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Monday, February 12, 2018

Chapter 45 : Dark Days – Part 1

Chapter 45 : Dark Days – Part 1

Driving through the apparently busy roads, Priya's head knocked with one question if Meera was aware of everything and chose to keep it secret taking Jayesh’s side like an obedient and nice employee. With the every turn as her destination came closer she got more nervous blanketed under the thick layer of anger. She looked down to the left side, right on the seat where her mobile rang impatiently for another time. Number of times it rang was not countered by Priya, being absorbed in her own turmoil she deceived herself about its existence. Ignoring it for one more time she kept on moving towards the destination and driving for another half an hour she reached her destination and innumerable tries of the caller at last found success.

Picking up the phone the caller's name send a shot of anger into Priya's head.

“Hello" she answered to Meera pretty unwantedly.

“Where the hell you are and what is happening? Why Shipra ji is so stressed? What you have done Priya? Why she is crying?” Meera asked.

“To be precise nothing has happened and if anything has I will handle it.” Priya answered under her sharp sigh.

“I know you can handle it, but why you left her alone there and where you are?”

“First I have not left her alone, I went to leave someone out of life and second I am at Lavasa waiting for your permission to enter the premises. So may I Ma'am?” Priya said.

“You are freaked out Priya. I will catch you later.” Meera was about to disconnect the line she heard Priya mumbling but she failed to understand a bit of it. “What did you say Priya? Speak a loud.”

“Like people spoke on my face.” She laughed sarcastically and without any warning she dropped the call. Putting it to silent mode Priya pushed open the gate. Slapping the counter top she woke up the security. Guilt ridden he stood up saluting her. Putting the keys on the countertop Priya walked straight inside. When she came near the dining hall she heard the angry voice of Amarnath and muffled cries of her mother. Pacing up she entered the area. Her sudden presence surprised them.

“Your presence doesn't make any difference in the opinion you forced me to have for you Priya!” Amarnath looked angrily towards her. “How could you blame Vikram for all that happened to you?”

“I have not bauji..” She tried to defend but has to step back again under the angry and loud voice of Amarnath.

“You have not even tried to stop him at first, it came from you when I acted differently. You have gone through a lot , I know but this boy..” He pointed to Vikram. “ He lost a vital year of his life, from completely normal he went on to be called as physically challenged only to keep your husband safe. It is Vikram, who must be thanked for every breath of Ram.”

“Bauji I have fired Vishesh. I respect the sacrifices Vikram made for Ram, not knowing it even. But I only have one thought. Why didn't you speak for once in your defence?” Priya asked looking towards Vikram.

“There is no need to prove his innocence, for the crime he can ever think of doing Priya!” Amarnath shouted this time. “And now I know not only him, but you also suspect Vikram.”

“I suspect every man standing here right now.” Priya looked towards Ram this time. “Who knows it can be my husband, trying to make me weaker.” She smirked.

“Have you lost your mind Priya?” Krishna said now. “Do you even know what you are speaking about?”

“Yes I know. After I...” she choked.

“Shut up Priya. What Vishesh has done to you? Now you will believe in a stranger? This... is your family" Shipra said. “Not him.”

“Do you even consider us family Priya?” Krishna asked. She was upset.

“Please everyone.” Ram stepped in. He could guess the reason behind her comment. “Please. We all know what Vikram has done for me but not Priya. I am sure after knowing it she will also feel the same way like us.”

“I hope so.” Amarnath said still in anger.

Ram successfully scattered the discussion. “Aunty.” He addressed Shipra. “Please take some rest.

“Ram I want to talk to Priya alone. Please don't take this personally I want to know something from her.” Shipra shot an angry glance on her daughter while speaking to him. “Amatnath ji, I apologise on behalf of my daughter.”

“Shipra ji I stood with her everytime, with her every decision but this time she is wrong and she should apologise to Vikram, not to us.” He walked away from the hall towards his room without letting anyone to initiate any conversation further.

“Priya!” Shipra took Priya by her hand and dragged her to the room she was staying. Bolting the door Shipra stood in front of Priya and ordered her to look up. Once she obeyed Shipra initiated. “Have you lost your mind Priya?” She was extremely unhappy with her daughter. “Ram is that person who chose to continue with you even after knowing the past, you must be thankful to him.”

“What??” Priya had slight smile of disappointment on her face and then she started laughing suddenly. “I should be grateful to him for continuing with me? Do you think so?” she stopped laughing. “Maa you disappointed me. I never expected this from my mother.”

“Priya Priya open your eyes and accept the fact that if it was any one else than Ram and his family you would have been slapped with a divorce notice.” Shipra said. Without getting any answer she continued after a pause. “Priya you are married to him, he is your husband and the way you behaved today with him, his family and Vikram they are very kind hearted that you are still allowed inside.”

“Please don't divert from where you started Maa. You just said I should be grateful to Ram.” Priya said with her eyes gazing right to her own image in the mirror.


“Just answer me one thing Maa.”  She turned towards her mother with her eyes over flooding with tears but she kept her gaze fixed on Shipra. “Could you even think of someone touching you without your permission? Can you ever feel the creepiness, the coldness of that intrusion that you know will destroy everything but you have no choice but to see your everything getting snatched away? No Maa you can't feel, why you no one could ever feel and Maa how could you even see me with pity.”

“Priya I am not doing so. I just want you to be a good wife to him, he has some dreams, some expectations from you and I want you to live upto it. What I want to make you understand is..” Shipra stopped under Priya's voice.

She smirked and continued, “that how great your son in law is that he has accepted a girl who has been...” She breathed heavy. “He showed mercy of giving his name to a girl who has allowed...” Priya again stopped, she looked down and tears trailed down her cheeks. “He showed a big hearted kindness for the girl...” Priya hunched down on the floor. “to that girl who was raped, eaten off, destroyed. But she must be remembered every time about it , why she must be thankful to that man who allowed her to carry his name, who showed mercy by sharing his room with her, she must remain genuflected. After all he is the God and..” Priya stood up.. “Who showed mercy to a criminal.”

“Priya did I say that?”

“Everything doesn't need to be vocalised Maa.” She screamed. “Some unsaid words hurt the most and your son in law should get a reward for showing mercy to me right. He will get it today. He will.” Saying Priya wiped away her tears and rushed out of the room. Shipra followed her daughter's hurrying steps but was late. On her half way to the up stairs she heard the slamming noise of the door. Shipra waited for a minute or two before retiring to her own room. Once she was back to her room she saw Ram almost running towards his room, and she could easily guess the reason behind it.


Ram entered a dark pitch black room. His hands reached out for the switch board but before he could react, he felt a hand gripping his wrist tightly. “Don't. Today I want it black, dark just like my heart.” He heard Priya's voice and felt her hand to slip away. “The little hope that I had is lost today. You are my lord, you and your family accepted a nasty girl who did everything to get her flesh scratched away. I should be thankful to you. You are my God.”

“Priya what non sense you are speaking?” Ram moved near her.

“Yes my mother, my mother thinks so. If my own mother could think like that, take me as a shame who has been shown mercy by some people around then why not you? Why not your family?” Priya broke into tears. She sighed deep before continuing. “Ram.” She called him under the sigh. “What can I do for your Sir?” she said.


“I don't take any one's favour. If anyone does so, I make sure I return it on their way. And you know what since the time I thought I recovered from past for past 12 years I have allowed no one to show mercy to me and see you are the one to do that; even without letting me know. Wow.” Priya laughed for few seconds and continued then. “Now Priya is here in front of you to repay you the favour in the way you want it from me.”

Ram could hear her foot steps going a bit away from him and he heard the voice. “Do me a favour show me your greatness and leave me forever, claim me and leave me for ever. You have accepted a nasty girl, a spoiled girl, you must get your award. So go ahead and claim your reward, reward yourself Mr. Kapoor.”

“Priya I will talk to aunty just calm down and sit.” Ram said switching on the lights. Seeing Priya, in the least piece of cloth his blood raged and without thinking he reacted. Ram's hand went up in the air and it slammed against her soft cheek all at once. He slapped her. “How could you Priya!” Picking up her saree he threw to her. He was breathing heavily in anger, tears found its way down.

“What else can I gift you? My mom said I should think about your happiness as your reward, I must keep you happy. I must look after your needs. A great man like you should be rewarded. What else I can reward you with Mr. Ram Kapoor other than myself. I am a nasty spoiled girl what else can a nasty girl can give you?” She stopped as she felt Ram's other hand for a second on her other cheek. This time she fell on the ground. Ram hunched and fell on his knees sobbing loud. With his face covered with both hands he sobbed badly placing his head down on the floor for next several minutes and then suddenly he stood up and walked out of the room slamming the door behind him.


After an hour.

When Ram came back to the room his eyes looked around for Priya, he saw her lying on the bed. Walking up to her he looked at her messy face, swollen eyes and dried lips. He sat on his knees and placed his diary under her pillow without waking her. He wanted to touch her but this time something strong stopped him. Barring his thoughts he withdrew and sat on the couch pulling it to the furthest corner of the room. He closed his eyes and unwelcomed sleep swallowed him into its deepest chasm.


Unaware of the time Ram woke up to Priya's loud cries. At first he thought it to be a dream but soon he realised the seriousness of the matter. Rushing towards Priya he saw the most deadliest view of his life. He saw Priya in the most uncomfortable situation. In her sleep she murmured.. “leave me.. no no no.. please leave me.. let me go.. Don't come near me.. leave me.. please..” Clutching the bed sheet under her both hands she kept on murmuring the words sometimes under her muffled cries and sometimes with a sheer scream coming out of her dried lips.

For a moment Ram was paralysed seeing her in most unwanted situation and his brain stopped working. His eyes lost the vision, only her painful cries made screeching sounds paining his ear drums transporting those to his heart making it beat faster than normal. He jolted out of the hypnosis and called Priya with all his might holding her between his arms. And after trying for several minutes Priya came out of her sleep drenched in sweat, losing her breathes, eyes popping out of its shell. She looked up to Ram with shock, who was just few inch from her face. “Priya.” Ram called her again. His voice affected her, pushing Ram away she sat up and scrunched at the other corner of bed. “Priya.” Calling he tried to come close to her.

“Stay there!” Priya warned drawing herself more into herself. “I said stay there.” She again said watching Ram to move more close to her.

“Priya I am just trying to make you feel better.”

“I don't want anyone to make me feel better.” She said under her loud sobs. “I just don't want anyone...” her cries took over her words. Muffled under painful bawling her words went unheard by Ram. Coming closer he cupped her face restricting her struggles. He sat on his knees with his forehead touching hers.

“Calm down Priya. Please calm down. You don't need me, you want me to leave, I will but not this time. Please calm down.” He whispered. He got no reply but loud wailings. “Stop crying Priya. I am with you, no one is going to hurt you anymore.” This time he felt her touch over her hands.

“No one can ever hurt me Ram, it is my love that hurts me and still it continues. My love is a cruel curse that will end with the end of my love and you what is the funniest part of this..” She came apart and looked intently into his eyes. “I can end this life, my life your life, but I can't end this love. I can't. And this love is eating me, swallowing me into its darkness. It is making me mad. I can run away from you from my life but not from this love. This love is a curse for me.” She sat leaning to the headrest bawling like a little child. “I can destroy everything but not this love. Why? Why did I love you? Why? Kyun aya tu mere zindagi mein Ram? Kyun?

“Hate me Priya but never think of killing yourself.” Ram said looking down away from her. He looked back hearing her laugh.

“Hate? Nafrat aur tere se? If I could I would have done it the very time I saw you with a new girl every everyday. I would have hated you the day you left me alone. I would have hated you when I have read your diary?” She stopped. “Diary? How could you Ram? Did you? I read it but my heart don't accept it Ram! But my eyes didn't lie. Today you know what cramped me in my dreams. It is not him..” she made a straight face and continued after a pause. “It was you who feared me today.”

Ram looked stunned and surprised both at the same time. “If I make you cripple Priya then I will never allow me to be near you but until and unless I get you out of this.”

“No one get me out of this. It is the curse of this love.”

Wiping out his tears Ram climbed up the bed and without giving any chance to Priya he held tight her under him. “I will get you out of this so called curse, this love will get you out of your so called curse.” This time he embraced her in a tight hug. He came apart but didn't let Priya to win the struggles she was trying to free herself from his embrace. “And now before you again start your old cassette I am leaving you alone in this room but don't think I am going away from here. I am outside and you have no right to throw me out of my own property.” Ram almost jumped from the bed and walked outside the room. He stopped near the railing. Tears rolled down his cheeks as he closed his eyes, the starry night witnessed his pain unsaid, unknown to the world.


“Hello.” The voice from the other side echoed into Vishesh's ear. “I am sending you the papers which I have checked personally, and I am sure about it. There is a huge conspiracy, something wrong is going on here, I don't know what but something is wrong. It was not my suspicion that I shared with you, it is true and you have to stop this. Ram is under their control, they know how to fool him. Please do something.” The voice kept on saying but Vishesh didn't replied. “Are you listening to me?”

“Yes. I will get him out of all these. Don't worry just keep your eyes on them and please take care of Priya Ma'am. I want her to be safe.” Vishesh replied.

“I will and I have to go now. It is almost dawn and I don't want to get caught. Bye.” She disconnected the line and walked away from Ram's office unnoticed.

On the other side Vishesh checked the details she send scanned and highlighted and he also noticed the uncanny similarities between the 18 cases she highlighted but never came to Ram's knowledge that surprised him most. Taking print outs he walked out of the room.

Next Morning.

On seeing Reshma coming upstairs Ram welcomed her with a warm smile wishing her Good Morning.

“I agree this morning is very sweet obviously good but I don't think it is a good one for you. Is every thing fine Ram?”

“I don't know Reshma. I really don't know. Last night Priya behaved so terribly. I don't know what happened to her.” Ram looked towards her and continued. “Do something. Get her back. Last night she went out of control. She is slipping out slowly.”

“Ram calm down.” Reshma said. “Now tell me what exactly happened?” After listening to him carefully she leaned back to the couch with a deep sigh. “I will do session with her this evening and if she is sleeping right now let her be.”

“But what if she hallucinates again?”

“I feel she will not. I feel her fears get triggered specially in the evening or night. She may get a trauma again but let her be. Be around her but don't go near unless she wants you to be.” Reshma suggested.

“Okay.” Ram replied.

“Okay. Another thing Ram, the adoption is due. The couple will be visiting today with many hopes. You have to come and meet them and Ram whatever your decision is you have to give it to us.” Reshma said.

“I am okay with it. You get the papers ready, so that they can get the kid today. There is nothing happier than seeing a kid getting a family. I will just see them in a casual meeting before they welcome her to their life. That's it.” Ram said under a faint smile.

“Th..” Reshma stopped hearing footsteps coming up. She smiled at Shrestha who came up with two tea cups.

“I am sorry. I just go tea for Ram and Priya di.” Shrestha said.

“No it's okay darling. I also have some good news to share with you Shrestha. Today another bird will take the flight to her nest. Get Rajani ready, and tell her that her wait is over. Today she will get her family.” Reshma said with a bright and broad smile.

“Sure.” Shrestha smiled back contently. Placing the tea cups on the tea table she addressed Ram. “Ram, I also thought about Priya di's proposal. I want to pursue further studies with fine arts. If she is awake can I speak to her?”

“Shrestha, baad mein. You just get Rajani ready. Come let me help you in it.” Reshma interrupted Shrestha and almost forced her to leave Ram alone.

Ram didn't notice Shrestha was constantly looking towards him while she walked away with Reshma almost unwillingly.

Inside, with heavy eyes and an aching head Priya sat up on the bed properly. Pushing the pillow back, when she tried to move back to lean on the head rest her body felt something hard under her body weight. Trying to search for it, Priya pulled out the diary after three failed attempts.

It was the same diary that disclosed some cruel past to her. Just when she was about to throw it away, she found a handwritten note tucked loosely inside the diary. Pulling it out, she read it silently.

I can take every blame, every punishment but not your hate. I am not a monster Priya. It is just a  fragment that you read. I am handing you over 12 years of my life. Before judgin please read it. Don't deny just for a good old time sake please go through this diary once. Your's Ram.”

She looked up to find Ram standing by her. Silently he placed a cup on the bed side table and walked away from the room quietly.

Until we meet




  1. Everything single thing is complicated with each things coming in light seems to be suspicion be it Vikram or Reshma way of talking.

    Priya being again traumatized with her past now being in present too her own family is blaming her especially her mother and the father figure Amarnathji who seems still unaware of real truth.

    But in all this Ram is still with her and only his support can her which she is denying. Priya love hasn't faded but has been layerd under the surface of anger.

    It's good in absence of Vishesh someone is their to look out for RaYa but hidden. Hope the information Vishesh has about adoption process delivered soon to Ram without any delay.

    Priya is vunlerable and Ram is light to it and hope the past he is handling over her through his diary don't damage their present.

  2. Very nicely written.... waiting eagerly for the secrets to unfold and things getting normal for RaYa

  3. It was no doubt once again you nailed with it so perfectly... I must say Dii the way Priya behaves... the way She texted on her mother's words were speechless...

    I really lost the words that time... Vik is surly up to something & surly Neha is with him I don't know are they doing right or wrong but really can't see them as Dark character ever still will be waiting for you to revel their original motive behind this...

    Vishesh is been always a honest person to now & made his all work with loyalty so less doubt on him right now that he could be wrong but really pissed with suspance of targeting Vik here well will be wait for you to clear the things soon..

    & last but not least his could Shipra say that I mean she really lost her mind ever Priya bee her child she wouldn't said those to her feeling sad for Priya... just imagining how much pain from she must be suffering... more on that Ram's past wedded salt to wound...

    Yes I wish things get clear soon the way Priya reacted was expected the way Shipra messed up with everything even Ram's behaviour too so sad no one is understanding what RaYa's going threw from all mantel torture but seems no one cares for it too....

    So now will Ram's part will out in next will be waiting read for it but must say dii you have pictured the serious matter like Rape in today's world so maturely heads off to you showing true & crual facts of woman's life after such incidents with her... do post next soon...


Chapter 48 : Enough to be Worse.

Chapter 48 : Enough to be Worse. Everyone in the room stood stunned as Jayesh and Sudheer went through the warrant t...