram, badly bitten up by Rajat and his gang.


Black!!! She sat amidst dark in her room, sweating badly, every time she come across this dream, once reality, it pulls her back on the past, a past that changed her, made her an emotionless bugger, which she prefers to call herself. “What is happening Priya, not again, it’s over that day why you are thinking of it again?” She checked the time, which read 10 minutes to 5. Preferring not to continue her sleep, she walked downstairs to the study that belongs to her. Throwing herself on the bean bag she looked around. Her smiling pictures from different events adored the wall gracefully. She stopped and stared at a Picture where she stands with her father mother and the man who shaped her up, her God Father.

This Priya is different, not like that one in 20s. She used to cry, an ultracrepidarian. After 12 years she has shaped herself from vulnerable to extreme resilient.  Successful in what she learned in starting years from her God Father, the only person who knows the reason behind her not so appropriate step taken years back. Few tight slaps from him and a life changing lesson made her what she is today, but somewhere she finds herself trapped in his thoughts, in the love that she had for him may be still it prevails. Priya took a deep breath. “priya priya priya” she scolded herself, “What is wrong with you? Concentrate.”

“Priya.” Her mother called.

Haan!” her response was pretty quick.

Kya hua..why you are here that also in this time. Isnt it bit early?” Shipra her mother sat by her, “Everything is fine naa beta?”

“Yes Mom.” Priya stood up and double tapped on her I pad and opened the scheduler to go through a quick look of the appointments she had for next three days.” One of which from the third day she checked for the millionth time, what she should expect out of it, may be that one scheduled appointments has pushed her to think about the past again.

“Priya I am asking you something” Shipra’s tone changed to scolding this time.

“Nothing maa.” Priya looked back, “It is just the stress. Nothing else Trust me.”

“Trust and you? How many times I asked you not to drive, jotshiji ne kya kaha tha yaad hain tuje.” Shipra seemed to be annoying as usual.

“Maa Not again that jotshi and all that crap. I am driving for 9 years and not a single scratch till date and please don’t start that crap about the remedies and also no marriage thing.” Priya warned her mother.

Haan kyun sunogi tum meri baat bahut badi saksiyat ban gayi ho naa..” Shipra tried to show that she is hurt and weeping.

“This time I am not getting trapped!” Priya now went to her study table and sat with her laptop on. “and Maa please complete your sleep else you will end on complaining about the dark circles to papa and I am going back to sleep, Toh thoda kaam kar lu mein.  I have my biggest deal to crack in two days.”

Shipra not at all pleased with her daughter and her attitude, decided to leave and thought to tell everything to Jayesh.

“And don’t think of that!” Priya teased her mother, “Don’t you dare to tell anything to Jayesh Uncle. I tell you. Else I will tell Papa about your all bad habits.”

“You are blackmailing your mother! How rude?”

Aap hi se shikha hain maa  Everything is fair in love and war.” Priya awkwardly smile. With No other option left she left from the room. Priya at last seated lone in her study, and after being confirmed about her mother to be in her bed room and no one around, she typed on the Google “Ram Kapoor, Industrialist” Smiling picture of the man she loved years back flashed on the LCD screen. She started to swipe from one Picture to another and one of his picture with a girl, extremely hot and sexy atleast more than her caught her eyes, especially the quoted text underneath it, as google images used to show, compelling the reader to click on the link to read more further. She was not an exception either.

“Rumored Girlfriend!” she read, “Interesting.” She closed the tab and continue to look at the other picture she found on the search engine.

Twelve Years has passed away, since that day, when the world turned upside down for Priya. She can never forget that day nor she could forgive Ram and herself for what ever happened. Though Rajat ruined her but she always thanked him from the core of her heart. He was reason behind her success and Ram, whom she trusted blew her with the utter surprise. She considers herself to be most luckiest person on the earth. What if Jayesh Rawat was not there in her life, what if he has not rescued her on the right time, she would have ended on a photo frame hanging at a corner with no one to remember her other than her mom dad. Her parents, would they able to cope with her loss? When ever she thinks about her that drastic step to end herself, she curse her zillionth time. Ram Kapoor the Oxford return business man, the apt successor of Mr Amarnath Kapoor, the elder son of the Kapoor Clan. After Twelve years, thanks to the recent friendship that brewed up between Jayesh Rawat and Amarnath Kapoor, Priya and Ram will be again sitting opposite to each other. While Priya has every Update about Ram, does he had the same? Had he ever tried to find her out. Priya stopped thinking. She knew more she will be thinking about him, more she will sink. The only weakness she had in her life, which she tried to throw out, through counseling, meditation and many more methods, but nothing worked, not even for a second. Priya looked at the Picture that hanged just behind her, the four persons starting from left can be identified as Sudheer Sharma, her father, Shipra Sharma, her mother, Jayesh Rawat, the man who kept her going, her God Father, childhood friend of Sudheer Sharma and lastly, she draped in black business suit, cat eye glasses sitting with her legs crossed over, and hands lying on her lap perfectly. The smile she was wearing perfectly matched. That was from the time when she was accepted as the CEO of the company by the board members. When people choose to run away from the city that snatches everything out from one, she decided to conquer it will pride. Now she is one of the prominent names of Delhi, in the IT solutions company.

Her thoughts broke , she scolded her for distracting thoughts. With the clock showing the time as 5:45 am, she decided to do a final check with the appointments for the day. She allowed herself to the kitchen and stood on the kitchen table. Her position, her success never gone to her head. She always respects from where she started. She care freely sipped her coffee, looking through the window that allowed her to observe the darkness slowly gulped away by the dawn.

“Sorry Ma’am” one of the cook looked down finding Priya there.

“Are you new here?” Priya asked.

“No Ma’am working here for three months almost.” That boy replied.

“Did I tell you that no one calls me Ma’am here at home. If not then for the last time I am saying you never call me Ma’am, Didi call me didi. Okay.” Priya sat there sipping her coffee.

“Okay.. Ma..”he corrected, “Didi”

“Good and now you continue your work, assume I am not here.” Priya sat there. The boy started his day with utter nervousness and the mistress sitting there, engulfed in her own thoughts , but for him an observer for his works. He tried to be perfect in his work. But it didn’t last long.

“Priya..” This time her father came in calling her.

“good Morning Papa.” Priya stood up.

“Where are you and where is your phone? Jayesh is trying you since when. Talk to him.” Sudheer extended his phone to her.

“Good Morning Uncle.” Priya greeted. Her expression changed as the other person spoke from the other side. “But Uncle how can it be possible? I am going to Noida today I had prior appointment with the client and it’s important you know. Even if I get ready to meet them what about my team, they need time, Maya and Rajesh are back from Chennai yesterday only and I cant put such monstrous pressure on them, with the last minute change.”

“Priya Listen.” Jayesh raised his voice, “ They are coming to Drsithi’s Marriage where we are also going. Remember?”

“Ya.” Priya said.

“That’s it. I took the chance and asked Amarnath to visit us. Before starting the professional tie ups I thought to have some family time. I know them pretty well and Sudheer and Shipra, if they also get to know them, do you getting what I am trying to say.” Jayesh waited for her reply.

“Okay. But I will be not there. I have to go.” Priya again said.

“Do one thing complete that meeting and reach back home. Dristhi’s Sangeet is also today and you must attend it beta. And this is no request, this is an order. Got it.” Instructively Jayesh asked.

“Yes sir.”

“That’s like a good girl. Jara Sudheer ko phone dena.”

“Papa.. Uncle wants to speak to you.”  Priya walked out handing the phone to him.  On her way she met her mother who denied to speak to her. She smiled and walked to her room and knew how to make her mother smile. Just when she was about to enter the room, from the door Priya shouted, “Maa didn’t papa said you today you are looking too sexy!” She closed the door right after it. Shipra downstairs smiled, “Badmash ladki.”  Priya also walked to the changing room with a wide spread smile. But the pain that she learnt to hide behind the smile was almost forgotten by everyone, even her parents.


Almost at the same time at Mumbai Airport. Ram and his family checked in and waited in lounge for their flight.

“Bauji..” Ram started the conversation, “ Is it a good idea to outsource the complete customer and tech support?”

“Ram, what do you know about that company or Jayesh or Priya?” Amarnath Kapoor his father scolded. “Neither you nor your brother Rishab are aware of anything about India. I expected some from you but when with your whimsical mind you dropped out the college and went to USA for studies I left my hope to get you back in business. Priya is a big name in this sector and your father has some knowledge in business I guess. Isn’t it?” the elderly man was very offended.

“I am sorry Bauji. It is very true other than her name I don’t know anything about her. I didn’t showed any interest.” Ram like a kid defended his point.

“Then better you show your concern after meeting her and this is technically your first deal don’t mess it up please. I have a reputation to protect.” Amarnath Kapoor was not at all pleased with either of his son that was clear from his voice.

Arey yahan bhi kaam aur yahan bhi dant rahe hain app Ram ko. This is not fair.” Ram’s mother Krishna Kapoor came into rescue.

“Your two gem sons, one at last came back to take over the business and I don’t know what made him do so and other serving other leaving this empire behind. This is for I built this empire. Firangi baan chuke hain dono ke dono. Kisi din lad sahib na bole koi firangi mem le ana hain bahu bana ke.”  Amarnath continued to vent out his frustration.

“I am not going to do any such thing. Rather…” Ram was prevented to speak further by her mother.
“Please stop this.” Krishna Kapoor pleaded to her husband, “and you too Ram. If your father has decided something it is for company’s good and our good. Though I don’t understand much about business but I have never seen anyone be it his business partners or employees to regret for any decision he has taken. So stop this.”

Ram agreed and sat back, and with his luck on his side, the announcement for their flight to Delhi was made. In the first class after his parents took their seats, he comforted himself in his. Pulling out his wallet he looked at the photo that was still there, the only person he loved more than anything else. He remembered her dull face when she was taken to the hospital and when he at last had the courage to face her, her family he was informed by Vikram that she has been taken away by her family. After 12 years, when he is back to his Casanova life, another girl named Priya is going to bump into his life so what if she comes out to be a contrast to his Priya. He never had any queries about his father’s business skills, but he has a problem to work with a woman who’s name is Priya. Even two three times he wanted to share this with Vikram, who just welcomed his second baby to the world, tried to google about the lady but his guilt stopped him everytime from doing so. He closed his eyes and tried to gather his mind at a place.

In the 2 hours and some minutes flight Ram spend it whole either by watching the movies available or eating or flirting with the air hostess like a gentleman, because he never wanted his father to know about his habit.


At the Delhi Airport, Jayesh was there to receive his friend and his family. Amarnath introduced his just US returned son, Ram to him.

“So Young man you are going to deal with Priya. Welcome to our city.” Jayesh greeted him.

Ram looked around, how he hated that city, no one other than Vikram knows that. The city that snatched away everything from him. Every happiness, just when he was trying to be a real man, he was being thrown down from the edge of the cliff. He hates this city.

“Ram..” Jayesh called by his name, he came out of his thoughts. “Are you okay?” he asked. Ram smiled to distract. “So Amarnath what is the plan, no hotel business you are staying at my home, and Shipra, Sudher’s wife she has insisted me to take you all there for lunch. Even she was calling few minutes ago.” Jayesh’s phone rang, “Lo usi ka call hain.. Haan Shipra.” He took the call, “Yes they are here, I am taking them home as discussed and then I will bring them there for lunch.” Jayesh asked Krishna ji if she can speak to Shipra who expressed her willingness to speak. Krishna Kapoor spoke to Shipra and assured to visit her on lunch though she insisted her to keep the lunch simple.


Dressed up in casuals Ram sat on the rocking chair, at the open space, just beside the lawn. His flip flops lied aside as he rocked. Presence of his parents and the host didn’t let him express the unwillingness to visit the place where so called othe Priya belongs. He is not at all convinced to meet the person with the name of his love, but not her. But he has no other option left with him, he has managed to annoy his father to the extreme just few hours back, aftermath of which still prevailed in the body language of the elderly man. He didn’t want to mess it up.

Ram, seated on the front seat by the driver, found this Delhi to be changed from what it used to be when he was there, for a brief period of time. “Delhi has changed a lot” he expressed his astonishment.

“You have been here early? Holiday?” Jayesh asked.

“Not Holiday Jayesh” Ram’s father snapped, “ my son has a great quality of experimenting things a lot.” Amarnath Kapoor was stopped by his wife.

“Please don’t drag those days Ram doesn’t like to speak or hear about it. Please.” She pleaded and her wish was granted. Jayesh didn’t want to interfere in the family matter choose to distract the matter otherwise.

“Well Priya will join us in the evening. She is in Noida, actually she had prior appointments and since she had taken as the CEO, my job is only to guide her. You know Amarnath kuch karne nahi deti  and after my bypass surgery she almost banned me from office. After a hell fight she agreed to allow me at office only with the condition no travel no hectic schedules only executive advices and orders.” Jayesh laughed.

“She cares for you much. So what you have not married, bitiyan mil gayi hain tumhe.” Amarnath considered Jayesh to be a lucky fellow. “I wish I had a daughter, Hain naa Krishna?”

“so what we don’t have a daughter our daughters in law will be our daughters.” Krishna Kapoor defended.

“Daughters in Law? Firangi mem.. forget it.” Amarnath snapped out at Ram.  He wanted to speak but he preferred to keep mum.

“Look Amarnath, betiyan ho ya bĂȘte they are our soul and if they anytime do any mistake we can at least give them a chance to forget and do good in life. At least I belief in that.” Jayesh said.

“ I am actually having two enormously talented sons Jayesh I tell you , who can do wonders in their life, but one who has agreed to come back to India and try to do business for one time and if he likes it he will think of continuing and other one not at all interested in it. You tell me for whom all the life I worked and in this age my sons, my successors wants me to continue working. My pain is in that part only.” Amarnath vented off.

“Bauji I told you I will try my level best to take over business and Rishab he will also come back, baccha hain abhi jeene dijiye usko apna life and then he will also join the business.” Ram tried to sort out the situation. “Trust me Bauji. I am here to be with you not for any experimenting business.” Amarnath sighed deep as he leaned back to the seat.

Almost after 10 minutes the car zoomed into a villa. It halted just infornt of the main door where Shipra and Sudheer waited for their welcome. Jayesh introduced the Kapoor family to the Sharma family and knowing the name of this Priya to be Priya Sharma, Ram’s heart started beating fast for the very first time. Is it just a coincidence or is it her. But how can it be she? He asked himself. Priya hardly knew anything about business neither she had any interest in it. Burdened under his own thoughts Ram took baby steps delaying his fate to face the truth, to the hall. He got the shock of his life, when the picture hanging right infront of him got clearly visible to him. His phone slipped off from his hand. It was her, after twelve years he will be facing that girl whom he still loves. He wanted to ran away, scream out her name, he wanted to find her hug her tight in his arms and tell her how much he longed for her.

“What happened beta?” Sudheer asked Ram taking him out of his thoughts. Sudheer looked to the way Ram was looking, he answered the unasked query, “Priya..meri beti,  Priya.”

A confused and startled ram tried to engage himself in the familiar talks, but his eyes were searching for Priya, he wanted to see her in person, how she looks like now, does she has any idea about with whom she is going to do business, will she agree to do business with Kapoor industries after knowing his presence and most importantly she wanted to know, “Does she loves him still?” Even in the dining table Ram finished his lunch almost keeping silent. He checked his watch and looked to the door expecting Priya to walk inside anytime. But till 4 in the evening there was no stress of Priya around.

It was almost 4.30 pm when a help came inside informing Shipra that Priya is back.

aaj ane do iss ladki ko.” Shipra looked furious.

Kya kar diya iss ne abb?” Jayesh asked.

Bhai sahib jotishiji ne kya kaha tha, Shaadi hone tak yeh ladki gari se door rahe,Sunti kaha hain meri. Shaadi toh yeh karegi nahi aur gariyon se bhi door rehegi ni…”  Shipra found Priya walking inside. She was talking to someone, giving instructions. The presence of the guests made her drop the call and she paced up to them.

“There she is” Jayesh stood up.

“Amanath.. This is Priya.” Jayesh formally introduced Priya to the Kapoors.

Namestein uncle.” She touched both the Kapoor elders feet after greeting them.
“And this is Ram, Ram Kapoor..” Jayesh said.

Many memories ran inside, from good to bad to worst. Once upon a time couple stood face to face again after 12 years. Priya was ready for this moment, she has tamed her heart and brain to react and behave normally, but Ram was not ready for this. It was unexpected, this Priya is completely different from his Priya. His feelings  were brutally killed when Priya spoke to introduce herself.

“Hi.. I am Priya .. Priya Sharma.” She extended her hand for a shook. Ram looked at him scrutinizing her from top to bottom, what she has done to herself he wanted to scream, but that was neither the place nor the time to react. He controlled himself.

“Nice to meet you. “ He reverted back. Priya took away her hand, and smiled.

Aap log baithiye mein change karke aati hoon” priya was about to leave when she was asked to stop by her mother.

Galati ho gayi maa.” Priya didn’t give Shipra any chance to speak.

Kab shudregi tu.  What you are asked not to do, you will repeatedly do that. I am fade up with you Priya.” Shipra sounded dejected.

“9 Years maa. Since then I am driving, Not a single scratch my car got and you are worried about what that astrologer said. Kuch hona hota naa toh kab ka ho gaya hota So chill my beautiful mother and you will go with such a horrible expression to Dristhi’s Sangeet? Mom ..” Now priya came little closer and whispered “Kuch Sexy sa pehna.” Making her mother laugh. She took permission and left to change.

When there was no reaction from Priya’s end spotting Ram after such a long time, Ram stood there unrecovered from the aftershock of the unexpected meeting. Krishna Kapoor also asked for permission to leave.

“We need to get ready for the Sangeet. Milte hain udhar hi Amarnath said briefing a hug to Sudheer. The Sharma family see the Kapoor Family off. While Ram tried to figure out the whole incident that took place, at the same time Priya remained unmoved even after meeting Ram. While Ram didn’t know how to react what to expect, Priya was pretty sure of her every move.

What stored in their fate next and what happened there at the college 12 years ago, that compelled Ram and Priya to fall apart. How Priya became such a powerful personality, when she was the most vulnerable one in the college unsure of everything. Why Ram went off to USA? Why he still had PRiya’s picture stored safe in his purse. In all these six chapters there was no mention of Priya’s family in detailed, neither Ram nor Priya has meet their respective families. What will happen when the two lovers will seat across in their professional roles, who will surrender first Ram or Priya? There is lots to answer.

Lastly this must be reminded to everyone of you reading “Love is endless. It remains even if the person we love walks away.” The story never began the story has just began.

Sunday, March 26, 2017

NOTE - Love You Endlessly


Love You Endlessly what a beautiful phrase! Isn’t it? At the same time a deep pain is blanketed inside. So, my readers if you think I am going to deliver a beautiful lovely love story with twists and turns ,I warn all those, reading this story keeping all beautiful thoughts in mind is a pretty bad idea. 

For all those who love to read the ups and down in a story expecting something surreal beautiful in the end, I will hung that idea right there at the ceiling and murder it, which will look like a suicide. 

So, if you continue to read, read it with your own risk, that awaits.

Don’t blame me, I warned you in advance for the avalanche.    

Very Cunningly ,

Friday, March 10, 2017

Part 6


Sometimes, it becomes very tough to be happy , when you know , danger is waiting ahead. Neha has come across a man , Rajat who was dejected guilt ridden was waiting to apologize to his girl.. She always wanted Ram and Priya to be together. But she couldn’t smile , she couldn’t express her happiness for the couple. Neha hugged Priya , who was still weeping in her arms , she consoled her.

Stroking softly along her hairs , Neha spoke , ‘Hey Priya why you are crying .. you have done what your heart wanted you to do … and I am sure you will never hurt Ram .. and neither he will do the same.. Priya cheer up .. but I will suggest one thing to both of you , tell Rajat the truth .. and he also should accept what is destined to be. He have to accept the truth…’

Priya looked to Neha , while she continued , Dekh ,  It happens many time in our life that we fail to choose one between the many … yes .. Don’t feel that you have done something horrible. I know after this you will be a cheater to many person , you will go into bad books of many people , but Priya , if we sit back , and care to please every person , whom we will across , then sorry priya , we will loose our credibility…’  Neha spoke like a grown up matured person , ‘Priya , I believe that you cannot do anything wrong , neither do Ram.. but if you are up to please every person , coming across your life then sorry to say you have to be the most fake person in your life .. Listen to your heart and if you are right then go with it .. don’t think what others will feel for it ….’  Neha waited for priya’s response …

‘ You are right neha … very right .. I was a dumb that I was thinking of what Rajat will think of me , what others who knew that I and Rajat were together will think about me , I should think about Ram and me only … We are meant to be . I don’t think I should allow anyone to come between us …’  Priya sounded very determined …

‘That’s like a brave girl …’  Neha hugged Priya …, ‘ And now get ready and go to class .. or else you will be late … our dean is very cruel you know. He has announced sudden exams and to make our life hell , he has announced it just after the college festival .. @#$% !!!’  Neha shouted out of her frustration .. ..

“So who is the guest this time … The big bosses must have decided , taking it out from the hands to the cultural secretary …’  Priya said wiping out her tears , as she walked towards the closet to get her apparel for the day.

‘Who said ?? that little bitch… made all this plans to harass us …’  Neha cursed the GS a thousand deaths , ‘What is the problem you know .. It’s the senior junior clash ! I will definitely stand for the elections this year… I will not let that bitch rule us for another year till she don’t pass out ..’

‘You know there is a restriction … We are still not eligible for the same ..’  Priya was intervened .. , Neha rose her voice to the topmost … ‘ Can’t there be amendment in rules … And what is the necessity of the rule which only allows your life to be sucked !!!!’

‘Neha get ready.. or you all trippers are allowed to miss today’s class …?’  Priya asked opening the door.. before leaving for the wash room , she looked back .. for response from Neha.

“ohooo … Do you think he is so much kind … double @#$% him … Predator he is .. That’s it !! I will be going like this only exhausted … and will sleep at class … Dekh lena … neend nahi bhi ayi naa tab bhi ..’  Neha was really in a bad mood …  Priya smiled and walked away to the wash room …

Neha and Priya walked out of the girls hostel , Priya was busy in talking with Ram who was asked her to meet him , by the garage .. and while she walked away , Neha smiled and thought that she have had thought wrong about Rajat , if he was really guilty , he would have turned up once to Priya and try to speak out his heart .. But he has done nothing  to get back priya .. She smiled…

Priya walked to the garage .., she even didn’t have to call Ram , he pulled her to himself … ‘ I missed you …’  He whispered as Priya nested in his arms..

‘ don’t be so romantic …’  Priya immediately pushed him away , ‘ And tell me, if you are coming with me today for classes or not ?’

‘Priya you know I am suspended for seven days and it is not over .. I can’t come for classes but yes I can go to the library , to the college building … but I will not be there with you in the classes for first few days .. but ..’  Ram stopped and allowed priya to speak…

‘ that’s it I am also not going for the classes .. without you I am going no where ..’   Priya was adamant…

“Priya listen to me .. Listen to me …’  Ram tried to make Priya listen to him , He cupped her face. ‘Baby listen to me ..please try and understand , this not a joke .. Why you will miss classes for me ?’  Priya still remained unconvinced..  ‘Okay then tell me , if you will not attain the classes then how the hell I will get the notes .. of these seven days , how will I get the updates about the assignments ? and more over I am promising you na , that I will  be there , around you only…please baby attain the classes if not for you but for me .. please …’  Ram pleaded this time ..

Priya looked at Ram , she found him pleading. She can’t deny him, and agreed to attain the classes for the day. Ram accompanied her till the departmental building. Noticing few professors , who were responsible to suspend him , He asked priya to walk alone to the class room….. Little disappointed , and very unwontedly Priya walked into the classroom.  

Her eyes popped out of the shells , as she found Rajat on his knees with a bouquet of red roses .. with his heads down , he held the bouquet stretched out to her. Their classmates around are cheered up when Rajat spoke … ‘Priya .. please forgive me.. this time .. Baby I am sorry… Will you be mine …’

Few whispers from around , quoting Rajat to be, very romantic and sweet .. But Priya’s eyes searched Ram .. She hoped for the professor to come soon…. But she was damn unlucky in both the cases.. She knew Ram was not near her , and even more shock came when Priya came to know about the professor, who announced to be late.

‘ Rajat’  She scolded ..  , ‘What you are doing ? Why you are doing ? Please Rajat stop all this ..Please..’  She stepped back from him ..

‘priya I know you are angry with me .. You want to shout at me , be mad over me .. hit me , scold me .. do anything with me .. but forgive me.. Please baby … Please…’ Rajat pleaded … he was still on his knees..

‘ Pleae Rajat .. don’t do this . I am not angry with you , neither I am mad over you .. So please stop all this .. Please I beg..’ Priya said looking all around ..

“Come one Priya don’t be a spoil sport .. how sweet he is .. accept him He is such a sweet heart come on Priya ..Be Brave..’  few girls called out loud…  Priya hoped for Ram to come into rescue.. but when she found herself trapped and also found the students cheering up Rajat to propose her with more confidence , Priya lost her and patience and ran out of the class as fast as she could ,,, Rajat called her loud , taking her name , but she turned her ears deaf to the world and Ran , heading no where ..

Priya suddenly felt a pull , she tripled and fell in Ram’s strong arm.. After shouting “Leave!!’  She looked up and found Ram .. Priya felt safe. Clinging to the man , she wept. She held his T shirt as tight as she can. Ram sensed something wrong happened with his love … Before he could ask her for an explanation, he found Rajat’s voice travelling near them. Priya’s held Ram more tighter , trying to hide herself in his embrace. From her , reaction , it was clear that she was trying to hide from Rajat …

Ram , knowing Rajat, is nearing them Pinned Priya to the wall , and hugged her covering her under his physique. ‘ Sorry Baby …bear with me..’  He whispered before , he kissed her publicly.  Ram absorbed her in his essence. Though Priya lost her senses with the sudden attack , but Ram was aware of the surroundings .. what he was doing.

The footsteps , stopped just behind them and Rajat exclaimed , ‘Raam….’ Ram winced his face , taking off his lips from her’s he hugged her again.. He turned his ears deaf to Rajat , and tried to divert him from the place.. Rajat was blabbering behind him , but he least bothered about the same…  After few more seconds , rajat left the place , in his search for Priya …

Coming apart from Priya , he made sure that Rajat was no where near them.. Fisting Priya’s wrist , his pulled her towards the roof. He carefully led Priya to the topmost part of the college building , They sat there in silence for next many minutes. Rather ram , gave time to Priya to settle down. When he felt that Priya can speak about Rajat … He asked her to brief , about her nervousness….

‘Ram …’  She started , ‘ He proposed me , infront, of all … right in the middle of the class…’ Priya wept again , and she described what happened with her in the class… Ram also felt uncomfortable after getting the whole knowledge ………

“See … what I said .. I was feeling that something wrong will happen .. and it happened. Rajat is mad Ram , I spend seven months with him Ram. I want to keep myself away from him… especially when you are not around me..’  Priya snorted.

Ram , remained silent in his reply…  which made , Priya more impatient. ‘Will you speak out something??’  Priya shouted … Ram snapped at Priya and gave a cold stare, ‘ I am not deaf .. !’  He sounded unpleased , ‘I am hearing you .. I noticed you and I know how much in trouble you are… and god damn I am trying to think what we should do next ..’  

‘ what we should do Ram , we must tell him everything right away.. I can’t double time… and I can’t ditch you … I am not a @#$%! .. that I will…’  Priya paused , in frustration , she added , ‘ I Love You Ram … and I want to be with you …’

‘I know baby …. I know..’  Ram took out his phone , and found Neha’s number on the display screen…

‘Yes Neha ..’  ram addressed

“where the hell you and Priya are?’  She asked impatiently … , ‘Meet me right now at the garage .. and take Priya along …’ She directed.. and before Ram could reply , Neha dropped the line…..  

‘Neha is calling us at the garage’  He stood up , dusting his jeans , ‘ And she is little tensed ….’

‘But what about Rajat , Ram we should come to a firm decision about him …’  Priya was sounding tensed to the extreme…

‘Neha is the only person who knows everything about us , no one else knows the same .. so she can suggest us accordingly. We should meet her immediately ..’  He extended his hand to Priya , and helped her to come down , ‘ And after I escort you out from the fourth floor , we will head separately to the Garage …’  

‘Are you ashamed of me .. Ram …’  Priya asked suddenly..

‘Ah ! Priya . Please don’t start like a typical women now… I am asking you to come alone , because I care for you .. not because I am ashamed of you .. Why don’t you understand , This time rajat is vulnerable , we have to get him aware of the reality. Slowly.’  Ram held Priya in his arms , ‘ and when the right time will come I will accept you in front of every one .. I am not afraid of any one .. But I am concerned for you … I am protective towards you.. This is not going to be easy . We are going to have a tough time ahead .. I want you to be safe… Please baby try and understand please baby …’  Ram pleaded…

‘Okay …’  Priya agreed …

‘Good .. come’  entwining his hands with her’s Ram walked  towards the stairs. He stood like a protective shield to Priya and escorted her to the fourth floor. Before he left her alone , he gave a firm smile to her. She smiled boldly…  

In the garage …

 Neha was waiting for Rama nd Priya, very restlessly she was pacing up and down in the gravel road… She was looking much tensed … but the moment her eyes were meeting Rajat she tried to smile…  Rajat was nervously shaking his legs seated on the hood of Ram’s car . He was sweating badly, and almost jumped off from the car , as he saw Ram heading to the garage..

‘ Priya is not with you ??’  he asked directly to him ..

‘What ???’  Ram exclaimed … , ‘ how do I will know about her .. but yes I meet her when she was going for her classes , and then …’  Ram looked at Rajat , who jumped from the car hood …. , ‘ And then I meet someone , who kept me busy all this time …’

‘Ram , I know that .. I saw you there. But I think ; you have not even bothered that I was calling you ..’ Rajat added , ‘ Ram , but you always used to know where Priya used to be.. Call her once … I am scared . Meine jo kiya after that …’   rajat leaned back to the car ..

‘ rajat o told you na , I just spoke to Priya and she is coming here … Don’t get so tensed ..’  Neha consoled Rajat , and snapped at Ram ..

‘There she is !’  Ram pointed to distance, to Priya who was walking down to the place… Next minute Priya stood by Neha and snapped at Rajat in anger ,  she was not happy with the presence of forth person in the garage.

‘Neha I am bit busy , with some personal works if you really have something serious stuff to share with , please go ahead or else excuse me …’  Priya was rude …

‘ Priya why you are behaving so rudely Priya .. I want to clear up the mess …. And you are ..’  rajat rose his voice , when he felt that he was losing his patience , he stepped back , ‘ sorry ..’

‘Ho gaya….This is what you are .. what you can do … First you will mess it up and then you want me to accept your apology .. That what you are , and please I am not in a mood to talk to you …’  Priya stood showing her back to Rajat …. Silence prevailed for few more minutes , and then Rajat decided to walk away….

‘What the ……………’  Neha turned Priya to herself , when Rajat was not in scene anymore , ‘And you Ram .. If you love her then why can’t you accept the same … doesn’t she deserve it ..’  without letting , ram to answer , Neha swiftly turned to Priya , ‘ And you I know you don’t have any reason to go for a patch up with him , but which pervert will not love , if her boyfriend bows down in front of everyone .. be a brave girl priya go and tell him every thing …’  neha stood there snapping a disgusting look on both Ram and priya , ‘before he , himself comes to know about you two …’

‘ I was talking about the same to Ram .. but …’  priya stopped as Ram intervened …

‘ And I said , will say again . this is not the right time .. Rajat is vulnerable .. I don’t know how he will react to it .. and Neha I am not at all afraid to declare my emotions for Priya , if the time would have been right .. then I would have shouted it from the roof top .. That much I love her .. and crazy about her .. That Priya knows better than any one else though…’  ram stood back , ‘ and there is not question of deserving .. She is meant for me ..that’s it …but this is not the right time …’

‘ I know it is not right time ! But ram how long can it be hidden .. and aise chup chup ke milna ..  You two are in love you two have not committed any crime .. and Ram just be a man and accept your love for Priya …. ‘  neha commanded

“when it will the time … I WILL .. Now take her to the hostel , or festival preparations … Let me with the gang …’  ram walked away , briefing a hug to Priya …

Next two days passed away in the preparations of the sudden festival declared by the organizing committee and the management … The days and night passed away so fast in the preparation , that Rama nd priya got mere chances to meet , they used to meet once while they used to part for their respective hostels . At the same time , Priya neglected Rajat completely with the excuse of being busy in festival preparations.

Festive night …. -------------------------------------------
After few mind blasting performances , by the students of the college; the host for the night occupied the stage with the charm again … He quickly , announced the academic excellence awards , and extra curricular awards , He announced the ‘Lovers Walk’  ---- Lover’s walk , is a ritual, where the college mates used to make the students of 2nd to 4th year  walk on the ramp .. to get them pronounced as official couple …’

One after other , the host announced the names of the couples of the college … and before Priya could escape , the host announced Rajat and Priya’s name … Like sudden shock , priya froze to her place.. her ears got blocked with applause from the crowd. Her eyes tried to find Ram , but she found rajat instead. He with a smile took her hand on his. Priya lost her senses, with the happening around , she walked where Rajat took her .

Wrapping his hand around her waist , rajat pulled Priya close to himself , He whispered , ‘ I love you..’  to Priya , cocking her head to Priya she found him smiling …. As they started walking , Priya looked straight. While Rajat waved to the crowd accepting the applaud , Priya’s eyes got fixed at Ram. His eyes were red in anger and watery at the same time … He couldn’t watch them anymore , failing to stand there , he walked away pushing the crowd aside …

As rajat and she came down , Rajat stepped to hug her. The loud music restricted Priya’s raised voice to rajat only , ‘STOP IT !!!’ Priya repeated ,stamping her feet on the ground , ‘ rajat .. why you did all this … can’t you stop humiliating me … was it necessary .. like really …. You know I don’t like all these and jaha tak mein janti hoon you don’t liked all these either … tuje kaha se interest aa gaya inn sab mein ..’ ….  Priya started to walk away ..

Rajat tried to stop her , he wanted to speak to her , but priya neglected him completely and wanted to find Ram immediately . She walked to the girls’ hostel in a hurry …

Priya knows exactly , where Ram could be … She tipped toed to the garage , and inside the car , she found Ram sitting with his eyes closed .. and the driver’s seat was leaned back …. With much needed courage she knocked at the window … Ram knew who it was , but he didn’t agreed to open the door for her.

‘Ram please …’  Priya pleaded , ‘ Let me in … I want to talk to you …’ Priya stood there …

Making her wait for few minutes , Ram opened the door for her , Priya jumped into the car and hugged him immediately . Ram didn’t acknowledged the same. He cocked his face away from her.

‘Ram .. I never knew that he will do this … Neither I wanted to walk with him..’  priya stopped as Ram suddenly turned to her and almost shouted , ‘ Then why you did Priya why? Why didn’t you denied … why you didn’t pushed him away when he held you so close to himself ..WHY tell me … WHY ?’  ram suddenly behaved like a very possessive man for his girl ..

‘ I was out of my senses … but trust me .. if I knew about this I would have …’  Priya broke down , covering her face , she wept badly .. Realizing her stand , Ram collected himself and correcting his action , he hugged her. Though he was going mad over Rajat at the same time..

Possessing each other in embrace , Ram came apart wiping her tears , Ram planted a kiss on her forehead sweetly …  ‘ Now you go back .. I have to leave …’

“where …’  Priya asked back ..

‘ My uncle leaves here and the boy he asked to take care of his house , in his absence will not be able to make it today , so he asked me a favor …’  ram looked at priya , with a smile he added , ‘ I will call you once I reach there … today we will talk all through the night …’

‘Can I come along?’  Priya asked …

‘Priya but …’  Ram was intervened ,as Priya asked , ‘ Is there any problem then I am fine with it..’  Priya was about to open the door t get off from the car ..

‘Ruko …’  Ram stopped her , ‘ Let’s go …’  Ram smiled broad as Priya acknowledged the same with a broader smile ..  Unnoticed they left the college campus. The winter was becoming more cruel day by day , and in just a jeans and simple party tops Priya shivered a bit , same was with Ram too , he was in a tee and jeans only..

‘Once we get there , I will see if anything I can lend you from mami’s wardrobe…’  ram said..

With less traffic , it took a very little time to reach the apartment.. Ram unlocked the door for Priya … She walked in looking around, the house was beautiful .. Really beautiful, ‘WOW ..’  she uttered ..

‘thanks ..’ Ram replied …

‘that was not for you … for your uncle and aunty.. specially aunty. She kept the house so well managed and beautiful..’  Priya smiled ..

‘Okay …’  Ram came and hugged Priya from behind , ‘ Well I promise you , we will get a house more beautiful than this ! Only for you and me …’  Ram hugged Priya tight.

‘why ? will we not be staying along with the family …’ Priya asked leaning back to Ram , ‘ Why we will stay separate …’  She added ..

‘Oh ho .. Tum bhi naa…’  ram turned Priya to himself , ‘ Spoil sport … and yes we will stay with the family but once in a week … Samjh rahi hoo naa What I am trying to say …’  ram winked …

‘hat …’  Priya softly smacked at Ram’s chest …

‘Thanks priya for coming with me … and I am sorry to be mad over you ..’  Ram said ..

‘You have the right to be  mad with me Ram .. But’  Priya smiled naughtily , ‘ but you were looking like a baby , when you were mad over me..’  Priya laughed out loud …

‘ PRIYA … I am not a Baby ….’  Ram added . But priya kept on calling Ram baby … constantly, even after his repetitive warnings. Ram tried to grab Priya’s hand , but she escaped every time, contrary to it they end up in chasing .. ram chased Priya … until her knees hit a couch at the end of the room . She tripled and fell on the couch . Ram didn’t miss the chance . He grabbed her beneath himself . They laughed together as Ram tickled on Priya’s belly and waist..

‘now call me a baby …come on..’  ram tickled , making her laugh loud … Priya tried to push ram away from herself , while she laughed . Ram was unaware of the fact that his hands travelled underneath her top. They stopped laughing when both of the felt the intimacy that grew between them .

The sensual arousal , made them come closer even more . Leaning closer , Ram kissed his girl. Priya did the little thing that was left to do. Cupping his head she , ruled out the gap. Ram , sucked her lips passionately. Her body , reacted to the actions of the man. She behaved like a matured woman. Allowing her man, she kissed him , tasting his sweet nectar.

Ram , trailed his kiss down to her bare neck , while his hands moved her party top upwards, exposing her skin with minimum piece of satin. He looked at Priya with lust, craving for her. Priya was aroused too , with the sweet attack of her love. When ram tried to pull of his Tee up his head , in hurry, he got stuck. Priya sat up and helped him to get rid of the same.

Once again they looked at  , before they hugged . warmth of his skin , turned priya mad for him. She wanted him badly even. She didn’t felt shy when he undressed her completely. She loved every little thing of the love making . She reciprocated back with intensely , matching his passion. With no other secret to hide ,Ram decided to make her , his to the eternity.

Their desires reached the extreme , it was hard for both of them to hold back. Ram kissed Priya hard , letting her lips bleed …. For the first time , he found her eyes shut tight , when he left her lips , and looked at her .. Ram sucked the blood from her lips and leaned to her ears , ‘ I can’t take this any more baby …’ He whispered , ‘ let’s go inside ..’  ram was about to come apart to carry her to the bedroom ….

Priya stopped him , with a pull. He fell on her . ‘ Please Ram … I can’t take this . Please don’t stop..’

Ram smiled and asked her to open her eyes. She obeyed. ‘I want you to look at me , when I will make you mine for ever…’  Ram said …. While he slowly let himself slide inside her. She winced her face. Fisting ram’s arms , she cocked her face, aside ..

‘ I will continue to torture you ..if you don’t obey me … baby ..’  ram said teasingly …

Priya gulped a lump in her throat and looked at her love… He leaned to her, ‘ it will be a little painful … R u ready baby ..’

‘make me yours …..’  Priya hugged Ram…

They kissed ,loved , spend the whole night in each other’s arms , embraced in love  they spent their first night together , keeping all their worries aside ….. 

Part 5

Part 5

A Sweet date -----------------

The Bike zoomed through the chilling weather of Delhi. The cold wave gave a sheer hit down to Priya’s Spine as Ram , speed up the bike on the National Highway. Ram smiled as he saw Priya , she was trying to cover herself from the cold breeze.

‘ Priya hug me tight .. I am not going to decelerate.’ He smiled very cunningly.

 ‘ No I am not going to hug you like a shameless right at the middle of the highway. Bhool jao ….’ Priya sat crossing her hand across herself , trying to protect herself from cold. Ram saw her through the rear view mirror , he smiled and accelerated. Ram played very mischievously. He accelerated till, Priya was compelled to do , what he wanted.

Priya gave up , and hugged Ram tight , enlightened up his face with a broad and sweet smile. He winked cocking his head to Priya. Priya , rested her head on his back , while he zoomed the bike through the  highway … towards the destination …

After a few minutes ,  Ram parked the bike near the Dhaba that they used to visit frequently. Ram Priya walked along .. They looked up  as there hands brushed against eachother. Ram entwined his hand with Priya , and walked along.

There is a place which Ram discovered when he used to come alone to the dhaba to have his meals, but he never shared it with anyone else; neither with Priya. He used to find solace there confined in his own world. Priya in querying mood , asked many question. Ram didn’t cared to answer her, rather he pulled her to the destination.

Surrounded by greenery , a small logged part , looks more beautiful than a lake. As a first visitor there Priya was pretty surprised to know that such a beautiful place remained hidden from her….. Surprised she walked to the bank of the natural lake . Mesmerized with the natural beauty she stood perplexed. Winter surely will be more beautiful for the love birds.

The cold breeze smoothly passed away bulging through the lady. Priya shivered a little , enveloping herself with her arms around , she walked to Ram , who was watching her , enjoying his discovery.  

‘This place is so beautiful Ram …’  Priya looked back to the  Lake again .. Ram held Priya along her waist, with his chin resting on her shoulder, ‘because this is my discovery..’

‘ But you never showed it to me ??’ Priya  pouted her lips…

‘There are many reasons.. behind it Priya ..’  Ram turned her to himself…  Tucking the hair strands behind her ear,  looking deep into her eyes , Ram smiled , ‘ Because here I used to find solace without you.. there were many occasions when   used to be very upset … then this place is the only place which used to give me peace …’  Ram stole his eyes from Priya..

Itna Pyaar karta hain mujhse??’  Priya asked…. Turning Ram’s face to herself…

‘You never know how much I love you….  How much I loved you … from the very fisrt day you entered the college gate , in that off – white Salwar Kameez… For few days you were the girl in of white for me …. Then we became friends .. you came little more closer to me … and little more slowly … I knew you love to be with me , somewhere at heart I also believed that you love me …. But I didn’t want to force you .. That day when I kissed you I don’t know what made me to do so … I am really ..’  Priya placed her hand on his lips and smiled ..

Little surprised , Ram waited for Priya to speak up …   ‘ It was not a mistake Ram , it made me realize how much I love you … you know what I felt that day … I felt home .. I never felt the same when I used to be with Rajat …’  Priya stepped back a little away from Ram , as she uttered Rajat’s name.  

‘what happened ???’  Ram pulled Priya towards himself…  He tried to make her look at him….. but she restricted …  ‘Priyaaaa , please … don’t spoil your mood , I really don’t want to know what happened between you and Rajat … what I know is today and tomorrow is ours … yours and mine’s ..’

Priya looked up with tears in her eyes … Ram wiped out her tears , smiling wickedly he added , ‘ If you can forget my previous encounters then …’  Priya  looked at Ram widening her eyes …  Ram laughed loud annoying Priya even more ..

 ‘I never talked about your encounters Ram … why you every time pull it everytime between us .. this is not fair ..’  Like a child she turned away from him ..

‘okay meri maa .. I am sorry ….’ Ram stood holding his ears … The sweet smile by him couldn’t keep Priya angry for long. She smiled and hugged Ram ; he enveloped her in his arms and stood in peace for a few minutes .. ‘Ram ..’  Priya  spoke from his arms…    He answered in short …

‘ Ram .. can we sit here for sometime …’  Priya said very sweetly …  Ram walked to a tree , and sat there leaning to the soma of the tree , inviting priya to sit with him with arms wide open for her. She nested herself in his lap…

Warpped up in the peace of the mother earth , the love birds , sat in sheer silence , but in solace of their togetherness …  The cold breeze blew making them cuddle more to each other . When the cold breeze became rude more , Ram shivered a little . Priya sat up taking out a  little shawl from her side bag , that she was carrying that time.

Ram gave a happy stare to Priya when he opened the Shawl. It was not so huge one …  Both of them have to struggle to get fit into it . Ram would have never shared a shawl , if it was not Priya ,with her he can manage in the tiniest place of the world .

They need to sit , cuddling closest to each other … As a result , Priya landed on his lap .. to get a room for herself.  Ram smilingly , welcomed her , he  hugged her tightest …  enjoying there first date… But the cold weather , didn’t allowed them to enjoy for a long time. As the breeze slowly turn into monstrous Cold waves , the couple shivered … the little shawl failed to protect them from it .

Ram gave up against the wind , and stood up with Priya in his arms . Priya struggled to get out of his hold . But naughty Ram , had some other plans cooking in his mind … the more Priya struggled to get out from his grip , more he held her tightest against himself.

‘ Priya … Kiss me …’  Ram said suddenly ..

Making her eyes round in annoyance , she denied to do the same.. ‘ Okay then I will carry you to the dhaba like this only …’  Ram started walking towards the dhaba…   

“stop stop stop !!!!’ Priya almost screamed in Ram’s ear. Wincing his face Ram looked at Priya.

‘Then do what I asked to ! and Now!’ Ram demanded ..

Making a cute face , Priya asked Ram to put her down .. But Ram was adamant to get what he wanted . Priya closed her eyes , in defeat. She knew unless and until Ram will get what he asked he will not step back . But it was not easy to trap Priya ,she is a game changer too.. Moving little closer to Ram , she pretended to kiss him on his lips . Ram smiled a bit and parted his lips to welcome her with a soft touch. But at the last moment Priya played the game. She kissed Ram on his cheeks … 

‘ This is not FAIR Priya ….’  Mistakenly Ram dropped her from his arms … Getting a chance to flee away , Priya ran straight towards the Dhaba , showing Ram her tongue … Ram was fast too , but not as fast as Priya , He ran behind her , but couldn’t catch her before reaching the dhaba. Coming from sophisticated families .. Ram priya Behaved like mannered kids , among the crowd ..

As Ram and Priya finished placing order for their Breakfast , ram slipped to the vacant seat  next to Priya . ‘ Before you say that you have fulfilled my wish let me tell u . I want a kiss .. not a puppii like a kid …So watch it out .. I want what I asked for or else I will make sure you will beg for the same from me ..’

‘ None of the two will  happen !! I challenge you ..’  Priya winked

‘ I love challenges because I  win every one of it!! And this I will surely win .. Baby ..’  Ram was pretty confident over his claim .

Priya Smiled very mysteriously …

A very special friend of Ram and Priya was there , who used to work there at specific hours only . He used to serve the pair when ever they used to visit .. Ram might get much more than needed Pocket money from his home  but that was not same for Priya but .. She used to save an ample amount from it and contribute the same to the boy who worked as a waiter at Kake’s DHaba … for his College Fees ..

The Boy came smiling with the food …

Surprised to see him there Priya asked about his studies and college .. The boy proudly declared that he passed with distinction in the exam that was held in recent past. Happy with his performance , Ram asked him to wish anything from him ..

In return he asked for a very simple gift … Aap dono aise hi rehna humesha ….. ek saath …. Aur o sake toh mujhe yaad rakhna … Mein chah ke bhi aap dono ko kabhi ni bhool payunga .. but Itni badi duniya mein .. kya mein app ko yaad rahunga …’  He looked down … as he ended ..

 Ram stood up , holding the boy by his shoulder , he sighed deep… ‘ Sanjay …Mumbai jayega ?? kaam karega ..??’

‘Mumbai ?? Itni badi saher .. Meri Family …?’  he looked happy but surprised ..

‘I will arrange everything for you .. you take your family with you … I have to make few calls … nd everything will be set … Keep this..’  Ram extended a card to the boy .. it read ‘Amarnath Kapoor .. Chairman Kapoor Industries …’

The boy looked startled to have a card of the Chair man of a MNC…

‘ Don’t worry … this is my Father’s card … wait a minute ..’  Ram immediately called his father ..  Priya kept on looking at the boy who suddenly started behaving like a matured man ….

‘Bau ji … Good Morning ..’  Ram started speaking .. Priya and Sanjay could listen only to Ram..

‘ Ni Bau ji. No .. Not like that .. Yes I have some work .. But ..’  ram paused and like a very obedient son , listened to his father ..

‘No bauji … trust me …’  He paused again … and then after a while he started , ‘ Bau ji .. I will call you later and will listen to you carefully .. but … now i want to talk about something very important .. about a boy .. he has completed his B.Com .. and we have some opening for Accountant …’  Ram listened carefully to his father , and then added , ‘ thanks Bau ji .. will convey this to him , but one more thing .. can we arrange a staff quarter for him .. he will shift from Delhi to Mumbai …’

‘ Hmm … hmm..’  Ram Listened carefully , ‘ Okay done .. I will forward the required docs to you … and then you do the needful .. Sir …’

After listening to the chairman , he disconnected the call and smiled to the boy … and gave a defeated stare to Priya …

Tu mujhe apna sara certificates de dena .. and we will make sure , that you can pursue your CA .. But in return you have to liable to work with us for a certain period of time …  Like  2 or 3 years … It will be decided by our HR team , nothing is on me or Bau ji … But if you promise me to work sincerely .. I will make sure ..  Tuje yeh Job mil jaye ..  and about remunerations … it will be on your performance .. but starting I will recommend 12k for you .. and the accommodation will be from my side …’  Ram patted on his shoulder ..

Aap kaun hain ..’   Sanjay replied started to Ram ..

‘ No one .. just a son of a person who has achieved a lot in His life .. and I dream to achieve more than him … I am no one till today .. Just the son of an influential person …But  Isse tera mera rishtein mein koi farak nn padega .. Jaa abhi kaam kar le .. and do give me your documents …’  Ram came back and settled down by Priya .

‘Dant padhi Bau ji se ..  for not calling home .. ‘ Priya poked Ram immediately …

‘ Yes .. but how the hell you came to know about the same..’   Ram asked …

‘I know you better than you …’  priya said with much pride …

In peace they finished their breakfast and Ram drove back to the college …. 

Nainital …

 Rajat was sitting alone , away from everyone in a rock top.. He stared blank at the sky …. And one could hardly predict what he was thinking that time … A lone tear escaped his eyes …  Wiping it immediately he stood up with a promise to himself … He rushed back to the camp site ..

He was pretty lucky to find out Neha at the fisrt try ..

‘ Neha !! when we will be going back to delhi … ????’   He asked ..

“But why Rajat ?? I think you are enjoying the outing …. Then why you are in hurry to go back …’  Neha asked according to her observation …

‘ That’s my mood Neha , But …’ Rajat sighed and added ,  ‘ I want to talk with Priya … but … I can’t .. I am ashamed for what I did .. I shuld have never donw this to the girl who loves me so much .. I just want to go back to her ….’   A broken heart Rajat spoke … surprising Neha ..

Still was in a hunt to find a suitable answer to give back , Neha looked blankly at Rajat …  She tried to smile , ‘ goo..good .. Very Good .. Romeo … Don’t worry we will be going back by tomorrow … Be happy .. Dude …’  Neha pretended that someone is calling her .. only to keep herself away from Rajat …. She feared the more she will spent time listening to the romeo … The more she will expose her disliking for his and Priya’s relationship ..

Delhi … College ……

Ram didn’t let Priya walk back to the hostel so soon . Ram made much more place than needed in his car , for them …  He pulled priya inside , and after she landed safely on the rear seat , Ram placed nested on her lap .. safely… Priya smiled and threaded her hand through his hairs ..

Ram was totally taken aback , when Priya kissed him … For a moment Ram froze. But after recovering from the sweet shock … Ram responded back, Parting his lips he took her in his possession.  He pulled priya more close to himself.. Priya’s hiars fell over , covering their face completely .. Ram held priya along her neck , and pulled fiercely to him …  Ram sweetly played with her , teasing her with his tongue .

Priya went breathless , while she was possessed by Ram all over .. Physically and mentally … But Ram didn’t let her go .. While kissing her , he sat up …  Cupping her face , Ram nibbled along Priya’s lips … Trying to get air , Priya clutched Ram’s shirt so tight …. That her nails pinched … his skinned … Ram Kissed Priya till he felt Priya to be numb ..

Ram came apart from Priya and sat on the seat leaning back .. Both of them were breathing fast for fresh air …  Ram managed to look at Priya …..  He found her sitting closing her eyes…  Breathing very Fast … He Moved closer and took her in Hold her close in his embrace … In solace Priya nested herself near his heart …….

For few hours they , spend time together … They didn’t talked much .. neither made love .. They stayed with other .. in each other arms they found peace ……..

Slowly , the night invaded …..

Priya and Ram were still together then …  their love abode was invaded by Neha’s call ..

Ram was little surprised to get Neha’s Call … Priya sat up as Ram received the call , and put it in the speaker mode …

‘ Hi Buddy !!’  Neha exclaimed , ‘ guess what we have to come back … the boring deen ,, he declared classes invariably from tomorrow and we don’t know whne we are going to reach and over the top the festival is scheduled in a short notice , and thenthe examination .. so officially I am dead .. and do you know where the hell is Priya .. she is not receiving my call …. ‘  Neha at last paused … and she was literary panting to get air …

Ho gaya tera …’  Priya spoke out ..

‘ Priya you are with ..’  Neha controlled and looked behind and found Rajat consciously listening to her … , ‘ Who the hell is this .. Ram I tell you if Priya comes to know about all this she will kill you .. definitely .. I warn you ….’   Neha looked back and found Rajat heading to her.. without giving Ram or Priya a  chance to respond … she disconnected the call and started blabbering … 

‘ what happened Neha , I think  I heard Priya’s Name .. Do Ram have any update about her …!’ Rajat asked ..

‘ How the hell Ram will know .?? u tell me … when he is busy with some other girl .. I will kill this boy one day .. and priya too..’  Neha tried to study Rajat’s expression without getting noticed by him .. Rajat was pretty Upset for not getting any update about his Girl friend .. He walked back …

Neha quickly sms-ed Ram .. ‘ What the hell Priya doing with you .. and why I am feeling something fishy ?? Reply me soon .. Rajat is talking about Priya.. and he is much depressed … I don’t know what he is going to do NEXT!’   Neha hit the send key and waited …

On the other side , it took few seconds , to get the sms delivered …

Ram and Priya together read the SMS.. When Ram’s narrowed his eyes in annoyance , Priya sat back … with her hand on her forehead …  Ram replied to the sms ..
 “ Priya is with me .. and I mean it .. we are together Neha .. there is no way I can let go Priya noW .. She is ONLY MINE and I can do anything to get Her … I don’t care about Rajat .. what I care about is Priya …. Have a safe journey will explain you more in details once you come back ..’  Ram looked at Priya , after sending the sms..

Receiving the sms on the other side … Neha have had mixed reaction , she was happy for Ram and priya but .. she looked back and when a depressed and Guilt ridden rajat reflected in her eyes , she even got confused … to choose a side to stand for ….

Back in the College …

Ram tried to convince Priya that Rajat can do no harm to them , But some how Priya was convinced that something really bad is waiting for them ahead …

‘ Nothing bad will happen … at all … We are and will be together always …’  Ram said holding priya’s hand in her firm grip ..

‘ But haven’t you read what Neha wrote .. Rajat is depressed and guilty … I can’t face him … I can’t ..’  priya broke down … ‘ My one mistake .. one childish step .. took me to the edge … What I will do Next Ram ..’   She cried badly ….

‘Trust me nothing will happen !! We have to Face him .. and yes college is starting from tomorrow .. and you will not miss … it ‘  Priya looked up , as Ram paused for a moment , ‘ but I can’t .. coz I am suspended .. But I am not refrained from invading the building .. I will be around you .. only.Trust me …’

‘ No Ram …I Can’t … I don’t have so much courage to face Rajat alone ..’ priya denied to follow Ram …

‘ baby … you don’t have to face him .. neglect him … just neglect him … he can’t force you infront of every one and if he does, he will be in hell lots of trouble I promise you baby !! trust me …’   Ram tried to convince Priya …. After a trying a lot , Priya at last got convinced and she decided to attend the classes in two conditions ; One , Ram should be around her , when she will be in the class .. and second , Ram will not stop her from bunking the class if he found Rajat harmful to her …

Ram agreed to Priya’s Condition….. 

The Night went Sleepless for both .. ram and priya ….. they kept connected over phone , but  they hardly talked to each other …….

Next morning .. Pretty Early ….

Priya looked at the door , as she heard a knock , she guessed it to be neha and her guess turned out to be right.. Failed to held back Priya hugged Neha and Wept like a little girl …

‘ Hey what Happened ?’  Neha consoled Priya …

“What I did with Rajat and Ram was not right … Why I accepted my infatuation as Love ? And if I stay with Rajat now .. it will an injustice to Ram .. I love him .. and I Can’t see him in pain ..’ Priya said in distress………

‘ Priya .. Calm down and tell me what happened ? I can guess a little of it .. but what happened how you and Ram … you can understand na what I am asking for ?’   Neha Asked politely ..

Priya explained briefly in little details about the incidents that happened in her life in her absence … ‘ I came so close to Ram , that I never been with Rajat , Neha.. .. I don’t know what I will do .. next .. But one thing is clear I can’t be with Rajat any more .. and I can’t hurt Ram .. No I can’t..’

 Neha consoled Priya … But she has witnessed Rajat’s restlessness for priya in last few hours … She can easily predict the future to be horrible for Ram and Priya…

Chapter 48 : Enough to be Worse.

Chapter 48 : Enough to be Worse. Everyone in the room stood stunned as Jayesh and Sudheer went through the warrant t...