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Sunday, July 22, 2018

Chapter 48 : Enough to be Worse.

Chapter 48 : Enough to be Worse.

Everyone in the room stood stunned as Jayesh and Sudheer went through the warrant that brought Manik at Lavasa. Jayesh double checked it as Sudheer sat heavily on the chair.

“Now if you have done with the checking, can I do my job?” Manik curtly said to Jayesh.

“She is not doing well and we have her anticipatory bail granted.” Jayesh tried to speak only to be over voiced by the only other person speaking in the room.

“If you have it, produce it and we also have hospitals.” He replied and added further, “The Government Hospitals, to take care of such patients with charges. You don't worry please.”

“She has done nothing. Whoever has given this information he will be in deep trouble.” Jayesh shouted.

“You are putting yourself in deep trouble in turn. Now if you allow, I have to take her with me.” Manik tried to walk past Jayesh.

“She is sleeping, under influence of medicines.” Jayesh's eyes meet Manik's who looked darn unhappy to be stopped. “If you have questions ask the doctors present here.”

“You don't have to instruct what I should be doing!” Manik pushed away him and asked for Priya.

Ram for the first time stepped to speak, with a very calm head he uttered two words without showing any interest in defending his wife, “This way" he walked past Manik gesturing him to follow. Surprised Jayesh looked towards Amarnath who has a flat reaction plastered on his face too. Without waiting for anyone talking to his lawyer over phone he rushed behind the two men. The place and sudden declaration of the warrant taken him aback and he failed to come up with a defensive move and was put in a back foot with a mistake done, leaving the anticipatory bail with his lawyer at Mumbai. He felt helpless with the absence of Ashok who went to Mumbai with Rishab to bring Riyah. The heavy rains and Ram's request made him agree to join Rishab.

“Before you say anything please once speak to the doctors.” Ram humbly requested Manik, which was accepted. Ram then showed him the way to his cabin. He pushed open the door revealing Reshma and Vehaan. At their first sight Manik remembered them but the former two didn't recognize him. With Ram's voice Manik's stance broke. “This is Dr.Reshma and Dr. Ghani. They are looking after Priya and they can explain her medical condition better to you.”

Manik sat down silently asking a question to Ram. “How you are related to them?

“Reshma takes care of this home in my absence and Dr. Ghani is a friend and he has helped me a lot in many matters in past and also in Priya's case.”

“Hmm.” Manik responded back with a slight hint of smile under his lips. “So..” he leaned forward with a deep sigh looking towards the two doctor he added, “So what you want me to know about Priya? I am running out of time and..” he stopped as Vehaan spoke.

“I will not take much time and I will not go into any deep to know about the matter for which you are here. All I need you to know is that Priya is not at all good, she needs complete medical attention and her condition has deteriorated a much in last two days and she is stressed, depressed.” Vehaan looked towards Ram when he found Manik smiling. “Do you think I am trying to stop you?” he asked unhappily.

“Even if you want, you can't.” He replied. “I am just thinking that why she will not be depressed, she knew that her end is heading close.”

“Mind your tongue.” Jayesh came into the room. “And my lawyer is on his way with the anticipatory bail granted to her and if you know you can't arrest a woman after sunset.”

“Sir, I know the law. And I think you are little disturbed. I am here a way before sunset and you can't stop me from arresting her before sunset. And as I said earlier if she has bail show it to me.” He stood up and dialled a number. He spoke loudly. “I need an ambulance at Ram Kapoor's place in heart right now!” his ordered. “And right now means now.” He looked straight into Jayesh's eyes. “Now if you all are done with the excuses and making me aware of dos and don'ts of law and order can I meet Priya?”

“She is in deep sleep.” Reshma said.

“That doesn't mean I can't see her.” Manik said.

“Please..” Ram sighed deep. “This way please.” He showed the way to him. Jayesh appeared visually unhappy with Ram's cold behaviour.

Ram opened the door of his room allowing Manik to walk into. Manik looked closely at Priya's pale face. He looked up to Ram and then to the two doctors who followed them. “Is this happened only because of depression and stress?”

“Clinical depression is a major mental condition which we don't take seriously at all. Like you, every other person will ask this point in exact. But she is in deep trouble. She needs medical attention.” Vehan stopped as he heard the alarm of the ambulance. Before he could react, he found Manik rushing out of the room. Jayesh was again talking over phone. He was unrest knowing that his powers and positions were of no use in front of the unwanted situation. His lawyer on the other side of the phone was trying to calm him down, which was going horribly wrong that moment. He stopped talking when the men in white dress and two lady constables came along with Manik. “Stop!!” he yelled blocking their way.

“Mr. Jayesh I will not stop you from getting a good lawyer for her but the evidences that she has used her body guard to kill Rajat Kapur and also we have evidences that she has tried to attack and kill Mr.Ram Kapoor twice.” Manik said looking straight towards Jayesh stunning him with the charges.

“What did you say? She tried to kill her husband?” Jayesh looked towards Ram, who was starring down at the floor with a silent gaze. “And Ram you believe in this non sense?” he asked helplessly.

“I don't know about Ram but I don't think she can plot attacks on Ram.” Amarnath stood in his daughter in law's defence.

“Then why don't she care to share the threat messages send to her with us.” Manik showed a print out of the messages that Priya received few days back.

Reading them carefully Amarnath handed those to Jayesh. While Manik ordered his men to bring out Priya. “And Mr. Jayesh if you try to stop me or my men you will be charged according to law and if she has an anticipatory bail granted then present it to me.” All the men stood in silence as the men carried Priya away with them. Shipra tried to stop them but her cries were ignored leaving her inconsolable.

Talking over phone Jayesh left following the police vehicles. While Ram, locked himself in the room pushing out Vikram, who was trying to compose him. Vikram turned back to find Reshma and Vehaan starring angrily towards him.

“Stop starring.” He tried to shrug off them but failed. Vehaan's strong hands clasped Vikram under its might leaving the later gasp for air. “You are...” Vikram tried to struggle out of his grasp but failed miserably.

Choking him more, Vehaan chewed every word he spoke. “You were paid to execute her, then why you didn't? I was informed about her influence on Ram and I can't afford to compromise my business, just for that little bug, in which you get the equal share.”

Some manner being lucky for a moment Vikram came out of Vehan's grip. Coughing and gasping for air, he spoke. “Not me. I am not your partner. It's my wife. You people keep on blackmailing me in the name of my children and Neha, she is such a beast, even that time she stopped me from letting Ram from visiting Priya. Leave that she is the one for whom Priya has to face the trauma. If Priya had killed Rajat she should kill Neha too. She is a shame on mankind. Money only matters to her.” Vikrambroke down.

“She is an intellectual woman Vikram.” Reshma said. “You must respect her. Money is the only way of being happy in this world. The people with money can buy everything. Happiness, respect, time, everything. If she wants those in her life you can't call her a shame on the mankind. She wants a better future for you, for your kids and herself. What's wrong in that?” Reshma asked with an ease.

“In the expense of another man's happiness.” Vikram smiled looking at them.

“So what you want us to do? Or what you can do?” Vehan asked.

“Neither I can do anything nor I can ask you people to do anything else. The thing I could do is to pray. Pray for my friends and deny you people from being a part of the dirty game.” Vikram replied curtly.

“But you have to. You must do what we will ask you to do.” Vehaan said. “Else you know what Neha can do.”

“One day will come when our kids has to face the reality either they will end up in a home or orphanage. So I am done with your blackmails. I am done with it. I am and I will do nothing that will harm my friend or his wife and that's final.” Vikram announced his stand firm and clear.

“Then...” Vehan stopped as he heard foot steps approaching towards them “You will be punished.” He came apart from Vikram and peeped to see. He found Ram approaching their direction and he started acting accordingly.

“Sorry guys but is Vik..” Ram stopped after finding Vikram with them. “Vikram we need to leave for Mumbai. I need to be with Priya. Can you come with me?”

With out looking at the other two present Vikram stepped towards his friend, who turned again to address the doctors. “Reshma, please take care of the kids and Dr Ghani, thank you for coming over here in a short notice but you have other appointments too, I think you must take care of them.” Before Ram could speak further Reshma intervened asking for Ram's consent to complete the adoption which was left due. “Let them know that I am reconsidering their application. It will take time to reach to a decision.”

“But..” Reshma tried to speak.

“Discussions are over.” Ram walked out immediately.

Stunned by Ram's behaviour Reshma looked bluntly towards Vehaan, who was roaring in anger. “What should we say to them? And what about the advance we have already taken from the merchants?”

“Forget it. I will ask my men to kidnap her from here.” Vehaan pulled out his phone and dialled a number.

“Stop it!” Reshma managed to grab the phone out of his hands and disconnected the call. “Are you out of your mind? The police are all around and if we do such non sense the suspicions will come straight to me and them.”

“I don't care.” Vehaan grabbed back his phone.

“If police gets hold of me you will not be spared Mr. Vehan Ghani.” Reshma raged with all-time favourite statement.

Red in rage, Vehan stood silently breathing heavily there without any plan to execute.


At the other end, when Ashok got the news of Priya's arrest when Riyah was with him and Rishab. The news made Riyah pretty surprised. “We had a plan to shift out PriyaBhabi from there and before we could all this happened. Shit!” Her words didn't catch Ashok's attention. He was in deep thoughts and the next moment he asked Rishab to drive to the hospital and he called an acquaintance.

“You know about it? About Priya Sharma's arrest?” He asked and paused. “So who tipped him? It was ..” He paused and looked surprised and shocked at the same time. Disconnecting the call he sat in deep silence disconnected from the world in deep shock.

After driving for an hour and few minutes they reached the hospital where Priya was supposed to be brought. On his arrival Ashok saw the lawyer waiting there. He waved to him and almost ran towards him. When he was talking to the lawyer, Rishab came and wanted to join the discussions which was pretty rudely denied by Ashok. “This is our family matter stay out of it!!” he said pushing Rishab out. Rishab wanted to give back but stopped by Ashok. “Step back. I am not in myself. If I punch you next it will be your fault not mine.” He warned.

“What the ...” Rishab was taken aback by sudden change in behaviour of Ashok. Riyah acted like an intelligent woman and he suggested Rishab to stay calm.

After almost 4 hours Ashok stood up when Jayesh's car came into his notice. He rushed towards it followed by the lawyer. Jayesh hopped out of the car, and breathed a deep sigh of relief finding his lawyer ready for action.  Soon his relief turned into agony when he heard that Ram has tipped Manik about Priya's involvement in Rajat's missing case which is probably a murder. Ashok hung his head as he disclosed that he had shared that piece of information with Ram.

Jayesh’s was visibly shaken and an angry rage was plastered all over his face. “I will take care of it. Have you informed Meera?” He asked.

“No. I was waiting for you.” Ashok replied.

“Ask her to come over. Talk with Fortics Hospital and get Priya shifted out of here and instruct her not to allow Ram or any member of Kapoor family or any one related to them to meet her. Once I clear this mess I will shift her to Delhi.” Jayesh said. After Ashok nodded in acceptance, he continued. “Call Vishesh. Ask him to act according to my instructions.”

When Ashok looked clueless to him Jayesh heaved out a deep breath and added. “Just do it. He knows what he has to do.” With that Ashok knew there was something that he didn't know. He nodded obediently and did as asked.

Soon after Jayesh's arrival the Police van along with the Ambulance carrying Priya came there. The lawyer approached Manik and handed him the papers. Reading them he glanced at Jayesh and smiled in despair. “So you have done it.” While Priya was wheeled inside the hospital, Manik signed the relevant documents and checked the criteria mentioned the bail. “As soon as she gets backs her consciousness you must inform us.” He said to the lawyer.

“We will remain abide by the law.” The lawyer smiled. “Now if you allow we want the best treatment for our client and for that matter this order has been granted specially by the magistrate to shift her to the best possible hospital available so that she can help you in the case getting in good health as soon as possible.” He handed the piece of paper to him.

After reading it, Manik knew he had to step back. “Hmm.. ok.” He heaved out a deep sigh and whispered into his sub ordinate's ear. The man immediately walked in and soon after he was seen back with Priya behind him in the stretcher.

“Thank You.”

The Ambulance that stood ready came in fore front and an unconscious Priya was taken away accompanied by Ashok only. Rishab and Riyah were denied an entry and Jayesh asked them to inform the Kapoor family to stay away from Priya. “If your brother himself thinks that Priya has murdered Rajat and can take his life too, tell him we will see him at court.” Jayesh walked to his car, the lawyer accompanied him in his car, which wheeled out of the compound swiftly and vanished into the Mumbai crowd.


On the first sight of Ram, Jayesh got alarmed. He was accompanied by Amarnath and a not so happy Rishab. He stood up walked to them at a pace and stopped right in front blocking their way.

“Jayesh how is Priya?” Amarnath asked. “We care for her.” He added.

“We are still alive to care for her. Her Family.” Jayesh's reply was curt.

“Is everything fine?”

“Will be, if not. And I chose the wrong partner for her. I pushed her to a man who always thought her bad. I am sorry for that to my daughter.” Jayesh said looking sharply at Ram.

Amarnath looked to his way and looking at Ram he turned his head back to Jayesh to ask if he is unhappy with Ram.

“Why I should be unhappy with him? I am angry on me! I am angry to know that how stupid I am.” He yelled. Realising the place he lowered his voice and stepping to Ram he continued, “Since when you are afraid of her, Ram Kapoor?”

“Excuse me.” Meera's voice intervened. After the group of men paid attention to her she asked Jayesh to come quick as the doctors has something important to speak. When Ram tried to join Jayesh stopped him and to avoid any argument Meera asked Jayesh to put up the matter for a while as Priya and her health is more important than anything else. He understood and walked along her.


In the Doctor's cabin Jayesh found a team of five doctors waiting for him. Finding two unknown faces i.e of Amarnath and Ram the head looked at Jayesh enquiring. Meera addressed their query disclosing their identity before Jayesh could speak, which didn't go good with him.

“I am afraid she has gone through a lot in recent past.” The head of the team of doctors started.

“What do you mean by that?” Jayesh asked.

“That means she has gone through physical violence in last few days and as her husband is here I want to ask him if there is anything he wants to share.” The doctor looked towards Ram.

“Vi...violence.” Ram struggled to speak. “I was with her all the time for last three days how ...” he stopped.

“There are marks on her hands and legs that shows she has been tied up. There are struggle marks in her body and also marks that show she has been bitten up badly. We will be conducting some medical test to know if there is any sexual assault too.” The doctor said. After a pause he continued. “Her this unconscious state along with her dizziness in consciousness and failure to respond to the external stimulus worries us more. We have decided to conduct a series of tests in her and Mr. Rawat can we talk to you in private please.”

“Sure.” He looked back urging everyone to leave. While everyone stood up to leave Amarnath wanted to stay back but the doctors denied him humbly.

“Ram.” Meera stopped him at once. “Do you understand what the doctors said? Physical assaults? Did you..?” She stopped herself.

“I will not blame you. But I don't know what is happening. I really don't know!” he sat down while Amarnath's angry gaze fell on Meera.


Inside the cabin the doctor locked the door and turned to Jayesh. “Jayesh I treated her that time also. I don't think this time any sexual assault happened with her but I suspect some kind of unnatural activity that happened with her. Someone did some unwanted things with her. Do you suspect her husband?”

“No I don't think he can do such ...” Jayesh stopped. “I have no idea just treat her and get her back. Once I lost her almost I don't want to loose her again.” He said helplessly.

“I suggest you to report this to police.” The doctor said.

“Yes. That I will do.” He stood up to leave.


Police Head Quarters Mumbai.

“Sir!” the young man addressed Manik. “Mr.Jayesh is here to meet you.”

“Hmm.” Manik replied. As Jayesh walked in Manik smiled and turned towards him. “Please sit and before you say anything can you tell me how the hell do you manage to manipulate my investigations?”

“Sorry!!” Jayesh looked narrowly.

“I was trying to get Rajat Kapur's whereabouts and was failing miserably and after I arrested Priya the news just got dropped on my lap. How should I label it Mr. Jayesh?”

“I am here to lodge a complaint. According to doctors Priya is physically tortured and may be assaulted sexually too. Tests are going on. I want you to look after it.” Jayesh said in a shaking voice,  “and about Rajat, yes I called his mother to come and meet you.”

“Your complainant will be addressed. But how you know her?” Manik asked.

“I wanted to report the crime that took place then to the police. I had Rajat in my custody too. But he fled away and before I could catch him, he tried to commit suicide which left him in deep coma. Since then I take care of the business his father left behind. I am taking care of his medical expenditure wishing once he will wake up and I will see him behind the bars. When ever I failed to reach his mother at the month end or beginning, Priya used to visit her to hand over the cheque to her. The share she has in the business. And I have a written agreement with her which I can produce to you if need to see it.” Jayesh leaned back on his seat after he finished.

“I don't believe in this.” Manik said. “I really don't believe you. If Rajat is alive then where is he? If he is your daughter's rapist then why you are helping his mother? Why didn't you let him die?” Manik asked.

“I want the law to punish him. Who am I to punish him? And why should I be taking law in my own hands? I don't want to set a bad example for my daughter.” Jayesh said.

“I still don't believe you!” Manik had a faint smile.

“That's the truth you heard and you can get the truth from Rajat's mother itself and you can find Rajat in this address.” He pulled out a card and handed it to Manik. “And before I leave I want you to know that Rajat's mother knows what her son did to Priya. You can confirm this from her.” He heaved out a deep sigh. “Now if you take my complaint seriously.” He added.

Manik left a deep long breath before pressing the bell. The same man came in. “Take his complaint and report to me.” Manik instructed. “You just do the formalities with him. I will be forming a team and take up the case immediately.”

Jayesh thanked him and stood up to leave. Just then Manik asked. “Do you feel this could be a domestic violence?”

“I don't think so.” Jayesh fell silent. Remaining in silence for moments he continued in a feeble voice. “I don't know. All I know I have almost lost her once I don't want to loose her again.” He walked out of the room slowly, letting Manik know how fragile he stood then.


Back in the hospital.

Desolated Priya opened her eyes. Confined within a pitch black dark room she couldn't find any one to speak. Her vision was not clear. But within few seconds her eyes became accustomed with the darkness. She tried to push her body upwards trying to sit but she failed. She thought she might have slipped. Now she again tried to sit and she failed again. She failed miserably in all her attempts making her relentless. Then she panicked. And tried to speak, when she felt a pair of hands over her body under her clothes, only to find herself gaged.

Her struggles became violent. The more she struggled more she hurt herself. Now she could feel a hot breath over her face. Slowly those breathes became fast and came closer to her. She tried to free herself. Her struggles became more urgent. She felt the touch becoming harsher, rougher! When she again tried to scream she felt a slap against her cheeks one after another leaving them sore. She felt the weight over her body closing in, hurting her more. With all her power she tried to free herself and she succeeded. Putting her all might and courage together she put together all the power and screamed out her right then, “RAAAAAAAAMMMMMM"

Until we meet



Chapter 48 : Enough to be Worse.

Chapter 48 : Enough to be Worse. Everyone in the room stood stunned as Jayesh and Sudheer went through the warrant t...