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Monday, December 25, 2017

Chapter 43 : Lost Love and The Truth

Chapter 43 : Lost Love and The Truth

Jay, will catch you in next few hours. Let's not talk right now.Vihsesh said over the wireless headset.

It's urgent sir.Vihsesh's assistant, Jay begged, which was brutally ignored.

I said not now.Replied Vihsesh curtly ending the conversation in an abrupt.

Preoccupied with what he saw before leaving the place at Lavasa, he kept on driving towards the destination without even trying to make any particular conversation with Priya. He replied once in for all when she asked him to drive to The Taj instead of Kapoor Mansion. Inside his mind he has already jotted to request Priya to lend her car for he has to engage himself in an important work. Another time he engaged his eyes to look at the rear view mirror to get a glance of Priya. She sat leaning to the seat with her eyes shut tightly but peace eloped. Anyone could easily tell that she was stressed, her mind fully occupied with a certain thought. But Vihsesh chose not to intervene. Shifting his full concentration back to the road he pressed against the accelerator. The car zoomed through almost desolated road.


Kapoor Mansion.

I am happy that Priya is taking interest in Ram's affairs.Sarojani said with a peaceful smile wanting her son and daughter-in-law to register their views in her favour. But nothing happened as such. Amarnath continued with the Newspaper and Krishna kept her undivided concentration on the fruits, those, she was peeling off and cut into pieces. Sarojani cleared her throat loud and clear trying to grab the attention; failing to that, she frowned. I am saying a particular thing.” 

Maa. Let the children be.Amarnath said folding the paper into half and resting it on his lap. We should not mind our business into them.

But why we look forward having a family if we should not mind our business in theirs?asked the old lady curtly.

He doesn't mean that Maa.Krishna interrupted. Right now both of them are fragile..she stopped under Sarojani's scorn.

I meant that only!she said. Both of them are fragile and their togetherness will act as a cure. I am happy that they chose to be together not staying away from each other.

Is it so Maa?Amarnath asked raising his eye brows with a faint smile escaping his lips.

If not then you tell me what I was thinking?asked the lady sitting with her hands clasped near her belly expressing her anger prominently.

End of the discussion please.Krishna stood up serving the fruits to respective plates. Please have the fruits and yes I am also happy to know that the newlyweds are taking time out for each other. I can feel they are laying the foundations of their married life and as parents and grandparents we should be happy and content.Even when she thought it to untrue but she maintained a pleasant smile all over her face. Not impressed by her approach Sarojani denied the before lunch fruits and walked away. You should be careful while choosing words for Maa.Krishna said under a deep sigh without looking towards her husband. After a pause she continued. She is looking forward to their relationships, we might get to understand the complexities but it will take time for her. She is getting old and if you lose your temper so quick it will become a bickering affair, which is not good for a household.

Amarnath sat content in his thoughts. And we should not forget about Rishab. A huge task is ahead. Maa will definitely throw tantrums once the wedding schedules get disclosed to her. The youngest son has opted for a court marriage will be a slap on her face.

We will think something about it. Right now let me do the damage control that you made right now.Krishna left soon after that leaving Amarnath in deep thought.


The Taj, Mumbai.

After allowing Vihsesh to take her car, Priya took the elevator to the floor where Meera was staying. She opened the door within a minute for Priya after she rang the bell. Welcoming her by a warm hug Meera asked her to be comfortable. Priya was also welcomed by a warm smile from Ashok. Then her eyes went down to the briefcase that he held.

This is unfair.Priya complained. Why are you always on wheels?she leaned back on the couch. I don't remember when I had a proper conversation with you?

Well I would love to but I have an urgent work. It has to be finished with utmost priority.Ashok said with a faint smile. And I should not be intruding in someone else's official matter.He said with his eyes directed to Meera. Well I meet you later.He smiled and walked out of the room.

Okay now I get it you two had a fight and the reason is me!she sighed deep thoughtfully. And it is not good. You could have informed me about any prior commitments you had. I...she stopped under Meera's screeching voice.

Stop over thinking lady and concentrate on the reason you are here.Meera said. After a brief pause she continued, I seek your apologies in advance if I over step into your personal life anytime with my next words.There was a long pause among them while they looked into each other's eyes. I think you are neglecting a part of your life for the new addition in your life which is not going well with most of the board members and Priya you are the one to vote against the dynastic positions in the company when Jayesh ji wanted you as the CEO years back. It took three years for you to win the trust of every board member to get elected as the CEO and today again you are putting your place under scanner.Meera sat by Priya and placed a firm hand over hers. I know the responsibilities a marriage brings but that doesn't mean you will forget and let go the commitments that were already made to yourself.

I can understand what made them feel so and if I were one of them I would have thought in the same path. There is no other trajectory to it.Priya said heaving a deep sigh. Neither have I blamed you nor them. And if you really know me I am happy to have you in my life. You show me the right path every time.She smiled slightly.

Meera looked down to her entwined hands and sat occupied in deep thoughts. She looked up as Priya asked about her worries. I am not questioning but I am also equally worried about your married life. You and Ram need a fresh start but how ...She stopped suddenly remembering her words to Ashok. She remained calm for several minutes next. Priya I am concerned about you. Everything about you.

Yes. I know.After heaving a deep sigh Priya smiled faintly to the other lady. Now can we discuss some work.She added diverting the discussions towards her wanted path.


7 pm Kapoor Mansion.

When the car from the Taj honked at the Mansion gate the extra cautious security showed a red signal to it. Asking about the reason of visit he looked towards the rear seat to get the view of the passenger. Sorry Ma'am" he bowed down to Priya and scampered towards the gate to make way for the car.

After rewarding the chauffeur generously Priya rolled her trolley to the main entrance a valet came running to take it from her and behind came Krishna Kapoor with a straight face. She was unsure about how to react.

Beta, it is a pleasant surprise but where is Ram?She looked towards the porch but noticing no one behind she came back and looked straight to her daughter in law. If I am not wrong, you and Ram were scheduled to come back after the prayer meet, right?Krishna asked.


Then?Krishna frowned. Is everything fine Priya?there was a hurry in her voice.

Yes Maa. I was compelled to return. My board members wanted me in the inauguration scheduled on day after tomorrow and turning them down is equivalent to saying no to the company.She said without looking towards her mother in law.

“Hmm..” Krishna nodded but some where she felt it as an unwanted move by Priya. Riyah's parents are here. Rishab and Riyah want a court marriage and we have to do it from Delhi, native of Riyah's mother.

I will take care of everything but Maa, has Dadi agreed to it?Priya asked snatching Krishna's words.

We have less than 15 days to make her understand.Krishna sighed.

“Priya??” Amarnath stopped near the ladies. He came to call his wife who left the guest waiting. So this is what the security said over the phone? We will talk later come Priya it is good that you are here.Without letting any of the women to speak further he almost escorted Priya to the garden where the guests and family were seated.

Sarojani was missing from the place that was the first thing Priya noticed. She smiled broad as Riyah came and hugged her with all the warmth. Priya reciprocated back. Greeting Riyah's parents she sat by Rishab. Rest of the evening went engaging and productive discussing about the young couple whose wedding date was scheduled in next twenty days.

Same night when, Priya was retiring to her room Rishab stopped her just at the door steps. “Bhabi..” He called. “Please don't tell anything to Bhai. I want to give him a surprise. I want to see his smile again.

That moment Priya remembered she has completely blanked out about calling Ram after landing back to Mumbai. She smiled faintly and approving Rishab's request Priya walked inside her room. Pulling out her phone she found no missed call notifications. Little sad she dialed Ram's number and waited for him to answer it.

“Hi Priya.” Ram answered the call.

I am sorry I just lost the track and forgot to inform you.Priya didn't realize that she was actually apologizing to him.

I got your every update first from Vihsesh then Meera and lastly Maa.

Oh! I see.The disappointment in her voice was evident.

What happened? Did I disappoint you?


Both of them lost their words momentarily. Priya if there is something I am failing to understand make me understand please.Ram pleaded.

There is nothing Ram. And I am tired and want to take a good nap. I have a lot to do tomorrow and day after tomorrow too. So better I should take some rest. Good night Ram.The abruptness in her voice hurt Ram but he didn't react.

I also agree.Instead he agreed and dropped the phone on the bed after disconnecting the call with Priya. He wanted to seek apologies from Priya for suspecting her, he wanted speak his heart out but nothing such happened. Agonized he sat quiet in the room.


Is this about the same couple?Vihsesh asked without looking up from the papers. How can you miss such a big point? This is a perfect example of over confidence Jay.He scolded the well-built man standing in front. Any other lead?he asked.

Sir, I suggest you to ask Kapoor Sir to cancel the adoption application of this family.Jay said with his head hung low. And I am sorry for delivering the late information.” 

Why do you suggest that? Is there anything else in addition to this?Vihsesh asked this time looking straight to his assistant.

This illegal business of sex determination and abortion has come to light but we still don't have any tangible proof. I will get it soon but there is another case registered in their name though they were acquitted.Jay paused and looked up to his boss. His raging eyes were enough to tell that Vihsesh is not in a mood to converse. They were arrested with the charge of child labour and child abuse. But they were acquitted.

Don’t they do a police verification?Vihsesh asked himself but loud enough for Jay to hear it.

Sir, they came out clean but I doubt them and people like them can easily bend and mend things according to them. For their good.

I want the report in two days with proof and till then I will be requesting Mr. Kapoor to keep the adoption application on hold and I hope I am not late this time.Vihsesh said angrily. And now you can leave.Just when Jay was about to leave he was stopped by his boss. Jay, I want the list of the candidates, the physically handicapped candidates whom we have trained in past 9 years. All the applications in hard copy, the first two years by tomorrow morning, rest by the evening.

Sir, we have the records of the last seven years in our database. You can..Jay was cut short by Vihsesh.

I know that is the reason I relaxed you with the last seven years records.Vihsesh replied curtly. And now please get to work and let me too.He hovered over the computer screen and played the CCTV footage from the night when his car was damaged by the intruder. Freezing the frame, where his side profile can be seen and he can get the best view of his eyes and nose only, he looked closely. He wanted his instincts to be proven wrong but the man he saw in Ram's charitable trust resembles the most. He again concentrated on the screen and he again came to the same conclusion like the previous one. Frustrated he leaned back on the seat and stayed there in the same position for a long time. The bell of the clock alarmed him about time. He was running out of time and he has a mountain to climb. Logging into the confidential folder of the candidate database he started searching the face that he saw last in Lavasa, his prime suspect.


Late night, Kapoor Mansion.

It was the umpteenth time Priya checked the time. The clock's hands seemed to be frozen and it was arrogant to move. She sat up on the bed and hover her eyes around the deserted room. When she wanted to keep up with Ram around sleep glued to her but when she got the solace of being alone like her spinster days, sleep eloped. Sitting up on her place she switched on the bed side lamp. Fear and fright took all over her. She realized in the middle of the night she was wide awake like an owl with nothing to do and soon a fear took all over her. She looked towards the terrace then to the love seat towards the changing room everything started haunting her. Taking deep breathes she picked up the phone with trembling hands and pressed the call button twice which redirected the call to the last called number when she was trying to call Meera and she realised it when Ram said hello from the other side. For once she decided to disconnect the call but the next moment she didn't want to be so much rude with him. Her trance broke when Ram kept on her name repeatedly. At last in a very feeble voice she replied to Ram.

Is everything fine?Ram was concerned and worried about her. A fear engulfed around him for a moment. He stood up at his place praying to almighty to keep his love safe. This time when he took Priya's name under his trembling voice she spoke almost inaudible. Yes. I called you by mistake.Without giving time to respond Priya hung the call. She was breathing heavy, almost loosing breathes. Realising to be in the desolated room her agony started to increase again. Just when again she started to panic, her mobile phone rang loudly echoing through the room. Pressing her hands against ears Priya sat trying hard to ignore the incoming call. Slowly she felt that the rings faded away and the phone fell silent. Gasping when she let out a sigh of relief the phone again bothered her with its indecent ringing. She wanted to throw it to death but the name flashing on the screen stopped her. With trembling hands she picked up the phone and answered to Ram.

Before you hung up again, just tell me what is bothering you?asked Ram straight. But when he received no reply Ram again insisted on getting a reply. After a few tries he became successful and Priya spoke.

I...I...I am stuttered.

Of what?

Of this loneliness.She said surprising Ram. When she got no reply for next several minutes Priya almost shouted over phone. I am missing you.There was a pause again and then she continued, I know I am sounding weird but I am not enjoying this most awaited lone time, the me time which I always used to enjoy before you jumped into my life again. You and your naggings have made a permanent place in my routine without being practiced. I am actually missing your presence by me. I am actually not being able to trust myself, I feel safe when you are around. I feel...she breathed heavy before ending what she started to say. I feel alive with you around.

None of them spoke for a long time. Both of them maintained the silence listening to eachothers breathes. It was Ram who broke the silence. I am happy and sad to know it at the same time. Sad, because I don't want to see you in such pain, losing your self-confidence and happy, knowing that a little but I have gained some importance in your life.He smiled under a sigh while Priya remained silent. Priya, I am here for you. I may not be able to reach you but I am there by you. You may not be able to touch me see me, but close your eyes you will be able to feel me. Do it. Feel my presence by you. I am with you.

After a brief paused he continued. Priya it is pretty late you must sleep now.

I can'tshe replied feebly. My sardonic heart is giving me a tough time. When I used to enjoy my loneliness the most you came and disturbed it, but now again you are disturbing it by leaving me alone. Why can't you give me some peace? Why Ram tell me why?She shouted over the phone.

Smiling a little in response Ram left out a faint sigh. Lie down Priya.He said.


Lie down Priya but don't disconnect the line.

What are you asking me do?

Just do it what I am asking you do.

Though not willing to do, Priya did as instructed by Ram. We are not college going kids.Scolding him in the end.

Interestingly we never did this in college.Ram chuckled.

We did. I used to fall asleep every time, even snore over the phone, as you said though I remember nothing, but you never slept in between the conversations. I remember.” Priya smiled.

How I can forget your snoring. Even Vikram used to have nightmares from it.Ram laughed. I used to keep the phone on table and on speakers until it woke up Vikram and every time as a reward I used to get a series of abuses.Ram laughed and could hear Priya laugh too.

But I never snored, if I used to then why Neha never complained about it? You lied that time and now too.

Neha, she is another khumbhakaran, the female version of the evil. How could she complain?

So, you want me tell I never allowed you to sleep with my snores all these days.” Priya asked.

No, actually I missed your snores. Not for a single night in the mansion you snored.

Because I never snore. Neither then nor now!she replied confidently.

That means I am lying?

May be.

Okay then let me tell you one time you have embarrassed me too with your sleep talking. Yaar who speaks private moments in sleep. Vikram almost heard everything. It was my good luck that I acted faster than his reflexes. Else you would have presented him with the full descriptive knowledge of our intimacy. Now before you say it is also wrong...Ram stopped and smiled. He was successful in putting Priya to sleep. To confirm he took her name for more than three times. After being assured of  Priya being in deep slumber he plugged in the headphones and lied down too. He closed his eyes but he remained wide awake.


Vihsesh's office.

No such face he found in the seven years database. He looked at the time. It was almost close to dawn then, his efforts fetched him no result. Now his luck depends on the first two years records but what if he failed to find that particular face there too. It made him thought. After a deep thought he quickly searched for few names over internet. Before him there were three such organizations in Mumbai who trained people with self-defense. He noted down the address quickly and chalked out the complete plan inside his head. He called Ayub the most trusted trainer, body guard of his organization that late and gave Priya's number and instructions, at the same time he e-mailed Priya's complete schedule to him.

Sleepless he leaned on the chair. He waited for the morning, he has to excuse himself from Priya for few days for her good and for Ram's good.


Lavasa, same night.

Ram looked towards the door. Someone kept on knocking until he opened it. “You?” Ram exclaimed. This late??

I have to be here. I have a news. I have failed to find Rajat.The man said.

And who withdraws the money sent to his mother?Ram asked.

That startles me the most.

Come on stop this melodrama and tell me who?Ram asked impatiently.

“Vihsesh” he said and after a pause he continued. “Else Priya.”

“WHAT??” Ram moved back. His back hit the wall behind. It is hard to believe what he hard but the man standing on the other side, who stood by him all these years can never be wrong. He looked up to Ashok and asked. But Why? Why she? What she has for that monster who destroyed her life. Why she is so sympathetic towards him? What she shares with him Ashok? What she did to him Ashok? What Priya did to him, Ashok? What you are hiding from me?

Sadly, we never hide a single thing from you...Ashok fell silent under Ram's voice.

Don't say that. Haven't you hide the horrific news from me about Priya? If I knew it I would have killed that bustard.Ram screamed.

That was the only reason Jayesh ji hide that from you. Priya rose from ashes after a long try of 12 years Ram and it took seven years for Jayesh ji to make her believe that she can never belong to anyone. Every time a prospective groom came every one was confident that he will click for her but only Jayesh knew he is making her step closer towards you. He wanted to keep you and Priya safe. But I fear if Priya is really safe.Ashok said under a deep sigh.

What do you mean?Ram asked.

Either he is back and is behind Priya else...” Ashok fell silent.

Else what??Ram asked.

I am looking forward to be proved wrong, I will get the confirmation soon. But we highly suspect if even Rajat is alive and we suspect Priya to be his assassinator and Vihsesh has helped her in the process.Ashok heaved out a deep sigh and gasped before surrendering to the deadly silence prevailing around.

Ram trembled and looked at the phone which lie on the bed. He rushed towards it, Priya was not on the other side. When he unlocked it the home screen popped up. Has she listened to their conversation, he thought before dialing her number. But all the times it went unanswered. Feeling uneasy he chose to wait for the morning to invade.

Until We Meet




  1. Hi well ,
    It's really hard to predict who is behind all this.
    At one point of time every one seems to be a suspect Priya ,Vishesh ,Ashok and Jayeshji apart from Rajat or his family, of course the new addition to the list is Dr Vehan.
    Well it's growing interesting day by day
    Love the most part of ram n Priya conversation, I thought Ram wud apologize her but instead Priya did,
    But whoever apologized they are building their bricks again ,at least trying to be their self and not pretending to but actually opening up awkwardly which they quote , but much comfortably.
    Well. Sarojini,Kk n Amar discussion was full of care,concern fear love and protecting the their kid, and at the same time trying to maintain ,it doesn't create differences in them.
    Well iss Rishabh ki shaadi ki itna urgency Kyun hai yaar , Priya n ram are already in a big mess.
    Why priya n ram just concentrate on themselves , become little selfish for "their" time , instead of taking all on their head and complicating their lives without peace, sleep and togetherness.
    Well story is great going , no doubt
    Thanks for the beautiful update again ..

    Waiting already for the next, me lil greedy lol

  2. Things are getting complicated with the entry of the intruder in RaYa life which can harm both of them. And more over the expart like Vishesh having difficult time handling it.

    Happiness is around the corner with Rishbah and Riah marriage but Amarnathji and Krishnaji as parents are worried for Ram Priya and for their future but still will not interfere in their affairs as both are much capable of doing it themselves but Dadi didn't share the same view.

    Seems so it was going well with adoption process but it seems some suspicion has occurred and hope it reach Ram ears soon before any harm can happen to the kid who is in for adoption.

    The ice in RaYa life is on the edge of melting with Priya is finding solace again with Ram presence and other than him no one can able to bring her back. But seems the phone conversation between Ashok and Ram don't bring further hurdles in their life.

    One side the things going well bit with nano second all things came to square one and now the info about Rajat too making things complicated which is connecting to Priya and Vishesh.

  3. Too be honest it us completely as suspance thriller mystery that who is behind RaYa...
    Who is the person & what is his motive is he good or is he bad... I m totally confused with all this happening in story...

    The only things getting good is RaYa is accepting each other in their life slowly but steadily... & the marriage bells for younger sin of Kapoor's are another happiness moment...

    Else Meera & Ashok playing which game around RaYa along with Jayeshji I m seriously failed to understand but seeing all this many new clues are out now....

    There are many people whome we can doubt but why do I feels there is no involvement of Rajat's family ot his own self in either way...

    Things are really getting much complicating in many way I m really failing to guessing the right culprits or sitiation so batter to keep my mind aside & wait for you to continue it in your own way so do post next soon will be waiting....

  4. I think the story gets twisted's eating my mind that who will be the suspect post the next one soon will be waiting....


Chapter 48 : Enough to be Worse.

Chapter 48 : Enough to be Worse. Everyone in the room stood stunned as Jayesh and Sudheer went through the warrant t...