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Sunday, August 27, 2017

Chapter 27: Know me Stranger - One more time.....

Chapter 27

Know me Stranger : One more time.....

“Krishna, send the food to their room.” Amarnath flipped through the magazine that he held up in his hands.

“What did you say to them?” Krishna almost shouted at her husband. “Was it needed to intimidate your daughter in law within few days of marriage? What compulsions you put on them or should I say Priya?”

“Krishna don't over think.” He put the magazine by the side of the plate. “They are not kid now. They are married and as a married couple they should jot down few important things which are very important for their future. I am not a stone age time father in law.” He scorned. “Let them be and send their food to their room.

“I will not. Unless they don’t come dinner will not be served. This house is becoming a circus, your younger son also left in jest without disclosing anything.” She strode out from the dine with tears bulging on her eyes.

Amarnath tried to stop her. His baritone rose as his wife strode away from him. But it echoed throughout the mansion without any result.

Sarojani heaved out a deep sigh at the end, placing her hand over her son she asked him to pacify Krishna.


What happens when you see your past life playing in front of you? The most favourite moment makes you cry when it was made into a memory to smile, what would you do? What would you do when a single mistake that took away everything keeps on haunting you? They say past rests on past. Time moves on. Time heals every wound. But isn't it a myth? Time certainly fails to heal some of the pains and left those open to rot with time. Something same is happening with me. Looking into the starry sky he continued to think. Amongst the varied shape and size and never ending starry sheet he could see a face, a face that is too innocent, a smile that crinkled the corner of her eyes, the fingers those danced on each other playing with the dupatta, the faint and feeble voice played like an Opera, echoing through his heart and soul, the flawless beauty of her remained mostly unobserved other than him till she smiled. Her smile, it struck like an electric bolt, the impromptu laughter that echoed through hall after the professor cracked a joke took almost every boys heart away. But his eyes denied leaving her from the moment she stepped into the campus. He still can feel the moment when the cigarette burnt into ashes between his fingers. Ram moved his hand in air to bring the cigarette to his lips. He looked down when Priya pulled it out and rugged it under her feet. He sighed and sat straight.

“Priya. I need it badly. Please go inside else I...” he was cut short by her.
“Ram, I also need to talk to you.” She said keeping her hand on the swing where Ram was sitting.

“I know Priya. Bauji is completely correct..” Ram's try went to vein. He has to stop under Priya's audible voice but not so harsh that time.
“No he was not.” She said looking down to the floor.


“May I sit?” she kept her eyes away from him.

“Hmm...  wait.” Ram moved back making space for her on the swing. He was taken aback by Priya's sudden change in behaviour. She behaved just like the old self. As she sat, eased by him, Ram kept his eyes fixed on every single wiggle of her body. She looked nervous. But why? Ram wanted to ask.

“Ram.” She spoke in feeble voice. “Bauji is not right neither am I”

Now Ram sat straight startled. “Are you drunk?” almost shockingly he asked.

“Why do you feel that I am drunk?” Priya replied expressing her unhappiness.

“Because I am to blame for what happened with you. Hadn't I took you along that day, nothing would have followed next. Neither were we sitting here like this embraced in embarrassment of being married to each other.” He said in a single breathe almost in a hurry, before Priya could  stop him.

“Do you consider that night together to be a mistake?”

“ Priya. Never.” After Ram looked up his eyes got caught under her intense gaze. “Never.” He repeated to her looking straight into her dark eyes. “But I am to blame.”

“Ram no one ever said me that, what Meera said me.” Priya heave a deep sigh. “The crime was made when I tried to reach you. That could have never been stopped. I can blame you for leaving me alone jolted. But I can't blame you for the crime.”

“You can. You should. If I was there with you, that bustard would have reached his place.”

“As if I didn't know what he did to you! Do uncle know that?” Priya looked at Ram's wary look. “Sorry Bauji.” She corrected. “Please don't divert me from the topic.” Taking a little time she continued with her train. “Ram...” taking fresh air inside him, he started again. “Ram I may never love you again. I may never become that wife I always wanted to be to you, but...” she looked into his eyes. His eyes crinkled. “I can try to be that friend, who was there for you always. I may never accept you as my husband that I always wanted to see in you, but I can try to see you as that friend who used to be there always. We can try to be friend again.”

“And why?”

“Because I don't want to end this relationship. I want to give this relationship another try but only as a friend. I can't commit you anything more than this.” Priya ended.

“Basically I am going to be friend zoned again, this time by the husband Ram Kapoor!” he smirked. “Look Priya. You don't need to do this. I am okay with anything. Anything for your happiness.”

“Then accept my proposal.” She extended her hand to him.

“Am I making a business deal or you?” Ram smiled in real this time.

“May be both of us.” Priya synced her smile with his. They shook hand and sat there looking to the dark sky with billions and trillions of stars twinkling above.

“Is that your phone?” Ram looked back into the room, as one of the mobiles rang.

“Yes.” Priya went inside to receive it. Ram wanted to stop her, make her sit by him but he still were to get that right back on her. He sat smiling to self thinking about her.

“Ram.” Priya strode back to the terrace. This time she looked worried. “We have to go downstairs. Maa has locked herself for us.”



“Maa. Please open the door.” Priya knocked softly at the door. “Maa please.” She hopelessly looked at Ram.

“Maa. Both of us here. Please open the door.” He said clearing his throat.

Krishna opened the door this time. She looked at her son and then at her daughter in law. Her swollen and moist eyes indicated her state of mind. “Maa.” Ram held his mother affectionately. “We were just discussing business and lost the track about time. We were in terrace. You could have called any one of us once.” He tried to move his mother's face to his height.

“Then why did your bauji said that you guys will not come today and why in this earth you two left his room so tensed?” Her question was evitable and Ram had no answer. He looked to his wife hoping her for a rescue.

“Ah Maa..” she tried to be prompt with her answer. “Maa actually I was tensed. We were talking business only. There is an issue with the new project that we collaborated in recent past and bauji didn't want people to take me as an opportunist. He asked me to keep business and family separate. I was tensed it that link only.”

“Pretty clever.” Amarnath thought. He grinned from ear to ear knowing what his wife is going to do next.

“Is it? You are intimidating my daughter with a mere issue within a week of her arrival! Is that you can do only? To be a ruthless business man.” Krishna scowled.

“I am a ruthless business man and a cruel human being darling.” Amarnath smiled. “Tell me one thing, aren't you hungry, I am too much hungry. Someone please serve me.” He walked back to the dine.

“Your father is such a cruel man, nothing matters to him when it comes to business.” Krishna howled. “I am not sharing same space with this man.” She strode back into the room. Choosing quickly, Priya followed her mother in law, asking Ram to take care of others.


“Priya.” Sarojani stopped her when she came to the concourse. “Come here.” She asked her to sit by. After Priya felt comfortable she looked at Jayesh.

“Sudheer called.” Jayesh said. “You two should drop a visit to Delhi soon. May be this weekend.”

“Bauji this weekend I am already having some pre scheduled work. Though Priya can carry on.” Ram defended before he could fell in the trap.

“Bauji. I was about to talk to you. Vishesh will join from tomorrow as I will have to scrutiny of few properties that my team has shortlisted for Mumbai Office.” She looked around to everyone.

“That's great. But Delhi is also important.” Jayesh said.

“I know. I will go next weekend and on next Wednesday may be I have to leave for Cape Town. I have a deal to finalize in regarding to my new business. It might get pushed to another date, though the chances are less , I will let you all informed accordingly.” Priya said looking to her father in law.

“Will Vishesh accompany you to Delhi and then to Cape Town?”

“Plan is that only. I don't know in details about Cape Town, it's Meera's call.”

“Okay. I conferred what I had in me. Now it's your turn to take the call. Good luck.” Jayesh stood up. “Come Maa. Let me accompany you to your room. And Good Night to you two.” He smiled after Sarojani.

Just when Priya and Ram were about to enter their bedroom, a screeching sound at the front door made them turn. After a minute Rishab came in like a thief in his own house. He let out a deep sigh of relief without knowing that his brother was watching him closely.

“Rishab!” Ram called out his name loud.

“Bhai! Aap I mean...” He looked down.

“You missed dinner for what?” he had anger in his voice.

“Ram...” Priya stood by her trying to enter the conversation.

“One minute Priya. And for what Rishab? Are you coming from Rave?” Rishab's tousled hair untucked shirt made him look harsh.

“No bhai. Someone came to meet me. I had to go.”

“Without informing? When will you grow up?”

“Bhai I just skipped one.” He was harsh too this time.

“One is not the point. Not informing is the point. And lying is the point. That I did for you.” Ram scorned.

“Like I haven't. A number of times, I did it. If you had to do it once for me, are you doing any favour to me? If that is then I did a number if times.” Rishab shouted. He looked down under the heave of sigh. He knew may be for the first time he crossed his line. “Bhai I am ...” His eyes followed till he could see Ram vanishing behind the door. “Sorry.” He sat on the couch. Priya kept her eyes fixed on her brother in law. He was ashamed. When a valet came asking for dinner, he denied and requested him to leave alone.

“Rishab.” Priya stood in front. “Go and change I will serve dinner to you. Skipping dinner is an invitation to disease if you hadn't have it already.”

“I am sorry Bhaabi. I didn't want to be harsh with him. I can't be harsh with him. But I was in trauma. I didn't know what I was barking at him. I am sorry.” He apologised to her. “Please make him understand it.”

“Hmm. I will.” Priya smiled. “Go and change. I will re-heat the food, come quick.”

Almost after her, when Rishab came to the dine he was still in the same dress; Priya served him food and sat on the chair opposite to his. “I was with Riah!”

“Who is Riah? And why you didn't change?”

“We used to date each other. She is a doctor and was doing her post degrees in medicines at Florida. We meet there. When she informed me she has her flight through Mumbai, I went there to meet her.” Rishab said gulping the morsels.

“Hmm. So Riah is the one who is going to be the lady of this house?” Priya said under her subtle smile.

“No. Never. She could be never. Loving her was wrong.” He dropped the spoon on the plate.

“Before you answer me why it is wrong. Rishab if you loved someone from heart it is never wrong. Where heart is there it could never be wrong.” She kept her palm over his hand. Rishab continued to stare at the plate. “The way you are cursing yourself; it shows how deep your love is for her. Stop cursing, start loving again. A person can only curse own, when he is in love truly deeply madly.”

Priya walked near him and wiped out his tears. “You know what your brother said me at Delhi?” she smiled without him looking at her. “Rishab is that friend who knows every little secret that is inside me.”

“It is.”

“Rishab why I am feeling that you take yourself as Riah's guilty? Tell me Rishab. Sharing makes you free. Share with me.” Her words made Rishab wince. Tears rolled down his cheeks.

“I love her bhaabi. But I can't marry her. I can't.” Rishab sat with his head held between hands.


“Because bauji will never accept her.”

“You said she is doing medicines. She is as successful as you and must be from a good family then why?”

“Because she is a Christian. Riah Saldanha. She is from Goa.”

“Oh! Okay okay.” Priya went back to her seat. “I don't see any problem in it.”

“Bauji kept only one condition to us, if we do love marriage, she must be from our religion. She must be a Hindu.” Rishab said in a heavy voice displeased by his sister in law's cold reaction.

“Hmm. You know something people do change. So what if he changes. Make me meet with Riah. I am here till next weekend then I am will be off to Delhi and then to Cape Town. I am out from Mumbai for almost a Month then. So fix a meeting soon.” She stood up to leave.

“I said you I was in Airport.”

“No one's shirt gets a black patch at Airport darling.” Priya moved his jacket and pointed to a black patch near his shoulder. She touched it. “And it is wet. So she cried for a long time, clinging to you. And this lipstick mark on your neck. Thank lord that there is little show down at home today, otherwise you were gone. And...” This time she sighed. “And this hickey..” priya pointed to his neck again. “Hickeys says a lot and getting a hickey at airport, I fear how securities missed you and Riah. So stop lying and do what I said.” She turned to leave.

“Bhaabi I am sorry.”

“For what?”

“For being rude to you. I am really sorry.”

“Rishab we are human not machines that we will not commit any mistake. It is fine. You are forgiven a long back.” Priya smiled sweetly. “Now good night... don't invite your brother here arresting me for a long time.”

“Last thing I want to know from you Bhaabi. If humans do commit mistake and they can be forgiven then why not Bhai?” Rishab's words echoed through her every cell making her shiver. “And if doing something with heart is not wrong then is Bhai doing any thing wrong? He is also in love with you truly deeply madly.”

“Good Night Rishab.” Priya strode through the concourse to her room.


The laptop's light fell on the French window, Ram's silhouette could be seen from the bedroom. Leaving him alone there Priya went into the changing room.

She stood infront of the stand-alone mirror in chemise only. Her hair cascaded down to her shoulder. Combing her hair she stood in deep thought. The chemise ended a feet above her heel. The deep U cut exposed her smooth skin to the air. “I am sorry.” That voice shook her out of the thought. “I am really sorry. I should have knocked.” Ram turned to leave.

“It's okay. This is your room too. You don't need to take permission from me before anything.” She took the robe and turned to leave after putting it around.

“Thank you Priya.”

“For what?”

“For talking to Rishab.”

“I see nothing there to be thanked for, Ram. A boy who can fight with the world for his brother, went harsh with him, that meant he was in stress and I only listened to him.”

“What was the matter with him?”

“Nothing. He was in stress for speaking harsh with me.”

“Is that?”

“Yes. I didn't have my phone with me else I would have recorded it for you.” Priya said pretty unpleased.

“I am sorry to hurt you. He never said anything to me.”

“Did he hurt you?”


“Then leave it with us no. Don't be so typical husband.” Priya sniffed and walked to the room.


Minutes later when Ram came back to the room he stopped at the view. Priya was seating on the on loveseat doing something in her mobile cursing someone. “What are you doing there?” he asked.

“I am sleeping here.”

“Why? I told you right that you are sleeping at the bed and I there” He said walking to her. “Go and sleep there.” Ram pointed to the bed.

“Just a minute ago I asked you not to behave like a typical husband and second where it was written that only you can sleep here...” She looked down to her mobile again with came alive with a notification. She did a little operation with it and looked back to Ram. “Tomorrow again I will sleep there. One day you, the other day me. Now go and sleep. I have a long day to go tomorrow.” She again looked down to her mobile.

“Anyone is disturbing you, right?”

“No and yes both..some reporter is behind me for an interview since a year.”

“So give it na. What is the problem there?”

“I hate interviews. I hate answering.” Priya scowled. “Now go and sleep.” She lied down.

Ram walked back to the bed and lied down. Before he could turn off the lights, Priya looked up. “Waise I fit here better than you.” She smiled.

Ram smiled behind her.


First thing that morning Ram noticed was the stout man Vishesh standing in his black suit by the brand new Mercedes-Benz S class. Ram sipped to his tea and came back to the room. Priya was there on phone, she was trying to pack a file inside the bag, which was definitely not for the file.

“Vishesh is well maintained. Isn't it?” Ram said sitting on one of the Chesterfields. “What is his age? In his 20s?”

“Elder than us by 9 years may be. He is in his forties. But why are you asking?” Priya continued to delve through her bag.

“No. I was just asking. But what is his need around you?” Ram interrogated.

“It was a decision taken by the board of directors not me.”

“Okay. But with me around do you need anyone else?”

“One minute.” Priya stood straight. “Why I am having the feeling that you are feeling insecure? He is here to do his job Ram not flee away with me.”

“When did I say that? I just asked why you need him with me around. I can be your bodyguard.”

“Really! Mr. Kapoor.” Priya grinned. “Mr. Ram Kapoor are you thinking to quit the job or get another job which one? Meet you in the evening.” Priya turned to leave.

“Priya.” Ram stopped her. “I am afraid I will not be able to accompany you to Delhi.”


“I have prior engagements here.”

“Okay. You mentioned it yesterday, we will go there next weekend. I also said yesterday that I also can't make it through this weekend.” Priya took it casually.

“Priya I will not be able to make it through any weekend. My weekends are already taken.” Ram stood there for her reactions.

“Taken as in?”

“For some work. Personal.”

“So there is someone in your life?”

“No. You are mistaking. I am occupied with the weekends since 5 years now. It is an integral part of my life.”

Priya heaved out a deep sigh. “Okay. Good luck. I will not come between you and her. You are making my decision easier. Well I take your leave.” Priya strode out of the room leaving Ram behind.

“How did Priya knew it's about someone “her”?” Ram said in disgust to himself.

Until We Meet.



Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Chapter 26 : What would you Decide?

Love You Endlessly

Part 2 @ Know Me Stranger 

Chapter 26 : What would you Decide?

Three days passed in a blink of eyes. Rituals after rituals kept Priya busy all the day and when night came she never slept. Evening nap, energy drinks and her inexplicable will power to hide made her look fresh even though she was not.

Not on the day of arrival but at night Priya was introduced to the room and Ram was re-introduced to his room. The door that led them into the room gave a view to the French Windows which opened to the terrace. The darkness let it alone, with the decorative lights as its only companion. Priya chalked on mind to visit it in morning. While Priya's eyes caught the flower chandelier with floral hangings surrounding it. She moistened her lips and ended up biting her lower lip before an involuntary gasp escaped her lips which caught Krishna's eyes.

“I will not take much time.” Krishna smiled inwardly looking at Priya then to Ram. “Ram what are you doing there?” His mother called him near.

“No I was checking with my precious.” Ram walked back to her mother and his eyes froze at the decorations of the room. “When did you got time to print our wedding photographs Maa?” he asked happily.

“May be first time in life I took the advantage of being Mrs. Amarnath Kapoor but for good.” She smiled again. “Stand by Priya.” Her order was taken into account.

“Priya.” The lady came close to her daughter in law. Taking Ram's hand, she placed it on Priya's palm flat. After which she clasped her hand around those. Under Krishna's touch Priya could feel the familiar touch that weaved around her palm sending an electric shiver into her spine. “Beta, today I give my life to you. He is all yours now. Before anyone, you have the first right over him. God bless you two.” Krishna Kapoor said smiling to the newly wed.

“Aunty. No one other than you and uncle will have first right over him. Not even me.” Priya said taking her mother in law’s hands in her.

“Silly girl.” Krishna smiled. “Maa and ask your bauji what he will love to hear from his daughter. “Now I take my leave and Ram your precious are all here. I just did redemption. I hope you don't curse me to change your bed to an Upholster bed. A Murphy was not comfortable and four posters was not for your age. Good night. Close the door after me. I will make sure no one do any mischief behind me.” She left leaving an embarrassment pasted on the face of the couple visible.

The nervous sigh took Priya's eyes to her husband. He walked to the door and locked it. He was equally nervous as Priya. He tried to chalk out what to speak to her. Finding no words his eyes caressed the room. It was nothing same; a perfectly groomed new room for a couple was muffled around the skeleton.

“Ah...” Ram broke the awkwardness. “Priya you change. I need to smoke.” He strode towards the French window. Just when his hand grasped the latch Priya stopped him.

“I said you not to smoke when I am around.” She said unhappily.

“I asked you to change. That way you will be not around.” Ram pushed the door open. A sweet fragrance travelled inside the room.

“Is that Jasmine? and Oleander too.” Priya took the fragrance inside. “Yes it is. Don't spoil such sweet thing with some filthy thing.” She took a turn and stopped at her place after getting a full view of the room, except a corner.

The loveseat sofa sat diagonally with a foot rest in front few feet away from the bravia, adoring the wall opposite to the bed, was a piece of class. Some throws in leather covers made it look classy. The hide away dine with a contemporary wooden table and four upholstered chairs, placed two metres away from the loveseat. An English leather finished eight chambered cabinet stood under the bravia. To its left there was a wall cabinet and to the right, most of the wall remained empty other than four photo frames, one was her in law's, one was of Sarojani's and other was of the two brothers, there was nothing but some premade marks. To the right of the Upholstered Bed stood the Double Dressing table with a large rectangular mirror on its top. To the left sat two Chesterfield Chairs with a coffee table in front. Priya's eyes stopped at the blank space above the headrest of the bed. Few marks there made her belief that there is some more props those are yet to be installed at its place.

With Ram still standing by the French window, Priya walked to the Hope Chest that sat just by the foot rest of the bed and sat down on it. She was about to speak but stopped at the view of the corner that remained hidden from her. Books in huge number were stacked in the wooden open cabinets which started almost three feet and half above from the seat built against the wall from wood and cushions on the top. A ladder was attached to the cabinet allowing it to move along its L shape.

“You read?” Priya said striding towards it.

“Yes. Rishab calls them my girlfriends.” Ram replied. “You change Priya. I will have some fresh air. I will not smoke I promise.” This time he was faster than Priya. He went out into the terrace leaving her alone. “Sorry.” Ram peeped in again. “Changing room is that side. I asked Maa to have a full wall cabinet. Arrange according to you.” Pointing to a closed door he went away again.

With a confused sigh Priya walked into the changing room and as said by Ram a wooden Cabinet with six separate sub cabinets three on each side of the stack of six drawers which stood as a border covered one end of the room. Her eyes caught under her own reflection in the oval stand alone mirror that stood at the one end with a three chambered cabinet by it.

Picking up her night suit from the trolley she walked inside the wash room.


And on the third day after forcing herself away from sleep while Ram slept peacefully by her, Priya’s self-control failed. Unaware her eyes gave up and she went into deep slumber that night.


“ don't do this to me. Please leave me. I beg to you.” These all phrases under a deep painful cry came out of Priya's lips were pretty loud and disturbing to get Ram out of his sleep. Drawling he took Priya's name but it went it vein. She kept on requesting freedom. Speeding himself to a sitting position, he found Priya in pool of sweat. Her upper gown was completely spoiled. Sweat crawled down her forehead spoiling her face.

“Priya...” Ram called again this time clear and loud again of no use. “Priya...Priya...” Ram jolted her with a great force. He feared a bad health that made her hallucinate when she kept on crying out requests under her freight.

“PRIYAA...” Ram's forceful jolt made her awake this time. “God Priya. Wake up. What happened?” He helped her to come to a sitting position. Fetching water from the side table he extended it to her. In a single breath she finished the glass of water. “Can I get some more?” Priya's hands shivered while she gave it back to Ram. He felt the cold palm against his hands while taking the glass from her. After three more glasses of water Priya felt little calm.

“What was happening to you Priya?” Ram sat by her.

“I told you I can't share the bed with you. Why you? I can't sleep with anyone. No one. I get night mares. I can't take the breath of the other person sleeping beside. I can't.” Priya clasped her hands against her ears. “Please Ram let me sleep alone.” She hurriedly looked around. “I will sleep on that couch. Please let me. I will get mad like this. Please. I can't continue to have more sleepless nights. Please Ram. I beg to you. I will adjust.” She begged taking Ram's hand in her.

“Wait Priya.” Ram came close to Priya. “What did you say? Sleepless nights? What you meant by that? And no more excuse just answer me.” He had a command in his voice.

“I...I didn't sleep since our first night together. I just sat on the bed looking at you. I feared these nightmares only.”

“If I leave you alone can you sleep peacefully?”

“May be. Yes. If those....” Priya crushed her words. “I can. Please let me...” She tried to get out of the king sized bed.

“Wait!” Ram stopped her. “You sleep here. I will manage there.” Ram stood up. He agreed only to calm Priya arrested by her helplessness.

“How could you? This is your room.” Priya was cut short... only to be corrected.

“Ours.” Ram's voice stiffened. “Sleep here. I will sleep there. Just sleep. I don't want any more arguments about this. You have made me enough angry by not sleeping for two days don't make me furious. Please obey me this time for your good.” Picking up a book he walked to the loveseat and switched on the reading light he placed back from his previous possession.

Priya curled up on the bed and again slipped into a deep slumber soon after she closed her eyes. Ram walked back to the bed, putting the duvet over her he picked up her phone. He knew that she had face recognition function enabled in her mobile. But as a backup she must have set a pattern or a pin, he gave it a try. He switched off the phone and switched it on again. Bingo! It asked for the pin. First time he gave her birthdate. It denied. After thinking for while he gave the date he proposed her. Again it denied. Having another attempt left he thought for a long time. Remembering the trauma she just showed up with, and her hate towards him with a heavy heart he gave the date of that deadly night which changed everything. Bang on! It unlocked. He sighed!

“My luck! That day is all over you darling!” Ram bends close to Priya. “I can't get you till you remain submerged in that day. I will uproot it. I promise you.” Caressing her head he walked out to the terrace with her phone in his hand. Checking the time he thought for another moment before calling Meera. But then he dialled the number.

“Who the fuck is calling you this time; interrupting me?” Ashok said half heartedly.

“Who else can dare to call me this time interrupting you other than Priya?” Meera said without even looking at the screen. “See it's her!” Meera picked up the call.

“Priya, you unromantic bitch, at least look at the time before calling. You spoiled a perfect foreplay. Bark now!!” Meera spoke playfully.

“Meera it’s me.” Ram said with a hesitation after she declared her incomplete expedition mistaking him as Priya.

“!” Meera sat straight. “How you unlocked her phone and where is she?”

“One I am her that friend who knew her most closely. And next one she is sleeping but not peacefully at all. I need to know something that I saw today in her.” Ram said.

“What?” Meera found Ashok interrogating her with his mimic.

“Meera, is she used to these nightmares? Or it's me only?”

“Hmm..” Meera sighed deep. “Priya can't sleep with anyone by her side not even Shipra ji. She is extremely sensitive about it. That was the reason I was shocked to know that she agreed to you third clause. And about the nightmares even if she sleeps alone it is rare she don’t get one! You have to fight with it.”

“Good night!” Ram abruptly ended the call. Striding inside the room, he found Priya sleeping peacefully in the same position. He remained awake all through the night for Priya. But nothing worse happened till 6 am when Priya woke up and he pretended to sleep.

To his surprise Priya walked to him and shook him awake. Squinting his eyes and drawling back good morning wishes he enacted well to make Priya believe that he slept well after the show down. But he failed.

“Stop pretending that you slept. Go and sleep for few hours. I will manage others. Don't spoil our reception party for sake of family.” Priya walked towards the changing room. After she left Ram remembered that he was yet to place back the phone at its previous place. Thankfully Priya took her phone back into possession only after she came back to the room in a pink saree and after Ram kept it back where it was last night. He was well awake when Priya left the room closing the door softly behind.


A little waltz, greeting and meeting people, Priya aced that evening. She had managed to impress everyone around her, including that extended family who set off for their destinations on the next day. She went into an emotional break down after her family flew back Delhi. She chose to sit alone sipping to the newly added addiction to the drinks list. “Hibiscus Tea Margarita”. This exotic drink is prepared everyday by Krishna Kapoor herself for Sarojani. It was Priya's luck she was with her grandmother in law when her mother in-law served it.

“Try it. You may like it” Sarojani pushed a glass after pouring a small quantity in it.

“Tequila!” Priya exclaimed and was bemused to find the taste of the old lady. Grin crept on her face which she corrected immediately adding “Sorry” as an apology to her.

“Come on we are Kapoors. We are allowed to have desecrate obsessions and this is mine. Krishna also has hers.” Sarojani laughed together with her daughter in law. “Did you like it?”

“I must not lie.” Priya replied. “I loved it. Can I get the recipe as nek.” Krishna gave her the recipe but next day when she served the same drink to her along with Sarojani. Priya’s cheeks went red in embarrassment. How could she accept cocktail from her mother in law. Though she refrained speaking a single word, Sarojani shook her to reality.

“When this old lady is not embarrassed to take this from her daughter in law, and this daughter in law is not at all ready to stop her mother in law from consuming tequila everyday, why hell on the earth you are feeling embarrassed?” Sarojani smiled. “And Krishna just admit that you skip tequila most of the time with grace. Sweetening blows down my mood.”

Kya Maa... app bhi.” Krishna Kapoor always knew how to make a drink perfect exchanging few ingredients but keeping the texture same and making taste better. If believed to be true Amarnath fell for her culinary skills before falling for her.


From the terrace the lights of the car showed up. Priya walked to the ledge and found her father in law stepping out of the car and behind his car came Ram and Rishab. Being out of the earshot, Priya couldn't hear the instructions that Amarnath gave to Krishna who went to receive him, which was a regular. But her expressions worried Priya. After finishing the drink when Priya was about to leave the room, Krishna showed up. “Your bauji summoned you beta. He is waiting for you and Ram in his study. Only you two we are not allowed.” She answered the unasked too. “Ram is waiting for you downstairs.”

Priya reached the concourse only to find Ram oscillating from one end to other around the couch on which his grandmom was sitting. He heavily sighed with Priya's first site. Faintly inviting her behind he walked towards Amarnath's study tensed.

“What you did now?” Priya flatly blamed him for the sudden summon.

“When bauji stressed alone, there is some serious issue. And why me it can be you too.” He threw back.

“We should continue with the blame game later. Can we focus?” she tried to show her intellect.

“This is your first summon from next time you will understand the pressure!” Ram welcomed a sarcastic reply from Priya.

“As in the nature's call!”

“Shut Up!” Ram knocked at the door.

“Come in!” Amarnath's baritone sent a ghostly shiver down Ram's spine.

The room was lit up with gloomy lights. Amarnath's back faced the couple who stood little jolted. Priya could also feel the nervousness building up inside her. When Amarnath turn to them his eyes checked something that they didn't know. Walking to the door he called out his wife's name. “No one should interfere.” His baritone echoed.

“Seat.” He turned back to the couple and took his seat on the huge chair. “Seat Priya.” Mentioning Priya in particular was an indication that he was particularly unhappy with her. But none of them took the seat.

“Bauji..” Ram opened his mouth to speak only to be stopped.

“I will come to you later. Right now I want some answers from my dear daughter.” He sat comfortably on the chair.

“Bauji are you unhappy with me for anything in particular?” Priya asked with a great courage.

“Unhappy is not the word I am upset and there is a huge difference between being unhappy and upset. I think you know that!”

“May I know the reason?”

“Yes. Before that answer me few things. Enlighten me please.” He stood up and walked to the window that opened to the garden. “Since when do you know Ram?”

“When he came to Delhi with you and Aunty.”

“Priya that I and everyone know. I want the truth beta.” The unaltered expression made Priya nervous. She felt her Adam's Apple trying to jump up. Her mouth dried up.

“I... I..” she sighed under her stammer. “At EEIT. We were batch mates, same trade.”

“Thank you for the truth.” He smiled and came in front of her. “Now second thing. Was Ram the reason behind your attempted suicide?”

“Bauji...” Ram tried to intervene. Amarnath waved his hand in the air to stop him.

“I asked you something beta. And I want an honest answer.”

Priya looked at Ram, who hung his head down looking straight to the floor. “I am not sure why I did so. But he was one of the reasons.” She looked down after declaring a half baked truth. Ram heaved out a sigh.

Amarnath sighed. “And why did you agree to marry Ram?”

“For my family.”

“Then why you turned down the previous 11 prospective grooms.”

“I agreed to Jayesh Uncle. He asked me to keep away from spoiling the arrangements.”

“Why you made a prenuptial agreement?”

Priya was shocked to learn that her father in law knows every little step she took to spoil the arrangements and failed.

“I wanted to ....” Priya stopped. “I wanted a weapon against him.”

“Last one who is Rajat?”

Priya took a step back and shivered. She looked disturbed immediately. She tried to find a support to hold. Ram held her from free fall. “Bauji can we discuss this later?” he requested.

“Make her seat.” He pulled the chair. “Make her seat.” Ram had no option but to obey him.

“Who is Rajat Ram?” Amarnath asked his son.

“He was also with us in the same batch. Same trade.”

“Did he beat you that inhumanly?”

“Yes.” Ram said after a sigh.

“I was the reason.” Priya said between.

“Priya keep quiet. Bauji is speaking to me.” Ram tried to take command.

“I was the reason behind Rajat and Ram's fight.” Priya said feebly.

“Why you took such step? Why you tried to kill yourself?” Amarnath went back to his previous query.

“Do you really don't know? The man who knows every details of my recent past actions and reactions to the development around me, is it believable that he don't know the rest?” Priya asked her father in law. 

“Ram, Priya.” He took their names under a heavy sigh. “I want you two take a decision. A marriage is the most sacred relation and when two people take it as a medium to take on each other it becomes a disaster.” Amarnath stood against the window. “I don't want to loose any of you but if you two stay happy being away from one another then stay happy don't nibble on each other. You two may leave now. Take time to announce your decision to me. I will manage the other people.” He ended the conversation under a sigh.

“Are you ashamed of me?” Priya asked before leaving.

“No. I am ashamed to be the father of that man who was the reason of destruction of a woman. I am ashamed to remember those days when proudly I used to announce that Ram is my son. I am ashamed that he is my son.” Amarnath sat on the chair. His voice broke before last few words.

Priya looked at Ram, tears ran down his cheeks. Tears bulged on his eyes. He held them back. “Come.” He extended his hand to Priya.

She might never get an answer to her next immediate action. Her hand reached his cheeks involuntarily. She wiped away the tears with her thumb. “I am sorry.” These three words made Priya more surprised than anyone else present in the room.

Until We Meet



Friday, August 18, 2017

Chapter 25 : Know me Stranger, if I allow.

Chapter 25 : Know me Stranger, if I allow.

“Come.” Ram paved way for Priya. “Sit.” He pointed to the couch. Ram looked at her carefully, something was bothering her. Though she covered it under her strong personality her body language failed in front him. He wanted to complement his wife, how beautiful she was looking at the Mandap and right then she looked heavenly in the sea green saree. “Sit Priya. I am not going to eat you up.” Jocularly he said taking his seat at one end of the couch.

Taking her seat at the other end she put a paper and her phone on the coffee table in front. Looking around her eyes went to a white Kurta with a red bordered collar.

Looking at Priya's way Ram cleared his throat.  “Oh that I will wear tomorrow. You don't like it?”

“I was looking at your size.”

“Did you turn up to mock me about my size this late?” Ram said with a straight smile. “Or just to see me?”

“I am telling you for your good. You have lost that X factor that made you stand out of the crowd.” Priya relaxed this time.

“X factor as in? If you want to see how wannabe still am I, come to Mumbai then you will feel the heat.” Ram smiled inwardly.

“I have no such intentions inside my head to see how much wannabe my husband is amongst women!” Priya frowned.

“What did you just say?”


“What am I?”

Priya knew Ram has caught the string that he will pull until she will surrender. “Ram. Let me tell you, we are lawfully wedded couple and I am a non believer of polygamy and as long as I am with you dare you look for another woman.” Priya had a possessiveness in her voice.

“So Madam is ready to be wife in all sense?” Ram mumbled.

“What? No. I mean Yes. No.” Priya closed her eyes and took a deep breathe. “Listen Ram as long as we are together you have to promise me two things. And I am serious this time.” Priya’s darting look fell on him.

“Yes Madam.”

“You will never force yourself on me. One...”

“What do you think of me Priya?” Ram cut short Priya's voice. “Do I look like an asshole to you? Why this thing don't get off your mind?”

“I am sorry. But I feel insecure some time.” Priya said in a feeble voice as if she has been trapped in Slit sand, which is pulling her inside.

“Stop being insecure. I am your that friend whom you trusted. I am the same friend whom you stopped everytime from going out with a new girl.” Priya looked down to find her hand clasped between Ram's firm grip. The warmth of his hands were still magical. He never came so close to her in past days. Yes he did a few times but those were done playfully. “I am that friend who loves you dearly.” The last few words made Priya look at him to drown into his deep blue eyes. His gaze deepens with time. With a wind chime ringing by the window which Ram kept open the couple shivered back to the reality.

“Ram can we come back to the point?” Priya asked taking back her hands away from his hiding them under the fabric. Ram's eyes glued to the motion of the hands as if Priya took off a part of his body cruelly.

“That I should get back the X factor?” Ram said smiling to her.

“I am not in a mood to joke.” Priya retorted.

“Not even me. If I remember that was the thing in particular you showed concern about my size and shape and x factor.” Ram ridiculed.

“I am sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you and I have a request for you.” Priya picked up the paper from the table. It was none other than the agreement Ram and Priya signed other than the prenuptial agreement. She had already marked the point three with red ink. “I want you to reverse the response to this point. Please.”

“What is the reason?” Ram stood up and picked up a cigarette.

“Please don't smoke in my presence. I hate it.” Priya sniffed.

“Give a list what your likes and dislike. So that I don't end up offending often.” Ram said in disgust. “And please enlighten me why I need to reverse the response.”

“I have reasons”

“I need to know that.”

“It's personal. But I can't share the same bed with you.”

“You must have shared your discomfort then.”

“Don't you have a couch in your room?”

“I don't know.” Ram came back and sat on the couch.

“What? You don't know what you have in your room? You want me to believe this shit?” Priya flared.

“Yes I want you to believe because right now I don’t have an idea what my room is going to have and what not.” Ram was equally irritated with Priya’s unwanted tantrums. 

“What do you mean? Please elaborate.”

“Look Priya since two weeks and half I am sharing room with Rishab as our room is being renovated and Maa and Dadi together are doing it.  I don’t know what they are going to do with the furniture and other occupants of my room.  If it had been earlier, yes I do had a couch,  a study table, a Chesterfield, a swing at the terrace. And chimes in each window.  I love chimes.  They only can....” Ram stopped. “Leave it!  But why you can’t share a single bed with me?”

“I can’t. I just can’t and the reason is not so easy to tell.” Priya leaned back. 

“Look Priya.” Ram took his seat by Priya.  “Look..” Priya looked intently into Ram’s eyes trying to convince her to believe him. “You were my friend first then we fell in love, and now we are no body but are in the most sacred relationship. I will do nothing that will disgrace the beauty of this relationship. I promise you. I promise you my heart if anyday I break this to disgrace our presence as man and wife. I promise you. In return I need only one thing.  Trust. Trust me once for the last time. This time if I fail, take my heart out that moment only. I will not give you excuses.”

She don’t know what happened inside. Her heart churned. It ached. None of them tried to look away. Absorbing the beauty and truth of their new life they sat holding each other's hand. The knocks at the door exhausted and Meera was compelled to ring the door bell. Its harsh sound made the couple look together to the door. Their eyes meet after they felt the awkwardness. Snatching out their hands they stood up and Ram replied to the constantly ringing door bell.

As soon as Ram opened the door Meera came in Raven's speed and snatched Priya as if she was her prey. “You two want me to get brutally scolded by Amarnath ji and Sudheer ji. You will get much time to romance.”

“Meera. Wait.” Priya said while the other pulled her out.

“No. You are coming with me right now. Yaar I have to get you ready by 6. Flight is at 9. Do you think it is a joke. Now dare you open your mouth again.” Meera pulled Priya ignoring her every plea. Ram waited at the door till her wife vanished at the first turn. Priya also looked behind till the end of the nook.

Closing the door behind Ram came inside and his eyes fell straight at Priya's phone and the agreement paper. He took the phone in his hand and found it locked. Without no other thoughts he put the phone in the kurta's pocket that he was scheduled to wear next morning.

Sitting on the couch where Priya sat few minutes ago, he looked down to his hands. Bringing them near his face he covered it with those. The sweet fragrance that Priya wore left behind a hypnotic spell. He could feel her touch her soft touch on his face as he caressed his face with his own hands.

Sitting for several minutes Ram picked up his diary and pen and started scribbling.

“My dear Stranger Love,
I submit every single time only to you.

After a long wait when your first letter came to me..
Like a drop of water after a prolonged drought.
A sudden peace touched me;
In my erring and faithless life.
Love conquered us that day....

Those all little trickling ego and huff
Sometimes we fought a little more;
But the way we looked back,
And pretended not seeing one another.
Love conquered that day.

I still remember that nook of the road,
Your one view rooted me to eternity.
When your stretched out hand touched mine,
That one touch defeated my melancholy.

I promised me that day;
I will hold your hand for the good.
I will hold your hand to live.

You came like a stranger
To stay in my heart always and forever.

A true and sacred feeling.... of Love.”

He closed his diary and tried to sleep.

“My phone remained with Ram. Let me bring it back!” Priya tried opening door.

“Ram will not fry your phone to have phone papad. Neither will it jump to life without your face, so relax.” Meera replied jocularly.

“Ha ha ha .. very funny. But what if someone calls me?” Priya retorted.

“Meri Maa. Who hell on this earth will call you at this wee hours?” she clasped her hand near her face and requested her to sleep atleast for an hour or two.

“I will. Right now I am not feeling sleepy. You take some rest. You have a long day to go.” Priya sat casually darting her look to the trolleys those were kept at a corner of the room in a row.

“Those are Ram's and yours. Gifts. All the green ones are of Ram and the brown ones are yours.” Meera yawned. “Priya promise me you will not go out for phone hunt after I sleep. It is with your husband he will not eat it up!”

“I will not. Promise.”

“Don't break your promise.”

“Ever did I?”

“Thank you. But try to sleep for few hours. You will have a long day at Mumbai. A long list of rituals are there and most importantly a new place among new people.” Meera said under her deep and big yawn. “Good  night...” she covered herself with the ac blanket and turned to the other side lying on one of the two beds. Exhaustion pushed her into deep slumber as soon as she shut her eyes tight.

Priya walked to the trolleys and opened one by one and found an array of gifts for them inside. And then something struck her. She looked around searching a gift envelope and a paper or a paper only. Any of the two will do the needful. She was lucky to get both. From the bundle of many she chose a gifting envelope and picked up the half torn gift wrapping paper and sat on the couch after pulling the coffee table near her.

Before she wrote she waited for several minutes. Bending down, coming closer to the paper she started scribbling.

Make me

Make me the girl you want to see.
Make me the girl you want to breathe.
Make me a girl you would love to love.
Make me that girl whom you desire.
Make me a girl who can make you happy.
Make me the girl who can give the flesh.
Make me that girl who never squeaks.
Make me a girl who is not a spoil. 
Make me that girl whom you desire.

Make me a dream that I have never seen.
Make me a girl I never was...

Priya folded the paper, enclosing it in the envelope she slipped it inside the first bag among the three those were packed for Ram with gifts.

Next Morning.

“Amarmath I need to share a little development with you.” Sudheer said as the two co parents sat together with morning tea. Jayesh joined them little later delaying by a minute or two.

“Sudheer please go ahead you don't need to make me feel like groom's father.” Amarnath smiled. After him Jayesh smiled too.

“Jayesh help me in this.” Sudheer looked to his friend.

“Amarnath, looking into the danger that is prevailing over Priya, we and the board of directors suggested to appoint a personal body guard for Priya.” Jayesh spoke straight to the point. “And Vishesh, whom we appointed was Priya's bodyguard in past. Priya released him 7 years ago. He has a marshal arts school in Mumbai itself. He will join her direct at your place. He will be with Priya from 8 to 8. 12 hours. But if needed after that hours, he will be there. You just need to allow him to stay there and give him a room to stay if anyday he needs to stay overnight.”

“After that day's showdown I was thinking the same. She has threats. I agree with your decision. I have no issue in agreeing with you guys. I will look into it.” Amarnath smiled to the two men.


On scheduled time, Priya was ready to leave for her in law's house. Clad in Red Saree, she sat in front of the mirror when Shipra cane inside wiping tears away from the corner of her eyes. She smiled looking at her daughter. Putting the loose end of the saree over her head Shipra tried to smile but she ended sobbing in turn.

“Maa.” Priya turned and hugged her mother. “Is it needed?” reciprocating her hug Shipra cried caressing Priya's head. “I don't want to go Maa. I don't want to..” clinging to her mother Priya sobbed badly. “Maa how would I live without you?”

“I also can't live without you beta.” Shipra caressed her daughter's beauty with her eyes.

“Now stop crying you two.” Meera came inside with a feeble smile. Hugging Priya she somehow stopped her from showing up her own state of mind. “Priya who will stop you from coming to Delhi? And Shipra ji you forgot Priya brought that pent house for you only. So you mother daughter stop all these other wise I will end up crying too.” She hugged Priya tight before whispering to her, “I will miss you.” Priya felt a tear drop on her shoulder. She hurryingly reciprocated the hug.

With the knock at the door, Priya broke the hug. Sudheer and Jayesh came in next with Ashok by their side.

“Priya.” Sudheer lovingly kept his hand on his daughter's head. “Beta make your in laws proud like you always made us.”

Priya shut her eyes tight to hug her father. She came out of it when she felt a touch on her shoulder. Looking behind he found Jayesh smiling to her. His eyes were already moist. He tried to speak but a force held him back. Embracing Priya in a deep hug Jayesh stood in silence. He kissed Proya's forehead coming out from the hug. “Beta be happy.” Jayesh could only say. It is true Priya was not his biological daughter but he saw her growing closely. When ever there was a gap of 4 days when Priya would not see him, she used to become restless and now it is forever, she has to leave for her in law's house leaving her every dear and near one at their place.

“Sir, we will get late. Shall we leave?” Ashok said. Sudheer nodded back in return. With the nod Ashok directed the staffers to take the trolleys and put them in the car.


“Ram.” Sudheer held Ram's hands in between his palm. “Beta keep my daughter happy. This is the only promise I want from you.”

“Always.” Ram smiled. Looking at Priya he found her looking down on the floor.

“Beta.. come” Amarnath asked Priya to enter the car. After her Ram came inside and their car was the first one to wheel out of the hotel and behind them one after another 5 cars left for the airport.

While in the car, Ram could feel Priya's heart. How she was feeling that time. He sighed deep before clearing his throat. After Priya looked at him he smiled. “I will not eat you up Priya. You can trust me.” He extended his hand to her with the phone secured in his grip.

“Thanks” Priya took the phone in her hand and engulfed in the silence again.

At Mumbai Airport,

After Priya went inside the airport waiting lounge, Shipra became inconsolable. She wept like a baby embracing Meera. It was not the first time Shipra came to see off Priya. But this time it’s different. There prevailed a sense of separation.


The flight took off as scheduled. Ram maintained the silence till the air hostess walked to them.

“Ma'am Sir.” She beamed a bright smile to the newly wedded couple. “We on behalf of the whole staffs present here wish you a happy married life.” She smiled again. “What would you like to have in drinks Sir?” she asked Ram. “Ma'am yours will be the regular one?” Ram understood that Priya was known to the lady.

After Ram placed his order, it was turn for Priya  “Not the regular one.” Priya replied. “Make it an Irish Coffee.”

Ram's eyes shot straight to Priya immediately. Before he could react she instructed the air hostess. “No fresh cream. 1 part whiskey. Serve in coffee cup.”

“Anything else ma'am” she asked politely.

“No.” Priya turned to Ram to find him awe struck only. “Anything else for you?” With Ram not responding in particular she placed her hand on his. “Anything else for you Ram.”

“Haan.. No...” he tried to smile and waited for the lady to disappear. “Are you mad?” Ram whispered into her ears, louder than usual.


“You ordered Irish Coffee and you have an idea of it. Now tell me who hell on the earth drinks a cocktail on her first day at home.” Ram inquired unhappily.

“Calm down. I have not ordered Bacardi.”

“Then why you asked her to bring it on coffee cup?”

“Because I love their cups.”

“Huh! Don't try to ridicule me with your instinctive answers.”

“Arey. Arey...” Neha came and sat on the seat by them. First class seats remained almost vacant after the flight took off, other than the Kapoors and Shergills there was just another passenger and after a moment a business class passenger wanted an upgrade. That's for all and gave Neha to seat by her dear friends. “You have not started family and are fighting like cats and dogs.” She smiled to the air hostess who served Ram and Priya their drinks.

“Dare you take that.” Ram warned.

“I am used to it.”



“Wait a minute.” Neha stood in front. “What's the matter?” she asked.

“She is having Irish coffee.” Ram said sniffing.

“So, what? Ram stop reacting like a typical husband.” Neha scolded.

“She have a low alcohol resistance power.” Ram’s face stiffened.

“I was Ram not in present tense. Did you got to know I drank two glasses of Zampa Insignia on our engagement day?” Priya sipped into her drink.

“That was reason of your bad health?”

“When did wine cause fever Ram?” Priya controlled her voice before it could reach her father in law.

“Shant shant...” Neha tried to convince Ram further.

“Stop behaving like a typical husband Ram. You are irritating me now. I have changed a lot from head to toe. I already said, You don't know this Priya. Know me to restrict. Don't force your perceptions.” She continued to sip drink from the cup.

“Right. I don't know you.” Ram's hurt reflected on the words. He inclined his seat and closed his eyes to avert his mind from the ladies. Neha excused her to the seat by Vikram. She denied to share the conversation that made Ram upset to Vikram. Priya sat quite for rest of the journey. Looking out through the window , she looked to no where.

Just before the landing Priya and Ram's huffs has to take back seat when Amarnath showed up.

“Priya. Are you okay beta?” he asked dearly.

“Ji..” she replied pulling the Pallu over her head.

“Stop these old days courtesy Priya.” Amarnath smiled as he took the seat by them. “Priya there will be scores of rituals that will take place, if any moment you feel uncomfortable don't think twice before informing me. I am not a typical old man.” He laughed.


After the jet landed, Ram stood up to leave after Priya. Before leaving his eyes fell on the cup that sat on the top of the trolley, that was a little visible to him. It remained as it was untouched by Priya. The lipstick mark on its edge persuaded him it to be his wife's drink that she left untouched after the scowl that took place.

He smiled inwardly.

Until We Meet



Chapter 48 : Enough to be Worse.

Chapter 48 : Enough to be Worse. Everyone in the room stood stunned as Jayesh and Sudheer went through the warrant t...