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Sunday, February 18, 2018

Chapter 46 : Dark Days - Part II

Chapter 46 : Dark Days - Part II

Keeping the diary aside Priya picked up the cup and her mobile and walked outside to the balcony. She casually sat on the couch trying to pretend to be relaxed but the sleep deprived eyes told the story loud and clear.

“Do you want to eat something?” Ram asked sipping to his tea. “You have not eaten a single grain since last evening.” He added without looking at her.

“Why did you give me that diary?” Priya asked back.

“Answer me first.” He almost ordered.

“Nothing.” Priya sighed after her reply.

“Okay then I will get something of my choice.” He stood up to leave just then, Priya repeated her question to him. After a pause and a quick smile Ram turned and kept on gazing at her. “This love is not a curse neither will it end with your or my life nor it is a way of destruction. I may not be able to make you understand how much I love you, but I can at least make you understand how much you are wrong to feel this love to be a curse.” He came and knelt in front of Priya. As he tried to hold her hands Priya pulled it back. “Yes I used to go around with girls but the day you and I felt our heart since then you are the only one in my life, in my heart. If I even thought of doing something crazy it is with you. If I thought to make love it is with you. My heart, brain used yo synced in the tune every time I saw you and see you even today. I want you to know my heart.” He smiled. “And Priya that diary has every thing about my days without you. Do read it. Not for me, but for yourself. Be selfish for a moment that you always think yourself to be.” He walked towards the stairs and stopped before descending. “Guess how much I love you, more than the beauty of the dawn, the rage of a burning summer sun and deeper than the beauty of a soulful winter night. Guess how much I can hurt you; I leave it to you to guess, there is no sync found between heart and brain when I speak about it, I leave it to you to judge.”  Leaving Priya behind Ram walked down stairs.

With a deep sigh Priya leaned back on the chair, just when she chose to find a strand of peace in the turmoil her phone vibrated on the table top. It was her assistant from Mumbai. Clearing her throat she picked up the call. “Good Morning Veena, yes.”

“Ma'am you asked me to intimate you when we are ready for the meeting, you will join us through VC.” She said humbly.

“Shit!” Priya said in mind, because she knew she is in a mess. Neither she could postpone it nor is she ready for it. But she has to attend it. “Yeah.. Yeah.. are you guys ready? I mean every one is there?”

“Yes Ma'am.”

“Okay Veena, register my apologies for the delay and spare me half an hour. I will call you before connecting.” She disconnected the call and rushed inside the room. First thing she noticed was the diary. Picking it up Priya kept it on the table at its place and then she picked up her laptop and dongle for internet. Next thing she did was to change her attire to a descent one, sticking to a kurta and pajama. Placing the cup on the study table she connected her laptop to internet and called her assistant. Within minutes she was connected to her Mumbai office. Her eyes went to Meera who sat at the front. She tried hard to smile and avoid Meera at the same time not getting caught. But a pair of experienced eyes never fail to catch the flaw. Knowingly Meera conversed less and jotted down the minutes of the meeting with least interruptions. Once the meeting has to be paused due to Ram's intervention but Priya managed to keep the break down to 3 minutes only. Meera noted Ram's presence too, which made her plan stronger. After the meeting she politely let Priya to disconnect the line and least the latter knew she was in Meera's rudder.

Leaning on the couch Priya sighed deep and called Ram. He being at the dine, Priya knew it will take atleast 5 minutes if not more for Ram to come back. Walking to the table she picked up the diary and returned to the couch. Before starting to read it Priya wanted to get an update from Vishesh. She quickly picked up her phone and was just about to dial Vishesh's number when Meera called her. “Yes.” Priya answered the call.

“Priya we have missed out some points can you please come on line again. We will take few minutes only.” Meera said.

“There is no need to be so formal with me Meera. I am coming on line. Wait for few minutes.” Placing the phone down on the table Priya made the connection and was surprised to see Meera alone in the room. “Where are others?” Priya said out of her surprise.

“Wait for a minute.” Meera disconnected the phone line with Priya and dialled another number. Priya could see her lips to move, as Meera had put the microphones to mute. And to her shock Meera got the microphones back to life with Ram entering the room and bolting the door first and after that moving the curtains of window providing privacy to the room. “Now tell me Priya what is the matter?” Meera said. “And Ram please sit by her.” She added. After Ram sat by Priya, who fixed her gaze down to the floor; Meera again asked her about her worries. “Priya speak out!!” She almost shouted this time.

After several minutes Priya looked up with eyes full of tears, few drops fell on her entwined hands and rest she quickly rubbed off from her eyes. “Tell me one thing Meera, what am I? Mein hoon kya? Drum? Jiska maan hua baja ke chala gaya? Am I Guinea pig? What ever you can do over me, am I made for experiments to do?”

“What are you speaking about Priya?” Meera said.

“I will not believe if you deny that you know nothing about Jayesh Uncle and Ram. That man played with me. Those marriage proposals, disagreements, trying to cancel the marriage, making it public all were a plan to trap me within my ego right? And don't tell me you were unaware of every thing. I am sure you had every knowledge of it.” Priya said as her voice chocked. “If I believed someone Meera, it was you, I don't trust my shadow Meera the way I trust you. I looked up to you as a mentor, a guide and foremost a sister, with whom I can share every secret of my life but that sister ditched me? Why Meera, why? Just because Jayesh Uncle asked you to do? And Jayesh Uncle how could he?” She broke down.

“Ram you told her?” Meera asked.

“No iska bas chalein toh he will hide his breathes from me even.” Priya said plating an angry gaze to Ram. “It is his diary which told me many secrets. But that is not the issue Meera, why you kept it away from me?” Priya looked at Ram angrily, picking up his diary she threw it on him continuing, “Keep this with you I have no interest in knowing what it holds in it!”

“Priya I didn't have an idea about it. Yes I became aware of it but just few days ago, just before the Mumbai Office inauguration.” Meera said. “And you have to trust me. I may be a bitch but my husband is more than it. He is a demon who can go to any extent to keep his words.”

“Ashok?” Priya was surprised to core.

“Yes it is Ashok who has worked and still working with Jayesh ji to get you and Ram back together.” Meera declared. “And this is the truth. Ask Ram if I am wrong.”

Priya looked at Ram and covered her face restricting her sigh. “Meera why? Why they want me to get back to Ram? Am I not a self sufficient woman to take care of myself?”

“You are!” Meera continued. “But he wanted your smile back, he wanted you to live free which ...” she was interrupted by Priya.

“And be thinks Ram can do that?” Priya laughed. “No one can do it. And with Ram I feel suffocated. I feel burdened under his constant care. I can't breathe freely Meera.” Priya looked straight into Ram's watery eyes. “Tu chala kyun ni jata Ram? Why? Just answer me damn it; why?” She asked Ram clutching his tee under her tight fist.

“If you want me to leave I will, but after you recover from this trauma.” Ram said clasping her fist under his palm.

Dekha...” Priya looked towards Meera struggling to get rid of Ram. “He always tries to prove how much great and caring lover he is. How perfect he is as a husband.” She again looked at Ram. “You want me to get rid of this trauma right? Then leave me alone, let me be. With you around I am getting mad every moment. Every time I see you I remember him crippling me forever. I can't even sleep Ram. Every time I close my eyes I see everyone laughing at me, pointing me out as whore. If you really love me then go away. Just go away. Chala jaa Ram, mujse bahut door. I am afraid to love you again because I have the fear to lose you again. You know even after trying so hard to hate you I end up hating myself. I can't love you and with you near I can't stop loving you. Just go away Ram. Just go away.” Hugging Ram placing her head on his broad chest she wept like a little girl.

On the other side Meera disconnected the line leaving the couple alone. In her deep thought she closed her eyes and after thinking for next few minutes she called Jayesh without any hesitation.


Snuggling closer to Ram, Priya hugged him tightly throwing her arms around Ram's neck almost sitting on his lap. He reciprocated back by holding her close under his strong and comfortable arms. Brushing her hairs he placed a soft peck on the corner of her forehead then just by her eyes and drew her more into his arms giving her that shield she longed for. Under the tight grip he could hear her muffled cries only. Letting her rest her worries for a long time Ram tucked her loose strand of hairs behind her ears. “Priya eat something, you have not take a single grain inside since yesterday afternoon.” He whispered in her ears.

“Will you do me a little favour Ram?” Priya asked coming apart from Ram and continued adding to it. “For old times sake.” Getting a nod from him she asked Ram to leave her alone for rest of the day. “And please don't come until and unless I ask you to.”

“Okay! As you wish. But I am leaving this food behind please do have it.” Ram stood up quietly walked out of the room closing the door behind. As Ram left, Priya started bawling like a baby. Ram standing just by the door listened to her bawling helplessly. Obeying and respecting Priya's decision he stood there. He refused to receive any call and even turned down Shrestha thrice to come along with her. He sighed deep when he realised that the bawling have stopped. With cat paws he walked closer to Priya and found her in sleep which she needed most that time. Pulling the blanket over her Ram carefully walked out of the room leaving the door shut closed.

The first thing he did was to call back Meera, who left seven voice messages, 23 text massages and 67 missed calls trying to reach him.

“There you are!” Meera answered. “What is Priya doing?”

“Sleeping!” Ram answered.

“By tonight Jayesh Ji, Sudheer ji and Ashok will be there.” She informed.

“And you?”

“I have to manage this office and I know the way she behaved, she will not be able to make to meetings through VC even.” After Meera replied there was a stark silence. “Ram, she is not doing well. She needs help. Help her and dare you think to obey her and leave.”

“I will not, not now at least.”

“What do you mean by that?”


“Ram don't give her a heart break. She is very vulnerable right now. I have never seen her so much in pain. For all these year she had made her very strong. I am surprised to see her like this.” Meera said.

“Huh!” Ram laughed. “Strong? She fooled you all and you got fooled. She has put a shield around her. A shield she thought will help her to look strong. But the truth is she has never recovered from the trauma. She pretended. To get her back I have to put off that trauma I have to break the shield and in that process she will become more vulnerable.”

“Ram, stop this non sense.” Meera scolded. “She needs a doctor, a specialist who can help her not you and me, who knows nothing about the process. Stop experimenting.”

“I know that Meera. I had a chat with Reshma. From this evening she will start the session. We can trust her.” Ram said.

“Yeah we can. But I am feeling nervous and afraid Ram. Something is not right. When she was conversing with the other people she was perfectly fine, but when I tried to talk to you she is a different person, that girl whom I saw twelve years earlier. There is only one difference..” Meera fell silent suddenly making Ram more concerned.

“What is it?” he asked. Meera's silence made him more impatient. “What is it Meera?” he shouted over phone.

With a deep sigh Meera tried to speak but she chocked. And after few minutes she spoke. “Every time she woke up, she woke up searching for you. Don't leave her alone please. She is breaking down Ram and this time she needs you the most. Be with her.” Putting down the phone Ram walked into the room. Sitting by Priya he didn't hesitate to caress her hair, this time he didn't think for once before touching her. Coming closer he put a soft peck on her forehead and sat there holding her hand until he heard the knock. As expected it was Reshma. She was there to call him for the formal meeting with the applicants who were there to complete the procedure. Ram remembered Meera's every word. He looked back to Priya and was about to speak when Reshma almost read his mind.

“I am here Ram. If she wakes up and asks for you I will inform you immediately.” She said.

“Take care of her and I will be back soon.” Ram almost unwillingly rushed downstairs.

When Ram passed by the living area he failed to notice the presence of his family and Shipra there. Seeing him Sarojani made a face and her comment didn't go well with Shipra. She said, “Not for a single moment our daughter in law cared to come to us and apologise. After what she did to Vikram I tell you Amarnath she can put blame on anyone of us. And I will not be surprised.”

Maaji please don't mind but she is my daughter I know her well if she is wrong, she will not hesitate to say sorry and accept any consequences of her misdeed.” Shipra voiced.

“So Shipra Ji you also think Vikram is the culprit. Do you even know what this boy has done for us. It could be the last day of Ram. Why could be, it was the last day of Ram's life, Vikram gifted him this life. His every breath is indebted to him. He was completely under control of addiction and the guilt. Guilt of not being able to help Priya, I didn't know the name and reason of his guilt then though. If Vikram didn't come on time that day that car would have ran over Ram, straight over his heart taking away our son forever. It was Vikram who gave up his life saving my son and Priya thinks it is him who attacked her? And more to that Shipra ji you think that if she is wrong, there is no if to it. Your daughter is wrong. Vikram can give his life for us for his friend but can never do any harm to any of us. NO NEVER!!. I supported Priya in her every decision but she proved me wrong, I shouldn't have. I shouldn't have.” Amarnath sat down on the couch.

Bhai sahib I am not saying that Priya is right, I was just...” Shipra felt silent under Ram's voice.

“I heard every thing. One minute.” Ram pulled out his phone and received Reshma's call. “No Reshma the procedure couldn't be completed. Rajani is bit upset, we need to sit with her and make her understand. Shrestha is with her. I am coming in few minutes then you can do the needful. We can't force a girl to go; we have to make her go happily. A new start can never begin with tears. It must begin with smile, a broad smile.” Ram maintained silence allowing Reshma to speak, which remained unheard to the family. “Yeah I am coming quickly just a matter of few minutes.” Disconnecting the line Ram looked at the gathering with a deep sigh and smile added to it.

“Vikram!” he walked to him and shoved his hand over Vikram's shoulder. “Yes I am alive because of him. It is not that I went to die that day, under the extreme influence of drugs my legs froze at its place and everything around me was black and was floating. It was him who saved me. I trust him the most. But that doesn't mean you all will disown Priya suddenly.” Ram looked around. “She is not doing good. She is hiding something deep inside. Something very uncanny but real, in short she is hiding herself under the strong mask of her. She is very fragile. We all need to help her together. This is not the time to show your ego. It is the time to save her from drowning. She is again looking for us, for her family and this time if we will leave her alone, trust me we will loose her forever. Please Maa...” He stopped under the screeching voice of Priya, that echoed through the garden and then the hall. At first he thought it to be untrue but second time when he heard Priya to take his name with all the strength of her lungs, he ran towards the room. Behind him Vikram paced up and trailing him was the family.

It took Ram less than 2 minutes to reach the room and as he hoped in Priya threw her into him bawling impatiently. He was not ready for it. As Priya left her into him completely Ram looked stunned towards Reshma.

“Please don't leave me Ram. Please. Kaha chala gaya tha? I told you to leave so you did it. This much obedient you are! Please Ram don't leave me please.” She kept on repeating her words clinging to him.

Reshma on noticing the family to crowd the room, she approached Amarnath. “Amarnath Ji this is not the time to crowd the room. Priya needs Ram and we must leave them alone. She is in a pretty bad shape. She was terrified by my presence and even threatened me to kill herself if needed. I will come back soon but please leave Ram and Priya alone.”

“What are you trying to do?” Shipra asked back as Reshma started walking away.

“I have to sedate Priya. Otherwise anything can happen.” Reshma said and rushed away.

Inside the room, Ram stood in the most composed manner, though his soul was scrunching seeing Priya in such pain. He started to stroke Priya's head slowly which comforted her a bit for a while, and suddenly she made her grip tighter against his neck and started bawling again for no reason. It hurt Ram but he remained calm. “Priya.” He took her name softly. “Priya I am not going any where. I am here with you by you. I will never leave you.” Though he was channelling his brain through the steadiness of his voice, his heart knew Meera was right. Priya’s condition is getting worst, he can't experiment with her. She needs a doctor, besides him. Just when he was again about to speak Reshma came in and stood behind Priya. She gestured Ram to maintain peace and remain calm. He saw a syringe in her right hand, before he could ask, she got the right chance and in a moment Reshma successfully pushed the contents of the syringe into Priya's body. Within no time Priya fell calm her grip loosened from Ram's neck and before she could fall, Ram held her under his strong arms. She was still awake, in her drowsiness she was mumbling few words which were hardly be understood. Picking up her in his arms Ram placed Priya carefully on the bed. Tucking her under the blanket when Ram was about to leave, he found Priya clutching his wrist tightly, that was the time he felt Priya was still awake. While Ram sat by her, Priya snuggled closer to him attempting to place her head on his lap. Ram helped her this time and in next two minutes Priya dozed off into deep slumber.

“Ram.” Reshma called him. Getting out of the gaze he responded with a deep sigh. “Come with me for a moment.” Placing Priya's head on the pillow he tried to look like nothing has happened and looked at Reshma. “Come.” Reshma said, to which he responded quietly.

Closing the door behind Reshma looked towards the anxious family. “Few minutes earlier, Priya woke up and finding me she lost her calm. In that messy state of mind she was only looking for Ram. When I tried to calm her she even threatened to kill herself. I don't know what really triggered and so suddenly that her behaviour changed. Though she tried to make us believe that she is perfectly fine but I knew from the beginning she is not and now the matter has worsen. Ram..” She turned to him. “Listen to me carefully. Times will be there she will behave normal like nothing has happened and in times she will be crazy. I am giving some medicines, which will help her to collect and I will try to talk to her and start her counselling soon after she wakes up but this time putting pressure on her means pushing her another step towards...” Reshma stopped. “Towards darkness. We have to bring her out of this.”

“Bauji and you were thinking that she has become rude and her mistakes cannot be forgiven?” Ram said. He knew his father will not reply anytime sooner. So he decided to get back to the room. Before entering near the door he turned back to family and said, “I will be locking the door. I hope you guys understand.” Closing the door he looked at Priya, to her pale and fragile face. His thoughts went back to the call he received that afternoon from Vishesh.

Before entering his cabin, Ram disconnected the call from Vishesh for the fourth time. He walked straight into the cabin this time putting his phone to do not disturb mode. He welcomed the couple waiting there with a broad smile. He apologised to keep them waiting. He picked up the file and was about to converse he was intervened again. This time it was Shrestha.

“Ram.” She entered without asking for permission. “I am sorry for trespassing but I need to talk to you.” She registered her apologies immediately and added, “It is urgent.”

Smiling to the guests Ram walked to Shrestha and walked out of the room with an angry gaze over her. “What!” Ram scrunched the word under his voice.

“Please talk to Vishesh once.” Shrestha requested.

“Who what??” Ram was surprised. “Vishesh called you? What's going on?”

“Please once.”

“They are waiting. A child is waiting to get her family. I have no time for this non sense.” Ram was about to leave but Shrestha's words stopped him.

“It is about her only. Please speak to him once.” Shrestha requested again.

Taking her phone Ram said hello over the phone. “Vishesh what ever you want to just speak out!”

“You have to stop this adoption.” Vishesh said.

“What? And why I have to listen to you?”

“Because you are indirectly supporting child trafficking.” Vishesh said.

“WHAT!!” Ram almost shouted but controlled his voice.

“Shrestha will give you the details of 18 adoption cases which were approved by you and to your surprise none of the children are present in the address provided by the applicants, rather no such address ever existed. All the ids are fake and probably the applicants were two or four but not more than that and more to it, the two sitting inside your cabin are either those two who adopted 18 kids or two of the four.” Vishesh's words froze Ram at his place.

“But..but Reshma did all the checks. I mean she herself made all the verifications including police verifications. How can she miss?” Ram choked.

“Leave it to me. I will do everything to save you. I know you are innocent but you are trapped so badly. If any investigation happens it will be you who will be grilled, put behind the bars not her. But I will not spare her. And Sir, I know you want to start Priya madam's counselling with Reshma but I request you to keep her away from Ma'am. You can speak to Dr Vihan and ask him for a good consultant but please keep her away.” Vishesh said.

“Priya.. Pri..ya is with Reshma. I have to go. But how can I stop this adoption?” Ram asked under his heavy and nervous breathes.

“Leave it to Shrestha, she has already managed it. The girl will do what Shrestha will ask her to do. Just have a word with her and be with Priya Ma'am. She needs you.” Vishesh said. “I will call you later.” He disconnected the call.

“Ram..” Shrestha called him. Getting no reply from him, she touched him which made him come back to the reality. “Ram just tell Reshma that Rajni is not ready to leave with the family she is crying out her heart and I am taking care of her.”

“But..” Ram stopped and looked at Shrestha.

“Just go inside and act accordingly. Please.” Shrestha said. “We have to stop this and have to find out our 18 little ones.”

Taking a deep breath Ram went inside.

In present time, Ram looked at Priya and cursed himself to stop by the living room and wasting his time arguing with his family. He felt disconnected; an agitation built up inside him thinking about Priya, the 18 kids who have vanished in thin air and about Reshma who pushed the medicine without his consent. He climbed up on the bed and sat by Priya resting his head on the headrest stroking Priya's head softly. Suddenly a chord struck. He picked up the phone and typed a message to Jayesh.

“I know you are coming here at Lavasa. Before coming please bring Dr Vehan with you. He is Priya's childhood friend. I am sending you the address and phone number, tell him about me he will not deny coming with you.”

Hitting the send button, he called Rishab and asked him to help. He asked his brother to help him by bringing Riyah there and asked him to plot her visit as a sudden surprise visit, keeping it secret amongst them only. Rishab made sure Riyah comes there after learning the suspected wrong doings of Reshma. Next he called Vehan. The phone on the otherside rang.

“Dr. Vehan I need you here at Lavasa. Priya is in danger. You have to save her. I don't trust Reshma.” Ram said. “Please help.”

“God, why?”

“Listen to me Vehan, you will not come alone. Jayesh uncle will call you. If you remember him. He and Priya's father is on their way from Delhi to Lavasa. Pretend you came on their request but not mine.” Ram said.

“But why? Why you don't trust Reshma? Why you want me to pretend?”

“Because what I learned today I don't believe her anymore. I think she is doing wrong with my Priya too.” Ram briefed the incident to him. “Please help. She needs treatment. I want my Priya back, not an emotionless robot.”

“I will be there.” Vehan said. He hung up the call.

Picking up another mobile he dialled a number. “Your dog is not in your control. We have to stop this. Take care of his bitch. Sorry, my first love.”  He disconnected the line.

“Neither I wanted to hurt you Priya nor did I know you are Ram Kapoor's undying love interest. But..” he smiled cunningly. “Who ever will come between me and my business I can't let that person to walk away free. You have to die Priya. This way or that.”

Until we meet.




  1. I so knew it the way Reshma was talking about in code words she is part of some illegeal organization of human trafficking which has proved by Vishesh investigation too.

    Some truth came out but still some more has to be revealed and it will take it course in all this Priya is unable to cop up but Ram besides her nothing will happen to her.

    The trauma she is still facing and will take time to her to recover and besides Ram her family and his family has to support RaYa not to put blame on her.

    The love between Ram Priya which is still strong they need each other in every step and hope like Reshma truth is out the real culprit behind Priya's attack too also came out.

  2. Hi
    Omg ,so VG is the real culprit. Ram is giving priya into the hands of the real culprit. insane vehan he is ditching ppl with a mask of being treated, a great and noble job ,but involved in inhuman things. So Reshma n Vehan both are involved ,I m sure they looted ram as well. My guess was right only a person who is under going loss bcoz of Ram can think of killing him and here ram is standing like a rock hard stone which is never easy to shake. But yes emotions can be used n treated the way you want ,and for the success you are determined to get.hmm
    In all these things ,ram n priya wanted there presence around them, though they pretend to be disliking each other, but they are the one who needs each other, emotionally, physically, heartily,immensely. It's hard to get hurt and to know u being ur loved ones pain,guilt, anguish pain, helplessness takes over,insecurity,fear ,sadness engulfs. I m pretty sure if they were together they can solve their issues n protect themselves, however hard life plays with them , the one thing they built in for each other is enormous TRUST,than just love.

    Well superb ,subtle emotions written....

    I m curious as usual

  3. Both the parts r so gud...Priya is under the hands of culprit and tis vehan...🙄 It's so curious I need to know the real culprit soon pls update soon....

  4. The only thing came out of my mouth after reading your this spectacular write up is unblivable... I mean you write story with such passion that is enough to shake any human reading it...
    Just mind blowing too good...

    I never ever had tea such piece of Art olin whole life heads of to you diii.... you story have that grace which unable to match with any other things....

    Poor RaYa both are sorunded by enemies only where ever you see either you find haters of Ram & Priya or those creatures who is behind their life this is so sad that all are being them...

    I Vik is innocent here but no fully something dark is sure be there by his side I feel it... but Reshma & Vihan was the main player of this dirty game I don't believe there is they are only I feel someone else is also in this game playing master mind hope Vishesh find the real culprits soon...

    Right now all are in my doubting range I don't believe in anyone not even family members anyone can be the real culprits expect Ram Priya & Vishesh so waiting for the next...

    Hope before Ram gave Priya to Vihaan he found his deed before it becomes too late Priya is in danger now one is caught that is Reshma now it's turn of Vihaan to chat caught plz diii update soon the next....

  5. The only thing came out of my mouth after reading your this spectacular write up is unblivable... I mean you write story with such passion that is enough to shake any human reading it...
    Just mind blowing too good...

    I never ever had tea such piece of Art olin whole life heads of to you diii.... you story have that grace which unable to match with any other things....

    Poor RaYa both are sorunded by enemies only where ever you see either you find haters of Ram & Priya or those creatures who is behind their life this is so sad that all are being them...

    I Vik is innocent here but no fully something dark is sure be there by his side I feel it... but Reshma & Vihan was the main player of this dirty game I don't believe there is they are only I feel someone else is also in this game playing master mind hope Vishesh find the real culprits soon...

    Right now all are in my doubting range I don't believe in anyone not even family members anyone can be the real culprits expect Ram Priya & Vishesh so waiting for the next...

    Hope before Ram gave Priya to Vihaan he found his deed before it becomes too late Priya is in danger now one is caught that is Reshma now it's turn of Vihaan to chat caught plz diii update soon the next....

  6. Hi Nairita,

    Are we going to get any update soon??

    I visit this blog daily twice,hoping there may be a new chapter.

    Pls do update soon.


Chapter 48 : Enough to be Worse.

Chapter 48 : Enough to be Worse. Everyone in the room stood stunned as Jayesh and Sudheer went through the warrant t...