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Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Chapter 44: A Messed Up Climax

Chapter 44: A Messed Up Climax

Morning Lavasa.

“Good Morning.” Vikram came inside Rams room with a tray with two cups of coffee. “Seems like someone is badly missing his wife.” He smiled. But when Ram didn’t respond he felt little different and turned Ram to him. “My God Ram! Haven’t you slept last night?” He said looking into Ram’s red eyes.

“Leave me. Priya is not picking up the call.” Ram dialed the number again. He tapped badly on the mobile.

“Ram, she must be sleeping look at the time. She had a long day, might be, she has inaugurations in Mumbai that must have kept her busy.” Vikram tried to calm him.

“She was talking to me last night, She fell asleep while talking then why she is not receiving the call?”

“Ram” Vikram pulled out the phone and made him sit on the couch, “She is sleeping, you only said that she fell asleep talking to you and now you are trying to wake her up..” He stopped looking at the aloud phone.

“He..hello Priya.” Ram answered. “Are you Okay? I mean when did you fell asleep last night? I.. I had a dreadful dream about you, are you fine?”

“Ram, this many missed calls, did you ever slept last night?” Priya asked. “I am not sure.”

“Ye..yeah I did.” Ram stuttered. “I slept for a while and after that dream, I have not.”

“Ram, stop panicking I fell asleep with few minutes into our conversation and I came out of my sleep with Maa’s call. After a long time I had a good sound sleep. Thank you Ram.” Priya said. Ram could feel her smile. After a pause she continued, “ But you must have a sleep, a good sleep. Take care of your health Ram.”

“I will.” Ram answered.

“I have to go now. A long day to go and I will be at Lavasa with Mom for Prayer meet and I may stay back there with you until for three or four days, later that I have to join back office. Work has been put into a back seat for while which is not good for me.” Priya said and with a pause she added, "And Ram Papa has denied to come. He don't want to share same space with you." 

Ram heaved a deep sigh, " I know how he feels. it's okay Priya. I will be grateful you him if any day he says hello or hi to me. After what I did to his daughter..." He paused. “About work I also believe so and thanks for being there Priya.” Ram smiled. Wishing each other when Ram turned back his smiled fainted away under Vikram’s  cheeky grin. “WHAT??” he felt shy.

“Someone is blushing.” Vikram teased, “You are behaving like a college kid. You two really spoke all through the night?”

“Not all through the night, she felt asleep soon, I fell asleep little later, but as you heard that dream…” Ram stopped.

“Ram I think you should take Priya somewhere away from the hustle of the city, where you two will get some solace in each other.” Vikram suggested.

“I don’t think she is ready for that, ready for the we time you are indicating towards and my priority is to take her out from the trauma she is in.” Ram walked to the window and looked out.

“Reshma is the best person for it, and last night we were having a little discussion about it and Reshma seconded my thoughts. She was not completely sure but she thinks it can be an useful experiment.”

“Priya is not a guinea pig, that I will go on and of experiments with her.” Ram was upset, “ And I am shocked that my friend is thinking about it.”

“Ram, you are getting me wrong I am saying it because I feel for you and her. I am sorry if I have hurt you.” Vikram sighed deep. “I should leave.” He walked out of the room silently leaving his friend alone.


Two Days Later, Mumbai.

The most hated thing in life for Vishesh is disappointment and after a trying for two days he was rewarded with disappointment only and he turned towards his last hope.

Another time he looked down to his wrist watch. Time seemed to have stopped. After failing miserably he landed to another school which provides training to physically challenged people secretively, sometimes at applicant’s place too. He tapped his feet rigorously on the floor making an ignoring sound to ears.

“Gentleman.” The voice from Vishesh’s back made him more aware. Being excited he pushed back the chair and stood up all of a sudden making it fell on the ground. With the sound a young lady came running into the room from the adjacent one to check with her boss. “No need.” The man with grey hair cocked his head and stopped his secretary from intervening. The lady vacated the room immediately. “Though I am not convinced to give these data to you but as you are my student and I know if Vishesh Gupta is asking for help it is important.” He slowly walked towards the chair. Placing the desk name plate erect on the table he occupied the chair. The desk name plate read, “Amitabh Sinha”

“Thank you Sir.” Vishesh picked up the chair and sat.

“Without wasting your and my time, the name you gave me, my institute trained only one such man some 11 years back, the time you left me for Priya Sharma. He met with an accident, his right limb was amputee and his family wanted us to train him secretively.” The elderly man let out a deep sigh. “And we signed a non-disclosure agreement with his family.” He sighed deep again. “I don’t know why I am doing this, with a big man behind him.”

“Sir, I need to know. I got a hint, a clue and I have to get a firm hold otherwise it will be tough for me to convince the people around him about his real self. He is very close to Ram Kapoor and he can destroy the whole Kapoor clan and as taught by you, before the sword even think to touch the master it should stir out the last drop of blood from the protector, I have to protect my master, Priya Ma’am.” Vishesh said.

“What did you say? What name did you take? Kapoor.” The man looked down to the file and said. “ Amarnath Kapoor.”

“What??” Vishesh stood up and snatched the file all of a sudden. He read the names and sat back on the chair with a thud. The file slipped out of his hand. Every equation fell still. He still was in a fix knowing Amarnath Kapoor was the one who was one of the witnesses in the agreement for Vikram Shergill. When one side of the story was opening up the intruder was unmasked he couldn’t believe his eyes when Kapoor senior’s name plugged into the case in the most unwanted manner. “Sir, can I know what really happened that time?” he forced out the words.

“Sure, Vishesh but I can tell you what I was told then by Amarnath Kapoor, the victim’s local guardian and I have met him all the time during the training process and I have got to meet Vikram’s parents thrice only, once at the start of the session, second when he again became a self-sufficient man and returned to normal life and lastly, when his father came to Mumbai to sign this agreement.”

“That will suffice, other information, if needed I will fetch it out.”

“Okay then..” He sighed and started to narrate what he was told years back.



Later the same day, after the prayer meet Priya excused herself from the family. She came to the room and closed the door casually behind her. Ever since her childhood she used to have a low feeling about deaths, she reserved herself from talking about it. The same feeling crept into her nerves after the prayer meet of a little boy who has to leave for his eternal home without even knowing what even life is about. A pleasant breeze rustled her hair and flung some papers from the table down to the ground. Calmly she picked up the papers one by one and was about to place them back at its place when her eyes fell on a journal, which was left open on the table. The scribbling attracted her, she knew the handwriting. Flipping to the first page she read the name and in deep bold letters Ram had scribbled his name and just underneath it he wrote, “incomplete”.

Curiously she flipped to the first page, the first entry of his “Incomplete” Journal.

Date: No date has worth without her. Let me not remember that time is slipping away.

A sudden rush of hormones streamed into the system. I tried to nudge it away but every time I thought I was successful it started pouring itself into me more. This time with all might and a scream to save my life I stood up but the tentacles of it grabbed and locked my arms, limbs and body under its monstrous dominance. A sheer painful cry shot out from my throat. I felt myself to be gulped up. A slime started to cover me, a shredded drop, tore out of the struggle by me, made its impact on my shoulder. I wanted to scream out for help! But i felt my mouth gaged. I couldn't even feel the air now. Am I alive or already has become a debatable matter for the death messengers, of where to lead me to hell or heaven? I sat lifeless, I felt light, floating in air. Just then something pushed me. This push was stronger than the nudge that startled me with the unknown fear at the start, I opened my eyes.

Gasping and heaving a heavy sigh of relief I am back alive, lying almost lifeless on bed. With much difficulty and with heavy head I sat up and fickle open my eyes to look around the room. It was dark, messy, grumpy and smelt pungent. I felt I have not seen even the slightest beam of light since a long time. But since when; I tried to remember but I couldn't. Something thumped inside my head, I could hear a name but who are they calling? Who is it? With fear I tried to stand up on my shaky legs but before taking the first step, I had a fall and then what I remember is A hospital bed, some people around me, few of them were crying. I failed to recognise them that moment.

Now, as I write from the remnants of my memory I do know who they were! My family. But a face in them was also there. I could feel her always. In me , in the essence she left within me.
My Priya.


The page flipped.

Every year a day after her birthday an unnamed package used to be delivered to me. When I was in the USA, her birthday was the only time I used to be in India, at Lavasa. This year the package came late, five days late. This time there was no courier boy, but a man I was meeting for the first time. He had a business idea, I was in a denial to accept because he was my Mama ji's friend and a major financer to him. But then my eyes fell on the box the same wrapping. Only marked as 12th. I had it. I knew he is the one, but he is not a Sharma by name. Who is he? He was Jayesh Rawat. Who was testing me, he wanted me to come back to her life but not as a prospective groom but as a lead in her business what she loves and lives.

It is quite surprising that if a father can forgive me for what I did to his daughter because I don't expect me to do so for my daughter. But he did. When I stood with folded hands, eyes over flooded with tears shot straight to the floor, I was expecting him to slap me tight right and left on my cheeks. But my expectations hit rock bottom when I heard a quiver in his voice. I knew he was crying too. His constant shivers forced me to look up. He was crying almost loud. He didn't say me much, he only asked to be with him in his plan. He wanted his daughter back. Any one may find him selfish, he spoke about his daughter's pain only, when I was also in one. But if I were him, I would have killed the boy who even thought to strip away happiness from my daughter. But he was kind. He kept in touch with this guy every moment. Instructions were given, scripts were written and presence of mind played the most vital role. I warned him about my behaviour that can get rude with my constant involvement. That may hurt him. I remember his smile even today. He smiled and said, “I can even get killed to get her smile back. You can be rude if you want, just get her back.” But I can never forgive me in this life for what Rajat did to her and more painful for me is that I have to hide it from her. I can't even hug her and promise her to make everything okay.

Everything he told but his denial to speak about Rajat kills me every moment. Every breath I take.


A sudden rage shot up into her brain. She flipped back. Rigorously.

Winter seemed to be more painful this year. My back pained constantly. Sister said me I was unconscious for almost 9 days. But I had a feeling of getting awake from over night sleep, except the cramps and pains that I had in my body. That was the moment I heard my father's voice. He argued with another man in high pitch voice. I knew, it was regarding me. My eyes went straight to the man in khaki who showed me a picture and addressed, “bade baap ke bigda hua sahab zade iss ladki ko dekha?” I could only see the half picture. I tried to look at it but the man's three fingers kept it covered almost to her neck. “Dekha?” he shouted once again. I could here and feel my father asking the inspector to leave me alone. He did but promised me to come back. First time I saw shame in my father's eyes for me.

I was the reason.

But I failed to remember what my crime was?


She flipped.

I could barely stand. A walking stick helped me to walk inside a police station. That inspector helped me with the rest. Like a hungry beast he grabbed me by my collar and threw me into a lock up with the charge of selling drugs to adolescent girls and in attempt to rape to a girl.


Priya was about to turn the page she heard a clink. The door opened behind her. Hurrying Ram pulled out the journal from her hands. “What are you doing? Please keep away.” Ram turned back with the journal tightly gripped under his fist. Clutching her own saree Priya stood silent for next several minutes confused agonised and then suddenly she decided. With her bag which remained almost packed she picked up the necessary things up into her purse and wheeled out her bag out from the room to downstairs. When she was about to declare about her departure her eyes fell on Vikram having a stroll on the ground puffing off the cigarette . She marched towards him leaving her luggage behind.

“Vikram.” She called him.

Being chivalrous Vikram lit off the cigarette and responded back to her. Without giving any chances to him Priya almost fired questions, one after other on him of which he was able to get none properly. “Calm down Priya, I am not getting a single thing you are asking for?” Vikram sounded calm.

“Huh!” Putting her hands together crossed near her belly she stood looking to the other side thinking about the entry which indicated the about the secret alliance between Ram and Jayesh, that made her blood boil. “Leave it.” She almost started to walk away when Vikram stopped her again.

“Wait Priya.” He blocked her way. “You are startled what happened?”

“Startled? Huh! You feel so?” Priya grinned. “My blood is boiling. I am mad over my family who...” she stopped under her heavy breathes. “Leave it Vikram I am leaving for Delhi, I have some real questions to clear from someone.”

Vikram plunged before even Priya turn back to leave. “Listen up Priya, what is the matter? Did Ram say anything unwanted? I will speak to him.”

“Vikram, tell me one thing, why he was in hospital and jailed? He really did that what Rajat did to me?” She looked away from him. When Vikram maintained silence for a long time, Priya  looked at him inspecting his body language. “So, should I take your silence as the answer?”

“Priya, he has been arrested for that charge but as the prosecution failed to prove the crime and he was acquitted.” Vikram said.

“And who was that girl?”

“Does it matter?”

“Yes it matters, I can't stay with a man who has...” Priya fell silent.

“I don't know Priya. I was not in town then. I was in Delhi. I got updates from uncle only. What I know is...” Vikram stopped under the honking of a car.

It was Vishesh who scampered into the campus and with the first view of Priya with Vikram he almost ram towards her. Greeting both he humbly requested Priya to spare some time and allow him to share information.

“Vishesh right now I want you to take me to Mumbai Airport and straight from there to Delhi.” Priya said looking back to Vikram. “And thanks Vikram for being the true friend.” She strode towards the hall where her family was resting.

Clearing her throat she looked around the hall. “I am sorry but an urgent work has turned up and I am leaving for Delhi by whatever flight available on my arrival to the airport and Vishesh is thankfully here so he will accompany me. Lastly, I don't know when I am coming back.” Priya was rude all through the one sided conversation and made her look arrogant when she turned back turning ears deaf to everyone. She walked away followed by Ram. He paced up and stopped the lady just in time.

“Just not allowing you to read what I have rested in past doesn't give you a license to misbehave with the elders. They were asking you something?” Ram said clutching her wrist under his tight grip.

“Being my husband doesn't qualify you to be my master.” She jerked off Ram's hand off from her. “People might have teamed up with you, but a dead will remain dead. I will love to fell breathless with the truth not heartless with your white lies.”

“White lies? What are you talking about?”

“Reconcile Ram, remember you are no less a monster than Rajat!!” She gritted every word under her teeth. Ram fell silent stunned by Priya's words. Just when Priya started to walk away he spoke in a feeble voice.

“Did you read anything from it?” He asked.

“I am not liable to answer you Mr. Kapoor. Hope to see you never ever.” Priya walked out of the gate and climbed into the car's front seat and waited for Vishesh leaving a broken and stunned Ram behind.

“Ma'am we need to stay here, I need to disclose an important past and may be the recent past events will unfold in front of everyone.” Vishesh pleaded.

“Can we leave?” Priya said unhappily.

“Ma'am you can't leave Ram sir with Vikram Shergill.” Vishesh said.

“I don't want your suggestions Vishesh do what I ask you to.” She replied irritated by him. “If you can't obey leave me alone, I can drive back.” Priya missed what actually Vishesh tried to say being consumed all by her anger.

“Ma'am you are more needed here than anything! You need to know what the truth is. What Vikram Shergill's truth is!”

“Vikram's truth?”

“Yes.” He looked to the family and Ram who was standing along side Vikram. “How could any one not think about him to be the limping intruder? Especially when his past is well known to the Kapoors. But, one thing Mr. Shergill why you tried to harm Priya Ma'am and Ram sir, when you should remain indebted to the latter's family for your whole life?” He paused noticing Vikram to step back from his place almost unnoticeable to other. “And before you stoop more low my man is behind you and...” He brought forwards his pistol and held it straight pointing it to him.

Vikram maintained his silence. Priya came out of the car and stood stunned listening to Vishesh's allegation.

“Vishesh!!” Amarnath screamed out. “Do you even know what you are speaking about? I think you are crossing your limits. He can be... He has lost his limb..” he stopped. “ We are indebted to him for saving Ram's life and you think he is behind all this?” After a pause he continued looking towards his daughter in law, “Priya ask him to stop his non sense.”

“Sir I am shocked to know that you can commit such big mistake. But I am still clueless why he is behind Ram Sir and Priya Ma'am, answer me why?” Vishesh asked.

“Priya ask your man to stop talking non sense and dig out my pain of feeling incompetent.” Vikram spoke for the first time. “I am not speaking that doesn't mean I will bear all this allegations so easily.”

“Oh! I see. Just tell me Mr. Shergill what is the motive behind all this if you are a real man.” Vishesh said.

“Enough Vishesh!!” Priya shouted. “Enough!!” she walked to him. “Vishesh, you are forgetting me, I was the victim and I don't know what lies in his past...” she looked towards Vikram once before continuing, “But he was not that man who attacked me.”

“Ma'am..” Vishesh failed to convince Priya.

“Give me one reason that Vikram has to attack me, attack Ram!” Priya asked.

“He has.. he lost his limb because of Ram sir. Isn't that enough for him to do all this?” Vishesh said.

“What was his need to do it now?” Amarnath intruded. “If he has to do it he could have it done it very early. Priya ask this bustard to keep his mouth shut.”

“I will not..” Vishesh stopped under Priya's voice.

“Enough of it Vishesh. Stop this. I don't know what made you blame Vikram but if bauji is asking you to keep quiet just shut your bloody mouth and come along else I have to fire you.”  Priya threatened him bluntly.

“Ma’am believe me it is him who is behind all the attacks and..” Vishesh  stopped under Priya’s raging eyes.

“Enough Vishesh, you are embarrassing me. I don’t know what exactly you found but this is blunt! You can’t blame Vikram like that.” Priya took Vikram’s side, making Vishesh feel alone.

Vishesh looked at Priya for a while then to Vikram. “I will be back Mr. Two faced bugger and the day I will have the records of your crime and the motive that day you will be barred forever. Trust me.”

“VISHESH!! GET INTO THE CAR RIGHT NOW!” Priya screamed. She waited until he climbed into the driver's seat. Walking to Amarnath , who stood firm by Vikram she folded her hands to apologise. “I don't know what happened in past, but I would like to know what more damages this man made in past.” She said narrowing her eyes towards Ram. “But right now it is more important to me to know the truth of what I came to know. Someone has to answer me, who is one of the closest person in this world. Who changed my world.” She once again looked at Vikram and before leaving nobody knew what made her hug Vikram all of a sudden, and the he reciprocated to her hug.

The car drove out of the complex in an odd speed. All the anger that Vishesh had was drained off to the accelerator. He sped up the car beyond speed limit showing off his unhappiness.

“Vishesh you can't prove him guilty until you have the proofs.” Priya's sudden announcement made Vishesh slow down. “I know you don’t blame baselessly and it is him. The same touch, and how can I forget his ability to mimic anyone or to charade any random voice with ultimate ease. Only his physical drawback is not enough to prove his misdeeds. You have to get the motive. Do you know the motive? And before you say if losing his limbs is the motive then he could have done it earlier, it is something else. I can't see Ram die so easily. I can't allow anyone else to claim his life. He is my prey and only I will make him suffer no one else. Find out the motive, Vishesh find it out.”

Vishesh remained silent. He slowed down the car and it stopped few kilometres away from the place they just left.

“Now vacate the car and go find out the reason behind it and yes you are reading me right I am going back. I can't allow any one else to punish Ram.”

“Ma’am he is good man. He loves you.”

“Are you getting inclined towards him?” Priya asked.

“I am worried about you, what if Vikram attacks you?”

Priya smirked. “He is not an armature.  He is not going to do anything like that and this time if his does..” she pulled out her gun and placed it on the dashboard of the car. “Trust me Vishesh this time I will not miss the aim.”

“You haven't missed it earlier. It was a part of your plan, which you never shared with me.” Vishesh said without looking at her.

“This time there is no plan B. The only plan is to unmask him, this way or that! But what you find about Vikram and how? When you had suspicion on him? Tell me everything”

“It will take a long time, but Ma’am I am damn sure it it him and about the motive I will find it out soon. Just don’t let him know that you are with me.” Vishesh warned Priya.

 Opening the car door she walked to the driver’s seat. Vikram silently vacated it as ordered. Slipping into the driver's seat she sighed deep. “You are fired Vishesh until you come up with his motive behind this serene crime.”

“Be safe Ma'am and about your queries hear the clip I am sending you it will clear some cloud from the matter and will help you to verify the version of story you will come to know there and keep your words, let your gun hit the target.” Vishesh said stepping back from the car.

“It did its duty that time and it will do it again as assigned.” Smiling Priya drove back towards the “A place in heart" while Vishesh watched till the car took a sharp turn and disappeared from his eyes. Just after then he dialled a number.

“Keep an eye on her. I know he is with her. I will be indebted to you for whole life, they will remain indebted to you forever. I leave the most important responsibility on you, don't let me down.” Vishesh said in a shaking voice.

“Cross my heart and promise you this is the time and best humble way to pay back Ram Kapoor’s kindness.” The voice spoke from the other side of the phone.  “I will not disappoint you.”

Until We Meet



Chapter 48 : Enough to be Worse.

Chapter 48 : Enough to be Worse. Everyone in the room stood stunned as Jayesh and Sudheer went through the warrant t...