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Thursday, November 16, 2017

Chapter 41: Is It Love?

Chapter 41: Is It Love?

The silence of the cafe boosted the torment going inside Priya's head. Whenever Vehan spoke her brain provoked her to believe him to be the intruder. Though she was there sitting with him physically but her own self was somewhere dwelling inside her own head trying to judge Vehan. And her absence of mind was easily caught by the other person in conversation soon.

“Hey!” Vehan snapped a finger infront her. “Is something bothering you Priya?” he asked politely.

“Vehan did you know that I am in Mumbai?” She asked, rudely, though for her she was not.

“Priya!” Vehan took a deep breath. “Yes I do know. I knew that from newspapers, social sites and before you ask I also knew that you are married to Mr. Kapoor.” He stared at Priya looking for the next query she had for him.

“Are you still mad over me for the rejection?” Priya asked looking to the ground, as if she was feeling guilty or in anguish assuming the answer.

“Look at me.” Vehan prompted. It took good two minutes or more for Priya to convince herself to continue with the meeting before looking into his eyes. “Priya we were young when it happened and yes more than two years I had had grudge over you. Because I thought you rejected me for the religious differences we have. But time heals every wound and soon I realised my goal; that was not you definitely. Yes at first when I started my course I had fixed your picture on my dart board back in college and I used to aim at your eyes because I thought you having the most beautiful eyes and you know what I was successful every time. But that broke when my sister caught me doing so red handed and spoke to me and addressed my angony. Thankfully I overcome the obsession soon and I owe a lot to my sister. But Priya I learnt something in the process about Love. Love is not a binding, love doesn't know to cage. Love is free, love is all over. You can't see it but you can feel it inside your heart. There is a little difference between love and obsession. If you love you know to give, to surrender, to wait, to respect.” Priya looked up as she felt Vehan's hand over hers. She wanted to withdraw but he made the grip tighter. “But I was not in love with you, I was obsessed with you. I wanted to cage you, compel you to love me. And if not, I was ready to kill you.” Withdrawing his hand he leaned back on his seat. “My love is to serve people and that was the point I meet Mr. Ram Kapoor.”

Silence prevailed on the table. That corner of the cafe suddenly became melancholy. A guilt wrapped Priya in its strong arms. She heard it for the first time but felt it way back in the pent house and suddenly his words made her think about her feelings. Is her love true for Ram? She thought. Priya stood up at her place in the next instant. She looked worried all of a sudden.

“Priya. I am sorry if I hurt you. But I answered you faithfully.” Vehan stood up next and tried to look into Priya's eyes. “Is everything fine?” He knew something was bothering her.

“Yes. I need to go. I...” Priya looked up. “Thanks Vehan for being with my husband. I really owe you a big thank you but this time I need to be alone.” She turned back and strode away from the cafe and again she forgot to take Vehan's phone number.

Vishesh came out of the car when he saw Priya to rush towards the car and behind her he could see Vehan marching towards her. He took Priya's name repeatedly but she was out of the earshot. Vishesh opened the rear seat door for her but instead she took the front seat and sat quietly. He stoop down to the window and knocked softly on the glass. “Ma'am your friend is calling you. I think he needs to speak to you.”  

Coming out Priya looked at the other side of the road. Within two minutes Vehan was standing in front breathless. “I am sorry to stalk you. But keep my card. I think you will need to see me soon and the reason is not known to me. It is quite a gut feeling and take care of yourself. You need rest than travelling. I can visit you if convenient for you and me both, next time, if you need to see me for another question answer session. But may I ask you I question only?”

“Go ahead.”

“Why you enquired about past? Is something related to our last meeting bothered your relationship with Mr. Kapoor. Because Reshma saw us and she might...” Priya interrupted him.

“No. I had this in my mind since long.” Priya lied. “And I think we will never meet again personally. It is good for both of us.” She got inside the car after which Vishesh drove out the car from the parking leaving Vehan alone standing with an unfinished phrase.

“Ma'am Lavasa?” Vishesh asked to know their destination.

“No take me to Marine Drive, please.” Priya said and Vishesh knew he has to obey it.


The car started to roll towards the Marine Drive, the drizzles made Mumbai’s summer little bearable. Turning off the air conditioner, Priya pressed the knob. Window by her side started to roll down allowing the air to come inside. Through the corner of his eyes Vishesh looked towards Priya, eyes closed hands clasped near her stomach, she sat occupied in her own. It was not a pleasant view. A guilt has taken all over her. An unknown guilt for Priya. Throughout the drive she opened her eyes to look down to her mobile only. Though not audible but Vishesh could easily guess the device rang every time when she looked down to it. But she never received the calls. He wanted to ask about her concerns but at the same time he knew it’s not the right time for it. He parked the near marine drive in a while but it seemed Priya has least noticed it. After stopping the car he looked towards Priya without moving even a single inch from his place. “Ma'am.” He tried to get Priya's attention but failed. After a good number of attempts Vishesh decided to come out of the car. Walking to the front passenger seat door he stood straight taking in deep breathes. “Ma'am.” He said almost in the same time when he opened the door for Priya. The sudden force that was put on by Vishesh on the door startled Priya. She looked up and said “Yes.” Without any particular reaction.

“Ma'am. We have reached Marine Drive.” Politely he informed her.

Looking around she realised it must be a good long time they are standing at the parking. Priya suddenly felt little embarrassed. “” she stuttered. She came out of the car and looked around. The busy hour of the day left the place with least dwellers. Walking across the promenade she sat down on the embankment looking across the huge Arabian Sea. She let out deep sigh in intervals, as if an unknown agony is slowing engulfing her within, a little, every time she inhaled and a new second is added to her life. Looking down to her mobile she found it to be vibrating once again. This time she picked up the call. It was Meera on the other end.

“Hey, boss. So all set for the inauguration?” happily Meera said but soon she realised the uneasiness prevailing. “Priya, what is going on?” this time Meera sounded worried. Her careful inquiries soon went in vain. “Priya, if you will not speak then how will I answer you?” Meera knew what she was doing. Priya wanted to speak, ask but something was pulling her back. “I am listening to you and I am here to answer you. Now tell me what you want to share and know or want me to do exactly.” She said affirm over phone.

Priya felt dryness in her throat. Something was troubling her to speak. One after another incidents and some of his dreadful past made her realise how cruel life turned to be not only for her but also for Ram. The recent past incidents made her doubt her own instincts. Was that really love or she is only attracted towards him? Could she love him back any day like he does every day?

“Meera. Can you answer me something?” Priya asked in a feeble and torn voice.

“You don't need permission Priya.”

“Meera, what is love?” Priya surprised Meera with her question. Though it came from a purest soul and was asked without any twists inside her head Meera took time to respond. It is not that she has asked some dreadful secret of hers but the question made Meera think of the swirls going inside her head.

“It varies from person to person.” Meera started with her answer. “Even a dictionary provides you with as many as 15 to 16 meanings for the word. So..” Meera heaved out a deep sigh. “For me Love is beauty. It helps us to discover the hidden beauty in us. It makes us feel livelier especially when we see ourselves through another person's eyes. For me Love is the Beauty of The New Freedom that Heart gets.. sometimes from us.”

“Does that mean we can cage other person under our own feelings?” Priya asked.

“Cage?” Meera laughed a little. “Love is not about caging Priya. At least not for me. I do not believe in holding back. Neither feelings nor the person for whom I feel. I don't believe in obsessive love. Love is expressive but too much of everything is bad for health.”

“I am confused Meera.” Priya said.

“For what?”

“About my love for ram.” Priya said under her sigh. “My hate for him making me doubt if I really love him or not!”

“Why suddenly you feel so Priya? Why now? Your hate is justified, the trauma you went through made your thoughts too narrow. There is no other thing. Please stop thinking so.” Meera was confused about her reaction.

“Meera.. Meera ... I can't explain you what I am going through. It is not that I... but he suffered more than me. I have you people, Jayesh Uncle and most importantly My Family by me.” Priya spoke. “But he had no one. He was lost. He had lost all the twelve years. He only took in air to breathe. I have seen what you have not.”

“What you have seen Priya?” Meera asked thoughtfully.

“His lost years when he only loved me. I was keeping track of him to get a revenge. To uproot him. But he was collecting my life only to love me. A little more every day. And now how mean my mind is playing, I am disgusting myself by doubting him with a kid. The man who is living only with my past, present and future; I was doubting him.” Priya said restlessly.

“Priya trust me I am not getting anything. Please clarify. Please.” Meera asked.

“Okay. Then listen carefully.” Priya said and then briefed everything from the recent past. Especially the penthouse event. Meera felt numb for a while, both the ladies remained silent for few good minutes. Their trance broke while the call got interrupted by Ashok's voice. “Ashok is back?” Priya asked. “When? You never said me!”

“Yesterday, late night only.” Meera said looking at Ashok. She felt a lump in her throat. She has known a truth that is dreadfully heart wrenching. Her eyes meet Ashok's. “Priya I am coming to Mumbai this evening. I think we should meet and discuss.” Her eyes remained locked with her husband's. Ashok nodded right to left with a hint of warning in his eyes.

“Okay. I will wait for you. Message me your flight details. I need to vent out my heart to you too.” Priya had a faint smile as she said. On the other end of her head she dropped the idea of heading to Lavasa. Not out of ego but out of respect for Ram she decided to head to Lavasa with rest of the family for the rituals a week later.

The line went dead.

New Delhi.

“Meera, don't you dare to tell Priya anything.” Ashok rebuked.

“I can't see her to live in illusions.” Meera tried to walk out of the room. She felt a pull on her forearm. Ashok held her back under his tight grip. “Leave me!” she warned.

“And I warn you not to speak a single word to her.” This time he raised his voice.

“You have become a puppet!” She scowled pushing back her husband. “You have become a puppet. Can't you see he is also ruining his life? He has become the destroyer of her life. What you guys are trying to do?” She sat on the bed holding her head between her hands.

“We are trying to make them know their worth for each other. They have suffered a lot we know. A little more. Trust me Meera after this dark night there will be only light. The brightest day!” Ashok shoved his hand against Meera's shoulder making her look towards him. “Trust me!” He smiled.

“And what about him? Doesn't he deserve some respect? Doesn't she need to know his truth?” Meera asked.

“Yes she does really need to know, but only when the time comes.” Ashok stood up.

“But when Ashok?” Meera squealed.

“Soon. Very soon. Before that we have a bigger and tougher job to do.” Ashok said looking towards nowhere.

Mumbai. Marine Drive.

The line went dead. There were nothing in the horizon, but she felt the storm building up there just like the swirls building inside her. A fight has already started between her brain and heart. The belief of her heart has been slashed into pieces by the brain. Just then a voice forced her to break the trance. Moving her head aside she left out a deep sigh. The person standing behind was least expected that moment.

“Yes.” Priya stood up facing Manik.

“I guess you are not happy to see me around.” Manik smirked.

“Does it matter to you?” Priya replied curtly.

“Really not!” he smiled inwardly. “Why you are not picking up my call?”

“I wanted to be alone. I don't want any interference at all.” She replied. “Even right now I am least bothered to speak with you.”

“But you have to come with me. I need to talk to you. You need to answer my call every time, to show up whenever I will summon you.” Manik sounded really rude this time.

“And exactly why?”

“You will get to know about it soon and now please cooperate and come along with me.” He looked straight into Priya's eyes.


“I said, you will get to know about it.” Manik sounded really impatient this time. “I am not liable to answer you everything.”

“You are.” Priya smiled. “You are Mr. Sniha. If you have forgotten let me remind you, I am the victim not the suspect of the case.” Priya looked up as Manik shouted this time.


“My boyfriend?” Priya looked puzzled. “Really and who is it...” she stopped with the voice of another man. It was Ram. He walked towards Manik and pushed him away from Priya before he could speak any thing.

“You ca..” Manik stopped under Ram's voice.

“You cannot treat my wife like a criminal!” He squeaked. “She is a respected public figure and she is the complainant in this case!”

“That doesn't change the truth!”

“What truth?” Ram asked.

“Your wife is cheating on you. And being married to you has made it difficult for her to be with her boyfriend, Rajat!” Manik accused Priya of adulteration.

“Are you out of your mind Manik?” Ram looked back to Priya. “Do you even know what the hell you are speaking? My Priya and Rajat!”

“I know this is un...” Manik stopped under Vishesh voice.

“Do you mean a woman can be friend with a man who has changed her life?” Vishesh said. “Sorry to interfere but I think as he is the investigation officer he must know the truth Ma'am.” He looked at Priya.

“Vishesh, can you ask the driver to take Shrestha to Lavasa. We will join later, tell her please.” Ram pointed to the car standing at a distance. Vishesh nodded and walked away.

“Can we sit and talk?” Ram asked looking at Manik while he held tight Priya's hand under his. “We ...” He looked back when Priya clutched his arm. “Let me speak Priya.” He said with a faint smile.

“What really you guys hide from me?” Manik said looking to the couple. He sensed a mystery in their body language.

“Please come.” Ram gestured Manik to follow. Once inside the car, he asked Vishesh to take the same into traffic, while Manik asked the driver to wait for him at parking. “Sir, as much I know you have an immense track record of 98% success, and you have seen a number of cases with different modus operandi, motives have you ever seen any rape victim to gang up with the rapist to do harm to a third person?” Ram asked praising his abilities as a cop.

For a good moment of time, Manik looked nowhere with his eyes shot towards the busy road of Mumbai. He heaved a deep sigh when his eyes went towards Vishesh who was driving the car in silence, as if Manik had some problem with the presence of a private bodyguard.

“You can speak, he is a friend more than acquaintance.” Ram answered.

“If what you said was another trick to manipulate me then let me tell you, it is a pretty bad idea. You may regret in future.” Manik's harsh voice made Priya wince her face. More than the voice the fear of her dark past to come out to public jacketed her sternly.

“I am not so insensitive that I will try to manipulate you with the support such a dreadful act.” Ram looked down with a disappointing smile crawling on his lips. “Mr. Sinha you are trying to frame up my wife, the victim or to be precise the rape victim with her culprit and rapist Rajat Kapur.” He looked into Manik's eyes with a straight face. “Yes you heard it right.” His eyes stoop down to Priya's hands which were clutching his arms so tightly. He felt her nails making its way to his skin under the fabric. “Priya he can understand. Calm down.” Now he again looked up to the gentleman sitting on the front seat by Vishesh. He was again looking into the busy roads of the city. He sighed and turned back two times trying to speak but like always he got some trouble to speak to a rape victim. Taking a deep breath he looked back. He looked at a startled and frightened woman trying to vanish herself behind the huge structure of her husband ,and he found it hard to believe Priya to be the same woman who faced him bravely few minutes back.

“Did you compliant against him then?” Manik asked Priya but his eyes were on Ram.

“No. She didn't.” Ram answered. “We stand in 21st century a hugely developed society but still people look towards a rape victim in either of the two ways in majority, either with sympathy or with cruelty. We start to judge the girl, her character, her dress, her family. In one way or other the life of a rape victim turns into a havoc in a matter of few minutes. Even today 90% of the rape cases go unreported because families are concerned about their daughter's wedding and the criminal assails free. Mr. Sniha if today we still look so regressively towards them just think how people used to react to this then.” Ram looked towards Priya. “And apart from Priya it was known to Jayesh Uncle. We all came to know about it few days before our marriage.”

“Mrs. Kapoor then it can be easily guessed he is behind you. He is behind you badly. We come across such cases regularly. And if I am not wrong you Mr. Kapoor and Rajat were friends and there was a triangle and Rajat is the lustful lover in it.” Manik tried to make Priya answer. But she remained quiet. This time he looked at Vishesh whose facial expression changed within moments.

“He was the one to train Priya and make her regain her lost confidence again.” Ram said.

“And other than Jayesh Sir, I was the one who also knew this truth.” Vishesh added.

“So don't you guys think Rajat can be the man?” Manik asked other two men. “And if he committed such a sin why Mrs. Kapoor is still in touch with his mother in Nasik?” he looked towards Priya for an answer. “Then why should I not suspect her to team up with Rajat to do harm to The Kapoors? She is the one who is funding the expenses of Rajat's mother and her Jayesh Uncle too! Isn't this enough to suspect her, suspect them?” Manik was still arrogant to believe Priya to be innocent.

Looking towards Priya, Ram felt her clumsiness. With his touch she shivered. Her skin was cold as dry ice. “Manik I have done enough to make her dead again. Please have some mercy, leave her alone. I am taking her to Lavasa. If you need us call me, I am promising you to co-operate. But right now show some mercy. Don't be so inhuman and degrading.” He said clasping Priya under his warm arm holding her by shoulder. “Please.”

“Can you please move back to Marine Drive?” Manik said to Vishesh and sat straight at his place. After half an hour silent drive the car stopped in front of the parking. Vishesh came out before Manik and stood silent. Manik came out looking to Ram when he asked him to do a favour by keeping the conversation within him only. “Mr. Vishesh..” he addressed the man standing opposite to him.

“Sir.” He responded.

“May I know your name?”

“Vishesh...” he looked back surprised.

“Your full name please.”

“Vishesh Gupta.” He answered.

“Thank you.” Lighting a cigarette Manik walked towards his car.

Until We Meet



Chapter 48 : Enough to be Worse.

Chapter 48 : Enough to be Worse. Everyone in the room stood stunned as Jayesh and Sudheer went through the warrant t...