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Friday, December 8, 2017

Chapter 42: Tangled in Love.

Chapter 42: Tangled in Love.

Every single time Ram looked at the pale face of Priya lying crumbled in her sleep he tried to make himself calm but the next moment Manik's allegations seemed to be true when his brain got triggered with the last few words. He failed to find any palpable reason for Priya being in touch with Rajat's mother. He remembered clearly how awkward she felt when Rajat forced her to speak with his mother. It never changed in past though. Or has it changed. For the rest of the night he sat straight on the chair facing the terrace after he successfully put Priya into sleep. Sleep was elusive for him. He took a deep breathe when his eyes fell on the clock that gonged. Cocking his head he found the time to be 4:00 am. For any reason he was suspicion about Priya, and soon he needed to speak else that suspicions may end hurting her sentiments. But with whom, he thought as he stood up at his place. Stretching his hands above head he yawned. Once for a moment he wanted to throw himself on the mattress but he changed the idea and walked out to the terrace. Manik's words became a drug to him, whatever he tried to think went in vain and of no use. He ended up thinking about Rajat and Priya. Impatient he felt the agitation building up inside his head. A gong was hitting him inside. Desolating Priya he walked out of the room, little does he noticed that Priya was wide awake then.

Ram stopped once he reached the ground. The restless inside brewed up. Once in all he has to get answers. The allegations made by Manik were not answered by Priya either, that makes him more startled. Agitated, aggravated in search of an answer he sat on the bench. He was breathing heavy. Ram looked behind when he felt a touch on his shoulder.

“You!” he was surprised to see Vishesh that early.

“Sir, this is my routine.” Vishesh said half breathing. He settled down by Ram. “But what brings you here this early?” he asked wiping off the sweats beads from forehead. There was no response from Ram's side. He sat in dead silence. Vishesh heaved out a deep sigh. He has a great observation power and his eyes never failed to arrest the anxiety he was in since the conversation with Manik. “Sir I know what you are thinking. Manik's words left a deep impact on you. I can see it, I can feel it!”

“Shouldn't it?” Ram was loud. He leaned back, his hands on eyes. When he removed it his eyes were glistening with tears. “I don't know Vishesh why even I thinking about it!” But I can't stop myself from doing so either. It is not that I don't trust her. I trust her but something is there that I don't know and that is eating me up. Eating up our comfort.”

“I can understand. You two are in such a relationship that needs clarity. Every relation is built up on the faith and trust. If it breaks the relationship falls straight on its face. I may not be able to enlighten you about her complete past that you missed but all that I can say is there is no truth in Manik's allegations. They are just few information that his informers could dig out and claim to find clue to the case.” Vishesh said.

“But is she really was in touch with his mother?” Ram asked.

Vishesh looked down. He was the one to take Priya regularly to Nashik after the deadly incident. He looked down with a deep sigh followed to it. “I must not intrude. But what I feel, you are doubting her.”

At first there was no reply. Ram sat straight this time. His eyes were locked at the horizon.

“Do you see the moon?” Vishesh asked. Ram looked with a worry towards him. “The moon!” Vishesh pointed to the sky this time but the other man glanced confusingly towards him. “For few days every month it is gone! But did we ever doubt its loyalty towards us? Did we ever ask if it is finding another orbit a better one?” Vishesh smiled faintly. “I may sound silly, but she is that moon! She might be out of your sight for a time but she was always there. Watching you, loving you and caring for you.”

“But why she was in touch with Rajat's mother?” Ram asked again. “Is it normal? What she is hiding from me Vishesh?”

“Sir, I am a third person to comment.” Vishesh stood up this time. “It will be better if you ask her straight.”

“But I can't. If I could I would have.”

“I am a novice when it comes to relationships.” He laughed. “I am no one to suggest you how to confront her. But what I understand is intervention of a third person makes the things complicated.” Suddenly he seemed to be in hurry to leave.

Ram stood up and looked back, where Vishesh was looking that moment. An awful guilt struck him, the moment his eyes met Priya's. He found the other man to jog away while his wife left a deep sigh before turning back and walk away ignoring his request to stop. Ram followed her. He locked the door and pulled the curtains of the room to find some privacy. The wall length windows opening to the corridor prevents privacy, he knew, and he was not in a mood to share his privacy with anyone there.

Mumbai, Same day.

“So at last we will meet our CEO after a long gap.” Exclaimed a broad member to Jayesh happily.

“No.” Jayesh rectified immediately which made many to raise there brows to show the unhappiness. “I mean to say she will not be available for the inauguration but...” he has to leave his words incomplete when the first board member wished to intervene.

“Jayesh, I fear she has lost her interest in business lately.”

“Oh! Come on.” Jayesh laugh off the comment. “She has already informed about her unavailability for two months. You can't be so presumptuous.”

“I know. But she has promised us to be available over phone which we find her barely.”

“You are over thinking.”

“And you are protecting her.”

“What do you mean by that?” Jayesh felt infuriated by the direct allegation.

“I mean to say we need a new head. Let her enjoy her marriage and Kapoors are...” He stopped as Meera interrupted.

“Sir.” She looked apologetically. “She will be there and I will speak to her personally. I don't mean to offend you but just not keeping a word doesn't disqualify the hard work she has put; towards this company; to pull it up from there to here.” Meera pointed to the ground then to the air imitating the growth of their organization.

“No one is putting her efforts under scanner but an organization can't run under emotional influence of an individual.”

“Sir, Priya will be there at the inauguration.” Meera stood up to leave.

“Nothing can be forced on others.”

Meera sighed sharply. “Sir, she will be here.” She walked out of the room.



“You could have asked me Ram.” Priya stormed to the other side away from Ram.

“I have no intentions to hurt you Priya and I was not asking him. I was sharing...” Ram paused under Priya's hurried reactions.

“I think I am the best person to share that words. Isn't it?” Priya scorned. “I never ever thought that Mr. Sinha's words would have made you believe that I was and am having an affair with Rajat.”

“What???” Ram exclaimed. “When did I say that?”

“Sometimes silence is enough and for your case you were loud and vocal all the time.”

“Priya is this rude. You are blaming me being presumptuous. Did I ever behave rude to you for suspecting me?”

“At last you said the desired and designated word that lit up this conversations and thank you for that. Next Mr. Kapoor I never went on sharing those with random people around.” Priya accused him straight. “I have the courage to blame you at your face. At least I was honest with myself even if every time I was proved wrong. You never stopped me loving..” Priya stopped under her words. Her trance was fixed on Ram realising what she just declared was an indirect acceptance of the love she still have for him and the realisation of her heart. Sighing sharply she turned her back to Ram.

“Why did you stop?” Ram asked softly. When he got no answer from the person concerned he smiled faintly. “You have every right to be mad at me Priya but I shared those with Vishesh being concerned about your safety not being suspicious about you.” His steps towards Priya made her stiffen. She closed her eyes when Ram's warm breathes fell on her shoulder. “I am worried about you. I am not suspicious about you. Even if you try to hate me I know you will end up loving me every time. But I strongly feel Rajat is the man behind all these and I am still waiting to know what made you visit Rajat's mother constantly and keep her funding every month! Is she blackmailing you?”

“NO!!” Priya abruptly took a sharply U turn. Without any gap among them Priya managed to plaster her feet on ground with a little help from Ram, being hold by him against arms and her self help by clutching Ram's T-shirt tightly under her fists. Their eyes meet with each other. None of them neither tried to move away nor tried to break the trance. Priya gasped when she felt Ram's hand moving down her arms. She can easily push away him but she did the opposite arrested under Ram's unsaid words and eyes. This time as Ram placed his hands on Priya's, she closed her eyes breathed heavy.

“I can never forgive myself for doubting you for those few moments Priya. I can never look into your eyes for putting your love for me under scanner.” He held tightly her hands under his. Placing his forehead on her he breathed shakily. “How can I even cry seeking apology from you? I am ashamed of myself.” He looked up gasping when he felt a jerk. Snatching out her hands Priya pushed him back. “Priya..” He tried to step in. He knew those reactions to be punishment for saying the truth.

“Just go away...” she said when tears made its way down along her cheeks. “Just Go Away...” she repeated again this time looking down to the floor stepping back from Ram rejecting his approach.

Shoving his hands into his pants' pocket Ram turned back. Before leaving he waiting for few minutes expecting a melt down. But as minutes passed he realised this time he has made a blunder. Only hope he had was his confession that might have made her mad momentarily but with time she may forgive him. He agreed to his self to give her time and he knew it will not be another 12 years. Sighing deep he walked out of the room as desired by his wife.

Priya walked to the bed and sat with a thud trying to dismiss the recent event between them as a dream.



“Meera what are you doing?” Ashok tried to stop her. “Sit at a place and think. She might be busy with family.”

“Do you have any involvement in the company and I am enough mad over you Ashok.” Meera snapped. “And about this.” She pointed to her phone this time. “I know what I am doing you don't have to advice me.”  

“Meera but she is the boss you can't...” Ashok paused under the angry gaze of his wife. “Okay fine do what ever you want.”

“Good for you. Make it a deal Ashok I am not putting my nose in the destructive drama you and Jayesh ji carrying on in return do me a favour never try to interfere in my official involvement.” She dialled back Priya's number. “Where the hell you are!!” Meera stomped her feet loud on the floor. She threw the phone on the bed and took her seat on the couch placed by it.



Ram slowly walked towards the boys’ dormitory. Standing infront of the door his eyes went to the empty bed which was neatly done. The toys those once used to get life with Chotu lending his voice to them were kept at place but lifeless forever. The bed squeaked as Ram sat on it. The room was empty that time except the cleaner in her regular duty only noticed him to saw weeping covering his face. His muffled cry echoed through the room. Seeing the boss fragile she got disturbed and chose to hurry out of the place to inform Reshma. But Ram hadn't to wait long, Shrestha learning the same from the maid choose to intervene.

“Hi.” Shrestha sat by Ram. With blurred vision Ram looked up. He gasped.


Collecting herself Priya managed to bring back to her normal self. Looking to the clock she realised that there might be some calls and emails she missed. But she didn't recall the place she might have left her phone last night. But she didn’t have to struggle much. Her eyes fell on the bed side table. Her phone lied there connected to the charger. Picking up the phone she got shock of her life finding 69 missed calls from Meera. Her heart started beating fast when the phone started blinking notifying incoming call from Meera again. She feared some bad news is waiting.

“Hello.” Priya said in shaky voice.

“WHERE THE HELL YOU ARE????” Meera screeched. “And you have not kept your words. I waited for you a whole hour and made fun of myself. DO YOU REALISE THAT?”

“Who made fun of you?”

“Oh! Does it really matter to you??” Meera continued to complain. “You made fun of me Priya. You on this earth has that guts to do that not even Ashok is allowed to do so.” She snapped in anger to Ashok.

“Why would I do that?” Priya scorned. “You know what you mean to me.”

“Really? Then tell me where you are and why you are not showing any interest in my calls?” Meera said.

Priya heaved a deep sigh. “Look Meera I am really...” she stopped under the other lady's rude commands.

“Cut that crap Priya just answer me.” She sounded really upset and angry at the same time.

“Lavasa. I am in Lavasa. I overslept and as my phone was in silent mode I missed your calls. I just looked into it and realised my mistake and Meera you have to take care about everything about the inauguration.” Priya stopped as Meera started laughing hysterically. “What's funny in this Meera?” Priya asked angrily. 

“Listen darling you are allowed to over sleep.” Meera said while laughing and continued. “Especially being just married. But..” she sounded pretty serious suddenly. “You are not allowed to miss the inauguration.”

“Meera I said you I am in Lavasa and I...” Priya stopped as Meera interrupted again.

“I am not conferring I am asking you to do or better to say I am asking the owner to behave like a owner. More precisely I am asking the CEO to look at her own self and ask herself if she is so incapable that board members have started to think about an alternative and her impeachment.” Meera was breathing heavy after completing her words. There was a pin drop silence for next several minutes. “Should I say straight on your face? Which, I really don't want!” She added.

“I am coming back. Today.” Priya sighed deeply. “Now.”

“I will be waiting for you. 4023. The Taj Mahal Palace.” Meera replied.

“See you soon.” Priya disconnected the line and sat back on the bed.


“What are you doing here?” Ram asked Shrestha showing his discomfort.

“That I should ask you adding without Priya di?” She replied back instantly and knew that Ram was not in a mood for question answer session or in a funny mood. “Okay sorry I was just trying to cheer you up.”

“Sorry. But, Ram shedding tears is not a solution. Kids need us. After a lot of try I and Reshma could get them out of this room. If you have lost a son they have also lost their friend. They are equally sad.” Shrestha tried to make Ram speak. “Have decided not to speak Ram?”

“I have decided nothing Shrestha. I have messed up everything that I have in my life. I failed to save Chotu. I have made Priya gravely upset and I have already lost my family way back. I only had Priya and I am doing every possible thing to lose her forever.” Ram wiped off his tears. “And you, haven't I used you? Yes I did and never thought where I am pushing you towards.” He was breathing heavy. “I am plastering my thoughts, my needs on others.”

“No you are not. You are a true hero of every single person present here and in their homes right now.” She said putting her firm hand on his shoulder. “And I don't think you can ever lose Priya di ever.” This time when Ram looked up Shrestha was having a bright smile on her face. “Trust me.” She said with that big bright smile. Ram sat quiet there caressing the bed, closing his eyes trying to recall those sweet moment he spend with Chotu.

“Well if you don't mind can I ask you why you again had a fight with her?”

“How do you know??”

“Hmmm.. kind of I know you. I have copyright over your thoughts.”

“What??????” Ram asked.

“Sorry..” She hit softly on Ram's arm. “I am joking. You know I can somewhat read you. I don't know how but I can...” Shrestha smiled.

“You never fail to amaze me.” This time Ram smiled.

“You also look good with smile.”

Ram looked down smiling again. He nodded his head and looked at Shrestha and placed his hand caressing her head. Both of them turned their head to the door with the first knock on it. It was Priya who stood there.

“Priya?” Ram stood up and walked to her. “Where are you going?” he asked looking to Vishesh who stood with bags behind her.

“To Mumbai.”

“But why?” Ram moved closer.

“Because it is urgent and my position is on stake.”

“You are doing this for the morning incident right?”

“No. I am not. I am doing it for myself; trying to save my own ass.” Priya looked straight to Ram. “I am sorry I have to choose between staying here and be there in the inauguration and I chose the second. I have to.”

“I know you are doing this to punish me.” Ram clasped his hands over Priya's.

Priya smiled broadly. “We punish them whom we need to correct. And we correct them who are our own. Whom we consider to be a close one. With whom we are connected at heart. Which one of the following I am designated Ram to you? Who...” She paused and gasped. “I am going back for my own benefit that has nothing to do with you. Bye.” She looked to Shrestha and smiled again. “Bye Shrestha.” Turning back he walked away with Vishesh following her.

Near her car when Priya was about to get into the front seat a familiar voice stopped her. It was Vikram.

“Hey! Hello.” Priya greeted.

“Hello but where are you going? You are leaving already.” Vikram said.

“Yeah have some work that cant be ignored. How long you will be here?” Priya asked.

“I thought Ram would be upset and an old friend can help by just offering a shoulder that's why I am here.” Vikram said.

“A friend, like you, is a treasure for life.” She smiled. “Take care of your friend. Work beckons I have to be at Mumbai. There is no two ways to it.”

“I can understand. Take care.” Vikram walked towards the entrance. Priya looked to be in deep thought as if something familiar from past surfaced in. Heaving a deep sigh she shoved into the car seat. Finding Vishesh still standing holding the door open with his trance fixed to distance she honked the car horn. Vishesh’s trance broke and he got transported back to the time. He looked back with an apologetic face.

“What happened? Is there anything bothering you?”

“No ma'am.” He got into the car seat and took the car out of the compound. On the looking mirror he could see Ram still standing at the entrance looking to wards them while his friend stood by him looking to the other side.


“Ma'am even if I am not allowed, I would like to say that Ram sir has not inquired anything unwanted about Rajat.” Vishesh said.

“I am not leaving for the morning fiasco Vishesh. I am leaving owing to prior commitments which are completely official. So, please don't drag that into this.” Priya was audibly unhappy.

“I am sorry ma'am.”

Priya chose to keep quite as a response.



“I can easily tell there is nothing right between you and Priya.” Vikram said. “Come on buddy tell me what is it!!”

“It is nothing.” Ram scorned walking away from Vikram.

“I can bet my life on this. You are badly stuck!” Vikram paced up to catch Ram.

“YES I AM. I have done enough to get my ass into pain. I have done every possible thing to make her upset. I doubted her. I, who, know the every truth about her past.” Ram retorted angrily.

“Ram what you did? Please explain.” Vikram requested to which Ram kept mum. “Otherwise it will be impossible to for me to comment.”

“Who is asking you to comment?” irked Ram.

“I am asking you because I can’t see you in such pain.” Vikram countered. He waited for Ram to break the silence and speak. And it happened after a brief wait. He narrated the whole episode starting with Manik implanting the questions in his mind to his confession of doubting Priya to her in brief. Listening to him Vikram sat in silence conserved in his own thoughts while Ram had no reaction for him.

“Look Ram, you have pushed yourself into a grave.” Vikram said and soon he got a bad look from his friend. “I will not lie it is the truth. But you can amend.” Vikram knew Ram wanted to know the remedy. He looked eager. “Bring back that lost spark! Bring back that x factor you two used to share. Tell her how much you love her, how much you missed her. I am sure she will not remain angry anymore. Take her for a trip alone. Spend some time alone. A lone time with her.” He looked concerned to Ram. “Try to understand what I am trying to say. Sometimes we need to say and express the feelings we have in our heart. We have to. Just do it.”

Ram sighed deeply. “I can understand what you are saying and I also know where it can end.”

“What is wrong in that?” Vikram asked.

“Vikram I know her. She is mine. I know her heart and Vikram she is still in the trauma of that wound which Rajat craved inside her heart. It is not at all easy for her to give in even if she wants to.” Ram said.

“What does that means?”

“It is a long story. But what I can say to you, she is still in trauma.”

“And who has to pull her out of it?” Vikram shoved his hand around Ram. “You my brother.”

“I wanted to start her counselling sessions with Reshma but..” he gasped.

“Then talk to her.” Vikram advised. “If she says it is fine then....” But soon he realised that his friend is not interested in it. “Okay don't do it. But what is the problem to take her to a trip alone? Do you fear that you two may end up getting physical or you doubt yourself?” he asked quiet provocatively.

“None of it! The matter is she will not agree to come.”

“Give it a try atleast.”

“I will see. First and foremost concern is her recovery for me not anything else.” Ram turned around to leave. But he froze to his place finding Reshma there.

“Sorry to listen to you two deceptively but I agree with Vikram partially. There is no risk in spending time alone with her. It will help you to win her trust back and invoke confidence in her back for a relationship.” Reshma said. “Look she has to get back her confidence and have to trust you. And you have to take careful steps towards her for getting that back. No one else can do that.” She said. “Atleast make her feel safe with you around. Spend some time with her. Lunch, a walk, coffee, a dinner date these kind of little steps will affect her a lot.” She knew Ram was still unconvinced. “Think about it and if you ask an expert this is the start of it. A first step towards cure.”

“Yeah.” Ram nodded his head. “Yeah. I think I must act to get her back and I will.” He at last had a smile. “I can't cry only waiting her to come and say hello to our togetherness. I have to get it back. I have to give it back to her and I will.”

“Good.” Reshma smiled. “Ah.. Ram I came to say something else.”

“Yeah what?”

“That family called again. If we can do the needful after the prayer meet and rituals I think it will be great.” She said.

Ram thought for a while. After the first instalment of the reports from Vishesh that couple was indicated to be a great one for the girl. So he agreed. “Okay call them. I have reports they are best for her.”

“Great. So day after the prayer meet?”

“Yeah.!” Ram gave a nod.

Reshma smiled and left calling someone leaving the two friends behind. Vikram kept on trying cheering up Ram animating different expressions to him, sometimes he was successful also.


Something bothered Vishesh. Suddenly he pressed the accelerator. The car moved forward in an unusual speed. Something that he saw disturbed him, startled his head. Something he need to find out soon.

An end is heading close. He has to do everything to protect Ram. And just then his phone rang...

Until We Meet.




  1. God has made human with flaws can expect mistake from them and Ram is no exceptional from it. His doubting towards his beloved wife made him feeling guilty.

    Moreover the concern for Priya made him to share things with Vishesh who knows most of her past but this thing especially upset her.

    As a husband she had expected him to confront her not with third person and is extremely hurt over it. But seems for now with Meera and Jayeshji is in picture she aheading back to Mumbai which surely bring change for her.

    Ram guilt is eating him but still his love didn't lessen so is Priya who is upset but still love him as Vikram said he has to something soon to win her love and trust back.

    Something is surely off which Vishesh has some knowledge which can harm Ram and other side Ashok is planning something.

  2. That was an other fantabulous update Nairita dii ������. Can't wait to read the entire one. I am very excited to see that you mix up romances and Mysteries so well.... Glad I came across this story.
    Waiting for the next one,
    Until then ,
    ~ Reeti

  3. That was an other fantabulous update Nairita dii ������. Can't wait to read the entire one. I am very excited to see that you mix up romances and Mysteries so well.... Glad I came across this story.
    Waiting for the next one,
    Until then ,
    ~ Reeti

  4. You have written off human change of behaviour so brilliantly yes Ram doubting on Priya along with her changing of emotions are flawless I must say you have written it so well...
    RaYa's guilt making them being closer to each other more & more.... there Meera is also right so as Priya by heading back for her own self...
    But last part make me think why every time I feel things are on right track suddenly changes way to disaster too much headcked how to handle still not understand...

  5. Hi I read all parts in 5 days and now I'm so eager to know how the next part will be pls update soon...


Chapter 48 : Enough to be Worse.

Chapter 48 : Enough to be Worse. Everyone in the room stood stunned as Jayesh and Sudheer went through the warrant t...